The Exeter Times, 1922-4-27, Page 6-admiration renouncing painting
• •
he had not rendunced the habit of
looking liket a painter. -
She naittely. asked Lionel for soni6
information- about the surrounding
" country. The painter, discovering the
• interest of which he was the abject,
'offered to show the English visitor
the beauties of the locality. He waS
eloquent, witty' when he wanted to
take the trouble to be so, and .ingenu---
oustly Vain. 3 -re represented himself
to IVIiss Tweedie -as Mgreat, artist; un-
appreciated by the, public.
Three months later Lionel Lion
married the old maid. 1 -Ie passed. from'
poverty to opulence, from uncertainty
to security. He becarne familiar with
a great many realities toWard which
had never dared to caSt his eyes:
a hotel in Faris, a castle -in Kent, mita-
Mobiles, -a yacht at Nice,' fashionable
restaurants, numberless domestics,
He could indulge 'himself in luxury
and gulp at pleasures which had
never dreamed. of 'before.:
I -lis wife adored. him. She couldn't
spend. an hot:1r -away from him. She •
-took him alotig to the 'dreSsraalter's,
to the milliner's --even- to *p'pastry
shop. „Lionel submitted withent a pro-
test. , )1E' _
. Alter a while, however, he fY
trifle wearied. He didn't know what
was the matter with.hini. He ibecanili'
sulky, peevish, irritable. In a Word,
he'lVas bored. `
Sometimes he thought of, 'a little
strip' of river, running under the wil.
lows, of a ,fish sbiyering and squirm-
ing, trying to tWist itself free froin
the hook. And lie regretfully turneti
his eyes away from that vision.
One day he timidly suggested that
he would, like te' go, , hshing. But
Mine. Lien' made a wry face. Long
vigils beside the water _s_eemed flex
the most tiresoine thing 'fit the world.
And she eouldn't resign herself, to bo
separated from Lionel for hours at a
Then Lionel Lion began to corisider
himself, a prisoner. All the thing
which -hindered his liberty—his wife;
his -luxurious mode of living, his oyer -
'elaborate meals, hie too suiriptuous
cireunistances—became a :burden to
him. The most biaarre 12.thr.e.s ickneAs at-
tacked him. He developed such a de-
sire for indePendence that one even -
Ing he neglected to return home.
very Man For Himself
btiroonatsIandthuy,' letrdto
olde time e•(3- :purt3!111• 414t 4.11117,er telt sso entlre,
hi the canoe with the swift eur-rent of ler better that it had 0:ye1 ner n° •
the 'Wolverine in her laver, aud she trouble ttt, all sa far andeelieenitereie"
was elated at iler liregress Tile re- laughed away tile gae'd warn:anis fears
eiaireing stage` of the- igurry should' p,nd, evith' a llastY good-bye, ran °lit
not Preeent •orice she ,of the liens° and disaPPeared in the
lead persuaded Titerlaltson cf tho urg- dark. Per several minutes Mrs; Tlior-
eiley of lier mieeionlakeoe, continued to stanti,in the door -
The place was in darkness and she way, -the.latep above heleleead,iler•ralle
taPPed loudly en the d1 14 0tf SlainhIg ill the mellow , glow 'with a
tAPTER lte,n;:tIeVidne alell:ejieddritelhcelei,:ca'e"evinf°d11.37No,VC:e'r110511$'11:11480!),Ote'tall, ' tienlUi°S.hrdliiaspjleie0111ye!.---ogtlieli'lleIrirgYit M0fiCbidaittTl‘e'elt,Ng:Ifli weIiiiltilil:30uniSt,1:mGyChrensistt:y.:nsgthhiuice‘e'd7iditliee 5iteilexiiip lalleini:. beyondIl.-''stifteatel.),,°r• lice) otnTe-milee'FilieetinensitteidiP.;" le .s'ere
• •
ere never finished that :sentence; fote. low teeth bared in a snarl of -rage- e,,un same to the door. end l:talplepreairrl,.
