HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-8-17, Page 1.XiLTER., owr.� Tit r r1 D1� NI(D 16x, AUGUST 1 h,, 1922 , �Illil�Ilrnrll�rrrnulllrrlir���1111[ll�[II�III�lrrr•�rrirri•rrarNrlrcrr[rri�r��a�6ip�ririnrlrlrr[rinr Ilrllllfll�lrlllllilLIIIIIIIIIlIII •N eZIE ..0.1141100 Erma ammo Fies', Misses' ildren's rater Coa We have just received `our celebrated Northway Fall and Winter �ss'es an Children, This is the fines we have ever shown; New Styles, New Colorings, the latest :cloths at very. - Coats, for Ladies Mi dt range of coats reasonable prices. See these beautiful 'garmentsearly before the best numbers' are sold out. Fur Collars lain' also plain, a so the English Tweed ef- fects. Noi•thway .garments are noted for their fine fitting .. g and shape re- taizung qualities, The . reasonable price b p e will sui:przse you. Big B Brand Men's Work Shirts We have a large stock of Big B brand Men's Work. Shirts. So many makes of shirts are small in Short liort in Sleeves.etc. The ...Big B .' brand is is extra Targe and well made of good :materials and •-•will, fit the largest men comfortably. Reasonably' priced from '$1.25 to $1,75, Men's Fine Shirts at 98c. each 5 Doz. Men's fine Print 'Shirts, good` patterns size 14 �,i to 16, vera �. y special vaule to clear at 98c each. Wet ring Apparel. for Menoin West g g For you men who are going West:. on the Harvester's Excursions, we have a particularly fine range of Work Shirts, Overalls, Suits SocksUn- derwear, Leather Gloves,..,Mits Etc at very attractive prices. p We also have our Men's Winter Underwear in stock. Ladies Lisle Hoiery at 59c .a pair Ladies' Fine Lisle ;Hosiery 1n ' black only, ribbed elastic garter tops, sizes 8% to 10, regularly 75c. Very special clearing price at 59c a "pair. Children's White Lisle liose at 35c, aP air 10 Doz, Children's White Cotton Lisle Hose, sizes 5 to 10, regularly 50c a pair, to clear at 35c a pair, or 3 pair for $1.00. GREATLY REDUCED -PRICES ON MANY LINES OF.. SUMMER MERCHANDISE: Store closes Wednesday afternoon during, June July and August. PHONE, 32 xetr Council Monday, August 14, 1922. A regular meeting of the 1V1nnicip- .a al. Council held with Councillors. El- m . lerington and Davis absent. The F 1 ' i® . auinutes of the n e e ar' n g I e i d July uiY 24, :x1�.!owf LrteehetieeraDsdewpaaenzr< maree na1�tdrofovxeronA.grhiecuSlteucrtye 1Clinton, Re -Foul 13rood, highly in=fectious disc se tila1 onbees, gs t ask- Elin for: the names of all bee keeper's, m i within the municipality.,, Clerk to maaswer. MkeessrsnJohnston Harvey and San- ders, memhere of the local society o ' Horticulture Waited on the Counci regarding the. improvements r - .' ed= for'Victoriaopos p Victoria and also'as asking a for some earth to fill up and level the ground behind i in d , ale .�Town n � Hall 11 • - Request will be consi dared after in �f vestigating. The Auditor's "r report for' Tilly was - read ad :arid accepted' an motion otion of Fran- -- 'andHooper Discussion Re Con- struction of Drains, motion per Fran- cis Hooper that laborers be asked for, pay' 30c per hour. Carried. The-faliowi'ng accounts were read and ordered' aid: p Cecil Ford labor, cemetery $34.25; Percy Hewitt labor, MIMIC eeinetery,` $10.00; Exeter Tines Printing Co., acc't to date $73.29;.OISPIIM: Exeter '. Public, Utilities Commission, half share of cheque evriter and pro - 01•021. tector $,42.75;.: The Bell Telephone OM Co. Bissett phone $6.15; Cemetery $4,62; H. C. Clark, varnishing Lib- rary doors $1.25; Cochrane Machine Works :'eemeter y acct . 