HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-8-3, Page 1Eciox D YEAR—No: 2278 EXETER, ONT., THURSDAY MORNING, 111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiIIIItIIIiIIIlttIlli!!llllllllllllllllllllllilllllllilllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ILIIIIIIiIIllliIIIIIINIIIIIIilllllllll p�►�,EXETrR SCHOOL W � .,]G r Q a i• ,. SECOND 1'fJltM „ Roam aiapc MINIM • Clearing Sale White Canvas Outing Slippers If you require aof air White P W t Canvas Slippers: to finish out the hot weather this is your opportunity.:, We are clearing out all our best selling lines of Ladies' White Slippers, with rubber or leather e soles, Oxfords. Strap or Buckle Styles ata small tra etion over cost. All styles will be Y on our counter where you can 'look o P � them over yourselves selves azkd the selling price • marked on each of them. 30 pairs of Women's Oxfords at $2.59 a pr. These lines are over from last season and include Oxfords and Fancy Tie Slippers. What can you get better to wear for every day wear? They sold regularly for $5,00 to $7.0 0 ;a pair, are made of the, very finest Kid leather, but as these styles are n of right up-to-date We offer the whole lot at per pair $2.50. Read: these, Prices on Children's Outing Shoes Child's White or Brown Sandals. rubber soles @ $1.10. Boys' size 11 to 13 Running , Shoes @ $1.39 Youth's size 1 to 5 R unning Shoes @ ,$1.50 Same Line as above, with heels @ $1.98 Misses size 11 to 2 White Canvas Slippers @• $1:39 Men's Urus .Calf Work -Boots 30 pair Men's Urus Calf Work -boots, waterproof, best value on the market @,,4.50 per pair. Patent Buckle Slippers at $3.75 a pair Just ,received a new lot of Women's and 'Girl's Patent. Buckle Slip- pers, extra fine quality, sold regularly @ $5.00 pr. All to go @ $3.75 ` a pair. Men's Khaki Combinations at $3.19 Special line of above garments good weight, good large fitters. On Sale © $3.19. 20 Bloomer Suits for Boys at$6.00 These suits are right up to size 35 for age 16, all good cloths and colors. Your choice @ $6.00. Bargains in- Childrens' W hite Hose In sizes 51/2 to 10, extra special value to clear @ 35c. Men's Brown Slater,POxfords at $6.50 Men's Brown Slater Oxfords @ , $6.50. Only eight pairs `left, best quality Slater Brown Oxfords. Don't miss this chance @ $6.50. Also cheaper line @ $4.50, Store closes Wednesdays -afternoon during, June July and August. PHONE 2 .Tones PHONE 32 AUGUST" 3rd,, 1922 a fete awe (✓ n A o S as n l i,ix Ordr— n. a et'cal ti b k t • Ed. Aleizvoxt,i,,,Ruby Creech, 112aur- ...., iCe I+arc Mian Lulu ,F.ulton, Mary Cxil•- ' fellarr Z Loyd 1:(aist, Florence l lar- vev, Fret! Heanzari, E ii t iJorney,Laura tCti:ghe N?�eel% :vledv, lfan,na nlurray, C-,e;LI Sanders, l ennet1 Stanbury,.Li1- • la til. Snell, Perri • Lhoinson, Mariiain- Woods: =1• r B' -€."•ower Sclloal, all but ,one Sub .. Celia teach ” 'Art Mar iiorne , Gramnkar. ® rang.J' Homey ea• Ruth �-'a� Hint u 1 Ge. t .E � i �I. Lampert, ='1 -Phys c1ogy ; Isabel! Murray, Ar.i�t.h- ._, matin. ; Benson Tuckey, Art; Tom i X cl'law, tl'rt. 1 "C''—Lower ject,s— cool u11 ;but two sub - 1 1 f aqJ -Lho krtrk A.11 but 'tji.ree eatn...L. I' Helen. DgSi'1nt ' - Ali' -but ':lemur Gsuhyec:ts— 'Bertha .Russell. The folloivim , .,obtained all they tried— Izenb Ste.ivat 6. \f; 'Neuf 2, Lyle Statham 2 Tb_rd farm nup ls completing last years subjects, ', ow ..complete.. Gertrude 'Franciis passed in Gram. *V rilet Ratcliffe,' passed in, ari,tli. "Mary Elmorthy, passed 6n Arith; 'Aurelia Andersten, FI'.rt Gram., Georgraphy. "V Whit e.silde, ,Art. SU\I\LARY 176 attempts 'rt" papers; 161 sue- c eSattrl. FIRST' FORM These pupils take four papers, Grammar, Canadian