rifle shots and hallooing off' towards wore a bandage aerese his forchel1d The kind-hearted woman'
the river apprized the two anxious de- and eattrne at Kendiiiik, levelling hie ance ail a flaming red carmoneflannei
feeders of "The Stiucer" that the worst rifle. Just ae lie pulled the • trigg,er nightg-OWn, her hair cornic•ally "done
g i. natead, she e, e • 1 • f "D' ' t D - "
, elem. pac cage o lament yes
found McCorquodale already on •top ing harnilessly into the ground. , Plait asked for • rrliorlakeort end cried- out in omiltan, riii•(,ottim 3 0 , 1 i 1
of the reeks, reaching down for his:had him by the throat in anyiiinneitnayntt,; ,_clistnhiaatyliteo hleaaritatih:ealti bfielevihaasniailtut)laenrde idilraeisIsTrAo'sCh--%Cis3768-r't'°,seLl: tnii'l,lat•isellises,rilel‘l'o-°)aratsll'aall':atoi")'‘eybakYl
leader's hand. 1 "Kern oul Keen on, , by
"We're in for it, old man," sad Phil bellowed evens:en exidiantly an he th:dvigsoitneBill'odeevaituh, the e tefeorloeNmeafiweenge,,teih).: ing,,,,: 1,vezLi.,er, coverftigs, dr,apexies;
coolly. "Make straight for „elle trail. shook leis, tawey head arid blew the
We'Ve got 'to heat them to it'" I blood from his mouth. "Yust took a eectim below. . haligUlgis, "erYthillS even l' "118 ' "
McCorquadale only swo-re as he look at way! Ay ben gave you nodder CristY Poured ant her•story, at least never (eyed before. Buy "Diamond
tightened his belt and for the seeolid bellyful, y'batelea!"• He ducked few to as 'n11°11 of it as she thought would Dyes"--eo other kind-e-tholl ,Perfect
convey the urgencyof the situation; home, cle-eng is sure because Diamond
time they went down the hill in long avoid the yieious eweep of a heavy
but it was rather difficult
jumps that sent loose atones crash -I stick, grabbed his assailant by the to 'make the Dye e are guaranteed not to spot, fade,
hie' through the brushwood. Once on ankles and swung him around his head weman gra'sP 'it, Mrs- Therlaks°a's strealt, or rum Tell Your druggist
the level they ran for elle eoumis 0.f as if the man had weighed hut twenty English being sornkeielvohwaitedlignelit\evdh,alvelivieler .,,,,:ele14.,er the materiel You wish to dye
trouble as fast as they could make ipotincle, Only twe were left facing 'the girl 'bad no
headway through impeding ander- him now and they fell back before this of Icelandic. At last she gav 't is wacl 01 silh" ar Whether it le lin'll
growth. They broke through at laet 1, terrible antagonist, swearing impoe, aMa:yo-ller‘liviava:asn.7senoclbiesehueit)s:uoni..:nsio:geed_ co ttt0,13, Oslt:nI:lin:vegd„ igioleodosi.d song,4.
into the tote road and ran at top ently, ' thing from the pantry ?" she asked, •e}'
speede down a straight stretch of it 1 McCerrquodale had mee a new ar-
XXIII•—(COatt'd•) lt,nniSance, I•ron 111all 1Nle.°r" Th°11'11hsell's beeiree111.• 'After a queer 'mixtnre. of appieheneion and
lls etrictlY alone. We've . A Man ran •oilt the huell, his Y111- suMe 'aettinishmont Mrs, 'Illorlaka
orne..n:Can Dye Old
Faded' Things:.
