HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-5-4, Page 5R1T # DAV;; MAY '1 1, 22 alaMia Was 0 XL FT, t The Oar Over 790,000 TOURING x$1315 ROADSTER $1275 SEDAN '$2145 P. 0, B. Loudon. "tVIRE SCREEN ,BODY ANI) PANEL LOI?X DLLIVE1tY CARS I'S hl .i 1 t 1 1' 1 } 11 } 11 1 1 1. �1'. WE 'ARE ALSO AGENTS FOR THE OVERLAND, WILLYS KNIGHT AND'PAIGE CARS We have some real bargains in used Cars OUR MOTTO1S SERVICE. GASOLINE, SONOCO OIL, TIRES AND BATTERY SERVICE. Huron Gaemage • Pilon t, .. Foote � Centralia The young people of Centralia met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. *Alvin Essery, on Monday evening and presented Miss Leda Isaac with a shower in view of her approaching marriage to Mr. Archie Robinson - A number of friends of the family d of Mr. P. Hanlon met at their home Monday evening and spent a very so- ciable time on tlie eye of --their:. depart- ure for London,. Mr. Gerald Hanlon has taken a position as traveller. Messrs. Baker ` and Richards, suc ices`sors to Hanlon and Son have taken possession of the store. The opening of the' new church p bcare will take place Sunday May 14th.. Paticulars nest week. The seats are being put in place this week. The flax people are busy again and 'stave cc �,amenced sowing for 'this ears efo . year's P -res spring activities es ithe cattle business , has'alread y commenced. nc d. �r. Wm: Brock, of Zion, had two loads of stockers.Ipped shipped in on Tues- day. Mr. Byron Hicks shipped load to Toronto On -Saturday and has commenced taking in stockers. for .grass. S. S. No. 10; ,USBORNE The following is the report for the month of . March and April, based on eT�l • v examinations. 1 � y Absent for one or' 'more examinations. Sr. IV -Leslie Thomson, 6 8; *W i1- lie Westlake, 50. 3r. IV -"'Harry Anderson, 66; Liz- zie soz Thompson, 59; Dorris Bolton, 59 ;. Ruby Alexander, 57; "'Calvin West lake, 54; ''.Carman Cann, 46; ",Calvin. Horton, 44 r'... Sr." Gla211e "4 5. • Jr. III -Beulah •,,Glanville, 62; •"`Norman Bolton, 60 Elsie Seers, 56. Sr. II Charlie 'Westlake, 82; Mer- vyn Rycknian, 79; Ashlyn Althouse, Jr. II -Mary Kerslake, 7,6; Nellie McLean, 57; Charlie Glanville, 48. First -Alda Bolton, 65. Pz -=:Mar are : g t Mctlieen, ,.x. 7(►; Willie Cann, 70. ' Jr. Pr. -Clayton Horton, 60;;Mary Westlake, 50. " • Margaret Anderson, teacher. How a ace Waterproofed # Crushed slate in its natural colors (dark red or,gseen)is deeply embedded into and encrusted d on the weather srfa.ce.t ;This-,.maites proof. .it.we r,- r . ,tri �i�l,. • A ,hea.vy waterproof, coating 'Of our special blend of asphalts ater cannot possibly, penetrate it. It is ,flexible enough to pre- ., vent cracking. The body 'is tough, long -'fibred rag felt,- tiler-. Otte*, . ,saturated with an asphalt refined to rantford Roofing Stand-,, aids.` 'hey, will not crack They Brantford Asphalt Slates are distributed under Brantford Roofing trade marks, through Brantford Roofing dealers. Stock carried, inforination furnished, servicerendered by., au% dealer in your district. White for Our Bookle , "'Permanent 12.00fing Satisfaction lPermanentitoodngSatisfaction Maned free to responsible pasties. Brantford • " Head Office and Factory,Brantford, Canada , Branches nt Toronto, Montreal. Winnipos, 1falifnx.''