HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-7-13, Page 1.1; • t t FORTY,-SECON'D cri 2278 *s. EXETER, CoN7.2 MORNING, JULY 13(11., 1922 :211111111111111111111111111111111111111M111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ff Exetr Council ' • * • • Oii alsandeY Jul 10th,a lular e•ee • • • Sale ():1, • SitititiAer Goods inactirag pi: the council ,iyas 'theld,-b‘s,ith = all the . members ,preeente irroomr. WOOM.• WNW. WOMB Mraira %MOM 4.M1.0 4.111.11 AMMER -• A 11.1.01CS 011 OldINTRA141-4. 3'11121a-IVINN.11111S FOR S0111001a ENGINE A11) D11110, ON SATURDAY "i-JDE•N'S lelaACTURalli 11•IST e'ret of the cleatli of ear. Archie Fran-, ear the best,aiets in the se,h001 gar- nut] a bone ln nis wrist Tiis .community earned -with • aieee,s offered by ;tile Board • me. se a•)' aara:00 den were, won as follows:, • SttndaY mornIng he *0, Fourth Classes, 1st, 'Walter Seen- crankiag 'hackfirea, the teacher were won by the saine stlaCCESSIhall, (";ONV.ENTION Third Clasaes, (Board prizes) 1st, • cis I -licks, eldeet. son of Mr. .Andrew . — - of e alitetitag aelti on 'elicits, M. P. P. and Ms. Hicks, of , bane 2()th' were read and approved,. • Centralia, which took place in" St. ...,711.7.7. .I.E4,1..stBo41,11,,!t„,i,,l.),`tY..,:ictusEsieN‘11,0,rat-Ibeyd,ded,ne,sil'ariinr,ga. fi a,y:' evening. Archie was ,takea ill In order to reduce our Stock of Summer T_Triderwear, we place on sale — aaiters ;were react from Mra M'arY Joaepa's hospital, London; on Satitr- , ; , comnlen.cing this week many Rhea at greatly reduced prices. Below we offer a partial list og bargains.. - • , . = Revi,sion, , ,, ,.e.lii ,,iciol.e., th: r tiNu.weeks previous to his death- On = ;that ,t13.2ir appal, ,,.. rola ;tee ,..,0 --- be ha- . County Thursday of last week he Waa taieen Stinirner Dress Goods - Hundreds of yards of fine Voiles, Paim 13each Cloths, etc., In dress -lengths and 'by the•Yard at greatly reducedricea as low as 29b a yd, Men's Fine Straw/ Hats at $1.95 each We offer our ,entire stock of Men's fine Straw Hats and Panamas in- cluding Sailors and Fedora styles all at one price, •each $1.95. Ladies' Black Cotton Hosiery 18c a pair or 2 pair for 35c. 5 Doz. pairs Ladies' 131ack Cotton hosiery, sizes 9, 914 and 10. A. real bargain this week at 18e a pair, 2 pair for 35c. Ladies' White wash Skirts at $2,35 each 5 Doz. Ladies' White Wash Skirts in Cotton Gaberdines, Peques etc. All sixes up to 37 waist band regularly up to $4.00 in value, all to clear •, at one price; $2.3 each. Childrert's Dresses at 79e. .5,0 -Children's Dresses in nice „patterns of Gingham aid Percales, sizes 2 to 0 years a real bargain clearing at 79c each. Children's Socks at 39c, a -pair. . , 15 Doi. Children's "Bonnie Tot" ;braild• Socks, nice fine quality near- ly all colors to clear at only 39e pair., Men's Handkerchiefs at 2 for 25c, half linen 10 Doz. Men's White Ilandkerch iefs, half linen, slightly imperfect, a real bargain at' 2 for 25c White Voile Waists at $1.00 and $1.50 White Voile Waists, all sizes, to clear at $1.00 and $1.50 each. Meii's Work Shirts at $1.25 Men's heavy Work Shirts in Khaki, Blue and Black and White include hag the celebrated Big 13 brand, blue Chambray. All sizes to clear at $1.25 each. " ' We are also clearing House -Dresses, Underwear, Hosiery etc., at. wonderfully attractive prices. Judge; • — The iettlar from Mr, ,J. W, Stone = as' read at the „la,st ineetaig and lield av-ar. Wae, •aonsidated and ordered filed in '--= tIT'cn ltio-mjja2is4gCotrankiesbn“ of the Thanies' Road -asked for •an, electric light tote plaaea • at, the end pa the law., on •the = .-Itetid., Mr. Samuel Presxca- Maras* /1300.