had„ Kendrlak crossed to he tripped on a root and pite u g as gt eq
the op,posite side in t‘vo bounds and length into the open the 'gun explod- Cristy diti not Ian I I
' that was like et: long aisle between the riya,1 051 the, eeene with a farce upper.: around ainong creeks and pans in "Ah, for the old days'!" sighed ti
trunks of spruce ,and heml,ocleal ent that.felled hi lil ox 'and eees search of pertable edibles. She stuffed ed -f ht. ' tt' • `e
O. ae agreed yoeng. re„an: The girls
There was a sharp tura ire the trail 1 10,,,a m b" a eh df 1 f 1 d 1
ly 'pressing a second aa -r val ack an 11 'o.s ae ouginots inside of toed t 11 lit
a are no e a te our
at the end e this iiisle and judging into the bush' evlth rie‘eht and le
ft,,holraseheirstewaist, :egeehei, wit}, a
TIP neothers ueed to be! Why, I'll bet you
by the glow of' a fire that someone, swings to the face that landed so swift deknow what needles are •for!"
had lighted and the shouts of men int and sure that the flite
ellow rally was Mrs. Thorlakson stood at the door don'
, with,. the lam hehieeh o•ie hend Ile glanced with n,,Cinliration at the
blinded by the blow. It „Arai waiter
these operations in moaern, girl.
and the detective growled as he fought. Peel mg' 11P011
'Tile tide of battle radualle- was dumb welid"illent• When slie finallV d° t°&" she `flashed. "theY're
combat, it was just around the turn
that the issue was being fought.
"Left, Cork—into the bush!" panted
Phil as he heard a shout behind them.
They cut straight through for the
bonfire, against the glow of which the
tree -trunks 'began to stand out black.
As they approached Kendrick threw
out his arm to stop rhe detective, and
they- dropped to the ground and 'crawl- was eeckoning without the sudden re-
ed the remaining. distance on hands version ot the odds against them by
and knees. the' arrival -of Red Meteor and two
Against the fieelig-ht towered the more men from the camp. They came
black bulk of the giant Swede in the rerming into sight around the turn
centre of a wild hand-to-hand fig -ht in the tote road and McIver was curs -
realized that the girl.purposed setting for phonographs!" - --
turning, So many of the enemy were
Minarces Liniment for Dandruff.'" .
look ae if Kendrick- anti his friends Pine hiUd in her Pr°tests• CristY made
would win through to the river if they
down and out that it was beginning to eff along the track all ftiair• 'he be-•
• ----
could but keep tip the 'terrific pace for,. _ten,
a few minutes longer. This however„I
against five cif McIver's men. They ing like a wild man as he bore down
smiple—rules which one can. follow
onee, and if any of them had been If the ethers had neglected the ad- The dark circles under the eyes, of
armed_ with rifles they had thrown vantage -which firearms gave them, Which so 1119. " f d come If a room is dark it is obvious tha.t the
these aside in favor of lertives and not so Red „McIver. Within fifty paces plane. allay be .due to poor circulation walls and woodevork should be light in
the use of firearms. A sixth man had and delibera.tely reread his rifle. , 4
or to other 'cause' Milssade will do celer. If a room has several Windows
clubs. The fighting was too Close for he stepped short, dropped to Ins knee
mum' to nriprove the circulation, and and is e-erylight there is the plate to
, •
ett, —eat".
were attacking hint from all sides at outhe struggle. Health and Beauty. like is an art, but there are many
got it on. da hed. before they had! "You — ---- foals!" he yelled.
gucceeded 'in knocking the club out "Clear away from thein!" is most eIfective when it follows use the darlfer calors, if one. likes.
