HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-6-1, Page 4S ) .1VNI01 so 1 22 TR* 11112EllilTjfilli TIMER, ill 1/ 111/11111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111/111/111111111/1101/1/111/111111111111110 THE BARtON 6 FOR ' , G 0/111) White LefillOrliS (BARRON STRAIN) LEGHORN°IS- AN ENGLISH A LEGHORN TS VERY LARGE.' BIRD Mom. , —= I... — ..... ........ ..... OM.. ...... ...MO AND = = _ **** ........ . ....... ........ WM* ..... ; .1...... . : --- ..,...... — teee= '--- "--- = 04 --- may Jane Rollo -wilt* dates we will F. 4,14.;.01, 4, ------ -°' 84"-ne: 30_3000 at 2"0c each - ` 8-1500 at 18c each 21-31)00 1 , i ,at 15c each 30-1o00 t 1, 2-3000 ., We trapnest every day of the year. = All poor layers are shipped to mar- = 'tete We have Pullets now/ (ay = .... ••••=e 1st) that have laid 163 eggs. Every= male at the he of our breeding•:-=-_," pens is from a hen i,vhich laid over '''..1"",.a.,...." 200 eggs in one year. Our feraales = are persista,nt layers. = One customer who got 300 Chicks —= ' — from us last Spring got from them =- 175 pullets that laid him $658 worth F-..-= old—that is from the time they = him they will do for you. ..... -- =...... ROSE, OrtlIBEIC1SEE — — — =I islismOt = -M.- = --_—__.= — 15111111111111111111i11111111111111111111111111111111111M1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 June June r4J uly . be eggs before they were one year tiatched.. What they did for WAL;TBR Phone 3 or 4 on 38x 1 i 0. Municipai & Government• Bonds of Germany, Italy, France and other European Countries now offer wonderful profit possibilities. The turning point in Exchange has been reached which will mean advancing prices from now on. SAMPLE GROUP OFFERING Price $22.40 Normal Value $1729.00 Full information upon request. George J5Reiner Foreign Bonds 34 King St. VVest,_ Toronto, Ontario. - ,-- 11 \ .._ , 1... -- ,.._.__,... , =_...., . -....- 1, ;-:------- fe ,, / : , ' V.---- . 1- by there into tnem roads. ileage r–% vi'd roofoi i oremies and . Using Ames :„... The satisfied users Holden Tires is the best is. Years of experience _ the Ames Holden to stand the grind by PILON & is the . , *oi, r= i-.. a re Less Troube Holden Tires of the Ames advertisement are built Tires enabling of country FOOTE 1 , ••• For sale „ I , . .„, , , •, i 1 1 i... c 1 c c i t c s t t f h a 11 f a a ii a e C xi 1, t t t tl .11 0 tl P In , , , , to , is •. I 1 , How, s 1 our Pulse ...ip it is low, let us prescribe I what make of battery you us. ' Our job is to keep your will get „an honest expert diagnosis mendation of what to do. At the right time, you will exchange the old battery for a correct size battery with of cars. Battery Today?] the right tonte, lie mwet, have in your cat', collie' dilVfeed batteryxi coTh,...missien. 1u of it, and a real recOth- find it te your advantage to a new Prest-O-Li-te. There Prest-O-Prates for all makes Prest-O-Plates, the great est advance in battery mak- ing.; the plates of unusual hardness, combined -with pe- culiar porosity; plates with quick delivery of power in cold weather, and great non- bucklin g, heat - resisting strength ..in summer. Drive around and get olar diagnosis. It is free. arid Garage - ;. ' • • •et: ,,at it Pull up where you see this sign , Taylor Tire Shop THE OLDEST SERVICE TO MOTORISTS 411; 4 , . s • The _, i00 per cent. . Canadian 105 tr. , ---.4;t1 ;,.. ' • . . i • ---.---7-7,r i, -k, 4!;W! IA TRoilowe :troumn wiluipc It takes so little to Male us glad, Just a cheering clasp of a friendly handy Just a word from one who can understand; And we 'finish the task we long had. planned And We lose the doubt and the fear we had ' So little it takes to make us glad. Comments June, the ittooktfli of roses and brides. *, ,* Cultivate •a smile. It will get you into less, aud out of more trouble than anything else: , • * * * The letting off of a few firecrack- ers on May 24, was about the only reminder of the celebration S that us- ed to be. As the school term draws close to the end one wonders Whether the ex- aminations or the holidays are tipper - most of the Minds of some scholars. Procrastination is the thief of wine. Those Who pat Off picking .the dande- 'Hone when ,the heads ,were.full. and. Yellow will miss their Summer bever- age. * * Exeter will miss the town band this year as we understand seveeal of the players have left town cousider- ably this musical organization. Ex- eter is the loser. * * The clarion call for another war is being sounded. Enlistments are being calledfor in the great army of fly swatters. Down with the fly and the bug, the enemies of health and homes! ' • • * *, The prospects for good crops in al- most every line were never better in this district. Just to continue the perfect weather and growth, a good shower is needed. It will broaden the smile on the faces of the farmers. * * * A former resident .of Exeter', who is, now living in a neighboring town, remarked the . other day that there wasnothing doing in -the litre Of building in his -town; but that there was always something doingwhen he: came. to Exeter. * * The new Horticultural ,Simiety has warmed lin-the, interest of flower lov- ers and has created new interest in many cases. The supply of Zinnia, seed in town—Exeter's civic flower— as practically been exhausted. The results are being awaited with inter- .