HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-7-13, Page 5i11S1)AA, JTJ
13TH, 1922'
Mrs.:Fruitehell, of 'London is visit-
ing with Mrs. Adams Birk,
Mrs. J, Schafer, of Parkhill, spent
tt few days last week with Mr, and
. Nadi 'er.
L g
Mi', and 1Vlra, Weil and children, o f
Tavistock and Mrs, Weil, of New
Hamburg, were week -end visitors
with Mr. and -Mrs. P, Kraft.
Mr e.;,r R?osi,"7 'Wo11ea t and. , children;
are visiting in Seaforth.
Mrs. J. Kellerman is visiting her
dal lr'tei Intrioibitto'
MissTetuan, of London
spending her vacation with relatives
fin town.;
Mr's: (Rev.) Miller:' and daughter,
Pittsburg, spent a few days -last week
with Mr. and Mrs. henry Miller,
There are Iota of slivers on the lad-
der of life, bait most. of thein point
up. you don't feeP'ern till you start
to slip. Keep on climbing.
Haying is; about finished in; this
Section. Several farmers have been
filling their : silos' with sweet clover.
112r. Robt, Taylor had the misfor-
tune to be kicked in the face with a
'horse last ween, Fortunately the
horse without shoes or the accident
horse was without shoes or the accid-
ent would have ben nrnoh worse. As
-it was one eye was" blackened° and.
swollen as a result. •
put Eximas `1'f fns
M. S. Miss Mary Horne was presented
with a life membership in the: soci-
13errypicliing has been the order
of the day.
Two services are being held on the
L 1r
lle circuit4uit each • Sabbath
ing during the summer, one at 9.30
and the other at 11. Last Sabbath
mowing e vice algt ;on a
9,30, Tliethre was a goolid:attenwasdhneanclde
and' the congregation se
e Hied favor-
ably' unpleased with 'thy new hour.
MVlr, Jesse Horn is carrying his aril')1
,In 'at sling the result of being, 1tiokect:' ;$,
in the: shoulder by a horse. The bone
was badly bruised but not fractured.
Mr. and Mrs, ,Chas. Kerslake and
familyvisited' Sunday i
3 r.r
y w. t11 Mr. and
Mrs. I-Iector Taylor.
Mr. and Ivirs. John .Andrews and
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Herne of"Exeter,
spent.Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H,
,, At the regular meeting .of the W.
he Oar- with a 'Good Name
Over 700,000- -Owners
TOURING $1315 ROADSTER $1275 SEDAN $2145
F; 0. B., London. ` p
We have some real bargains in used Cars
Huron C
Pilon & Foote
The long looked for event, the un-
veiling of the Soldier's Memorial will
take place here in Granton next Wed-
nesday July 19th:'- An extensive pro-
gram is being 1repared, also a splen-
did supper. , This would have taken
'face before onlytop P the of of the Mem-
orial got lost in shipping from New
York. Invitations are being sent to
places in the township of Biddulph.
Miss Sherritt addressed the S. S.
in behalf of Missions and eight little
Italians who are Here from Toronto,
under the care of Miss Woovel, a;
deaconess; sang several nice pieces:
Tlie evening service was largely at-
tended, the church being packed' to
its full capacity, when, the new paste;,
Rev. Hunter, preached an inspiring
sermon to the Orange Order. All
the centre seats being filled with the
Ladies' True .Blue Lodge and Breth-
A large number of the people from
the town and country attended "the
unveiling of the: Soldier's Memorial,
at Rannoch, near St. Marys, on Sun-
day. This is a beautiful statue cost-
ing .$7,000,' erected by the people of
Blanshard township, and has -the,
names of about twenty fallen heros
inscribed thereon.
S. S. No. 12 USBORNE
The following is the report of S. S.
No. 12 Usborne, for June Promotion
Sr. IV—Willie French 549, Ray
Parkinson 545, Irene Harness 513.
Jr. IV -Ross Duffield 504, Hazel
Webb 497, Elva Morley 495.