• 44 /'
of the Swede's hands.; he lay, sprawled He was aiming at the big 'Swede; steaming ce bathing the face in hot Color changes the size of a room to
and still, near the edge of the woods. but as Phil linishe.d choking the half- water. The tips of the fingers should the eye and determines the amount of
The sheath in -which the sectionman breed who had attacked him and beedipeed in a good maseage cream,, light. To tone d'oevn a room that facies
had carried his hunting -knife swung sprang to his feet, McIver swung his then with slight pressure woeked' south, and has more light than it
out by one of Ins assailants; for he Kendrick drappe in his -back.. around the eyes in a -rothry motion- needs, paint- the walls green, bluertan
empty as if the knife had been plucked rifle.
the nose shotild b t 1- d from the or brown. Rooms having smith and
bridge outward and downward, an.d. -east windows arermade Mare Pleas'ant
was defending him -self only with feet INIcairquodole turned quickly .at
But it was all Syenson needed. He .his leader go down. He 'fired from the the akireof the cheeks shouldThe pinch- by using, colors with ',ones of yellow,
was putting up the fight of his life. hip and at the bark of his automatic ed
e up and. ex:died .betWeen te f
.e, m,,,e.e,e.e... canary, eed, etc. Bedrooms .e1C-Alcl al -
Scandinavian. defence methods—one Far a moment the two men beside and night, an -abundance of sleep', aed
Plent.y of fresh air day ways be finished in delacate light:tones.
The nearer to white the better. Blue,
It was a beautiful demonstration of Red McIver pitched' oeer sideways. - and thumb. . . . .
graes, etc., are suitable for dining:.
man unarmed ag,ainst five -with knives him stood gazing dow-r, awe-stricken regular habits '-of the body aee ale° -•
and clubs! IEs huge arms -were work- and dismayed. Then they turned and : necess,ary. If improvement dees not rooms.
and bare hands. s.ound of the „shot, just in'time to see e' •
ine- like flails. His powerful, supple ran as hard as the could b• k
looks higher without a •bor-
ac• •!"11).1 follow, it is as It to consult, a A room
btidy beietandleeavecl this arree- and : the_ legging trail. It thge9S'ignal Tole ehn„.ician. - . . des051the avails and lower with a drop
that with powerful awess as he tm_ et the- eeta-eat of „every member ofeethei 1, .i, a , . ,. . .,,, ,\, -.
the inc - t -
eesan attack. As fast as hey, gang -erho eould slue out' of sight intol To combat .wrirekles -feed the el -1
71 color, and Make r•oarns appear ern. II '
ceiling.- ••• _Pello v• arid red are warm
came at him he sent them hurling off the woods; but nit before Syenzon: plenty of oil and -use aatringents. This ' a el
their balance. - -.° had
gathered together every weapon Means' that a - gentle' but thorough than tliey 'really are. Gray, green,
He seemed. to have a defence for they possessed. : - . 1 - • , . blue and soft colois make rooms loci -
massage evitn a good crearneis neces- - , ''
every,kind of attack. As Kendrick and ' With an oath McCorquodale started '1 es,...e. larger tnan, thee- really are.' Seine bad
By a good crea.m I 'mean one
three of the gang were rushing him when he saw Phil sitting up, grinning:made fr`im alm°Yld tIr °live ail- This me°arfhboignaaitiyi(mwsooacIreevariedac.7Shhuaffdev's'aolPpiannkd,
McCorquodale first got sight of him towards Kendrick; but he stopped'''.
shenultaneously. He kicked the knife. at him cheerfully. At the first inoefla should •be used• immediately after a
old rose and eream will give a roOrri
epinning from one znan's hand With 1. of McIvor's rifle in his direction be 1 hot „soap -and -water wash, while the
warmth and c0ZilleSS.' They- are de -
his heavy hob -nailed boot, grabbed:had tirrawn himself flat, disconcerting! pores of the skin areopen.After th
the fellow by the waist and tossed him l the man's • 1I c I s' in '
e aim. a massacre the surplus cream . to b : Ira. e 'colors for rooms with a north-
eam le be ern or eastern expOeure • especially
backward over his head: grabbed a The detectiveAs bullet, however, had: wiped 'off and an astring-ent is used to 1 b d , '
saeond 'one and whirled him across his found its mark. Red McIver -lay draw up the lax muscles and, to close
hip clean into the bushes- number sprawled grotesquely where he fell' I -the Pores. , Nothing is better for this Whitish tone's are •all(1 la effect'
hae-e broken his jaw. All this like "Y' can% kill this bird eeith ne. rubbed over the skin foe ten minutes s'Pacielle' F. ei: the r appear 1:1:1egellIn:L
line evarm colors in ldraping5 curtains
three he laid out with a knee in the A moment later McCoreuedale looked1 They make the POGIT1 r
^ than ice, which should •he
stomach and an uppercut that must up from his examination. 1 Purfl'se '-'''
lightning. Svenson was indeed prove thirt,y-two," he grinned% "Hem bei, 4- k. most effecf,eve, ef, you 'have -no ,
to- the general effect. Large and pro -
was, in very truth, "no yoke." streak. The bullet bumped. him on! a -' t 't add few drops f _
Sveneon was making good his promise
"tew rase hell."
