HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-8-10, Page 8I:r ,I. 01.+.TTS tc O`C i"1 N 11 O1TFLS V"1: +' Ll�, : � a Suinmer Nlercha»disc S C L+' �11ING C Canvas Shoes 0Se $6.4' 4aoiiC3 styles y J Serge Sport Skirts �6,49j OSc , P11Sines Thi, Season's Stytes'Pleated) $4.00 Values 9$c and embroidered. Navy of Black, 75c Ladles' Linen Motoring Dusters 75e. saving; clothes. �. real iu�r estment fol $1,65 Mean's $2.2.5 Overalls $1:05 Just when you need thele and goal save 50-750 per pair. lz $1.00 Men'S Straw flats $1.00 Any Straw ,or Panama, flat hi the Store for $L00. Va,Itaes tip to $4 2 for $150 „)lens Balbriggan Underwear 2 for $1.50 Ziu1uerknit, first quality, 2 garments tor $1.50 Grocery Specials Kellogg's Corn Flakes 3 for 29e Shredded Wheat 2 for 24c All laundry soaps 1Q bars for 70c Pure Cocoa per pound 15c 3 Cakes Palmolive Soap gSc Christie's; Fresh Soda Biscuits per pound 15c Extracts, all flavors 3 for 25c Forest City Baking Powder 1 pound can 25c 6 pounds best Oatmeal 25e 2 calls Pink Salmon. 25c This store will close every.Wednesday afternoon during June, July and August. 7 X63'.,�tt..:Y•9ww9r'u"&fe; im'imM 414,.av;. artisan tl:5, The Leading Furniture Dealer Funeral Director and Einbalinee Facilities tie s. and Service viCe nsIi rpassed SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO FUNERAL DIRECTING FINEST MOTOR HEARSE AND UP- TO -DATE . EQUIPIYEENT CU -ERA HOUSE BLOCK. I Market o The following is the' report the 1 eCeiA1 a z. ct corrected ted �i J Wednesday. Wheat 90c Family izlour $3,30 Manitoba Flour 54,10 Pastry Flour $3.35 Biala $1,50 Slavrts $L00 Feed Flour $2.,00 Dairy Butter 34c to 37e Eggs 20e Lard20c flogs $12,50 w4J.1� .p �y LOCAL 'A car load of Western Oats has ar- rived,-1-larvey Bros. Dr. Roulstou desires to announce that he will be absent from his, Dent- al Office for a few weeks on vacation. Mr. Alex. Stewart, of London, is holidaying in Exeter. Mr. and 11Irs 3. G. Stanbury and children, spelt the week -end at Bay- field. Mr. Al, 1CIcDonnel was ono" of tiie judges• at the Goder'ich races last week. Miss Margaret -Sharpe, of Bolton, is the guest of Mr. add' Mrs.. J. G SMal? ury:, Miss Mildred 1-VoocT is Holidaying with Mr, and Mrs. 3. 1..1 Gettler, at Science Hill. Mr. and Mrs. 1'. Robinson, of Win nipeg, visited Mr. and Mrs. "rhos Laing last week. , Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bradt and two children, of London, are holidaying with relatives in °town. Mr. and, Mrs. Ed. Crocker and two children, :of• Toronte, are holidaying With relatives in town. Misses J. Lake and L. Mennear, of Yonkers, N. 1., are visiting withrel- atives in this coninaunity. AIr. • and Mrs. J.- W. Vance, of New Hamburg, 'Visited Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Cochrane during the past week. "Miss :Verna dill, Rectory street, is Holidaying at her sister's, Mrs. N. ,Scott, of Exeter."—London Free Press. Mrs. W. B. Crisp, of London, is vis- iting with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Powell. Mrs. Crisp is recuperating from a re- cent operation. Miss Vine, Fisher, of I3amilton who has been holidaying in this comznuu- ity, has. been ill at the home of Mr. Richard Coates with clninsy. PHONE, 74J; Night call 74W The Rowe family numbering about thirty held a family picnic at Grand. azgazusasasuatizIsamt ..ma Bend on Wednesday of last week, it , — Mr. and. Mrs. .Chas. Coates, of Det being a Most enjoyable occasion. multzEmmr,sze> reit are -visiting uv with relatives in this _' Mr. and Mrs. Paul Coates who were y .. . zs s I community. They � came over with t t a d Alain Phone 102 Two St ores North Phorie 47 ARCTIC NEW _,r f,.SHMALLOWS DO NOT FAIL N CLOVER TRY CERTO WHEN HONEY MAKING JELLY. 