HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-6-8, Page 6o NOLICITP 3N- P1�. hihMaY EI;ELL Tile object of this department Is to piece at the ser- a our farm readers the ;advice of an acknowledged horlty on all ettOjects perteining to sons and creps. Addresa ell questions te Professor Henry G. ace, In care of The Wilson Publishing ComPany, Limited, Torore to, and answers will appear r4 hie column in the order In which they are received. When, wraine keictiy mere lion tills Pape. pie space is limited it la advleable where immediate reply is necessary that a stamped and ad- dreeeed enyetope be enctoeed with the question, when Mc answer wet be mailed direct. Copyright by Willies flblishing Co. Limited W. L. 13.; Will you please tell tite if too mally head per acee. The number alfalfa is better than red clever for of course will have to be graded by hog pasture.? I have a field of oats the growth of alfalfa, and want to seed it down. It Is heavy black dirt. How much seed should 1 eow to the acre? The ground was enured last spring and 1 plowed down clover. flow much and what kind of fertilizer should I use? Answer: Alfalfa contains more of food constituents than does red. clever, itOt ' Agricultural College Field at it is a little harder to get a stencil Husbandry Department If you will GI alfalfa than of elover. In the write them at G-uelph theysevill be able ails West stales alfalfa is used very to put you in touch with same, extensively as hog pasture and ex- D. H.: I have a weed in my garden cellent icsults ane ebtedned. If you that the County Representative says wish to seed down I would advise you is horse nettles; others say it is not tow about 1,000 lbs. of lame per aere on top the plowed. ground and harrow it into the soil. Then when Yeti come to sewing 'the seed, use a 'mese crop a about a bushel of eats per acre, seedibg alfalfa at the Tate of 12 to 15 lbs. of good. seed per 'acre Jct m , the sae tm ie as 'you are soaving the eats and alfalfa apply feetilizer /analyzing about 2 per cent. nitrogen, sph 10 to 12 per cent phooric acid, and 2 per -cent. potash at the rete of 250 lb's. to the acre. This shoold lealanee up your eon and give you a g;oed wild" «eiover. De not attempt to pasture the fence rows. Cut -them down with this field this year. Next e.ternmer the scythe and bran the rubbish. This aftee the alfalfa hat; made a good will prevent seed from spreading and etart it would safe to pasture it constant eultivetion Should clear your with hogs. Howe -ver, do aot put on field. of the pest. R. 13.: I heee raised a small amount of Huhaan clover seed and would ap- preciate receiving some information regarding a cheap method of scarify- ing a email amount of Upham. Answer: A good scarifyee for sweet clover and alfalfa seed was pre.deeed It has a white and blue blossom and that forms into a hall of seeds like sniall yellow tomato. It has thorns on like rose bushes. I would like to know what is the easiest and quickest way to get rid of it • Answer: I tannet tell from your de- seription what the weed -would be. However, I assume fleet your Repre- sentative has named it temetly. About all that ean be dome is dean eultivation, that is, eut down auy young weeds that are growing and prevent hese from developing along As; a r;:le, the young male colts are aestrated wh.e.n they are about a year old. A fetv farnaers prefer that the operation 1.-e peetpared 'mai the ani- ma's are two years of age, since it is claimed that -..he aniraaie erll there- by became alma maandine, It may be tine that tome exceen in develop- ment is thus gained, but if the eolts are allowed to go too long they will he difficult to handle and the opera- ticr, is more at to result fatelly, al - thereat on:inerile there is littl,e danger fieTa the op tin at any time if perfeenteel by a eel-aperientperson, and the subsequent rare of the colt is eleae it should be. The operatiee. ahead .ailways be per- formed by a reputable veterinary sur- geon -or by somearie who can work elcia-;fully. Perhaps the best season of the yeer for this work is in the sprig, say in May after