• NNW. mg.= Mara, tor asked another „Eight, to be piaced ca s•irl,rs street vest B th" requesta ware sranteci on motion of Davis and Filerington,--Carried, A. By-law giving certain. exemptions on ;stitt.• Lulea used as Farm Lands only and in blocks ,of not less them --acres, aria given its First and See- - 'end Read`-ngs and ' held over until the = '11'xftlienl'eHfeatirgow:ing accounts were read = and ordered„paid,--Cecil Ford, labor = cemetery 22.5e; Percy 1-lewitt, labor = cemetery, 1625; R. G. Seldon, coal = library' 98.35; Pater Colenia,n, team = labor 5. B,, 45.10; Frank Sims, di tto = 39,60; Clyde Heywood, 30.35; Thos. = Hotrlden,• 16.50; Fred W. Bawden, = 25.85 Ontario Flax Co., ,27.50; Rich E„ avis 16.50; Harvey Bros., 5,50; L John.- Parsons, labor R.B,. 20.75; Rd Quano: 'ditto 18,75; Jas. Parsons 6.06 Walter Westoott 1050; George, 'Ford P 1.25; 'John Kydd 5.00; ,Louis E. Day 16.25. Passed on ni.otion or Ho.o-oer and Fnleringtore-Carriod, Adjournment by Francs • Jos, Senior Clerk, to London for an operation, passing away late Saturday evening.. Archie was a popular yo-iing 4.1 the com- munity being a favorite with all. He was a member of the Centralia Math- odiet church and Sunday'schoel. Be- sides the grief stricken parents,;two brothers and three sistersastirvive: Lorne, Kathleen, Helen, afargariet. and Donald. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon and was one of the largest that has been held h the 114onda,y taking along with them a cert stritek in..the Snell, In this elase those offered 'by pliPtis% VIION.4".OUNTY' Donald .Gladitia,n;. 2nd, GladYs Hun.- very suecessful kin; 3rd, Orvaa Beavers. The Leach- convenuan held on -Wenne§",4441 er's prizes thiS,ejass were won •by; laet• let, in the Preebyteeran • ehtirOltr4A BisDonald Gladinan' 2nd Winnie las s• ln Mrs. W.G. areAllisteratad;e Bishop and Hilton Laing, ties; rta `• • e'•• itor of the 'WhiteabbonT' • eft• tees wag Orval Beavers and Russel Snell, ties. the prineipal speakee, rppdrts:41 /-11.110.0 TO TIM LAKE- snecessful year's work were v tS. nuMber of Boy Scants under the by the suPerintebdePts of iTh°41it” charge of Troop Leader ata attee, rae111:8- A gold meaal contest, in.' einik bury enjoyed a mite to the laite, au ing, elocution, Eassaye ;.ina poa*kit, took place in t evening. lowing' officers were elected; Presid- ienn. to'lld1ernst, reslie A.T.G ,rec si:,• poll; Aatriocte;:l aecreta,ry, Mrs. Ethel aluraocit, hiene ee sail and Mrs, 1•Zenr, Moss',' Beamilleaa 'A memorial service wae• community foe some time. Bon. Pet- trekking cart contaaning provisions er Smith was present representing and a .sleeping tent. They camped the provincial cabinet, while a num- ber Of friends of Mt'. Hicks in the Hotise were also present. Telegrams of 'condolence were received from Premier' Drury 'and many of Mr. Hicks' colleagues, The floral tributes Were magnificent and reguired`three automobiles to convey them to the cemetery. Among them was a wreath from the provincial cabinet at Tor- onto; from .two oi the'Sunday'School lasses, the choir„ Epworth League, adies Aid and one from his chums, esides these there were many from rivate 'friends. Several of the in a a beginning to go towards the clef - S. S. classes attended the service body and formed. up along the line mit of the W.M.S. A committee was of marcli carrying, the flowers. The bearers were a number of his friends. Rev. Mr. Sinclair conducted' the ser- vice. The remains were interred in the Exeter cemetery and it was very unfortunate that a very heavy thun- der storm came up just as the party reached. the cemetery. The bereaved have the sympathy of a host of friends. 