HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 2009-04-15, Page 19Goderich Signal -Star, Wednesday, April 15, 2009 - Page A19
Smoke-free act
good reason to
butt -out
On May 31, 2006 the Smoke -Free tobacco -free facil- are just as crucial in providing children
Ontario Act came into force. ity policy are with thee healthiest environments in
It prohibits smoking in the enclosed ar many. which to play and have fun.
workplaces and enclosed public places Preventing youth It is a well known fact that smoking
in Ontario in order to protect workers from ever starting slows lung growth and reduces the ox -
and the public from the hazards of sec- to use tobacco gen available for muscles used in
and -hand smoke.
products is one. sports.
As spring is now upon us, sports and Giving every It seems a natural next step for those
recreational organizations are gearing ;'` athlete on that field charged with developing, delivering and
up for their spring and summer seasons, a chance to per- coaching of children and youth sports to
the Huron'County Health Unit on behalf form their best and join forces with their municipality, go
of the Tobacco -Free Sport and Recreation protecting the pub- that one step further to provide the best
group (TFSR) is in the early stages of lic, especially children .from the effects possible playing
promoting tobacco free outdoor sport of second-hand smoke are others. environments for
,and recreation venues in Ontario. Keeping our outdoor facilities and sport and recre-
The TFSR's goal is to promote health green spaces smoke and tobacco -free ation.
and create environments to help stop also works to protect the environment. Should individu-
youth from starting to use tobacco prod- From the inhaled smoke to the dis- als, groups, sports
ucts. gusting butts that litter our fields, beach- organizations or
They're not just talking cigarettes es, pitches, and courses, the environ- m u n i c i p a l i t i e s
either. ment stands to benefit from tobacco -free have any questions
The Huron Health Unit is targeting all venues. or wish to become
forms of tobacco, including chewing, Tobacco -Free Sport and Recreation is involved in devel-
which is a fast growing problem.. encouraging local governments to devel- oping a Tobacco -
Tobacco -free sport and recreation op their own policy to send a clear mes- Free policy, they
meansparticipants, spectators, coaches sage to their constituents that they value may contact
and leaders do not smoke, sniff, dip or a tobacco -free community. Angela Ritchie at
chew tobacco while engaged in the Several Ontario municipalities have the Huron County
activities of their respective organiza- either already passed their own smoke- Health Unit on
tions. free by-laws or are in the throes of strik- Tuesdays or
By agreeing to adopt a tobacco -free ing committees to study the , initiative Thursdays at
policy sports and recreation communi- more closely. 519-482-3416 or
ties will send a clear message to the Collingwood passed its smoke-free visit www.play-
wider community that they take their spaces by-law in 2000. The first phase livebetobaccofree.
health and the health of their youth seri- consisted of working to keep parks with ca to find out more
ously. playgrounds, skateboard parks and their about this very
In an effort to get the initiative off the outdoor pools smoke-free, adding worthwhile pro -
grown Angela Ritchie, Student smoke-free playing fields in the second gram.
Epidemiologist for the Huron Health phase.
Unit has been in touch with local soccer As of September 2008, Woodstock
associations.. Ontario adopted a policy intended to
"As of right now, Goderich . and keep the direct areas where children and
Wingham soccer associations are inter,. youth play sports of recreate free of the
ested in promoting this initiative" said effects of smoking.
Ritchie. Toronto and Thunder Bay are two
"Also, to advocate for and expose other communities currently in the pro -
tobacco -free sport and recreation to the cess of looking into establishing their
community our local Youth Action own smoke-free regulations for city
Alliance, Rebels with a Cause were at parks and outdoor recreation areas.
the Young Canada Week hockey tourna- Every year youth leaders who make
ment," she added. up Rebels with a Cause make a point as
It is hoped that all outdoor sport and they collect several trash bags full of
recreation organizations adopt this prac- cigarette butts from our town's beach-
tice that would prompt municipalities to es.
develop an official policy for the broad- Rebels is on a mission to raise aware-
er community, as all teams and sporting ness of their peers, their communities
organizations would follow the policy. businesses and governments to spread
The benefits of adopting an inclusive the word that smoke-free outdoor spaces
Gas tax funds open
up rwork
Donny Scott
signal -star staff
Prioritization of roadwork became an
item of discussion at the April 7 meeting
of Ashfield-Colborne-Wawanosh Council,
as the use of gasoline tax funding was de-
Originally, council had decided to pave
four sections of municipal property: Zion
Road between Lucknow Line and Tower -
Line Road, Huron Sands Road between
Highway 21 and Michelle Street, St. Hel-
en's Line between Belgrave Road and Glen
Hills road and the Wawanosh shed yard.
Financing for the work on the St. Hel-
en's Line repaving was to come from the
recently -released federal gas tax funding
and other projects were to paid from ACW
Council decided to remove work on St.
Helen's Line and paving at the shed yard
from thelist of projects. Funds scheduled
for these projects will now applied to Zion
Road repaving. Huron Sands Road will be
dealt with as originally planned.
Councillors wanted to set money aside
for future work on Belfast Line. Work was
not scheduled on the road until next year.
While some considered high -traffic
roads more of an issue for council, Reeve
Ben Van Diepenbeek said that traffic isn't
the only consideration. He said regardless
of usage, work needed to be completed on
the road.
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