HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-7-13, Page 411SDAil y ;nyia 1 art1.9132 A 'TW ORM AVH11,46 coinage, brother: '' do not statntble i �, a hough toy path be darks night. here's a star to guide t ie hit able ".'rust in God and do the right." b oand. ' Thoubh the road. be long dreary Ana `to ending out of sight Poet ntbravely strong or weary z,,:, r and d sade t , Yattst in Go ..., ltd i right." 'Laugh and the world 'trades with y ,v:our yon., .weep; r)nd. you keel? Your oo . , ,E3dv rtise and you can laugh Advertise, }itbont effort else � When, a: man loses. anything l.. kte advertises for it, but when telos- his headhe stops advertising, Don't lose your 'head. Comments is Anted /Iliad' peaceful and contented more valuable titan wealth and tor- 1`. Neat} •l * every successful bnsiness 24n will tell yoa that the reading of 11�i bnt�s si e $.''looks and magazines have helped 111M to climb the ladder of ucoess . Every hone should place s before lte yaung people le sore inspir- ational Tea cling. The •t i li,4oiutul.ent by the Drury , Co oro rt ., W Hardy, defeat- ed F. O. eandiddate in West Kent, is sheriff of the county, savors of is patronage; It was easy to condemn a i i� he practice in the old part ws but . hart. er thing to lees. up the is a t l b l plums when they fall. T'can't,1go . to the. Willie----'`7llot,tieh•, . b Mother ---"Haven't told yau:•:t hat ,. t go;so you had just ust better you can't } 0 come back, a k e you start. ieage oof f a Tire A'iHs and Less Trouble by Using Ames llolden Tires The satisfied users of the Ames r Holden Tires is the best advertisement there is. Years of experience are built into the Ames Holden Tires enabling there to stand the grind of country roads. Tor sale by PILON & FOOTE eft It is remarkable when you think et it. Some boys in their teens know more about wireless radio than many . of the `great scientists callose `'tth eu in o hall of names it�'e \t t �,... 1. faille.} Boys to -da • are starting in where ahold` forefathers leave oft and y fslim-. • n climb - they have,tlte opportunity a gforefathers any to heights that their . u3vs�7x dreamed of• Shouldering, not shirking respon- \\ brings ran ., reaatest 'S the g 'hat` respon- sibility is satisfaction in life. Seemingly there is n lot of mighty t . g and talent going to waste in the young people leo of to -day, 'Wen they p . confronted ;with an opportunity are co � t to perforin some duty that requires some label' and talent they frequent- ly make the excuse that they can't, or that theyhaven't time. Neglected opportunity, w * report from ABritish Columbia . t states that Hen. G. Howard ouI`exgii- a rty •, S, .leader of the Conservative pa in Ontario, i$ in that province study- ing 13. C,'s method of handling the liquor question, The Conservative party airy enter the next provincial election on a more generous liquor 1 presenth' policy than elle, prohibition a hibitio n law, but it is doubtful if they will en- ter the government bienehes. UacurrEB num BETTER 1:NOW.11 rUTAN 111<1;liY;,' LPJ.' `1aal L- 1310 is the.little fox terrier that listens to "':lis Master's Voice." Advertising did it, 'i moan re Y A \e3b t x bas made i b ; b of Thomas A.Edison, 1 S 0t 20 at ly as f na- a1lar „your own. Advertising 1 • you, full las filled } i flaked and shredded breakfast foods, canned vegetables, fruilas and meats, then sold you a Chiropractic adjust- ment or Aspirin to get rid of the headache. Advetisut has put .a Gillette a- gainst your stubble Arrow Collars a - round your neck, and Paris Garters around your Legs. * Advertising as stud- a. rs b e- iween tbur teeth,keptyo r ]ays'. Si o i busy y t -Spearmint, earinint, posted you on , what to buy to cure corns, warts, bunions and in -glowing toe nails. Advertising willn•ove just as ef- fective fective in your business. Tell the public about it -Advertise. In purchasing goods for the -home and family it is estimated that wo- men, do over 75 per cent of the buy- ing. Women buy for themselves, for the