HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 2009-01-21, Page 1738. Auction Sale 38. Auction Sale Auction Sale SATURDAY, JANUARY 24TH at 10:00 a.m. at the hall at 8 Mitchell St., Teeswater Preview 9:00 a.m. For Durham Fumiture - Chesley Plant Consisting of oft'ice fumiture, desks, chairs, filing cabinets, bookcases, cafeteria tables, chairs & microwaves. Excellent quality - solid wood. 10% buyers premium. Complete listing and photos at: wwwyokassippiauctions.com, www.metcalfeauctions.com or www.auutioneersassociation.com CT XO N More Info calf Ken Scott 519-392-7037 Len Metcalfe 519.367.2791 Beat the temptation. 40,smokaui.#.i EcauNt TOLL-FREE 1-81/ ,>1 ; I I I 26. Help Wanted 26. Help Wanted 26. Help Wanted Goderich Signal -Star, Wednesday, January 21, 2009 -Page All 26. Help Wanted WE'RE LOOKING FO 12_ 1,011JI! We are a growing company looking for Permanent Full Time Sales Representatives • Applicants must be available all retail hours. • Evenings and weekends are required World Email resumes to jobs@cwcsales.com wveiw_ Ig►vdericf-iso- igrr-Piasar/.s arsr- • Cace. ran" Conveyor stopped at council table Coun. Heather Lyons' request for engi- neering firm B.M. Ross to conduct a fea- sibility study into the use of a con- veyance system to bring salt to the Mill • Road area and also for the investigation .of new marine opportunities did not carry for lack of a seconder to the motion. The motion, was in response to a letter to The Signal -Star in which John Hazlitt proposed a unique system of conveyors to bring salt from the mine to a truck - loading and storage area near Mill Road. Mayor Deb Shewfelt said such a system would create noise for citizens along the bluff adding it was not a mandate of council but was up to industry to investi- gate the feasibility of such a system. 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