HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-8-17, Page 5THUTISDAY, AUGUST 17th, 1922 4144n1X1InsIVS NOTICE OF ri:itsrx Pos'io- L,Nci O1 vorme,s* Lin\ 922., • • MUNICIPAL1TY OF TIM TOWN - 'SKIP OP US1,1011NE, COUNTY OF - fup-Row Notice is hereby given.that Ihzwe transmitted or delivered to the per- sons Mentioned in Section 9 of the Ontiitio Voter's• Iiist Act, the copies required b31 said Section to be trans- mitted. Qr deliVered Ott the list, made pursuant to said Act, of all persons apPearing brthe lastRevised"ASSeSs" ment Roll of the said Municipality to entitled,,to vote in the said Muni- cipality at Elections and that"sahniist was firSt posted up In my office on the 4th daY Auglist, 1922 and re-- laina there for 'YOur inpection. And I hereby call upon all VOter8 to take immediete proceedings, to have any error e corret- ted accordin •t o law Dated this 5th day, of AuguSt, 1922 Henry Strang, Clerk of the Township of Usborge, The death occurred at her late res- idence,,Ailsa Craig, on Friday last, or P/Irs, Sam Harmer after a lingering ithes Deceaseclids,'surv-tvei.Fbrter husband, one son, Bruce, at home, andUIVIrs. McDonald and Mrs. TWeedlO all McGillivray. 'The" runeralew'aS conducted. by Rev. R. Brooks, of the Methodist church. , er2IIIMES133.02111191SEJESEignillfinlimmiguitionsgssea,tfiegemmillMer, CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION Aug. 2e—TORONTO--Sot. 9 PRINCE OF WALES DURBAR pweamthmwttuat th.minitsati, 401noaned, asaal aplendeuir, of siiho Far Vast, $1,5001000 kra new bulhilor ad settres 0 new Eavatizees and attSations. NEVE4 OK A RB&„ Rqd,14.0441 rates on art linos se imolai 1014N G. KENT, L Mel% PLICIOUNGi • ilkasoataissa oth. Maudiging Dire:star Before buying a car see the NEW MODEL - 111 TRCY1 RS e Car with a Good Name '1'0UR.ING $1370 --- ROADSTER $1325 --- SEDAN $2350 on COUPE $1525. F. B. Windsoin (Tax I-ncluded.) • WIRE SCREEN BODY AND PANEL'BODY DELIVERY •CARS . • ssts,i,Allti'S Some -Real Bargains in Used Cars OUR MOTTO IS SERVICE. u ro n Garage Pilon az, Foote, Crediton Miss Vera Holtzman., Nurse in training at Vietoria Hospital, London is holidaying valth lier parente, Mr. and Mrs. J. U. EfoyZnian. The Misses Madeline and Mary Bertrand, of Detroit spent a taw days last Week in the village. •Mr.' Herb. Beaver, or the Bank of Commerce staff, is helidaying in Tor- onto and Detroit. and,, Melee-ace:1nd- family', and Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Feist and family left Tuesday on a motor tri'Dt°'131.gOolv and other "PoltitslAn7 Mlchian. .Mr. Frazer Brown and Miss Erma, called on friends in the 'village this week., e, Mrs. C. Zwieker and Master Gerald are visiting the former'S parents, in New Hamburg. Mrs. Garnet Sweitzer has returned from Pew York, Miss Lulu.; Gaiser coining With herand, will visit her .parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Geiser. Di. and Mre. Truenmer and daugh- ter, of Chesidy, are holidaying with Mrs. Truemner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gaiser. _ •Dr. and Mrs. Orme and children returned last week from a motor trip to, Detroit. There will be no service in the 1VIet1,odist Church next Sunday even- ing, owing to -the reopening of Ailea Craig Methodist church, which has been closed.for repairs. • . Mr. Russell Clarke who has been with the Bank of Commerde at Walk-. erville, has been transferred to Sar- nia branch. . Dashwood Rev. and Mrs. Thun and daughter, or Napoleon, Ohio, visited -friends in this vichily„ last week. „ Miss Matilda -1V1iller, of Toronto, and little neice, Thelma Shore, of Woodbridge, are visiting the former's mother; Mrs. Miller. ' Misses Ora and Lily Hoffman, of London viisted with relatives here last week. Mrs. Berenson and daughter and Miss Rose Zimmer, of Detroit, are visiting with Mr. and Mr. William Zimmer. Mr. Arthur