HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-8-10, Page 1r`' ORT'I.'-SE'0ON.D YEA E.X E'TEIS°, ()NT., THURaS. 0.R 1�, LN 0 p AUGUST 10th �.4 1u -�. r�IIIl1(1111l11111rllllllll1111111111111Illllllldll1111lIiI I!!IlIIIIIIIIIIIlIi9!!l111111111IIIIiI11111111111111111111111111l1111111111111111111.4 4.010 .1.0.1406 • earitig Sale: White Slippers h� Ca ' '„ i���� O�tl�� . , If you require a pair of White Canvas to finish out the hot weather this is your opportunity. We are clearing out alI our best t selling s, of Ladies' White Slipper's, With, rubber or leather soles x _ Oxfords, Strap or Buckle Styles at a spall iia ction over cost. ;All styles will be oil our counter where you can look them over • i yourselves �tincl the narked on each of thea!;. 30 pairs of Women's OxfQrd, s at �2e59a pr... These lines are over front last season and inelude Oxfords and Tie Slippers. What -Fancy can You get better to wean, for every • day wear? They sold ree-ularly for $5;00 to 11'7.0 0 a pair, are made of the very finest Kid leather, but as these styles are not right up-to-date we offer the whole lot at per pair $2.50. ead these Prices on Children s Outing Shoes Child's White or Brown Sandals rubber poles @ $1.10. Boys' size 11 to 13 Running Shoes @' $1.39 Youth's size 1 to 5 Running Shoes e $1.5 0 Salve. Line as above, with heels @ $1.98 Misses size 11 to. 2 White'' Canvas';.Slippers @ $L3 en's res Calf 'ark®BoOts 80 pair Men's ens Urus Calf Wort-b oots waterproof, best value on Ea the 4.50 per pair: • � n a Patent Buckle Sl e�.s at 3.75 a pP � pair V7ust received a new lot of Women's and Girl's Patent Buckle 'Slip- pers, extra fine ;quality, Sold regularly Y $5.00pr. tV.II to go @ $0.75 a pati Men's Khaki Combinations at3.1 � 9 Special line of above gariuents good weight, good large, fitters, Sale @' $3.19. 0 Bloomer Suits for Boys at $6M0 These suits are right up to size 35 for age 16, all good- 'cloths and colors. Your choice @' $6.00. Bargains in Cildreng' Whit e oSe In- Sizes 51, to ,10, extra special • value to clear @ •35c. Men's'' rown Slater Oxfords at- $6.50 iilen's Brown unlit la Slater Oxfords @. $6.ar Q. Only eight pairs left, best quality Slater Brown Oxfords. Dont miss this chance a $6.50. Also: cheaper ,line' @ $4.50. Store closes Wednesday afternoon during, -June July and.August. Au ust. PHONE 'S'2" .roes •r: 11. y7. C7i'ec ctl° I tizllc v`, .int ! a'c:e lxa e: s I`ro�1li ;__Ilea7x1as11, 'L"rt �:. 3 a .tphy Guts to ` eafortlr. Pile slnnual bowling QUtXlanlent an the til c;ter,gr,aent" oil \Vedue5day was a splendid si: s, 3 :licit. rinks tak- 'I h rrecttl:or ws ideal and eoriR. itCreoc11's 1riiil ww oil tlio'r•eeress.11a1Ir:1)tirl.zu, f hiit� rtl ell,,E OSetif-wophwit;hS.lung e day'four ra�iaes �.., IVE1rG played b a '' eacli, rink, ` lie twa 1ii •ho a fig played two Por the first trophy aiul tho next t;ww^o = 1 for the llearnan 110 lily. The stand- -I ?ng of the different rinks is as. fol- . eeoh .wester, won 4 piths 36 'tiI. Du It n,,;.ltatci sl , w.an ,4 plus 27 r • r � Jr, Renews, Seat(Pla,lii, wvon 4 Plus 27 ,= t R. S 11 d a r Ei q}tor won 4, its1:8 411 ra111,, ,CJi n, won3 flus 29 'E. 3 Christie Etiet*r, won 3 plug 24 --IC . B Sncll, Eiete,r,,wvan 3 plus 17 Dr. 156anc5l1 , C1 ig, nom. 3, plus 15 =' C. A 1:>ow•r11 Straat,ord,> soon3 plus 14 A, Hempi11.111, llens411, w•o 3, plus 14 F. Hurt. "Gociclich;" tsroll3 pins 9 R. E. G oegor b T Llif.t wvon 3 plus 7 N. T Dar c, E�.eGer, \50i 2, plus '5 L, G, Caxnei)a , Gpd , :Ch, won 2, plus4 3. Grifht-h; ' I Kan.R..0 , o 011 2, plus 0 T. H. ?McCurdy,' B8`vtl eld, wen, 2 alit .1 C. C. Gordon,Lan:,.;, .5 '�11u. won' 2, miri5 Hurry :Morrow,. -.Low12..C, (von 2,min.18 " J: G. Gochrrtrie EsFter, wn n. 1 m:n. 1 417. Igo rier:Bagshaw 11 as Fortuna to = 11', Gcocily a, II,cnsail7, ww4an' 1 traits 4 on. Monday in assisting a to • 1 1922 Locals iS Several milts of bowlers went to or„L[o11 Moij,day to take pant in a x11'1 ilYI9 L: Li;, IG1'l91) bowling tournailJeil$. Tliey played a couple o1`,games in. tile'11101`laing but 1111. JQhn Pedlar wvas in Lon lou on owing the 1'ain Elle toriry was Friday last whore he ul15011 eat all called 011111 1\T0ii'day 0f nc t ty'eelt.. oper'ation 101 the 1•iivloval 0f his, 469 °noth:1°1:12.01 ink4lrswentorigia. eyeMr. Pedla i hasheldtrou 11011.talewithhiseyefr80016tinge,\\bin roildolrvisti�ig �11y . .. . was able to return home on Saturday.,': Tr••ulnper had the misfortune to lost= tenserthc;ir.A.irdale,'Tlaig"' through MITCHELL 'RESIDENT ENT IS ,Ii+'OiTNIi poisoning. 1L is not lcu0-;vn whether Yt' 1 the noiSOxling. was asintenf,'0nal ol��, 1 w�k�e- tl),err:tlie dog got hold of some poi- S011 that was left for acts. I'lie dog will be greatly missed by the family as it was a• special favorite of Mrs. Trumpet, and the children. The clog was pure bred and valuable: k7Al) IN i,31Ei) William Pepper, a well known res- ident of Mitchell was Pound dead in bed early , b.a C.�tt.y U11 ,C'l1daY:'vwrnili„' last by his wife. Deceased, who was a 101111d farther, was in his 6btli year, and was well !;shown ill the coin -mull- ity. He h lel been lu 11is,,u5rial good health all clay and ,retired about mid- night. A, large family. Survive. FRACTURED Li CP 11Ii, Ji'red Luxtox, wvl1� -has been making his home with his 'daughter, 1VIr's, :uc 'alis, of Bidduiph," had the misfortune on Tuesday of last week' to fall and fracture Ills hip. Mr. Lux- ton line not lieeli'well'Tor soxue, time but he was improving and was just beginning to get around with the aicl ',of sticks when the unfortunate acci- dent, occurred. SAVES 'YOUNG' 'MAN 1'.t RO.'al OI1055TNING save a _': "Fred .Robi.p,son Sen,lorcll wvon,t teig-e8 Young man from a watery grave ave ;a't L. S tw1 1111 , It•N. wen' 1, minus -8 Grand Byoung Three men were �2tt.o-w.Exeter n 1., minus .9 in bathing when elle ofem got into Rev, \IcC:ullough,• . . o131.'.Weii 1 n1'n:. 11 trouble and called forh Z =1G. Singleton, CreU,•, won "1:, minus e, p.. ' The m N. Fe big, ;Si a,tford;,' won 1, minus 16 beach was practically deserted at the Dr. Green, . Windsor ,: Ovcon 1, 137 n,us 21 time owing to rain but, Mr. Bagshaw S,. G. Bawden, Godarich, wail: 1.; inin25 succeeding in bringing him in, after• I)r: :i3asalting,>. Lucn,n,; '12en. 1, minus 1 he had gone down twice. The g 2 yollu,, Yellow was unconscious and it took about twenty minutes working over, him before Ile Was resuscitated,. i)1, :I-nrcPe, Hcriisall,; wan 1, minus 27 1'Il l.. Falsaold : Dns'1:.,p; won. 0, minus' 26 \1T':E11n)enl:t,; Scailortli won 0, nii;nu3 26 -Finals for Free P ess Trophy r --I PHONE 32 �� iilllllllll _'_ llllllli111111I Nfllilllillll111l11111111111111111111111111llllllllllllilllllilll . ,_ _ _ �IIIlIIIllillllllllliilllll1111(IIIIIIIIIliI111111iIIIINiIIr. ,rte,. 36v,A.'ue.n f xr.t.. Gold tE Medal Fork `Ropes an i h�� � de Rope er e ®u nd. p •a ; �!sal Fla For c.ou er p pa. n Gold Medal Binder Twine 14 1 Cl 5 e.:9 p t� cent`,.