11,4 lb. BOXES 5c, FAM -LY -ADE ORANGE AND LEMON 32 GLASSES for 35c. .PRESERVED SWEET MIDGETS SWEET GLERKINS 17 1.2c, a lbs SANISPOONS FOR YOUR PICNIC 15c. apkg. LIBBY'S SWEET MIXED PIChLES 40c. a bottle PIMENTO STUFFED CLUB HOUSE OLIVES 25 and 50c. IMPORTED FICKLED WALNUTS 40c. a bottle 25c..aboott ie 3 5c . a"` _ . 1aeitle '1114 visiting in Detroit. iblr. and hlrs. Fred J. Bili, son' and daughter; of Toronto slient the week- end visiting Mrs. Hill's mother, Mrs. Jas. Ford,who has been sick but is omswhat improved. Mr. J. W. Hogarth, who has been eaching school at Mathewson and for he past month has been taking the gricultural course at Guelph is holi- ayiag with relatives. M,r. G. S. Howard, who was in charge of the Boy Scouts at Bayfield last was called home on Tuesday ow- ing to the death of •a relative, Mr. Dalrymple, of.Hensall. Scout Master, Mr. Thos. Pryde went to Bayfield on -Saturday and is spending this .week ,in charge of the Boy: Scouts in camp there, Mrs. PrycIe and children spent the week- end and holiday with then. - Messrs. S. Windsor and G. Wind- sor, Mrs. H. Windsor and daughter, Ina, of Port Huron, Mich., arid son, Roy, of Brown City, Mich., motored over last week and visited with rela- tives in town, being the • guests of Mrs. Lamport. They took in the Rowe family picnic at Grand Bend on Wednesday. BAZAAR Twelfth versary Sale Thursday, August 10th. Twelve years ago, August 10th, we commenced business in ' yet we have come through Triumphant. this Stand,a ` ,thank the friends through stoodWe hare blundered and paid,mid many disco we w nitnt to by this store and put us wher andh s right Here, ever, ;nogrh Customer too; we a.ppreeiate your a e we are, This rs applies p n age; and now to celebrate we will hold a:nAN1VIVERSA Phonograph FEST of BARGAINS.' We are re -arranging our interior somewhat: mac'-10c---•1a�c and lac goods. ANNIVERSARY SALE,. a We want you to come out Thursday, August will1, -feature more : extensively, ourivelw'. conditions, and see. for yourself if this store does save real est` g l0 and meet Sou s Store Needsunder r our You, new m and on tde youYfr needs neoo You. This Town money, w n c andNeeds come anyway. Some Sparkling Bargains y'he11 know it, therefore its our . THis, Store. This g ins in following. business, �to see that you do g anis etc, Ch .Glasswarete'are Soaps p inaware, Kitchen Goods, Usefuls for Far mars All Goods Plainly IVIar ed To purchaser$ `of $10 or over on Sale Day, (except phonograph goods) we will present free a pri2e 1 $1.50, ,;A ate, A A, R PHO ]'E 55 TIE BIC VAI2IETy S 1,OR1 , ith the hnr hes QAVEN ril'%Sln)YTE14IAAN C1ILTBCII Rev. Jaynes Foote 13, A., Minister Union services in. Main St, Method-' ist church at I1 ;1, In. and 7 P. in. Rev, James Foote in charge. 14 a.zu.—Sunday School and Bible Classes, Boy Scouts will meet Friday evening. 'I JAMES STREE'1'IPIE`'IIO%D1'S'T Rev. M. J. Wilson, B.A., ,easter. Rey. Asa :Isestle, of Findlay,' Ohio; will lucve charge of the services "lit' Ax a_ iii. and 7 3 p.m.—Sunday School and Bible Classes. All Cordially Invited. 