Graupner, of Ft. Wayne, Ind., is visiting his parents here. Miss Edmeston, of Blyth, is visiting with friends. - Mrs. Cunningham and son, Eldon, of Hawksville, spent a few days last week with Mr., and Mrs. G. Edighof- fer. fluroridale . „Misses Maggie axis( Annie Strang bave returned home after -spending severalnweeks at Grimsby Beach. Mr. Cephas Pym left on MondaY for the west. • • Mr. and -Mrs. Wesley Balsdon 'and two children, of Medicine Hat, Alta.. spent a few days 'Iasi week at the home or Charles KeddY. --- The Ilnrondale Women's Institute Intend holding a inwn -social in the near future. Watch for advt. next week. • Several of the farmers have fin- ished harvest.. Still a high priced car has little better luck than a jitney when it dis- putes the right of way with a tele- phone pole. tzt4Woo oo- aissa•a".e sealinnaesitinen ” ' ;1. from WINNIP • Plus half a cent a mils beyond to all points itt Mani- toba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, Edmonton, Calgary, " plus hair a sea t a mile from starting point to wansipeg McLeod and east. s `Augi.ist llth and ,210ts---Torontoe'Ca.ledoa East, 'Becton, eafor'd, Colima -wood, Penetang,Mulland.'Parry Sound, Sudbury, Ca.preol -and . east thereof in Ontario: ., • DATES August -i 4-th and 23rd .2.2... -'eronto, Inglewood and all stations south and west thereof te Ontario. SPecial Trains Leave—(Sfandai'd Time ,TORONTO—(Union Station) • AUG -UST 14th -12.30 NOON, 6.00 10.30 P. M. AUGUST 213rd-L-12.30 NOON, 6.00 10.30 P.M. Po z'' Time from Other Stations See Special Train Service Poster • Through Solid Trains to Winnipeg VVithout Chan ze Restaurant Cars on Sg3ecial Ifraans—Meals and LuneheS Served at Re, asoriablo, prices. 6P0391a0 Oars- far' Women. ConVertible (berth) -Colonist Oars of Latest Design '.1Vor titer particulars apply to nearest agent 'Canadian National -Grand Trunk THE CANADIAN : NATIONAL REACHES DIRECT- ALL IMPORTANT DISTRIBUTING CENTRES IN WESTERN CANADA •a Travel the "National Way th Winnipeg when destined to any point beyond. • • 44 Mr,EIiwviIIe and Mrs, joint johns, and el - ren motored to Sarnia on Saturday vial:m.:.k'is,S Legg, of London, vi$Iteel with Miss M. Cornish daring the past Mr. and Mrs. Alclon Jones of Lon- don spent the week -end with the tor - •311014S sister Mrs. 1-1.ry Johns. Messrs,. Charles and Win. Stephen and •Miseel-lerne spent, Sunday at the h°Rmeevo.r4trillde'Mf°11.'en.leAr;Mitage and rain- • are.- elllPYing their, hOlidaye- at present, • Mr. Heber Diskenson, of'St. Marys nephew or Mr. Sam Pyin, will preach here neXt Sunday evening. Mr. Dick- enson is nn proniising young student �r the rlit.lile'vl...)Pliujill°1:111tntrsYht.e°111*e' S°11f nEdxa4eytemr,or'°' neientig- . piod The W. M. S. will hold. their mon"- -thly meeting on Thursday afternoon. The members of the •Mission Circle are requested to meet with them. Quite a large number fron-i here intend going to Grand Bend on Wed- nesdaY to hear Mr. Drury. It is rumored that wedding bells will ,ring in the villagein the near future. Mrs, Bosnell is visiting with rela- tivei at Port Hope, entralia Rev. Percy Baines has been vieiting his sister ,MiS. Geo. Hepburn. Rev. Mr. Howell visited at Centra- lia Sunday ,and attended church._ in the morning. Mr. McNaughton, of London, and Miss Forende Hepburu visited friends around Centralia over the week -end. Mrs. Anderson went to LondOn 1VIondayeto visit her brother- who is 111. Mrs. BrOoks and daughter Miss Lillian are spending the holidays in Sarnia and Detroit, - The Mission Circle held a game of ball on •the athletic grounds Tuesday evening followed by an ice-cream so- • cial. MOODY--ITICKS A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Centralia Methodist church on • Tuesday August 15, when Hazel IVIay, youngest 'daughter of the late 'Wm. Hicks and 'Mrs. Hicks, becaane the bride of N'orman_Henzell Moody, sou of, the late D. G. and Mrs.Moody Newcastle -On -Tyne, Eng.