History, Botany and Art. A—All four . subjects; names in alphabetical order,- Alae Abbott, Marguerite Aldworth, Alvin Alexan- der, Grant Collingwood, Crescent) Dayknan, "Elsie Gardiner, Herman Gower,. "Elizabeth. Hamilton, Oscar Harrison, Howard.'' Hunter, Ruth Jory Maud Miller; N. Garfield Thompson, Helen Wether, O;I ve Wood. B-3 Subjects,` Francis Abbott,. George Beaver, Bland Campbell. Charlie Campbell, John Gilfillan, Wand Von Wasciuski. Charlie Glad man, Leonard Gre1.. .elarguerite Hackney, Ella I -tufts, Harvey Pollen, Tom Prycle, Verne ,Roulston,. Bruce ,Muckey, C -Obtained 2 Shlijects, , hrnelia Acheson, Charlie Acheson, Fred Ford Hazel hackney. D—The following obtained all the subjests they tried:—Dorothy Snell 3, Ruth Andrew 3, Florence Walter 1, La Belle Kay 1, Bert Gardiner 1, Aegrotat—(I11) VV.". Allen 1. Summary, 144 Attempts, 119 Suc- cessful; Grand Seminary, 300 Attem- pts, 280 Successful, or over 90 per cent. LEE Min tilimiiiilliimI1111111I I1111111111111111111111111111111111111111III1IIII11111111111III1111N011111IIIIIIIl1111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi IIIIIIIIIItII`r USE old Medal HayFork Ropes p 3,0 . and 35c. per pound High Grade Sisal Ha rork y_ Rope at 4 c. per pound Gold Medal Binder Twine 14 l p2c. Clearing Sale 15 per cent off all Baseball`: Gloves & Mitts 15c. per cent off all Lawn Mowers ►um ex Goads. „HAMMOCKS ,$ ND. SCREEN DOORS $2.45 PERFECTION ;OIL STOVES $26.00 SCREEN WINDOWS 35c GARDEN HOSE 13c PT.;' SCREEN WIRE 20c Per yard. COW EASE FOR SPRAYING CATTLE AND HORSES $1.00 and $1.75 'per can. TINS1171THING AND' PLUMBING •ealnan and I'1IO1JES ' 273 c cependablei':, Used Cars Miss May Armstrong who recently underwent all operation in St. Jos eph's ho9pital, London for appendic- itis is progressing favorably and is expected home the latter part of the week. FIRE AT WINCF1ELSEi. CREAM - ABY On Thursday of last week the roof of the l\ i rchelsea creamery caught fire it is supposed from sparks from the chimney. Mrs. Henn was passing at the time and noticed `the blaze. She informed the men. at the -c`ream- ery, who with the aid of the hose with Which the creamery is Supplied, Every, used car accepted as part payment for, a new Dodge .Bro-- 'thers car must be sound mechari- ically and priced right;. tinea is carefklly reconditioned. A arra le Bar ++ Touring; roomy- An Overland 85 comfortable -riding ca,r; running fine and worth $800; will sell for ..$675, and guarantee service; or will trade for Ford a.nd cash. 478 RICHMOND ST. LONDON. 17.1".0. MEETING A. meeting of the Farmers' Club Will be held in Senior's Hall. on Wed- nesday evening, August 9th. BORN JOHNS—In Centralia on August 1st, TURTLE to Mr. and IVIrs, , Louis Johns, a Airs. Robert 'Morrison, of Detroit, daughter, Elsie Irene. was the victim- af an ant° accident Locals A on 1.yetit i hasbeen Circ,u ato 1' i r d r Hensall for the paving of the Maim stree The 1'1 e petition lias been large- ly signed, enough signatures having been secured to warrent action by the council: FIRST NEW WHEAT The first to deliver new wheat at. Haryey:Bros. mill this season was Mr S. Parsons who threshed in the field the wheat on his grass farm in Ste- phen. The wheat tested, 61 pounds to the•- bushel. It was threshed on Wednesday of last week and deliver- ed on Friday. FALL 1VIIEAT PRIZE1VINN`E[IS The following are the names of the prize winners in the standing Fall Wheat Crop competition con- ducted by the Iairkton Agricpltural Society.' lst., Jos. White, 94 points; 2nd Chas. Atkinson, 931 points; 3rd Milton 'Hooper, 911/2 points.; 4th, -Jas More, 91; 5th, John Berry, 86; 51h Wm, Harding, 651/ ; 7th, M. Broth our, 85. E.J. Mullins, South Wooclslee; Judge. TWO RINKS 0'IE FOR HONORS The Friday evening bowling ;tourn- aments on the local greens have been very popular this season. There was a good turnout last Friday evening. There were three on a rink and each rink played three games, every man skipping. Two prizes ` were given. 