"Oh boy! Oh boy!" McCarquodale
kept uttering to himself, pausing- an'
instant in amazed admiration.
ing himself " ude sma
s eou. can ge a a a o
iinse w- no.ouneed. 'designs in wall clecaratirig
the bean. an' glanced, off lake
, tincture' benzein and °eye looms a., crowded end smaller
icl upholstery—to add cheerfulness
that g rt mans," and around after a bit, cussin' a blue iiee, 'fill the howl with watee as cold al
him, see an' we takes- him along with e . app'earance.
solid ivory.. I slips' the •.bracele, ts eelwibh
For 'a thin neck, ' practice deep -
us. 'I miss anyr, guess ,if he aint went
ed bad in "bout every place -e•&e been ; breathing exercises; these • mese
It was an odd. procession which filed; es'sentlall heY will build up. the -chest
HeRe6 The
cApt vvoRK
PirY ''SWEta.T
articles in 'our kitchen: When the
children' have any. 'waste paper,
strings, etc., they know just where
such things belong. It is truly great
help in keeping the kitchen clean.
Baby's Progress. •
-On the first day of a 'child's life
there, should be eansileility to light,
touch, terriperature, smell, and t.aete.
The two latter, ho-weyer are not
mentally sepa.rateel in the Child's con-
neti0lItnIleSS for. some considerable time.
Ileafing is not in operation until the '
third or fourth day -after 'birth.
IG.enerali. sensation's . 'of .nernifort or
discomfort are felt from the second
day; but paineand pleasure, as mental
states -arising from bodily sensations, .
are not'noted till at or near the eecond
inrl:Trinhitilenefiturisat'l 'scirgienSs, aorfe in4teheechs'haapPae of
• .
certain cansonante. They will be "In "
44 iC 1) .
g t'1 (51.
It seems rather a shame to ciestrey
the belief that •bables use the "m"
sound becauee the little darling,e are
-trying_ toLsay f`xnurn.," or “mother,”,
but the fact, is- that "m" the natural
and easiest speech sound for a baber
to_rnalee. • .,
A baby's -eye-s 'should be in ,proper
working order, or "co -Ordinate," by the
fourth reorith, and, with a variation of .
a v„realc or tWG, it is about that time
that the 'child Abend. Show-Self-COM-
,eciousnees And have "the •feeling pf
self." . It Will know itself in a mirror;
and look intelligently a.t °We hinds,
an:d know that they are its own., Thates
the difference 'between the hiiman and
the animal. -
A child, with a very -firm and tight
grip is, as a rule, one with -exce,1Iente
mental equipment. •
PwithaEcarriedPltttl .1) a° T out:"‘ 'e• sr Ideas.iPti::
• 'Youeli—"I sent you some 611, a -
'any of
ti-ealS _telling au, bow to ur
came upstairs.!
youth— l'eta d
Tranallate,d bY"
William L. McPherson.
