HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 2009-04-29, Page 17Goderich Signal -Star, Wednesday, April 29, 2009 - Page A17
Time is nigh for Christian Heritage seat
Cheryl Heath
sun media
Jim Hnatiuk believes the House of Commons has room
for the Christian Heritage Party.
The Nova Scotia -based leader of the party, which was
fomied.in 1986, is on a cross-country informational tour,
designed to promote how the CHP has a place in the Gov-
ernment of Canada.
Though the CHP has yet to run a candidate that wins a
riding, Hnatiuk believes the time is nigh.
Pointing to the CHP's strong pro-life and anti -big gov-
ernment stance, Hnatiuk says his party is different than any
And more importantly, he says, the CHP allows its can-
didates to openly espouse their beliefs while other main-
stream parties shy away from the practice.
"We call ourselves the right conservatives because the
Conservatives are beginning to move left in order to win a
majority government," he says.
Pressure to toe the party line is another reason Hnatiuk
believes in the CHR He points to government subsidies for
political parties that meet set criteria as an example of an
imbalance in the nation's political structure.
"The difficulty is larger political parties have political
subsidies," he says, noting parties must capture two per
cent of the popular vote while fielding 308 candidates in
order to qualify, which is a difficult feat for new and fledg-
ling parties.
"Where is the' fairness?" asks Hnatiuk, suggesting the
time has come to do away with the subsidies.
Hnatiuk first became involved in the CHP around 2000,
when he found himself becoming more interested in poli-
tics and how government works. A former naval -electron-
ics technician, Hnatiuk, the father of two adult children,
grandfather of three, and husband' of 35 years to wife, El-
len, pondered creating his own faith -based political party.
Then he came across the CHP on the Internet.
"The more I looked and talked to people, the more I
wanted to know," he says.
Since then, Hnatiuk became an active member and in
2008, was elected as party leader.
That reality is a full-time job for Hnatiuk who has been
touring various parts of the nation in his quest to boost
support for the CHP.
"There are good men and women who want to speak
their convictions but they don't have a party to back
them," he says.
He notes public support for the CHP was overwhelming
initially but the Reform Party, which was created around
the same time, drew in many of those supporters.
One of the CHP's pillars that he truly appreciates is its
commitment to family, including a policy that would see
See HNATIUK, Page 36
ACW Township approves budget
Denny Scott
signal -star staff
Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh Township
Council approved their operating budget
for the following year, and the price -tag for
keeping the area afloat is $2,610,175,
Notable expenditures are mostly building
and road repairs for the township.
Council approved roadwork that will see
many roads repaved or resurfaced, as well
as repairing or replacing many bridges. They
passed the entire budget during a regular
council meeting on April 21.
Lanesville Line, Maryanne Street and
Henry Street in St. Helens, Belfast Road
Partial, Horizon View Road and Brindley's
Beach Road are all slated to see reconstruc-
tion this year, with a price tag of $375,000
for the entire package.
Huron Sands Road will be repaved with a
final estimate of $125,000; and Zion Road,
between Highway 21 and Kintail line will be
resurfaced, costing $210,000.
Big ticket items for the township include
a tandem truck with plow equipment, which
has had $220,000 budgeted for it, as well
as a tractor with loader and roadside disc
mower, coming in at $85,000 and $15,000
respectively. Council passed a resolution to
puri ,lase the tandem truck during their last
Drainage, a hot -topic issue during recent
council meetings, has also been forecasted
for the coming year. The Port Albert Drain-
age system will be reviewed for future ac-
tion at a cost of $30,000. Maitlandview and
Century Heights, two areas plagued by leaky
basements due to rising water levels, will'see
extensions added to their storm sewers to
help alleviate some of the flooding problems.
The extension will cost $30,000 as well.
Adminstrator/Clerk-Treasurer Mark
Becker explained that, due to increased land
assessments in the area, ACW only raised
their tax levy one percent from 2008. The
tax levy is the amount of money the town-
ship needs to collect, not the amount of taxa-
tion on individual residents.