Sr. ' III—Dorothy. Parkinspn 465,
I-Ioward Morley 466, Dorothy Stev-
enson 402,:" .,
Jr. III -Harold, Ilazlewood 421,
Ralph Parkinson 414, Verna Harness
376, Clifford Webb 376, EdnaSquir-
es ' 375.
Second Class—Reta Squires 177
Harvey Dobbs,
Sr. I—Harvey Webb, Elmer Webb.
Jr..I---Cline Dobbs, Ruth Morley.
Primer --Willie Dobbs.
No. of pupils who tried, 19; No. who
passed, 17. Willa B. Stewart, teacher
(Light Medium Body) .is the
lubricant recommended. for
your Fordt
Briefly, these are some of the results of using tom
heavy an oil for your Ford.
(1) Engine drag and loss of powers
(2) Improper oil distribution,
_(3) Aas overheated engine.
(4) Excess carbon deposit.
(5) Unnecessary fYiction and wear.
(6) Large r ejair bills.
(7) sapid depreciation.
(8) Excess fuel and oil consumption.
What is the remedy ? Use Imperial Polaririe Motor
Oil (Light Medium Body), which is especially
adapted to the mechanical lrequirements and
operating conditions of your Ford engine.
Have your crank case cleaned and refilled today
with Imperial Polarine I Dal (Light Medirerr1 'Body),
and realize full Ford economy and efficiency,
ilTaaamact zre:rs and Marketers of Imperial Polarine
Motor Oil$ and Marketers in Canada
of Gargoyle ]i�bd�iloil.
al; a.tar;d
a ti:i•tir;tors.
IS ,'�;iAri�llv;{w
i'lrc Schwang re -union tools place
at he home of Mr. and Mrs, Chris.
Haist on July 4th, 1922..The
re -un-
ion was held as usual, dinner
at 12
noonand I
business meeting. The
Misses Haistrendered some very fine
piano duetts and solo and Mr. John
Schwang sang ,a CO,BlOn Wednes-
day they motored to Goderich where
they e thea
3 spent day.' They are a scat-
tered failiily"arid'gathered from far
and near.lVtr. and Mrs. Mike Seliwang
Mrs. Snaith, Mrs. Orines,- Mr. and
Mrs.-Carter°'arid family, IVIr. and Mrs,
L. Schwang and 'family, all of the U.
S. A.; Mr. and Mrs. Phil. Pauli and
family,; of Stratford; 11Ir. and Mrs.
Charlie Ilepplett and fancily and Mrs.
Vance of Waterloo; Mr. Dan Schwan
Mr, and Mrs. Mike Schwang, Sr, and
Mr. and Mrs. John Sehwang and fam-
ily, all of Goderich; Mr. and Mrs,
G•asho, of Zurich and 11Ir. and Mrs,
Chris! Hast and family.
The Crediton ball team were de-
feated in Stratliray on Thursday
evening last by a fairly large score.
:Crediton used three pitchers hi the
game, Motz, Shenk and Fahner,
On Monday evening July 10th, the
Crediton Outdoor club met at the
home of Miss Beatrice Haist and pre-
sented Mr. M. Rossell, the founder of
the club With 'a shirt and cuff links,
A very enjoyable evening was spent
Wheat cutting started in this' com-
munity on Monday, July 9th„ This
is about the earliest on record.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McDonald, of
Detroit, called an friends in this com-
munity last week.
A number .from this section are
takink in the/12th, at London,
Considerable improving is going
on in our 'village at present. The
English Church; has been renovated
and mucin improved. The trustees
'of the Methodist Church have pur-
chased -the lot adjoining the Method-
ist church and 'have moved the old
house' back of the main street: The
old fence has been torn down and is
,being replaced by a new wire fence
and the grounds are being levelled
and fitted,Up for ,a playground, and
where socials in connection with the
church may be held.