At 'twenty yearit is difficult fax\ 44
painter net to, believe that he ia g-
ing to he a Reinbrandt or a Raphael.,
At thirty, after rnany diseerufiturea,
things .look different.. when. he was
thirty-five I.ionel Lion' awakened -to
:the fact that he was a bohemian with- -
out talentand without a future, .Angl-
ing waS the only thing in which he
took any real interest or for which ha '
had any aptitude.
Indifferent and skeptical' be con;
tfiunrqiiedishteod,tst-eguecttariot,ern, ip,uaaarn
ing un -
by drawing commercial designa
arid. having much leisure to devote
to his favorite pastime. Wheat he
had a lit-tle money in his pocket he
left Paris took a-roorn in tin inn along
the Marne, and passed many delight-
ful days on the river bank,
too.Ikt whiams,in this _inn that destillY e
It presented itself in the form of an
English old maid,- well past forty. A,
millionaireps, with, notithig to do,„,she
was nicking a voyage on the Contin-
ent and wanted especially to become
acquainted with Franee----the Franco
of the roadside inns; of ,tlie
1A11"vizelsr Aria(11-rie;v•IWIlaagse, iss Ethel -Twedis.
LIS/bitiC libt'llgd:1-t6'1.1111-igidfebatt:oll•Nrvelill'eaYebs1,::6aSdhrouth
breakfaeting in the inn when Lionel
- • i Lion eittered., She looked at hint with
your ideas."
5, carrying 'ant
Dr. Ross' Kiciney and Liver Pills
• Primo see.
Sold by au druggists. or
75 sasvis street; , Ttisoute
Will not
or 'tear
Minard's Liniment for Burns, etc.
Plenty of Room.
."I never go to church," - Hie mill -
Bonaire said.' "I guess you've noticed
that, bishop?" . •
-.Yes, I have noticed it," said, the
bishop gravely. '
"1 'guess you :wonder --why I. never
go to chnrch, don't you'?" the ,million -
atm pursued. -"Well, I'll tell you why,
bishop. There are so many hypocrites
-there." ,
Eat More Lettuce. "Oh don't let that keep you away,"
One glance assured Kendrick that
the girl was nowhere in sight. Evi- out on the riverbank twenty. minutesi and fill out those ugly hollows at the Lettuce is an excellent food for t ej he i s lore, smiling. 'I helm is
' - 1 - h Isaid t 1 1 1 '' ", • -
dentlY Cristy was carrying out in- later. First came Sv.enson, carrying base of the throat and over -the sheen- nerves. I, alould be eaten freely t e always room for one 111olea
year round if possible, Lettuce should
struetions to the letter. across his:great shoulder the still un- ders. Second, give •the neck tl • ....
had "stuck" hut Up -to -Date. -
Stiles! Where -was Stitee? Jimmy conscious form of the boatlegger. Be-, ough scriebbing with hot -water and be Planted earlY' and as fast as eac I '
, -he lead gone under bind him walked Jimmy Stiles sup- I • I bed is used up or the lettuce bee -heel "My 'doll can shet lier eyes and gm.
soap an_d . a complexion brush every 1 . ' . e . I . ,, .
early. He lay -prone in the foreground, ported: by Kendrick-. l'lleCorqu' odalei eta vvollow this -with a hot len rid
v .,, 1 se a to get old, another should be put in. to sleep lust lovely.
his.face ghastly with a smear of blood' brought up the rear, loaded down with thei:i. With a massage. "Hush! My doll 'never oes to -sleep
down at the inanimate form' . h '4 Th II ' -'-'t1 1 d '1 •
- - e' clean' „season until Vezer late -in the fail.
For the mac- By this nleatise, cri_sp, ter.der lettuce'
Fter0S8 the cheek. The fellow- who had confiscated rifles. can be hadefrarn very early ra the at all; she s got ensommo.