111&LN ST. METILODIS'p C1 Bev. Geo. McAlister, M.A (Phone 21, rs.)' 1.1a.iu. "Th Day: which -Night," iIRC ( has no Rev. Jas. Foote,: 3 'p. in.—Sabbath School and- Bible. Classes 7 p. in.—, "The Strong Alan gone' M arosg." Rev. Jas. Foote. BETHANY 2.30 p. ni — - 'he Minister. Y.,.P.C. A. The rooms opened to who wish. taiembers; SALVATION ARMY SERVICES. NEXT 'SATURDAY AND SG-NDA.'Y Ili the Town HaIl,. usual hours, ENSIGN .POI4TEIv assisted 'by Stratford Life -Saving Girl Guards,. under Lieut. Jean liac,Gillivray. 'Monclay'Night;,.3 p. Entertainment 'by 20 Guards and. Home Le"ague Sale of Work. Admission 15e and 10c. Capt. MacGillivray, officer in charge • HIGH-CLASS. INVESTMENTS ER'NEST ELLIOTT Matin Street, Exeter. Office, FOR SALE -60 Onion crates' in good condition. For prices, etc., see J. M. Ilarvey. FOR SALE -6 -Knife Root Cutter New; 1 4 -inch Tyre Upsetter, New 1 Straw. Ciitteri• New: Apply to Jas. Murray, Box 92, Exeter. ROUSE FOR SALE --Frame cot- tage on Main street in good repair; 2 lots of land; all kinds of fruit, large and sniall. Apply on the prem-* ises to Mrs. G. McLeod.` 't FORS Steel Range, -"in first class shape. Just half price. 3. A. Stewart. (Additional{locals on page four.) Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Vickers and, children, of Drumheller; Alta., a1 e here visiting at the home, of Mr. E.' Cornish. Mrs. Cornish is a sister of, Mrs. 'Vickers.. This couple went west about 10 years ago, and Mr. Vickers has done well in the hardware busi ness. ` Mrs. I'}ied, of Seattle, Wash:,,vis-,. ited in Exeter' oven• the -meek -end ,,the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Win.. Ker nick. Mrs. Fried was a Miss Balsden and a former resident of 'this Com munity. It is 23'years ago ,since she visited' here.. She is at present"vis- iting in Dashwood. Mr. J. S. Harvey and son Maurice, motored • to Elora last Friday- and were'accoinpaniecl home by Mrs " . Har- vey' who had been visiting; there and the Tatter's sister, Mrs. Clarke, also by Miss Gladys Harvey, who has tee taking the summer n course at Guelph college agricultural 11114II 'S'flAAY, , A17Gd7!` T e�11IIIIIIIIllmoII119i#III4III11ilfiilliifll{llllei7eo111rrnnoca ..............: .�." ,. PHONE 134. 4111.11.0 imouwee Name > UT CO ' ROS 'k10N1i 1t1'd,. Tlzis store will be closed, every Wednesday afternoon during ,Tune, July and August. flue Serge8ujta •:Tf,youhave, been waiting fdr an oportunittd y buy aolfood Serge at thelower prices-,, don't fail to see the Values we are offering at $a"0; 30,00 Suit and :$35.00, �, Voile Dresses 1 3 T3iit to -n# Bogen Suliilner DresSeS in Voiles and Or r ' " gaizdios, .Obese pei bleared at about' half their original g al price: Good value at Ladies Summer Vests is With or without .sleeves. Regular g 60 65 and 75c Inc.-iThey are good weight and extra special value .at Per Garment S •. ,. , feet vOc. The that will _,tare Linen. Roller Towelling best value ave have seen in years. 'An all linen rolier'towelling, wear well at per yard 30c, • tinolehnis and Oilcloths. In two and four yard widths.' Bring in the size of your roo will gladly show you ourm and we patterns and' quote you our price. 