HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-7-27, Page 8AR F,ORGOTT1 N FOR THIS WEEK'S CLEARING OF Summer ilierchandise 9 rir Ladies' Canvas Shoes 98C Geo!' Styles, All Sizes Se $4.00 ` Values 9$c $6,49 Serge Sport Skirts $6,49 "Finis Season's StylesPleated and embroidered; Navy of Black. 75c Ladies' Linen Motoring Dusters 75e A real investment for saving clothes. , � X1.65 Meti s $2425 Overalls $1,65 Just when you need them and 'you save 50-75c per pair. $1;00 Men's Straw Hats $ 1.0-0 t. Any Straw or Panama Hat in the store for $1.00. Values •, up to $4 2 for $150 Men's Balbriggan, Underwear 2 for $1.50 Zimmmerknit, first ;quality, 2 garments for $1•,50 Grocery Specials Kellogg's Corn Flakes 3' for 29c Shredded Wheat 2,,for 24c' All laundry soaps 10 bars for 7.00 Pure Cocoa per .pound 15c 3 Cakes Palmolive Soap 23e Chrislie's Fresh Soda, Biscuits per pound 15c Extracts, ,all flavorse3 for 25c• '; Forest City Baking Powder 1 pound can 25e 6 pounds best Oatmeal 25c 2 cans Pink Salmon 25c •This store will close every Wednesday afternoon;. during June, July and August. tewart Tie Leading Furniture eater,. Funeral Director and E l almee Facilities and Service Unsurpassed SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO FUNERAL DIRECTING, FLNE'St'MOTOR HEARSE ATvb' UP- TO -DATE 'EQUIPMENT O1 -ERA IrIOUSE ' BLOCK, PHONE, 74.1: Night call 7 4W A Main Phone 102 TWO Stores North Phone 47 B. C. PILCHARDS 10c. a thu CHICKEN HADDIES 25c. a tin FRESH SHRIMP 5c. a tin New Pure Extracted' Honey Per Pound CANNED BLUEBERRIES CANNED: PEACHES LIBBY'S HAWAIIAN PINEAPPLE ,yr THc. TIMES Market Report -Os following 10 the report et that Exeter ]turkut; corrected, every Wednesday. Wheat $1.10 Family Flour $4,10 Manitoba Flour $4,10 ,Pastry Flour $3.55 Bran $1.60 Shorts $1.60, Feed flour $'2.10 Dairy Butter 34c to 37c Eggs 24c Lard .2Qc Hogs $13.50 usiness AS USUAL The weather is hot, but we are always digging out some Bargain values. A peep in OUT windows as you pass may save you some money. August 10th this year will be an ADVENT in the History of- our Store; our 12th. Anniversary. A often visit f e I a here1 w 11 be good,for us. both.- Powell's LOCAL r®10`e's41 •��f��rw+ ,On Thursday, July 27th, • Mrs. W. D. Yeo will start her "Annual Sum- mer Sale", Summer Goods in each departulent to clear at greatly reduc- ed' prices also a Choice lot of Rem- nants. Summer School ' is being held in Goderich this week, and Mrs, J. H. Jones are holi- daying at Grand Bend Mr. Gerald, Fitton, of London, vis- ited his parents in town on Monday. 11Irs. Thos. Pryde and two children are holidaying at Ipperwash Beach. Misses Mildred and Ila Lamport of London, visited in town last week. "Miss Olive Sheppard is holidaying in Exeter this week." -Parkhill Gaz- ette. Miss Marguerite Pickard has been engaged to teach school at Wood- ham. Miss Edna McDonald, of London, spent the week -end with friends in town. With the Churches ` 1 CAVEN PRESIi yTERIAN CRURakt. Rev. James Foote, B, 114 millieter 10 a.m.'--Sunday School and Bible Classes. Union service with. Main street church, Rev. G. H. McAlister in charge. Boy Scouts will meetFriday evening. Master Lloyd Medd of Clinton, vis7 ited his friend, Eber Hedden one day last week. 