HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 2009-04-08, Page 3Dim results for Earth Hour
signal -star staff
Despite the efforts of those who
went in the dark on March 28, Earth
Hour didn't make as big a mark on
Goderich's electrical load as it did in
Town of Goderich Environmental
Technician Jeanette Walker com-
pared electrical loads during the hour
between 8:30 and 9:30 to the same
consumption rate of the 2008 Earth
Hour effort between 8 and 9 p.m. She
found that where last year, Goderich
reduced its.usage by six per cent, this
year it was just four per cent.
Walker, however, is not fazed. She
said the savings of kilowatts used per
hour was higher than the year before.
In 2008, Goderich cuts its kilo-
watt expenditure by 620.6 kw/hr.
This time around, though, the town
saved 771.4 kw/hr.
"Our overall consumption was sense of the consumption rates," she
higher," Walker explained. "It could said. "
have been that there was something Across Canada more cities were
going on at one of our bigger facto- involved in Earth Hour than last year.
ries, or maybe more water pumping. The federation of Canadian Munici-
It's hard to say what was the cause." palities reported 280 communities
participated, that's up from 150 from
Earth Hour results last year.
Sponsored by the World Wildlife
Fund as a worldwide effort to draw at-
tention to climate change, Earth Hour
was launched in 2007 with 2 million
people turning out the lights. Partici-
pation jumped to about 50 million in
2(X)8. Organizers are calling Earth
Hour 2009 the biggest environmental
demonstration in history with "almost
a billion people mobilized."
How low did the world go?
Results have yet to trickle in but
will be available on World Wild=
life Fund's Web site, http://wwf.
*Ontario, 920 MW (6%)
(920,000 Kilowatts)
•Toronto, 455 MW (1 S%)
(455,000 Kilowatts)
•Goderich, 0.7714 MW (4%)
(771.4 Kilowatts)
To tally the total, Walker took
averages over the two-hour period
between 8 p.m. and 10 p.m. She
said that consumption readings are
recorded at hour intervals, not half
"Because it goes by hour, I had
to average the whole period to get a
Hydro rest
red quickly
after Friday outage
-Dominique. - burn we use our own forces to address our proximately 12 hours after 50 km/hr
infrastructure," said Larry McCabe. winds caused power outages to some
"When something like this happens residents Monday morning.
within Hydro One [territory], those are As the work day came to a close on
the ones that can take more time to ad- April 6, 3,200 Hydro One customers
dress when their forces must come in across the province were still without
and find the cause." electricity after the early morning
As of Monday, a Hydro One rep- bought of windy winter cut power
resentitive said, that customers in the supply to more than 20,000 custom -
Clinton area would be back online ap- ers at 7 a.m. In Clinton, 1,600 custom-
ers remained offline
Couple accused in murder plot well into the day.
appear In court via\video link
A North Huron man and woman, London. She will make another
charged with conspiracy to commit appearance by video on Thursday,
murder and counseling to commit Apr. 9 at 10 a.m.
murder, have both been remanded in A 39 -year-old Wingham man
custody and await further bail hear- charged in the case will make his
ings. next video appearance in bail court
The 38 -year-old woman from on Thursday, Apr. 16 at 10 a.m.
North Huron made a video appear- The pair were arrested Thursday,
ante in ; bail court in Goderich, Mar. 12 for conspiring to commit a
Wednesday, April 1 and was murder. Names have not been
remanded in custody at the Elgin- released to protect the identity of the
Wended victim.
signal -star staff
The north east block of town was
plunged into darkness as the sun set on
Friday after a fallen tree limb disrupted
hydro within the Town of Goderich.
According to Line Foreman Tim
Martin, the main three phase 26,300
volt line on North Harbour Road was
struck by the limb shortly after 7 p.m.
on Friday, April
3. He said that
it took just over
one hour to clear
the limb safely
and restore
power to the af-
fected area from
Victor is Street
to the east, and
Nelson Street to
the north.
"When hydro
is affected with-
in Goderich
Hydro, the reac-
tion time is very
quick because Middlesex Detention Centre in
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