®ff all Base�al l Gloves 15c g e e' r cern off .ail Per Lawn lowers .' t.. S mer.° Goods HAMMOCI s'"gs U1':`,.. PERFECTION OIL STOVES ' SCREEN DOORS $2:45 $2'6.00 SCREEN WINDOWS 35c t GARDEN ROSE 13c FT:: SCREEN WIRE'. 200 per yard. COW EASE FOR SPRAYIN CATTLE CA TLE AND HORSES; $1.00 and $1.75 per can. TINSMITIXING AND PLUMBING ardwar°e• PONES 273 "Dependable" Used Cars Every tised ear: accepted as part is 1 Ynlent for a new .Dodge' Bro- Chers car - must be sound 1 • mechan- ically Y and priced light; then. • s',• carefully reconditioned. A Sample •B ar i An Overland 85 Touring;. roomy, comfortable -riding car; running fine and worth $800; will sell for $675, and guarantee service; ,. or will' trade for Ford and cash, , t 'Exe1( 0 W. 15. Sande( s I-. \V. Fake. 'VV. J, Ilea iian R. N. Creech, 1 Finals for Seaforrth W. 1). Bright D1. :Ilo59 • Dr, IIcl�aw Dr. Burrows, 1 ',Kitchell • G. Sreeter G :Sawyer ➢r_ 1TcGill S. ;Durkin, 10. e13121tn Trophy. Exeter Wood's l ::Ste5'011 1\1 W. Taman 2. R. G.' Seldon S Mr. N. J. Dore, station agent, is on his holidays and he and Mrs. Dore motored. to Toronto, on Thursday. Mr. W. R. Mills, of 'Centralia is re- lieving here. W141.'SHERRITT, OF STEPHEN 'IP. DROWNS 1'3 WELT, Fw A sad drowning fatality' occui•ed on Friday last when 'William Sherritt who lived on the south boundary of Stephen Tp, fell :into -a well and was. drowned. Mr. Sherritt, who was 6S Years of age, had arisen shortly after five o'clock in the morning ands had planned to go over to his son-in-law's •to:assist him with harvesting the oats He had, backed the buggy. out and Mrs. Sherritt had placed some things in it to be taken along. When 11r:, Sherritt did not return to the hotttse about 7::30 Mrs. Sllerrtt •went out to call him but not getting any response she became i ne aux' t l0 1s ' and started a !she Failing to locate him she Called iii some of the neighbors and about eleven 'o'clock his body was found well uear the barn. Thewv well 'is fifteen feet deep and water is piped from it into the .barzl. :Soiue of. the Unifier around it Ilad become; aYed and id a piece ece of log had gotten ifi to the 1671. It is thought that l -Ir. Sherritt -vas endeavoring to get the log out `arid in so doing he had -,got down and was standing on: the pipe which leads to the. barn and, in: some lnaunel• he fell in and was cl.rownecl. The depth ,of the water was about en feet. Mr. Sherritt carried his watch which stopped at 7.30. Coron r Dr. Ilyndman.was called from .P..S � , •- IjI ter and decided that an inquest was unnecessary. The deceased wwa5 twice married. Besides his bereaved- widow, five children (tong the first faniily•and a daughter from the sec- ond. family survive. The .latter, is a ulse•in training at Victoria hospital, 1 ondon. ' Twobrothers and 15. 1) ris- ers also ,survive; Joluf, • of Granton id -Aaron, of Minnesota:. 'Mrs. C`rit- eiiden, of London and Mrs. Neil, of aIton. This is tile third'7efe11, 2 '1i ge Sherritt fancily sviti in the past !tree Melilla. Mr. George Sllei•ritt` Grand •Befxd, died `several 1Vee2(5' go after an illness of some duration. 1. r. Thomas Slierritt of Detre. tl i' 1 a couple of weeps ago the result of of his son, 'William 011 Walker, w5 h0 •vias killed in the Great War.. The tablet is bea,tttiftllly iJlu]trated and bears 1VIr. Walker's llatn1. W. 7. CIITSIIOL11:1. " I 478• RICIIMONI) ST: LONDON .e BORN MOORE—I,ii Exeter on August :2nd, to Mr. and - Mrs. A. E. Moore, a son (1VIurray,:Iiegwood).