children, for the home and to quite an extent for the men of the. family. A woman buys more con- scientiously than a man does. She feels that sloe is the trustee of the family's : money, and she - ants prove her' efficiency as a buyer. Advertisers do well to make a note of this fact. We would also remind the advertisers that the women of the home are the great friends of the weekly newspapers and they read the weekly paper a great dear more closely than they de a daily paper. If you want your advertisements to be read in the homes there is no bet- ter medium. than the country weekly newspaper. ii tea: ,i DON'T take any chances with fire in Ontario's forests, eeeaaraa- DON'T throw away cigarette or cigar butts, pipe "heels" or burnt 'matches until you are dead sure they are out. drawn out our camp ' neglect to ram lect fire thoroughly with lots of water. Stir up the ashes and throw on more water. DON'T build your camp fire against a rotten log or stump -- nor on high exposed windy points; nor nearmoss patches; nor at the base of a tree. Build it in a former fire place, if any at hand, or on a flat rook, or on a spot cleared the true soil below, down to preferably by the edge of the water. DON'T forget that the upper layer of ground in the fo-est consists of partially rotted wood which hold fire and slowly burns. ` The only real soil which will not burn is beneath. Ontario Forestry Branch 'ariiame .t 'Buildings, Toronto b4 • �.r District News t Ui;�Vednesday of last •tv eel a qViet wedding took place at the Centennial Evangelical parsouage, Stratford, when Miss 1\lay Weber, daughter oa Gideon'iTeber, of Moncton, was mar- . i , vied to Ernest Ratz,son of George t Rata, of Mitchell. :The wedding cer- emony was performed by the Rev. J. 13, Deugis.' THE WESTERN 1rAIl _LONDON, ONT. The e iutari t tral on ofT3orti ul t the G 13nilding at Qubeas 'Park will be re- arranged this year with a view to making it better for: both exhibitors and Visitors. , ;The tables in the cen- tre for fruit and flowers will be plac- ed crossways, Of the,building, leaving an isle ou each side of erery table. With the present prospects for a good fruit crop this. building should be very attractive this year.. Special interest is being taken in the display of Flowers, and'.extra editions of the Prize List in this Department Were issued to all prospective exhibitors through the London Horticultural Society.: The dates are Sept. 9th to 16th. A11 information Will be prompt- ly. given on application to the Secret- ary, General Offices, London, Ont.• Editor debenturesthere shall be raised au natally by special rate on all the rate- able property of the Village of Exeter the sum of Seven Hundred and Nine- ty Six Dollars and Two Ceuta ($796. 02) for the purpose of repaying the aamount due each of the said years principal for the and interest in re- spect spect ot alio said: debt. 7. This by-law shall take effect on and after the passing thereof. 8,` The votes of the .electors ,for and ag•aunst this by-law shall be taken C. T . Smith, of the ZuriI ch by ballot on Monday, the 17th, day h hard lines this. year. of. July. 9 22 from - the. hour o • . nine: Herald. is having J lY• 1) , f He was ill for some weeks duringtheo'clock in ;the forenoon, until five winter and was handicappedd l tle.` publishing, of the Herald. Last week having some teeth out, ' one of his jaw bones at°as fractured and he has, suffered considerable pain from the trouble, and he issued no pope' last week. Hub -My doctor: says that if I iteep on working at "this place I shall be' a' wreck at 45. \Vife-Never mind, dear, by that thee we shall be able to afford it, FS BUSINESS IN I.SSS The following is a list of merchants who were in business, in 1886. 