HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-7-13, Page 8E BIG STORE W1TI-I THE LITTLE PRICES," Bot Weather Bargains OXFQUID4 ANI) PUMPS :M 40 Pr. Ladies' Black and Chou plate 'Oxfords and Pumps in a. real fine Quality,rearlY all size a. Regular $0.00 and 37.00 value, Special for Summer Selling at $2,98 Pr. ikflNTZ 'f 1flDSSES In, Light and Dark Colons of Very Neat Patterns and up to the minute Styles. Sale Price $3,75, $2,25 and ;$1.50. CORSETS Summer Corsets in a very suit- able Model and a good weight Cloth: Regular: 31.54. Sale Price 9S G. CORN 111:T AKES Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flakes for the Hot Weather Breakfast 3 Pkgs for 29c C:EII.TO Ilse Certo lar making Janis and Jelly. No Boiling Required Per Battle 40c. GIN GRAMS A Nice Range of Color's . in Neatlaid P andC heclti s of the Bestna is Ca d m Gingham. Special for this week, Per yd. 25c. TO\VEl S Huc1% Towels full size Hem- stitched Ends, Lot No. 1, Sale Price 25c each, Lot No. 2, 35e each or 3 for $1.40. WORK SHIRTS Several Dozen Work Shirts eft in all Sizes. They are excel- ent value to clear at 93c. SHREDDED WHEAT The Real Sumner Breakfast Food with fresh Fruit Per Pkg. 12e. SALMON Choice Red Sockeye Salmon Regular 55c value now 42c a can or 3 for 31.25. This store will close every Wednesday afternoon July and August. A. Stewart I during June, �' i The Leading Furniture. Dealer Funeral Director . and Embalmer Facilities and Service Unsurpassed SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO FUNERAL DIRECTING FINEST MOTOR HEARSE 'AND UP- TO -DATE QUIPMENT GA DINER ii E. 01 -ERA HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 743 Night call 74W ARVEY' Main Phone 102 Two Stores North Phone 47 N. P. SOAP LARGE BAR 19c NEW CABBAGE SOLID HEADS Sc. a pound COX'S INSTANT POWDERED GELATINE 25c, CHOICE BRITISH COLUMBIA SALMON TALL TINS 2 for 35c, REDPATH'S SELECTED SUGAR GROUND RICE 8.0 cwto 2 fcr 25c $a COLEMIIAN'S BARING POWDER 1 1b., TIN CLARKE'S CHICKEN SOUP 29c 20c. a tin 1 IMPERIAL PAROW AX 1 lb. 4 CAKES 25c. POWELL'S BAZAAR One feature you can appreciate in"this store is that All our Prices Are in Plain Figures. You ca ' t Misunderstand s understand Them.' OUR POLICY a low Price and a Quick Sale, Price consistant with Good Quality. Suggestions Are Always Welcome to Better Our Business. Specials Rubber Stair Treads 15c each Furniture Polish 25c each Nest Eggs 5c each Glass Flower Vases 15c to 50c Water Glasses Special 5s eain this Week Jelly Glasses 75c Doz. Paper Plates 10 and 12c Doz. Ice Crean) Plates 9c Doz. Table Napkins 5 and 10c aDos. Special prices by the 100 Edison Prices Reduced, April l`st. AM33EROLAS RECORDS 90c now 75c 31.25 now $1.00 $1.50 now $L25 362 now 354.00 3102 now 375.00 3151. now 3125.00 NEW EDISON (Disc) $144 now $110.00 3253 now $195.00 fi 302' now $275.00' 3446 now 3395.00 $756 now $500.00 RECREATIONS $1,80 now $1.50, $2'.60 now 32.25 33.50 and: up, now $3.00 There is no better on the market to -day at the price. » Let us' enionstrate the Edison to you. owe aza THe, t XE `ER TIM Market Report -:-Tee iol1owir8 is the report of - the lexeter Market corrected every Wednesday. Wheat 31,15 Family Flour 33.90 ManitobaFleui34,10 Pastry Flour 33.35 Bran 31.60 Shorts 31,60 reed flour 32,10; Creamery. Butter 43e Dairy Butter 34c to 37c Eggs 26c :and 27c Lard 20c Hogs 313,75 t LOCAL, 4,000o0o •••••*• • Mr. E. Pollen spent Friday and Saturday in Sarnia. Mr. J. W. Powell motored to Tor oiite Monday on business. Miss Jeckell, of Toronto, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Shapton. Mr. F. Taylor has returned home after Holidaying in Philadelphia. Messrs. W. Mack and S. Reed were in Sarnia and Pt. Huron on Sunday.. Miss Vera Steel visited