The Exeter Times, 1922-5-4, Page 4iiillll 1 11iil(111 I 11 ! IIIIIlIllllll Illlil 111111 I fllf l 111 (I I I l I (II 11 11 I f 1 i_I f l ( lilIll Ililillllllll111Di Illi Il ii lilll(IIII 111 II II I ( ( 1 1 i � 111 I iii (li 111111111111Illliilillllllllllllllillllll Illi fill llllllilllll Dlllllli II it I II II !� ii I I Il 1! i i VIII 11(INIlI11III11iilL..... = fns• vid esan y i 9 .M ao s e: for Pla..yful People. Prizes for Perso. s with Pep & Pluck objects beginning with the letter " " can you find in this picture? Magni N A▪ VA amokleal w oman immemi mamma M▪ IOImee litammal Contest Closes May 27th All ages will find this Puzzle entertaining and instructive. T OUR READERS How many objects the names of which begin with the letter "T" -can you find in this picture? It's a big game in which everybody can take part. Who can find the most such objects? Take .a pencil and. get busy. Everyone in the home, Pa, Ma, Bobby, Mary Ann, Grandma and Uncle Bill. First see who "gets the most at home. Then combine your list and send in the big list to The Times office, and .. if ;: your, list las the largest number of correct words you get a prize of bf ss.oc. But if with your answer you send in- $1!50 for one year's subscription to the Exeter Times you get $10.00: If you send in two subscriptions you get •$20.00 as first prize; and if you send in' three subscriptions including one new subscription you. get, $30.00; ..and. if you send four subscriptions, including two new ones, you will re- 'I ceive $40.00. See table of prizes elsewhere in this an- nouncement. Subscriptions to the United States $2.00 a year. There is no hitch or trick to this puzzle. It is easy and above board. It's the contestant with the sharpest eyes that will find the most objects and ,win the big Prize. It costs nothing to try in the first class: You will want the paper for another year any -way so you might as well get into the second class. But to make the game really exciting and Worth while, get into the fourth class by sending us a new Subscriber; or better still, into the fifth class by sending us two new subscribers and win a prize of $40.00. It's going: to be some fun. Now who• gets the big psize? Can you find 50? Probobly even more, "The early bird etc." you leinow 'all. ,bot it. .« do ilot delay,,but start todaya 331 .i 3, 11 , s ill,��MINIM 111 COPYRIGHT, 1922 by Tribune Printing Co. Willmar, Minn. HERE ARE ME P_RIZES OFFERED If no subscrip tion, is sent with answer. -If one year's subscription is sent in with the answer. First Prize . $3.00 $lo.00 Second Prize 2.5o, 7.50 Third Prize Zoo Fourth Prize 1®5o Goo Fifth:Prize 1.00 .00 Sixth Prize 5o 1- o If two ,year's .subscription, is sent, in with the answer. $20,aoo 15.0 65® 4..o® 3.00 -If two year's' subscription in- cluding ..one new subscriber is sent in with the answer. If four year's subscription in- cluding two new subscribers is sent in with the answer. $30.00 $40.00 20.001=25. oo 5,00 l0.00 7.50 5soo 12.00 7.5o .00 3®oo, nn advance will receive ' 10 ` Subscribers More than one year inyear; arrears,. who pay for • per cent. addi tronal to the prizes in the third class for eachmyear paid. RULES OF TI -IE CONTEST 1. Contest closes May 27th, 1922, and all answers must be mailed on or before that date. 2. Any one living in or outside of this village may compete p in this contest. .-'Employees of; this paper and any one else conected with T.lie Times however are barred from participating. 3. Answers should be written on one` side of paper only. Write your ;name and "address plainly at the head of your lists. If you write ofanything eise use a separate sheet of paper.. ./s 4. Only English tivords found i r- the dictionary ry cane be used. Obsolete words Will not be counted, however. 