0.0.31 00.1.• 11.401 Usborne Council = The'Municipal Council of the Cor- poration of the township of Usborne = held its monthly meeting on June = 80th, at the Township Hall. AII the = members were present with Reeve Coateana the chair. = IVIirintes of meeting of June 3rd together. with that Of special meeting 'of tine ;10t11, were read and, approv- mom.. orromo mama. •MINM. MOM. Store closes Wednesday afternoon during, June July and August. ,..-.- = MOWN •••••!. itoirt ommo• ay PHONE 32' Moms PHON E 3 2 nes MM.! O ,„•• . , .Miss Rose Lampert and MiSs Dor- 4121111111111mommillinIMMIIMallin othy Balkwill are attending Summer USE' • . School -at ..41ma College, St. Thomas. old Medal Hay Fork Ropes 30 and 35c, per pound High Grade Sisal Hay Fork Rope at 24c. per pound Gold Medal Binder Twine 14 1-2co Clearing Sale 5 per cent off all Baseball Gloves & Mitts 15c. per cent off all Lawn Mowers Su:111111er Goods ; HA.MMOCItS $$,.50 UP. ' ',-PETtFECTION OIL STOVES SCREEN DOORS t.2-46 $•26 00 • • -SCREEN WINDOWS 350' , GARDEN HOSE 13c FT. SCREEN WIRE 20e per yard. ' :COW 'EASE FOR SPRAYING CATTLE AND HORSES • , $1,00 and $1.75 per can. , _ TINS1VIITHING . AND PIJTJMBIING T1 ware PHONES273' )1,innneennn..".'in"innennl,innnin'n'llinninnzinen:',..ntz=111,==111111EINKINSVIIMMOSIIIIIIMINIREM MEETS VIOLENT DEATH WHEN HORSES BOLT 1 Samael. Lee; a resident of Londes- 1 boro 'met with a peculiarly sad death - on Saturday evening ;;'-when, while drawing hay, something went wrong With . the loader. He' stepped down off the load to ascertain -what was wrong when the team of horses bolt- ed tb.rowing him violently between the wagon and the barn door. His head was badly crushed and he was otherwise seriously injured and when extricated from ' his position by friends, life was extinct, Dr, ,Shaw, of Clinton was called but could do nothing as the man had died shortly after the accident. Ile” is survivecl, bY his wife and four children as well as several brothers. " BORN Plensall, on June 29th, to Mr. and Mrs, Win. Dougal, of Hay, a daughter. POWE—At lir. Hyndman's hospital, on july 7th, to Mr. and Mrs. Her- man Powe, of Stephen, a dalighter, (Audrey Fern.) CAMPBELL ---In Usborne, on July 2, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Campbell, a daughter. • IVIARRIED FORD—TAyLon—At the Main St. pal -Soilage, Tuesday evening, July 11, by Rey. W. G. H. McAllister Mr, John Ford, to Melinda A. Tay- lor both of Exeter NOrth. DIED . FISHER—In Exeter, on Wednesday, s 'July 12th, Mrs. Jane Fisher, aged 87 years and 10 months. (Partieul- N ars'next week.) ed. By-law No. 7, 1922 --Confirming the appointment of a Township Arbi- tratOr-4:,:,-Eilting price of gravel and. By'an/46.;,` 8, 1922—giving peWef- to the reeve and treasurer to borrow sufficient money for current expenses were read andepassed and signed by the reeve and clerk. The report of the Board al.Arhitration for settling the price of gravel used on the town- ship roads was received confirming the action of the council in fixing the price of same at 15c a yd. and 75c a cord to gravel -pit owners. That °W- ing to the 'unsafe Condition of the floor of the'nfle'nn-Sawble bridge road 11, that the' present floor be i•einoved and the bridge reeovered by a cement floor to the, thickne.s's of 4 inches and the same reinforced with expanded metal. That the work be done by day labor and ,superintended by the road overseer. That a grant of $15 be made to each. oii the Exeter and Kirkton Agricultural Societies and that an additional grant of $15 be made to eaeh;for baby beef competi- at Brewster for the night returning the following- day. By doing this several