HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-8-17, Page 3CUT 2 STOMACR TEETH,
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Thc r0[:tio.pf4he ,PiLiOtec.1 'Program e
3/ .Q1138on, Scott. ... .,. , The-SecondReturn from Exile, Ezra 7: 10; 8:21-23, 31;
,Goldn Text ---The .hanci of , our;GodAs upon all thern,-
Is your Triiite'Biii`nelti `keer'Ping np Atiguet meeting, :\isherti 'the , girls are that 'seek Him, for goged--zia 8; 22, (Rey, ver, y
. , ., .
ikt... a_an:is, a Green, yern4., ttion; with tho great Progreeblve Strides gles in full, charge? Or ,1 -November one, ,
Alta.,' Writes Under dLitO'Of Aug 18tb.,, tng li:gide b' y the wom-ea,s, ias,titetee or „-,theyDeceernberor,=but ell; why go , Lessson 4.,'"Ore'lvor4 — Mter the. fertile., Theo Was. 4. 'grea.b.‘;net...,WMdc
1921::—.‘"I•shoiddlike to advise mothert generally tbre"nghotit' Ontario? . —Has ae°relr.e w(g)1u,n:veriou,41inot and mass one ie you Temple had -been rebuilt in B.C. 516, of them .through the country weer?
Fowler's rat of Wild Straw.
.„, Fe -t '
aild wi-`7" about th° real -1Y geed friend it inereased in 'numbers this "Ye? is that localitY' nY. you 0 'I u -don't,that's 'the tem,Ple s''°
'ere bearne. a matter this :"'a.n4-1 ran, Past a place by tl3le
3. . of aramount'importance. Israel had 'same flame and quite probably the
berry has been to nio. : -,", . it f011owing -more fundamental lines the trouble. ' .' , . been tnnaslot a terrible, lesSon th
in the place 'gave its name to e river. It
' One Sunday my isusbaed cern() home. of OW°rIc7 Is 'ft ava'iling itself to the 'Cheer up. There is just as good expeniencea of the exile and it Wag was the place of rendezvous whezo
blot it,o, asked -me to. send for.a; bottle lectures, short eoursee to -had e- from .wo.xnth., go -to wera in, the
feeling, terribly. sicle with bowel strona fi-41.q.§'4,-Pc.t.PAta,the,11'el'ILin literature, abilitY where ,yon live if the girls, and felt that in erder to prevent a recite- Ezea•gat-hered his company, ?the pre,
of .'‘Dge'P/Wler's.'-',. and, 'on the follow, the C°11'ege and thenin, st,itieltes Bran°11' getic sway. The homes
lag Tnesday he, '*as out ie the :lipid, Of: the--Departmeng. ef, ,A,e,ricalture ?, - ,. sohaoi and pains should he considered too great three days.. The hand , of onr , God ; - is
sante enera reneg- of such a national calarnitY no ,narations. for- the .iotil'iley . occtiPied
again as 'fit as ever. , ' flas -it 'a ear,efullyeplanned and printed aadbijubetj'ae d4.6'7ejlioesttbasstecidcarestjayn7s Ii.innsrdfa:eelldi%7 idnags;zteahsirmutahewtaitoonf .sGto°Todhae Tbrheeetwelig19;owenn' ,dta:ientiel;oe.0:1Plildrgerls'Ge-iso°td_lai,gsnfresentclrt.uene,rg_tittillY:i.s eammPle°Ta7pdhoini
Week: ago in.Y.' TiabY"beY., just one program distributed, among ,the mem- where. ' Work, 'Play! edueat.icm7 are.
yottr !and for Months old, started cut- hers -and through the hbme,s , of the just as. important in making a fall more
and the
.ae guild
d of poditi02Th
n. followed
t ex
ting two toindeh teetheand was SO, 'sick,
ho could not eat Or sleep, and had the enirnunitY for the Yeai '1922'8'4 If 'and happy life,. and you "can ltun
ave all scribes who, attuned' and inteepreted Jerusalem involv-ed nine hundred- miles
diarrhoea most , ter/ably bad; bi's reoi not, Madan-I:Presidents eau' a meeting the lielPrIdria.'geta. ' the law sprang up and assumeda of ' travelling and ', reqUired three
tune was raw and bleeding but after of your Branch. Board, of Directors - - 'Get toge,thee. Co-operate.