evaran weath- er hes arrived,. At thet time flies Senese-evetayeteapepeasad. The n-iethod or operation evilfr-elateerse. vary with flee cperatce. After the operation has been pee -- teemed, with proper regard for clean beside, instruments, etc., the eat ehoeld be kept in a clean, roomy s -ball at night and turned into a paettire told every fain- day. It is advisable -to feed rather sparingly for two or three days after the o;plerailiten, though ve-feed of oaes and bean may be given night and -morning. Alveays allow the animal as xneen. _teeth water as he desie. The colt that is 'alliewed to run in a pasture will take sufficient exercise to preveet the stiffening of paets, but if for any reason it is necessary to keep him etablech he should be placed In a hex „stali or else be led about the 'beamyerd for a half hour night and morning. When teamed ;out it is well to bathe the wound with a diluted volution of carbolic acid in orclee to prevent flies from depositing their eggs in t,he weend. This are should teptirue until the -wooed has entirely heeled,. Willow is the higheet ;of British worode. A cubic foot of it weighs 30 the. A ;cubic foot of box weigbe 57 lbs. LIVE -A CIL I Two points meet be kept in mind if 'the broilere are to be made to pay wel.. They meet. be hatched early end pushed as feet as possible after being hatched. The price for broilers takcs. a tumble when the ordinary farm eaap eotriee on the market, but as most *am flocks eleanot mature to in the wod Wedding Menus ig Cake Hope is the $wes 1.1):: ANNA COfsi As the heat stroiati of Mendeleselny's three Tonna Calle pall$ graded in siZo. Wedding .1‘larch are played, the bride's 'Phis cake will be; cut by the bride mother lots her thoughts turnititchen- and will predict the future state of ward. The wise amther has planned: guess through the usual thimble, with her daughter every &teal a the ring and rain. These trinkets (after wedding beeiciefast. No last minute thoreugh cleansing) aro mixed into peeparatiensl The table- is deneated, I the batter. 'The largest cake '40.Trils everyoue who is to help has her duties the beeu tied the other twe are 'placed st Plums The Sunday School JUNE 11. Jeremiah 'Cast Into Prison; Jer. 38: 4-13, Golden Text --Be, no afrald because of them. for I am wIth the to de- livet the; saith the Lori..---Jer. 1: 8. (Rev. Ver.) Lessee loorewercl-lt is necessary to themoyal palace on the southeast side understand the- historleal,beekaround of the 'city, to the gate of Benjamin of this hazes'. The Babylonians had on the north side, where the king was carried jeliolaehie, king of Judah, and watehing the military operationae molar ef his neblee into exile in B.C. V. 9. These men have dime evil. The HAD WHOOP/NG COUGH WOULD GO BLACK' IN FACE AGO STIFFgN RIGHT OUT/ moth&'s' $11,,uid never neeleet whoop- ing aiigh, and on the first sigti of this; disease we svotild advise the use of Dr. Wood' e aTonvay Pine Syne). 1.`his famous. remedy will clear the bronchial tubes of the cellected mucous and phieene and in this war ease the wracking cough ande in a short thne make It disappear entire-. Hated. on 4 slap of paper, and the menu, on top of it aceording, to size,, tisr7 and , ihch white. au set up h'e le 7 delci. hes f Eh cl h r v Ito(' • . as poesible, dishes which may be Pre- A little doll bride -adorns the top 431.- I A stioeg national party' Ift-Judah Jeremiah by the princee. F,beele Babylonians but Jeremiah strongly 'lathing of what had hapieened to Jere-. East, Vancouver, writes: --"When has been plarmed Meltelee so far whose is co, with, to rule as king of Judah limier them. against the treatment meted oat 'to mead , a day er etwo in edeance arid the cake; elle is dreseed in a, robe of, urg,ed Zedeltiah to revelt against the reelech. aliforreed him, the king lcneW Mrs. y, W. Moriinaer, 25 -6th Ave.. served with the least possible sabin agd wears a gee of tulle, fusion. Bride's Cake Frosting Number One. A bask -et of flowers decteretes the Two egg whites, 4 tap. eold water, centre of the table. Each plaee a 1 tsp. lemon juke, cOnfeCtioners' a , advised against it. Zedelaiah, however, mini), "7,e661(463i had not intended; the my little -gal eetabOth' titie. wee not very aftee ei time did renounce his allege.