HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 2009-01-21, Page 4Page A4 - Goderich Signal -Star, Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Winterfest boasts big lineup
of seasonal activities for 2009.
Denny Scott
signal -star staff
While some residents may be. sick of the
white stuff blanketing our landscape, it pro-
vides the perfect backdrop for Goderich's an-
nual Winterfest celebration.
The festival, which is slated for February 5,
6, 7 and 8, plays host to many different activi-
ties that allow people to enjoy winter sports, the
winter weather, and some time inside fo keep
Wanda Keith, who is organizing the event,
explained why this year's celebration is start-"
ing early. •
"We actually have a kick-off to Winterfest on
Thursday night. It's a badminton open house
brought to us by the Godericli Badminton
Club. It will be held in the West gym at GDCI
from eight until ten," She said.
Joining previous years' favourites, like the
Youth Darts Open House, are some new events
and shows.
"We have the anchoring events, the chili
cook -off and the . sno-pitch tournament, and
we've got some new events this year, includ-
ing a Valentine Bonspiel, the Early Years Polar
Bear... [and] the Casablanca performance com-
petition team."
Keith explained that .the addition of new
events is something to be happy about, as it
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shows people are interested in participating.
"I'm excited that we have more events, some
are indoor and some are outdoor, but the pur-
pose of Winterfest is to get you outside your
house. 'Don't hibemate to celebrate."'
The library retuming to the lineup, according
to Keith, was also a welcome addition to the
weekend. •
"I'm excited that the library is returning this
year. They took a year off last year, and they are
doing two events this year, story time on Satur-
day and Winterfest family fun on Sunday."
Tickets are going fast, Keith said, for the
events with limited capacity.
"[The tickets for The Amazing Kreskin] and
the Winterfest Dance are going quickly, so if
you want to go, you'd best get a ticket soon,"
she said.
Another great way to celebrate Winterfest is
to help with the preparation of the events, and
a great way is to lend a hand to make lanterns
for the Maitland Trail Association's Candletlit
Winter Walls.
Lanterns can be made at workshops on Sat-
urday Jan. 31 or Sunday February 1.
The cost is $7, which can be paid at the
workshop, to help cover the costs of the lan-
terns. Lantern -makers can then show up early
for the Candlelit walk and install their lanterns
along the pathway, then return when the walk
is over to take them home.
Anyone interested can contact Karen Mela-
dy at 519-524-7518 to sign up for the sessions.
Children will need to be accompanied by an
Goderich Youth Darts Open House
Youth aged 11 to 18 are welcome to come
out for a couple hours of fun at the Legion. The
free event starts at 7 p.m. For more information
call Al Fisher at 519-524-8483.
Candlelit Winter Walk
The Maitland Trail Association will also be
presenting .a Candlelit Winter Walk through
Maitland Woods, starting at Parson's Court
from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Donations are appreci-
ated, Anyone interested call Con Melady at
Valentine Bonspiel
The curling action begins with a mixed draw
for teams at 9 a.m., and includes breakfast.
The cost to enter is $20 per person, or $80 per
See SNO-PITCH, Page 25
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Animals saved
from barn fire
signal -star publisher
Quick action by two local fire departments
may have saved a$ many as 1,000 pigs when
fire and smoke partially destroyed a barn on the
farm of Peter Den Dunnen on Union Sideroad
Sunday afternoon.
Goderich and Bayfield firefighters respond-
ed to the alarm at approximately 2 p.m.. Sunday
when a fire started in a vent at the north end
of the barn. The barn was not destroyed in the
fire and the pigs were transported by truck to
Goderich acting Fire Chief, Steve
Gardiner said that four trucks, in-
cluding two pumpers, responded
to the call and the local depart-
ment was assisted by mem-
bers of the Bayfield Fire De-
"Usually with a barn fire
you need to have a lot of
water on site and Bayfield
helped us with that," he
said. "There is a hydrant at •
the OPP station on High-
way 21 and trucks could
reload. It was a good save
and a good job by the depart-
menta" -
As many as 15 firefighter's
were on the scene until 7 p.m.
Damage to the barn is estimated
at between $40,000 and $50,000.
Photo by Dave Sykes
Firefighters from Goderich and Bayfield were called to a barn fire on Union Road
Sunday afternoon.
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