and get, busy,—get the homemakers Plan. growing importance. It is generally mouths and a 1,alf to cover it. This is
ging him' Dr. • Fowler's Extract, 9e iseavei aii ' encourage everybody is held that the sleader in this great comparatively slaw travelling but a
Wil d Sttwberry• regularly for .three of Your neighber,hood. into the, main talent. Deret eeiticiee. v,em.ent was Ezra the scribe: He caravan with women, children , and
days„ ha '.wasas wellas anyboy could current of progress. ,
ventur&us veyage' "of " exploration in
. Q° on an ad- rirtwwas -wleo, on, return.' ing from exile, household effects would ,naturally
Ise. I wouldn't be without Your grand' Naito 'this SeaSonalsie; well-balariced the .communitY`where YOU live and see and -adhere faithfully to it.
persuaded the -Jews to accept •the law move--' slowly. Three days. When
rem.edy for uateld, gold:" ' i Iona program planned by the members what surar,isiag end delightful die-
, . . To -day's Jeru-Sareni was reaChed the travellers
This remedy 'has- and Board,of Directors of that Insti- coveries lesson introduces us to Ezra, To s.pent three -days in restingtriiemifulsjuorbe-,
no saPerior for the, stutegte lia-eaeried out ,a,ampe.t entirely await you both among the clarify the, story told in the Book df ably laying thzpisis),
relief of diarrhoea, by talent eiecaaered airad.e,iop.m iit kPneeXebgefooureknow'and those yc.n.1 did not mEztsrsatowne ,gAifg-te6:,sberolueztinsgunasmeoamry.moisgsiTzsi , . , _ Pici,a,,iiti.soift"'
dysentery, cramps
th*. own, neigtiberhoe.di:, -Obaerve the"Leadership" is a hard -worked Word
lied pains in the
balance between gibe intellectual, 'the ' If there ;is no Institute where you from Artaxerxes, ,
wide powers and the privileges
the king giving him • - • • - - . . •
in religious circles to -day, and one is
stomach cholera practice], the social, at ea,o1,1 month's ilttv°0$yesit,a.rtAtnef•e,;,Gaest teeogneohoeuln"talnydgtiarliks dralving. upon the royal treasury of . "" • •
c`f apt td get tired hearing! it; neverthe-
claolera , nimbus,
, ial assistance, Ezra! less,•m70oetaenche
mg itousringseifeorbiasvoefbp-Litim as
cholefa ' infiintnni! 'flineeting;---snMething to hear! to 'See, and \Yemen 'can start a Branch.- Write Persia for in , Babylonia a • ,i, .,
,sumer -: complaint,. to do.'d\rot.e too. 'low Many contribute to the -,Superietendent, Institutes i'" tisiecrid. neturn from, exile,'" , without
and. all looseness, of
e eadershi.p of Ezra? If not Ezra,
in some WaY 't° the success (If . each Branch, bephrtnient -of Agrigultiare; .t4lOrgree-tur°!6filnPtedn'..7Peolfestjten‘Ne.s 1Tvbh-roeewidslia;cis
thegb-owels. l". ..... - meeting,--hy. paper, demonstration, then Nehemiah or some other must
e 7t. years' repute.- roll- call, tnnsi.c, reading, the social Toronto for a, handbook, It tell you were sentsin fastingand prayer for
lead Whet then is the preparation
, tion ' stands behind half hour, or by being hostess or 01(1- hew. Aim, along with the other home- the-succeee.'of the expedition a:nd the for lead,
what - elements, what
"Dr. Fowler's". trprice 50c. 'a bottle; cers „onthe committees. BY everyone factors are necessary? - -
makers for better homes, better peo- 'caraVan -set 'out. Arrived in ',Tern-
. put' up. only „by, The T. Milburn Cog
doing her -bit, the whole' becaines a
Exceptions to every /lisle, of course'
'le, a better community, a better and salem, Ezra fond that many of
people had 'internearried. with, their
the '
Limited; Toronto, Ont. .
grand neighborhood succes.s. ' ` but a "man starts from a point" of van!,
happier social life, and a better and
more scientifi-c agriculture. Meantime heathen:. neighbora; these were, made
-.-• Should you not like to be at that to put aWay their foreign wives. Some appeals to the 'homely wisdom. of the
ta-ge if he is wellebain, ,'Tennyson
io pRoaFiYoAnmiviwEill enjoy reading this program.
, time later a:solemn congregation -was farm. Whatever the biologists say
THE FARM' piaN a. boutin exited ch acteristics, ,any
held and Ezrae.standing in a wooden
June 14
January 10 pulpit, read aloud from thehook of the ma, of common ' se se knows that
law. The ',people signified their ,ac-
__., Taper—"The finportance of Being Paper --Canadian Women of Note, ceistance of -it and the day was, cele -
It is told of a farmer and his son Purictual"—Mrs. 'L.