36 years ' ago. CENTRALI4 Huron Co, 'Population about 200 Essery George, carpenter Handford R, lave stock Handford Thomas, blacksmith Hodgins Thomas, hotel Luke R., wood, • Moffatt Wm., hotel Quigley P. J. general store and post- master Sando Richard, carpezi.ter Treitz John,': grain WU CHELSE-Q • O'clock irf the afternoon; of the tarbe a•dr- c hr ti hire's •'tlltn the s co r- •• off the Village ;of Ex- eter, and by the Deputy Rvjturniiag i Officers hereafter specified. That is to say: -- Polling sub -division Not 1, at Mrs, Elizabeth Handford s. Residence; on theWest , side of ,Main• Street; , Ed- e�'ot b 'oth I Reif, D. SVreu, M, 'A„ h svau Treble' .D'it ..Returaiin Of Chiselhurst, n Sidney Davis, Pell Cl�el•k„ Ali , G. T. �'Vren, o€ . . well known here, will be associate P,•oiii g 'sub -division Na.'2, at the A MainS' e o'Street; pastor with Rev. I)r. DaviSs, of the T,ot4n Hall, east slide 1 , v D J. Elm Wellington oliais R, O: ElaJ ltletropoliiait church, Toronto..,.T , H, e former preached reached Grieve, Poll Clerk, street where last year, as amalgamated with the , 1'.ttlling .sub-diarision No. 3, at the Metropolitan. Elul street aro Arty brick office 'buildiag at the corner of will be sold. It is a valuable propea- ty, Some say worth $90,000. We Wren. On the first congratulate Mr. �'V draft of stations in the London Con- ference, Mr. Wren was appointed to Cobalt but was afterwards changed to Toronto. 1 . p Main and Wellangtoi sti eets ; dines Weekes, D. R. O.; Alfred Ga,mbrill, Poll Clerk; . r , gthe Polling sub -division No. 4, at 1 north end Fire Hall, carrier of ivlarlcet and Elizabeth streets; Frederick Wit- dd PollClerk. er D R O Z • John Kydd, That en Friday evening, the 14th day of July, 1922, at the Council Chambers; in the said Village, of Ex- eter, at the hour of 8 o'clock in the afternoon the said Reeve shall appoint in writing, signed by himself, two per- sons to attend to the final summing up of the gotes aforesaid by the Clerk of the Council, and one person to attend at such polling place on 15e= half of the persons interested in, and desirous of promoting the passing of this by-law, arid a like number on be- half ,of the persons ,interested in, and Huron Co. Population about 75 Brown Henry, general store' Cook Thos., cheese mfr. . ' Godbolt E. general store, postmaster 'Marshall James, blacksmith Robinson Robert, wagon ,makeri 1Huron Co. Population about 175 KIRKTO\ Callender J.C., blacksmith Dempe J a Pro,, hardware Dulmadge D. W., general: store McCurdy John, postmaster Mills George,'shoenhoker Robinson Robert,; blacksmith Roadhani B. J., wagon maker Shoebottom James, hotel Sparling J. I3., hotel Taylor J,, harness Vicker J., agri. imp. agent ELIMVILLE Huron.Co. Population about 100 Brock John, hotel Brown M. E., general store Brumaconab John, shoemaker Pollard George, blacksmith a Snaith Henry, general store, post- master. Village Exeter 1922 By -Law No, y A By -Law to provide for the issue of debentures to the extent of six thousand dollars ($6,000.00) for the cost of the construction of Sewer Drains. And to provide for the borrowing the said suns of Six thousand dollars, Provisionally adopted after the, 2nd reading on the 19th day of June, '1922. WHEREAS it is necessary to raise by way of loan on the credit of the Village of Exeter, the sum of " six thousand dollars ($6,000.00) to provide for ,the cost of Works, Tile Sewer Pipe, Basins, etc., necessary for the said sewer drains 'and 'to provide for the expense of discount and other charges negotiating the said loan. AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the Vil- lage of Exeter according to the last revised assessment fo11• thereof is $7.81,750.00 AND WHEREAS the existing 1eben- ture debt of the Village of Exeter is $9.6,049.50 and no part of the principal nor interest is in arrears, AND WHEREAS the sum of Six Thousand Dollars, ($6,000.00) is the debt intended to be creaied by this by-law. Twenty=Flee Years Ag© desirous of opposing the passingof this by-law. 10, That w Tuesday, the 18th day el July, 1922, the Clerk of the Council the er 's 'focs, i the said shall,ajlat C1 at,. Office., r rt i t 11 o clock unthe Village �of Exate , a, , foredoom,, suni up the 'number of votes this b r-•1' w, in the lora' and against } a f ce of the er • s a