HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 2009-04-08, Page 6Page 6 - Goderich Signal -Star, Wednesday, April 8, 2009 Editorial www.goderichsignalstar.com Proprietor and published by Bowes Publishers, PO.' Bar 220, 120 Harkins Street, Goderich, Ontario N7.A 486 EDITORIAL Murray Gaunt: the ultimate ambassador of rural Ontario Murray daunt was a man of the people. A remarkable, patient, and well-respected gentleman, daunt served the constitu- ents of Huron•Bniee as one of the most respected politicians for over 19 years and for most of his 1itb, he served his beloved agriculture business. Out of respect to the man cltaracte by Huron -Bruce Liberal MPP Carol Mitchell as a uhard-worldng and compassionate man" the speaker of the Legislature, the Hon. Steve Petets, asked members of the Legislature to stand and share a moment of silence in merry of Gaunt on Thursday,April 2. The redo don was p� well deserved and otered out of deference, to a man elected in four straight elections 10 represent his constituents, The man who became the face and void of agriculture in MidWestern Ontario, passed away '`ittesday, March 31 in a London hospital, He was 73. A humble man, Gaunt was born in West Wawanosh lbwnship to a farming fam- ily and as a young matt he attended the two -mom schoolhouse in St. Helen, a two- mile walk from the family farm. Grounded in agriculture, he was an ardent supporter of the local 4-H club and member of the Lucknow beef -calf club. He won the Queen Guineas, one of the most prestigious beef awards in Canada, at the 1955 Royal Winter Pair in lbronto. One ear later he graduated from the Ontario Agricultural College in Guelph and s , • into what he envisioned as a lengthy career in .poultry farming, However, pu R c service and putting a public face to the business of agriculture would take Murray on an interesting career mix of politics and broadcasting over the next sev- eral decades. He served both disciplines well. This area of Ontario demonstrates a propensity for electing solid representation in many levels of government, and typically that seat in govcrmmnent can be held as long as the incumbent continues to perform -and wants the job. Murray Gaunt would have been the people's choice for as long as he wanted to serve the riding, It was the day attar he had interviewed sitting member for Huron --Bruce, John Hanna, that the 20 -year member of the Legislature suddenly passed away, ne ssi- tating a by-election, Despite a reluctance to leave his new turkey operation, daunt was persuaded by the local Liberal Association to tun in the 1962 by-election, which he won, He would go on to win four mom provincial elections and serve for 19 years, While the young 27 -year-old admitted he knew nothing of politics, the association recognized all the attributes that made Gaunt a choice of the people for decades to come. 1Vituray always put the interests of other people ahead of his own tunbitlon. He worked thelessly and electively for his community, his family, agriculture and his constituents. He was a man of n ty and a man of his word, to the Agriculture Hall of Pante in 2005, Murray Gaunt was the consum- matelecCion and c o mmunit -minded citizen, gentleman, ti He embodied the true spirit of ty and exuded a genuine grace and charm that had a calming influence, Murray Gaunt was the ultimate ambassador for rural Ontario. He leaves a etch legacy of service that will be sadly misiled. (DS) •.sum The (,lvwlorlah Nl glnail'MIal' publidwd awry *diode al Onderlrh, Morin 1, ala o/7he 111411141111 Pabili l ng (Jsiup 4Can ssu * Ntwrpwperi, a d/vMlan , .iPawls ba4lial fir/, i» ado** MMOnel.IMP shall Hof bar habit jar /altars m puhli h an gip, lyp airaphical ravers In pufijleallun osrapi 1H rn AWN /f m/ tort W )hal pram, of Ow ad ll! NMkCh l/w arum, rktu# vS Thi Otorkuisli Xlgrlal ,ar mows s lha Oil is rr/ref Of PO any ndvrnlsrrnrni, The (fadrrlr* ti rlal4iar It a road member g Ito Canadian Castaway Nrwspaprr~ Anrnlallon (C %$/ and y*, (hnada Cons/oily Nilrspaprrs Assositakw tOCNA), wag L Editorial Deadlines... . W1r1AT S GONG OiJ OVER ? WEsROEST SEASot' EvER. •.You GOT' SNE LEA5S , SENAToS AND CANADIEt4S, Au. P161iTINC, oval .E-oFF TIMES! I0I Students honour Smallwood, LHLC 'Ib the Editor; Letters opinion Post secondary opportunities can be a challenge especially in a rural area. Couple this with family obligations of a mature learner or economic chal- lenges and any thoughts of furthering education almost disappear. The Lake Huron Learning Collaborative has been successful in breaking down some of these barriers by joining with the University of Western Ontario to bring courses and professors hem to Goderich. This has enabled youth in Grades 11 and 12 to attend and receive a first year university credit for free, seniors to receive free courses, and the' opportunity for others to beginor continue with degreeprograms. John Smallwood . has pm- vided additional supports such as picking up Bill could remove ■b the Editor; May 1 dmw the attention of your readers to a bill being introduced into the Senate by the Honorable Mac Herb. This bill will halt the coaunercial seal hunt in Canada. This bill will not only remove the blood stains from the St. Lawrence ice, but it will remove the ugly stains of animal cruelty and envi- ronmental destruction from the fair face of Canada. • Monday at 10 am Advertising Dealdlinea,., Entertainment, Births, Deaths', In Memdriams .. !Friday at 3 pm Classifieds. Monday at noon Display Advertising.., Monday at noon Telephone FMX,,,. pab11Ph1►t�,► Reporters.., 519.5244614 519-524.5145 Dave Svkes Dntnlnlghe Milburn Gerard Creces Denny Scott books, offering essay help and proctoring occa- sional exams on his own time at his own expense. Classes of this initiative wish to thank John and the Collaborative for providing this opportunity and supporting their community in lifelong learn- ing. Plans for future courses are on their way. Stay tuned for more information or check out http:// www.lakehuronlearning.ca Lisa Walker Goderich stain of seal hunt 1 urge everyone to support this bill. Please contact Senator Mac Hath by phone. (toll free —1-800-267- 7362) , by fax (1-613-996-2318). By email (harb- sealbill @sen.parl.gc.ca) or by post (Senate of Canada. Room 376, East Block, Ottawa, On. K1A 0A4). (no postage required). Sincerely J. Michael Watts Goderich Classifieds k Subscription,,. Arrcrunting.., Office Mansgcr... Display Salt's... Advertising Man:sgcr.., Judy Austin Rhonda Butt. Mary Johnston Janet Shrier Lisa McLaren Keith Moreland Kevin Shrier • Email.,. gssnews@bowesnet,com,gsssports@bowesnet.com gtsadsWhowesnet.rom, gaderehads@bowesnet,com website... www.goderkhsignalstar.com PuluGmow1 Mat. AattutttiNT No, 40064683 PAP AlayrnmON No. 7602 Rarutw UNottmlulu CLAN Aconites To: Cira6rtion 001., 120HuckiaSt.,PA.Box 120, Gabriel), ON, N7A 486 0106244614 t: gssnewsporssonstoom Wr aeknowlydgir the (Mandel support of the Government 01 Canada, through the Publkrations Asslstanre Program (PAP), toward our mailing torts. • Cianaci 211 _�ocna