Kendall. Mrs. W. J. Evans. e ' brated. with a sacred feast. ' of a distingt-jished priestly faMily.
blood and tradition eount. Ezra mune
withspenoil and paper and came to the
who, one winter's evening, sat' down Community Singing. .
a Aluminum Demonstration. Reatling7-,1VIrs. F: Carr. ! - I. The Leader", 7: 10.
. (SZiE4tzyill,,i7n:itl.Tt5iy)e, sagacity, a cer-
Music—Sarah Graham. , This . verse sets forth the rule of tain native authority, are qualities
surprising. realization that they were Roll Call—"If I -could have one paper—courtesy and Good Manners kife'of.the true"scribe. The inovement that are essential in -any man who is
very much short of,. feed for their more labor-saving • device it would inthe Horne --L. B. Pollard. • which Ezra -led is to be explained to ,be chief in enterprise. Ezra
and son determined to mark out a July 12 A.rrangement of Equiprnent.
. . rightly ch,anges this to "set his heart." plish the good end, isindicated as part
stook. The concligsion of thar paper beRoll 'Call—How to Remove a Stain....ultiMately by bis own character. Pr,e- was a "ready scribe.",
and pencil evening was that father Social Half Hour. Exhibit of Plans a Kitchens and Pared
. his. heart. The Revised Version Diligence, a steady effort to aceom-
farm plan Which would meet their Paper---"Canservation of Health in
requirements in home -raised feeds for Rural Districts"—Mrs. W. A. Gal- February 14 heart. To seek the law. The first "he set his heart to seek the larg of Sdage aGood Niiik Cost ReAuser•
It expresses the fixed resolve of Ezra's of the fitnes,s of Ezra for leader, for
dutt of the scribe was to "search- the Jehovah, and to do it, and to teach."
their farm animals. braith.
Herself, Her Home and Community--
paper—Mother. What she Owes
Scriptures." -He studied the law so Conscience, a sense of obligation, gether with the way it is reiielied, na-
Several other winter -evenings were ' Music—Mrs. F. Silcox. as to ascertain the principles under- marked the whole course of this Building'a silo must not reckoned turallY results in a large milk flow.
Mrs. 15uncan Brown.
NI-ask—Miss Ena Carswell. lying it and, having found them, ta leader from beginning to end. sa;sestillseenxt.PenItseisbalnist is-ipOrtdae...nstirastbel; 11.01-- 1\118s't geilegTriavilleol.3; 'rt.sloilaleasFff'ne eslibalotefd:oiilivnis'Iiii.E.
spent in Nirorking -out this plan, which Address.—Lawa Regarding Women
included a replanning of the 'fields, and Children—S. Kirkland apply them to practical life. To teach Courage is indispensable; for the ward a better and more permanent. lfpearsta!;:.t '
changing the cropping system and de- Read -Mg. -Mrs. Geo. Silcox. Paper—Nerves and Common Sense in Perael; the result of the scribe's in-. spirit of adventure, taking new paths,
eloping a 'comprehensive live Stock Roll Call -a -Helpful Ideas . for Mon- —Miss Sarah Kerr. , eestiga,tions issued in the rliffusioneof braving kreown and unknown danger vaegsitiicusieliti:e,haantdeonne-1;ea theboeisit. hine tflhoewsnorfinign,ilit
, Roll Call. • , r,g•-• The reasons for the -.need of ttiihniee- lpge u'
:seatteiusrellog' eft as . • :al 'iga ea nal 12 re 116 te t fs e theedti 11 11'11° win'tehopfes luy• inte' '-acic.12111 in:
- plan. a days and Satierdays. Contest, the knowledge ;which he had acquired; and difficultY! -is, the verY life of a
farm. !'"'" made
While making out a farm pran can Social Half Hour. Reading—Mrs. Keillor.
sat 'at his feet and learned, or be ex -
He gathered disciples about hm who' leadmepr.u'lse
to serve. 'a •sense of u
not be as accurate as making a bill,
. . August 9 Demonstration Tests for We -of, Silk pc!und-ed the -Seriptures in the 'syria-- eneY, the deep instinctive Moving' of 1 -silo 'Oil theefarm ,,are nninerous, the in a sin -lila': manner' A:verY good ra-
gogue servicee, Notice the -threefold
years' experience of the fatherland'
f•or building materials, the several the spit to effort -for the public good,' most imcoatant ofich. are: Inset--
Giels. .