'Mr. and Mrs. E. Treble and Mr. E. Dignan :and Miss Helen visited in Lu- can on Sunday. Mr. Gordon Taylor, of Windsor, is holidaying with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Taylor. Mr. George Gladman, of Toronto, visited his cousin, Mr. F. W. Gladman over the week -end. Mrs. J. D. Atkinson has returned from a visit with relatives at Exeter. Clinton News -Record. Master Jack Hedden is holidaying with his cousins, Milton Bedford'and Alvin Lamport; of London:, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hodgins- and family, of Mt. Carmel, visited with i'fr. kr d' Mrs. Wni. "Gieeniee:' The wheat is nearly all harvested: in this community and harvest• threshing -commenced this week ldr. Harry' Sweet, of Windsor, is spending his - holidays with lis' par- eats, Mr. arid' Mrs. Thos. Sweet-, Mr. Fred Vyse returned toMontre aI' Saturday after holidaying in this community far'a couple of.weeks. Mr. A. L. Co1e, of Goderich, visited over Sunday' with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Cole, of Thames Road. Miss Mabel Hersey, of Montreal, who has been visiting in' St. Marys, called on friends in town on Monday.. Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Gould, of Wind- sor, motored over and and visited the. former's mother over the 'week cid, Mr. Melville Gladman and Mrs R. H.• Collins, of Kitchener, spent Sun- JAMES S7'2tEli;T MMIIEITIODIST elliatem Rey. M. J. Wilson, B.A.., Pastor. 11 P. in."-"Sacreniental Service.". 3 P.m. -Sunday School and Bible Classes. 7 P. m.-"Saereineiital Seiwice." .All Cordially Invited. 'f'1klUItSfAY, el U . 27`1` J IIIIIINIIIIIIiIif IINIIIIIIiuuIINIINIINIIIINiIINIUINIfNIIiIINIIN�Iip IIIIINIIIIIIIiIIINiIIlNll111lllllllll 1111 Illi IIIIIIli ��ll I � N,, N TIN N �N IIMII IIS OUJTH'COT' BROS. ._ day with Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Glad- man. Dr. Graham and Mr. C. F. Hooper are being held up with their- new buildings on account of shortage of brick. Main. Street and Caven. Presbyter- ian resbyterian Sunday schools are holding a un- ion picnic to Bayfield to -day (Wed- nesday.) 1 We are pleased to Iearn that Mr. Curt Harness is improving after an operation in Victoria Hospital a few weeks ago. Mr. Donald Hamilton, wife and daughter, of Kansas City, motored over and visited with, their uncle, Mr. D. C. Melnnis,.' Capt:.••,Woods, of Aurora, who is holidaying' at Bayfield, assisted the Salvation, Army officers in town over Ithe. week -end. MAIN STx ME2:130DIST ClitIilRCE • Rev. Geo. . •McAlister; • 11i. A. (Phone 21, r3.) Union service with Caved. Presby -.I. .. terian in Caven church during July Rev. Geo. McAlister; zuini ter 3 p. m,-Sabbath.'School •.,ancil ,rBible Classes 'BETHANY 2.3b p. m. --she ,Minister. Mr.' and Mrs. Russell Iledden mot- ored to London last Wednesday spending the day with the latter's sister, Mrs. Alf. Bedford. -- Two rinks of bowlers took in the Stratford " bowling tournament on Wednesday of last week and report a very enjoyable outing. . Don't complain to the editor\ be- cause he doesn't print all the news, You'll probably see the time when you'll be mighty glad he doesn't. Mr. C. B. Snell has made' the ex- cavation for the foundation of a new house to be erected on a lot on Main street a little north of Main street church. Masters Harry and Russell Snell returned Monday, after holidaying in Stratford. Master Aubrey Newcombe. returned home with therm and .is.holi- daying ,in town, The English Church Sunday School held their annual picnic to Grand )end on Wednesday of last week. There was a. good turn -out and a jolly time was pent by all. Y, P. j, C. A. The rooms opened to members who wish. SALVATION ARMY SERVICES. Services as usual next Sunday. Bandsman and Mrs. Fife, of Lone