of the boys qualified as a first-class Boy Scout as it is neces- sary to take an over -night hike be- fore such a badge is awarded. The boys greatly enjoyed the outing, i. 11, S. QUARTERLY TEA The bT, hi, S. of Caven, claurch, Ex- eter, held their quarterly tea at the manse on Thursday afternoon. Miss H. L Graham gave a splendid report of the council held in Galt, After this the ladies present subscribed -$31 TEN TIRES"ARE SLASIMII) AT DASHWO01) A mean, dastardly net was perpe- trated at Dashwood on Monday even- ing of last week when some person or persons entered the garage of Rev. W. Yaeger, pastbr of the Evangelical church, and. slashed up ten auto tires and in additio-n ent the guy wires • letting do,wu an aria' for a wireless . radio. Mr. Clarence Yaeger, son of Rev. Mr. Yaeger, was working up un- til about one o'clock the same night and the act was committed sometime after that hour, Mr. Yaeger has two .... cars and each ear Carried a spare tire. - The party started into the tires by cutting a slit about eight inches long but evidently, because of the tough- ness -of the tires and the difficulty to cut them, before completing the job they were contented with simply stabbing holes in them. R is esti- mated that the damage is in tlae neighborhood of $200. Spite against the pastor by some of the liquor ele- ment is said to be at the back of it. At the 'present time suspicion points' strongly to the perpetrators of the 1 crime. appointed to continue it. Miss Laura Jeckell was appointed secretary in plae.e of Mrs. Amos, who has held the office. Kindly words were 'spoken by Mrs. 'Christie and Mr. Foote, of the two members, Mrs. Gladman and Mrs. Amos', whom all regret are leaving the society. Tea was served on the lawn. tion at the fall fairs confined to rate- 'FELL DOWN STAIRS payers of Ifshbrtfie.. Bills to the a- mount of 51157,61 were 'passed and Mr. J. W. Hein had a harried tri orders issued,for PaYinent -of same. to the doctor on Thursday of la Council adjourned to meet Aug. week to get a nasty cut in his fore 5th, 1922, at 1 o'clock p. m. head attended to. Llis friends wer ,Henry strung. Clerk wonderinanif he had been. taking , Jo° much home -brew, or i fhis wife had beaten up. Wel • • - - held. ,for five members who had de- parted this life during the year, ono' of them being Mrs.eA. Hastings town. Miss Addie et Myth, won the medal in lIie elecution ecu - test and Vivian 'McElroy, also oil, Blythe in the singing- eontesn COMES IN ISOIICE ON ela,IGUST IST Soine confusion apparently has a- risen •with regard to the 'dal when the new stamp tax oncheeks will come into foree. An offical an- eoueceinent intimates that the new rade of 2 eents,.tax for every 850 of the amount of money for which the check is drawe up, but not exceeding $5,000, will become effective on An - gust 1st next. Checks dra"Wn for any , a.mount exeeedieg 55,090 will be sub- ject to the same stamp tax as tbosQ', drawa for 55,000, namely $2, Your St()I-ge 1".atteri Needs a drink in hot weather It S1101,11(1 get one at least every two ‘Neelis, ghre that service free on any battery. J. BI;ER. .PHONE 9 Weigl-)t Always IQ a tisfaction wervice p you are assured when you buy your meats from us. We are. serup- st ; lously careful to see that our scales are absolutely' right, and just as 1iar- -1, ticular about the quality of our cuts.We are here to please yon—not our - el selves. That is why we have made good. a Choice, Beef, Pork, Veal and Spring Lamb, all thertinae. Have your Cooked Meats andBacon Machine ,Sliced. FOIID—TAYI.OR NUPTIALS' trip ' Me tells us that he was making it hurried A quiet wedding took place at