Prega.am arranged by Institute and Linen .Materials. algae of .the ,- scribe,—to .searah. the glee life and force, and magnetism ance 'against. eleoisth; saving of a por- ten . f or nter 'feeding is thirty
pounds 'a Corn silage, all the alfalia .
SOY1 showed that it worked -out be- ,
Lunch and Social Half Hour. law, to do the' law, and to teach the to one who Would' stir the" s-oule lof
' . :
CominitteeMisses L. B. Pollard, ' law. - ', - '
. , , ,or clover liay
,, yond their eXpectations; . March 11 . , . his fellowmen to attempt- sem° great .
tion of "the injured crops- saving Of a they Will -eat up 'clean
It Would undoubtedlY benefit many K. 'Morris, A. "Carr, M. Brown. ' • • II. Preparations for the Journey, and difficult thing.„. , and al" pound .Of grain for each 'three
• • ' • - large part of the core:crop thatewetild
Paper—Principles of Dress. Paper—Dishes, to Tempt tie Spring 3", - otherwise 'be wasted; more and cheap- pounds of milli produced daily. ,
,*.f us if we would change from the "I '8: 21-23. , .
,. es .. .
Demonstration by Living ,Models Appetites—Mrs. A. Downs. '
The corrunissitm from Artaxerxes is ', While most bommorily used for win-
$'.riton't know where I am going but 1 Music Yrs, Dame Loirriley. Why the,Woodlotis Valuable er . .ter feeding it is by no means leSs lin-
food production.
Dressed `for Country Church. ' -given, ch., 7: .4.4,46.., rIben follows a •-• - - • •-• a.- -, -ea -... ' -' In seasons of droutle wh.en the, pas eoetaneelee. oso,,in
am on my way" method, to the '61 -ie Paper and Discnision—Putting Into
which Means, "I have my ticket and, September 8 list of those, Whdaw.ent in. the expedi- There -are an almost any farni cer- tures are "burnt up and the crops - summer.. Nearly .
thne-table, and I know where I am Paper—Institute Work, Aims and Life All' That Makes Life Worth tiore and a description of the rendez- twin portions of land which are not partiall3r or totally ruined; the farmer ever summer the pastures dry lup in
a While—Mrs. L. H. Brown. \rouse ch. 8: 1-20. - Ch,a.pter eight 33 utilized for graid-growing, and which, having live stoelt 'nest dispose of a.,
the latter parts of July or Angust and
going and wlien‘I'll get there." Achievements—Mrs. Malegslni Graham. Grab Bag. written in the Arat Personsingular, if pa,sturedndo not really give the re- large part of his herd—usually at a during- -this .tiree the cow invariably
Mu-sic—Mrs. B. Lod,ge. Reading—Mrs. H. Brown.
. Ezra himself. It -ia generally. regards
"W. purporting to be from the pen:of turns they should' do. Low spots dif- sacrifisse, or . buy highapriced feed. mabe partiallyover-
drops off in milknflow, sornethnee fifty
Toward dleaner Living. Paper—Furnishing and Decorating Rall Call. . ed as a leaf from his personal &tilt tee drain, . rough stony places, -Here-the-falai-ler withethe-ailosis-the i per cent. This 'y e
Contrary to the though-ts of pessi- the Farm Home. • . Exhibit --of Labor Saving Devices. steep banks .of couleesaand odd corn- donde"' brf-Tge"elinTg'"girdeTileift"rd'ed" in the
mists, we are truly progressing to- Reading—F. Campbell. Sacsial Half Hour. memoirs.
ers cut off from the large fields by 'of --the man - who lias---none. -- He can, agem -of
ward a cleaner living. Even though Roll . Gall—Economy Wrinkle.
ApriI.6 cious journey, Ezra proclaimed a fast. water holes or creeks, are left idle, ing them thesilagehe has stored from , terprising dairymen are putting' 'up
'Silage: 'Soiree 'Of- the -'reiOre - en -
V. 2-1. In order to secure an auspi- keep his stock in good shape by giv-,
bootleggers abound, stills are busy Demonstration—Correct Table Set -
A fast whs a token of,abasement be- as they are too small to make it profit-- mall silos for a:limner use. ..'
and corks pop out of home-brew bot- tng. La.dieS of Kensing-ton Club will be years of -plenty. . Corn properly en- i Some imagineabedatese silage has
fore God and. served to,,intensify their able to cultivate them. These are in- silo,ed will keep for many years. ,
given a
-Iles, one great evil, drink,, has been
bodyeblow. No great evil dies Social Half Hour,
October 11 , - . .