- peophet's death,' and'ibis ti„iisAmeir -ft, 'strong, end When ;she Wee'three months, mice to 13abylen and revolted. The the Prince's (v. 5), Was merely meant ohl we Moved into a damp house. A marleedivRh an omaashiened nosegay t sugar. neat egg whites tral Ora ... , i -1 •ff Y GI krri anmy came up against Jerusalem surrounded with a crisp paper lace and add \water. Beat in safticient eon- fee about tie wo B.C. 588 and besieged it yecrs, jerareah was or a spray of tjhrs,s,o/ns. Streamers ex-: feetimaers' seen to form a Paete, whip in Jen:seder/1 throughout the siege, enlah a daily xatien (37: 21) whieli , „ tend fries' the central basket to each' up thoroughlY and Odd" flavoring. but during- a lull in the operations, he was ecercely eufecient_ to ee,e,p hen / .1, saw no enange, m f,aict,. she seemed ta board box under the basket aee hidden flexible tepatula is the beet spreader. horne in Anathoth. He was arrested became very eleurce? and in the eietere l'lie was dead as she iised to gabled( in the individual wedding cakesefor eaeh Brides Cake Frosting Nureber TWO. by the guard; on the chaege that he Jeremiah would mess Teen the email the face and stiffen right out, and .1 was ration appeetiolicg to agra by the Izip.z rfie,alir lazy- for fear she would die. A as a permission to silence him" few days after Ise were settled she became (Peake). He is like to die for hunger. very ill. I called in a clbetor and he said The king had previously granted Jere- lish: ghaavdeWnhieoomPiencgileciontelgnforauhderh,rbonuethsittiism. A 0 1 4'41 111. attebi ted a a, • • ii w. t h d had get worse and severe, tittles I thought place, and in a weal -concealed eare- apreau with a eroeceeelea- eluee. - P ,eave city for his a. ve. 0 mg o s ege, brea guest. At a- signal feem the bridte, One cuP Sugar, 3 tbale water egg, was deserting to the B,abylealune, hut • cld h' the eeed cause of his imprisonenent eae guest will. draw the ribbon an • v. rte. I was that he was cell:side-eat an in - receive the cake-alaraost toe heauti- Have -water in the lower Pant of a convenient and clangeeous person fuleto eat. double bailee, healing. • Pet enigma Whjle he was in pessen, the eang. gene t 111. Jeremiah Rescued, 10-13. orfieDn r. ()Wmoolade's aNskoerlfam'yePtclin:rySyarub;,ttlase V. 10. The king proceeded with all she had then children of her own, urgenty slave the life of ;the die- took her advice ad after giving my lit- tle girl half a bottle she was quite a lot better, and when the bottle was finished she was well again." res,sed peepheteHe appeared through- ba,skets. mark the Place eeeds aecorateA evith fl0Wer unbeaten egg Wlate into .6013 far him to see if. ha,r1. any eeenatio„ „Tenn:deli eeplied that the out to. be on the side Of Jeremiah. place ,of guests. of double boiler and, PlOee over the irhoin Oodj. V. 11..The house of the kieg Wider Each will look up his owe place gita bailing water. Start , beating, at euro ' 'ho d' d .•- of fhe f b 5111105 the treasury; a stereroonn under the released from 1Tripr190111- • easier. The bride and groom sit at lemon ca, vagina extraet. minutes ivhde co</king. Flavor with reale eodeesseh then ,ta,..m,iforwed toihiclougrohttftennanereasgeo-f ENbeiVdt,k...ree,eletehhe. 111: the heed of the bride's table with the Remove from the duageon to the. c'eart of the bridal "party. If there 'yeast be more' from the Stove and spread on call° guard, ;aid niade permaaen for his 1\3vei'siiitobdy wrto wpappainrge itireiriagthsehavaletel;ddietiei:es than one table, Mother graces the Willi a knife. For a large cake it will maintenance, eel -de so that he would net be Mit by be neceeeary to double this melee. Jeremiah imprisoned, 4-6. the rope when he was drawn up. Let V. 4. The princes ; for their games them down by. cords; anoe.ideer instance est - t y meanie nt re uested this nay make finding places much and ----------- b el, lea t , . he Should 'be . . royal teea,sury. Old cast clouts and head ef the other