HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 2009-04-15, Page 181 Page A18 - Goderich Signal -Star, Wednesday, April 15, 2009 CUSTOM TRUCK EVENT YES YOU CAN LEASE THE 2009 F-150 SUPERCAB XLT 4x4 APR Par is..th tor 411 waithir with $2,340 don ..y ,..t. omw uoive.s trete* of $1,*OO. ♦O Melling d ONt." MOST F-150 OFFERS INCLUDE: 8,OOO PRICE ADJUSTMENT +$1,000 OF NO EXTRA CHARGE FORD ACCESSORIES 59,000 IN ADDED VALUE T11 4= $O eeel TRUCK OF TIE OF NO EXTRA CHARGE GENUINE FORD ACCESSORIES '70,4 Ai! 2Wri F 15D, RANGER. SPORT MAC AND MOST SUPERDUTY MOST SUPERDUTY OrrERS INCLUDE 59,000 PRICE ADJUSTMENT +$1,000 OF NO EXTRA CHARGE FORD ACCESSORIES $10.00 2009 FORD SUPERDUTY F-250 $24, 9 9 9 Offer szeirlse hided 01,11.0. IN ADDED VALUE T AMRif A SUP*RCAI 4314 NMI $499'@ 8.99% war _.utM f.. M...M. cow rtu.. r... psyme.t. Mar walla= holed of SIAM 40. sow* dellmmiL“ 1 2009 FORD RANGER $12. 9 9 9. /.xIM •• 41,240. OR FINANCE RANGER WITH o/tt THESE OFFERS ARE HERE FOR A UNITED TIME. ONLY AT YOUR ONTARIO FORD STORE. 60 APR MONTH Ow WOW SOSO OHMS ro..aI POWIP.IR*IS WAPRANIT t�E IMIS EfAi 1W MAI COPY: r Receive $1,000 worth of selected Gerxine Fad accessories at no a ra charge with the purchase a tease of al new 1009 fad F-I5O, F -13O • $-550 StgerOuly (excluding Chassis (ab), Explorer Spat frac or Ranger delivered on a before Apel 30• 20O9.011er raid from February 20, 2C09 to 401 30, 2009. Taxes payable on total price of the vehicle. including accessories Offer is subject to *hide and accessory avaiabiih. Accessories may not be exactly as shown Any accessory prices shown include installation and are effective February 20,1009 and were accurate at the time c(printing. Please see your Dealer faup-to-datepricing. Dealer rimy sell accessories la less than MSRPs. $1,000 is not redeemable to cash and can only be moiled Ioaccessories shown. Ars offer apphes only toamaximum of 51.000 worth of aaessaries per efiglole reticle This ofRr can be redeemed once fa each eigble vehicle purchased a leased to a maximum d ha different eligrbh Ford vehicles per customer (the'Rde ot 21. Factory installed accessories are not eligible under this offer. This offer can be used in ca unci n with most consumer afters made mita* by Fad of Canada at the time of purchase. Rair>dhedn salable on factory orders This offer's not arofrable to any Fleet (other than small fleets with an eligible FIN) a Government deiseciFand not combinable with (PA, GP( Daily Rental Allowances, and the A/X/1 program limited tine offer. Offer maybe canceled at any time Without notice. Some conditions apply. See Dealer fa details. t Receive the following delivery allowance on the cash prdhase. purchase finance a leased the foliating new 200) model vetider$6,000on2009F-150ReycAarCabs /$6,000 on 1009 F-150(exciting RegnAarCab mode's)/$9,000on2009F•250(ordudng Chassis (abs),F-350,F-450(euf d gChassiscats)/$1.000 on 1009 Ranger Super (abexdX1/S3,750on2009F•450,F-550 Chassis (abs Diesel Engine /$3,150 on 2009 F-450, $550 Chassis Cabs Gas Ergine / $3,000 on Ranger Reg. (ab & Super (ab XL' Purchase a new 1009 Fad Ranger Regular (ab CEL / 2009 fad Super My F-250 Regular (at 4x2 X115.41 Manual transmission la 112,999/S14.999. Taxes payable on hit wort of budge prize (alter Del erg Mowence Of 53,000/$9,000 deducted). "tease a new 0009 ford F450 ill Super (ab 4x4/1009 F•250 Situp Cab XII 4x4) to ($399/S499) with (6.99101.99% APR) to up to 46 masts on approved credit (OK) from Fad Credit Not all buyers wit quash for the lowest APR payment. Mdrriona' nar~ents required: down payment of ($2.3411/$1,990) a equiv alert trade-in. Tota( lease obligation is (511,491/$16.941) optional buyout is 51.6S4.13/56.936.10). Some coMtions and mkage restrictions of 60,0001m over G months apply. A charge of 11 cents per km aver mileage restrictions Wes, plus applicable taxes. Al lease payrrhents are calculated with no trade-in. SO security deposit, plus administration tees, pe -delivery. regrstraion, PPSA fees and appkable taxes (alter delivery akowawe of 56,000/$9400 deduded). Taxes payable on full amour( of lease financing price alter any price adjustment is deducted Al offers i:'xcude freight 00091.50/1009 Ranger/1009 Super poly heigtg 04 1350/$1,30041,350), kerne, and issuance. registration, PPS& admostratbn fees and al appirade taws HNa Searih Deposit on al 1009/1010 Ford *des (exhaling the 2009 Fad She@y GT 500, E•Series Cutaways, Fad f -Series Chassis (abs, Transit Cornea, Ford Medan Touts agd L(f) effective Apra 1,1009 untl Arae 30,1009. Security Deposit may be required by ford Credl based on Moms (reit tens and condroons"Receive 0% APR purchase financing on new 1009 Fad Ranger (erctudng Requfar (ab and Xt models) for a maximum of 60 months 10 qualified retail customers- on approved credit (OAC) from fad (relit. Not all buyers will coolly for the lowest APR payment. Lg., $20,000 purchase financed at 0%APR la 60 moms, monthly payment is 5333.33, cost of borrowing is SO a APR of 0% and total to be repaid is $10.000. Down panned on purchase financing otters maybe required based on moved (redid. w Most 1009 Ford vehides, *x kg 1009 Model t(f, F-650 and f150, come with a 5 year/103,000 (wfirhever occurs fast) Powertrain Warranty and Cul Roadside Assistance benefits together with a S year/100 000 bit (whichever occurs first) Safety Restraint Warranty In addition, on al 2009 Model F-SuperDuty vehides nixed with the diesel ergine: the Powertrain Warranty's extended to 5 year/160,000 km (whichever occas fast). which equals the Diesel engine warranty. Some coo ons and lmtahons apply. See you fad Dealer fa complete details a cal Mt ford (rntonier Relationship tare at 1-$1110-565-3613.0Ners maybe cancelled at any time *that notice limited time offers Dealer may sell of lease for less. See dealer fa details Ontario CORA PO Box 1000. Oakville, Ontano 16) 514 Photos by Anya Scott Hoppin' alongthe bunny trail The Maitland Trail Association hosted its annual Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt along the Maitland Woods 'Bunny Trail' on Saturday, April 11. Below sunny skies, kids, of all :ages met up With.some of the Ester Bunny's long-eared, treat -carrying helpers, and took part in an r'I Spy, Scavenger Hunt.' LT, ,' �,.litilff s . #,s%T s Y j 0,?, s s.,+# } 13; ' � .-.T r 1 s. 3 v s .1 .. .t. ,.4.. � ...a>i....1h.�..... 1�aE tf i:C.h•fps ' r ' i of fn 1 it re