HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 2009-05-06, Page 4Page A2 - GWcich Sgrel-Sta. Welresday. MaV 6.253
Town talks trash as residents use Square cans
Dave Sykes
signal -star publisher
Garbage containers on The Square
have become convenient receptacles for
household waste council learned at is
last meeting Monday, April 27.
The town's parks superintendent,
Martin Quinn, told council that his de -
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partment checked every garbage bag in
a number of containers and found that it
was largely household waste.
"We opened every bag and 60 to 70
per cent of it was household waste,'.' he
said. "It's an ongoing problem and we
checked four to six cans and found the
same kind of garbage every time.'
In fact, Quinn added that he watched
a retailer on West Street walk out of a
store and take a bag of garbage over to
a container.
"There's a real problem of commu-
nication about garbage collection," he
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said. "And recycling is a real problem.
There's a lack of respect for recycling in
this community and I know people try to
do a good job."
"We found needles in garbage bags we
checked and .other things that shouldn't
be there."
Deputy -mayor John Grace lauded the
efforts of the parks department but sug-
gested the problem wasn't going to get
any better.
"I appreciate your diligence in check-
ing but this problem won't go away," he
said. "Other municipalities are noticing
a huge increase in garbage dumped on
rural roads. It's a big issue and summer
is coming."
Councilor Heather Lyons suggested
that bylaws had to be enforced and that
letters might be sent to building owners
in The Square area advising them to pro-
vide proper containers for disposal for
As far as Mayor Deb Shewfelt was
concerned, the solution was clear and
"It's really quite simple. A clear bag
and a sticker," he said.
Groups support pedestrian events
From TOWN, Pagel
"applauded and supported the
BIA in helping to build capac-
ity for Goderich to be a desti-
nation, to visit and participate
in the social, cultural and recre-
ational events in the downtown
core area."
In a separate letter, a group
of concerned citizens meeting
since march 2009 to encourage
cycling as a recreation, sport
and transportation option, en-
couraged the town to close The
Square for festival events.
"We believe that a festival
event that would celebrate The
Square as a bike and pedestri-
an -friendly public space would
add vibrancy to the core area,"
the letter read. "A street closure
would present an opportunity to
support our downtown, its mer-
chants .and its vibrancy while
promoting transportation alter-
natives to the motor vehicle."
The letter, signed by Con
Melady, Aleksander Radan, Su-
sanna Reid and Gilbert Vanden-
heuval, said the group would be
pleased to contribute to a pro-
cess of public consultation.
The letters were referred to
the BIA and the town's tourism
Goderich could host chainsaw competition
eve Sykes
signal -star publisher
Ladies and gentlemen: Start your
The town of Goderich is going to
pursue hosting a two-day chainsaw
operation course under the direc-
tion of the Ontario Parks Association
Parks superintendent, Martin
Quinn, brought the proposal for the
training event to council's attention at
its April 27 meeting, after London, re-
nowned as the Forest City, backed out
of hosting the event May 4 and 5.
OPA officials asked if Goderich
could take on
the. event and
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following discussions with Counc.
Ray Hurd and Airport Manager, Ken
Bogie, the town agreed to go ahead.
There are several trees on the air-
port property that require some trim -
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ming and removal and hosting the
chinsaw training -session will help
the town shave a few bucks off the
required work.
The town has agreed to move for-
ward with the event and town em-
ployees requiring training will be en-
couraged to attend.
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