expedition solemnly committed them- planting might be the means of -con-
, He can save portions of the crops l all" --a self-sufficieet feed. "Man can -
guests and 'furnigh program. prayers; by it the - members of the stances of -conditions. where tree- Imanysgood.features that it- is a -"cure-
. May, 14,
not live, by -bread alone,". neither 'can
completely but drink will in due time '
Shedden Ladies -will be our guests selves into God's hands for safe con- t- land, t
ver ing a present worthless and damaged by hail ef.ro st, drauth or otherl
Pater---I3teiefilO and- e -Cleansing duct to the journey's end. A right
become such an invalid that it will do and furnish program. . - .. •
idle, into valuable and revenue -pro -clue- causes, that would 'otherwise be a to -1 cattle exist and show, a mrofit on silage
Agents Whiche,- Make Hausework way; the shortest and easiest route
no 11.0 r111, even thou.gh this temporary „November 8 Easier—Mrs, Geo. 'Hyde. ' ' ing property.—Bulletin No. 1, DireCtor tal loss. Many crops can he success- I alone.-- Then, again, 'Some think that
and the -one that was least exposed
spectacular liquor law -breaking may
to attacks from robbers or enemies. of Forestry, Ottawa., • 'fully ensiloed. A silo will also saveethe silo is a "new-fangled" idea: On
make it seem otherwise,. ThanIcsgiving. Meeting. . MUsic—Mrs. Geo. Lumley.
V. 22. I was ashamed, etc. Under` ' most of the feeding value Of the. corn ',the sontsary, the, earl Y ,Romees and
Paper -L -Mrs. Dan. Browh. Reading—Mrs. Duncan Carswell.
the IlleaS of Mexico used it. It is one,
And in the matter of morals, even Music—Mrs. L. Lumley.
Yearly Report. ordinary conditions an armed escort
That Word. ' plant, such "as the husk,s, leaires and
though women's skirts ilr6 short and • Readirig--An ;Old -Fashioned Visit, generally of the. oldest ideas in .agricultuee. ,
EleCtion. „of Ofers.. would be necessary -a. The journey
Little Eleanor gazed long and stalk's, much of -Which is '
-the hair- behlsed, we feel stare that the Mrs. Allen.. Another notion is that ill-effects are
Roll Call---.PaYing of Yearly Dile would lead through 'regions where wasted: ,
nation is getting cleaner morally. Our Pumpkin Pie Contest.Stlioughtflilly at the •young Man who
lawl.ess desert tribeS and hostile pea- , In cattle feeding, silage takes the produeedgsach ae deseeasing the" life
Roll Call-LThaught of Thankfulness. ocial Half Hour. pies, Such as the Samaritans and p,os- was calling ou her grown-up sistei• place of a large amount of rotighage period of the animal, Leusin,g the ani -
minds are snore open than ,they used to be, and we discuss many of the , Tel" and Social Half Hour. sibly the Arameans enight set upon ' Kate. ' ' - - . • -and3grain, thu.s releasing. hig.h-priced nial to be susceptible ..to '.tuberculosis
things which were forbidden, a gen- ,
December 13 , . -
was needed. God Would bea sufficient wb
Opening , Ode to the Persian king that no . , escort Browne? she said at last • r- .. Seritials" of a: satisfactory ilo are: stations it has been
them. But Ezra had already boasted "May ,I ' ' climb up on your knee, 11.4,fr. fetid ferhumaii. consumption.. The es- and to lose teeth. At,the "experiment
found. that dairy•
ned marking with a scarlet letter the
eration age. We have even cliscontin-
Papers—The:Woman as a School • . , defence for his people. Therefore
d, e
Y, of course, dear," smiled eh'e Exclusmn of air:metes-Irian ofenoisture cows which have been 'fed silage all
. . .
(Auld Lang Syne)
erring ones. This broad-mindedness Trustee. ' Do we need her? A goodly thing it is -to meet young man, who wanted to -make a hit. of crop ens-Ike:1; perpendicular walls of their lives are in the very biSt of
In friendship's. circle bright; Ezra and his companions threw them -
and better Morals go hand in hand, for Music ---Mrs. Morris.' ' ' with the family. "Wath to pull my sinooth inside; durability, wind resist- health, have good teAll and are not
Where nothing stains the pleasure selves all the more earnestly upon
vice thrives best in darkness arid se- First Aid in the Home—Mrs. Dan.
sweet - -e• God's protection in prayer.