table with the min- ister at her right and, greeped around her, irarnediste relatives and special guests, Chicken Patties, w Three thee). butter, 3 tbs;p. flour, 2 see v. 1. They wen of his thoughtfulness. Jeremiah auld military efficers erlig not have to grepo about the (leek pat cues milk, 2 cups ceoked chicken and civil `officials of high stand Fora morning- evedding, the repast, tea - er The In; Zedeluah. Let this man be ;--. served, at any time until one in the - - , kurcea), 2 thep. ehoppe.d earsley The request of the V. 12. Put . . . under thine arm- Rime/lea la tsp, celery salt, salt, ppelnctees idscia.ntthcheigene, holes Jerem'ah was not to be raised afternoon, is 'called a breakfast, pepper. though in reality the menu served con- sists of the usual hmeheon dishes, Melt the buttes. and gbh- iletale lioun . .., 1 Jeremiah, while in prison announce, , . en the authority f G d' 'S i it th t They had ihe;ard - 7 t . It ' 1 by sitting on he rape because by that , method he might have, fallen, owing A delightful britley breakfast Ter eG01,1-oiscilti/aeltaltailyy.'adcdoorallineltteicil tanilillakkteritairr,sitnagr 1 t(h1-e8)d;efsuei ; f' 'o leel, an -the weansit uteseles's God0 13 r , ' to his faintness from hunger. The rope was tied ;mound his armpits, will& i the morning evedding T ..n coneist of laded I ' in chicken which has been out in, to weaken the fighting i slpu.tit at. the were protected by the rage, and the orange baskets filled -with fresh fruit, c y was 0 s s.ti.:or.g. mein above hauled him out of chicken patties, email parkerhouse. c 1 it it d egbeg, cheeped pareley ox piancentol, li dg:frerilisdelarati togotheif lathset exittremitiest t,:i1b t pit. e ery sa , Se an pepper. oo c reale, peas in potato nests, ice ;cream coffee, mid bride's cake. y silenced., to"ast FT.v.":4150.1.311'ofct'cilsi's:n4steyig'ur hand. The king PeConsie doribtless, of presaure from 'the princes, Jeremiah was not allowed. ' until steaming hot. Serve mast be effee.tual-, Yielded to, theie receiest ey. d , to go scot free. He was returned to , e averme ' V. 13. In the court of the Pris'en• Something just a little different in refreshments for an aftexnemi wed- ding is attained by serving from the dining table in buffet style, sand- wiches of every variety, rolls, fruit salad, ice (Team, cake. and spiced; tea. The same decorations are used and the large wedding cake is cut by the laride herself. A candlelight supper is an event long to be remembered by the bride who has chosen an evening wed,cling. Candles, just dozens of them, reflect a broiler -w-eight under about three to soft light over the bridal 'supper. The four months the wehagrown fleck in old-fashioned candelabeum is polished ten weeks will give prime two-peund- for the occasion and the ueighbors will ers and will tome in far enough ahead be delighted to light the way of the to brine the price, I have watched the beide by ;contributing theh.- choicest prieee fee a good- many years now alai candlesticks for the evening, not far from the first week in June The suPpee menu is perhaps a little they start down, though sometimes mere substantial' than the breakfast they de net take the grand drop until mema. It includiesfri.edi spring chicken the fleet of July. or baked spited barn, escalloped pota- To get the broilers in on the best tees, asparagus tips on toast, fruit market it pays to fatten, as this will salad, ice cream, cake and coffee, hurry them up some and give that Mother's daintiest table cover is plum.pnese that commands the best brought from the linen chest, and cus- price goievg and makes for ready sale.. tom decnes that it :be presented as a They should be peened when they gift to the bride. reach a pound and a hall and then Individual Bride's Cakes given all the buttermilk and cern meal shells or pieeerust shells. a Pie -Crust Shells. Make a short pie -must, roll thin and cut circles about four inches in diameter. Shape over inveeted; muffin tins and bake in a moderute oven. Toast Shells. cu,Ctutistreaslo.cfutrdeaedutttwero I/tees:leek; thiceeleenr to v2e-BelubeteaeetnehdeakJtielfrie:ailgoacehisicihii.ea:detaeiZ: t111 dbiaamterk, atnhdluss'emmaPkiiTgit atIcleaveityeirte iesa'AsAae'se'n'tlisheeotrale edhabd'isa sP;:eirineetesre gaIrdIe hold the pattie mixture. Dip these - cases in a menthe° of slightly beaten egg, diluted with two tablespoons of milk to each egg, and seasoned with seat. Drop in deep fat end fry to a golden beowno Drain en brown paper. These shells may be cut heart shaped, if desired. Orange Baskets. Twelve oranges, 1 small cen sliced Jeremiah over to them; they were, in his fernier prison, 37-21. This WOO ce 11,01 the common prison, but one of the „(all2GY:ca10e-1, 6ih).el3TrehPee'rkilf,:,eiltwoef-vejru,s'asia 1-c°1113 irk the guaracuse which was not explicitly permit them to inflict kcePintr, would oubt: whom was exPedieut tc the de.aila pc/In:lee. For the king d . not the erdinaey criminals, but against you. The k a,ttaidlierl to the pala,ce. Here was under restraint end obeervation, dungeon was not without a friend. G.:e:mils' apil wild, west stories de - this spirit of romance, TIMM . Application. rampant, and where it should be enici- Jeremiah at the bottom of the miry 's le tao goo() purposes. The reading of Ehed-meleoh, a black eervazit a the desIPer1341I0 for Jeremiah and ;heel consulted him ,king heard that Jeremiah had been velops an abnormal sense of romance whale he was in prison, 37: 17-20. pat in the dungeon, eo he went to the a.nd often an ;attempt to make it true. king and. pleaded for the life of the For those no affected a tultivation ef prophet, who was; in danger of dying a new interest in wet -till -while things of starvation, Permieeien was great- will get the mina back int, Irerk et' for th,e release a Jeremiah, flue/Ice with his master to have the htlfnol.bnrieh sktvhoe, who had -suffxcient in- be 1: T2, ann: age lrils ,t,bf for isnpitebtehmnifuesntisenszcfialeelly_ }IL wishes of the princes countermanded. ing of defeame and .evatien must be when Sir Walter Scott was build- developed. The reading of everdravan ing Abbotsford he put the bovrling love stories may tempt then tie take on. WOOD'S VEIRVIAT PINE only by The D. Milburn Co., Limited, roprnoeute:,30sen.ta.nd ()De. a bottle; put up e. THE SPIRIT OF ROMANCE Roinapco is fiction, so Webs,* eaars;'' Se, thee, it meat be the stuff dreams, the pima -atilt drawee ,are .Tyrdthe of, Drelarrip,, daYdreeme, if you please, aro eseeritiel to life, fee they are ,a part exf Our hopee end ambitions,. . They heip to take the;diralankest out of Hee. They are raOT0 peeveleat with those juat starting in life than with those who are aearly, through. it: It is with the . youth that these pineapple, 2 cups freal. OT canned V. 6, The princes were afraid to kiil Jeremirrh outright, since he 'VMS a Pafi°(113aela'elt. So thcy abicit;n1ligealeintitthow<lipela0Bf stelae:lien ona negleet. The dungeon; in:reality a eastern att.ached to the hoese of one of the princes. Each house bad usually its own un;der- ground cistetrn in which water was stored for use during the dry season. This ;cistern had no water- in; it. but green 40 a peculiar plaice. And at one ventures into the great unknown strawberries, 1 sup grape Susce. its bottom was slimma e d mire. Jo- corrase ;of it he built a little summer- which experience might prove clari:' Cut a triangulate slice from each seph was thrown into -a pit by his house where he rnialet ;sit of an. even - Side a the oranges:, leaving one-half brothees (Gen. 37: 24), and again by ing after dinner. -And he told Lock- ger-e'e°,1eilusie this spirit of remae,ae &eared ef the akto in intact form the bottom Pharaoh (me Gen. 40: 15). Often the hart why he bulk it there; was it be guided, it .should not be crushed, as of the basket, and strip to fOrrn the meanest of the prisoners were con- beeauee the view was hesaantiafucims ff?Nteoctli that may, also lead to disastrous re_ handle. Scoop out the pulp with a fined; in a pit rather than the team -eon so, bet that he might th' ere to the evening worehip hisi e'114ts-Bt't Thaw it should' be oulti- eoachmain. Old Peter was a real old voted in such a way that youth's von - Scottish servant. He