The Goderich Signal-Star, 2009-04-15, Page 13Carlow intersection compared to 'death trap' at council Cheryl Meath --- sun media Lynn Depatie wants to take a bite out of crime in Carlow. Depatie, who recently purchased the Carlow General Store, came be- fore Huron County's April 8 commit- tee -of -the -whole session in order to request the installation of a flashing light at the intersection of Blyth Road and Lucknow Line. The reason? Depatie says the intersection is a death trap waiting to happen. And, she adds, the close proximity of busi- nesses and buildings to the roadways only compounds the problem. "I believe this is a very important situation at hand," she says, adding she has seen a few accidents and many "near misses" since moving to the area last June. More frustrating, she says, is the acknowledgement of many passers- by that they "love to speed through Carlow." Motorists with heavy feet are so common in the area, she says, that it is a popular speed trap with the OPP. "My daughter says we don't have to watch COPS on TV, we're watch- ing it in Carlow," she says. Depatie points to other small com- munities, like , Brucefield, as ones where a yellow flashing light has been installed. She notes representa- tives of the Coalition for Huron In- jury Prevention (CHIP) have already pledged to lend its speeding radar that flashes passing. motorists speed to the hamlet. Yet, says Depatie, more must be done. "At least by coming here I know I tried my hardest," she says. "Hope- fully, a yellow flashing light can be installed at Carlow." County Warden Ken Oke, who spent many years at the helm of Mid- dlesex County's roads department, says while he sympathizes with the plight of residents, flashing yellow lights do not slow down drivers. "In all the studies we did, the yellow lights really didn't effect the speed of the traffic," says Oke. "It creates kind of a false sense of security." In echoing Oke's sentiments. Dave . Laurie, director of public works, reports there is nothing to suggest flashing yellow lights deter speeders. "Studies show that a light won't slow people down,' he says. "My gut feeling is it's not going to solve the problem." While Depatie argued if the light saves one life, it's worth the expense, .other councilors noted there are sev- eral hamlets throughout the county that could also benefit from some- thing similar. Mayor Bill Dowson (Bluewa- ter) reports the hamlet of Varna has a problem with motorists rushing through the community. "I'm a strong believer in that the hamlets should have a four-way stop," he says. Coun. Joe Seili (Huron East) echoed some councillors' sentiments that similar requests, like one made by Huron East's Turnberry Estates, have gone ignored. "I'm sorry. you have to kill a few people to get action but that's the way it is," he says, adding that he person- ally believes flashing lights do work. While the roads department was asked to compose a report on the Carlow situation, Seili says the wiser move would be to erect the light. "What's the cost of the study? You could probably put the light up for less money," he says. Meanwhile, Coun. Deb Shewfelt (Goderich) suggests photo radar could be the answer. "It seems to me it's policing that needs to be consistent," he says, not- ing though photo radar is banned in the province, the lower tiers could use it. Seili later moved approval of De- patie's request but the suggestion it- self elicited further comments. Coun. Max Demaray (Howick) says if Carlow gets one, the McIn- tosh comer should too while Dowson suggests one for Varna and Dorothy Kelly (Morris T urnberry) wants to see one in Belgrave. "Take all the money and buy the photo radar," chimed in Shewfelt, while Oke suggested one could be installed on Airport Line. Coun. David Johnston (Bluewater) says'a report is in order. "This has ramifications for all of Huron Coun- ty," he says. Seili's mo- tion was ta- bled in order to allow the report, which is expected to take a month to complete. Attendance should equal earning Cheryl Heath sun media Joseph Seili believes 50 per cent attendance at Huron County. Council meetings should equate to a 50 percent honorarium. That was part of the argument presented by Seili (Huron East) during Huron County's April 8 committee -of -the -whole session. Expressing frustration with the newly intro- duced committee structure that requires coun- cillors to take a minimum of three days off work each month, Seili says the time has come for county administration to acknowledge that there is more to lower -tier politics than sitting around the council -chamber table. "You are discriminating against the working class people who sit at this table," says Seili. "The working class people need to work for the people who are collecting pensions and sit- ting at this table." In essence, says Seili, any councillor at- tending 75 per cent or more meetings should continue to receive the full honorarium while others should be compensated according to the number of meetings attended. Seili's motion can at the heels of a request by Ben Van Diepenbeek (Ashfield Colborne Wawanosh), asking for an exemption from the long-standing 75 per cent meeting attendance rule to qualify for an honorarium since a fam- ily member is quite ill and needs to attend doc- tor's appointments. It was a request councillors endorsed. In contrast, Coun. John Grace (Goderich) asked for special consideration late last year when he fell short of the 75 per cent quota by two per cent last year. "I know we had a little bit of fun with (my request) last fall," says Grace. Still, says Grace, he did attend a number of special meetings outside council chambers, including several as chairman of the health board. "I attended more meetings, probably, than any other county councillor," he says. Meanwhile, Coun. Bill Dowson (Bluewater) says honorariums were introduced as a way to lure county councillors to monthly sessions since attendance was often lacking. "Why not take it off the books?" he asked. While Seili hoped to see his motion go for- ward, the committee instead opted to have ad- ministrators present a report, replete with the budgetary impact, on the issue. 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