5.0 Q R $ B. acc't, 7 .75 John 1 H nl tt ?rur rent 0 f 1 cement mixer 'r&, labor $182:25; R.G. Seldon" cement acc't $322.40; John Norry Iabor $53.55; L. E. Day labor $25.75; 'Ernest Appleton $34.50;.: Walter Westcott $4.00; Peter 'Cole - :mom roan •team labor $41.80; R. E. Davis' $11.00; "Clyde' Heywood team labor r 411.00; John 'Parsons labor $12.00; 1 Thos, Appleto x1 labor $10.00; Ed - =I ward Treble ,Deputy R. Officer $3.00; Sidney Davis Poll Clerk $3.00; Mrs. Elizabeth abet Handford dfo_,• d booth $2.00; Wellington Johns D R 0 $3.00; Jas. .H: Grieve, Poll Clerk $3.00; Jas. Weeks, D R O $3.00; Alfred. Gam - brill, Poll Clerk- $3.00; W. G. Medd, Booth $2.00; Fred. Witwer D R '0 $3.00; John Lydd, Poll, Clerk $3.00; Jos. Senior, eictre, service in. compil- ing Voters' list-* 19`L2, 532 naives: $10,64; Frank' Mallett pt. Salary $27.00. Passed ou Motion of Hoo per -Francis. Carried. -' Thes*B•y-Law providing for the issue of Six Thousand Dollars in deben- tures for the construction of Sew- ers having been approved of by the rate payers, and provisionally a dopted was given its third reading and on motion of Francis -Hooper was finely passed, the Reeve and Clerk to sign the ea_:me. •Carried. The issue of Debentures . for the ▪ said sum to bear date October lst. - ' Adjournment by Francis. Jos. Senior, Clerk. 1 • ewers enema ammo MENEM MiNenrs PHONE 32 -_ alluoli millllllinfill[IIIIIIIIIIl11111 imuillllliilAlllrlllllllllllloniil = . NI+IIINrllllllllllllllllllllllllll � � � . : IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIpIIIIIiIIU(tr Gold Medal Ha For ,pes: 30 :and 35cP er ound P h . rad e Sisal Hay y FOK� Rope at 4 c. per poun 'Gold Medal Binder Twine `:14 1 2c Cl,earing Sale 15 per cent off all Baseball Gloves.&tS Mit' . ,15 C s per cent off. all Lawn Mowers • tit miner Goods HAMMOCKS $3 50 UP PERFECTION OIL STOVES $26 00 GARDEN HOSE 130 FT SCREEN DOORS $2.45 SCREEN WINDOWS -35c SCREEN WIRE 20c per yare COW EASE FOR SPRAYING CATTLE AND HORSES $1,00 and $1.75 per can., TINSiMTITIIING AND PLIJMDING ereseeeneraalen The infant daughter of Mr. and 1Mr•s. Norman Hockew. underwent a second operation for,eye trouble at London hospital on Tyursday of last week. The child is improving nicely. - BORN 4 HICK r _ S At Centralia,, on Auigust-13, -Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hicks; a son. MITTLEHOLTZ=A..t Zurich; on Aug- net'4th, to -Mr, and. Mrs. Theo. Mit- _,� tiehiotz, a diaughtel', HEY -At Blake, on., Saturday,.A,us- ust 5th, to Mx.. and 'iiis, Samuel Hey, a daughter, a;: Dependable Used. Cais Are li � teonl kind accepted cc apte d as part payment for new Dodge • Brothers. We :have some exceptionally good values now. For example; 1,918 Dodge Broth- els . Touring, completely recondition- 'ed,' and mechanically 0; K. for $800. • W. 3. OUISHOLM 478 Richmond St, London, Ont: 27 1410 -NES 273 Parties ordering now will be most•. likely to get early shipments.. In uir' q res invited from Corpora= tions, and Dealers. W. 11), 11n)MER NAPANEEI, .ONT. ALMOST A FIRE The local fire brigade_ lead a ,run Sunday afternoon teethe home of Mr. Robt. Sanders on Mill street, ,but the hose were not brought into play because the, fire was .under control when the firemen ' arrived. Fire in some way started between the kitchen ceiling and the roof and was smouldering away when discovered. The alarm was sent. 