• 130 'or Sale b Ross ,` oo a, . Jashhwood Mrs, 13, G Kraft vieited relatives in Loudon last week. Mr,,and Mrs, Chas, Rinker, Mrs. Hartlieb and Mr, Wm,Gossman were,. wo"ek-end visitors in Port Huron. , 021, Mr. A, Tientsin and sister Pearl,. spent Sunday in London, - Mr. Carl Graupner, of Toronto,is visiting with his parents, Mr and Mrs. N, Ogden, of Exeter i were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Will ' Nadi e g t, on Sunday. Mr. Harry Kraft spent the week- end in Sarnia Miss Dora Kraft, of London s P tYtt , a few days this week with her par- ents. Mr. and Mrs: Wes, Wolf e spout Sunday in Crediton. Mr. 'Ward Fritz made a business trip to London „last Monday. Crediton 'The House ,Next Door' A farcical enteraiument in three acts, will be presented in the Town Hall Crediton on TuesdayMay- 9th, at 5.15 p, m, by The Young People's Club, of Ailsa Craig, under the auspices of the Phil- athea Club of the Methodist church of drediton. Admission 35c. At the recent conference session of the- Evangelical church 'held at Kit- chener., Ont., Rev. S. M. Hauch was returned to Zion Evangelical van i' e g I church, Crediton, the fifth for year. During the past confer6nce year, the Credi- ton Society paid $5340.43 for all pur- poses, ' raised as :follows: , Current fund of Church, $2645.89;,: Bible School, $799.65; Budget for Missions; $669.01; W. M. es Aid. Society, $480.- 8 4;- Senior 480,_84;-Senior Y. P. A., $76.95; Junior Y. P. A., $14.91; Forward Movement $274.00; Choral Society, $179.00; Cemetery Fund, $21.23; Other . Pur- pose, $173.98. Total $5.340,43. Of this amount the sum of $791.89 was raised for. Missions: The conference accepted the invitee invita- tion to afoot at Crediton tient year. Rev.: S. M. Hauch. was re-elected Trustee for North Western College and Evangelical Theologicalg Semin- ary at Naperville, I11., for a term of three years and was also re-elected Presiding Elder of Crediton District. , The' General Conference e meets Detroit at in October of this' year. Mr. J. T -h Holtzman -is one of the lay del- egates of,the General Conference and the pastor one. of the ministerial al- ternate ,delegates. Few changes were Made intthe stationing this year The only change in this district is at Zur- ich where Rev. F. Meyer y has serv- ed for /six years: He goes to Norman- by orma t -by and;ia-succeeded by Rev."3'.G. Litt; a forme ..pastor of Crediton, ` The South Huron Ministerial' As- sociation met' in the Evangelical church on Monday afternoon 'there being a good representation of min- isters present. A splendid paper. on. the Epistle to the Phillipians was giv- en by Rev. W. G. McAlister followed by a discussion. The association, will discontinue its meetings until 'Octo- ber when it will meet at Hensali. The Methodists will hold their ser- vices in the Town Hall in future, ' The-- W. M. S. of- the Methodist Church met last Wednesday and e: lected the following officers for the. coining year: Pres., ,Mrs. Geo. Clark; lst Vice, Mrs. Rich,, Hill; Rec,,Sec., Mrs. Thos. Trevethick; Treas., Mrs. F. W. Clark;; Cor. Sec., Mrs. Orate: Miss Lil Hodgins, of McGillivray Township; has taken a position in the. Bell Te 1. office. Mr. Richard Davey, of the 4th con. met with a very serious accident on Tuesday evening. He -was leading a ,colt out to ; water -when it became frightened, •• jumping on hint and breaking, his. leg. There passed; away at her home in, the village oii•Fieday, Clara, wife of Freeizian Moriock,, at the age of • 27 'year's.