would not have tare into life and the great 'unknown talked religion for the world. But future can be /nude with as few re - every nightfall in .the year he teek grate 41t9 possible. N thing will help sheep knife. Fill each basket with a mixture ef orange, pineapple , and strawbercries. To each basket add prison: (See Gem. 37: 24.) II. Pleading for 3-ere/Ilia/a, 7-9. elate will consume, with some green to One eup butter, 2 eups sugar, 3 V. 7. Ehed-raelecla Ethiopdan keep-'heafeleateameenerelaere small place clips flOUT 'bet"). baking powder, 1 t'we tahlesPeene of the combined fruit and, therefer.e,, negio. He was; in . „ . . to exercise io, far they are net to run etre mille, '8 egg -whites, 1 tsp. lemon JilliCeS• . Serve cold- Gam. ish each all Itilt-elibood, the chief of the king's off the '1 at now. Corn is tile ideal extract ' "' • • Plate with a sprig ef eernethang greem. personal servants med. in charge of fattening grain and grinding it saves Cream, better and sugar.. fella "eel ---------+ - the inyal harem,. "It is veey 'striking Says Sam: res L's-tter to have fa,thee that the only -Sine who intervenes te energy encl mixing te a crumbling sift dry ingredients and edd alteievatea 'end son meetings at the church than save Jeremiah few, fee tereiele death stage with buttermilk makes it more ly with milk. Fold -in egg whites that the woodehed. to theix likieg, and they shouid be have been beaten stiff. Acld fl.avoiring.rn Bake in square shallow tins,. Cut in The ;cheapest anal best way to se - induced to eat jest as mach as pos- sible. Any milk will serve if butter- milk is not -a-vallable, but bettermilk Is beat. Milk as a Body Builder. Marfa efficiony depends much on the eondition of his health, which in turn depends greatly on the feed he eats. From food the body gets the material for development, upkeep and repairs. Of the naany constituents of food, pnotein takes first rank in nu- tritive value. It is found in eggs, rneat, cereaes, legumes, fish, and in milk and most milk products. Ala pro- tein.s, however, leave -not the same value; some foods supply protein of greater physiological use than that supplied by other foods. Experiments chow alert when protein from ea -eels is the only protein in the diet of grow- ing animals, the body of the animal is able to use only about 30 per eent., but wIren, milk is the only source, the T OU body can take as high as 65 per rent, US ATTACKS i yo -or tongue is coated, your reat foul, your eyes yellow, your .complexion I eallow; if you have sick or bilious head- aches, variablo apPethc, pain under the riglat shoulder, floating epecks before the eyes, then your liver is Pot in order. All the trouble,s which come in the train of a disordered liver may be larder:13r relievec.1 by tieing , 1 Mirs Croke; hhanistriore, , Chat, 'writee--"Last fail was troubled severely -with rreslieer, and occasionally 7 bifioue attacks, tried sever - I inealchee but 'until b to liso !, your Milbtane Inetad leer Pills 1 found no'rellef." Price, ,5c. a vial at all deglers, or mailed direct on /tech:A of price by The. Furthermore when an entreat is fed both cereal and milk protein in eom- titration, it can use 'all the milk pro- tein and e much higher percentage at' the cereal protein than would ether - be the ease. It as easy to trans- late this, into every -day practice. Per instance, if we give a child cereal alone, ;only a small percentage will be reienely rivalry amongst them. used to do ite special work in the body, 8. To afford an -opportunity foe bet if we add milk generously, not only will the mill( protein be of the boys and girls to nee their energy and e.ntintsiesra in a productive and useful greatest value, but a much higher wiy percentage' of the protein contained ki the cereal will be -Utilized. This is aifleoSeedheueetiedFaieryW"k is organized two-inch squares. Ice with white cure an araPie gull/Pd'Y of vitarnine8 Is icing, pith, or fancy. Peak in „,„01. to Tvee a plentiful eapply of vegetables, white liexe,s purchased for this pun- milk and butter, remembering, how - pose or -wrap in white waxed paper and