- . * On Monday when a boy with a hell as announcing the baseball game omeone was heard to remark that e was ad.vertising a hockey match. hese warm daYs one would almost ish for some of the weather • that when we had it we were wishing for he kind we have now. . * * The little ole Ford has been used n so"ona,ny ways that it has been aid that old dobbin would be wiped ff the map. , On Monday we saw hese two rials fraternizing in an nusual manner, when Dobbin went •hrough town on a truck with. what eemed like a twinkle in his eye. *•*• * * * The weekly half holidays will com- lence on Wednesday of next 'week., ew conceres are more disturbed by he -weekly half holiday than the ewspapers of town as the papers are sually printed on Wednesday after- oon and th d half holiday clisorgaa- zes the routine' very considerably. * * On some commodities the margin f profit is very small and the twine •nd paper used in wrapping reduces hat profit there is. To see some lerks wrap up. parcels at times one cinders if they ever take this into onsideration.. The bill for these =modifies for a single year runs to many dollars. e * * , Since the use of the automobile has ecome general, with the numerous rips thrmugh the country districts hat their use involves, an a,drled in- entive has been given to numerous mall towns and villages to bea-utify he streets and the suroundings of heir homes. It is now a well-known act tbat •when city motorists take a olida,y in the country, they invari- bly choose as their destination or dinner stop" the most attractive, ainlet in the district, noted probably ✓ its tidy river, its avenues of elms •nd maples, its velvety park, its pri- te lawns and well -kept boulevard, quaint and vine -covered porches ncl walls and its many glorious flow - 1' gardens. When a mUnicipality en- yS advantages such as these des- -Med, it becomes a far Stranger busi- ess magnet than most people realize"S Tot only dffel0 it attract, a transient rade, but it; in many cases, becomes 1.0 determining factor in such con- es. Ieven more important than such neiderations as these, howeVer, is e effect such suroundings have on le citizens theinSelves, young • and d, Where tidiness 10 a feathre 01 e Work of public bodies in a .J.OW.U., ie virtue ,becomes contagioes and Ovate citizens are apt to do a little ore in the way of keemeg lawns end loulewar s a !Ix° lenge, N THE MIRACLE `HEALER AT ORDDITON A reporter for the Mail and Empire hae the following to, Say about the mysterious miracle healer who has been operating at Cnediton for some weeks, and whose actions have been caotturnateyti,ng widespread interest thie Crediton, Ont., May 21, ---,The "un- named" Miracle Man located at this point, -who has been "startling" the citizens of this centre and the stir - rounding territory for the past few -weeks with his "divine healings" and his supposed operations in secret, is, a mystery no longer. He is just plain John J. Steinmetz, a citizen of the United States, of German lineage, born at Louisvilie, Keatucky, a fol- lower of the doctrine of spiritualism and a consorter with the departed spirits -of the lost Indian tribes, who is at present domiciled in a humble little Cottage IA this village, and who is advertising his calling by a big pla- card stuck in the front window, bear- ing the solemn words, "Divine Beal- er." The only mystery that remains is why there ever should have been a mystery. e • For several' weeks Mr. Steinmetz, has been operating at this point, and it is only a few days ago that the out side Portions the proVince wer startled with the anuoutkeement car ton declared, "He was a big eater and kept us up •all hours of th night, said he had to eat a lot because his relations With, the spirit took a lot out of him. Sometime he would. sleep half the forenow and expeet me to get him breakfas at any time, so I got tired waitin on them hand and foot." Besides i appears, there was some difficult over the clothing which