HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-8-10, Page 5U 1SD 1 , AUGUST 1(4,li, 192 U (YBONDALE ilurondale Women'sInstitute .f. held their regular monthly, meeting at the hoine of Mrs; H. Strang with a large attendaanee. At the iausineee meeting commit- tees were, appointed, to arrange for concert to be given in the nearfu- ture. The program consisted of an l instrumental duet by the ;Misses Pym and a reading by Mrs. A. Cudznore. Iiietructive papers oxz household Economy were given by Mrs, J, Glen and Miss Myra Morgan, Miss Morgan concluded by giving an. interesting demonstration on a New Method of cleaning silver. The meeting vas closed with comnialnitW ranging, .A social half hour was then pent. at which, Punch was served; The neat meetingwill 1 • be held at Mrs, W. B. Rydall's, Boll Call, My one Saper- s Litton. r, the following 1 For Fall '4�heaUse � Ferto ilizers. arers. Brands of F Buffalo Ideal 2-8-4 at $40.25 per ton , Economy '2-8-2 at $38.50 per ton Tip -Top 1-8-4 at $37.00 per ton P Acid and Potash 10-4 at $36.2p per,ton Phos. and Potash 10-2 at $3425 per, ton Sixteen Per Cent 16 at $28.00 per ton THESE PRICES F.Q.B. EXETER IN 125 LB BAGS. TERMS NET DEC. 1ST OR 50c PER TON LESS FOR CASH AT THE CAR. FOR SALE BY. Frank Wood OR AT R. G. SELDON'S WAREHOUSE Before buying car see the MODELNEW RS The Oar with a Good Name TOURING $1370 -ea. ROADSTER $1325 SEDAN $2350 COUPE $1525. F. 0. B. Windsor,, (Tax Included.) PANEL BODY DELIVERY CARS WIRE SCREEN BODY -AND, 'llla'�'rl��lli1i111�i111i111� ;;'il•l�l �,�, \� ^',\,�'•,1,\11111 stili i. Some • Real Bargains in Used Cars . OUR MOTTO IS SERVICE. Huron Garage Pilon Foote 1..W111. ;E Crediton Mr, and, Mrs, Will hilbor and daughter motored from their i,oane Ndwark, Ohio, and are visiting- L)ae former's rebmother,s ,s. Fred Pala er Mr, Harry Rapley returned to his home 111 Manilla., Ohio, on 1VTonda):, Mrs. Rale d daughter remaining. Rapley anis Miss - Muriel Nielro)son returned from Toronto on Fr'ida'y, The Misses Addle Gaiser and Lydia and Matilda Oestricher returned froxr, Guelph Monday, Miss Lytle Ifestle, ,, of London, is holidaying at the home of her sister, Mrs, Thos. Trevethick, Mr, and Mrs. 'Bl'oderick, of London z t the we i -enc in the village. sp0m t, e� 1. 1 g Mr„ and 1Vz}'s. H. K. Either and Miss Bernice areal, their cottage at Grand Bend for the month of August. Mr. and Mrs. Daphner, of Lansing, Mich„ are visiting the latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Gotlieb Brown. CREI)ITON PUBLIC SOHOOL , LOWER SCHOOL RESULTS NOTE: 1 Honors 75.100; II Hon. 66-74; III Hon. 60-65. C 50-59 sec- ond year. Elsie Brandau-Eng, Gr. (III; ) Can. Hist, (II1;) Arith. (0;) Algebra (I;)Geom. (I.) Melvin Sims -Eng. Gr. (C;) Art (C;) Arith. (IT;) Liter. (II;) Alge- bra (C;') Geom. (III.) Russell Eilber-Gr. (C;) Art (C;) Arith. (C;) Liter. (C;) Comp. (C;) Geog. (III;) Physiography (C;) His- tory(30;) Botany `(II;) Zoology (C.) Mary Holtzman -Gr. (C;) History (38;) Geog. (0;) Physiography (C;)' Arith. (32;) Art (III;;) Botany (I; )' Zoology (C.) Vera Mawhinney -Gr. (III;) Phys- iography (III;) Arith. (I;) Art (II; ) Botany (II;) Zoology (III.) Nola Faist-Gr. (III;) Physiogra- phy (III; ) Arith. (II; ) Art (C;) Bot- any (I;) Zoology (II.) 1st year. Alvin Finkbeiner=Can, hist, (TI; )' Botany.: (I;) Geog. (I;) Art (II.) Milton I'zulcbeiiier-Ceti. History (0;) Botany (C;) Geog. (C;) Art (C_) Dorothy Hirtzell-Can. Hist. (C;) Botany (I;) Geog. (SI;) Art (C.) Beatrice Haist-Can. Hist. (C;) Botany (C;) Geog. (C;) Art (C.) Herman Hauch -Can. Hist. (C;) Botany (II;) Geog. (I;) Art (C.) Phyllis Winer -Can. Hist. (C;) Botany (0;) Geog. (C;) Art (C.) Laura England -Can. Hist. 46, Botany (C;) Geog. 45, Art 34. Thelma Lamport -Can. Hist. 40, Botany (C;) Geog. (II;) Art (C.) C denotes a pass. Where marks are given the pupil has failed. Zion. Miss Grace Brock was in .London visiting friends last week. Mr. and Mrs. $ani'1 Brock, of Elim- ville spent Sunday ` at Mr. Thos. Brock's.. Miss Lila Taylor, who is making a name for herself as an artist, is off on a trip with Prof. McGillivray and class, in the interests of her studies. Mr. Robinson, of Toronto, is visit- ing with Mrs. J. Stephens. Mr. Geo. Brock's team attached to the binder ran away and the binder was badly bmo ken. Mr. and Mrs. G. Lingard are visit- ing their son, Richard, in St. Marys. 