the down stairs 'when lie slipped. an, Rivers at Market Main street , parsona ge on Tuesday fell. He caught himself but hit his WHERE QUALIAY IS HIGHER THAN PRICE evening when Rev. G'eo, H. McAlister head 031t!e bannister post. A couple • Taylor and 14.1r, John Ford,- both. of • of stitches were necessary to close united in marriage Mrs. Melinda A. w°1111(1* Allii111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111[1111111ifillifliffiffillfiffittilia Exeter, t Norh.. Tile marriage was no EXETER•EVAPORATOR SOLD = sooner over than; the boys became mem. aware of it and a. very- large crowd Messies S. P.I. Sanders and ,Tames gathered in front of- mr. Ford's home Brintnell have sold, the' Exeter "Evala- and chivaried them. ;a1r. par& came orator to Mr. A. D. Clapp, of Dutton, out and sang a couple of Songs 'for who intends installing new and tip - the boys: and handed them sorne to -date machinery andoperating it money. The 1)0Y-sr.:made enough rac- to its tall capacity, This will farn7 ket to heard all overtown, ish a local". market for the apPle crop and again Start in motion 'a valuable faelustry for Exeter. When it was operated before it evaporated over 25,000 busliels in a 130Y SCOUTS SUNDAY 'The Boy Scouts of Exeter ere com- pleting arrangements for their An - neral Scout Sunday which will be ob- single season and it is expectect to be served this year on July- 23rd. The equipped to exceed its fanner capac- services will be held Cavell Pres- ity, byterian Church at 11. 'o'clock a. in., e and will take tile forin 'Union ser- T°wN vice A of Trivitt Memorial, Main: street Mir.F.viad,mi oaiszs ladinaittribar ,aeft3177 mw IVIetllodist. and' Cave ti congregations, firm 01Giwith The Seouts ;been fortunate in who i, fl fceSecienn ttl ye npduoli,le and Eaxerteesridneaide nic Seenring Rev, A. Stanley Cree, one of the forceful speakers of the Ann_ in London, is Moving his household ean Church, Of London, whm- tb o' is ltigffeetP to e city 01.1(1 tha self a Scout Master, as spacial spealc- follow in a fONN' ditA. .1.`+1,1% Glaciman, er, will maintain his connection with the ; Exeter branch, but the increasing BET IT AT 011ii91. IT 1-3it,_y,„ volume af husinese at the London A traVeller for an out -o': -town branch neeessitated the removal of printing office Visited Eieter recently one of the lumbers of the firm to oliciting orders for printing, To the city, 'Mr. (iladman and his fain - one business man he stated that he i/Y will be greatly, missed as tileY vas in a position io save the man ale have been mest'vainahle re'Siclents of. Ot ot nioney oil his printing, and he Exeter. Mi'. Giaanian hes been eirtieularly emphised the paving his cheirnian of the Cemetery Bead and riti was able tti glibtadon ; is a,i; present 'ellaarnian Railed ,1110K.S.• ita' St.atheePh!se lioanitlli' •Lendoei SatitinlaV`' Jhly ••801.' fi en per cent higher than ';"flae• TimeS" he has rendered to the town. oxeele e'vealed, '01,6 iiia;t•• pride was of Ednehtion both capacities lent seieeiee; Aactice Hicks,•sola: of Mr. unit airs. r Andrew Hicks, of Centralia, 'aged t 19 Years and 10 ,mouths, h ad been doing the work for. moomore mow. mom. To Farmers Feeding Pigs WE HAVE A VARIETY OF FEEDS AND INTISIT TO MENTION' ESPECIALLY OUR CHEAP MINED 01101? WHICH IS VERY SHIT- ABLE FOR FEEDING AND ,FINISHING YOUR GROWING PIGS, 1)0 NOT ALLOW YOUR HOGS TO 00 TO MARKET LIGHT IN WEIGHT AS THERE IS AT -PRESENT PRICES A PRO- FIT OF FIVE CENTS A I.B. TO BE IVLIDN ON ,.; .-... COATE IN AND Slav, Olen.. a -,1-1,...);,-. ................M. 4101.rate .......= .=..........:= , ' .........., 61.01kliki 100.1.111. )worrion. ralowrom 44, 151 55