HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-7-27, Page 6AR1) OF
.A deapatch. from Toronto says: -
following official statemeat was
itasued erthrn the head office ofOmdjn tiw.
National Railway on Thurs.'
day evenin'g;
"At a nitetirse. 'of the leer•O' 'of Di-
rectors'of th6 Canadian National' Rail-
ways, 'held to -day, 'the membere of that
.1?,a-r,ci: tendered th;eir resignations te
"These resignatians are prelludn-
tlf4"111L-ts9, 'Oka appointment of the single
Board ef Dire:stars. which 1N,in sueed
the Separato hoards of the Canaeliea
Natienal Railways and the Grand
Trertik Railway. This will afford the
Government a free
hand in the :„selec-
tion of the new Directors,
"Such selection may, not he come
plete'd immediately, but 'in the mean -
'time the 'interests of the Government
Railways will: riot su,ffere as the pre -
Sent Direator$ witr Obrittinae to act
resigais,tions have been.
ormally ,aecepted."
Mark Passed the 5004o4he-
Dollar Ratio Without
A despatch from 13ealin says:-
U.S. President Will Try Hand
at Settling Transportation
A despatch from Wa.shing.ton
"The bottom has dropped out of the saya/.---Prese'dent Harding and his, ad -
mark again. It has passed the 500, visers are turning to the rail strike
to, the defiar ratio without s'toppinea as the "key" in the existing industrial
held now netbd4y knows where it is
going to stabilize,
Ba:nkers ix -day are mere 'concerned
thari 'ever before over the inark's
tumbles, What frightens them most
is the losa �f oonficience hi the mark
Th,e President it is said has
decided that the quickest and surest
way to avert a catastrophe is by set-
tling first the railway strike and then
the coal strike.
The first move in this direction i
1), holders -------------------------------- ' • ' expected to be lue•cle an Friday fol -
sure. As l'ong as forefg-n geficlere
isamag. Armee down by outeatte pre.I keying the C•abinet ;s:ession, when, it
maintained ,confidence parties within
aria the Rea.a.aab,ana o aslun'gten for a joint conference
as imated by- a member otf the
Administration, the Presid:ent will call
avela allwayte able 'to check the fall by- of railway, executives and etrike
ea et s.
The decision that the rail strike is
the "key" to the situation, is based
upon the fact that even if an adequate
. leg. lareign values on the
market. ,
But the last reparations payment
ef mare then 32,000,000 Id- marks
'emptied' the gold.ceiT•ers. Naw comes supply of caal mined as a result of
the question of Entente financial con -1 the ereetutive's invitation' to State
trol, which has a tendency to destroy
inner confidence and aide in the gen-
etral depression of the mark.
Financial control was never before
coneidered' a serious danger. It was
ae en -lois to encourage miners, it
would not be possible to inove the
coal with the roads partially tied up
by strike and the present poor con-
dition of locomotive power and rolling
always believed the Government stock.
either forestall control or show the' President Harding also, it is said",
Entente the books ;behind the s,cenes,fhas discerned a weakening in the
hut now the Reparations Commissins , arbitrary stand. by the railway exe-
decisian is ,announced at Parts outivea, and believes that. exert -ion of
check the German budget with the i administrative pressure peeviaus to
power of the -veto an expenditure bills, ; and during a joint conference will re -
besides supervision of imporee, anat1 snit in euccessful arbitration of the
exports. The public believes that Ger-tdifferences between 'employer and em -
man sovereignty is aoteaely eb•reaa_iploye, whieh is now said to exist I
A big depreeiation of the mark is
fioreseen, with no means of raising.
salaries, eta., to meet rising prices.
A few months ago living expenses
/In Germany figured tenfold wha:t they
(Were before the war. They are now
Agured at a hundredfold -
Famous Pilots to Race
Around British hies
A despatch from Landon says
Th King has offered a cup for an
airplane rate around the Bri•tish, Isles
to be held in September. The ra,ce
has aroused intense enthusiasm among I
airplane manulacturera, and many of
tut most famous British: racing pilots'
will compete A 'special machine has
been ordered by a. duke, whose name
has not been revealed. This has almost
been completed' at the London air
The race will start, eithee ea Hendon
or Croydon and will take a course'
slightly inside that which the unfor-
tunate Ha.wker followed in 1913 when, rinds indians
through the slipping of his foot from, Lieut. F. 0. Left, President of the
the rudder bar, the machine fell into League of Indians, who reported on
the sea and he failed' by a short dis-
tance from com,pleting the circuit
ler on the refusal of the railway man-
„agersto concede old 'seniority stand-
ing to strikers who return to work.
