HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 2009-05-27, Page 19Decision to
If there is one
word that I could use
to describe the future
for the students attend-
ing AMDSB Goderich
schools it's CHANGE.
Change for incoming
and receiving students
for next year at. Victoria
and at Goderich District
Collegiate Institute is the
result of the board's ac-
commodation review that
took place over the last school year.
This year the school princi-
pals headed the appointed transi-
tion team which has been meeting
throughout the year to prepare for
the Grade 7 and 8 students from
Victoria and Robertson to transition
to the high school.
The board also voted to close Vic-
toria and move those students into
a newly designed Goderich Public
School, with transitional work con-
tinuing on that front.
Minutes of the transition meet-
ings can be viewed at the board's
website - www.amdsb.ca -where
the last minutes available are those
from the March 3 meeting.
There are many adults and stu-
dents working hard to ensure that
the changes facing students are pos-
itive and work always with the best
interest of the students in mind.
For parents of those students in
Grades 7 and 8 who will be seeing
their children off to be accommo-
dated at GDCI sometimes all of the
goodwill and preparation for a posi-
tive transition still doesn't settle the
feeling of unease as we move into
a totally new experience. That's en-
tirely normal.
If, at this point, parents still have
Goderich Signal -Star, Wednesday, May 27, 2009 - Page A19
put elementary students in high school debated
questions left unan-
swered or concerns
not raised, I should
hope that the door isn't
closed to the transition
representatives and
that many opportuni-
ties to voice personal
concerns given at
school level, or school
council representative
still exist.,
When all is said and
done though, there will still be those
not convinced that moving the 7s
and 8s into GDCI was the right one.
If it's any consolation to those par-
ents, there are currently two accom-
modation reviews going on in other
parts of the board and the whole 7
and 8 move to the high school sce-
nario isn't being well received in
South Huron or North Huron by
those communities either.
I believe that once the Victoria
prohibitive to repair decision was
made by the govemment, all the
school community could do was
watch the changes happen, with
little left to do but make the best
of things. The effects of moving
the 7 and 8s into GDCI will not be
known immediately. That will take
some time.
While we can't control human
nature or force relationships to de-
velop between individuals where
none has existed before the Goder-
ichAMDSB community should be
applauded for their efforts to keep
the tra,nsition relatively seamless.
The responsibility of a success-
ful transition rests not only with
the efforts of adults but also on the
willingness and spirit of excitement
as students pioneer something very
new to this community.
The decision of the Avon Mai-
tland board to move the Grade 7
and 8 students has actually created
something more that will benefit
parents looking to enrol their child
into school in Goderich next year
and into the future.
Moving the AMDSB students to
GDCI has narrowed the choices of
its own elementary schools, while
creating more choice elements for
parents between Goderich Public
School and St. Mary's Catholic El-
ementary School.
Parents with children approach-
ing school age in Goderich can now
choose between the elementary
school that offers JK -8 students,
traditional, block -scheduled school
timetable (one lunch and two re-
cesses), or an elementary school of-
fering JK -6 and the balanced school
day schedule.
I'm sure that both the Avon Mai-
tland and Huron -Perth Catholic
school boards and principals would
be happy to answer any questions
about their respective schools and
how they meet the needs of their
Recently, the provincial govern-
ment has provided parents and the
public with a new feature on the
Ministry of Education website:
www.edu.gov.on.ca called School
School Finder
offers v; -itors a
wealth of infor-
mation including
progress . report
updates, the lat-
est EQAO results
and essentially
offers informa-
Unemployed get a lift with meds
From PFIZER'S Page 17
their resumes and scanning the employ-
ment ads, I just assumed the unemployed
puttered around the house doing odd jobs
and crossword puzzles.
"Honey! Three words for a formal mili-
tary stance?"
"Standing at attention."
"Oh boy, here we go again."
What economist could ever predict that
unemployed auto workers would one day
refer to "The Big Three" as Friday, Satur-
day and Sunday evening.
Let's see, Bus' , roposed handouts to
homeowners, Obat. gave billions to an
insurance company and Pfizer is now of-
fering relief for the horny. It's a triple -
threat recovery package.
I don't know about this. Millions of un-
employed at home all day with free bottles
full of the blue pills - that's going to put
Oprah out of work.
I'm not sure that free Viagra for the •un-
employed is such a good idea.
Manager: "So Phil, that's a pretty im-
pressive resume. , What have you been
doing with yourself since you were laid
Phil: "Ah, I can't actually tell you."
Manager: "Out there, bangin' on doors
were you?"
Phil: "Yeah, there was a fair bit of that
going on."
Manager: "You look kind of exhausted.
Stress of being out of work, is it?"
Phil: "Not exactly."
Manager: "Was it hard being home with
the wife, twenty-four seven?"
Phil: "Yeah, pretty much."
Manager: "One last question. Is that a
gun in your pocket or are you on that free
Viagra for the jobless drug plan?"
Phil: "Actually, I'm just happy to see
Manager: "Next!"
A little advice to the unemployed bene-
factors of Pfizer's benevolence - if you ex-
perience an interview that lasts longer than
four hours, it's time to find real work.
And let's hope Viagra -pumping unem-
ployed are also using protection. The last
thing we need to follow a housing crisis is
a population explosion.
Only in America- could a bailout be
structured so as to assist the erectile dys-
functional. 'As they say. getting their pri-
orities straight is the first step to recovery.
tion that helps educate parents as to
how their local schools are doing.
The addition of School Finder is
one supported by parents as it adds
one more resource in helping par-
ents make educated decisions about
their child's educational future.
Used responsibly School Finder
makes sense as the school land-
scapes across the province change
and people explore their changing
educational options.
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