HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-5-4, Page 8A. STEWART he Big Store with the Little• Prices. Wall-Eapers.,and ,'house Frtraishings are now in order for the thrifty house keeper. Wehave a lovely lot of New Wall Papers atprices that will appeal to you. 12 x/,2 and 15c the Roll for a nice range of Strips and Floral effects, Suitable for Kitchens, and Bedrooms. 15,`20 and 25c the atoll for your ch,4ice of thirty pattern's in. new Stripe, Chintz and, Floral covered_ patterns, Suitable for any room in tine house, 35, 40 and 50c the Roll for a swell range of New Oriental lines,' Floral and Foliage' effects are very new. We show a swell range of these.' Our new Li.noleums are all ready for you. The new Block, Floral and Tile patterns rare very pretty. Values are very much in your favor this season, Rugs for every Roota in. the house. Tapestry, Brussels, Axmin stens, Velvets and Wiltons hi sizes fron 214 X3 to 4X11/2. If you want real values in Rugs come in and see us. Yes we sell cheap all the time. You are losing money if you Grocery , are not iri oil our line of Gco ry Va1ues,. 46,48 T:H1s HUNDRED FOR BEST STANDARD GRANULATED: SUGAR. ANY BRAND $$0,48. 3,pks best Jelly. Powders for 25e Christie's Soda Biscuits 1 lb 15c. 3 Bottles beat Extracts for 25c 2 Boxes Seeded or Seedless 2 pl;s Ammonia for 14c Raisins for 45c 3-15c Boxes Matches for 34c 3 cakes pure Castile Soap fr 10c. 6 lbs Rolled Oats for 25c 55c Salada & Red Rose Tea. for 48c 2 pl:s Shredded Wheat for 24c 10: Bars any Laundry Soap for 70c 38c ,for our Special Coffee. Its a wonder. Large "T & B" Tobacco Big Bran's size 72e 45e the In. for our Special Tea 12e Call for best Corn 3 Palmolive Soap for 23o J A. Stewart 1 ,n.�p`�:F,�;�"x.:d�S'• {:.:.:.+�rtA..i a ,Mi6ib�vc7st tx va..:,s,:,.,y� The .Leading Furnitt..ure Baler Funeral Director and Embalinee Facilities and Service Unsurpassed SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO FUNERAL AL DI TI\G ;FINEST MOTOR HEARSE AND UP-TO-DATE EQUIPMENT OPERA, HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 74c; Night call 74W 7/111,0110, Main Phone 102 Two` t u r e s 1North Phone 47 PREMIER R OSE S 2.40,.. a doz. DARWIN TULIPS L40 a doz. ORANGE MARIGOLDS 75c. :,a doz. EZEMZE 0000, Mothers' Day May 14th. CARNATIONS Our Supply, although considerably larger than lastyear, will not even then be 50 per cent of the demands. Protect yourself by getting your order in' early. 4:/a:040-0%. Alice, the 'f ve-year-old entered the general store of. Mr. Smith, with whom she was a great favorite, and announced that,to make her dolly a dress, she needed "some red, blue and ,yellozv." When Mr. Smith .had brought out the required aniount.of material she asked how much, it x was. SUNBURST ROSES $2, 40 a ' doz. PINK. GLADIOLI $1.40 a doz. CARNATIONS PINI and -WHITE 20c each $2.40 a doze:. "That willcost you just one kiss," replied the storekeeper. Whereupon Alice' answered: "Mamma will come in to -morrow and pay you. Prisoner-Yonr honor, it is true that I` was speeding, but I can explain if you will n give o ie a little ti nae. days. Market Report. Till foUowin to the report of the ' I, t ter Market corrected everyWedneIeleY,' Wheat $1.45 Oats 34c to 40c, Barley '48e to 550. Manitoba Flofir $4,30 Family Flour '$4.15. Pastry flour $3.90 Bran $1.05 -per cwt. Shorts $1„65 ,per cwt: Feed flour $2.10 Creamery Butter 45c, Dairy Butter 311c to. 390 Eggs 20c and 270 Lard 20c I-Iogs $12.50 �•crrrv�s��v�ava++�r�r�s��warse�♦ • LOCAL • *eeN44 4 oi.***** * EGGS -Ancona eggs for hatching, Shepherd strain, 5 cents each. Phone Kirkton. 