tie -With narrow eibbons. Three Tier Bride's Cake. Ilse the same recipe as for indi- vidual takes and bake the mature in with *famines titan in the winte. the prinicks design.,ed for him, was an Ethiopian eunuch" (Peake). The gate of Benjamin; was the gate. on the north side of the city which led into Benjaminfte territory, ch. 37:: 13. The kieg was there directing the defence evee, that milk contains vita/nines 6f. the mil, mid &maw has absence just in proportion to the vitamine eon- from. the palace, and without his tent of the fo;orl; that the cattle are knowledge the peincies had. committed fed.. Consequently, ce-w'e milk during Jeremiah -6 the dungeon - V. 8. Ehed-raelech went forth; :from the summer months is much richer For Ho' e and Co ntr Nothing Too Good for the Boys and Girls By R. S. My plena -Give the boys and girls a chancel Boys and girls are more valuable. than all the farms and lave stock in the Province of Ontario. Th.e majority of ifne boys and girls born on our farms can be developed into good citizens, 51 given a fair -chance daring childhood to use their energies wisely direeted in doing useful thinge. Nothing is too good fox the boy of to -day -the farmer of to -morrow, Objects of School Fairs. 1. To prepare the boy mad girl for the farm. 2. To give boys and girls something definite to do arid to encourage a the Agricaltural 1.`ril'e wc'll ..e°mb'i'miti°11'3 as Representative. The Department; of brestd arla c'atirrleal a,nd Agritolture sea -plies and distributee and /MR, etc., Ana altaorigh tnese all seed i,:er the eanne Jaime pepies 40 foods have long ago proved Lhoit aki onbario pay the cost price of eggs wcr'etill we have ()1119. recc'ntlY titi-der-' but th,e Department pays cost of di - geed the real yeeson oa the import- atace 'rof -the emnbination, These facts and' others eal tad to give r iabie nferneatioe on the value of 111555 115 food ure brougl,t out 'by the Daestet- tethateon. ' The Department iseuee nee° lists, furniehee tent, poultry coops and other equipmeet for , tho School Pair and rne,nt, Ageielitan e,t Ottawa in a euRrAlte8 Judges' The lee° peellie puhlleation entitled 'Mee and How 1)11. an the D'rtze nic)11'6;Vi to tse Ncl.ieh also col:Mine; 460 to $150 per fair. Trastee. boars& aremeireeleme, teaveship eoueelle, county meanie ave T. Milburn. Cee Limited, Talent°, Ont. Duncan public •apirited persons 'each contribute share. ; The classes' ,exhibits at the Fairs may be sunentirited as follows; 1. Products Irene' home plots from Seed distributed. 2. Poultry and live stock. 3. Collection natural objeCts, each as mounted weeds and flowers, weed seeds', insects •anci the -Work Of plant diseases and ,iniects. 4. 00111ections of fruit 6. Manual training and household science work, such as cooking anid sewing. , 0, Educational worlt including es- says, maps, chcawing, writing, ant, „ 7, allecelianeoue conteste of rail - due How Womeria Inatiltutes Can Render Assistance in Schaal Fair, Work. , Beira, in Portugueee West Africa, is ,lytailt on sand eo deep that horses cannot travel on it. Merchandise mid passengers are carried in trolleys running on ralle and Pushed by natives. The Book, end "waled' a. Portien as much in this re.Cect as the real judicious ;care." And then the psuani companionship of broadminded par - was raised and;traivelling heave/leveed cats, The ,,ramanee ef the young sei_ to. him' wh;o; understands ehr Seettish retieence,...Six Walter heard it and, aom goes wrong Nvaien the parents and hearing it, was comforted. Old Peter children are pals. was pa-Gael-la:1g better than lie knew. He was peeaching when he never thought to peoach. That is what all of us are doing eenstantly, •though we were never in a pulpit in true lives. TheTe are Spurge;ons in 1.1311dItelie,St places -Dr, Parks in the coiaehrnan's cottage -apostles who axe cheering have studied the diet of the averaee all the prison, and ithe3r never know oanzetian family that we eat t'-'00 that -they are doing anything. few Vegetables. The eeason why we should eat. more is that vegetables contain minerals which are necessary to build up