'Miss Thornton, of London, is visit- ing -with Mrs. W. J. Brock. GOING FARE RET'., RIMING FARE 15 ■■ {{�� ® ss i1y {i�� frSO®, CJ� aA lA I ■d. E $20 -� _ _. t0 Plus half a cent a,i ,tone, Saskatchewe McLeod and east, August lith ancl 21St -Toronto, Caledon East, Beeton, Meaford, Collingwood,PenetanS,Midland, parry Sound, Sudbury, Capreol and' east thereof in Ontario." Au C"1 and 23rd-Toonto, Inglewood and all stations south a' nd west " thereof in Ontario: Special brains Leave -(Standard Time) TORONTO -(Union Station) t NOON,0.00 P. • i., 10.30 AUGUST 14th1.2,30 • AUGUST 23rd -12:301.2.30 NUON, (3.00. P.. M. , 10.30; P. M. Por Tunes front Other Stations See Special Train Service Poster • _.. Without Chancre Through Solid 'rr�,inst i' �' Reasonable Prsce m Special i Ours for Women. Cony irt• i (berth) Colonist Gael% of Latest Desi„ies#auraet Cars on Special Trains -Meals and Lunches Served at Par further particulars .aPPl to nearest agentent Canadian National Grand 'lrunk Railwa•.. ys. NATIONAL REACHES DIRECT ALL.IMPORTANT DISTRIBUTING THE CANADIAN NA, CENTRES I6 'WESTERN CANADA •' r whendestit cl to ,rt point beyond', . "National , Via, to Winnipeg �" ]P Traver the y1? � A 44 'M4'XE$+'8. moNsTit R United Fartners Picnic at GRAND BEND on WEDNESDAY AUGUST 16: Sp eakers-Premier Drury, Wm, Black,M. P.; A. Melts, M. P. P. Sports, "of all kinds, Baseball mnateli irf the •znpring, 001110 and enjoy the day, at the lake, LAWN SOCIAL A monster lawn social will be held under the auspices of the U,F,W,O. and Clic U.F.O. of :'ousels, on the grounds of Mrs. W. N. Glenn, lot 23, con, 7,, Usboriie, on Friday evening, August 11th. Hon. Manning Doherty, Minister of Agriculture; Miss McPhail, M. P., Wm; Black, M.P., and Andrew Hicks, M.P.P., will be present and give in- teresting addresses. Gates -open at 7; program at 8 pan. Band in attendance; Admission 25c. Greenway Miss Hill, of Crediton, visited Tier cousin, Mrs. Gordon Ulens. Ruby and .Russell Brown spent their Holidays with their grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Steeper. Miss Emma McPherson is spending a week at home. Rev, Jas. Foster, of Varna, is a vis- itor with relatives here. , Mrs. Mollard, of Exeter, and. Miss Oiil, o'f Fonthill, visited at A, M. Wil- son's last'week. Miss Hudson is a guest of Miss Dev vina Mason, Mr.. Mrs,. Lawrence Pollock were in London last Friday. ` • Mr. Melvin is building a house for Mr. Stebbins at the Bend, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Shepherd London are holidaynig here. The Bazaar held by the Mission Band of the Methodist church on Aug. 14, was a grand success. The members of the band worked faith fully and are gratified with the result of their work. During the -evening Mrs, •Mollard, District Supt., of the W.M.S. , addressed the gathering. Proceeds $32.00. Our community and the Methodist church 'here have sustained a very great loss, in the sudden death of Mr. William Sherritt, who was found dead in a well on his farm last Fri - of Daslywood Miss Gould, of London, is the guest of Miss Rose Guenther this week. Miss A. Ziinnxer, Of Detroit;is vis- iting her parents. Mr. and illrs, Morenz, L. of 1-lalail rig t ton are visiting the former's parents at present, Mr. J. Hoffman, of London, spent the week -end with friende here. Mr. ID. Leonard, .of the Bank staff spent civic holiday at his home in Pores t Mr. and Mrs, Rutherford motored to London oa Saturday. Mr. Homer Guenther, of Water)oo,. is spending his holidays auris home here, Ira Tiernan, of Guelph, and 0. Ire- land, of Stratford, spent the week- end with the former's parents. Mrr and Mrs. D. Pfaff, of Sarnia, were Sunday visitors in town. Mr. and Mrs, W. Schenk, of Strat- ford, visited with friends here