- Deceased -had been ailing for. sotite time.., She, was a member of the ' Evangelical, church and will be much missed by a large 'number -of friends. Besides her husband; her father' and mother, Mr. ` and Mrs. Godfried Wein, and three sisters and six brothersare left to mourn, her loss. The funeral' was held to -the Evangelical . cemetery, Sunday after- noon. The syiupatliy of the com- munity is extended to the bereaved ones. The. Women's Institute inet in the Institute Hall, Tuesday evening when the following officers were elecited: Honorary 'Pres.,, 'Mrs. C. Hoist;' lst Vice.; Mrs. H. 'K. Eilber;� 2nd Vice., Mrs, Ornie; Sec. Treas., Mrs: D. Mcisaac; Assis, treas.., Mad- eline Hoist; Pianist, Mrs. F. W. Clark; Directors, Mrs. Woodall' and Mrs. W. R. Elliot., Auditors,"Mrs. "C. Ii,oszell and Mrs: Herb. Young. During the evening the Misses ,Alma and Losetta Haist played an instru- mental duet and Mesdames; Clarks Woodall and Orme sang a very pleas- ing trio. Mrs.. Chris.` Heist and Mrs. Ezra Haist demonstrated the making of fancy cakes. Gra`ii t' ra Mr. and MrS. J. V. Millson of Lam- beth. Visited Iasi: week with their dais rhter, Mrs. John..Wright, here, `.'its • Ilnrrison, our junior public, scher:1 teacher, is not i,'eturnin5'_to her' ri,tties here," owing to her iliacus, her aloes 118 Laing taken by atzother teacher from Forest. Rev. Jefferson dealt very Specially wicker, GENERAL til111tCkI{! 1'1ti?, GRAIN AND SEEDS' Ve offer .aspecially selected d stock of Gover mirent tested Seeds a RED CLOyER,°ALSIK17, YELLOWAND WHITE P BLOSSOM SWEET CLOVER, TIMOTHY SEED EXTRA NO. 1 FOR PURIT Y GOLDEN MULLETT, KENTUCKY:BLUE1 G SASS ORCHARD GRASS, ETC. AT _,.CLOSEST MARKET PRICES S ; A ty t Lta ti of No. r n1 1 Whit eSee d i3e oras For Sale. WEHAVE ALSO A STOCK OF GREEN MOUNTAIN POTA- TOES, PRICE $1.50 A BAG IN 5 BAG LOTS; $1.60 SINGLE BAG O,UR STOCK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE' IS LARGE AND W-V'ELL ASSORTED AND MARKED AT PRICES THAI,, CANNOT BE BEATEN REDPATHS EXTRA STANDARD -GRANULATED SUGAR `56.60 PER CWT. A CALL SOLICITED C. . e ZWICKER ie • ru es of the Method's Church here on Sunday and next Sab• bath will be the quarterly commun- ion and reception n service when a a ,aunt b r e of young people will connect with the Church., Miss" 1Vlarjorie Milison, daughter of Hti Millson, of London, spent Eas ter with her *aunt, Mrs. J. Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gunning, of. Iirkton,'and air. , and Mrs. Albert Gunning, of Whalen, spent Sunday with Mr. Newton Gunning, Mr. and Mrs.. Wesley Campbell, of London, visited 'her sister, Mrs. Jas. Scott, over Sunday. Miss Hannah' McBride, of Toronto, is visiting here, the guest of Mrs. Wm. Langford. _-The.:, grain elevator here has been closed now till 'after Harvest' Mr, A. Westman - the manager, purposes going to Toronta.this week. Seeding is about done in these parts.. The wheat -and' -old pastures have had quite a hard knock during the past cold spell.., Mr. Samuel 1VIillson who recently moved to St.:Marys, visited his niece 1VIrs, J. Wright, here last week. The members of the -Odd Fellow's. Society, of Granton' � Lode meon t Sunday evening and - marched to the Presbyterian Church, *here Rev. Mr. Lawson preached a very `forceful and. inspiring sermon front^ ,.the 1Othcha- '` tel of St:" Mark,' namely,p Wito is my Neighbor?. t .EXETER PUBLIC IC SCHOOL The fallowieg shows the f s•taad g to P' b the pupils of Roa t 1 the result kit tests made ' d in a11' sibjectali. Tia pass 40 per cent :is •,seeuired on .each sub- ject and 60 ,pereecent on, the tatai.. Subjects after pupii.s' names indicate fallen:se, in these papers -Sr. IV. Ei'o ors: IV1: Bissett 85, M. 