HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 2009-04-22, Page 34Goderich Legion Branch 109 Battle of Atlantic Parade & Service April 26th . Parade starts at 10:30 am, Service at 11 am. Parade forms up at the CPR station located at the Beach and marches to the waterfront. This will be the last Battle of Atlantic Parade .& Service in Goderich. Come and show your appreciation to our Naval Veterans. e?age A34 - Goderich Signal -Star, Wednesday, April 22, 2009 ir 1i'Itll. 23 HURON COUNTY Historical Society General Meeting, Thursday, April 23, St. John's Anglican Church, Brussels. Supper 6 p.m. Guest speaker David Yates. For tickets David Armstrong 519-524-1156. —17ar \PItll. 25 EUCHRE CARLOW MASONIC HALL, Saturday, April 25. Welcome back all regulars and a big welcome to all euchre players, singles as well as couples. Admission $5. Cash prizes and refreshments provided. Play begins at 8 p.m. —17ar CCR "THE BAYOU BOYS" (CCR Tribute Band) Saturday, April 25, Lucknow Community Centre. Doors open 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. Age of majority. $15 advance, $20 at door. Tickets: Shear Design, Nine Waves, Lucknow Co-op. —16,171 BINGO r Every Thursday 7 pm $3470 IN PRIZES 2 mini jackpots - regular jackpot must go. Lic.#M568536. Big Link Provincial Game. TOONIE POT EVERY BINGO NIGHT ALL PROCEEDS TO COMMUNTrY PROJECTS Knights of Columbus Columbus Centre 390 Parsons Court, GODERICH 111 a#S6 entertainment I'ItII. '() MITCHELL TOY SHOW Sunday, April 26, 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., Mitchell Community Centre. Adults $2, under 10 free. Farm toys, trucks, construction equipment, banks , etc. Proceeds: Camp Bimini 519-348-4976. —17m COMMUNITY BREAKFAST, Blyth Memorial Hall, Sunday, April 26, 8:30 a.m. - 12 p.m. Sponsored by Blyth Legion and Ladies' Auxiliary. —17ar y Nth. l l . 2') WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 2009, 7 - 9 p.m. at North Street United Church, Goderich "Managing Your Life in Changing Times" featuring: Lynne Harris, RSW Maitland Valley Family Health Team; Gail Fraser, Career Development Practitioner, Employment Centre; Marianne Menzies, RSW, AMGH—17,18ar NI 11 I STAG AND DOE for Mark Shaw and Jessie Cook, Friday, May 1, Lucknow Sports Complex, 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Tickets: $5/$7 at door: Bells Pizza, Lucknow and wedding party. Lunch provided. Age of Majority. —16,171 Family & 'Friends are invited to a Buck f' Doe for Matt Smith and Dawn Dolmage Fri., April 24 qp.m. - 1 A.M. Blyth i? District g Community Centre Age of Majority • Tickets - $5 Lunch Provided Call Nick, 519-523-9108 1.ittic ['I1 atrc r\\ BLACK COMEDY THE DEATH OF ME S6 Kingston Street 519-5249282 lay 1, 2, 7, K & 9 at 8p)Ill 3 at 2pm ;AllulK H2O S,illoi 1 \nd Not for Op6nin`_' Niht' Meet the I)irectors plus 'Death h� (_'hocolate' Fondue - Ile cr\ ation Oiil� I 11 I II( I0111 The Livery \;()Lith Si. (ic dcrich 519-5'4-()W \\.the i\ Cr\.Ca Sat.,Apr125 LeeGrantBand S pm -9 pm Sat, May2Joan Spalding 5 pm -9 pm MEAT DRAWS EVERY FRIDAY & SATURDAY! MEN'S EUCHRE EVERY MONDAY NIGHT AT 7PM...EVERYONE WELCOME! TUESDAY NIGHT MIXED EUCHRE 7:30PM FRIDAY AFTERNOON MIXED CRIBBAGE 1:30PM FRIDAY NIGHT MIXED DARTS 7:30PM Bridge every Saturday Afternoon 1 pm Enjoy Wings on Sale with Veggies & Fries! Audrey Kerr Every Friday! Hours... Mon. - Thum 12 Noon - Midnight, Fri. & Sate 12 Noon -1 am Deadlines: Friday @ 3 p.m. Holiday Weekends Friday @ 10 a.m. "HERE IN HURON" SPRING TRADE Fair, Friday, May 1, 1 - 8 p.m. and Saturday, May 2, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., SH Recreation Centre, 94 Victoria, Exeter. $3/$2 with food bank donation. Featuring The DQ Kidz Zone, Garden Clinic and Demo by Master Gardeners of Ontario, Local Talent, Vendor Demos. Over 60 exhibitors. Everything for your Life and Family, your House and Home, right Here in Huron. 