One pmlblem, facing the fliers is th
construction of a plane which will be
itth.se to -land at a much slower speed
than usual owing to the uncertain na-
ture ef the landing grounds. In air
orircles the race is regarded as the first
step toward the establishment of fleets
of private racing. planes whose owners
will enter in races throughout the
world just es Is now done with racing
actamobiles and horses.
Me return from
na ian tribes
el grees of advancement and tliat the!
Indian repidl ab e est
! elements of the, white man's civilize-
! ton.
I23 -Hour Aerial Trip
a visit to the Western
_ .
Some of the officers, and crew of 1-1.M.C.S... Aurora,, who sailed from Montreal for illinglau,d, an the, 0.P.S,
llinnedosa--the4last membera of Can'edazs Navy to be. demobilized. It is just a little over eleven keen ago•that.
the Niobe, the first unit of the Canadian Fleet, arrived.atHelifax.
Canada iron] Coast to coast Everest Unsurmounted.
St. John's, Nfic1.---The plan fo
establishing a large paper -making in-
dustry on the Humber river on the
west coast of Newfoundland, aban-
doned, last winter, has been revived.
The original.scheine war promoted! by
the Arinstiong, White4eorth Coinpany
of England,, and the Reid -New
land Company. on the understanding
that the Newilou:ndiand Government
would guarantee the bonds to some
extent. It is announced. th,at the Arni-
strong, Whitworth Conn/any proposes
to buy out the interests of the other
company and that the British and
Newfoundland Governments will each/
guarantee the bonds.
Oharlattetown, P.E.I.--Present pros
pects indicate the largest hay crop in
y -ears for this province. Weather con-
dtians have been ideal and a bumper;
crap is assured. "
Halifax, N.S.--It is estimated by
local fis,hermen that mackerel to the
value of over $1,500,000 were taken
along the Nova Scotia coast between
Halifax and Yarmouth this spring and
s,ununer. It is exp,ected, that if the
present run of fisleeonbinues the figure
will reach the $2,000,000 mark. The
present sea.son is described by coast
fishermen as the hest for fifteen years.
Fredericton, N.B.,-The Chestnut
Canoe Company of this city, the larg-
est Canoe factory in the British. Em-
pire, is expecting to engage in a sub-
stantial trade with Cuba,,where a de-
mand for oanoes is reported This
compan.y has made shipments to Eur-
ope and 'the Orient 'as- well as all parts I
of the American continent.
Montreal, Que.---Students from all
parts of the North American continent
have corne to McGill University bo'
attend. the French holiday course; re -
rsuined this summer for the first tintre
since the beginning of the -war. Of!
the 88 atadents registered the first
Fay, 51 were from -the United States.,
seine coining from as far as Kansas
and West Virginia.
Sault Ste.-1VIarie, Ont. -The 'Alvin
Steel Corporation has secured, a 48
000 ton rall ,order from the Cariadie
Pacific Railway. This means that the
rail mill will be re -opened immediate
ly and put in full operation. The wad
"Balking the end half,,won ,for, are
PaSSed Into History 'With°
Accornpliskimg.1 s "Liner
A ,despatoli from The Ilaguo
iTnhteh1e-7, iexlirtctiesdn 0S States Ct,areviehrieihicli•eatatuf1og.isi•o',
.ferlenae, which on Thursday r:ates
aim -the reaching of an edonamie
into histery without accomplithing i
the final session at the Peace Pelee
that he was 'authorized' by th,e Airier
lean Charge d'AffaThe to say that th
United States Government woulti ad
here to the resolution whioh had juts
been adopted; whereby tile GOVeill
Inents eng,aged not to assist any of
their citizens in atternp,te ta acquire
prope:rty in Rusei'a which belo,nged t
Citizens of -other, ,countries and 'wee
confl,s,cated since Norvernh,er, 1917.
nollilinete,nUtinointodif e'do6apat°1:3tinalgefraociri:idt's lhaincts
of conduct with regard to property
expropriate)cl 'in Russia.
The resOlutiOn itself gave rise to
some debate. . France; through, 'M.