'Salter 83, H West 78,' J. Penrice 76; Pass, M johns 74, H. S!nni,1 74; J. Pryde 73, H. Whyte 72, M. Murphy . 71, A. Gamhriil 7.1, Ht.. Nelson 70, L'. Foote 69, W. Spencer 68, E. McNlch;oftl 64, ,arith. ; R. Ell worthy 62, :Me Harness b2, arith hai!1 ed, Hazel Sanders 58, E. I-Iu'nkin 58 Lists, spe,1J. Jr.. IV., Honors, onors E. Howey 85,Cre ch 77Hieech S5`; Pass, ,•.F... West• 71, IN/ -Clairke' 69 'E. 'Russel J, Kuntz 65, l 68 J. ;Corneal- 60, asth- • G. S. Howard, Principal LURA 2. Sr 3r :- d, Honors;' M. l-Iasvtey 87, M. Medd ; 84 K. I-leaman 82, T. Taman 81, M. Howalld 81, R. ,Beavers "77, J. Ga mbrie1: 75; Pass, S. Northcott 74, V. Mooney 73, I.. Ford. 71, L. Dinney 70 D. Santer 68, V. McDonald . 68, M. Wintegar•den 67, E..W;alter 66, V. Ford. 66, I.,Mi;tcblell 65, ,W. Nelsoin, 61 Jr. 3 -Honors, .H.iings ,enn J b 75; Pas;,.. C. Woods , 72, 3rd, H. Skimmer 69 (T. Bierling 69, S.:.West.68,' G. Bloomfield 68, W. Bishop .67, Toni Kay '63, Passmore ' 63, C. Hutchinson 60, A. Passmore 60. .R - N Number b n sell 41; average attend-. tten:d: once 39. -Jean S. 'Murray, 'teacher., Promoted from Room /IIL to Room IIIA LPayne', 77, D. Hardy 77, Wt Kay 75, W., Balk«Ill - 72, G., Huak;un, 70, K. Reid 70, W. Elleri:ngton 68, M. Dear -gin„ 67, J.' ,W aipe};' 66, C. Lodder 66, R. Snell 66„,C, Bayle 65, W.. Sand- ers, 'on, work of ,tern,. , Number. enrolled 35; average. attend_, arice 33•-H. M. Kinsman,- teacher. ROOM 4 -PROMOTION a" S. 'S. No. 4STEPHEN The following is S. No. 4- (Sharon;) April: Sr. IV -Gladys the report for. S. for the .month of Weber, Leonard Jr. IV -e -Erma Fahner, Roy Scwarz Ruth Weber, Kathleen. Morlock. Sr. III 'Innes Staley, Selma Rader Irene Martene. Jr. III -Lloyd Wein,Arnold Beck- er, ,(absent). Sr. II -Martha Martine,. Lorance Wein, Charlie Martine. Jr. II -Thelma Weber,•. Eldon Smith, Edna Martene, Greta Becker. Pt. II -Olga, Marlene, Edith Web- er, Gordon Becker, Sr. Pr.=Lloyd Eagleson. ' Jr. Pr Carrie Martine. No. on roll, 23, Av. eaten. 22 Miss Mina Ehlers, teacher. S. S. No. 2 TJSBORNE „Following is the report of S. S. No. 2 ;.for 'the month 'bf April, ; based on weekly examinations, Sr. IV -C. Hodgert, M. Goliings, E. Stewart. Jr. IV -E. Campbell, R. Cottle, R. Turnbull,: A Rohde. Allen, C. Stewart. . Jr. III -S. Campbell, A. Cottle, J. Gollings, R. Cottle. Sr. . II- I• Stewart, K. Wiseman. Jr. II -M. Rohde, T. Allen,_ L. Stewart. e, Sr. Pr. -H. Johns, 13. Gollings, W. Stewart, P. McNicol, A. Rohde. Jr. Pr. A -I. Chidley. Jr, Pr. B-D..Campbell. F. A. Marquis, teacher, Promoted to -Room III. -Jr. 2, Girls Honors, M. Snell 85,.H. Penhale 84, (G, Hutchinson 82, G. Christie 81, 111. Mar- tin 80, M. Stewart 79, J. Sheere .75! L. Statham 77. Jr.. 2, Boys -Honors, F. Chapman 83. R. Pryde 81, ,J, Redden 75; Pass, L, ,Ereckleton, 71, K. ,Valle 71, B. .Nelson) 70. t From Sr.. 1st to Jr, 2nd -Girls -Hol: -1 ors R. Balkwj,ll' 86, D. Cox 85,, H. Stan-- bury tan-bury 84, H.'Heywood ,83, M. .Kay 79' II, Salter r 78, S. Little 75, M. >31o,,ni- field 75; Pass, M. Ellersnigtoin, 74, M. Cann 745 E. •Kestl,e 72, V. Hodson, 70 Boys -Honors, H. Co1e;86, W. Seldom 85, J. Jackson 85, K. Ward 84,.D.'N n= ell 80; Pass, H. A,ppleton:,72, T. WetJi- ey 71, A. Hunkui 70. Average attendance 37: N. ,Medd, teacher: ROOM V. Promoted to ,Junior Second -J, Pen - hate, F.. Cornish, A. Fraser, G. Coch rano, J. Creech, M. Davis, M. Coiling- wood, R, Tramper, R. Stone, C. Ten - flings; U. Clark, C. Cornish, D. Davies, Pon;• Yang Wee. , Promoted 'to C'laiss V. -L. McDonald M. Cann, M: Sin,s,. A. Quarsc..n , B. Hor- ton. Promoted to Class IV. -V, Kestle. E. Ward, J. Sanders, J. Payne, Tom Ellerington, S. Elliott T. Collingwood. P. to Class III. -D. Luker,` F. Stew - alt; J. Piton, ,PT: „Kerslake,: K. Hockey S. Ward, R. Fraser, 1',, to Class I1• -I. Mooney, M. Spen- cer, E. Snell, J. P,iyde, R. Frcckleton Mileageis is the Proofo'fa Tire (Vlore Miles and Less Trouble b.. Using A,rries i-lolden Tires ,The satisfied users of the Ames Holden Tires is the best advertisement there is. Years of experience are built into the Ari es'.Holdeil Tires g enablin z> them to stand the grind 1114 Of CUtll"li;ry. road S. °o � sale ;b PILON & F I J R Oss E. c ornsir Walters, -ANelsair I3e ;inners V, jWells, H. '4V ilpe Clark, A, Stomfe ,A4, (1'h wlnj�er ,i,bur Buy, C, ;McN allyl., Pezuhalei, G, g thin, [=1. Beavers, I.; t-lutekius.cm, C. Cox, P Bart, E. Can,nt Number eitroile444; average, attend- attoe 4Q.85`;--Olkie M. ,Taylor, teacher. 7 � tr0 tlu ug h a ibee . effort in the others. a olte, tint` The newly organized llorticulturat a. Society of Exeter, is anxious to see' inuclt done this:. year and is appealing pot for expenditure of iilone ''a creasing the financial beide citizens but for the general eI'all.s sympathy of all with,' SCHOOLIREPORT,. Off' S, S. ?yro, of improving the appeal'„' 1 }�na�,n� .�sai>tes e ;gun or . . n e ex n,.nat :4 loan -. Along conte of the}�t r s4z dei nt already beautiful towns' t g+ sn� w a ed l7 fI, ' !. , Easter ,. ,_;w,: r• g t,udx Ioa b, C1;i11 L. Duna N . Oka' �, P. Wood b1,,, r iown; ,Jr, ;IV„ H. 1lycte,:.1.1. Mortem, H. Moir; Sr, III.,. M. Boy, V. ,:Oke,; Jr, III-;' K. Strang,, G, Boa, V. Hyde" Horton, M,Sr,r .I.,Dow n I2. OlT fit. .z A, EU ringtan, E, Boa, M. Squires; r. 1 P l ala r u jr.i'. I. A. ,t r I' rt rr: - , J , F 1. r,ngtaa. L, <ndt f,,, J, V. Rept, teacher. Elim�ville Little Roland Elford, who met With an accident about a rnonth ago when he injured a'bone'in his leg, is again able to be around.' Mr. Chas Johns is still under the doctor's care and unable to attend to his duties on the ,farm. Mr.: D. S. Whaley, of St. Marys has been Help- ing him out 'with 'the seeding, Mrs. Richard Johns and baby who spent. a week visiting in Exeter re- turned hone Sunday. Seeding is nearly completed. Miss Mary Hern spent Easter week and 'also last Sunday St. Yin Marys. Miss Vera Heywood woo d lasreturned to Normal at London, after spending Easter week at her home here. The Elimville W.M.S. recently elected the following officers for the coming, year: President, Mrs, Frecl Delbridge;-vice-pros., Mrs. IJ,J. Arm- itage; treas., M;s.;Horne;, secy., Mrs. Murch; supt. of systematic giving, Mrs. E5y. Delbridge; supt. of little light hearers, Mrs. '.Rd. Hunter; Mis- sion unter;.