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Goderich Signal -Star, Wednesday, January 21, 2009 - Page A31
Deadlines: Friday @ 4 p.m.
Holiday Weekends Friday 10 a.m.
Iw Mss eoriaous
In loving memory of Abe, • who left us
February 1, 2000.
Although we smile and make no fuss,
No one misses hint -more than us,
And when old times we often recall, .
It's then we miss him most of all.
Always remembered by Elsie, Gord and
family. -4x
In loving memory of Donna, who left us
January 25, 2000.
A silent thought, a secret tear
Keeps her memory ever near.
Deep in our hearts, you'll always stay
Loved and remembered every day.
Mom, Dad, sisters, brothers and families.
In memory of Don Bauer, who passed away
January 23, 2003.
Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease,
1 shall possess within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.
A loving tribute to aspecial Husband, Father,
Grandpa, Great Grandpa and Brother. -4x
In loving memory of Evert Middel, who
passed away January 18, 2001.
Dad, 1 miss your smile,
1 miss your laugh,
1 miss you more than anything.
Forever in our mind and hearts
Love Randy, Jennifer and Evan -4x
In loving memory of a dear mother,
grandmother, and great-grandmother,
Phyllis, who passed away nine years ago,
January 26, 2000.
Our hearts are like a memory book
Its pages Mother dear
Hold all the living thoughts of you
Recorded year by year.
A book of golden yesterdays, •
Bound with love and care
A rare edition Mother dear
Because you're treasured there.
Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by
Paul, Janet and families-4nxe
Cords of nook
Thank you to relatives, friends and co-
workers for cards, phone calls, plants,
memorial donations and any other tokens of
remembrance after the passing of our dear
mother and grandmother, Alma. Special
thanks to the compassionate and caring staff
at Pinecrest Manor, Lucknow, where she was
a resident; also to Chris at McCallum & Palla
Funeral Home for his guidance and support.
Marie, John, Philip and families. -4nx
We would like to thank all our customers and
businesses for their patronage throughout
2008. We wish all Best Wishes in 2009. Our
thanks go out to Patti and Wayne for opening
their home to host the staff Christmas party.
We appreciated your hospitality and 'e ail had
fun. Wayne, you put up with'a lot. Our thanks
to Deanna and Grant for making sure everyone
got there and home safely. Pattie, Nathan,
family and staff. -4ar
Cards of Thaaic.
Wow! Two days of celebrating 100 years.
Thanks to friends and family for coming
to bring your best wishes, sending cards
and gifts. It was beyond my imagination.
Family, thanks for doing a great job. To the
folks and staff at Maitland Manor, a big
thank you. You are awesome. Teunis -4x
Thank you to Dr. J. Moore, Wilma and
nursing staff for taking suck great care of
me, during and after my surgery. Thank
you to my family, friends, co-workers at
Scotia bank, customers and neighbours for
the get well cards, flowers, food, phone
calls, cleaning out the laneway and visits.
Special thanks to Tony, Jack, Danielle,
Copper and Janice Dickson for making my
recovery a lot easier. Lynn -4x
Many thanks for all the cards, phone calls and
personal congrats on my recent retirement from
the Fire Service. Special thanks to present and
former Firefighters, Town of Goderich staff and
council for their send-off, kind words and gifts.
After 38 years of disappearing on "Precious"
at any hour, night or day, from dinners, shows,
warm beds etc., it is nice to march on our own
time for a change. Mike and Barb -4x
Oh man what a party! I would like to 'thank
my family and friends • for attending my 30th
birthday party at the Little Bowl on January 10.
Special thanks to my mom, Diane, for all her
hard work for organizing such a great party. I
am truly blessed to have you in my life. I would
also like to thank everyone for the great gifts,
gift certificates and cards. I would like to also
say how surprised I was to have my sister Julie
fly in from Banff to help me celebrate. What
an amazing gift. Thanks to my friends Holly,
Jenna, Kendall, Neil, Jeff, Paul, Lynn and Jon
for helping my Mom organize the• big night; I
would like to thank Tom and Robin for hosting
the "after the party party". I am so lucky to
have such a kind and generous roommate. 1 am
sure to remember this night for at least another
30 years. Thanks so much. Dynes xoxo -4x
I would like to thank Dr. Moeheod
and Melissa Wraith in the Emergency
Department at Alexandra Marine &
General Hospital. Thanks . to Drs.
Hollingworth, Dawson, Spivak, Lal and
the heart specialist for their care and
concern. Special thanks to ICU nurses,
especially Lori and all the nurses 'on the
First Floor for all their help and attention.
Thanks for all the cards, calls and visits
etc. from friends, family and neighbours.
I apologize if I have missed anyone. You
all have made my stay as comfortable as
possible. We are so lucky to have such
great people at our local hospital. Roger
Thanks to my Signal -Star customers for
their generous gifts during the holiday
season. Andrew-4nx
Photo by Gerard Creces
Talk about leaked to the press - Goderich Little Theatre president, Stephanie
Scholten throws superstition to the wind, hoping the town can find room in the 2009
budget for urgent repairs for the Livery roof.
Livery looking to Goderich
council for roof repair funds
Gerard Cream
signal-star staff
It's a big request for a big part of God-
erich's history, but Goderich Little The-
atre is hat -in -hand, asking town council
for $50,000 for urgent repairs.
From animals getting inside to snow
in the dressing rooms, the need for those
repairs is making itself apparent in a
number of ways, according to GLT pres-
ident Stephanie Scholten.
A letter from GLT to the town dated
Nov. 14, said the repairs need to be com-
pleted immediately for the roof, soffit
and fascia of the building.
Much of . the eavestroughing on the
Livery is missing, and the roof itself
is sagging and leaking in many places.
Rotten wooden fascia also shows signs
of a buildling in decay.
After their initial repair consultation
two years ago, GLT undertook the neces-
sary fundraising to repair the crumbling
stone facade at the front of the building,
but Scholten admits, fundraising may be
difficult in a community hit hard from
the manufacturing downturn and pro-
ceeds from their productions leave little
after costs are covered.
"We only manage to make enough
to keep going," she said. "For serious
fundraising, we don't really have the
structure to do that yet."
The total of the repairs is estimated at
Scholten said while their mission
statement is to offer quality entertain-
ment, their duties go beyond, to the Liv-
ery itself.
"We're not just a club that puts on
plays," she said. "We also have a stew-
ardship role."
To that end, Scholten said they are
looking to the community for support
and that means municipal dollars for the
She said the building itself has histori-
cal significance in Goderich, undergoing
many transitions over the years.
The Livery has been spared the wreck-
ing ball before, and Scholten said main-
tenance is. once again needed to make
sure the building remains a valuable
public place in the downtown core.
The funding issue has been referred to
the 2009 budget by council.