7,Iessers' E. J.\Vethey, J.G. Cochrane and R. N. Rowe were tie for the first place, with Dr. Hardie, •W. J. Statham and N. J. Dore, each rink having three wins and 17 plus. Two ends were played to decide the v. h r er•s. and R. N. Rowe's rink won out. • MRS. DIG_NAN PASSES After hovering between life and death for several days the spirit of Mrs. E. M. Dignan tool'its flight ear- ly on Tuesday morning when she pas- sed away to the Great Beyond. Mrs. Dignan' had been ailing for several months. She was in the primeof life being in her 44th year. She was of a bright disposition and her pass- ing will leave a vacancy in the home the church and, the community. Mrs: Dignan\s maiden: name Ayes Helena llowara. She was born in Exeter and spent her whole life here. Be s 73 F' f T E ides her bereaved husband she is • urvived by two children Howard and elen; also two sisters, Mrs. V. Tench, of Wetaskiwan, •Alta., and Its. Wilbue Martin, of town. The !!!!!! uneral "(private) will be held on hursday afternoon, interment in the xeter cemetery-. (Additional locals on page four.) MAJN ST. AND CAVEN OHIJRC.HES HOLD SUCCESSFUL PICNIC Main street Methodist and Caven Presbyterian Sunday Schools held a union picnic at Jowett's Grove, Bay- field, on Wednesday of last week:' There was a large attendance and'a most enjoyable time was spent m games, races, boating, swimming and bathing. Those taking no part in the races and games had a pleasant time in visiting 'together and, seeing some' very good: sport. Ontario street Methodist S. S. of Clinton, held their picnic on the grounds on the same day. Mutual soon got the fire under Control but arangements -Were very agreeably not before a fair sized hole had been made for the use of tables and play burned in the roof. grounds. During the afternoon and evening, three base. ball games were PETTY TUTEVING played between Exeter and ,Clinton. Night marauders have been visit- The first, played during the after rg the property of lir;. C. F. Iloorier noon between Exeter boys and <Clin- ton boys was won by Exeter,. score 6-5. .After supper the Clinton' girls plrtYed Exeter girls, soft ball and won o`tit by a score of 20 to 13. Then followed a game of hard ball between the married - men of the two places. Each side:' bad to 'get two or three single. men to make up their team. Exeter won by two runs. A game of soft ball was put on by Exeter ladies. Mrs.' W, Ballkwill and Mrs. C. Ala- worth were the captains, Mrs. Balk - will's team were Winners leading by three runs. The following are the prize winners in the races "6 years and under—boys, Erie Griff, Ray,Hutchinson, George .El- liott. - Girls. Doreen Cardwell, Vivian 1711ic)t1. 7 to 9 years --Boys. Howard Dow- ell, Stewart Griff.' Girls, Lois Sta- tham, Gladys 1lutchinson,13uth Balk- on Main street and helping themsel- ves to material that was intended to be used in the erectiou of his new res- idence encl. store. While putting in the cement foundations, a nuniber bags of cement were left outdoors one night and in the morning ten of the bags were missing. Since that time his pile of lumber hes been shrinking and quite :1,./let' Of it' has been carried off. Neighbors report that on several occasions' they have heard parties on the premises during the night. 