-Mis- sion band leader, Mrs: Chas. Johns. The officers of the Mission Band are as follows:" Pres., Horace Delbridge; rec. . ,00d. car.. sec :Howard` Y , Hunter; treas., Hy. lrlurch;:: organist ,Walter Johns::: Delegates to convention, filar-, jorie",Hunter and .Marjorie Delbridge. The'Mission Band has a membership of 54, and raised •$34.40 for missions. Locals' A. number have motored to London to, take in the .Dumbeils. Miss Ines Tuckey, of Loudon, don, spent the week -end at her home here. The show that was billed to 'visit Fxeter`on Wednesday of last hcn - did not put iu.an appearance. iYir. Peacock, of the. Bank of "Com- merce staff, isliolidaying at his home in Oshawa. • Mr. and Mrs. McTavish' and child- ren, of London, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Howard over the week -end, Dr. A. E. Tennant, who has been seriously ill with pneumonia, is im- proving and is able to sit up a little. A whole lot of people' are trying to think of things 'that begin with "T." Try it and see how interesting it is. See puzzle on page five. We have received several poems from Miss Agnes Fenwick, of Far- quhar, but owing to lack, of space these will appear itt some future issue. Merchants who advertise are bid- ding for your trade. Behind their advertising are their bestefforts to. please you in price, as well as in oth- er particulars, Miss'. M. Homey, nurse, of Chicago,, came home last week owing• to the illness of her mother, Mrs, Homey, whose recovery from her fall • a few weeks ago is not very rapid. Remet nbera ' tit t if you kill the first fly, and the next one, and the others as they, comb, one by one, you will haveno flies in your house all sum- mer. ' Nothing could be simpler. Mrs. W. J. , Bissett, who went to Paris for Easter to visit her sister and who was taken ill withP neu monia, has sufficiently recovered as to return home on' Monday. The members of the South I'Inron. Choral Society motored to Hensall' Monday night for rehearsal. The en- tertainment will ntertainment.will be given on Friday night in the Hensell. Presbyterian. church. Mr. R. Brintneli has moved his family' to Stratford, where he, will continue his' position with Mr. Thos. Newell. Mr. H. Bagshaw is moving into the residence vacated by Mr. l3rintnell. Mr. Linden Harvey, who was at- tending Victoria University, Toronto paid a flying visit to his,parents, Mr, and Mrs. J, S. Harvey and has left .for the West to take a mission at Brock; Sas.k, A1tEQR DAY APPEAL Dear Editor, For many years there baS been zi provision in the School law that the first li1ridgy in May of each year be set apart as a hollday;for a general clean tt'p`and planting trees and other improvements. Some schools have observed the day in this way and the present Con- ditions in these sections are very gra- tifying the surroundings heing niitde very beautiful; and attractive. 011101' places especial,y ili`'rural Iseetions Bove done absolutely nothing, with. the result that the school and yards, are a.liout as bleak and desolate as. im2gin able, Ila.s not the time come for iniiirovenaoft; along tlltnse ll11E8? Let, f,71j5,.,I 1' see a beginning".:.\,1IC/!+J i - bout evards are fully tai Y P tiedi �1':' w ,trees, on others little has been clone, A large' number of trees are avail- able locally. Spine of our public- sPiziced n t2- bv' fanners. . s. are getter- , ously offering those if applied for through the proper channels. . No wanton trespassing on private rights, however can be permitted or expect ed. Make your wantskno WWII ,Mr. ,Mr W. ,1-I. Johnston,' chairman, of the Parlcs Committee and there, will plenty for everybody ifhelp for digging offers itself: The appeal is to all .especially to those of more leisure, Come : n,d-ot- fer your -services young or older vol- unteer for sdiggiiig or planting, Every • body push, a few can do but little many can do -much, S. J. J C011 11.1IJJNICATION Dear Mr. Editor, As' one