Patters,cfn. , - : . "No, I want to- see if I can find that '
Or dims the radiant light. V. 23. He was intreated of us. The ance, ails good appeaeance. " f leileiculat.
As the present outstanding evils Reading—Miss Mabel Silcox.
.No unkind' word sour lips shall pass, answer to their prayer was not manis word." , , , i• . te . el diameter should es silage is fed- in poorly ventilated barns
Do , not build a 'sil•o - too large in Tainting a renk octiurs only whets
. ,
are brought into "control, it may be - Demonstration of Christmas Gifts. No enVy sour the mind' -
, fest at the time; but the safe comple- . "Word! . Wt ward?" - asked the . - ;
• : lalile ,,l. , e, e such ,
e ce ' f r-5 :hiring the time of• mill-ing This
tion of their perilous journey was- puzzled visitor. about two i„,ehes a d„3,,.. ,artaindy not orn be avoided by feedii:g' after 1 -he
h ' q 'blr: ll
considered evils, will be given atten-
, that other things Which are not now Roll Call—Chrislan.as Suggestions.
Social Half Hour. But each. shall seek the common .weal, proof that God had heard them and ". heard Kate ,,say this morning. as to ma -e •poesi. e gte ....ee mg o ' - ; -
-e, The good of all , mankind. .
tion. Perhaps the next great thing
- II. The Journey's End, 31, 32. every young man had the word idiot less than one inch` a day. A one- mil'ing-
been with them. when you photograph came that if immsre,de ea it -71 hold s . g , .: '
--to- be given consideration *ill -be. the Community singing at eaah meet- Meetings:to begin promptly' at 2.30 fond fortv -pounds Of silage a day to Few things. are more valuable to a
cigarette with its 'insidious sapping ing- - ..,-------- ' ' P.M. , V. 31: The River of Ahava. It is written all over his face, it wae you!" .- - ' ' L' . - ' ' ' ' • sl t be able `to. persistently
likely that, "the -A.hava was one of the --es- • taventy-nve ,cows for two hundred marl than 0
• of 'the fibre of manhood. ' . , . •
many.canals or artificial rivers in the . •
It is the tliotight of ,the °atheist
that we are coming to a better under-
standing of life and as we understand
lif.e better, it will become better.
scattered in the litter. Neon—a moist
mash may be given in which .is mixed
table scraps or green out bone. Night
—a full feed ok scratch grain.
In addition to the forernentionecl
If satisfactory profits are to be olsa
constant supply of grit, oyster shell,
tained from the keeping of hens, it is
charcoal and fresh water should be
necessary that eggs be produced dur-
kept before the, flock at all times, also
ing the season of scarcitY .and high
prices. a dry mash. This mash may'be made
, up of different ingredients, but ono
Eggs laicl Nogember and De- . • • -
Snday Shoes
days. Build the silo to keap:
. as much apply ,himself to his task until it has
' u
vicinity of Babylon." By rneane of - "
these canals the delta of the Eu- I do not like my Sunday she; silageDonaose yoLi A
111I„n tuisi e.file last '111:n1111e, . been a ec °mil 11.51) eci •
phrates was irrigated and rendered • They are so stiff and tight, and then order your inaterial, but get A quart of berries well sold is bet-
- -----segases My feet feel very happy ' the material ahead, ef time, and then ter than two on the bush. '
When I take them off at night Put uP . the ea when work is not =- ---
0.0 rOP 3 IgkaRS
I den't believe the angel boys - . " then put it ap,, when you should be 'ill'dtd- au , ' ' 4 Lee
Have sh,oes"to black, do :3;• -au?, 'frItII:ihn.;tz..ed.. DD:1111:,:i \vv:it until fall and .‘;'414i1";'' ''''.'. ir ' ' .47' I. '4'5
If birds sing hynins in their bare :.!eet, Build ease silo close so the barn. A se, [Ili, lr.is _ ... e el ___,
AMP. STORMC silo located close to the :feed manger ,
/41 ''N 4 T IROil.Bil
Why"can't I do that:, too ?
, that will give good- r.esults• in bran3
--,_ comber, will- us,ually fetch fr.om„ tyro tddi. cs" ' , . - l• ', - o - ' - - ' '•-
.., .
''',- 'Bad blood is reeponsible forethe piles Yield not fo toe much .teniper. ,i),.1411.1',64 g large amount ofhandy feed
e 3 i g • oats, and, plese blotelica -and gather ' ilitiftgaring inbad weather and' it alio' sages l'erbor.