.voutlYLicjih:141tried)lioneor' nthimqtred:aot htboeelowainn6axige,s,n. cl.:cht,eFhi7roanursstle4soe:s,-.!
' , _
ea „was that although, the property
had, - '
ue eintetalit's dole of pe'aese, eaye a man
The moaning,is eler. • .Sp nn
the. (16,4velt 1.1/Ec.,
Oi 4 11.ZilAt , before
It is a failing- of artists that they
aacr,ieivropea,ciyitinteID •,abroiL'aePP,trioi'avrtitiaon,s,de bwhhcoy ,
ftraldsbp. twheern.kno:%hvetrhwaits cif 7tedionzeotn bghielpv 0
th•ern a favorable yerdictund one findle
fault, ahe thatis theirs froth the
1,G/1,e diss,z,ntim,:r voice is niore than they
l'l t f o .-,‘ the l f I I l'a
& ge'ti,' ritrlilal Warlell°aotzsliloade°:('‘uvitul;Plle'loPila
,:i as they are, with eur own peter/nal
' milltiplied frailties, we, never can ex -
ailment called, in the vernacular
- peat to go for long in an atineSphere
b e.” A n 1 dit. St rti ta
- •-••.,. aowers :.-nci' p.au ' s. age a e
--some excellent among th•Pire--are
peculiarly ,subject to th,e well-know•n
0 Phrase, "the swelled head." They hear
ji Tinhc'erey el-Orr/Iasi •'9'to tbh:llilevise tgh,e3r6'ned isfoar stall:alma.
j ate code of laws arid of ethics for the
, genius.; that the artistic temperament .
Ilet:etri:yi pev„ig'syett,lialindg;rictlitabtethineoyrammayyr: leo...
1 coardtahk... Ap,prEcitation has been
mischievous to them. They need a
of the lremely, hard, unpalatable
truths that nobody seems to have the
couratt,,,e to tell them.
Yet to sensitive creative temper -
110 ce been given to the
world of the abandonment of the
Mount Everest expedi.tion, for the pre-,
sent year, at least. It was a gallant
eff.ort, which tame within an Fe 'of
being successful, and in relinqmshing
it the little party of , explorers- bows
a to nothing but inexorable 'force Of f
,.. nature. How indomitable was thoi
,sen .seized bY ,the 130-.1theviki it arrients it is not goo& he lire beneath
f's‘o,"ar'seigl. eglatiers11,Yanledftthinat, thein4)npor:sresso,,,ivionn.ane,f, i nand- raiThing n-oifitybbloeva,rs.cruePi te;,sti: tt.eh/ei t humanfixl :,
the use of the preoent tense of the soul as acute as -kicks and blows that
verb -should clearly record this fact. break' t.he spirit of horse or dog. It
The amendment was repealed. " is a wise pant,who knows 1,,,,,he,ii to
The reileiliation concerning exPre-i .s.ew the word
.of aPProval' and` when
courage and hardihood has lbeen made
known by the details.told, in their re-
ports of the various diffi.culties- over-
e. They went Where Tio man had'
will give employment to 2,000 me
and will result in ,a, general ,stirnula
ton of lp•lisinese
Moose Jaw, Sask.-A half 'section o
(J near Limerick was donated by
a citizen of Moose Jaw to the Russian
Save the Children (Russian) Fund and
its sale has netted the fund the sum
of $4,800.' This is belie-ved to be the
largest individual donation to the fund
n the Dominion.
Ecinionteri, Alta. -A new most
northerly post office is being estab-
lished in Canada and an Arctic steam-
. •
r is now carrying the post office
gel a ions, stamps and a new imprint
bearing the word "Aklavick" for this
point, a traditn7g post on the delta at
the mouth of the Mackenzie River.
Two mails will leave the new post of-
fice by steamer during the open sea-
son and ene by dog team during the
winter, the latter 'being the t
and most lonely Postal route on the
Victoria, B.C.--British Columbia
will build a highway to the 'provincial
boundearby the time "Aberta reaches
there, and the' British Columbia Gov -
en is preparre,d' to co-opera•te
with Alberta in completing :the "miss-
ing link" SO that Canada may have a
through automobile route from coast
to coarst.
rence reads::, •"
"The Conference recosintend fen
consideration of the Governments, re -
u, -reprinrand or ose ,
severer pena.lty than thrat whi,ch word,s
, .