the Diviu Healer had suggested should be WOr by the gee Elsie: l'Ile wanted t dictate the kind of clothes she wore.' Mrs. APpleton declared, "and he wa even trying to parade her around th town, wearing- a striped black an white toque to advertise her an show just how lie had made a cure. That, according to Mrs. Appleton was too much for her, so ,the 'friendl relations of the Divine' Ilealer„an Mrs. Appleton became strained, an 'the Healer left with. his family t take up his residence with Mr. Thos APpleton, a widower, at the sam time, IVirs. John Appleton declare that,"the Divine Healer didn't do th girl a partical of good." • There are others in Crediton, how ever, who differ entirely. That wa evidenced by the fact tliat when Mr Steinmetz called, his meeting togeth er this afternoon, there were at leas THE NEW TAXATION • OTTAWA, Nay 23—Thd n new tax- a atioannOUneed Hon. S. Field- s Ing in tile HOOSe is as followe:—, 1 Sales tax increased 60 per cent. t The sales tax jumps from 3 to 41/2 g per cent. t Passenger automobiles, 5 per cent, y up to $1,200; 10 per cent, above e $1,200. The previous tax was 3 per n cent all round. o Confectionery is •taxed 6 per cent. ' .Ale, beer, porter, etc., to pay tax of 15 -c -a gallon. e Idinlieral waters and other soft d drinks 10c a gallon. ct• Checks, 2e lip to ,$50; 2c on ,each additional $50. • , Telegrams and cables, increased Y from lc to 5c. •• d Transfers of stock, increased from d 2e to 5e per share. o Beet sugar, 49c per 100 pounds: -. Cigars, excise from $6 per thonS- e and to $9 per thousand. •t, 31- s • Cigarettes increased from $q, and e $11 per_thousand to $9 -and $15. The excise of 5c a pound on tobac- - co grown in Canada, is not to be col- s •lected when such a tobacco is taken into a licensed factory. 4 - Five per cent tax oncost of insur- t ance in purely mutual companies, hitherto exempt. 13anks i11 future will pay one per cent on circulation in addition to the income tax. •• Tax reduced on matches in small boxes. - No change in income taxation. fifty people crowded into the narroW space of a room twelve feet by fill- - ned inthe various newspapers that • the man was a mystery, inasmuch as he had refused to make -known his name, his former scenes of operation or anything coneerning himself which would enable the people to judge „.„13ut he is not that kind of a peison at all. • He is too good a busi- ness man for that, for when be was appeoached at this point to -day both before and after one of his sessions of ''cli-Vine healing," Mr. S Lein me ts made no -effort to ,conceal his identity. Just why there should have been any mys- tery aS to the map's identy is some- thing which the Steinmetz's and the people of Crediton cannot understand though it is.a feet that the 'citizens o Exeter, Which is about six ,miles dis- tant, appeared to be in the habit of • to • him as "the unknown man:" only person in Exeter,. who could be located, who seemed to know his name, Was a woman of the same spiritualistic beliefs who made the statement that she had been aP- proached by the "Divine Healer" with the suggeStion that she should take`a part in a- spiritualistic seance, with the possible objective of becoming a , medium., . Based on Spiritualism. Judging from the 'address deliv- ered by Mr.- Steinmetz this afternoon to a gathei.ing of „,:abbiat One hundred people, ma,uyy.op,541tot-:,had. traveled for long miles...45,110-firliim, hemakes little secret' c;filrilae'f'ltbathe- is` an unusual typ'edfhdei',in hiS whole belief in divine' il,e4ling is based on spiritualism: Jusinewhy thee'Divine healer should have chosen such a humble site.aeoa Modest coitage in this modest villagefor the ,scene of his operations, was a little difficult for some to 'underStalnd. But the story is a ,simple one.. 4- present he and his wife and their five -year -Old daughter are 'living, with .Mr: Thos. Appleton, a 1aborerw11 up in years, who: contends that he was prostrated upon a sick hed, strtiggling with pain and appendicitis, When • the 'Divine healer, by the, ab:Plication of his hands, and his "healing water," on two occasions drovp, the pain away , and made of Mr. Appleton, a new man. Mr. Appleton 'assuredly was walking about his owat premises to- day with every evi4enPel,of being a well man. But pribi. to taking up his residence in the: home of Mr. Thos. Appleton, the 'Divine healer was located at anotlaei. li§ine--thp,t of Mr. John Appleton, a brother of The's: Appleton. From that home accor ing to the emphatic' declarations' Of .Mrs. John Appletonhe was ejected beca,uSe "he had foinned the habit of meddling ib the affairs of the fam- ily." So the history