pointed to presen p, . ram,, , X} attend th"earealt, o' tt Ilfa presence of e • and a other persons' sucil �f them,. any entitled by by-law ate. ,be present as, may be atreseint The Following Items were taken from The Times File of 25 years ago. Mr. Nelson, Sheere has been engag- ed to work for J. Holtzman, of Credi- ton, for the .summer. The Misses Vine Fisher and Lily Westcott are visiting Mrs. ti..ran. Davis of London, this week, 'Buffalo Bills Wild West Show in London on July 10th. Single fare on 'railway,. Mr.' Purdon, of Farquhar, Ihas pur- chased P. Madge's hay fork ,business and twill move to town to:l;eside. AND WHEREAS it will require the sum of Seven Hundred and Ninety Six Dollars and two cents ($796a- 02) $796:-'- 02) to be raised annually for the period of ten years, by a special rate sufficient therefore on all the rateable property in the Village of Exeter. Therefore the Council of the cor- poration of the Village of Exeter en- acts as follows: 1.It shall be lawful for the Reeve of the Village of Exeter, and the; Treasurer thereof to raise by way of loan upon the security of the deben tures hereinafter mentioned from any person or`persons, body or bodies cor- porate who may be willing to ad- vance the same upon the credit of such debentures a sum of money not exceeding' the whole sum of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00) and to cause the same to be paid into the hands of the Village Treasurer for the purposes and, with the objects a- bove recited. 2. It shall be lawfulforthe,said Reeve and Treasurer to cause any number of debentures to be made for such sums of money as may be re- quired for the ,'purposes aforesaid payable for not less than One Hun- dred dollars ($100.00 each, and not exceeding in the whole the sum of Six Thousand Dollars ($6,000.00) and the said debentures shall be seal- ed , with the seal of the corporation and to be signed by the .Reeve and Treasurer, and be payable at the of- fic of the said Treasurer in'tile said village. 3. Thesaid debentures shall bear date from the day of issue thereof and,µshall be payable yearly 'there- after for and during the said period of Ten Years and be for the respect- ive amounts following: -- During :the mouth of June, the ercaniery mannfactured; upwards of 37,000 lbs: of butter or, an average of nearly 1,500 lbs. per r day. The output of this faetoty, which is daily increasing, is one of the 'argent in the Province. We are '}leased to see by the Mon- treal exchanges that, our voting town sinan, W. E. Brow/thine has succeed- ed in passing With honors, his 2nd: year's examination in the medical de- pa.rtment of the McGill ,University.: In each subject his name appeared near the top of ,.tuts list 'Ghat bothers the editor of this great family journal is to tear the "sweet" strains of a •$'300 piano issu- ing,from the Iaouse of one who re cently refused to pay a $2 debt on printed across the face thereof the: his.:subscription t,p this ( pct°., -Its a words "SJ Ater Sewer Drains )olaep- true saying, 'The.,,pobI ye have With i flares." You always," C1ce1 Meas theta, 6.•During the currency o Signed Seal NOTaCE iis of true 1. 1pro- posed ra- Ile above a true copy p o •ed b -law which has been taken p s „by-law and which will be into 'consideration, finally passed ,.by the Council... of 'the sof the Villa e of Exeter, corporation g , t 1 the omseu't of .he the 'even o G k f , in electors, being obtained thereto' alter 1 r'anr the first publication, one month f ll � P � thereof in the Exeter Times and hx the `first; Ater Advocate newspaper's, e o publication, of which shall b n Thursday the 2 d day toff .June AD Y, 1922, Atid at the hour, day and places 'tlher�eurt, ifixed for taking they vote of the Electors a pall will be held, Every tenant of property awho ,de-• sires to vote soda \the said by-law music' deliver to the clerk ,of the Mumicipali;ty tarot later than 10 days' before the date appointed for taking the said vote, a declaration provided b}, sub -section 3 of section 265 ,Chapter 192 of the' , Municipal Act; Where a corporation entitled to appoint a moananiee to vote an its be- half desires to ivote it shall not latet than the tenth day before the clay a ointed _for taking the vote file wi'tli t?p the Clerk of 'the Municipality an ap- pointment in writing of a person, tm, vote as its nominee and on its behalf. Dated at Exeter this 19th day of June, A. D. 1922. JOSEPH Sr.NIOR, rat' on ;o£ 'aoftheCara L Cl rk p the Village of Exeter, Reeve That is to say - Year. Int. Prin. Annuity: 1923 330.00 466.02 796.02 1924 304.38 491.64 796,02 1925 277.32 618.70 796.02 1926 ' 248.82 547.20 796.02'; 1927 218.70 577.32 796.02 1928 186.96 605.0E 796,0.2 1929 153.48 642,54 796.02 1930 118.14 677.88 796.02 1931 80.82 715.20 796.20 1932 41,52 , 754.50 ^ 790.02 4. The said debentures shall have coupons attached thereto for the pay- ment of interest thereon. Whichdn terest shall be at the rate of T"ive and DR. A. R. '.1.INSMAN, 141.1.D., O.D.S. one half per cent Per annum from 'donor 4ratltltite of Toronto: U!vkar- the dating thereof in each year, and shall be payable annually from the place 'tvliero tile said debentures are made payable, 5. The'said`deilentai'es shall have ARM .,S' SALES NOTES Farmers with Sales Notes will be well advised to turn them over to this Bank for collection. The Bank will relieve you of all trouble in mak-- 'big ak-ing presentation, and payments,will be credited to your account pronnptly• sea Sales Notes supplied ;without charge. THE CANADT �` BAN F COMMERCE Capital Paid up $15,000,000 Reserve Fund $15,000,000 - F. A. Chapman, Manager' R. S. Wilson, Manager' Exeter Branch, Crediton Branch, Dasliwood Branch, THE MOLSONS BANK INCORPORATED 185n Capital Paid Up $4,000,000 Reserve Fund $5,000,000 Over 125 Branches It is not. necessary to make a special trip to the nearest branch of The Molsons Bank every time you want to deposit money. Send your deposit to the Bank by mail. Write today to the nearest Man- ager of The Molsons Bank for information. EXETER BRANCH T. S. WOODS, Manager Centralia Branch open for business daily Safety Deposit Boxes to rent at the Exeter Branch THE USBORNE AND BIBBERT'� FARMER'S MUTUAL. FIRE INSYIR- ANCE COMPANY.. Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. President, Wm. BROCK Vice -President, JOHN ALLISON DIRECTORS THOS. RYAN , JOHN G. ROY ROBT. NORRIS, JAMES MCKENZIE ACIIINTa JOHN JISSERY, Centralia, :Agent for Usborne and Biddulph.• ()LIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for $ibbert, Fullerton and Logan. W..L.:TURNBULL, ' Secretary -Treasurer R. R. 'No. 1, Woodham. GLADMAN & .STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter. • DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT Veterinary Surgeon Office -Baker's Livery on James St. Calls promptly attended to day or night. Phone S the salt DENTIST Office over Ola'driian : & Stanbury's office, •Main Street, Exeter, Advertise in the 9 -Ames, tusrM1..,me fi„5•;°?.;},"`lam pays. MONEY TO LOAN l We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village properties, at lowest rates of in' ,terest. - GLADMAN & STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Main St. Exeter, Ontario PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensed Auer tioieer. Sales conducted in any 1oa., ality. Terms moderate, Orders 1ef at nes Office will be promtly ate tended Tito. Phone` 116, Kirktopm� Address Kirktoi P. 0. DR. G. F- ROULSTON, DENTIST Office over I. R. Calling's telt office. I Closed every Wednesday afternoo USE DIAMD'ND °DYES• Dye right! Don't risk., your ma,ten',itl, Each pack- age of Diamond Dyes', cor_- tt5:iais directions so sumps: that any woman ea,$ cliiantond•ciyu a new, ricb, color into old garments, ch'riperies, coverings, -eVery- thing, -whether ivooh 9illc, lateen, oottan or nil: cd goods. Buy 'thiamontl'Dyes''---no, ,other kind -them pe1'fect.re- belts are gua rhnteocl evert of yea have never. 111151 before. Drug Yiht hada "T}ieittnt d Dyes Color Cart'" -'1'1 richcolora4. itaat 41,4