5. A word used once cannot be used again as part of a compound word; and only compound words..as given in the dictionary as such, vriilhe allowed, 6. The same object can be named but'once This does not preclude however the naming of an object which is a part of another object. for 7. The ,lv'ord may be given in the Singular or plural first and second prizes will be divided' between the two m Mit if the one is used`the other cannot be. .pro rata according to their class. The next highest will 8. The first prize will be awarded to the contestant ;« .receive the third prize, etc. If three tie for first plane; whose answer has the largest and nearest correct list of the first, second and third Prizes Will be divided between wards of objects (found in the picture) beginning with the, three in the same manner; etc: tine letter "T", Second prize to the next, etc." Neatness and penmanship willnot be taken into consideration; but every contestant should be careful obout the'spellingso that no mistake will be made, ' 9. Only one :prize will be awarded to members of the same house -hold, or to any group outside of the fam- ily who may have co-operated in the answering- of this puzzle. ' 10. The judges will be three well known citizens of this community having, no connection with The. Exeter Times and will be selected for their fitness for such a task. The award of prizes as detirmined by these judges will be final and each contestant agrees to g abide" by their • decision. OMNI Unica Auction Sale Of • KOVI$'1I D J,iows Mr., T. Cammeroii• will offer for sale by public auction .on the prem, ices on SATURDAY", MAY13th at 3 o'clock p.in, Lots 89 anti 90 on Huron street, in the village of Exeter. On the pro- perty is a nice Frame 6 roomed cot- tage with garage attached, good gar- den. This is quite a,good little Pre- perty and must 'be sold to 'close up Estate of the late George Vanstone. Tlie house is now occupied by `the Salvation Army 'and 'can be 'seen 'at any time, possession at once. Terris and conditipns made known on day of sale or on aiiplication'to Auctioneer. P. T. Veneto/le, Executor. Thos. Cammeron, Auctioneer. WANTED" -KEEPER AND RON. Man and Wife to•haye charge of; the Huron County Hone near Clinton, and the farm - in 'connection there- with. Applications, personal prefer red; to be madeto the undersigned, the appointment to be made at the next meeting of the County Council, which meets on June 6th. ' - JOHN TORRANCE, Inspector, Clinton, Out, Clinton, May 2nd, 1922 es 5-4-4 The Rector—And now, I suppose, you are out of danger? ,Parishioner -Well 'sir not exactly; the doctor says he is a -coming one or two more times. Teacher .What makes you so late? Boy—Please, miss, the doctor brought a new little sister this morp- hia., Teacher (preoccupied) very good, but dont let it happen again, mind. " (Continued from Page ane) Brotherly love is the essonee of Ghristith living; it le the essence of ' all Y�'atoi•nity, `€Without it all gig:rs" Arid synii�ols are rneau iigloss sharz:c nndr frivilious mockery. The prey ching of brotherly love first begets with the preaching of the Gospel. There are three elements iu brotherly ' love. Tho first is magnificence, the large soiled man who``ssees the gooc,i and overlooks the bad in, a,; person.. The second is friendliness, It takes a great soul tube capable of deep of fectibn and lasting friendship. The Pharisees had little souls, they 'viere' - narrow and selfish and'could.not un- derstand the great heart of Jesus Christ wlio yearned to Save all 'than- kind from sin. The spirit of greed~ and selfisllness� is prevalent to -day. There are those who care not for the: • zlraii who.suffers: for the woMan who' falls or for the children who.. starve,:. Oddfellowship gives expression to the spirit of brotherly love and seeks ta. help pull the world out of selfishnessr, and greed: The third element is dis-- interested service,, a kservice that.. braves the dangers of disease to hellse a broken brother: a service that means suffering with another, that performs deeds that help to'keep.the-, world sweet and fresh amid the storms, the strife and pain: On the return to the lodge room a number of addresses were given by some of the visiting brethern and a vote of thanks 'to /Rev. Mr. Foote and::' the choir was passed. Mr. W. ,W.., Taman acted as Marshall. Mrs. McGuire, of the 2nd conces— sion of McGillivray, died on Tuesdays of last week, aged nearly. 