` The bride who was attired in a' suitof navy tricotine with blue feather hat and Melt choker, was given in marriage • by her brothels, Byron E. Hicks, of • Centraliase.She was atteaded by her cousin, Miss Madeleine Jenes, of Lon- don, gowned -in navy blue canton crepe, with hat to miatch, while Mr. D. G. Moody, or Torontoassisted his brother. During the signing of the register, Mrs. Robt. Durst sang "Be- cause" in charming manner, accom- panied by Miss Kathleen Hicks, cou- sin ,of the bride, who also played the wedding mai"ch. The bride and her attendant wore graceful corsage bon- -quets of roses and sweet peas. An interesting feature of the ceremony, which was performed by Rev. A. Sin- clair, is the tact that it was the first Wedding solemnized in the new Cen- tralia church. The bride and groona left by motor for London where they took the train for Toronto, going on a trip up the St. Lawrence, and later ledving for their brarte in Calgary. The funeral of the late Jacob Ha- -berer, of Zurich, one'of'Wentern On- • tario's noted 'apiarists, who died on Thursday in his 66th year; was held On Saturday 'afternoon attended lay a large number of friends. • Mr. Haber - ET was an outstandink citizen of the community having been auditor • of Hay township for many years • and held many other officee. • A family of grownup children and one brother survive him. Canton µ ensaii Miss Essery, saleslady with Mr, T. 0, Joynt, is holidaying at Grand Bend and also at her home in Centralia. Mr. and Mra. „Jahn Buchanan, of London, accompanied by Misses Mary and Jesse Buchanan from Hensall, are camping at Grand Bend. Master Fred ',Warms of Brantford is spending a few days here with his uncle, Mr. F. Manus. Ile will also visit at Hayfield. Mr. E. Drummond met with an ac- cident that mikht have proven even more serious. While driving his truck out of a farmer's lane the steering gear became lodged and the car a' kid- ded across the •road and into the ditch. The car was somewhat wreck, - ed but Mr. Drummond miracuonsly escaped any serious injury. • Mrs. Jas. Sangster and two child- ren left this week for Milbrook, where she will visit her parents. • Dr. and Mrs. Campbell, of Toronto, are spending a 'short time with the latter's parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Thos. Murdock. • Mr. -Wilson McLean, of Chicago, is holidaYing at the'hoine of his parents Mr. and Mrs. David Mcl,ean. Rey. A. R. E. Garrett, a former rector of St. Paul's-Aliglican church here now of'Forest, lias been present- ed with a new Ford Coupe by his For- est parishioners. Miss jeasie Bell who has filled the position as Stenographer with Cook BroS. left last Tuesday. for -where she has accepted a similar pos- ition. Dr, A. Moir has rented his tine farm on the 3rd. Con. of Hay town - Ship, a little oner a mile northwest Of Herisall, to Mr. George Ingram, of Hay Tp. • • Zurich Mr. Emmery Ruby, or Kitchener, is'spending his vacation at the home of his parents: Miss Margaret Hess has been en- • gaged as teacher for ta Parr .Line school Hay, Tp., formerly taught by Mr. C. A. Hoffman. Mr.` Ed. Snell who has been some time. in Detroit, after visiting a few days at his home here has left for the west. * Mr. John F. Moritz laft for Cav- alier, N. Dakota, on Monday, for the harvest. Mrs. Richard Moir, of New Haven, Conn., and grandson, Master Thoinas Dye, of Troy, Ni are visiting the former's sister, Koehler. Rev. and Mrs. H. Rembe left for flamilton, where they will spend two week's vacation. - Mr. Menno Kipfer, of the Parr Line, Hay Tp.,' died suddenly at his home, 'at the age of 72 years and 9 months and 19 days. The funeral was held cm Saturday afternoon to the Mennonite cemetery, Goshen Line: The Broadhagen