Mrs. Paisley, of Montreal, Cue:,
and Miss 'Irma Rennie, -of Detroit,
are- visiting with their parents,' Mr.
and Mrs. E. Rennie,
Mrs, Robt, Staff has returned to
her home at Kew Beach, Toronto,
after spending a month with her sis-
ter, Mrs. E.' Drummond.
• Mr. and MVlrs. McMartin and `family
motored here frons Barrie, and visit-
ed with Mrs. McMartin's parents,
Mr: and Mrs. Robt. Bonthron,
Mr. 'Wm, T. Pepper, of Toronto,
accompanied by his daughter,' Miss
Hilda, visited relatives in town..
Gilbert, 14 year-old son of:iVlr,
Isaac Jarrett, of Kippers, " who . has
not yet fully recovered the use of
his limbs atter a severe attack of in-
fantile paralysis, had th.e misfortune
to fall on the kitchen. floor on Mon-
day night, breaking both bones of
his Ieft arm between the elbow and
wrist. '
Robt" .Parkinson and Sohn Wright,
of Granton, will have "charge of the
services ' • on the Heneoll circuit or.
Sunday, in the absence of the pastor
who is officiating at ,tile- Summer
School in St. Thomas. ,
A happy event took place at the
parsonage of the Metropolitan Meth-
odist church, Toronto,' on Saturday,
July 1st, 1922, when Ila Caameran,
daughter :of the late .David Coad,
(formerly of Hensali;)'`,was united
in marriage to Robert Caldwell, of
Hay township near • Hensan, Rev.
David Wren associate pastor of the
church officiating. JAfter the cere-
mony the bride and gi'ooin left for
.SVhitevale, Ont., tare ho.iiie of the
brid'e's mother, Mrs. Smith, where a
reception was held. Mr. and Mrs.
Caldwell arrived in Hensall on Tues-
day evening of last week, and were
inet at the depot by their friends
with gaily decorated autos and con-
veyed to the groom's home,, where a,
dainty supper was served: The best
wis:lies of a host of friends is extend-
ed to the Happy couple.
Miss Sharpe who had charge of the
Pupils in the CBnti it atione classes.
here for the past term has resigned
and accepted a position neer Sarnia,
7,13':it 1011 T-IOT'lL-KE'EP:9171 FINED
On Vi7acluesday . of last week.: In-
spector Pellow and 'Provincial Officer
'Rrhiteeitles ,gave the hotel at Zurich,.
the once over end found a quantity
of Sergram's 83. .Jasper \ raliier, the,
proprietor, pleaded guilty 'before Po-
lice Magistrate Reid, of G•oderich unci.
was assessed 8500 and costa. From
the evidence Welper's memory was
very poor. Ide admitted buying five
cases, but couldn't tell who fro,
though one it'iis "short"- and ate otl,
ear "toll"' and he. thoughi they Jame
froii London, He wild it at $5 a,'hot-
tle, bet couldn't rnnlen,iher to whom
he Mold. Tle also aduritted that some
of the farmers complained about the.:
°wilily of the liquor anti WOrited to
ltnoNv wEiv l e ctiiili't got good sniff,
.Let UsExan,jje Your°
OW is the time to haveour battery freshly LV
�' y charged and put into
condition for. the summer season.—'No matter what make of bat
— ...
teryhave, do not you hesztate to use Pr est -O -fit
Service Stations. You are sure to find a
..neat ° ifs
BATTERY pert upon Whose service you can
depend. He will
SERVICE prolong thelife
o� your battery. He will not tell you
that t you need a new batter unless less . ou do.
PN11 up were
you ser. this sign
But, if your battery is done, he will
tell, you the1
style and size .o ` P t� -
Y ll i xes �
Lite Storage Battery that is suited to
your car. It is very important that
the battery you buy is the right bat-
tery for your car.
100 per cent.
Canadian. Made
Prest-O-Lite service is everywhere
you go. More than 800 Wrest -O -Lit
Service Stations in Canada will pro-
long the life of your battery and keep
it up to full efficiency.
'ire. Shop and Garage
Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Dore visited' in
Mitchell on Sunday.