on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. I, Weido and Mr. and Mrs.Smith, of Zurich, visited with Mr, and Mrs. E. G. Kraft on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. C. Wade spent Sun- day with their daughter in Forest. Mrs. Miles, of Sarnia, visited her mother, Mrs. H. Bender last week. Mr. and Mrs. May, of Kitchener, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. S. Oestricher. Mr. and Mrs. Normyl, of Kalama- zoo and Mr. and Mrs. Henderson, of Preston, visited with friends Here_ a few days', last week. E. G. Craft, of London, is visiting her parents at present. Miss Betchel and Miss Doerpecher, of Waterloo, are visiting with Miss E. Guenther. Mr. W. J. Parker and Mr. Holiday, of Kitchener spent Monday in town. Centralia The Misses Elstons, of Exeter, and Miss Miriam. Elston, of Edmonton, were the guests of Mrs. 'Thos. Elston over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Keer, of London, and Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox and daughter, of Stratford, visitors at Mr. Thos. Neils for a few days. - Byron Hicks was in Montreal on Friday. Mr., Wm. Dobbs injured his eye last week it being struck with a chip of steel. He had it treated by, a spe- cialist from London and it is doing nicely. Mr. Portice, of Kincardine is looking after the blacksmith shop for him for a time. The fax people are busy gathering in the crop. day morning. It is thought by the 'The Hydro man was in Centralia doctor ,that in lifting the pump log" last week making preparations to be- gin the installation of the plant. Miss Lillian Richards , and Miss Mary Whittaker have left to spend a week's vacation at the hone of the former's parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Jack Richards, of CentraIia.- London Free Press. he took a'stroke and fell into the wa- ter. He:has lived in this section for nearly ,,.�far.ty years and, was ..well known far and near, being held in, the highest respect by all who knew him. He was always a faithful church member, always in his place and wil- ling and anxious to help any good work or any deserving poor, an ex- ceptionally - obliging neighbor and friend at all,tinres especially when anyone was in -sorrow or need. An added touch of sadness is the fact that Ire is the third brother to pass away in three months. His reward is sure but his place will not soon, if ever be filled. , Besides his widow he w sons his loss two leaves to mourn Herbert and George,. of Alberta, and four daughters, Mrs. H. Harlton, of Shipka; Mrs. Fields, of Detroit; Mrs. Robertson, Wheatley and Miss Mar- ion, nurse in training in London; also two sisters, Mrs. Crittenden and Mrs. Neil and two brothers, John, of St. Marys and Aaron, of Dakota. The funeral was conducted by Rev. D. W. Williams assisted by Rev. J. D. Sut- cliffe and Rev. Jas. Foster. Mrs. Sutcliffe sang a solo "Sometime we'll understand," and he was laid to rest in the Grand Bend cemetery, six nephews acting as pall bearers. Granton Mr. and Mrs.,. Albert Gunning, :of the Town Line spent Wednesday at Exeter visiting with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Abner Langford and son, Kenneth, motored up from Tor- onto Saturday and are holidaying with their many relatives: here in Granton. Mr. A. H. Switzer says he has hat- ched and supplied to his customers this season 1,950 chickens. The union services Sunday a. in. in the Methodist church were of a very High order, the pastor preached a very inspiring sermon. A duet and an antiienrwas rendered by the choir. After the first service the Sacrament was partaken of: by 120 members of Granton and Wesley and other chur- ches who happened to be visitors at the service; Mrs, Wm. Brock,'of Zion, and Mrs. Duffiei'd, of the ' Town Line near Granton were guests at the homeof Mr. John Wright Saturday evening. Mr. Frank Brooks, of St, Marys, spent Sunday with Mrs, :Brook's peo- ple here at the home of Geo. CoOk and 'Milton Harris: The Misses Alain, and Beth Hunter daughters of Rev, Hunte r are holi- daying with relatives at Kincardine. Trus. Jabez Wass, of Operville, is visiting here withher nephew, Mr. Morley Wass. 1VIr and Mrs. ,john, Wright spent ,, • , red. � 151; a Exeter and also \Z ed 1 u •ay 1 t e at Mrs, Seth Brown's,, A fool and his straw hat s.t Upon. Elimville 0 L • Costs, JUST 2 MORE DAYS Forgotten SALE POSIT1Vl?l.E Y .