Brass Band has been engaged to furnish the musical program for the Zurich Fall Fair. Sept. 21s1. • • Miss Anna Deters, or Hay town- ship, was a visitor to Kitchener the past week. . • Mr. Kenneth Rutledge who had been visiting at London and other points for a few weeks is leaving for Lawson, Sask. • The hydro secretary. at Zurich has received -Word from the Commission at Toronto, of the inerease in rates or the power nsed at Zurich from $60 to $74 per horsepower.. The mini- mum for - commefeiala and domestic lighting has jumped from, $1,40 t() $1.25. These ,rates. were -first 75c per,month when the power was turn- esLou five yearst ago. and the promise of "the longer we use it, the cheaper it will ,I)e" has been a great disap- pointment to the consumers. The 100 watt street damps will cost $15.00 each per year. • MOTORS FROM 'CALIFORNIA TO " Opp McGLILIVILAY 11011113 Dr. A. Grafton Shoults, of San Jose • Cal., has been paying a visit to rela- tives' and friends in McGillivray, in s • which townhsip he spent his boyhood years. The Dr. and his parents •mo- tored from San Jose to Canada camp- ing along the way wherever scenery and conditions invited, enjoying the trip thoroughly. From ClancieboYe the doctor starts_ for Lebanon, Tenn., where nis only son iS studying law in Cumberland University. Mr. and nits. 3Ohn Foster left last week for a visit with' their brothers and sister through the west, they al- so intend going to the Coast. Mr., and Mrs. Win. Hodgson, or the Town tine, visited -friends in Lucan on Sunday. • Mary Hazelwood, or Kirkton is vis- • iting her brother John this Week. • Mr. and Mrs: Jelin Wright purpose leaving next Moliday tor the West to visit Mrs. Wright'e sister and other relatives in Saskatchewan, • „Rev. and. Mrs. Hunter left last 'Week for -Pdneylvattia to visit with the foriner's brotherthere. , 'Miss Edna Qrant is spending her holidaye with her, brother in Toronto. Sadie Jamieson Spent last week with her brother Jetties, in London, The quarterly oflicial,board met at the Methodist Church last week and conducted the business of the coming year, The matter' of finances was left it charge of the treasurer -and steWarde. The aninister's salary was set at $1;800,--Wes1ey paying $500 and 'greaten `$1,•,800. Wil ft' e Edy was clinsett, delegate , to attend the district meeting held it this church on Sept. 20tti, A letter of eympathy Wee extended to Lira. John Sherritt ili the nest leSs Of his brother Win. and the, pastor was. reatiestecl to forward saute to him. The (teeter svae grant- ed two woc,,1:s dff at, present and a wdel: in Sept. to attend ,0etteral Con- ference. in Tesento. TITE GovERNmENT,s '60;N: yEn- •giON SCHEME • • The attention of the 11,olders of the five and a half per cent' _War loan bonds maturing December 1,.1922, is directed to the offer or the- Minister of Finance to renew the loan on ray- ora,ble terms. The'.,last Canadian loan was placed in 'Nev 'York at a satiefactory price. The Minister is making his p e Ron t financial opera- tion entirely a domestic one by offer- ing to OXOhatige the maturing bonds for new bondshearing, the same rate or interest, ninning for • either ilyn years of teti years as the bondholder may prefer, A further inducement 'to the invester is that he receives a bonus or one mogth's interest. Tne terms offered are decidedly favorable to the investor AS it is probable that a large pert of the maturing loan will be' renewed. Arrangoinents far the exchange of the bOildS Call' be „ratide at any branch of tile Chartered banks, Holders' who do hOt ViSh tO,1 re[ntegt Will be taid ittcask ort tile ist 01 Deeeniner. ()eats Mrs. G. A, Hawkins spoilt Tue01ay in London. Miss Kiusrnan visited u I °radon over th week -end, Mr Peacock, of Oshawa, ing his brother In town. 1.4r. 0. 