80 years.. She was taken ill only a few days be --- fore her ,death. Gardiner has slashed Furniture, - prices. VICTOgY ' L' COUPONS We ,will cash your Victory Loan' Coupons or place them to your credit. in our Savings Bank where' they will draw interest at 3% per annum. Capital Paid up $15,000,000 Reserve Fund A$15,000,000 F. A. Chapman, Manager R. S. Wilson, Manager Exeter Branch, Crediton Branch, Dashwood Branch, f, E MOLSONS BANK INCORPORATED 185 Capital Paid" tip $4,000,000 Reserve Fund $5,000,000 Over 125 Branches WHY KEEP SURPLUS MONEY IN THE HOUSE? It is dangerous Better to take this money to the nearest Branch of The Molsons Bank and deposit it in a savings account where it will,be absolutely safe. (Money may be deposited or withdrawn by mail.) - EXETER BRANCH T. S. WOODS, Manager Centralia Branch open for business daily Safety Deposit Boxes to rent at' the Exeter Branch } TYKE+ ITSBORNE AND 11 1BE; 4RT" E FARMER'S MUTUAL FIRE INSUa'.- ® ANC;i•i COMPANY. 11. In, arriving at this decision the judges will al- low one point for each correct Word. < A margin of 15 incorrect' words will be granted to each contestant to al- ` low for a possible legitimate difference of ,opinion;' but each incorrect word above that number will count one against, r-- 12. if ` two contestants tie for the first: place the a. w (Il(((!91(1116(Dlf (((( ( DDIID(D I � . I I0111:0111I11D(1(111(I 11 9 I (II'iii(I(111(1((�il((1(Il(iI1Dl(Il((�(Illl (lili�(((((D(ID((1111I1�(�(11(Ililf(((I1lIIlIlIIII(IIlllil((Il(il(1(Illill(illllllllillll! Head Office, Farquhar, Ont. President, - Vin. BROCK Vice-President,JOHN AL Lzsorl DIRECTORS THOS. RYAN JOHN G. ROY ROBT. NORRIS, JAMES MCKENZIE AGENTS JOHN-':rSSERY, Centralia, Agent for Usborne and Biddulph. OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for Hibbert, Fnllarto,n and Logan. W. A. TURNBULL, Secretary -Treasurer' R. R. No. 1, Woodham. GLAI/MAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter. 'DR. HENRY A. CORSAUT Veterinary Surgeon Office --Baker's Livery on James St. Calle promptly attended today y or night.' Phone B. Dit. A. R. KINlwIIION, 1f1L0.D., O.D.S. Honor ,Graduate, of .Toronto O. Iver- Sity:' DENTIST Office over Gladnlan & Staab office, Male; Street, Exeter; y's A dyartise in the 'l'.;a es, It pays MONEY TO LOAN' We have a large amount of private funds to loan on farm and village , properties, at lowest rates of in- terest. ',MADMAN ec STANBURY Barristers, Solicitors, Main St.,rExeter, Ontario PERRY P. DOUPE, Licensed Aue' tioneer. • Sales conducted in any leg- ality. Termsmoderate, Orders left at Times, Office will be -promptly at- tended to. % 1 Phone 116, Kirkton, Address Kirkton P. O. DA. G. F. R()UL$TON, L.D.S., `11.D , DENTIST ,- ; office ever I. R. Carling's La44.' - office. Closed every Wednesday afternoon., USE °'DIAM!OND• DYES"'" Dye right! iDon't risk:. your material. Each pack- age of "Diamond Dyes" con tains -directiein's so simple that any woman ` ' •:Gate dianmond-dye a new, rick color into oil garments, draperies; coverings, every- thing,, whether wool, silk, linen, Cotton or mixed goods. Buy"lharnond Dyes' -lie' other kind- theuperfect re- sults are gataraateed even if you have never dyed before, Druggist has "Diamond Dye. Color Card" --."S rich colors;