_ere are times 'when aplareala,tio
present thencupon. 'the dazability is need,ed medicine, a stirmilus for "
of 'all Governments, not aSsisting their
-I fill whether any could live. At -the Very •I''DP'e4.-13I' in Buslin /lielbllged in' be -prescribed and ,swailloweit d.diScern- • .
cotee,b they had, to overcome the alai_ other _foreig,n nation,als and -was een- ihey. Am,. are so ,gniiiible--that mere
fis,cated since N,ovember .'11 1917 '
n before and .14,1ere, it Was 'doubt- tC'aP-g1-14r,44'Like-"any-orther'such- Medicine; lutist,
which there is no adequate substitute.
World's Wonder Waterway. Unique War Memorial.
— -----
A canal which, when it is completed,
will be the most wonderful waterway
in the world, has been started at Fel-
senan; Germany.
The s.cheine t
s o connect Rotterdam,
in Holland, with Basle, ,the capital of
Switzerland, by means of tire River
Rhine and a vast canal stretching
across Europe to the Swisi-lakes, Gen -
started at, the Rhine end.
A unique war memorial will be held
in p,erpeatuity by the senior regular
battalion (at home )of t'he Lancashire
Fusiliers. It c'onsists 'of 11 sil
u y at the very brea.th of life to , o attery can be tossed off
sustain them had 'to 'be carried in little witheub the ''dellsient of elleh fm.nier I ldke /ill& or Imter. Many a,vain Man
.:11:173t,:acta;isylam;aaloneettrsterzwlihtilileerr'elbva,aesicsse; Faixi:ci• s'oir's 'rOaoirnitIon:!subs'squentlY IS Ills-d!'s at la,pt-by a discerning one` when the
owners or concessionaries, provided likes to think he is being ap'preciated
sheer walls,---renumbing cold and the by the Governinelits retPreiented at 44144--ct- IS that he is inhalingit)he sweet '
devastating monsoon. They got withinl eTrhermillenars„ :or rnefpareens,ancatedtPtaalind;th•tLGtanev. and subtle inc-eril'a. fiat:bell%
s•ight of their ,goail, brit at last the
How tremendous was the 'intangible '3'. w'''''" “I'''''''a `-''''''''''''''''''
forces of nature ,shut dawn on therm idadatn d.,eh'921. 1„7...t„„,ctile'cla,..eNe4,.. ,ePe ''inc'' The overthrow ,1'3-f Caste
oPP0sition: rthey faced is illustrated' by ------0--------
a nal story of c.atakrophe in which' Argentme President
. . while taking part as a. visitor in a
service iu a ra,ative church in India
. ,
, . a
unmarked graves in th,e s,weep ofan seven native porters were carried toi al/ , , , . a,
vv eicomed in Great Britain rnifilotuary witnessed a most "impres-
., -
mounted by the race' of man. -Its c hal- i
aVTataenehhieg.hest nrOnittain peak on', the li ,,,,...A redareseim-vetdelh. 4.1::: weLarje:ond::: t:a,GYLsre..."-at :veiTalixtrgeiTheeibass;:twiedinivaeytr.:070;:aivwcie::at. hat;19.!;:i11:1171,,terregiAsn:
earth,s !surface still stands ,ansiir., president-elect de Alvear of Amgen. the 'sacrament of the Lord's Supper to
ti --
lenge still remains'. And some day Britain, Iran? the Piinee'bl Walee nit<) -11 tion he 'noticed thedignified. figure of
who have tried it once the men wen
belong to the strain which jilanted the
the e)anie sort of harci!Sr actverturer,s riiisorn'airl;vaaat fr°thenivPieZziata'°snberi:tihetur:'6d. '8-Y a gh class Eirahman who both inng
emblems of two nations at the earth: � The ., , riceininntoducedntahl; .prorn-inr,,aasirtoL iyeill ii'leissoehrrt.,,,ing'sitstireowedbolirise it \
Andle'Dsluels't'W:vv-hioefIna ,t-trYtillhee.y:'aieffgaldl,ntistwnwdhillewi'lli!blthes',aui-6c-Ihsdi 111 eBI)141111e'e;:tst:itthetdieY iiTlitas.:;erdaleetinceotGnst‘toaathhill:iit:thtaea:4:1bbhta'e'enntldbi °tprkol 'a;tttiell;ae, ' .1:n°117r:1/41T, 1313irel::,tsh116;te;n llieninemaithitsings"ta'flatglianabride:eI isalligill'ttlisilseo'fwfheasiys-
him Was, a low -casts I-Iindu who
on the 'books as a failure, 451.1t Whieh in At B'nokingham pulse, ,the 'King
ended, an effort which must )be entered the Argentine Ne,' tionai -Anthem 1 nah:Thetaaarraine,dd shpliMieteialt he, ixityveta,licaid the .