(iLOSES SATC'IIDtAi STI HT, AUG. 121h, AT MIDNIGHT, i+ RID; THEN BIG ' 1A°1"Liles' DA`' , AUG, 4 Hit the Trail That Leads Straight PARLMEWS STORE ITENSALL,O STARIOOQ Smash the"High-Cost-of-Living," Cost of;Lavmg"a rodY..,blow lybryii ? Ladle es' ane' Gents, Boys, Girls and Infants Shoes, Ladies and Gents I1ose and Under- wear, Mert'e andd Boy's Suits and Overcoats, Hats, Caps etc., at reductions that will save ycu many dollars. Last price Hatchet now Swung. Don't miss FRIDAY, AUG. itth, THEN' ]330 SATURDAY, mum 12th. Masters Roy and Russell Hodgen, of Seaforth, visited at the home of their aunt, Mrs. Bruce Cooper during the past week. Elimville Sunday School picniced at Grand Bend on Tuesday of last ed `week. A large number gathered and 11a hada very enjoyable time. Miss Lorena Johns, of London, vis- ited under the parental roof last wee':: Mrs, Meters and grandchild, from Mich., are -.visiting with Mrs: Thos. Bell. Mrs. Win. Hannah and daughter 11 visited in the village on Sunday. The many friends of Mr. Chas. Johns.are pleased to see him out a- gain,. Sacrament was administered in Elimville on. Sunday, Three young ladies were united with, the church at. this service, Mr. Frank Smith, of London, spent the week -end at the 'some of his uncle Mr. John Cornish. Mr. Will Skelton visited at the home ,of Mr. and Mrs. John Johns on Sunday hast. are soon Zurich Unbeatable sins SUITS 5 LADIES' SHO �+ S Malates up to $3.50 for 98c and up. MEN'S S I $20.00 Values for $9.98 $28.00 Values' for $12.50 $45,00 Values for $26.40 MEN'S RAIN COATS $20.00 Values now $1,4.40 $7.50 Values now $3.45 BOY'S SUITS x;5.75 and up. Worth Double. MJD 'S CI$OES From $2.85 and up MEN'S STRAW H A TS $:150 Values for 95c L:4 DIE$' SILT( HOSE• $1.00 Values for 62c. Everything in the store Reduced. and then Reduced.. MEN'S OVERALLS $1.50 Values for 950 LAD1E$' .SILK WAISTS $4.50 Values for 75c Entire Stock at Similar Reductions Never before in my past 25 years of Bargain giving have I been able to offer such, price inducements on Seasonable Merchandise of Quality. Counters and"bius have been refilled and prices cut a little deeper. Friday, Aug. 11th, then Big Saturday, Aug. 12th, Then all is over. Meet all your friends at Mr. R. Litt, of Toronto, is visiting for a few weeks with his parents Rev. and Mrs. J. G. Litt. A quiet wedding took place on Sat- urday, July 29th, at the Evangelical parsonage, Zurich, when, Mr. Robert J Mcllwain and Miss Ann Harrison,; both of Goderich Township, were joined iii holy wedlock, the Rev, 3. G. Litt performing the ceremony. Miss Dorothy Truemnet, nurse, of Toronto, is'holidaying with her par- ents, 1V1r, and Mrs. Harry Truemner, Mr. F. C. Kalbfleisch has sold to an American firm his flax fibre' still on band from the season of 1920. He is teaming it to I-Iensali fOr ship naent, Miss Helen Foster is spending a few weeks vacation at Kitchener. Mr. Win. Siebert, Jr.; of Kitchener is spending his vacation at his Route here. 5 of Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Wickens, Beller, Alla, are . visiting relat prion > Ives and friends here, Mrs. Wickens is a daughter of Mr. C. Hey, Babylon Line. and Ma .- .FJ.O'Dwyer, Drs 7rirrnon, operated on Miss Mabel Hauch, daughter of Mr, John Hauch, 1.4th Con:, on Tuesday, tor this r--. rrioval of her tonSi s. PAIILMER'S STORE IOENSt1T,L, ONTARIO. Thames Road Mr. A. C. Whitlock, of St. 