thsehobuolddy aTnhde tiompkoeertpanitt running as it minerals are iron, calcium and phos - phones. They are essential for the, growth of teeth, bones, ;blood and other body tisaies. These minerals are. therefore, of peculiar value m childhood and youth when the body is growing, but it must ,also he added that the adult must have them to keep his body well repaired, Should Consume More Vegetables. The general opinion of those who riP445C..3. Wrap the niew collar, the night be- PutterflY' Dore first usieg. it, with wet burlap. God told me I was here to plae Put the teller on the horse in the And so, I do. it -day ,by morning, damp. The e;oller and the , flNing will accommodate themeelvee hrnous3;t1;zizeecist.a3moirnvypo.liB,suilyeyb1y3enei,e1 a411 .• I meet not leer, when, I am told r4OT ME VVOINA 1 TWENTY HAS A STRICOIG BACK No woman can bc straw and healthy unless the kidneys aro well. 'The rcasoo A Little Girl's Essay 010. is that the kidneys are to blanie, nine tittles out of ten, for that weak, lame Animals. atcl achine, ba'at, from which they' sof- 'There are tete ea different kine-, tf fer so much. animals, wild oriee, era.ined onee awl When you end 3rour iiidne3re oet nt ,., , ., HEART Ail NE VE PliiLP S order, when yotir back aches and pail; all;1,3taals at the tlie'clagl'a garalera' ' ' and gil es you endless mieery, all you •'.'61:1 S410111(1 4)0 ger° d 1r(), allim.c!':'; They regulate aiir-1 stimulate the heart lloys are soinctirnes moan to qiiiimal 4., and strengthen aid e • . 1 1. Stggest eidesee for domestic; tirdenety° dr°11/Irs 1:/13cle ayofiCtl8whiiCilfit'Syld°ft3h3aTI:151 . 'BOYi,'i are inean to g• . . - . .,,c, neivous system. szience and' seWhigt to be incotoPoramec the aches an'd pains will venial), arid make dreadfally conceited. 1148 S;onBleoYsleo'''e.; h-lr. Vre'cl W. Watson, th'eTewsvpiolerite, in the Prize tints, you healthy and happy, end able ee.en, sliest, they are just as good as ,giree, NS, writes--- 1 have been troubled 2.. Etteonrage girls tO enlrelv such Joy l'fc' to the- illmcst. They th.ink they are lots sinarterr til„a for several yeare with neryous head- eleseee at the Fair.' Conduct Sewing aches and they were so bad I ;could goliartea and give cooking 160$011S LOT N,MB.1:6%.W:c0i1t1ensiN:----teli41,131alsIst' Isq"pTivict;st11° wi3arisdgs; th6V,Yih'Ionhl'at. hey growe tip and you gr.,,'., fgtsb8aljeceyPIactotItidlia5ar'dlyMiloidiltd)ystilf;gt bothered with my kidneys and pains in engtlIged to him, lie is your tinaeco, ita them. A friend told me to try 1\411- 3, Arrange hinebeocit in pd,ern,,t, sqglac my back, f could not rest or sleep at nee, s„ ee ere Thie ie ail 1 knew burn's Heart and Nerve Pills, so I got and supply het coffee on Sellool Pair night. A friend calling tole me "'-','.'', "f`e '''',1.-.'"' a box anct began to get better after I day. about the benefit Doan's Ridney Pills a'c'euL a/Illina''' had taken them. I eontinued to use more, , had done for het, end ealvieed line to try , ElCondoet booths al'.' ihe Schca ttrhuctrewstinIyonsale,y1-onolyla tievreoull3)0lenesd,isoallpdpleraedn The, socces,sere lariacr (.1 tho come ntoervaentyistioesni ,tiliivtiliowebtialcslrnecarovnamietli"ocluibliicen,!, end now I are, no more bothered with §. Givo speoial prizes fOr girl's' and I have, bad no trace °I' it Sitice." cilalgs1,,,f10.1a0t181 avrvial'Iricbte tchi.,°m,'°01(1./eu c'vt''sh°,0°Waill Price 50c. a box at all dealers, or price, eee., a ear at all deface; er • ' gi ) mailed direct on. receipt of price by the , 67 Maiet, in the %a ing of gielei mailed direct on receipt of mica by '',1' 'he under a Wendbalanoe'd and self -main- l'. Milburn Co., 'Limited, Toronto, 'I' eittopeo et th,0 se-noa „hair, 't,, Milburn Go., Limited, Toronto, ont, tabled fettling eystern. Ont. The winter will, he long and cold: - And 1 must never, never sigh' Not to be a Butterfly! God toldi 3110 1 was he eo play, And eo, I do it--cliay by day. ClJLir OT SLEEP NEGII-EITS When the nerves become unstrung; the hands shaky; yotl can't -sleep, and you an practically 411 the verge of ner- vous prostratioa, then is the thne to bliilLOURN'S