reality vies a great ,acconipld,shment. g,ave a luncheon in his henef; and int, ableyaris,e•corg.n.di- itztoilrean exarnipluedolaf the a
A I rp la n e Ta x Is. , the evening he attended a reception i
given 41-Princerss, Mary -and, Viscount' reine social problem o and an
taxicabs are to'be put in .
Las4ce,11es.at Ciresterfid-Heuse.- deseecloonf.,:eleolaH7ffotrivide. pe:st'er, tearing ha.
---c----4- - • , _ t '
e)ervice at two -Englisthv' ports, for the japapese 12,4,11yers are looking to Can,1 moTson, adanio-einnicseinfotest,gpyroritece,hoend42,-tihneg two :
use of pas,sengers from incoming- acia to supply them with rubber foot -
steamships, who: can engage them by wear for the rainy s•easons. Inquiries 1 osuffee'rrieacItlirblY:obo,frtiehtaehale;a001•31nrld,re.,:wstil.tnextenit:ac:h.alsiiamili;t1hnure...,..
radio while still at sea. have -been received) by the Departme,nt I,
stead of '
c, Trade -did Gornmerce from nearly I
with ennple dignity the'Brahman,
a E-.,[.„0a,,e .of Japanese export and iinport 1 pBZts:jiag the elements to the othe-t. me, ,
'u-Yre7.r?I"couldn't keeP up the inatall- ,the long -rubbecr hoots eirn•ilar to those
"And you say you lc,st con.trol of 1 era .can supply them -with 'storm il..)b-
., ifirrns•asking if Canadian manufactur-
I gently insis.ted that h,e Partake of thom
4 -hers for wear )over, lb ,a So. with first'
outs." warrn. in Canaria. • '
drums and six silver bugles. The
drum bears the followiag ins,cription:,
"These •silver drums: and bugles were' Y.9
Purcha,sed by the c-on-imi•ttee the' •
, a „he found au eva and' Neuchatel. The- work has been Fund' in 1921 as a ..}L 141(1 f -t1
re usiliers War Memorial
New Soviet Law
Regarding Baptism
A despatch from Moscow sa.ys.:-
e baptizing of children will not be,
&snowed in Rusaia in the future. The
Supreme council of the church, which;
Ls under Soviet control, is elaborating
a new church law dealing with bap-
tism. In this the age of baptism is '
fixed at 18, and the consent of the
person eoncerned must be obtainted in ,
writing :and filed, with the authorities,'
Russia Moves too Sovely
in Offering Concessions i
! London to Moscow
1 A despatch from Moscow says :--
Russia is taking a new interest in
!aviation as the result of a successful
iflight by a Russian aviator from Lon-
don to Moscow. Although the journey
lasted three weeks the actual flying
time was only 23 hours. The machine
met with a mishap in Holland and
bhen on flying into German: territory
was held up by an official order for-
bidding British planes from -flying
over Germany. This caused consider-
able delay, the pilot finally being al-
lowed to proceed after the Soviets had
made diplomatic intervention with the
Berlin authorities.
Viscount Lascelles Withdraws
" From Typewriter Trade
. ---
A despatch from London eares:--
Visor:tint La,scelles, Priacess Mary's
lush:arid, is withdrawing from the type-
writer in a ri ufa cturi ag bu sines's. The
vecirles of the Conqueror Typewritea
Tanufacturing Company, near Leeds,
vhere mass production of typewriters
lied ,beeeiblann•ed, have been sold.
Lord Lascelles wee the head and the
r i n cape I f h archal cl er, It is roper bed
liet he relent a great aliment in an
ffert to make the business pay.