'in and a Large number of people were soon on the -scene. A hole was cut through the roof and the fire extinguished before { " - EXETER Upper and Lower School Results LOWER- SORi0O)f ElF1SULTS The e Middl e Scheel ho results o z is of t Exeter H. S. received on Tuesd maintain the il1gh Standard set ourSchool. The Middle Scb, Course is one of two years and th are 8 papers' 'o P for Norman man; Entrap and 12 for Matriculation, T School aims to have a pupil take tile 1Vliddle School Work • he needs a a little of Upper School in his seco year. It will be noted that a• go proportion have taken six papers P P. more or else have taken all the p pers they needed to complete a pr for v is year's v • Y s r ort The largest number of lst Cla Honors 75 per cent P to• i better were i Geometry 5, Physics 5, Algebra Conmposition 3. The smallest pe centages of failures were in Lati Comp. 1 in 11, Literature,'3 in 27 Geometry, 2 in 18. - 80 per cent of all attempts wcr successful and every Candidat wrote. One certificate has not ye been sent, that of B. Cunningham, 1st means 75-100, 2nd means 6 -74, 3rd means 60-65, C mean 50-59. The standings of Miss Lulu htor lock and her brother, Carl, are re niarkably good, Miss Morlock ob- tained `first class honors in no less titan six of the eight subjects she tried. Thea se two clever students were, a1- so taking Latin and French prepara- tory to next year's work. The results follow An * neons that the Candidate made credit or better on each -paper attempted. Harry Seldon 11 papers, one lst,' three 2nd, seven C; Laird Joynt 9 •pa- Pers, one 2nd, two 3rd, 6 C *Lulu Morlock 8 papers, six lst, one 2nd, one 3rd; *Carl Morlock 8 papers, five 1st, two 2nd, one 3rd; *Nellie Petty 8 papers, one ist, one 2nd, three 3rd, three C• Harry Greb3 papers,three 1st, three 2nd, three 3rd, one C *Edna Pfaff 8 papers; three 1st, two 2nd, two C; Margaret Wethey 7 papers, one lst, one 2nd, three 3rd, two C; Harold; Wood 7 papers; three 2nd, one 3rd, 3 Credits; "Violette Ratcliffe 7; papers, one .2nd, one 3rd, five C; *Wilfrid Turnbull 6 papers, two 2nd, three 3rrd one C; *Gertrude Francis 6 pa- pers, one 3rd, five C; 'S. Evelyn Howard 6. papers, two 1st, two 2nd, two 3rd; Mildred M. Rowe 6 papers, one 1st, one 2nd, four C; Caroline E. Davis 6 papers, six C; Horace AesDel- bridge 6 papers, one 2nd; one 3rd, four C; *IIary Elwortlzy 6 papers, one 2nd, 5 Credits; Maurice E. Ford 6 papers, four 2nd, one 3rd, one C; Violet Whiteside 5 papers, one and, one 3rd, three C; *Cora Schroeder 4 papers, four 2nd; *J. Edgar Thom- son 4 papers, three let, one 3rd; *Verna A. Walker 4 papers, one lst, j one and, two 3rd; Langford Jones 3? papers one Srd, three: C; Vivian Hoa garth 3 papers, one 2nd, one 3rd, one C; Margaret Gladman 3 papers, one 2nd, one- 3rd, one'C Edward Berry 3 papers, `three C.,' Edith Hogarth 2 papers, two 0; ;Alymer Christie 2 - f la 1 i pens one and, one C; "Wm. Lawson 2 ,papers, one 1st, one and; Aurelia Anderson 1 paper, C; Howard Dignan. 1 paper,; * . one C, *Amy Shepton 1 pa.- der, one 3rd; '"Alzz4a Harding 1 °paper , one C. i Ile ay, by oQ1 the ce he all rad rad od or a- e - ss n 4, } r - n e e 6 s Locals Miss Duncan, of London is visiting witiaMlss Verde Rowciffe of town. The Griff boys, from Durham, who wer e visiting their gxrad area is 1VIr. and Mrs, ltd. aIunter, left this week to join their mother at Atwood. 11liss Hazel, Dicks, of Centralia, and Mi•, Norman Moodie of Calgary were married in the church here Tuesday morning. 