HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 2009-04-08, Page 2Page A2 - Goderich Signal -Star, Wednesday, April 8, 2009 Site plans approved fmassive new Sifto building property. This is really about creating superintendent Martin Quinn. requires composters be enclosed Goderich Town Council gave more jobs... producing more A letter of concern from resi- on all sides, but not on top. first, second and third reading to salt," said Howe. "It's a big proj- dents called the avenue an unfin- Pulham said this attracts un - the site plan approval by-law at ect with tight timelines." ished mess, asking the town to wanted wild animals such as their April 6 meeting. Howe congratulated town plant mature trees in the place of raccoons and skunks, and cre- The by-law was given a rush council and staff for forging the cut ones. ates dangerous situations for priority to help hasten the de- ahead with the site plans, add- Quinn said the crabapple trees neighbours. tailed construction process. ing with new storage capability, will be replaced with ornamen- "It would go a long way to the mine could increase its out- tal pear trees; which will offer eliminate the problem," he said. put from seven to nine -million the same esthetic benefits as "And limit the amount of wild tonnes next year. the crabapples. The ornamental animals." He also added this year, the pears, he said, also blossom in He said he was currently get - mine is looking at an additional the spring and have strong red ting rabies shots after trapping 30 job's. colour in the fall as well. an animal threatning his neigh - Part of the agreement between "They will be planted within bours pets. the town and the mine is the re- the next ten days," he said. Pulham said with the new locaiton of North Harbour Road Fieldinga number of tree- clear -bag garbage policy, resi- off of Sifto property. related calls, council reviewed dents are more apt to throw their Planner Joyce Wilson said their tree -cutting policy and de- food waste into the yard. With - there is still a portion of the road cided to maintain the status quo. out lids on their composters, he running through mine property Public Works will conduct in- said, wild animals will continue however, public utilities and the spections of problematic trees to be problematic. stone monument at the harbour and will have the final say as to "It's happening already," he will be moved. whether or not it needs to come said. *** down. Goderich administration staff A bleak landscape is currently *** member Lynda Rotteau said facing residents.along Elgin Av- Doug Pulham wants to put a education could be key to elimi- enue. lid on compost in town. nating the problem. She said "Irreversible damages," caused The Goderich resident was be- Bluewater Recycling did inten- by road upgrades resulted in the fore council Apr. 6 to ask council sive public education campaign ,, felling of a number of crabapple to change their by-law regarding 10-15 years ago but not much trees along the boulevards of El- composters. has been done since. gin Avenue, according to Parks As it stands, the current bylaw signal -star staff "It will change the look at the back of the harbour," is how Sif- to Salt Mine manager Rowland Howe described the immensity of a new 70,000 square -foot building . to be erected on Sifto www.movielinks.ca Fri & Sat 6:45 & 9:15 Sun - Thur 8:00 Fri, Sat, Sun & Mon Matinees 2:00 I -800-265-3438 Grace encourage by.downtown debate Exclusively for Volvo Retirees & Employees April 19th, 2009 - Saltford Valley Hall 10:OOam - 12:OOam - Morning Session for Retirees 1:OOpm - 3:OOpm Afternoon Session for Employees learn from experienced professionals how to: *Reduce your taxes and get the most from your severance package *Medical benefit packages available to you +Options for your pension plan *Common Sense investing for your future Spouses Welcome Door Prizes - Please RSVP to (519) 432-6744 47' �orni �rJ �:T'_`( CV, FMA, ar, <.r r• McConnn}L, BA (E r,) f inor=rlrj! Advi`fi , f5rr,r.r'h Margyjcic, Mfi?iuitfe ¶,erzlr;ti': ir.r;orporotGd 309 Cornnisioners Rd. W. Unit #2 i.cr;dor '• :6; 1 y4 7r:%` .Gerard Cre _------ __.._ - signal -star staff Goderich's deputy -mayor is encouraged by the amount of public debate sparked by the suggestion of closing off The Square to vehicles during major sumemr events, even if some of it is based on misunder- standing. ----- - 11 am to 12 mldni� 2Games1 . 00 WPM FAMILY - SUMO NONDAY 1 pm to Spm 1 Game 2 Games & Comfy Shoes &comfy shoes $640 $10e00 Kids Under *Bowl Free 5 2e4"1 LILY (2 t. "It's nice to see people have the passion for their community and downtown," said John Grace. "But we may have gotten off on the wrong foot... created more anxiety than waht was needed." Initially, he said people thought The Square would be closed on all Saturdays, sparking concerns about the effects this would have on businesses around Goder- ich's famous octagon. "That's not it at all," he explained. Instead, he said council would look at disallowing vehicles on The Square for one or two days this summer in order to see the effects and to reinstate downtown as a hub of pedestrian activity. "It's all about building capacity," he said. "As a destination for events and for a walkable community." Food vendors, buskers, sidewalk sales and more could add to the allure of The Square and make more use of the entire downtown, complementing local busi- nesses rather than competing with them. "This was never meant to be a threat to See PEDESTRIAN, Page 32 Strat f()i(1 1: Cinetthr- 1 1 i 1 1 Huron St. 273-6780 Show Schedule for ARS 10th - Hannah Montana: The Movie MO, at 7:00 & 9:16, FWialyuvwon mama M 2pm Fast & Furious MiONip a17O0 i *IL Fiiliallianalon Maln_. at 2pm INN Monsters vs. Allem * at 7W0 s f;il, FrVial luMilon .mina at 2pm III Connecacut101rresolyittlse i rte, F+VlatNwrMeA assists at 2pott Ad .nSu wand NV* at700i0:11,friallliai .owalimeat?p» 1 1 1 1 1 1 1