walks .a around it u d tawi 1 these �0 days one' rs -struck. . c>_ LI1 vi ' � the Ie progress made on almost every hand in the way of cleaning up and helpingg old Danie Nature to make homes and 'surrouna- Ings worth looking at. This "certain- ly is very gratifying and when the .good Old :Sunxmer Time arrives we trust she ' will see Exeter Iooking more beautiful than she ever did be- fore. Will not everyone do his bit, early and late this week and each succeedin ' week 1, to attain this oll- ject? May we not hope for a small army of volunteers to plant and pro- cure trees for Friday. Some citizen's am coin 1• . p, that child reit and .hers pi.(21 flower, s troy plantsotwhen. these are- g2°andOwd®sg in near` the'"street. One man showed ate' several tulip 1 1 �l ants tramped over and broken off quite ,recently. '. On these he had bestowed great deal of care and was looking' to a fine dis- play of flowers, pleasing not only .to himself and family but :to the general public also. He was certainly disap- pointed. Another ,`' citizen 'who has'an open piece of land that he wishes to improve as a S discourag- ed discoura - ed because lfe has seen • boys deliber- .ately liter- .ately tram 1lin 1 g on his rose bushes. Surely, .there is a means of checking such conduct. May we not hope e that our fine staffs of teachers will help in this matter? Is it possible that our town Council will help also?, Sometimes we are asked why - w v ork so hard to beautify Exeter? This Is easily answered by asking otljer ques- tions:-Wliy do 'e build; beautiful houses? Buy beautiful pictures? Elandsome'furniture? Fine clothes? etc. etc:? We wish to he surrounded by the beautiful, Again. we wish that when our children come home to us they will be struck by the beauty of our Lente and town rather than by its ugliness. We want to make, home dear to them. We know that will be an -inspiration to -live the right life. Beautiful surroundings make for contentment, enjoyment, satisfaction in living and tend to lenghten. the thread of life., They help our young people to grow up' clean morally and physically, because it cultivates in them the love of the beautiful. Thanking you for your , valuable space, I remain. Pro Bono Publico. RHEUMATISM LUMBAGO . NEURITIS vs. T. SCIATICA ,s Rheumatism and similar troubles Invariably yield to this T.R.C.'s (dem pieton's Rheumatic Capsules) .treat meat. litany doctors and many bun- dreds of druggists from coast to coast will confirm this truth. The lttindreds of testimonial letters in our files show Haat T.R.C.'s hare successfully treated Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritis, Sci- atica and acute..Neuralgia ()fall kinds: But the best evidence is your owu ex- perience. xperience. 1f yon suffer we want you to try this guaranteed` non -injurious rem- edy at, our expense. Druggists sell. 7.R.C.'s $1.00 per box. Free trial write T.R:C. Co., 56 Colborne St., Toronto. Sold •at Howey's Drugstore, Exeter•.. Wire Fence ALL PULL GOVERNMENT GAUGE NO. 9 HARD STEEL WIRE 6 line wires, 40 in, high, 9 stays, per rod 33e. 7 line wires, 40 in, high, 9 stays, per rod '38c 8 line wires, 40 111.E high, 12 stye, Per rod 47e Compare 'these, -prices with snail order firms. LOWER' PRICES Ii:v,'LA.LIGE LOTS 'White fine 1x6 V siding, $40.00 White Pine I.x8 in, 10, in. and 12 in. $40.00 I Ashplzali. Shingles, 1=,. C, Cedar Shingles, Cedar Posts and : lots .of Frost Fence on hand. A. J. 1V ix iY 1'