111iss Kathleen Hicks play - Mrs. Carrie Heyroek, Zurich, Ont., announces the engagement of her on- ly daughter, Elva Mae, to Frank'Mc- Cutcheon, Central avenue, London, the marriage to take place in Septem- ber. Miss Jean Walker, lecturer in the e V ti stern University, is ill in her par- ent's home here, She had her ton-. siis removed last Thursday, caught a severe cold coming home and vas. 1 quite ill for two or three clays, but is l 'rapidly improving now. • Quite a number of farmers in this community finished harvest last week. Where rain had interfered the oats were not dry enough to draw and consequently there were a lot of oats still in the fields over Sunday. Most of the grain, however, y wi 1 ; safely housed by this time. l la UPPER SCHOOL RESULTS AT any serious damage was done. i' A NAII.ROW ESCAPE, Master Orville Beaver, aged f.13, son of Mrs. S. Beaver, of the London Rd. 'north, niet with an accident on Sunday and had a very narrow escape when the horse and' buggy he was driving was run into by an auto. The tad, w a s drivingsouth and when just at the north -end corner the buggy was struck by an auto that`was being driven east. The buggy was over- turned and the horse was thrown off its feet. The boy landed On the ce- nt ant but fortunately escaped with a few bruises. The buggy was sonic- What broken. S. A. OFFICERS LEAVING c Captain G. MacGillivray„ who for Win, Lawson-G;eom. C, ,Trig. C, the past 10 months has �. been - in charge of the S. A. work here; is go- ing on an extended fnrlo, owing to a• breakdown ire health. Ca.ciet K. Mac - The list below ;gives ,the standing ^f t]le Upper School pupils lar, tiie Exeter High ,School. • Bruce Medd obtained iiil one year sufficient for a First Class Certificate Tire examination was formerly taken in two parts, one J,n, each yea. The ,tlgures 1, 2. 3, stand for the grades, 75 per cen,t., 66 per cent,* 60 per cent, while ..C,.- stands for Credit. . Bru e Medd, credit in ,Comp., Lit., Hist., Geom., Trig.; •Bota,'ny, ' Zao].,, Chemistry and Physics 2. Mabel Johne -Lit 3, Comp; 3, History -'. Trip, C, Pley,, 13 ; Chem, C. as, C Mari - t e y omp. G, .LLt,C; Trig. C. Spot. C, Zool, C, ,Physics C. Alma I-lar�d:nig-Coni 3 t b p. Lit. 3 Z ao1. C _l � P •�Cc;• rs� M ar. UEr+ate Kuntz -Comp. C, Lid. C. H xtory C, Treg,, C. iii , a c alad �1 _......e .c I-i.ary e LTrig. t. z C y , C 0 at ail. r CESE PULLARTOti` 1'IO\311;11 PASSES Henry Rogers, one of the early pioneers of Fullerton Township, died. at Fullerton Village ou Thursday, in his 81st year, 'Mr. Rogers og°ers Ilad been a great sufferer from rheumatism and of late years had been unable to get around very much. ` For many years Mr. Rogers --drove the mail to • and from Mitchell to Fullerton and was very honest and faithful servant of her majesty, Queen Victoria. He was upright in his dealings and was respected by a large cirlce of friends He had been a resident of the town- ship• for ninny years. His wife died some years ago. Harry and Fred Rogers, of FulIarton are sons. The funeral took place Saturday after- noon 1 to Fullerton ton c ez net er : y ' 111r, O• t., Ward ligas'solci 11is deuce an 'Alain street to Ke. �, Srnsoalxta rresidastlonce behinlr�ald defarvwilley linosve. port store, vacated by Mr, 5fest1.. THE LATE MRS. S. ESSEY; Y tli `The funeral of the lar to Mrs, Sarin? uel Essery, of, Usborne, .notice or, Whose death appeared in The 'ranee hast week, was held on Saturday af- teruoon to the Exeter cemetery, :coo- ducted by her pastor, Rev. Janieii Foote. The deceased had been ail- ing for several months but was taken, seriously!,, ill only about zl, month bel fore her death. Her age was 82 years, 5 months and '19 days, 1'dis., Essery's inaiden name was Margaret Dempsey. She was born in Athloa,e, eIand and when three years • (> ld 'came with herparents to Blarxshar elTp., , sett ling irear Ciosshill,. About' 60 years ago they moved to the third concession of Usbcune. The ;(leeeac od was a staunch and coinsistent Presbyterian. Besides her aged and bereaved partner in life she is sacra. \rived by one son, James, at 3ioniea' Mrs. Essery was the oldest of family. ixs S brothers and two sister survive,' Andrew Dempsey, of; Lo adore ndol$' John of Centralia; Sanl'I•, of Preston Patrick, Robt,, ' Rebekah and Hugh..