Mrs.: N. Howard; of London, is vis-
iting Mrs. E. Obristie.
Miss R. Noyes, of Toronto, is visit-
ing with Miss K. Woods.
The Exeter Orangemen are cele-
brating the 12th at Seaforth,
Mrs. T. 0. Sontlicott left Tuesday
to visit with relatives at Preston.
Miss K. Johnston, of Toronto, is
visiting her sister, Nurse Johnston.
Mrs. R. Ferguson and ° children
visited for a few days in Teeswater
last week.
• Mr. Wm. Manson and friend, Mr.
'Firm. Ward, of „Toronto; are holiday-
ing at Grand Bend.
Miss Wanda Von Wacinski left -this
week to visit with her aunt, Mrs.
Woods, at Windsor.
Miss Nellie Anderson, of Huron
dale, is taking the sumrner kinder-
' garten, course at London.
Miss M. Homey' leaves the latter
part of this week, for Chicago to re-
sume her duties as nurse.
Mr. Fred Vyse, of Montreal, is holi-
daying for a couple of weeks with
friends in this community.
Rev. W. M. Martin, of London, left
this we week for Vancouver, where he
will spend the summer: with his sis
Mr. Alf. Salter and his mother,
Mrs. John Salter,'of London, motored
up and visited friends in town on
Miss Oestreicher, of Crediton,
rendered a very pleasing ' solo 'in
James Street church' on Sabbath
evening Iast.
Dr; and Mrs. R. Y: ]lhrguson and,
daughter and grand -daughter, of
Pontiac, Mich.; are spending a few•
days with Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Snell.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Strosser,- of
Tillsonburg and Mrs. Strosser, of
Guelph, were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. W. J. Statham over the week-
Mrs. E. J. Christie, who recently
underwent s an " operation in "London
hospital; is progressing rieceiy and is
expected "hone ,tlie latter part of the
Mr, andiVirs. E. Irwin, of London,
-visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. Bissett
over the week -end and were accom-
panied home by "Miss Muriel Bissett
on a visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Phos. Boyle, of Tor-
onto, Mrs, SV. Thomson and lViiss B.
Atkinson, of London, motored ninon
Thursday last and visited relatives
in town.
Mrs. Wm. Rivers, who hos been
visiting her sou Lloyd at. Simcoe and
Mr. Bruce Rivers, who has been holi-
daying in Toronto and Simcoe re-
turned home Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs, F. A., Chapnia.n and
fancily have taker a cottage at Grand
Bend for the summer. Mr. Chapman
goes out for the evening returning to
his bank deities each morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Trickey and the
latter's parents, Mr. and Airs: Thos,
Archer, and two auto leads from
Loudon, motored up and Visited with
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Tuckey on Sun -
Mrs. 13: Knight and Airs. Wm
Draw have returned 1101ne after vis-
iting for two weeks in Cite-intl. i\Ir,
and Mrs. J. J. knight and son accom-
panied them llbme. and spent the
week -and .here.
The Lucair junior 'hell tet 11
el 1. eter on Tbursthii' eveuing 1 s,
ari'ti defeated, the Exeter :?'ts. by ilia
score of 8 to 4, ri PuPiber of el 'or•;;
i 1snitcal in the Qacn'iall at the loc.t;
There 11 as i fair turn-oui.
Mr. Ben Either and family. of Ubly-
Mich., visited :for a fen' days at the
home of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Kuntz,
while on a motor trip to the East.
Miss Dorothy . Kuntz accompanied
them as far as Hamilton.
Miss L. Amy, who has been a pro-
bationer at Victoria Hospital, London
for three months has been successful
in passing her examinations and has
been: accepted as a student nurse.
Rev. Wilson left Tuesday for St.