don, will speak in Town Hall, 11; 2.30 and 7. VISIT OF LONDON BAND , next week end, unavoidably POSTPONED fill later in tlie. fall. Capt. MacGillivray, officer in charge. Rev. Robt. and Mrs. flicks and two. children, who have been visiting With Mr. and Mrs:- J. Andrews and other relatives around town, have returned to their home in St, Thomas, Mr, George Hamilton and wife and Mr, W. J, Hamilton and wife, of Syr- acuse, 'N.Y., and Miss McDonald, of ' Yard, moterect' ova and v;s;itecl ,;I; T>l McInnes. "IVIHOLMI FARM" Last Hatch' of 1,000 Barred. Rock Chicks now ready. $17.00 per hurl- . dred. L. V. Hogarth, Phone -Credi ton 18 r 31 CARS FOR SALE -Having dis- continued the agency of McLaughlin cars, have to offer a Master Four, or Master Six td clear at a trifle; a' bove .cosf.` S. -M. Sanders.• x7,a FOR SALE-Hoise and barn and• five 'acres of land on Huron; street; east. Apply° to Wui `Vaal FOR. SALE bylTender, 'Aug: 10th: Iron Fence around Main St. Churp,pi Grounds, acid two gate. Apply P to Box X43 or W S: `r'owey or W. Balkwill, Exeter, FOR SALE 6 TInile Root Cu.tteia, New;1 4 -inch Tyre' Upsetter, New„, 1 Straw Cutter, New. s Apply to Jas. Murray, 13'ex 92, EXter. Additional locals.'dnk'page five Mr. and Mrs. Blake ;pf Petroiea are vising•Mr. and"'I\Irs Tlios., Elliott force 'week.'" •, Mr. ,and Mrs. Cyril Tuckey, of Loii don,•are holidaying with the former's. barents,'Mr. and IVtrs C. E. Tuckey. "The job of tatting ,dog n the flag-` staff and re-ereeting--it on, the Town: Park, Beech street has been given to Mr. John Hunter', of Exeter, by the Village Council for $ 3 8.-Lucan Sun' Dr. R. F. Bruce and wife and son Morford, of Onaway Mich.,,.who h.ave been visiting the fommer's , brother, near Cromarty, 'alsa visited at the home of Mr.' Thos. Hackney, during the past week. Mr. Andrew Gibson -of. the•Tliames Road, Usborne, met with an nnfor= tunate accident July 12th. He was engaged in drawing in=hay.. when he accidently fell - from the load to the ground on his shoulder, • fracturing several ribs, breaking his collarbone and other vise injuring -ii inself inter naliy. MOOR ammme PROM] &4x PHONE 131x, This store will be closed every Wednesday afternoon during June, July and: August. :..eIIIn f _,5 o Sumner Lir°_ xt �n • � far ne days at prices to clear r°e and less :of. cost, VOILE AND: ORGANDY.DIL..SSES We offer .the balance of our Cot- ton Voile and ;Organdy Dresses reg - trier $7:50 to; $15.00 for $5.00 to $10.00. HOUSE DRESSES AND 'APRONS Any House Dress ''regular $3.50 we offer to clear for $2.98. Any House ,Apron regular $1.50 and $2.00 for 98c 'and $1.48.. GINGHAl13 DRESSES Billie Biu'ke, and Canadian Lady Dresses regular $4.50 to $7.00, we offer to clear for $2,75 to $5.0Q. ., PORCH DRESSES Smart'' Porch' Dresses inf Crepes and Chambray. Good colors reg- ul'a` $3.25 to clear $2.75. • iyhi'te Canvas Footwear We have a, few pair left of White High top Canvas Regular $3.25 to clear 98c. • Rubber Soles. We also offer our regular lines of White outing- Oxfords, all sizes " in this lot. Regular $3.50 and $4.00 to_clear-$2.75, , Men's Straw Hats. Balance of Men's Straw Hats in White and natural `straws and Sail- or shape Reg. $2.00 and $2.50 to clear $1.75. Men's, Panama Hats in Fedora Shape Reg. $3,50 to clear $2.48, MEMO 1111111.11.10 IMMO MONO oLi,.t,hcott,.Bros;:tE • usisocis I.R. CARLING B.A. Barrister, , Solicitor, Notary ' - ,Public,~ Conveyancer. , Solicitor for the Molsons Bank, etc. • 1a '. ,Invest your. funds in Vic tory, `,Domini`on •' of ` Canada, Provincial,, r and . Municipal Bondy Le.