` • SNELL—On Thursday, Aug. 3rd, at n the residence of. Wm: North L Northcott, Jr., of Hay, to Mr. and Mrs. Witt. te of London, a son. ail DEITZ---At Mrs. Paterson's hospital, ,t FTensall, - on Sunday, .'July 30,' to \D Mr. and Mrs. Win. Deitz • tl of Kip- pen, a daughter. t LOVE—In. Hay township, on July of 31.st, to & r. and Mrs. a Gordon Love a son. 1VI D 1_ED ESSERY—Iii Usborne, on Aug, 10t11, Margaret Dempsey, beloved wife of Sam'l Essery, aged 82 year's, 5 months and 9 days. ]+ tlneral Sat- urday at 2 p, in. GILLESPIE--In Peace River, Alta,, on August' lst, Fred H.Gillespie, belayed husband of Lottie Hazel- wood, formerly of - Irir•Icton, Ont.,1 and son, of. the late John A. Gilles- pie il1es pie of Exeter, Ont.Interment in i diiionton on Aug. • 5th. 31l'I'(;1LI+;L.111 CHILD FALLS IN BATH IS FATALLY: 1C.1,h.,I)IE1) !Whale his lnotiier was preparing his btitllk;R„Nlvednesday night of last iweek, the three -Peer -old ,son of Mr. and Mrs. James Scott, of Itaitchen fell into the hot water, and was so severe-, i ly scalded that'lie (lied early -, next, morning. Mrs. Scott hacl only turn- ed away to get cold water when the child 11 : 11,,i11g abort the,r0011t•fell in- to the bath_ He was their only child and the parents are nearly distracted with grief. :l3.LSI"t CRAIG DI,. WEDS A quiet wedding took place Thurs day morning in Cronyn Memoria Church. London, when Dina, (laugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wood; o London, was married to Dr. R. J. Hamilton, of Ailsia Craig. Rev. F. Anderson officiating. The bride, who wvas unattended, ;wore a smart travel- ling suit of old rose homespun, with. French. halal -made,. blouse; and rose hat. ` The Happy couple left for a trip down the Hudson planning to re- main in New York for sore weeks, where Dr. Hamilton will take up special. hospital ospital work. UNIQUE CHI41ST NN1NG An unique christening ceremony was performed in front of the Baird cottage, at Bruce Beach, on Julys 20th and inthe ' light of two blazing fires in the presence of 100 cottagers, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. R, Glynn, of Sarnia, who are 1 i old time friends of Mr,. and - Mrs. - Baird and, were guests at the, ! cottage bad' their 'little daughter, •. iatlilee n Elizabeth May baptised ,in re waters o Lake a ,iron by -Re -kr. J. 1` t. II tI f L 1 FT \ <1xd assistec 1 b Re lI1 1 Y v. i Barn- 1 wvell and Rev. 1Ir'. Barnaby. Mr. Baird went back to Sauna with Mr. Glynn o. I'1 - 1 nla• y .v to tape the;:�Sabbatll servicessof a n Old, Boy's Reunion Oil a former • charge near there. 1 . Z\.iNNL;its I`a IC1IIIi`.LON OAT 1 C> ITION, S cit 21 .3. OPS C011l[�Er Ti -in following ;.s the result of n the and.,n; Oat Crcp Competition co4ai- 10t 1. by the -Agricultural Societ}-,- its More 87 3-4; I), Roger 87, W. w lac,- Se 3-4, Jas. .Robinson 86 1-2, .'s Shier82, PI„ ,Bretirour S1 1-Z, W. "-thin 81' 1 4.,. :rho iucbge \vas -3. \1cF':ta?ani, 'Esse., Taster Nelson Wells had the -mis- fortune to fall from• a bicycle and in so doing fractured his , left; aria be tureen the wrist and elbow., The Exeter Junior, ball team went to Clinton on Monday. to take part iia. X11 tournament in coni'ection with the big celebration being held there. The toys defeated lTensall in the morning 10-5 „alicl i i tele afternoon they were beaten by Clinton 12-5. Mr. •Jas Wtl1ter, of • the London Road South, r eeeived 1) 011 ,Ottawa a c let handsome bronze table in' mentor Y Poe 5.4 � to 12i5� 11a,r \vurstlu*ig, who 1x11111 0 11 0111 :1x1 01111G.if1) 1 10 w ltoslzita1 fol Op71endieztis; e home Satit7 day anrl 1s pi o l £aver ably, Bett's ry!j Why buy bread that(, 11121(1. of town when. ;you Can get,: Jest of Bread: made right t Monte. Patron i; �0. (121 T_2 2 .tn(itYtj l'.K.