Taking advantage of the 'great
opulatity of radio the Natural Re-
04.11.C6S' 13ranch or the Department of
re e Interior is educating the Canadian
eaple to the extent anti value of their
atural reeources by diroa daa,s.ting thiserination threugh the t)-.5tietctey of
se Radio Branala of the Naval See--
ea Shari iiittreel leg notee of new
so'el-t,v'c,-.., anti slaw proeeesee Of
A despatch Pram Riga says: -__M, I
Teetrupee, who is replacing _Premier,
Lenin as -Presitlent of the Soviet, and ,
the People's Commissar, arrived" at
Riga on "l'hur,selay en route to Berlin !
to troffer with .Foreign . Minister
Tehitcheoin aral. Leaenid Krasein. It is'
stated that M, Tetompa's hitt/ail:ion was p
to confer with the Rib:WAD-XI delegatien t,
to possiblymake new concessions' be -1- e
fore the break-up of The, Hague Con-
Ouiy two „persons in Caned '
ad in 5
ocinetse of -more than oemsmillion del -it
, during the last fiscal year, axe
eof ding ace" iacom e tax re le trns. For, n
th:e SatireeltY,,,teer nineteen aorpo•ratielis; i
paid income tea on in:coo/ea in excess.11
of thie sum. „altagestitce there were vi
it4,257 pee -sorts paying incorte lax in
lee DorraWion.
. I aatint: e c re aro f ea aired.
The greatest difficulty will be the
section that passes through the town
of Geneva. It has been decided to boxe
a huge tunnel, and consequently ltwill
be possible for ships of seven hundred
toms to sail under the streets and
13etween. Geneva • and Neucha.tel
there will be thirty locks, whichwill
raise the surface of the canal two hun-
dred feet above the lake.
Forest fires destroy your inheritance
--help to prevent them.
F st-A P,a,a>a.cr
ivICNY,C- 5 s-(ou ASK,
.Suct‘ FOOL1S
OL)eST tOrt 2
memerial to those gallant officers' and;
I • •
men of 'the regiment wha, gave their'
Irecat',for, king and countrY,during the
great war." ---London Timee.
Farmer Panty returned the la gest
group in Manitoba elections. ' $1.
purpose of aiding :the farthing indus- - -kr
Payment of the sum' of $81,728 to
the Province of Saskatchewan for the 53
,. No.
try by instruction in.agrieulture under --.1/r:
the Agricultural Instrirction AcE has/ A
been ,authorized by the Dominion O-ov- No.
ernm t
Lest -Control.
A moment later the inkroionary Saw,
the Bralfmen. take the cup from his fel-
low worshiper and deliberat,eiy put his
whence his, low -caste br,o,ther had
lips to the very place on the rim
drunk. Nothing oat he ' ceuld•• have
Toronto. _
44)The his vverua4tildiama allaiuncilierit'ry-13.' liaTvhee s'alpiTrrile "
1 IVI 4ple pa- odlucts-Syrup, per itrip.i str.oixri of, the Divine L .ve that pothred
1‘143a1ni;t°Nbao.' w2 11Neoartt-hNer°11.,. $11-.4N0°;rbNh9erl j nigsalP"le2s:14.2gr,P1.1;', 520icrl'IP.1 --itself °lit at CalvarY .for
all illallicill'l
rthern, ;) $1.27%.,- • ,- . . 1 Honey --20,-30-1b. tins, 141/2 to I:5c t) tioitaueedcheswffeopetntait:alrivIO,ae,vir,Y.teasthahattetineHIlinoianhrdokusedtlhalietrtietttPhen-
m% aon;iNt 0:7 ; .0faetesd____, /5y-10,2. o2. 0we 56%7. per lib.; 5-2%-lb.tins, 17 to 18c peripo- mutt= for
the Brahmah.,.
3 CW., 531/2c; extra No. 1 feed:1lb.; Ontario comb- honey, per c:ozen
, e
lain'tithoebcabebvar tc1Y*a71,-.N, 9B.T'3711;1°.rts. 11 7" 'SP-trictoaktedces-in,Neaet72I-Illatinsai',ilLnieScit.2.;2:15.16 to'l caa"tIe814 ittl:tichuegilbtergithuellj.ronfigss(')10f!;-tshreY. end for
inerican oorn-No, 2 yellow, 82e; , 88:c,; co,o,:ed barn, 53 to ,56o; 2,flioked, conque,,„,ii.,,
arlea--No. 3 extra; test 47 lbs. or i reakfast baleen, I,2 to 3461c '
3 yellow, 81e, all rail. , -1.01is, 28)to 31e; -cooked roq,18, 8;5 tspotilafri; Butter From a Fish.
larand breakfast ite,on, to 43e;
33 eulekdre' )1,6v0hteaot6±..5Nc'ea.e2e,"$(11i.ribgo.to freights '' backs, honelesa, 42 to 44e. It is ii .