with her grandmother, Mrs, Hodgson, for a few days. Mrs. Wm. Whiteford spent the week -end with relatives in and a- round Lucan. Miss Viola Hodgson is holidaying in London with her cousins Mr. and Mrs. Herbert. Miss McCormick, of London, is vis- iting with t\Ir. and ` Mrs. John keys tor, a few days. Miss Kaercher, of Kitchener, was the guest of Miss Elva Harvey during the past .week. 1VIrs. Smith;' of Toronto, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Arin- trong. . Miss Idella Davis returned to Windsor last week after holidaying Eggsg at her honHatching e here. forLl tchh Mr. • ' and Mrs. J. \V. Taylor spent : Bred to ,lay -Barred Rocks, culled Witt the CLQ reties C4 VEN I'TtES13YTIlRIAN' °limoHti' xo, Rev. James .Foote, R. A«,' Mt/deter 10 a.m,-Sunday School and Bible Classes. " Union service with Main street l\fethodist in Caven church for month ofIly. Jin Rev. Geo. McAlister, min- ister, , Boy' Scouts will meet Friday evening:„ JAMES,' STREET METHODIST Rev. M. J. Wilson. B.A., i'rctor. . Services as usual next Sunda, 3 p.m. -Sunday; School and Bible»' Classes. Congregational and Choir singing A 'Welcome to All MAIN ST. METRODIST CHURCH Rev. Geo. McAlister, M. A. ' (Phone 21, r3.)." Union service With Caven Presby- terian in Caven church. during July Rev. Geo. McAlister, minister, 3 p. m. -Sabbath School and; Bible. Classes BETIdANY 2,30 p. m.- the Minister. Y. P. C. A. Open every evening to members:: TN ux;s ).f]'7 Illlll111111g111111llllll11111111111IIiIIIA111iICIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111CIIICIIICII1111111I 1� 1111 11111 1 �' I I I I III I l IIICIII IIIIIIIII VIII IlCI1�I1111Clilllf :a -110011.11 SALVATION ARMY SERVICES Services in the Town Hall next.L= Sunday. 2.30 p.m. -Sunday schoel and Bible class and special sand tray for" primary class. Cottage meeting in. North End on Tuesday night. Capt. MacGillivray, officer in charge.' IVAELOL&i FA$M Wednesday 'with. _their niece, Mrs. Myron Culbert, Luaan, Miss Dorothy Kuntz returned home from Detroit' last week and is at pres- ent visiting in Hamilton. Mr. T. S. Woods has rented a. cot- tage at Grana Bend and his family. will move out next week. Miss Cowan who has spent the mil- linery season with Miss Yelland has returned to her home in Atwood. Mrs. S. Handford returned home Saturday after visiting for a few weeks With her son at Palmyra, Wis. The Misses Bennett, of Toronto, are visiting with -Mie. and Mrs. J. A. Stewart, and Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Puke. MrJ ;Clifford` McAvoy, is spending a Couple of weeks in •Walkerton: re- lievisg_ a druggist who is away on holidays. Mrs. Combe returnedto town last Saturday evening after visiting for several weeks with friends in Bow- ranviile. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johnston. and daughter, Mildred, 02 Essex, .vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Gardin- er last week. Miss Jessie Brickwood and. gentle- man friend, of London, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Brickwood during the past week. ' During the wind storm on Thrus- day last the main door of the Domin- ion Stores was blown shut and the large pane of glass in the door smash- ed to pieces. Mrs. A. Cottle is having the old cider mill and turning factory torn down and will erect two small houses on the property. , Mr. C. Heywood has the contract. The little' babe of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hockey was taken to London (last week to 'have an operation per- formed on one of its eyes. The oper- ation was successful. Dr. and Mrs. Roulston and son, Verne; returned home on Friday last from a motor trip to Toronto. They I were accompanied home' by Mrs. Il Langford and daughter„ who will visit here for a time. A "team of horses driven by Mr. Guy Jacobs made a dash for liberty on James street last Thursday. They ran as far as Main street and were stopped without doing any damage. Mr. and Mrs. J. Peart, Mr. and Mrs. R. Skinner motored over to Shallow Lake last Sunday where they attended the funeral of their broth- er-in-law, Mr. J, Noble on Monday.,, Mr, and Mrs. A. E. Buswell and three children, of Davidson, Sask., are holidaying with Mrs. Buswell's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Harvey and other relatives in the comniun- ity. They came »down the lakes by boat to Sarnia. Rev. J. W. Baird, the retiring past- or at Emerald St. Hamilton, and for- mer pastor of James street church, is holidaying with his family for the month of July at Bruce Beach, near. lincardine. Mr. Baird has been sta- tioned at Pt. Hope and will com- mence his new duties August lst, • Mrs. Amos who recently disposed of lier home on Andrew street and held an auction sale of • Household effects, left last week. to visit with relatives in 13owmanville. Mrs, Amos will be greatly:missed in town as she has been active in. the Weineii's In- stitute'• and `Other 'branches' of work: pertaining to t le WF1£tire of • the toivn.� The" :best.'wishes' ' of,many friends will f:�llow her. annually by the Ontario Dept. of, Agriculture, and, headed by specially, culled Cockrells . from the depart -.I vameammus. meat. Indian. Runner Duck : Eggs and Baby, Chics: Also custom hatch `ing done. Prices upon application. L. V: Hogarth, Ivaholm Farm, Phone -Crediton 18 r 31. PHONE 184. SOUTHCOTT BROW, PHONE 1m.. This store will be: closed every Wednesday afternoon during June, July and August. TWO Bargains Number 1 About • 50 pairs of Children;s. Misses', and Women's White Canvas Oxfords and lace shoes that .sold as high as $4.00 a»pair. Not this seasons goods of course; but every pair worth a great more than we ask for them. Your Choice for 98c Number 2 About 50 pairs of Women's Canvas Oxfords and high laced shoes with some small sizes of high top leather shoes in this assortment. Shoes that sold,at $5.00 a pair. Come' early for first choice. Bargain Price per pair $1,48 outhcott Bros mom o x-: ..tee 1.11111.0 .,"'�I�IIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIL111liillllllll�l Illllll{IIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllll IIIIII�IIIIIILIIIIIlIIl11111111I(Illlllllllllllllllllill , IillllllllllllCI11011111111111{�.� FOR SALE -A reninsula ' range] for coal or wood, hot water front. Apply az Times office. CARS' FOR SALE -Having` disi, continued the agency of McLaughlin" cars, have to •offer a •Master Four or Master Six to clear at a trifle a- bove cost. S. M. Sanders. FOR SALE -A , Sawyer -Massey, Threshing outfit, 25-45 Gas. Trac- tor .and Peerless Separator, also a 400 gallon supply Tank. All in goods repair and ready , for work. Apply: to Myron M. Culbert, R. R. No. 1,, Lucan, Ont, FOR SALE-House;•and barn, and five acres of land 011 Huron street east. Apply to Wny. Waal. I: R. CARLING B.A Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer.., r Solieitor .for the Molsons Bank, etc. Invest your funds in Vie - tory, Dominion of Canada, Provincial and Municipal - Bonds. w - Legal investment for Trust Funds. At existing prices, from 6 ` per cent to 7 per cent can be obtained" from :;these bonds. Orders received by me.. Money , to loan at lowest rates of interest. OFFICE- Carling Block, Main Street, EXETER, ONT. Mr. Ronald Witwer -spent Friday, NOTICE in London. If ,,you feel you cannot afford a 'Capt. McGillivray,' F theal ).;:new Suit this spring, but you' would of S vat>,on Army, returned Saturday evening af- like to look just as good as ;the fel- ter holidaying for; a couple of weeks;'to,iv.who.buys; a• new suit,. you can do: at Jackson's Point on Lake 'Simcoe'so . just^;by. letting and Toronto. His mother from Toe-'' onto accompanied» him to town and' assisted with the week -end services) Mr. and Mrs. Inkstater and daugh- ter, Miss Inkstater, of Paris; Mrs.» Floyd and Miss' Halsey Floyd and Miss Patterson, of Kalamazoo, Mich., are visiting with. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bissett. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Percy and Miss Rose, of London, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.' Bissett . on Sunday. On Monday Dr. and Mrs. McDowell and twins, of Atwood, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Bissett. T. H. ELLIOTT Clean, Press and Repair that old one Of *ours...I also dye and dry clean Ladies' or Men's Suits. LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE want- ed to sell for "The Old Reliable Font- hill Nurseries." Largest list of fruits and ornamentals to offer, exclusive territory, highest commissions, hand- some free. equipment. . Write for full particulars, Stone & Wellington, Toronto, Orit.. • Doni»inio es Ltd. WE LEAD OTHERS FOLLOW OPI:MOTTO, CLEANLINESS, SER- VICE, 16 OUNCES4o THE P OUND. Special Blend lack or :.Mixed 49c.11 Choice Red SALMON 30c, a a Ib tin MOLASSES SNAPS 14c. a. pound OATMEAL 6 11350,25e RICE 3 IBS. 25c CORNMEAL 7 I135. 25c CURRANTS 173. 17c BLACK PEPPIER LB, 25c BRUNSWICK SARDINES 4 TINS 25c CORN SYRUP '5 I.B. TIN 43c TOILET. PAPER»"'6 F0,11, 25c QUACKER OATS PKG. 29c ' Silver Bar PEACHES e a 25•C.fin Large tin n PLUMS 15c. Fluffy Ruffle BISCUITS 35c, aunt] eat fast . BACO. c eo[in This store will be closed every Wednesday afternoon during Jitne, ,July and August. Gents' Furnish»ings r Spring Hats 2 -pant. Borsa1ina» King;.. and other lines Suits for $20.00 GABARDINE COATS $17.00 to 322.50. RAINCOATS FROM 35.50 UP SPRING .OVERCOATS 315.00 TO $25.00 MEN'S SUMMER UNDERWEAR -COMBINATIONS AND TWO. •.PIECE. THE NEW SHIRTS,; CAPS, COLLARS AND, TIES ARE IN STOCK. • OVERALLS -INCLUDING THE COMBINATION' SUIT OVER- ALLS. TA .A P M 0 iN .E •rti•:3s.:.rr,••• ?C i.K:ass.SX.i'GAs..*s' ,4f....,:: FIs w`+xLi' •:er.� 'e ,.• A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Siirgeceei Office -McDonnell's .,(. es -.stables on John St. Phone calls receive prompt. attention. Phone 26w\ New iron pumps and fitessgs in stock. Iron or wood pstaps repair- ed; wells pumped out or .cleaned. S. J. V. CANN, EXETER Phone 115.: DR. JOHN WARD Chiropractic ZS; Electrical Treatments for " Chronic : and Nervous Diseases,. Spectacles scientifically fitted. Hours 10 to 12, 2 to 4, and by appointment. Office -William and Sanders Sts. Dray ,nd Baggage ANYTHING YOU HAVE TO MOVE' WE MOVE IT TREASONABLY, MOTOR TRUCK AND HORSE DRAY AT YOUR SERV . zc�E AUTO LIVERY o� .and D� ( r �i '� � i�CC 1dA y. ,�-CTi iIfleGQiClii. agsl�7 Eata.n" Good. glasses if you need then) Goodadvice if you don't. J. WARD, D.C., Optometaist EXETER 1 Cochrane Machine Works ENGINES -6( H.B. ((Z" $233.00 ..3 h.p. "Z'•'<Bosch Magneto $14.3:50.; 1Y/z h.p. "Z" 339.50 40 -Light Plant, complete, 3350.00 Double -Geared Jacks $15.00 GRINDERS -6 in. $40; $ in. $50. 10 in. 356.300 CRUSHERS -374, $ioo R; 3115 Straw Cutter $35.00 Straw Cutter, with plain feed, 365.00 tra"velling, feed $S5.00 Fairday Electric : Washer 3126.00. Belt drive• $70.00 500 lb. Scale 323.85; 1000 lo. $27.55 Concrete Mixers, Hay Presses,' Stone Crushers, Road Rollers, . , Threshing ';'"Outfits, Case `Tractors,: Tractor anPlowti ._: and d Disks: We handle a complete line 91,,t.be -," Canadian I"airlt(tinke ,Morse; Ca.,a,lsq ca.se;`Tbreshingox'ilpaiiy.;�'. 'All repairs »pr oinptly attended, t,n. �VGdi2$d+ri�m�w: