HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-7-13, Page 2CONDUCTED DV PROF. HENRY c. BELL
The object of this department is to place at the sets
t eT.tine farm readers the,..edY3:-te--Cf an acicnowledged
thority on all sui.jecf.e pertaining to it and crops.
Address nil questions to,Professor Henry G. Bali, in
e of ,The Wiison Publishing Company, Limited, 'loran..
to, and answers will appear in this column in the order
WI which they are received. When writing 'kindly men-
tion this paper. As space Is limited It Is advisable wherci
Irnmediate reply; M necessary that a ctainp„ed and arsa
elaiased enveiepe enclosed. Yvith Una question, whoa,
the f4r1M/Ver Win be mailed dtrect. •
bit C Limited.
opy "g b Wilson P u
M. W. How can I; kill mustard ie
MY clover and barley field? Can I
Answer: If' the barley is not too
high and if the mustard has not come
Mit? flower you can kill the mus r
by spraying, with a mixture of iron
sulphate (copperas), 80 lbs. to 40 gals,
of water. Thi- will the mustard,
and turn the barley black for a few
days, hut it will reeover. If the mus-
tard k rar advanced to flowering, the
only )7011. . can do is to pull the
mustard by hand.
M. B.; Will you please tell me if
wild oats that came up in alfalfa, if
cut and fed to stock, will come up
where the raaeure is spread? This
lield ha* been seeded to alfalfa for five
years and I never saw wild oats there
until last year. do not know where
Answer: I do not think that wild
oats cut green and fed to horses will
spread. Vital seeds that have gone
through the digestive tract of animals
are unknown as far as I know. Be
s lag
sure, however, that the wild .oets are
f earned.
T. hive a field of hulless ne
barley sown early this spring and
seeded to orchard grass and alsike
clover. This - ely green
with Mustard and to all appearances
the barley ficnd the new seeding have
no chance at all to survive. I am
interested in lee,rning if there is any
kind of a spraying solution that will
destroy the mustardt injure
the new seeding.
Answer: See answer to M. W. above.
If the field is very bad do not let it
fiewer, but Plow it under and summer
Reader; I have a field of sweet
clover which I sowed. late last sum-
mer. It is rather thin on the greund.
Now, can I cut this and then get seed
from the second growth or should 1
let it seed from the first growth?
,Answer: Sweet clever =lolly bears
best seed in the first crop. 1 would
advise you to leave it for seed, pro-
vicled this is what you want.
3,s ais
The Hanowriting on the Wall,' Daniel 5: 17-28. Goldon
andHasitiwaysilsed Text -God shall bring every work int 9 `rudginent, with
every hirld,..A-4 thing,:whether it be 'gond or -whether it be
evil,-Eccl. 12: 111‘. , (Rev. Ver.).
Lesson Foreword -Remember t,liat •which were; dedicated to the service at
the Book of Daniel was -written to, Jerue.aldna's teinple; and nsed them as
minister comfort and encouragement wine cups at a 'drunken earousal. (2) '
to men who, through persecution, were In spite of Nebuchaainezzar's awful
liable to failaway from their religious fate for failing to recognize the God
faith. In to -day's lesson, encourage-- of the Jews as the, only true God, Bel-
ment is given by showing that who- shazzar continue-cl to worship .other
ever profanes the religion of the Jews, gods. Daniel reminded him that these
is doomed to punishment. Belshaz-zar, other gods were "mere nothings,"
his Inn'. taPnigaenfittYhisa.nd Punisilment' is Thewrititnilneg 24-28
f H3"11
rpre a ion 0 ie ... -
I. The Cause of the lIandsveiting, 17-23. V. 24, Part, of the hand; literally,
In this section the reason for the "the palm .of the liana'." There would
Mrs, Ervin W. Stairs East Water -
villa 1\l'. writos;-"I have raised
cut green, 'before the seed is we family of ten children, and I have\ a -
ome, rotato Spraying Essentials
Factors in Spray Application That Are Often C)verlooked
Potato spraying can be made profit-
abh, in almost any part of the country.
Where blight is prevalent, fifty to one
hundred bushels per acre increase may
be expected from proper spraying, and
even in th,e abrsence of blight twenty-
five bo forty per cent. increase in yield
is not unusual.
There is a right way and a wrong
way to spray potatoes. Disappointmg
-ways USed Fowler's Ixtract.o
Strawberry for Summer Complaints an
appearance of the mysterious :hand be something gruesome and myster-
set forth • ions hi the' visibility of part of, the
it has never failed. 17. The "magicians' of Babe/eon hand.. The Babylonian pala.ces were
.Four years...go, when tho cholera was, have failed t the 1 ig built of brick and the walls to a cer-
about, some of my neighbora called in, , o explain laDC IA I ,
the 'doctor, but could got DO relief. I aalittcir B.elshaz2aT cffeTs Daniel thl tain height' we're Plastered' Ieriee
act„ iewnrd ,if lie can do SO, y. the writing- would be quite visible upon
old. them abont-t ,Dr. Vowler's," and 16. Let thy gifte lite to thYself- Dariiel the white baekgrotind. 'Written. •The'
°ea; pen. texy, Colic, Cramps and indUee liira to interpret what had V. 25e.Thet act iii°aning a the
as well as the upper side of the leaves.
Three nozzles to the row correctly
arranged will give .twice the Yield
from spraying, ether things being
equal, to be obtained frora only one
nozzle to the row.
3. Une Correct Type of Sprayer. ---
Small hand or knapsack sprayers are
satisfactory on small plantings up to
about one acre. They ;should always
Tesaits are alniest sure unless certain be provided with a short extension rod
conditions, are strictly observed, and wed angle nozzle so as to spray the
the success obtained ;will have a direct underside of the leaves. Barrel spray -
relation to your feithfulness m fo -
lowing these rules. This has been
clearly brought put by a study of po-
tato spraying methods in various sec-' be sprayed at a time, using three noz-
tions of the country. zles to the row.
There are three links in the ellaill Traction sprayers are in Inost gen-
of successful potato spraying. ' eaal use. All males are not satis-
'`A -
chain is as strong as its weakest link." factory, however. Be sure the machine
Fanfare to cernply with any one of the has a large pressure chamber mand a
following rules is almoet sure to make pressure gauge. Den't evaste money on
all the difference between loss and
I -refit from the operation.
'Start early and spray often. Don't
wait till the potato hug -s are abundant
and have already injured the vines.
Young bugs ...are killed more easily
than old c,nes. Three or four appli-
cations as a rule are not enough; seven
or eight are usually. better. Year in
and year out every additional spray The practice, however, is ar.
will more then pay far itself. the amount of material' per acre and building. . .
The Right Way.
ers 'often give very good. results, on
planting:s up to about four or five
acres. Not more than two rows should
• a Ler ta lug it they were soon well rejects the gifts 'and- honor weed means., properly stamped, Iri
the eleara •
When you aro troubled with Diarr- '
read. No reward was necessa.tY' to
which the
h t
in .t, V-.1. e he elay was still soft,
agein. 7 7 (king has pi -offered him. Yet I will 13abYlen eters were stanilied
Paine in. the Stomach, Cholera, or any baffled the others, i'svorels Iva-it:ten is difficult to determine.
Looseness of the Illowels be sure and V. 18..Ahe ranet, high; a title frea 4 asci ou se/
m • • This was the re .1 of .e c why
puzzled at them and
obtain a 'bottle of "Dr. i'owler's" and. tluentlY aPPliect to God in the Old Belshaziar Was
just see hoNv quickly it will give you Testament. It denotes His eupeemacy why Datalel was needed to interpret
Him -with awe and reverence God
cl°thes and not Hebrew, aPPear to be the
over alt the earth and thus
INThen you consider that this valua,ble - names af three weicrhts. WIene• is the'
them. The words, which are Arantic
etc. Ne uche eear's kit gdoin ,
remedy- has beea ou the merket for the tvith, its splenbdor 't'.1‘.'ndlalep'14-0,sp'erityl'' was Araixiie for the Hebrew weight
pray enc
V. 19. Nebuchadnezzar is portrayed sin; denutes "Ilalf-rnillah*
p.$t, 77 years, yoe may be sure that. .
oy Daniel atteibuted th the 11, 6 clininah:" Teltela in..Arantic carrees
pondsto the II.ebrew "shekel!' UPhar-
you are not trying some new 6,114 un- of God
tried preparation.
Priee 50c. a bottle at all dealers; put as a tYpical Oriental despot whoeeAibhknowing the sense -of each
over his subjects was absolute.' word in itself the king could attach
up only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, sway
I Whom he would he slew etc, ,taiss no meaning to the words as they stood
V. 26. Mene h.as in its roet the r ea,
-win this conneetion.
'Personal will wa 1 ' ' 11 thi '
(Driver). In a scaap7icilonusa 'moodlighbe I ' . -- . ' 'd
would. have one snbject executed and of numbering. Hence Daniel says that
another elesieted to honor. ethe days of the 13a:1/y14:mien k.ingcloni
V. 20. His heart was lifted up .see! are numbered. Its allotted time is
Dent. 8: 12-17 and 17: 20. He. had , c°111VD. le2t7!cl.Teltel 'means in its root
in his pride,Aat he dealt arrogantly "weighing." So Daniel declares that
become so elevated above his subjects
with them and forgot the obligations when weighed, Belshazzar falls short
he owed. them as their king. His mind of the standard. .
like Pharaoh„Exod. 7: 13, 22. He at- V. 28. Peres. There is a double piaY
hardened', etc. In this respeet he was
tributed his success to himself and root the idea of ,f`division,' and then
upon this word. It suggests in its
overlooked God who. gave it. As a also it sugg-ests "Presians." Hence
Per -
vine influences. Ile was deposed. The
account of his deposition is given Daniel predicts that Belshazzar's king-
dom is to be divided among the Per -
result he became insusceptible to di-
. in, csirranuss., Itnh13.PCe..16s3ia9n, D, ainlayi,lvobno-fseellehinefpeure.e
urnes or nitrogen gatherers are plowed
h 4- 28 33
down. There are a number of legumes , V. 21. Driven from men. Nebucharl- ' the Merles formed an important and
that can be so used. The list of nezzar became insane and. his insanity . - -
influential element. .
/ His heart . . like the beasts. His mind
familiar plants in this class includes unfitted him for human intercourse./ . ei,
red clover, alfalfa, alsike, sweet clover, The noble self-restramt of Dani,
soy -beans, field peas, and vetch. and dispesition were -reduced to the his purpose to "scorn delights, and
Rye and 'buekwheat are'. two non-
legumin.ous plant* which are frequent-
ly turned. under and which usually give
galitl reiialtsf although they do net
. . "an unthmable animal which roamed
as In is c
Driver characterizes the wild ass
While the benefite to be derived in the open plains: to dwell with the have been many battles, both lest and
W0, and the war is still on. In the
nitrogen to the soil. .
from this practice are difficult to wild asses would to
be 'a special conduct of one's personal life,. in eat -
measure, every farmer who has ex- mark of wildness and savagery." They ing and drinking, and managing all
knows full well that this. trea,tment chacinezza.r imaginedhimself, an, ani- in public -life in the eneetment of law§
human appetites and. desires,,and also
perimented with green manuring fed him with giaSS,APPDrently Nebu-
prepares the soli for -the prod-uctian of
mal. 1Iis body,'etc.' He dwelt in Inc and statutes for the commonlweifare,
heal, and so he waelti."6"fited,as an ani- '
mare abundant crops. Perhaps the thexe is urgent 'need of the Christian
Do It Regularly.
The majority of Ontario farmers
have net as yet .aelopted the policy of
plowing down .green' crops.. Green
manuring will in time become a regu-
lar practice 'in the rotation program on
every good farm. These crops net
only aid in increasing the available
plant food .in the soil, but they also
improve the physical cOndition of the
The greatest benefit comes to the
land from ga,een. manuring where leg-
' " 1 e a derided
level of the heasts,---irrational and live a riou Y.--,
himself suffered the hallucination that 1:(1).infriitiaci Nevlietiml etnhte in life, is in eternal
savage. Apparently Nebuchadnezzar
luxurious, SYloaritic
he was a wild beast. The wild asses. conception of life as a Sultan's feaist.
' h di the ages there
open fields and shared in all respects interpretation and. en-forcement of
dition of humus to the soil. This not neglect of his person see ch. 4: 33.
the Daniel's practice as oPPosed to Bel-
shazzar's indurgence.
greatest benefit comes from the ad- the life of the wild beasts. For
aids in making plant food more
a low pressure machine -it won't pay. only
but. it also in -
4. Use Enousete-Don't skimp on available to the eroP,
the water -holding capacity of
the spray material. A machine that i creases
will only deliver twenty-five gariensl the soil and decreases the rapidity of
All evaporation. Crops on land with
per acre is not worth having.
plenty of humus are much better in -
parts of the vine cannot be thoroughly'
covered with less tilia.n fifty galtons
per acre, and when they get large, one
hundred gallons or even more will be
necessary to do a -thorough job. Deuble
the net profit from
you will almost: double the yield and old. one
spraying. Keep, arhong The:question is, why not
and, in time -will be common
seised against the dangers of weather
extremes through this addition.
• Comparatively little has been dope
in this country with this type of soil.
take erlyantage of the 'benefits now?
1. Use High Pressure --Spray your vines covered throughout the growing!
potatoes -don't sprinkle them. Seven- season with a protective ccating of This year hay is abundant and ,labor
ty-five pounds pressure is not enough. spray. . scarce, which may make it practicable
Inetst on a machine that will maintain for some farmers to realize better
at least 150 pounds pressure an twelve from their forage if a small portion of
:nozzles; 200 pounds is better. The finer the clover acreage is turned under
the spray -the longer it sticks and and thereby invested in future crop
the greater the covering power. Low production.
pressure means coarse drops with un- *
sprayed leaf surface in 'between. High A Unique Contest.
preseure means a fine mist which thor- .
Use the Right Material. '
A good spra,yine material should
meet the -following requirements..
1. It should mix easily with water
--to save tirne.
2. It should remain in su,spension
for a long thrie--that indicates good.
mechanical. condition.
.3. It should be so fine that it will
not clog the fine nozzles, and fine noz-
ales are necessary to get good dis-
4. It -sheuld-cover the foliage with
,a fine film of spray --coarse materials
do not protect against the fungt1S- dis-
5. It should stickcfor a long time to
the foliage -that means a longer pe-
riod of effectiveness.
6. And above all, it should give real
To give the best results a spraying
----------------- ombine a good fungi -
c c
alone does only half the job -it only ty. A scale of roint-s is allotted th
- each type of animal, the more expen-
kills eugs. ,
The fungicide is often far more im- sive sires being allowe a larger ereclit
than the expensive ones. The
portant because that part of the ma -
Here is a contest put on in a western
oughly covers every square inch of county of the United. States which is
leaf surface. The greater the pres- designed to encourage the 'introduction
sure, the greater the yield. ' of pure-bred sires. The contest con -
2. Ilse Three Nozzles to the Row.- tinues through the calendar year of
One should spra-y downward on top of 1922. Any community wishing to
, the vines 'and, one from each ,side in- enter appoints a person to report all
ward and 'upward. ' This is important SitieS broeght into the coinxnunity, giv-
One nozzle gpraying downward Will ing the names of buyers and sellers
cover only the upper side of the leaves. and the registry number of each ani -
Leaf -hoppers Which catthe liepperburn, mai. The county agent get the naines
flea -beetle's, blight sores and aphis at- of all participants in the various com-
tack the underside of the leaves. If munities. '
you want to gel, the greatest cash re- Credits are given for every pure -
turns from the time and money put bred sire of any age brought into the
Mee epraying, protect the lower side community during the contest and for
every pure-bred sare of breeding age
ile with a strong poison. The poison bought cr exclia.nged_ within the coun-
Till he knew, etc. Reason was restored i To frmsi• of those wlia read this, the
to Nebuchadnezzar -when he acknowla' present peactical application is meet
edged the true God from whom he assuredly ;personal abstinence from
derived his kingdom. I wine and other intoxicants, and the
V. 22. Belshazzar had not profited full measure ef one's Mfluence for ,to -
by his father's fate; despising all these tal prohibition, in the interest of pith-.
'warnings he had comrnitted,a grievous Ec welfare, and specially for the pro -
sacrilege against Jehovah. ' tection of people with strong, appetite
V. 23..Be1shazzar's sin Was twofold: and weak will, and ,helpless depen4-
(1) he had taken the holy vessels ents injured by- these.
.44r,nror r
Testing Varieties of Grains. The Annual Picnic.
An idea of the extent and' import- The women follsa are preparing for
agriculture cat:pied on milder the Ex- team of years we have attended. these
minion Department of Agriculture home completely tired out. But when /
can only be obtained by a study of the the next .season conies around we seem,.
reports of twenty-one different farms just as eager 'to go as we did an the
and seationse the dozen or ao sub- preceding years, We think parents
abation.s, and the eiglity illustration generally should look favorably upon
ance' af the.'work 'in. the interest of the annual church picnic. For a. long
pernuental-Farm's system of the Do- affairs and many times we have come
'stations, of svihich the Farm at • C)t- these olatings•
vs ono bladde
standing of each cemmunity in the
't '1 t 1 e rious theeest-
feria can ro s se
• bb d h th d
Since We Got the Ray -de -o.
Home's not what it used -to he.
Gosherino! Nosiree.
Every day an' night an' rnornin'
Mother, Brother, Uncle Hamlin
All the hull dem fainilee
Listens to the jamboree.
Since we got the Ray -de -o
1Vlother lets the ceolcin' go.
Gee! Can't blame her, GIIY's
ShoOtin' music thrbugh the 'skies,
With the head band on her ears
Sister sits and turim'the gears.
Paw Jaas fixed a riggin' so's
He can listen dein' eho's.
Milks the cow byeRay-de-o
When he doesn't let it go.
Farm life surely ain't the same
Since we got this patent game.
At present prices the droppings of
a hen for one year are worth about $2.
Any coward can fight a battle when
he's sure of wirtning; but give me the
man who has pluck to fight when he's
eure of losing -George Eliot.
potato 'blight ,an d the suachcoimn::entysinags cthouen tfiyn sPtuandiein; iseaccietenrinioninerd alb -1y
or len Years
tuber rot. rt contra s
the little green leaf -hopper end the • compaiing the total number of pont
-suiting hoPPerhurn or tiPhurn, as it accumulated 'by each COTDMUnity with
sometimes oallod. The fungicide in the num'her of persons listed therein.
Mi'. jos. Gotairtin; Nosteryilte, ont the material also helps eontrol flea- A breeders' cup is offered for the cont.
writes: ---"1 wee troubled with my kici!. bi,rghtitesk. inAdi:i.de'hmeo..rfrevgeirelai,eff iatei4.-,..°1eflittliiya Incelnlitfait.gYe oinfs'ptaUirliel-lbgretdhesirgersdautersintgptehret''
mays and bladder for 'about ten ' years. i
My bladder was so weak 1 tae getting Increases the yield by as much as Yel-."
up four or five times every night. a twenty-five to fifty bushels of note-,
had pairia in my back, and inany a clay toes to the acre. This increase is due
' I t' t• n of
liad to qteli; work ;my baek was so entirely to the eetimu ,irig action
weak. I tried many (looters, aucl dif- t:he copper on the foliage.
ferent medieines, hut I never got any There are reasons why niost ngri
better until one, day, when ! was on cultural authorities agree that it -does
the train, feet one of my friends who not pay to spray potatoes and most
The Rainbow.
My heart leaps wihen I behold"
rainbow the slcyf
So was it when my life 'began;
So,is it now I am a rrirdi;'.
So he it when I shall grow old,
took four boxes, and that, is six Or let me die!
months ago, atol ean truthfully say alone' The fungicide is much marc
advised me to use Doan's Xid
neY t ble and fruit, crops svith poieon
; • vege a .
hs,ve galned fifteen pounds mince', anrI Mopertant and both inateriale can be
' with the same expenditure of
ble. I earmot praise your -Piller enough." time mid labor. •Two jobe.can, be done
m now eonopletely relieved of my troa- aPPlie f •
Doan's /Kidney Pills (the original) for the price of one.
ere 50e. a bot at all dealers, or mailed MIX raeotine sulphate eome _cam
direet on receipt of prtee by The T,
with your spraying maternal where
The child is fath.er of the man;
And I could wish my days to be
E3o).ind each to each by natural piety.
--Word swarth.
The stamping. text of root-and-inouta
. ,
dhbase BrAtain entaneo tile slatifl'o-
(plaat lice) are troubl.eaanie. let 3,f 62,000 animals,
Those f.eelings of:faintness, those diz-
zy spells, and the all -gone sinking SOD-
sation, which come on from time to t'ime
iinedaricataen a waeatilz.seonjedereeconciitaioon thhee
I t d 1. a lit t
neMr.scielsburnes Heart and Nerve Pills havel
no eqUal is a remedy to streng-then the, I
heart, invigorate 'His nerves, and build I
up tic 1110, f:pi,n system.
..Mrs,' 0, Vanhorn.,- Eckville, Alta.,
writes: --i `About a year ago 1 had Iteart
tmrocuabllocl.le.;:entyru.linosiblaerindhcaliarllix't ;Itztrye ulepa.ve
night with Inc T would ;rest -feel kind
of ' faint, and my 4'.eart scorn-, to
stop beating. wOuid.pist- faint away,
and it v,aiuld 201T,OtiteCS be an hour or
so before they eould, braeg baa -e
life. Someone told. Me aoont 'Milburn's
Heart and Nerve Pills„ .so" II.got 'three,
bOxe.s. I took' thein' anci hot -
tar, SO eoattnbccl ,
II d now I
e 0YOri (15ah t,fla,aellitgnoeol! .,'ayn?au, sPuirileJy .;
oan bre°eeiPatico,11,1lrideeea.lheyrs'lC,11.431e
afilbure oe. Vted, Toronto, Ont,
Milburn 00., Limited, TOtoato, Ont. ph
taava is, the eontralling .centre. 'One While we have not had in mind so
of 'these reports' that has recently much our OWIl pleasure as we prepared
made its appearance is that the. a.ndhustle.d to get out'with the crowd,
Dominion Cerealist, for 1921, .In that we have always felt that this free
I-nine/ling with -neiglib.ors and friehds
was every bit worth while. There can
be no ciuestion but that the commun-
ity 'is much better off bec.ause lhe
folks get acquainte.ci with each other
on .the less. e,erious side of their
Then, too, spending the day trying
to help tile. boys out With the base-
ball game .or the girls with tliei.r.races
certainly 'brings old Father Tithe to a
halt for a moment end lielpe
smeeth down to some degree at leallirets
a,few of. the wrinkles that are' gather-
-nn our brovr. .
year, Er. Sau.n.ders states, there were
756 -plots of all. sizee at Ottawa, rep-
resenting 600 -fixed varieties of grains.
Detailed tables are given 'of the re-
sult of the tests made in 1921. Num-
erous .cross-lared sorts which Rave not
yet been named. and are in a prelimin-
ary state, are omitted. Of these
tests, 112 were of varieties of spring
v,M.eat; .seven enurter and spelt; 27
of at; 103 of barley- five of pr' g
rye; 29 of field pe.a.s; 14 of field. beans;
.137 01 flax, and 18 of 'barley for hay.
In addition, 629 varieties''' of grain
were under test for 'the Dominion
Fighting the Fly.,
There are many ways of combating
the fly nuiSance. On farms, the ma-
nure piles are 'probably the chief
source of -fly infection. The use of
chemicals in destroying the larvae of
the fly in ineruire piles is one of the
iniPOrtant ways of keeping thiS insect
under ,subjectiga.., However, one trivet
be cautious"inasrmich`as a too liberal
nec of' Sonie of the chemicals will de-
strey the .fertilizing value of the
manure. •
A study by. the department of agri-
Oerealist., at the different farms and The real purpose of the day is to
stations located in. all parts of the give the 'boys and 'girls 'a geed time.
country. Experiments fOr the control At I look back over life the clays that
of Smut Were co.rried on last year, I had off for trips to the lake witIrmy
and 10,061 distributions of free seed friends stand out in bold relief against
samples were, itaaklee oonsisting of the long days of hard work.
3230 samples of oats, 2,906 of wheat, 'being this we feel it a privilege to he
1,085 ,o1 barley, 522 of flax, 845 of insbrumental in. putting into the lives
beans,. and 1,463 of peas. of the boys and girls of 'our day and
spots as we can. -W. FeB.-•
community as 'many of these bright
Hogs to tirade Select Must
Be of Bacon Type.
Do -minion Live Steck Commissioner
states that Canada to -day has mon
nondescript hogs than. she had ten
years ago, and that.the general lack
of high quality is apparent in almost
every ,province. In substantiation of
this.statennont he, gives an estimate of
the hos that -would probably grade
as select for bacon purposes. Irt On -
an , ,
tario d Prince Edward ,-Island the
figaires are, from 35 to 40' per cent.;
in Manitoba, fr.orn, 30 to 35 per cent.;
in Quebec, from 20 to 25 per certte itt
Saskatchewan, from 15 to 20 per cent.,
, .
-Safety 'First: .
A man looked. into a shotgun to -see
if it was loaded. It was. 1 •
r A -Irian struck a Match to find' the
real( in a gas pipe. He found .it. •
A. man speeded. up his- motor ear
to see if he eould get over the track
ahead of 'Abe train. didn't.
All's Right With the World.
The year's at the spring,
And day's a.t the morn;
culture shows that the use,of one-half
Morning's at seven;
pound of powdered hellebore to ten and in Alberta frem 10.,to, 15 per .cent, The hill -side's dew -pearled;
gallons of -water will prevent the do- This indicates pretty clearly the ex- The lark's on the wing;
velopment of fly, larvae -M eight bush -i -tent t6° which hogs are 'being bred to The snail's on the thorn;
els of manure. Tkis material has„nol the bacon 1-,cpe in the :several prov- God's hi His Heaven --
value of the manure. Borax is .another the niatter and the,re is evidently --Robert Browriina.
material that ca.n. be used to' advan-, plenty of room for improvement in •
Octopuses numbering more than 0,-
000 were landed during a recent week
by 'the fishermen of Northern France.
' -
deleterious effectiuPon, the, fertilizing inces. Right breeding, is at the 'root All's right with the world!.
tage. Toe 'much, however- will aff `-t this direction, It is g-ratifyin t
plant. The department recomrneng learn front the same' authority that
the use cf 0.62 pounds for the treat- increased purchase of lireeding stack
ment of eight bushels of 'manure, was noted during the past winter as
0 tiler, liee,cautions., are clean 'premises,', this cannot :fall to have a favetr.abl.e
Slern'elled.manOre Pits, olatclortr fly teaps; e.ffect, in the quality of Prodeetion in
and closed -garbage can's,' : the. near tent:are, ; the. absence, of
; aowe ef. .the bacon type, a strong in -
fusitfrie of.. that ;type through the..use
of suitable ho.nrs Would greatly 'im-,
A. Boy's Pruer.
tyrote the bacon -quality of. 'fle tniek-
Give.. ,bancl:f., clean avords smooth type qf .hog -s, which
alid.clean thong:his. .II;elp me to stand Rte. in Saslca.tchdetan and Alberta and
for the hare .right against the easy ei;:is.t to a consideral)le extent in West-,
v:rong. av,e me from
S f- 'habitS 115'1
harm. Teach me to work as hard 'and'
as fair in Thy sight ,alone aS if
all the' World Saw.
Forgive me ,when I am unkind ati,..c.!
help the to be' kind to these who aro
aunitnd t
'rusoen.10 Keep to r,nreyasdeyif. .to help
cthers sena me chances fo de"a little good
every day _and so grow 'Mere like
ight 'Weeds Now
This is the season of the year when
aim ...I 'id hard.
down weeds. They are more eaeily
1,,,cviillaiedhanvoevra' th,eaUerlater ,raintidu.,tjhe rc,cepe
the weeds sulyclued. Just beiDre har-
vuvicr: hehiv,,isss wosinoiriikrit t ceual,nbi nf.g.hngeetifib,arlei; omf orei in
ihe_vveeds have time - to develop 417,0
sufficient to resist, ordirtar,y treatraoitt;
0111 -
,Your S'iTo-c-1-:-TVV--c'hii-srl Appreciate
The ettexal, annoyanse and less. 'in
flesh Of your farni animals, due to
flies during the ho,: months, can be
eliminated lly the liberal use of a
good fly repellent, The following solu-
tion is highly 'recommended
' e.
1_)issolve erte cake of laundry soap
in. -feet galidim of soft. water, and,
iyhtie boiling hot, add one gallon 61
enal etir vtgoroitely
for teri reinutea. 're tills add folit.
ouncee itaplithaletect, and shake but:
fipft.e,,.niirkftitez, care being taken to
keep away from the lire,
'this seltivion is host af)plicd,
1°IiPorillsYtel'inlie)ci 4:1)07.11 '1)Cen'Priel'I''. 'sohnotiqldith bo
taken to -apply to.hatir only, and nol
le tub- he skin, Renev,t every day tir
t tee. ' ,
3 r
Out of 1,948 persons who travelled
through a part .of Russia in a refugee
train, 1,299, clied during the journey.
'Unless one, has a f-ree :Action of 'the
bowels, at least once ti day, eonstipation
is sure to. el;IStle,. thOrt, to the wake o.f
the constipation conies sick headache,
'bilious headache heartburn coated tom
gee, .Coul lxreat.h., sour etornereh, piler,
:led teeny forms of liver complaint. AV
t.,li, .,' bowl, "3srteet•i7,0
late the fide- of bile to net properly
tiatnifol J'tetiOn7e:ar I Iltrgoutih),tec;:,°11S
arrs. R. C. :fIerti., PorieGoorge, .,
Parc been troubled by- be-
nt/o4 111 aths' t on g. hafs°1heljebric no a it;er0r1;-
.bly, coated, id" se, ;that it unide
my,, breath had. was talking to a
friend about it, mei she advised nie tit
-use Millerrn 's Laxa.layer.' Pills, which
f de lad Bow I am per fettle ell, My
fougue Mt smooth as it wee before 1
Pilis of e5;1;a1 ty, hoanIn'%;.(11.aia,ijia,I;t1 opawtut-sepeta'ailt trarildeleoe:1‘bo'ciyraY;TPO:110:1
T. libtirn Co, Litinted Toronto, oat.