of, the Divine healer in Crediton lias not beenoen- tirely a pleasant one' The first home in which he appeared.wai that of Mr. John AppletOn, to , ,,,which place lie came directly from1Detroit. • According to the Statement of Mrs. John Appleton, Steinmet,z first came into the family last fall, when lie rented a house on Iroquois Ave. in Detroit, from a relative of the AP- pletons. There he made known the fact that he had been a healer for.the past eleven Years, and since John Ap- pleton had a 27 -year-old ` daughter, Elsie, in a hospital at London; the family were prevailed upon to haye the girl removed from the institution and taken to Detroit for the Divine healer to cure. She was • removed from the hospital in October last, and Spent five months in the home of the Steinmetzs on Iroquois .Avenue. "When I visited them," my. John Appleton stated, "I suggested to Mr. Steinmetz that there were plenty of People around Crediton who were stiffering from various diseases and that if he could come over to Can- ada, he could do a lot of good." So Mr. Steinmetz came, bringing the daughter Elsie. After that,: accord- ing to MrS. Appleton, the three ,mem- bers of the Steinmetz family spent a month in the home of John Apple- ton. They were boarded and lodged free for treatments given the girl), Elsie, in addition to being given one hundred dollars for' the services of 'the Divine r-Tetile,r in Detroit, Dot Tixed of Asked as to why there had, been a feeling 0,f coldliess growing up to- varcls tbe Divine Dealer', Ivire. AlMie' • 1'351; new!" teen, seated on long benches, that there Were as many, more outside, and that many OM them had come from a considerable distance in the hope of getting a cure. . .Services Simple The Divine Healer conducts his services in a simple • manner. • He opened with a ritual prayer, follow- ing which came an orchestral hymn number played on the gramophone, the notes coming seftly at first and then 'gradually gaining in svialumn. Next came an hour's address, during 'which Mr. Steininetz made it Perfect- ly plain that he was not a Miracle Man, but that he was just a Divine ,Healer, "doing no more titan any one •of you could -do if -you get your souls in the 'pro Pei' tune, With.' GO it" : There were plenty to accept the suggestions of theDivineHealer.‘ There were so many, as a matter of Tact, that he feiind it • difficult :to 'break away long enough. to Jet :the press learn a few details about him- self. Judging from the crowd, he be- lieved he would be until eleven o'- clock at night before he applied ,his hands and his healing water to all the applicants, as each . patient takes about ten or fifteen minutes. The day it appeared, was slightly -a- bove normal, the average number be- ing about forty, with sixty-two treat- ments the largestaininlierto be given in ond,d,dy. , ' Makes no Charge. As to pay,. Mr. Steinnietz made it Plain in his address that he has no charge. Some people, he pointed out had been kind enough to leave dol- lar bill. In many respects the citi- zens of Crediton appear to be divided as to whether or not to take the same vieWpoint as Mrs. Lawson. There, are several who say that after - they gave up their regular medical treatments and , tried the Divine Healer, they felt better for ,a time, then finally decided, , "there was nothing in it," and 'so went back to their regular medical men. The be- lievers and the unbelievers seem to be about evenly divided, while there are others who renaain neutral. One of the believers is, M.S. John Gower, w of Shipka, 'ho declares that she tra- veled some distance and was almost instantly' cured 'of rheumatism. A I Mrs. Jas. Hamilton, -of Mount Carmel I according te the statements of citi- zens, has given a demonstration of ,running -up and down steps, after re- ceiving treatment, where -before, she was crippled as a result of a motor accident, while a Mrs. John SimmS, declares that,she has been cured of stemache trouble. The Divine Heal- 'er gives his age as 50, though he ap- pears much younger. He is around 'five -foot -six, robust in build, with coal -black hair, Is clean shaven, and has a general appearance entirely the reverse of what one would expect- in a wonder worker. Wearing a grey suit, with striped necktie, he suggests, more nearly a successful type of mid: dle-class ,business man. THE WORLD'S MIRROR It's a- gay old world when you're gay, And a glad old ,world when you're glad, . But whether you play Or go toiling away, It's a sad old world when,you're sad. It's a grand old werld if You're great And a'Anean Old •-world if you're small; ' It's a w,orld full of hate For the foolish who prate , Of