519-235-0471 x22. Sponsored by The SH Chamber of Commerce, DQ, A Channel, Hansen's Independent.—15-18ar \I:11. 2 BOWL -FOR -LIFE Bowl-A-Thon at Little Bowl, Goderich, May 2, 2 pm to 4 pm. All proceeds to Goderich & District Pro -Life Centre. Silent auction items on display. For info Claire Macdonald 519-528-3651.-17- 18ar BUCK AND DOE for Anthony Sloetjes and Vanessa Miedema, Saturday, May 2, 8 p.m. to 1 a.m., Lucknow Arena. Tickets: Chris 519-528-2670 or Barb 519-529-7477. Bus pickup in Ashfield at 9 p.m. and return at 1 a.m. Call 519-529-7477 for details. —14-181 Every Wednesday 6:55RM. EARLY BIRD 2 SPECIALS JACKPOT SPECIAL Toonie Pot on all Regular Games Goderich Arena McDonald St. UM PLAY LIONS TV568537 BINGO IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR HOME! 7PM Monday on TV CABLE 12 Cards can be purchased in Goderich, Clinton & Bayfield UC# M508547 w Boston Pizza- MOLSONS HAWAIIAN LUAU Friday, April 24th ft. Piston Paradise. Get out your beach wear and come out for great music . and great fun! Limbo Competition. GREAT Corona prize giveaways. Prizes for best Hawaiian outfit (no bathing suits) $4 SLUSH DRINKS $12 PITCHERS Free snacks at midnight The party starts at 8 p.m. Age of majority only. $4 head, toll at. the x , ,tri; 490 Huron + k $19424-779r01,. tilisiAredwkiestoired nffis'Atrr,a%% tad ftletrigeIP ei \I‘13 ROY LEBLANC, World Champion Elvis Concert, Sunday, May 3, 2009, 7 p.m., Exeter United Church, 42 James St., Exeter (519-235-0860). Tickets $15.—15-17ar \ i ‘1 ') EXETER IS ON SALE!!! 1st Annual Town Wide Yard and Store Sales Saturday, May 9, 7 a.m. - ? Rain/Shine. 30 minutes north of London on Highway 4. Over 100 yard sales plus local merchants and organizations. RV camping. For info www.town.southhuron. on.ca (live/play - community events). —17- 181a THE BLYTH FESTIVAL is seeking short term housing for our summer company. Preference will be given to accommodations withing walking/biking distance or a short drive from downtown Blyth. The Blyth Festival will be responsible for all rental contracts. Contact Deb at 519-523-9300, dscholdice@blythfestival.com. —17c HAWK THEATRE presents "Suspicious Death in a Small Town", Lucknow Town Hall, 7:30 p.m. on April 23, 24 and 25; May 1 and 2. Matinee 2:30 p.m. May 3. Tickets $10. 519-528-3019, or at door. —17,181 LOOKING FOR an interesting alternative to traditional venues for your party, reunion or event? Check out High Creek Farm at Walton, Ontario. Call 519-527-0202 or visit www. highcreekfarm.ca.—14-18s MACKAY CENTRE MEAL DEAL Every Tuesday at noon. 3 course meal. Free transportation available in Goderich. Cost $9.00, call 524-6660 to reserve. —1 ltfar SALTFORD VALLEY HALL FOR RENT • Wedding Receptions • Dances la• Buck & Does For information call 955-4805 OR 524-6845 www.satttordvaileyhatl.ca FOR RENT Goderich Columbus Centre •Receptions •Meetings •Seminars •Social Functions 524-1832 Lwww goderichsignalstarcom