0, Ward is at present con- fined to his home through illness. Mr. and Mrs. Sam' Brock, of Us - borne left on Monday for the West. si Mr. Ewart ?Bowe, of London,Pvisit- ed his parents in town over the week- end, IVIiss Dorothy Welsh, cif Hensall, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Ed. HO- wald. Mrs. Jos./Davis, of Merlin, is visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs, WM, 1 Fisher. I Miss Lewis returned home on Tues- Iday after visiting for a few days in Condon., Mrs. C. Smith and children, of Sar- nia, are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. J. Snell. - IVIiss E. Sweet returned to Tillsou- _burg this week after holidaying at her home here. Mr. aend Mrs: Rd. Hunter left 011 Monday to visit their son,' Wilbur at Salvador, Sask. - : .... ,Miss RUby .and MaSter Frank Creedh have returned home after vis- iting, in Stratford. Mr. •and •Mrs. R. Ferguson and fainily have returned home alter h. 1 idaying at Teeswater. Mrs. G. A. Hawkins returned home last week after holidaying, tor three weeks with relatives in Toronto. Mr. ,and Mid. Russell Peart, of RodkwOod, are visiting • the latter's parents, 'Mr. and Mrs. P. Hern. -Premier Drury will be one of the emeealrers at the .U. F. 0. picnic at Grand Bend t� -day (Wednesday.) Mr. -and Mrs. Inksa.ter and daugh- ter, of Paris motored up and are vis- iting with Mr. and -Mrs. W. J. Bissett. Mr. Jack Matthews, or Toronto, visited his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. S. Fitton during the past week Miss Margaret I)otipe, or Iiirkton, lids returned home after a pleasant week with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. And - 'rows,. Miss Mildred Wood, of Exeter, was • a'visitor with Mrs. Basler, Water St. North, Civic Holiday.—St: Marys Journal. , 1Vliss Louise Sweet has returned home after visiting in Ingersoll. She was accompanied home by her cousin Mrs: Chandler. . • - Mrs. Leaman (nee Miss Fay Mc- Donnell) and Miss Hettie Hawkshaw motored here frcnn Detroit and are visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. 0. P. Holmberg and family, of Sault Ste Marie, are visit- ing with Mrs. Holmberg's parents, IVIr. and -Mrs. L. Day. - Miss Meta Wass and Miss Gertrude Bartlett, of St. Marys are visiting the former's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Hooper. • Mr. Roden Rogers, Of Detroit, who lias been visiting for a month with Mr. Jas. and Miss Jeckell, returned to his home on Tuesday. Mr. 0. Becker returned to his home in New Hamburg on Thursday last after visiting for a few days with Dr. and Mrs. Browning. The' lawn social 'held by the U.F.0: and UF WO clubs of Hensel' on the lawndor Mrs. Glean, north boundary of Usborne mi. Friday evening last was a decided success. In spite of' the busy harvest season a large crowd was present. The principal speakers for the evening were: Mr. Wodehouse deputy minister or Agriculture, who was present owing to 'the illness of Hon. Manning Doherty, who was bil- led to spea,k, and Miss Agnes McPhail M. P. for S. E. Grey, who gave two excellent addresses, Mn. Black, M. P. occupied the chair. ,Mx. Porter, or The Farmer's Advocate and Mr.. W. 0. Medd gave short addresses. The Hensel]. Band furnished. some excel- lent music. • SPRY--MoNAUGHTON , • The home of Mr. and Mr's. J.A. Mc- Naughton, Base Line, Soath London, was the scene of a very pretty wed- ding at' noon on Wednesday, August 9th, -when their daughter, Myra Edna swoas maryiod td Mr. VAlbert !DSI.PYrc.,P °11 ,lY nI London. the ceremony was conduc- ted byethe ,Rev: H. Ballantyne, M. A. under, an arch" or maiden hair fern and golden glow. The , bride, who was ginetiSnway by' her rather was becomingly- gowned la navy georgette embroidered With Crystals' and wore a black panne velvet picture hat and a ,corsage bonqUet of eunset, roses, or- ange blossoms and maiden hair fern. The wedding marcli was played by Mrs.,Geo. N.Williams, of Exeter, Ont, aunt of the bride who sang "All JOY Be Thine," during the signing of the register, The gift oCtlie, groom was a handsome. cheque. • The presents were numerous and nosily. Lunch- eon was served in the dining -room from tables beautifully decoyated, the eciler scheme 'being pink and .Later the happy couple left for Toronto where they took Inc boat for the Thousand Islands and Mon- treal. 