89-9. Wm, Ford, Exeter, R, R. No. 3. LOST -Between Clandeboye, Vic- tor Hogarths and Exeter station, one trailer End board, one -leaf of a heavy` spring wagon and one sling rope. Finder will be rewarded by leaving seine at Times office. Blackberry Roots " and; Strawberry Plants For Sale Cumberland ]-lack Caps 150 roots at $1.75 a doz. Straw- berry plants $1.00 a 100—Stephen Powell, Exeter. WANTED—Cook General, one who understands working in a city, and is competent; fancily of two, no wash ing. Mrs. A. McTaggart; 534 Queens Avenue, London, Ont. PINEAPPLES -Leave• your order at 'Wilson's :for Pineapples as they will soon be at their best and the prices the lowest. We' will deliver any quantity. C. L. Wilson: Cars Por Hire—Apply to C.L. Wil- son.' 'WANTED -Lady Assistant for ' Dental office, Application by letter i preferred, Dr. R:oulstoi'. ' r RESIDENCE FOR SALE Two story solid 'brick in good condition, near school, 8 rooms, bath• furnace, hydro'and good well, :Good brick barn and large hen:house. Four lots, Fruit trees , and small fruits. Easy terms. Apply , 0., . E Ward, Main St. Exeter. WE SOLICIT YOUR TRADE.' Iiavr�tzg purchas)ad the butchering businiess laiom ivLr. F..,Wood,,we-solicit your patronage,,We are prepared at 921 t:.nriss' to supply- your „ meds in all kitrids ,eit cunn d and fresh meats, FT.• ,RIVERS Additional locals on page five. *Mrs_ J. K. lileLeod is visiting her sister at Seafortli. Mr. Harold' Boyle, of` Toronto, is visiting for, a few days in town. Missy 4nnie Day `visited her sister Ethel in London over the week -end. Miss- Minnie' Millar has taken a position as clerk with C. L.Wilson. 1lis$ Amy Shapton has taken . a position as clerk .with Southcott Bros. Mr, Gordon. Wells left .Tuesday morning for Stratford where he has' taken a position. Miss -Grace Martin, of London, vis ited with Mr, and Mrs. , W ib. Martin over the week -end. Contestants in The Times "T -word. puzzle should read the rules and reg- ulations very carefully. Mr. C. R. Howard, of New York, IS holidaying with his parents, Mr. and, Mrs. 3.: N. Howard. Rev. T. W. and Mrs. Blatchford, visited with Mr. and Mrs..Francis Blatchford during the week. Miss Ida ,331atchford,of' Grace Hos- pital, Detroit, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. -Blatchford: Mrs. and rs. Gower,'of:.Woodstock visited the latter's, parents, Mr., and zne_ His Mrs. T. Johns overw the eek end, Turning rnercbandise into money is our Business. Goo(' Mer- chandise, yes. But Better Still, the RIGHT Prices. Our aim is to get the price where you will buy. We want the Public to STUDY the Goods,and Prices in this store. THIS WEEK WE ARE 'SELLING 7 Rolls good Toilet Paper 25c Fancy Flowered Cups and Saucers 25c Garden sets for children 19e Toy Watering Cans, for flowers 25c Sand Pails and Shovels 19e Skip hopes 10 and ;LSc: Salted Peanuts 19c lb Special Chocolates 32c lb GLADIOLI BULBS (from Holland) and Sweet Pea Seed The above mentioned goods ai'e only a Few suggestions, Drop In often, • Look over our Stock. Price tickets on all our Specials: Fiowers for Mother's Day. We expect Carnations and Roses in, great profusion. , LEAVE YOUR ou_ouuS. Our Prices will be Right. LAD TO SEE POw i OU. COME. azaar 4USIC EVERY DAY Rev. and Mrs. Wilson visited for a few days the forepart, of the week v,ith the latter's sister in Guelph. Miss Marianne Lee. Smith, of New York, is spending two weeks the guest of Miss Lila Taylor, of. Zion. Mr. Geo. Williams is this weep moving into the fine . residence re- cently purchased from Mrs. W. Snell. The clerks maintained the bowling, championship at the "Y" last Thurs- day winning from B, CIark's team, 78 up. Its in the air. They all have it. t Rs no respectot' of persons. Some are just .,getting over,it. Its the housecleaning fever. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Vivian, of<Mit- chell, and Mrs. D. Roberts, of Toron- to are visiting with Mr; and. Mrs. H. W. Doerr. Miss Isielaa, Davis left Tuesday morning for Windsor where she has accepteda position with the Bell Tel- ephone Company. Mr. Jas. I-tand£ord and Miss Annie Ira uclforcl returned home hast Wed- nesday after spending several weeks in Toronto. iVlz'. W. D. Sanders, who has been ill in London 'IHospitaI for several weeks is improving and is expected home this week. It was reported • that 1 Mr. Sanders had purchased Mr, T. Newell's house on William street but 1we understand the deal has not `been put through,, awaiting Mr. Sanders' ;return from London, Wilh _ _the Churn%es ("AVON' PRESBYTERIAN C • URCII Rev: &Mies' 1F'otrte, B. A,, 'Minister 10 klJfl.-'--Sunday School and Bible, Classes. 11 a. m,—'+Tbe Christian Creed" The ;Minister; 7 p zh.� "Christi piny Vindicated" The 111inister,. Boy, Scouts meet Friday evening JAMES STREET METHODIST OIDUICR Rev. M. J. Wilson, B.A., raster, Sabbath School Anniversary Preacher Capt.T..:.« 1H. 'Best of " Hamilton , Solist, Miss` Mc Gribbin 's of Clinton. :. C s, I= Captain Best was in Exeter at the , unveiling of the Soldier's monument E and is an orator who convinces, and a man -among {nen.Don't miss hear = ing hint J Services 11 a. m. and 7m. , p.,; The 1= Sabbath School will asseziibie — at the morning service, and in the i afternoon, Diplopias will be present ed, and Capt,'' -Best will address the school. Mass meeting for men at 4 p m. In the To„ys n HaI1. All men and boys;. invited,. •1lI1IIIIIIIII timiillllmIll liilll nmil m I IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIrIiorrrlrrllllllNlrllr llllrrrr ill r l I_ Ill[rlll,IrllrllrllNIIIImIIIlllllrillllgg SOUTITCOTT BR MOON Sr 1.11111. 11111/0011. MAIN ST. METHODIST CIIURCH Rev. Geo. McAlister, M. ' A. (Phone 21, r3.) 11 a. m.—"They watched Trim” 3 p. m. -"Bible School" 7.` p. m. --"A Prison Letter", BETHANY 2.30 p.,m.—"Sacrament of the Lord's; -- Supper„ .= Y. P. C. A. Open every evening to members. SALVATION ARMY SERVICES. Services in the Public Library next" Sunday. 11, a.m.----Holiness meeting 7 p.m, -Salvation meeting .2.30 p.m.—Sunday school and Bible class ° and special sand tray for primary class. Cottage meeting in North End on Tuesday night. Capt. MacGillivray, officer hi charge. "IVIIJ~OLM FARM" Eggs Four Hatching Bred to lay --Barred Rocks, culled annually by • the - Ontario Dept. of Agriculture, "and.headed by specially: c"ialed Cockrels from the department. Indian Runner Duck Eggs and Baby Chicks. Also custom hatching done. Prices, upon aPplication. NOTICE If you 'feel you. cannot afford a new Suit this spring, but you would like to look just as, good as the fel- low who buys a new suit, you can dc so just by letting ~' T. if. ,ELLIOTT Clean, Press and Repair that old one of yours. ' I alsik dye and dry-clean Ladies' or Alen's Suits. HONE 184. Smart rt Styles OCitwear" PI ONE 134. This ,Cut'shows one of the newest - Styles in Footwear for` this season, Having just been brought over frozi the Chicago, Style Show. It cen,es in Patent and mahogany calf and is made in, .,, t for Easter.n Wel . Get a hair, New Models in Misses' andYes' di �a coats Another shipment p t has arrived for Laster. All we ask is for y011"to drop in and look them over.. We are satisfied the prices' will appeal to y'otr: Splendid pValue say ,Boy's �''i,:, t it 1 rYg Come in Boys and see the swell Models we are showing. The cloths are good and,price much lower. Silk and Lisle Hose