Ry No, 2, ea,e, , • Curpd ,Tsialits--Long 'clear baoon,i 1 ,not L4'ilota Y known t.,-4,,,,it the
.Mil,Ifeed---Bel. Montreal freight, h$1 -e7; lig"11.1,;in"e't7",gl'iti r,°1$'1'4s0' in barifils.' 48; 1,-nathoain)tsai.caf 131c1,,'tlag.'11'.be.tic,t'thelini, Ilifa,...o7,,ndeAflai!,;''''
begs included: Bran, per tom '128 ' to, Lava.Yr,,,vv_E1-,. ,g.re.rc'tietr-,c es.: 161,,c ; tua,c.., . L:r.,,,,,,,11 to. ,,,,,:.r,t1st:i. 01 ti oolich3p. It
$30; shorts, per ton, $30 to $32; good Laid -Pure
feed flour, $1.70 to $1•80. 117e; P4•16.,1-7V2cli 'Print5', j-81,43cl, Shc.' ' -Is' "i' rPm six to °Light' inches long, si'-'d
Baled'hay-Track, Toronto, per top, enitig, tierece •1 5c; tubs:, 15qc; pare, A:ma-fat. • '
extra No. 2, $22 ta, $23; mixed, $18 to , 16e; 'Print!, 18c• _ , ' tr• .111vera-senimayr this fish ecur.es froeti
$19; clover, $14 to $18., ' . ' CheiCe heavY. steers', $7 to $8; but- ,. the ocean up the rivers to spawn I:ke
mr,,Stt's,r,a,v‘ir-iCtaceriliGI!' -Per ;6ori, tra•ck'' To
-; eller; s't;81,, ''..)1.;i'c'e', .t,(,). '1.75;...irli(),',' 6;airins,1°t11;eylaririelictihisroalTn° iiiiittr;cm.""h b'itns
; gaol, ' $6.75, to /1-7 nied( a6 to ' .
Weekly Market Report
t en . • . 1 B
j belt
v..soz Jusi-
TtitrAkst(-v FR‘Tri‘e
SOF"' FOR Ltt.
F StiES *ith E
t-hP4 in
No.. 2, $1 to $1.03. _ , , i choice m$7.25 to 17.75„. do meet, 1;','Mao : c •
Ontario wheat -New Ontafqo wheat,itdoo,6e7o_lp,._:$;5_ ,t,o,,, $,.'t_3:;,,,,,hi!_e_li.ieur..i_io_11air;eclwe ocifye;s3dta'01. sloolgtee,hwihn otheeethey le fOr
Ontario No,: ,3 /oateL-Noininal.,
.elioiceeui'45,_Vrto75.bl5rid,4;;;i5,., vOlY0 ;,,c.flie.°11a, 14°Y. are Placed ln great ee4ar
e,ackse 93"e:, .$6.80 Per t1/1; 2ticl, -pa,t.s., butch,ezelbulla, good, $4.25. to 5,25; do,1
,0°nnt'lirio°,°.:ficiorii7---Nlusirit lnplyal.te., -: ill' • jnia; 'to 'u$5; captsers • and 'Cutters, - $1 to $2; i tvi-eale-i- boilingby:il.ot:t,-oantec.1.3'4. 1,7i/111101i? t nterro' tc)ierl:p.fi .