01.1110111 .1141.11, mew talftei 0114600 1132101.11 hamar _' - •, a ' - -, .. . [� Li . Illillll � IIIA ilIIIII lillili,l II�illflflilB IIIIIIIiiIllllllllllilEIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIII� Ilil�llllll ." illlllilH91111111IfII IJllliiglll(IIIIIIII � • CARLING B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer. Solicitor for the Mo/sons Bank, • etc. Invest your funds in . Vic- tory, Dominion - of Canada, Provincial and Municipal Bonds. Legal investment for Trust `Funds. At ;existing prices, from 6 per'`cent to 7 per cent can be obtained from these bonds. Orders received by me Money to loan at lowest rates 'of interest:' OFFICE— Carling ,Block, Main Street, EXETER, .ONT. iVHI. T IS THIS? Ever Knock 'is a Boost, if you knock in the right way, and, this is how T. H. Elliott knocks, if you bring Your Old Suits and Overcoats to him he will Knock the Spots off of; theme. So when you want any work of this kind done give him a Chance. - Shop opened every' day and ''Satur- day. night. ' . ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE T. "I3. ELLIOTT: ' FARMS FOR: SALE -A few choice farms in the Townships of Usborne, sn Tuckerith and Hibbert. Good ,buildings ancl,.we11 located as to mar- kets. Priced right. Apply to Thos. Cameron Auct.,B .-+'s,.'n''50n WA:A, an:W s.4, This store will be ---closed every. Wednesday afternoon during June, July and August. ents gats Borsalina King and other lines giant Suits for $20.00 GABARDINE COATS '317.00 to 322.50.5.50 RAINCOATS FROM $ UP SPRING OVERCOATS 315.00 ,TO. $25.00 MEN'S: SUMMER UNDERWEAR—COMBINATION SAND TWO ECE THE NEW SHIRTS,. CAPS, COLPIL4R.S AND -TIES ARE IN STOCK. - OVERALLSL-INCLUDING THE COMB1iv ::TION SUIT OVER- - ALLS. W \� _ • • Ax LS 4 Exeter. P O N E t E2:23 . nra"p�. " rte. ....vx§r w .F Yl ;lFn.M 6A n :fu.k F'4PY-31)i ores WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW, TTO `CLEANLINESS, SERVICE, 16 Oz. TO THE B. Choice Red SALMON 1 pound'• 28c. Special 4 B le nd n ea RICHIVIELLO Tea 65c, a po,und BREAKFAST Bacon 37c. a lb.( Quaker CORN FLAKES 3 pkgs. ' for 25c, Red Spring SALMON 1 pound nd trn39c.. c • a pound English Breakfast Tea 55c., a pout! heese" 23 a lb, SHREDDED, WHEAT 2 pkgs. for 25c. h` Whole Mixed Spice , sack 99c. ' 39c, a pound A E. TENNANT `Vetetinary Surgeon Office--McDonnell's-.'tables on John St. Phone calls receive prompt attention. .Phone ,26w ` New iron, pumps and Ilt,, rags in stock. Iron or .: wood pi: nips repair- ed; wells pumped out or cleaned. 9. a. V. CANN, EXETER Phone 115:; DR.JO IIN` `9AIID • r CPaj x opractic dpi Eleetrreal Tre<itznents 'for Chronic and Nervous :Diseases., Spectacles scientifically 'fitted'. Hours 10; to 1.2, 2 to 4, and by appointment:, Office --William. and Sanders Sts.• axi Service When going to Grand fiend give us a call,: e"re a.l%'a. Ba S a9 's readyy ,� �E 1' c Easton ..N a '!a"J. .=iv aixixt, ;nr .4+ ,Yi1t.TY93Fk ,M.41..diktok Good glasses if you need them Good advice if you don't. J. WAItb, D.C., Optoinetaist EXETER Cochrane ac hine Works ENGINES--.6, MB. "Z" 3233.00 ..3 h.p. ZBosch Magneto ' 3113.50.. 1i/2 h.p. "Z,,, 399.50 40 -Light Plant, -complete, $350.00" Double -Geared Jacks $1.5.00 GRINDERS -6 in. $40; 8 in. $50. 10 in. 356.300 CRUSHERS ---$71, $80 $100 & $115 Straw Cutter $35.00 Straw Cutter, with plain feed, $65.00 2, travelling feed $85.00 aird a Electric Iectric tiVasher $126.00 Belt drive 370.00 500 Ib. Scale $23.85; 1000'10; 327.85 Concrete Mixers, - Hay Presses, Stone . Crushers, Road Rollers; Threshing Outfits Case Tractors, Tractor Plows and Disks. We handle a complete lino of the areadian-Fairbazika Morse ,Co.,a,Igda.- Case Threshing Company, fs.lI repairs pr0,13ipt13? attended t