HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 2009-04-08, Page 32Page A32 - Goderich Signal -Star, Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Photo by Gerard Creces
Note by note
Pianist Malinda Exel and the Men of Note Male Choir open up Habitat for
Humanity Huron County's An Evening of Song March 28 at North Street United
Church. The evening raised more than $1,600 for Habitat.
Pedestrian -only a
means to enhance
downtown core
From Page 2
the BIA," Grace said. "It's meant to en-
hance. It's an opportunity to do something
outside the box."
Examples of community events that
would be ideal for pedestrian -only traffic
are the Children's Festival, Festival of Arts
and Crafts and the Kinsmen Summerfest,
Grace said.
"More people on the sidewalks," he said.
"More people in the stores."
He said the opinions he was hearing after
the initial article in the Signal -Star was about
50=50 for or against closing The Square to
traffic. However, when the terms were made
clearer, support rose drastically.
"When people understand it's event -
driven, it goes up to about 80-20," he said.
"There has to be events... something to do."
With many office and courthouse workers
out of the picture on weekends, availability
of downtown parking off The Square goes
up significantly, Grace said.
"If you figure how many people work
downtown, and how many work week-
ends," he said. "It provides parking oppor-
Whether it would be a full or partial
closure to traffic can only be done through
council resolution, Grace said, addling there
is still plenty of time for people to get in on
the debate.
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