�al nnvestment;,for Trust Funds: At;;existiug, price from;, 6 per cent • to 7 per cent' "can be obtained._,fjrom ••,`these _. bonds. Orders received by ' me. Money to ;Igan a,t., lowest rates of interest. OFFICE- Carling"Block Main Street, `EXETER, ONT. WHAT 'IS THIS? Ever nock :is a Boost, if you 'knock insKthe right way, and this is how T.' H. Elliott knocks. if you bring )out Old -Suits and Overcoats to him Knock/the Spots off of them: So;, when you want any work of this kind,dene give him a:chance. .',t'Shopopened every day and"Satur- ,iiay night. ALWAYS AT YOUR SEl•t•vre,,E kq, T. IL ELLIOTT.- y LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE want- ed to sell for "The Old Reliable Font hill -Nurseries. Largest' list of fruits° and ornamentals; to offer, -.exclusive territory, .highest commissions, hand ;Some °free `egUipment. • - Write for full particulars,° = .Stone & Wellington, Toronto,' 'Ont. 011111110H oyes Ltd. Canada's Largest -Retail Grocers Special Blend , That Famous'Red Bag ea 49c. -a Special -Brand;-Cs.OFFEE 39c. a� p'ound runswick SARDINES 4'tins for 25c. Shredded WHEAT' 2 packages for' 25c. elliigg's Corn FLAKES :3 Pi4ckages for 29c. ICING SUGAR 1b,1,0c SEEDLESS RAISINS'22c ,ib CURRANTS 17e lb SHELLED WALNUTS 55c -lb. SHREDDED COCOANUT 20c Ib. REDSALMON<lb. TIN 30e. f MOf.ASSPS SNAPS 14c lb. . `.LEM'ON .CRISP. 19c lb; '•PICNIC BISCUITS 2,5c lb.-, `, . TALPER'S OR CHRISTIE'S' BULK. SODAS lb. 17e:'' Breakfast BACON 37ct a pound .NEW, CHEESE 23c. a pound WHEATLETS '' '=Rolled OATS 4, pounds for 25c. 6 pounds for 25c...,� This store will be closed every Wednesday afternoon during Juice l=. July and;August. Furnishings . � in ats Barslil i n a King and other lines 2' :00 2- -ant Suits for 4 GABARDINE COATS $17.00 to $22.50. ,;RAINCOATS FROM $5.50 UP PRI T'G OVERCOATS $15.00 TO $25.00 MEN'S StJMMER UNDERWEAR -COMBINATIONS ANDsTWO :'PIECE. , TILE NEW' SHIRTS CAPS COLLARS AND .. TIES ARE IN, A 'STOCK. OVERALI:S-INCLUDING THE COMBINiION SUIT OVER- ALLS. A PHONE A. E. PENNANT' Veterinary Sfiageoii„ Office-McDonneil's 'ti es--:aLles on John St. Phone calls receive prompt attention. Phone 26w New . iron- pumps and rat,. gs in stock. Iron or wood pumas repair- ed; wells pumped out or cleaned. S. J. V. CANN,;EXETER, Phone 115. DR. ;JOHN ',WARD ` Chiropractic & Electrical Treatments for. Chronic and Nervous Diseases.' Spectacles scientifically fitted: Hours 10 to 12, 2 to 4, and by appointment. Office --William and, Sanders, Ste. Dray ,Baggage a P 'A'N'i'TI iNGr 'YOU HAVE TO • MOVE WE MOVE F1 REASONABLY . n?OTOR TRUCK AND -HORSE MAY AT YOUR SERVICE AUTO LIVERY Ilrrrsc and Livery in Connection. Bagshaw &'Easton. Good glasses if you need them i; Good advice if you dou't ,1. WARD, D.C., Optometaist .EXETER Cochrane Machine M Works ENGINES -6 H.B. "Z" $233.00, ..3 h.p. "Z" Bosch Magneto $143.50:... h.p. "Z" $99.50 40 -Light Plant, complete, $350.00 Double -Geared; Jacks $15.0.0 GRINDERS -6 in. $40; 8 in. $5' 10 in. $56,$00 CRUSHERS -$74, $80, $100 & $116 Straw .Cutter $35.00 Straw w Cutter; with plain feed, $55.00 tlavelling. feed $85.00', Fairday Electric Washer $126.00,.. , Belt. drive $70.00 500 Ib. Scale $23,85; 1000; lo. $27.85 Concrete Mixers, Hay Presses, Stone Crushers, Road Rollers, Threshing Outfits, Case Tractors, Tractor Plows and Disks. We handle a complete line of the Canadian-pairbanks Morse Co.,aJso' Case Threshing Company., All repairs l.rearu;;.y atfende'- +