'The brffle traVolled in a sant of sand cOlored rano cloth With black ha( and cello clack int'. arse Mrs., Spr ',le fn L\rtOo. nn their neturn. BAY Tite Coundil 01 the Township lay met for its rOgu 51011 Sattirday, August Sth. All gienibers were present. The minnt tit' •the preyitius iseeting were rend and a- dpted A grant of $12.00 will be ipade to C, Fisher, for tile on the 16th con- cession, as township portion of dro),'n, Money to be paid upon satisfactor completion of the work. A -grant of $15.00,was made to the Exeter Plowing Association for 1922. The Council authorized the Town-' ship Engineer to make a survey and report upon the condition in which, the drain known as the Blaek' Creek is in. •, • The following rates were struck and levied upon the rateable Proper- ty of the Township for the year 1922, and a By-liniv he prepared confirming the same: • County Rate 3 'hills; County Road rate 2 mills; Township rate 2 mils; Statute Labor rate 2 mills; Dash- wood Police Village rate 5 millS; Zurich Police Village rate 7 mills; S. S. No. 7, School debenture, rate 1. 5-10 mills; General Selina' rate 3 9-10 Innis; Special School rates S. S. No. 3, 2 mills; P. S. No. 16, 3 .g-10 mills; S. S. No. 11, 2 7-10 mills; &S. No, 4, 3 9-1.0 mills; U.S-.S. No. 13, 1, 8-10 mills; S.S. No, 12,.3 9-10 nail's; S.S. No. 3, 2 5-10 mills; U.S.S. No. 1, 5 niills; S.S. No. 6, 2 6-10 U.S. S. No. is; 1 9-10imilIs:' S.S. No, 7, 5 6-10 mills; S.S. No. 11, 4 8-10 mills: U.S.S. No. 9, 2 8-10 nhlls; Sep. S.S. No. 1, 8 mills. • - A number or accounts were passed. The names of the pupils residing in the Township of Hay, who obtain- ed the highest marks at the recent examinations and who are entitled to the awards under the Hay Town- ship Soldier's Memorial Scholarship Fund are as follows: lst award, Miss Lauretta Ziler, S. S. No. 8, Hay; 2nd award, Miss Lillian Rosa, S.S. No. 7, Zurich; 3rd award, Miss • Gretna Blackwell, S. S. No. 3, Hay. The diplomas and prizes will be presented at the meeting of the counciron Sept. 2nd: The'Standard Remedy for HAY -FEVER andAsthina. Sold by all good Druggists. rot Free Trial wrl te Templeton, Toren to Sold by Howey' s Drug Store ,OEXTRAL lif-.TMATPV.Rfk, ON?, Free Mail Course The leading Commercial School in Western Ontario • offers a free course by mail to those who purpose entering Business College in Septem- ber. By "home study" •ybu can shorten your school term. (Dui* grad- uates are • ,meeting with success. Write at once for particulars. D. A. McLachlan, Principal. ." THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE •Between MONTREAL • TORONTO DETROIT,. and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car service. Sleeping cars on hight trains and parlor cars on principal day trains. Full information from any Grand Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Hor- ning, District Passenger Agent, Toronto. 75,, a. '1)0/1E, • A.gent, Exeter, • Phone 46*. • Wire Fence - ALL FULL GOVERNMENT GAUGE• NO. ,9 HARD STEEL WIRE 6 line wires, 40 in. high., 9 stays, per rod 33c. 7 line wires, 40 in. high, 9 stays, per rod 386 8 line wirOs, 40 in. high, 12 styes per rod 47c Compare these prices witit mail ureter 'it'll -is. LOWER PRICES IN LARGE 'LOTS s White Pine lx6 'V siding, $40.00 • White Pine lizS in, 10 la. and 12 hi, $40.00 shplialt Shingles, B. C. Cedar Shingles, Cedar Posts and Jots of Frost retice on bttitd.