• of Neepawa, Man., and Mrs. G'oborn,. of Vancouver, B. C. Phone 30 Phone 34 Bett's e t t' Have you tried a loaf of our Bread? If not, get one to -day, "Tile proof of the Pudding is in the Eat-- ing," Headquarters for HIGH' CLASS ;r3lt7r BUNS AND CAI4I,S Special attention given to orders for Picnics, Luncheons and Wede dings. lirD DDY ' G • , CARES a SPECIALTY, 'liA1:,Tii°; Phone 30 Phone 30, .-aanne=en=inalea- Radio We have •P the famous Federal Line Let us Demonstrate, a complete set or sell you any Parts you may need to build your own, W. jr® BEER PHONE 9 a tisfactjon e r v ice Know That meat is down in price? and it will pay you to get our pr10es he - ore buying elswhere, .,FARMERS" When you thresh, let as supply you with a choice Meaty Roast. Delivered any time. Choice Beef,` Pork; Veal and Spr ing Lamb, all the ,time. Have your Cooked Meats'andBacon Machine Sliced. River's eatMarket WHERE QUALITY IS HIGHER THAN PRICE.. J __.11[II[1[ [{[ I{f {[ [[[ c Gillivray also leaves for Toronto hest week. where he will. enter Alm Army's Training College to become on offi- Mrs. Thos. Crews of the North End car. A new Captain and Lieutenant 'has been quite ill with what is sup - will be appointed next week, Ensign posed to be "summer nu," but is re - Porter,. assistant Territorial Organ-cpvering nicely. izer of the Life -Saving: Scents was in charge el' the Salvation Army services last Week and he was ably assisted by. the Stratford troop of Life Saving Guards circler the lea,clership of'Lieut. D. Jean. MacGillivray. A very pleas-' ing entertainment was put on by the Gnards;thi Monday evening to ' -a large crowd, The Home 'Loague sale of Work followed and every article Was snapped ttp•in quick order, The Girle. returned to their camp in 'Bayfield late on Monday night. I- d gs Thoinson-Gearn, C. Several o•f these, c ind?idatea ' are rte n" a cainb.:nad -Middle a.nd Upper Course, and have M ?clle Schaal pap- yett to be reported irpam u The \Voinen's Missionary Society, of Cavell Church held their monthly meeting at the home of Miss ,Teckell, The • committee that canvassed the ladies of the congregation reported that they had collected $65,50 for the W.M.S. de£ieit fund. Miss 'Mor- gan gave an excellent ,paper,: on "The influence r t ellce of the Bible on .National civilization,'" and Mrs. T cote sang a solo. A program coTmittee was ap- pointed p- point ed to outline plans for the , iw thly meetings for til, aaa'an v We know you will wben we tell you that the Jute crop o in Indiais " so short 0 t th a the e Price of all the Jute. sacks we have to buy have advanced. 33 and one third cent Per to the ]as tw t o months t s andnow a' are twice the price they were a few years ago. This is becoming a serious platter for millers and we are asking you to "HAVE A II;Ex [tT" and kindly bring along sacks when you want Feed of. any - }find. Sf any of bur` sacks' are ,around your home will you not return then, please? Our priees'for Feecl are are bulk prices and do or. include the sack, r, ilarveY.y i[[1[II1NINI[[III[III11 III[IIIMMii1[111IIIIIII111l[Illlll111ff PA.= i