Thomas, to attend a meeting of the
Conference. -Chairmen and °Secretaries
of Districts for Missions. Mrs. Wil-
son, Miss E. Harvey, Miss Handford
and Miss Iia Johnston go with liinm to
attend the Conference Summer
School being held `at Alma Ladies'
, Mayor and Mrs. Rennie, Miss
Berne and Miss Ethel Sweet, of Til-
lsonburg, motored, ever, 'and spent
Sunday at Grand Bend, returning by
Exeter,, they called • on the tatter's
mother and sisters. Miss • Louise
Sweet accompanied thein back and is
spending a few days at Tillsonburg,
the guest of Mrs, Rennie.
11171:01\b 3.:L,E+ W. T..
The Hurondale Women's Institute
held their .regular monthly meeting
at the horns of Mrs. 'John Morgan
Exeter, a foiriier president of the In-
stitute, on Wednesday, July 5th.
After a short, business meeting the'
following,„enjoyable programme was
given: a reading by Miss Verna
Walker, an instrumental by Miss MY -
re Morgan and a solo by Miss Elva
Harvey. •
• Mrs. A. Ford gave an interesting
report of the district meeting passing
on several good suggestions.: A Pa-
per on "Pioneer Days in • Huron
County," was given by Miss Laura
Jeckeil,:in 'which she told the early
history of •the settlers, roads and
towns and related many entertaining
and amusing incidents that occurred
in the days of the bushatrailsand log
houses. A. social half hour followed
at which lunch was served.
The next meeting will be held at
the home of Mrs. H. Strang. R..'0.
Topic: Dent's for the Kitchen.
Newedd (arriving horne:) "Mr.
Naybor• just told me he'd sent over a
live chicken. iWhere is it?"
Mrs. Neil'edd: "I put it in our new.
icebox: to keep it fresh until it is kil-
led to -morrow,"
"John," said his young wife, "leave
you any secrets you keep from nae?"
"Why, no," he replied, wondering
what .iu`the world was coming.
"Then I am determined 1 Will have
none from you."
"Von have secrets, then?"
"Only once,, and I am resolved to'
male a clean breast of it" `fizz afraid
it will disturb you, ,John."
"Go on," he said hoarsely.
"For several weeks I have liad
secret, Jobn---a secret longing for a
new dress With hat to match."
arc Starni.arc1 cliT4dy f rtitY4F1'rrbi
as i kits na. Sold 11 011 grad Ii:'ctt; "t,ta,
I ,i S'I'NG 11101 wilia Tc0 iciont,'007, :4}
awey Ening ` "mere
Subscription rate $1.50 a year.
Display Advertising—Made kaowin
on application.
Stray Animals ----One insertion SOn
three insertions for $1.00
Farm or Real Estate for sale 50o
each insertion for one month of fore"
Miscellaneous articles of not more
than five lines, For Sale, To Rent
Wanted, each insertion 50e. Lost
and found locals 25c.
Local reading notices etc., 10c per
line per insertion. No souse less
than 25c. Card of Thanks 513e.
Auction sales $3 for one Insertion
and $1.50 for each' subsequent in-
sertion if under live inches In length,
Legal advertising 10e and lac 4
Service, ' as we understand it,
means giving "you: avlint you want, as
you want it and whoa you want it,
Free Mail Course
The leading Commercial School
in Western Ontario offlers a free
course by mail to those who purpose
entering Business College in Septem-
ber. < By "home study" yon can
shorten your school term: Our grad-
uates ' are meeting with success..
Write at once for particulars.
D. A. McLachlan,
Unexcelled dining car service.
Sleeping cars on night trains and
parlor cars on principal day trains.
Full information from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Hor-
ning, District Passenger Agent,
Y. J, PORE, Agent, Exeter.
Phone 46w.
Wire Fence
6 line wires, 40 in, high, 9 sty's,
per rod 33e.
7 like wires, 40 in. high, ' 9 stays,
per rode -3 Sc
S line wires, 40 in: high,: 12 stys,
per rod 47c
Compare 'these prices with limn
order firms.
White Pine 1xii V siding, $40.00
White Pine las in, 10 in, and 12 in.
As iphalt Shing?ee, I3, C. Cedar
Shingles, Cedar Peals acid lots of
it rust, Trance on 11
' T' i?,71
613.A s T O N