' 031CO the iiiVer fails to filtee the poi- to three times the 'price' of eggs:laid -,
meat, meal,' equal Parts. : If .itillk:'iS skin'troubles that'brealt. out on the face ' :Almost any- e-reen forage cron inav . Ab SNORT OF IREITO
, sontaie bile, erem. the blood, there is a in April an,dMay. Poultrymen should, available or green ,,etrt -bone is 'be'in't and body. . - . . Wool gathering is -all '-iliglit for tw,enilor.A, .bit the .best crops for ,
- elegeing ktp aged poteeeing-eeahe,whoie therefore, put forth 'every- effort to tiseci the percentage of meat Meal ina
mghe stomach upset, biliets-attricks occur age eare and -feed, which the floac. is eenee, a large proportion at mash, as, commended by
• • • • • $ • . • • • • ' 4ea' ;1•••iendgueyeds.o a s Feedtog et bitlhee Nvfl allele'. 'Og,er.oanin-17.., ill wcatilltelladere13450unirqsdn9:erk:aratni;leorvoadelr -fEIPiaet'ltietarobati''ntiali6113shl, ooraet- b511 -1164(P19.. nja;r:Licitl'ebt:a1;:'° °f 17g all,tibeeill.:inG.. Yi:(°).11.1,7'''..;411111'°nedP; ill°')1°I'l•ai;.'aPtrrinisl:. f:c.'10:11i:e'ill'.e.e9)1.1:rtl';, :.'ils:egc....'11 II 'tallinClifiy::ablole:f. '..sc (1),r'''Inrsi eggt ''isil;ile.'ilci!-.3..Baii-'.13' cf.:t.qtrgT"Frl• c)-:Ft-bs.1(''''.:11- °A'''. a-el.;7 Ev‘Aarat' ' 14b"he. *
thousands to banish An ounce of. pretention ass ' worse
system aveicii causes really, troubles to Warde the produotion of sviriter", egge. ,
arise. The, bowels .become 'constipated, Senecas depends verg leagely upon i• , ,
aehes come on: and a 'general feeling the....grain and water commonly. fed,
given g rl'here ere ot4e,r geedseliesidee it is.-.R1WayS libtiee'able that the* eon_ everything I'm .1.1'-e ssmn.riest. ' Pirl'Ple I'"o than a Paund of unassuniing self- ,;Plt tn.eitnieccIlteine.1;lheaen°3s:edi1liella-7theelc3:01°_,rie`)-iliaen:-.1-. •-ri1;g1s; -P-'1',,",„c...1-;:e7,-,t-e_'t-ehe'r-r3,-r`;--ni:::t'r,:a'ri:annttill-h",eeN(11,1-vj'eleitloir:i.viel,oe.
suMption of 'Mash is greater eanfidence. '
aTes,lisirag seven) headachese , pains . and
by removing tho bile that is circulating
the liver to resume its propeirfunctions
Milbure's Las:a-Liver PIUS- will help
that are essential if heavy'winter pro du'etio, is ,at highest. . 11" Pi -I yNe:::Sts.3:11,,,itncyls,71::ellk;•ii-lPli:fvfaesrSiirtla):)teaTrilileuraetcrloied; L'.'"Iflalis..me :sbeligfgehreainloile parohi icitg,-gb,c4a1
important .of these are the green - I.Lqual parts o.f linseed .oil, teepee- nhonigilicee ihoerell gscttrietaaniitt:ne,f.d4aiii:hclole.. ciluost:p, et s",,h iecenol vrtiellizeiisicrosvi,:01,nas 1,1 elic!' o:av,,il(1.1}t,r,„,ot:srlli‘tilne-13.',‘,)Illv,us:f:`fn'llie:r::::f-unige lel.:1-6, -02-:::
of depression sets in. " • when .0 the -worst scrofit ous soie.
In the, blood and" poisossieg the system. feeds, and the animal. feeds, and it title and vinegar nial:e a good home- au gisas sop ',,Ii;ains and, liffeTont mad, is.
, seas) nimeics and blackheads. ' I' used ,
.____ tisrn: good-sii.,,,t,„.1,,,,,i0t,.h.,S0(1):.e.117.11erai el_1.31,_ il 1 gN_V)Itiit'lol : .Fmt:iottliii. htchaort iiia.00niseciao.t"0 gichocee°rellijairlfan\i;ei ..Y1u:
Lc. S., 'Writes ;---"I' bavo been troubled that these.•are abs.oletely necessart to
rt, Hailed, ., Herring Cove nail" 1..' be too strongly emPhasized niade' furniture Polish. ' jellies. but none or them seem.' eci to help
silage, ' sestina R A t n i --i
, es one is t ie caus !:, . ,
for a long time with severe headaches high predUction, Green ,feed inuy be Hand-pleking of small ' t ' 1 ine.. My- home doctor told ma theY were ,, r T.0111:11 Cr hsic.lilicosoei lo-td.i.eseasgroiveoull, tit,.lo/t‘eipatilP:Lrit. cattle ,benoso of its sueoulane, polo,- doetol•s, bat they could do nethiag for
Silage is valeable as feed for delry ' b-rea:07,, 1 s''-t!ecicegg c,s.[Odol•ilio,,7,•1: ()..,
and pains' in my badk. and stomach. 1 siiip-cliehd in the form. of - inaegels, old reiiable, and so -far as we have 0:f gdoctlticbgY rli)iltd.ofi)tibe(Tin' unitill7th:31,-'171.1 ;,n.„ ye,:„„ ,,„ , tability, feeding value 'and production me. !Crie,rsels .iold me to tty l!filhorzt'S
' went to a doctor who Said r ha,d liver e Ove.r ay, sprouted oat,saseaste cab,- beee aole to find, the only niethosr me - to give Bindoek Blood. 13itters a s' ' ' "'"' ' '
.4rouble. I took twe bottles of medicine, of frillk. Alie s•uetulence of . the feed Heal'i; aaa Ner,,e Pine. so r CfOt q ''
bage or veg.etabIe parings, , \stile ani-' Severnl Machines have been .built foe trial- 1..."001- a 11'001 0 •!1:nd It b'-eIPed• 300 ' -. --
but it failed te do roe gray gooll. Iwas ma/ feed, may, „be ,giaen, in .tbe,,,,,rorn,), this pur.po,e bu,, , .., ,, ,, :. ri, 0 rib 1 lace etncrialltpl I :,;:ia'il'Is:01:01I1,11.1ti- (IT, et i(:11)0aens keeps the cow in good, health, bey sys_ I felt better 'afte.r taking the eiref one
hLaivveomPLiiles.raTe twoeo4itro e iaa, ,ar.a d they ,,0,,fr, Ja1,11.,g71,1{s, t igvie'eettlanicisa' tg 'eb. o, n 7,
'b e ef 2,e' r al" ,i-Pni'°:,:eeoal,s. ,l'rya. tfaSit.::c,,str.,ornrlYt,--:::1In.tt:,e.i'rist_l' al.Slyc°1,1ce,eiti,:alli:ti.e..t'. .1'.4',,,'ill'iOnt.cis";01133...";1,411,i0:11,'1.:le'',,,:n.I'11,v7en,i,11X:ligt,c:I'vloir):.1110,-61t1t°151..;-1‘;1„.n110,11.),:tbehie,:ca:iceBe,i]:.;:eiii.ii. . \ ho got ties it. ....__
fe,:ei moet economically, aaie „palate mend yolir '*.f`ills too highly,
told by' a -friend to try-Alilbura's Laxa- teni in good physical eohdimon, and so got twomiore., and,,nciw I. sm najoying
this makes it possible to digest her InS7 health '1)"5 bfcn'e' I ''" "em'
. pric, 2,00, a vial at ee dealeta or, ,The following Method hi'. :feeding ufactneed which will eliminate sane of ,ahkisity of stage indnoes the consult)._ ri,Milbk-trit's Heart and . Nt3rv e Pills aro
. mailed direet On 'receipt ef PlIce bv 'The :11citild vivo 8Atis,facLo.tv re ,tet .-. the 'cleedgery of ridding, - farms of Enn11)18.' .., 614- '°$1:,111410111tecri:,6:1;01)X1'16:10:121,r(.t7iIi1;t11•:)'1,,:ittif::,
T. Milburn. Co' Limited, Toronto, Out. 1,1senitige—si light -feed of st;ratch sgil.tis,; stone,
, . r ,
i suecess. 1 — , rOi;!" OA reemp,,, o. ,p.lica .T,,,, ..,1C, ,.,...ek .
3.)ut pp 0111),,, b.". the rx. `Milburn Go ' , 'll, ' 1k, i ..1 • :' ' '' 1 tv..illins difne4ie„rg,:eieiiiaitiftitioades ed;611,stoblititi6L,f6teod, t, a box '''•l';'-i.a1-11- (lf:'rarl c.)1:1"111'i'll'ed`q'dlit.
Limited, Toronto, Ont.
buve aoe Limited, Poi-oat/J., Oet.