the uselessness of it all. It's a beautiful world to see, Or it',S dismal in every zone; The thing it must be In your gloom or your glee Depends on your self alone. , • --S, Ft,. Kiser WHAT WE 'USUALLY, FORGET "Pretty' Soft for 'that man—lie deese't have a thing to worry 'about." , "That greydiaired gentleman oyer there He has all the money' he'll eVOr need." ' "Ohl no you knew 'hire?" --- "Just by reputation." "Well be worked steadily 40 years day and, night, earning, his right to It is only a few years "ago that a pair of „silver foxes was regarded as a novelty in Prince Edward' Island. To -day the income from _fox farming there, is said to be almost equal to the revenues of the fish"and dairy business "combined in the 'Island Province'. • gEEWIN*60J11 THE HUBON CiOVNTY COUNCIP The Council of thd COrporatioil or_ tue coutity cou,noil will mot in the C46°delle2h2.''at 3 P'4'f \' ni', Tuesday, June th, All accounts should he in the halide, of the 'clerk on or heford the Mon- day preceding the meeting of Coun..r cll. • GEO. W. 1101111AN, Co. Clerk,- Goderich, May 18th, 1922. _ • COURT OF .REVISION VILLAGE OF EXETER Notice is herebygiven that a Court of Revision of the Assessment Roll of the Village of Exeter will hold its first meeting in the Council Cham- bers, Library Building, Exeter, on- Monda,y-, the 12th da' of June, 1922, at 7.30 p. • ins. Senior, Clerk. COURT OF REVISION TOWNSHIP OF -USBORNE The Court of Revision of -the 1922 Assessment Roll for the Township a Usborne will be held at the Township Elimville, on Saturday, June 3rd 1922, at 1 o'clock p. m. Henry Strang, Clerk. WANTED—KEEPER AND MAT- RON. , Man and wife'to have charge of the. Huron County Home near Clinton, - and the farm in connection there -- with. Applications, personal prefer- red, to be made to the undersigned, the, appointment to- be, made at the - next meeting of the County Council, which meets on June 6th. JOHN TORRANCE, Inspector, Clinton, Ont. • Clinton, May, 2nd. 1922 -4-4s QuPoNs We will,. cash your Victory Loan Coupons or place them to y -our credit In our Savings Bank -where they will draw interest at 3z per annum. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE Capital Paid up $15,000,000 Reserve Fund $15,000,000 F. A. Chapman, Manager -R. S. Wilson, Manager Exeter Branch, Crediton Branch, "1 Dashwood Branch, f 1111111•1•01, THEIMOLSONS BANK '•,INCORPORATED 1.85n Capital Paid Up $4,000,000 Reserve Fund $5,000,000 Over 125 Branches • It is not necessary to make a special trip to the nearest branch of 'The 1Violsons Bank every time you , want to deposit money. Send your depoSit to the .Bank bymail. .Write today to the nearest" man- -ager of TlaelVfolsons Bank for information. EXETER BRANCH 1 — T. S. WOODS, Manager Centralia Branch open for business daily - Safety Deposit Boxes to rent at the Exeter Branch •11•=11MMIXIIII,V THE USBORNE AND IDRBERT FARMER'S MUTUAL FIRE INSITR. • ANCE COMPANY. Head Office, - Farquhar. Ont: President, Wm. BROCK Vice-president, JOHN ALLISON, DIRECTORS THOS. RYAN JOHN G. ROY ROBT. NORRIS, JAMES McKENZIE AGENTS JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for Usborne and Biddulph. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Hibbert, Fullerton and Loge*. W. A.. TURNBULL, • Secretary -Treasurer • R. R. No. 1, Woodham. ‘GLAI)HTA.N & STANBURT • Bollaitora, Exeter. ' DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT Veterinary Surgeon Office—Baker'S Livery on JameS St. • Calls promptly attended to day or night. • Phone 8, DR. A. R. KINSMAN, D.L.D., Honor Graduate of Toronto 1),..-1ver- Sity. DENTIST Office o'ver Gladnian & Stanbury's • office, Main Street, Exeter. Adve tie() in the Times, It peys. MONEY TO LOAN' We have a large amount of private funds to loan on !aril and village, • . . properties, at lowest rates of hi-. terest. - • • GLAIDMAN:..& STANBURY • Barristers, Solicitors, Main St. Exeter, Ontario PERRY P. DOUPE, Licensed Aue4 tioaeer. Sales Conducted in any loc- ality. Terms moderate, Orders left at Times Office will be promptly at- tended to. Phone 116, • Kirkton4 Address Kirktoa P. 0, DE. o. V, ROULSTON,• DENTIST • Office •over I. R. Carling's La'sf office. Closed every Wednesday afternoon USE "DIAMOND 'YES!' DY° right! • Don't risk your material, Each pack- age of "Diamond Dyes'' eon - tams direcUens Kt) simple , that any woman can diamond -dye a new, rid!. color into old gainneots„ dreperieb, coveriegst, every- thieg, -whether wool, silk, eetten or mixed goods. ' Buy "Diamond Dyee' —nor other kind ---then perfect ke^ etas are guartenteed even if you have never dyed beforo. Druggist has "Diamond Dye's Color Card" -71 rich colorel