1,V)IctIAN KuiLti.,,o NEAR GRA NI) BEND WH,1911',/ AUTO TURNS ,pReemmete__At, Dr. H3rndinan,s Hos_ on Friday morning of last week when en July 28th, to Mr. and the car in which she Was riding turtle Mrs. S. R. Prebbie, of Ilderton, a son, (Francis Reginald.) LOVELL—In London, on July 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. George Lovell, a PECK --In Hensel], on Tuesday, July July 25th, to Mr. and Mrs, Wm. ptiOin IfowARn—In Exeter, on, Aiignst 1St Helena Howard, beloved, wife of Mr. E. 111, Dignan4 in ber 44.111 ecl turtle and her life erushed Out, Mr. and Mrs. 11,forrison and maid, were oil their waY lleme to Detroit oast of Grand 13end the ear overturn., ed while making a, turn in the road. IVIrs. Morrison, who waS seated in. front with Mr. Morrison, 'eras pinned beneath the back of the Machine, and died in a few minutes. 'I'he other two °seeped Serioue injury. The ac- cident lia,ppened abont 8,30 o'clock in the miming. The decea sed was about 60 years old., Tier re- inkin8 were taken to Parkhill where 'an inquest Was held by Coroner Dr. years—Boye,Oecar Tee- ' irey,, Bob Garnbrill, Jack Girle,,Velma Caldwell, Marjorie Medd Irene Blerling.. 12 or over --Boys, Bruce Tackey, Edgar Rundle. Gitls, Margaret Ald- Young Men's Race-13reee, Walker, °Sear Pfaff, Charles Young Ladles' Ftace—Vivian Ho- garth, Greta Mitwson, Lillian `Milker. Clothes Pie Raee—Boys, 181, Bob Gambrill; four boys tied for 2m1 Clothes Pin Raee, free for all— OI+,�;, von (''. % ll.&' `Twenty one Bo Scouts is rn cir�ti° e g of Scoutmasters, Thos. Pr 1 � Yt e, G. S. IIoward "and J ksGrieve left 'Wednes- day merging for Bayfield where they will go into camp for two weeks. The boys have been looking for'wa:rd to Camp for soizte time and no doubt will have a most enjoyable time., Civic Hloli ' MONDAY, AITGTTS1' 7 tli,. .1922 'Has.b been e proclaimed Claimed Ck`vc Holiday for the Village of Exeter and all citizens are hereby requested to gov- ern themselves accordingly: htaishinatlloty ci11' B. ,W. F. I3E_a VIJRS; Reeve. Store; closed a.11 day 'Monday 'The an ztu rl rink 'UU}'Yl,aikt� tellrnt� { meat of the Exeter 13otvlint '. )ulr, will b Iiel r a 'held next ,, ) t We d c 1 n { t' 9,1 X . Ile Free Press , r S5 do � . ti It mai/ trophies are ..ua.) for ,vorrtliet:. anti valuable ]mets. Bctt's I�onle 13akery 0 Why buy bread nkat -is made out ' of town when you c: 1 ger 1.11e best of `Bread made right; . at home. ,SPECIAL Poi FARMERS:, ATTENTION Vi/heat orFall Use� the following Buffal Brands Fertilizers. Ideal 2-8-4 at ,840.25 per r ton „" Economy 2-8-2 at $38.50 per ton Tip -Top 1-8-4 at $7.00 per ton Acid and Potash 10-4 at ' ' 25 �p3tl.� � per toll Phos. and Potash 10-2 at $34..25 per, ton Sixteen Per Cent 16 at .828.00 per ton 77 FOR SALE BY Frank Wood Your Storore Battery is the Heart of your Car. We will test it free at any titne. We re= build old batteries and als'o carry several good lines in stock, atisfaction ervice 'That meat is down in, price? and it wi I pay yo to e our p e be- fore buying elswhere. When you thresh, let us supply you -with a whie Meaty riOk Delivered any time. Choice' Beef, Pork, Veal and Spr ing Lanab, all the time. Haye your Cooked Meats anclBacon Machine Sliced. River's Meat Market WHERE QUALITY TS HIGETER THAN PRICE twaronen TIE We know you will:when we tell you that the Jute crop in India is so short that the price of all the jute sacks we have to, buy have advanced 33 :Ind one third per cent the last two months and. now are tWice, the priee they were a few years ago. This is becoming a serious matter for millers and we, are asking you 10 "HAVE A HEART" and kindly bring along sacks when you want Feed any kind, 'It any of our sa.cke re around your home will you not retern theme plea,ee? riees nd co tot Our priees for Food are a = inelede the seek. kiamomifir