^, 5 .....„....h :Z 1: 1 0):% 11.(1 ,S11111111s(1 ix '§1042. .:1 magnificent r evlval of � rand. e<rtlli Blit; ln'f,d•,ietori_ Made in Italy by scenes from the world's I- 'nous 1101•c,1 I1' 1-1(1'11 , Riewicz. • The ,, le persecution of the Christians at Dawn of an era. --The Battle f' the. Gladiators in the arena. ----±,sus' rescue of • o_ Lygia. from elle b<�n1r. of a maddened • Uttl:l. -? court's intrigue, 1Qr tile favor i of the might',” (resit,, —The burning of ;Rome to provide o theme for Nero's 0001,--1. ;e cab; tan captives depoured by the score of !loan. I 1 zs &luparallelled in the history of the 'motion. 1 n10y10.1 picttlI'e 'VV.O1'1C1. More drama thrills, beauty, sensation than a dozen ' � - en o1Qrnala 7)1c,t,tr S. 9. powerful story of the wildest ruler in Iiistoi — S ve1.E_ story;ivhich wrecked, an empire. Y. Po,w c._ tug love PRICE: 9.DULTS 40c; CIII;LDR]sN 20c A box of bonbons will be given away to the lad holding ticket on Saturday evening,�'a 1 01 Aug. 1 � tri, and- on Tuesday, Aug. 1? lucky Friday and Saturday, Aug. 11±1x. and 12th, Marie ':Prevost in "Nobody's Fool. Comedy *Drama. "IIit of the Season. Usual Comedy and Serial. We have -the e fa oua. Fe Ral� ' 'Let s eo)nstrate a complete - set o:. sell -fou any Parts you may need to band you m. ®3�V.timle. for PHONE 9 a ti faction ervice _ That meat is down in price? and it will pity you to get oux 11'i. be buying eiswhere. When you thresh, let us supply you with a choice ogee Meaty .Roast. Delivered any: time. 0110100 Beef, Pork, Veal and Spr I ing Lanzb, all the time. Have your Cooked Meats andI3a Co Machine Iaehiue Slieed.` Meat g LMarket WHERE QUALITY IS HIGHER THAN PRICE. a fall flout a loft'while potting away I some hay. He }vas 87 years old, ' IN 1'IEMORIA31. In loving 111011101y of .Private Wil- ' 1iallr Gordon Walker killed in action, 1 August 111:11; 1918, • Not dead to us we love ha clear, Not lost, „but gone before; 416 IiveS wgitlx 01 111 memory; And will f(i1•evel^nmre.'' ee s 111111111 1111111 111111 � i(�lllfilliiiiii((illilll � � • .J , . ... il((I1i1111.I�1�IIlil(I(111((li((11((I(il��l• , We know -you 'wvi11 when we"tell you that the Jute drop in India is so short that the price of all the Jute sacks we have to buy have <tdva c ^3 n ed � 3 and one third.'. , . per cent the last • t-ivo 610111lls and nowv are twc,i.oe the price _ khey� were a feww years •ago. This is• becoming b ous ' anatter. for mille zs <tncl we al0...i-taking'you to •`•`1 AVI str .IgE ,119", anti kindly bring along sacks .when �� You leant I c.t.cl. of airy. kind...• If 'any of., J s.tcics are around your lgi3nge will , -` M1•. R. N. Rowe £ol• the sec°iid time in succession slipped the rink that carried off the chinaware at the Tues- ='-' day evenilig bowling tourney on the local greens. The rink was 10lnpos- a ed of W. Sanders, II, Sp c;k.ma i, and 1. N, liolw''. They won 1' ant in the -� ast encl. 'The winners of the Second prize were: Tilos, I'rycle, Jas. Grieve incl Wm. Rivers, (I Prortl Father, Mkther,, Sisters and 1 Brothers. you not r01.12111 thein, please? Our rices for ,ke � I c.ecl are ,tx e bulk prices include the saek, nd do not WM. in eat 1111111!111111iiiiiillill11111111111111i II"'"`" rt. v.,