Council needed to raise an additional
$25,845 to meet their new levy.
Becker explained that an average home,
assessed at $100,000 in 2008, would experi-
ence a near ten -percent increase in property
value, and be assessed at $110,000 in 2009.
The amount of taxes paid to the township for
that home would be approximately. $449 in
2008, and $462 in x.009, an increase of $13
Tax rates and assessments have an inverse
correlation; when assessments get higher,
taxes will level out or drop, as the local gov-
ernment will be recieving more due to the
assessments. If assessments get lower, gov-
ernments need to raise taxes to make up for
the change.
Other big-ticket items for the budget in-
clude the replacement of the bridge on River
Mill Line, costing an estimated $306,900,
and a scale and building for the landfill de-
partment ($120,000).
Photo by Cheryl Heath
Jim Hnatiuk, leader of
the Christian Heritage
Party, was in Huron
County last week as
part of a cross-coun-
try tour.
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HOWDECCR, QOOGS, 8ECONG, FRiqrs, AvRais, jemmy, R IL
40nfc1)•io's L41.-nihiee_V,1lraee
Yre constantly hearing about The eco Energy retrofit
program rebates, the Cool Savings rebate, the home •
renovation'tax credit as well as manufacturer'sincen-
tives. You might be thinking that either you don't qualify
oryou have to spend a lot of money. The good news
is that you probably do qualify for all of them. I'll try to
rglay to you some facts.
Tobe eligible for the eco Energy rebates you must first
get an Energy audit completed on your home by a
Natural Resources Canada energy advisor. The advisor
does a test on the house and does the paperwork to
record your eligibility for the rebates. More information
is at http://oee.nrc an.gc.ca/residential j
pe sonal/grants.cfm?attr=4" It's not
Complicated and they are giving away
sortie big bucks. The province is now
matching these amounts dollar for
For instance; even if you already have:
igh efficiency furnace, and you
t eco it with one t. at is more efficient
arid` fas.a'brushless DC motor forart;
installed price of about $3300.00, you
back $1300.00. You can also get
rioney back for upgrading too more efficientair
oncitioner, or upgrading windows, in tiori~.low flush
bets and more. Of course, if your old furnace isf't i ugh
efficiency, you get even more money,
he best patt is that sortie of thesesame upgrades
qualify for more rtes bn top of th0Seof the eco
energy program. These ones are eat ase they
't require an energy audit.
e've Got
the Answer.--
The Cool Savings rebate applies to upgrading furnaces
and air conditioners through participating contractors
until December 31, 2009. You can get up to $5.54.00.
More information is available at http://everykto
wattcounts ca/residentiat/coolsavings/
York has rebates up to $1700.00 on Furnaces, Air condi-
tioners and Heat Pumps until June 15, 2009.
The Home Renovation Tax Credit applies to qualifying
upgrades done to your house before Feb 1, 2010. More
information is at http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca%hrt% A tax
credit of up to $1350.00 is available.
Smart homeowners are currently acting on these incen-
tives while the programs are still in effect. There are
already people in the Clinton area that have: received
several thousand dollars in combined rebates. lfyour
furnace is 15. years old and your' central air is 10 years old
or older. you snould be thinking
of upgrading this year. There
are furnaces and air conditioners:
now that can eventually pay for
themselves in electricity savings
alone. The rebates just make it
easier.•l'II;give you one more tip
tk�an;energy audit now. lrs a
busy year for the energy advisors
and you need to get on their list. There
are local Energy advisors available: Call us for
names if you like. And don't wait for the furnace to comic
out. The old equipmentYls to be in place forth en-`
ergy audit, The best way to s�°rs by calling US. Ill show
you what you qualify for, give►youa free quote and you
can then decide if an.upgrade would be in your favour.
Cali .Jeff at Wise Energy ryl