With ribbed top, made from silk and lisle thread. This' hose we can reconrritend. Conies in White, Black and Brown. ' PER PAIR :$1,00. D'4l A CORSETS 5 Dozens D & A ` Corsets in one of ' the Newest- :1'f oriels made "from splendid. quality nratorial'aad worth in -tbe regular way $2.00 a pair. Special value this week `$1,59. WALL PAPERS ,We' are . reducing. our prices on all New Wall Paper. W heavy stock and it will pay you to see what, we are showing. have,•a v 3 �CO ■ �iillllllllilill111111111111 II I I I Illlllllllllll illllllllllllllllllll1111rllllllllllll ` • IlPlillllllililllill111lINl�ll111II1lll! lllll[Illlll f WINONA AA: e: ■ CARLING B A Barrister, Solicitor, .Notary Public, Conveyancer. Solicitor for the 1,Lolso s Bank, etc. J Invest your funds. in Vic- tory, Dominion of Canada, Provincial'' and Municipal, Legal ,investment' for Trust - Funds. , At existing prices, frozn 6 per t cent to 7 pec cent can be obtained from ,. these - Honda: Orders reeezved'.by, me. ' . Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. • OFFICE— Carling Block; Main Street; EXETER, ONT. .. Z•,.C:+.. •..:. .. x _y+uY .,.: s.y •,�:� ;eY :....:a'.:i�'i •�';i r. e. O% v.-�•.sx.:.:'e". elltS': -Ftirinis Ire . _ ,,..,Eau,,,mNiza=tvalqamaren= �td Now is the ti e t.o Cleans: Look at our Speci s for lea n Snow Flake . Ammonia, ea•for • c ■ OIs' Ami A ` 4�c Dutch Cleanser ' 1 lc t II150 2' pkgs. for 15c.. .2 pkgs. for 25c. pkg. Sc. pkg. 12c Borax Pearline Lux .Sani Flush Soap` Chips ' 19c. a 'ib. Laundry Starch 9c. a lb. Charm 15 & 22c. Brass° `'Bath Brick tin 14c. Sc. 1 lb. tri S irOn3 ) ;. Choiee Red • Gillett's Lye 2 tins 29e. °ceelar Polish 25c. Chlorinated Lune 1!c. Shredded heat ing Kellogg's. Corn Flakes 3'' pkgs.` 29c' PURE CANE 10 lbs. c.` CO 1)s X6'.50 Special Blend ` ea c'. The Best Value In Town ONTAFil at. Borsaliia King and other !Ines -pant Suis; for. ®e 0 GABARDINE COATS "'$17,00 .to $22.50. RAINCOATS FROM $5.50 UP SPRING OVERCOATS"` $15.00 TO '$25.00' 1VIEN'S SIJI1I11MEl " INDERWEA R.—COMBINATIONS AND TWO PIECE. THE NEW SHIRTS, CAPS, COLLARS . AND- TIES ARE IN STOOK, OVERALLS—INCLUDING TIDELLS. CO ,1135Nx PION: SUIT. 'OVER- - E OIN 1881 A. F. TENNr1NT i V,ctei'inaary SL,trga•ctni Office --McDonnell's s f.0 les on John. St. Phone calls receive„prompt attention. ` Phone "26w ) New iron pumps az, t:' dt,.:a'tgs is stock. Iron' or wood pumps repair- ed; 'wells pumped out or cleaned. ,S, 3. V. CANN, EXETER Phone 115. - D.R. ,7OHN WARD Chiropractic & Electr.ca1 Treatments � for Chronic and Nervous Diseases. Spectacles 'scientifically fated. Hours 10 to 12, 2 to 4, and by appointment. Office—William ;and Sanders Sts. Dra and aggag ANYTHING YOU IIAVE TO MOVisi WE ,MOVE IT REAS()NABLY, Tz30TOR, TRUCE AND HORSE DRAY AT YOUR SERVICE (me Arlo T11VIE'r (meand 1( 1'b C1 1"4,irH ilalne4 i gags Xl' 0E1 (food ;glasses if you need firer,, Ociocl advice if yoit. don't. i'ARD, IHC., Optosnetaist • EXETER Cochrane Machine Works ENGINES -6 H.B. °'Z” $233.00 "Z" Bosch 3lagneto$ 143.50.. 1'/2 h.r. <,Z" '$09.50 40 -Light Plant, contplete, $3'50.00 Double -Geared Jacks $15.00 - GRINDERS --6 in 40; 8 in. $50. 10 in. $56,$00` , CRUS1-JE5tS-- $74 $80, $100 .x'$).15 Straw Cutter $35,00 Straw Cutter, with plain feed, $ 65:00 travelling feed $85,00 Fairday 'electric Washer $126.00 Bolt drive $70.0,0 500 1b, Scale 23,85; 1000 lb. $27.85 Concrete lli0ers, I-iay: Presses, Stone , Crushers, Road Rollers,•. Threshing Outfits, Case Tractors, Tractor Plows and Disks. ' WO handle a complete line of trier:. Canaclian-Ix`aizhanks Morse Co:ralso f a e Thresh rn.'`' Comptiny Plow Points, 'Oc or 3 for $2,00. All repairs prom nt i i i'