'(b:akers), $6.30. ,Straights,. in ±011, cone., 13 ',-to $4;,..feedere, good, $6,50'.'tot.Ped:latoltheM: This prinlitlre method
:a;3,cal'4kb.asic,111P1;tc17°''.b;a04,‘,e'7f1,5eqr.u''rb---bl.1;st2,n1:15;!arta•a:t'S•i,n;lit°6.111hk61;°.17'lcirr,;?;1:5”'°f6bc'Hatliro$:(3;;:<t',°'fl.P.:•!5t7-',77.11.7.,_.'0,',4510'.71.i ,. : i co!,,,;e: itlit j e7 ir t i,sbi „I', ot t't ii ,0).' si: :,, nt : os:17•1 1 ;01'7 : t..* i' I if ' 1::: : I 11 : do( .1!:11,:t :(::( ' 1) ti fp: s"--'1 .1:1:1 11 : :: ::: _
Ohees,e-a-NeW, largo; 19% : to 20c; i $90e :calves,' ehoto6, $8 to $9; da, ined ,1 A. le 0' -'3 '°)' a'h 'cll.
twin, , 20 to, 20 -14e; triplets, 21 to $7 t0 g38; . dO, cona‘r $3 t,o 'ire* ePralg I med if It hard ens qu l clar arid
I t:.:2223056,10j31/21/4it;u00,,"33tcc!,: tr2:e7,r:ar_0:„:10i:Id,F:'',0:,.°113,:,1::1:1:13,;':-8„,e,ig2,, ib5ed.tra; ,',1e0a,tisi2er3;151.3,E9,sf:,c):,1;ec2 :thN,I.:.1-voeci,i.fien'leird;.;,....132;6:g3,:t; :90( )', 1 el , ,,,,,)r, ' ,t °I ,aGL i. 3C, ,.,' :1 "i lui 1 ltrn$:d;:r. c,::$y,' c I'to pl;fro,:o 4:Orri, 1, nt 1:$4.:3,5°!0:1Y;s2,e1d.a371 0$1.5'5,31 ;40f/ 15';':gotho::!-:c h':$:i43c' .°05, :oc5 $;:7' d:t5,' li pblytha,:iltelc'it:e:are::Peaitt. aiini.i. i'''111'11,:c.btea.etcielac:,:fg.:ig` liaiL:°r1ttd (.1:cte' leite:13:'llsa,,Iliitgl)tdifoifxiti'le.:1,s;11:Yt.,1
, $6 to $7; /rage, fed and I
de, ! odor of flab. about it. 'Phe nal' ...;
t 37Dc;';re;e:t°e';''kiine40,t113,5;y-',gering. ' 'Chic:kens, , ,:,,,, 0r,vv5eis°±7.,tri,,,r°,0111:2, 62 •te. 62½r,. ilinigyo,1,11-hfiaepo(..1,11,timl,,,,Teeryouielonths to ice t. 1:1 eel
making ono.ugh of this fish bt.,t.t er' 4nr,
I Live poultry---Sprina ehick,ens., 1•1;11,;•
'30a; , ,rooetees,' 23e; fowl, 24 , to 27c e Cat•d,Ne, ,,, 59 to 59the. .,/,,i,o,,,r, man.
d:teekliegs, 30c; turkeys, 40 to' 45c, " spripg, whe„...,,t,iao,,,a,a, aa.saa, $7,8-0, Rs-ae,
roe.etere, 17 to 20o; fowl, 20 to 22c; 0,d cel.,..ta, 1"j/$2`, '.() 1,1•1,set $3 to $3•80: Bran,'
du clelnes, 30: tuakeys,, ,30 "to 35,c, : 4'25'2°' '-'11c'r.l5, '2 i .25. "Baal? 'Se. 2. ),,,,t 1 a ti 1 ,11.":8.,. ,
7,a,rin,____20 to 22o. • ,,.. , r-.1.- etn, t, ', La, $ 5 te $....6. -1•11e lal a .1111-,e. (D4 (3L(I' pf1S1,01' W9
ic!cTillsg,g3e-•.5:.etreoNei;,-1,,,,•:eceapetJccl,lls,, 3,?7,too,„`Ill'-8,^:;,2.,`-'2- 10 er;‘„,,,''oet,es••Bet,11florn,,a,;let,i1r31ecietc.,:s,,,,,,tter-enree•fro.nole.51,,,ay, ,,,,,(/3 ;.7131°'0•0Y.,..?Ell.F,',:711,7teoliT:r.:1111;,'rilIlit.er.“1,,
Li,,,eni3..-Crtri,f0i,-,;n,,Ilan ale,"eted, lees., frj n(ph:e. , ril,g-gl, S'E'),fitiA, :;5:40,.., 1),ota,, 1 SuppI:cri (air ezilpit, \V ±0 lee at
25; prirees, $3..75 to $3,30., , • tee, per ' -bag, car lot; $1,30 tt $1.40, I .conle again,