HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 2009-05-06, Page 19opming
Local artist focuses on orchids
Bill Creighton, a retired professional
wildlife biologist now living in Goderich,
has spent a lifetime in capturing the ani-
mals and plant life of our region in artistic
ways. His paintings. which show a passion
and a concern for the environment, will be
featured during the. month of May in the
Goderich Co-op Gallery.
For many. years, Bill and his wife Sha-
ron lived on a very different kind of farm
which was mostly stony and wet, actually
containing twp marshes. But Bill knew that
this areas would be the richest and most
productive of all habitats for nurturing and
observing wildlife. Art expresses his con-
cern for the loss of habitat which many
species have had to endure, and lately he
has been focusing on wild orchids of On-
tario and their environment.
"The world is such a fascinating place
that my wish is to paint what I know and
have experienced with great gusto and ac-
curacy," he said.
Painting at first exclusively in water-
colours, Bill now also shows paintings
in oils and pastels. His historic hero is
John Muir, an American botanist who
was wandering in a tangled swamp near
Bradford, Upper Canada (later Ontario) in
1864.He found a beautiful white Calypso
Orchid just when he had become discour-
aged about his search. Muir later said I
never before saw a plant so full of life. It
seemed . pure enough for the throne of the
Creighton's concern for the natural en-
vironment has prompted him to donate
many paintings and prints to Ducks unlim-
ited, the World Wildlife Fund, The ruffed
Grouse Society of Canada and the Ontario
Wild Turkey Foundation helping to raise
funds for these groups to protest this wild-
life. Hopefully through Bill's painting of
wild orchids , these plants too will become
more protected and appreciated. He says,
" I try to capture these breathtaking plants
but also the environment in which they
Bill's art has won numerous awards,
and been exhibited across Canada . he is
represented in many private collections in
Canada, the United States and Europe.
Come to the Goderich Co-op Gallery to
see Bill's workon display. The gallery is
open from Monday to Saturday, 10 a.m. to
4 p.m. and a working artist is always on
duty. For more information, visit www.
gcgallery.ca .
Catholic board collecting donations
During the week of May 3 — May 9,
the Huron -Perth Catholic District School
Board will be celebrating what Catholic
education means to students, community
and to the province.
This year's theme is "Catholic Educa-
tion: Good News for Ali".
It is sometimes difficult, perhaps even
often difficult, to find good news in to-
day's world. The deepening economic
crisis, the real fear of many parents that
they may lose their jobs, the unsettled
military conflicts across the globe make
scanning the media for any good news
stories a challenge. And yet into this
gloom light shines. We witnessed the
election of a fresh new American Presi-
dent who a. weary world embraced as
a symbol of hope and of a new start. —
"Yes, we can!" And in this world and at
this time, we in Catholic education, are
the feet who bring good news, who speak
of peace, who say to people yearning for
hope, "Yes we can!"
Catholic Education Week 2009 will
feature special programs and presenta-
tions of all grade levels and will include
prayer celebrations and service activities
in all of our schools. The public is cor-
dially invited to join in the celebrations of
the many school-based activities in their
community. Director of Education Mar-
tha Dutrizac explains that, "although this
week is intended to focus attention on our
schools - parents, Catholic ratepayers and
the public are always welcome through-
out the year to visit our schools and expe-
rience Catholic education at its best."
The public is invited to visit Catholic
schools during this special week and to
participate in activities and share in the
excellent student achievements that will
be highlighted through Catholic Educa-
- tion Week 2009.
As a follow-up, each school is partici-
pating in the second annuat system-wide
$i PIdieet called "Stuff
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That Bus!"
This project allows students, staff
and community members a unique op-
portunity to come together as a "caring
community." On Tuesday, May 12, all
school communities will participate in
a food drive designed to collect food for
our local St. Vincent de Paul chapters.
There will be four buses, donated by
the Murphy, First Student and Kipfer's
Garage bus companies, who will travel
throughout Huron and Perth counties to
collect and deliver food donations. Last
year alone it collected over 20,000 food
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Godench Signal -Star, Wednesday, May 6, 2009 - Page A17
Canada's prettiest town
TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Town of Goderich passed By -Law 50 of 2009 on April 27, 2009 under
Section 34 of the Planning Act, RSO 1990 as amended.
AND TAKE NOTICE that any person or agency may appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board in respect of
the By-law by filing with the Clerk of the Town of Goderich, not later than May 26, 2009, a notice of appeal
setting out the objection to the By -Law and the reasons in support of the objection and accompanied by
payment of the fee prescribed under the Ontario Municipal Board Act ($125.00).
AN EXPLANATION of the purpose and effect of the By -Law and description of the lands to which the By -
Law applies are contained in the attached By -Law and a Key Map showing the location of the affected lands
is attached. The complete By -Law is available for inspection at the municipal office during regular office
Dated at the Town of Goderich
This 6th day of May, 2009.
Larry J. McCabe, Clerk -Administrator
Town of Goderich
57 West Street
Goderich ON N7A 2K5
(519) 524-8344
This By-law proposes to change the zoning on Lot 833 and Part Lots 809, 810 and 834, Registered Plan
457, in the Town of Goderich — known municipally as 45 Nelson Street East. The property is currently zoned
as Residential High Density (R3) and was formerly used as a retirement home.
The purpose of this application is to change the zoning on the property from Residential High Density (R3)
to Residential High Density — Special Zones (R3-16). The existing building is proposed to be converted
to an apartment dwelling v✓ith 12 affordable housing units. The proposed project was approved by the
County of Huron under the FederaVProvincial Affordable Housing Program, which provides capital funding
for affordable housing units. The special zone recognizes the setbacks of the existing building, permits
the unattached outdoor children's play area to be locategl within 0 metres of a door/window of the on-site
building only, exempts the requirement of individual privacy yards for ground floor units, and permits a
reduced number of parking spaces (minimum of 8) to be located in the front yard.
Town Council passed a resolution as required under section 34(17) of the Planning Act to account for
chaiyrs that were made to the By-law to address concerns identified by the public relating to the minimum
number of parking spaces and the potential location of the Children's Play Area.
This by-law amends Zoning By=law 38-1985 of the Town of Goderich. Key Map showing the location of the
land to which this by-law applies as shown below.
1i� 15 100
IMAM/13W DT at -LAV 11547
®Zane chanBe tmm R3 (Residential High Density) to R3- 16 (Residential High Density - Special Zones)