'Thomas,, and Miss Mabelle McNaughton, of Lon, aver visitors in tips neighbor- hood on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Benson Williams and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Williams, attended the wedding of a niece in London ,on. Wednesday. Farmers are busy plowing for fall' wheat since to Brains have prevented further harvesting for a few days. Oats are all cut and promise a splen- did yield. - Rev. Footer. of Exeter preached. in Bethany on Sunday. Rev. McAlister is spending his vacation at Winnipeg. The skinny have a slender chance of keeping cool; but the plump have fat chance. LOWER SCHOOL RESULTS On -Wednesday", August 2nd, a re- union of the Coultis.family was held', at Grand Bend Park by 'saving a pic- nic. Most of them diad arrived by 10.30 and till lunch was served at 12 o'clock a general good time was spent. Shortly after arrival, Geo. Willis of London, and. Wni. Blatch- ford, of Toronto, who are camping at the Bead` arrived on the grounds with Quoits and horse shoes and with blood in their eyes. And by the way the above two are the champions of the Bend in this line but they found out to their sorrow that in Wni. and Henry Coultis they had met their' Waterloo. J. G. Jones was the offic- ial referee and by the way, he certain- ly enjoyed making his decisions. Af- ter lunch a base ball game was played by campers and others. It was a good game and enjoyed by all, score, not to be mentioned.: The ;beach was the attraction for a few hours in the af- ternoon, where most of the party en- joyed a dip in the waters of Lake Huron. On arrival back at the park we found horse shoes and guoiting in general being played with the old op- ponents still doing battle. Tea was served at six o'clock and after the re- freshing breeze and good time of the afternoon ample justice was done ,to the same. After some discussion it was decided to snake this an annual event and an executive was formed to make all arrangements for the next annual picnic. The event of the day was yet to take place. It' was a soft. ball game between ladies and men, the men to play left handed. To say there was not some fun would be drawing it mild. The ladies had the men beaten from fl ire first: inning. We are somewhat at a loss to know to whom to give credit for this famous victory but some of the credit is cer- tainly due to Miss Bernice Larkin for her most excellent pitching, but at the, sari:e time we think more' credit for the ladies',victorY was due to Geo. Hind who was referee as he seemed to have the ideathat every ball thrown was a strike and the batter got the notion he had better Make an The s. attempt to bit, the ball anyway, game was witnessed by a large num- ber and the full was certainly enjoyed by all. There were 52 metl:hers of it. � Ago r.at 9 o'clock n 'l r reset .rt �hef'z yl t a general move was made • for the , waiting automobiles to carry all to i their varloue homes. 1lave you gheuntatism or Neuritis, Sciatica, Lumbago ? Now Is- the time to get,;i•id of it. Nature Is doing all she; can for you. Just' •help things `.along. Get ae. box of Templeton's-,Riieumatie Capsules from your Druggist and you will soon be fit 'and' well again. , TH�,F Siarl;ddrd Rem s; Sold by,Hawey's Drug Store CENTRA! rthlts 'bi5l�; «l,l:, Free Mail Course The leading Commercial School in Western Ontario offers a free course by mail to those who purpose entering Business College in Septem- ber. By "home study" you can shorten your -school term. Our grad uates are meeting with success. Write at once for particulars. D. A. McLachlan, Principe THE DOUBLE TRACK ROUTE Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT and CHICAGO Unexcelled dining car service. Sleeping cars on night trains and, parlor cars on principal day trains., Full information from any Grand; Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Ilok `" ning, District Passenger Agent,{ Toronto. N. J. ''DRE, Agent, Exete Phone 46w. Wire Fence ALL FULL GOVERNMENT GAUD" NO. 9 HARD STEEL. WIRE 6 line wires, 40 in, high, 9 stays. per rod 33c. 7 line wires, 40 in. high, 9 stay per rod 38c 8 line wires, 40 in. high, 12 stye per rod 47c Compare these prices ' with in order fir,ns. LOW O R PRICES IN LARGE LO ti'V rsiding,. 40.00' bite Pine 1x0""V `a in 10in. and 12.' White Pirie xx8 , $40.00 AS1ip11ait.,Shingles, 'B. C, Ced Shingles, Cedar Pests and iota ,'.. N ,r Lrsg't es, Frost Fence on hand. A.J. T, kt•il RA. 'TO