I , • ' ge
• .ther a fieshIbuilding •
done it was still standing there look- They found Svenson's big canoe un- sage, us -e ei
armee. e sma canoe was gone made v,3. 1 a 1110a oil 01 01 11Se -warm . -
Distant shouts and the noiseof re- fi-orn its place in the bustles beside the cocoa -butter. Co'Coa-butter is more TransPlarit the young Plants of the
infercements approaching through the flat rock. In the 'soft earth at the fattening, but some few sensitive sicindH head. 'lettuce so that hey .do not sit
timber announced the gravity of the water's edge they discovei.:4d a spare can not stand it.. eu° close togethei'irrthe grcanci. Fine
situation. In another moment the paddl% etuok upright and to it was firm heads will result. Lettuce is de -
The. massage ehould- be gentle- the
whole crowd would be -upon them. tied a bit of cambric, --her handker- t• -fine ers should b'e sed the licjous and: beneficial served with oil,
I eats this guy up, bo, vvbespered chief.
McC,orquedale, pointing- to Stiles' vic- Phil strucls a match and examined
tor with his thumb, "'e'en I helps it carefully, making out a dine "O.K."
Swedie, see. You grabs Jimmy on which she had marked on it with it
your back an' beats it ler the canoes. lead -pencil.
The girl's away already an' Swedie He heaveda breath of relief and
an' me'll join you in a jiff an' the smiled as he 'wrapped it carefully
whole bunch of us vamooses, see. You about a dollar bill and tucked it away
grabs Stiles—" in his card -case.
Kendrick silenced him with a look
and together they leaped into the
fray. Phil knoekedi out the man stand -
ing beside Stiles- with one blow on the The Race Begins
head from the butt of his revolver. It was just a few rninutes past
Shouting encouragernerrt, NleCorquo- eleven o'clock when Cristy Lawson
dale went -to- the bard pressed. Sven- climbed' to the railroad -track out of
Mks PpYrre by
A Single Wheel Tractor and Cultivator.
Sprywheel does any work for which a wheel
. or hand hoe can, be used
---Does Five Times As Winch.
Small enoughfor the half acre home gardener --a labor 'Save
'money maker for every market gardener, inirseryinan' and
insuring Unitartuty Thorough -and Eeonetriicai. .,u
For toll, information anal IDsseriptive Litoratitr
Agents Write Now
pnywrieri'F, 52 COLBORNE ST.,
strokes should' be up and dawn the' vinegar, salt and PePPer, '°r
neck and in -small circles ever the le vinegar and -mien/. or withmayon-
As a fin'is'h, the cream is wiped' off I'maise dreiPS--•
and the neck is rubbed with ice or As the basis of a saled, it is un -
rinsed., in quite cold water. There is :excelled. „Fruits, vegetables, meats,'
also a good exercise that keeps the or combinations of thee win make a
chin line firm and yeeebeet, Roll _tee I delicious -salad which Scan be prepared
head around on the shoulders. .This
may sound strange, bet it is quite
practical. You'll find that it gentler
stretches every muscle in the thro-at.
For chest and bpst development; and
to straighten round ,Shoulders, the
proper exerciee is also some form of
deep breathing. You can 'stand before
an opesi window or out of doors and
take a certain number of deep breaths
every day. Or you can take the deep -
breathing exercise hi an even better
way:, Fill the lungs with as much
fresh air as 'yca
ou n pack intoethere,
and then 'hold the lunge full for a eer-
tain number of aeconds, before exhal-
ing, lengthening the time you hold the
'air as you become accustomed to the
exercise. About half it minute is a
g°(11.d.d7:Pr-Vgetliing and anm exerci•se
eambined is ate° used for chest de-
velopment. Start by holding the arms
1 in front of you, and as you hretths ill
slowly, 'bribe- the arnie around to the
eiden and as far to the back as yen
can get them. This is really the; most
effective way, ae, you ean feel the pull
on the naescles of the chest.
!tome 'Decoration.
taking roma cheerful <-lionio
in few moments with a bed of let-
tuce, and a bottle ofdressing at hand.
Leftovers may 'he used up nicely, and
the emergency shelf may contair, just
such, canned goods as salmon, pine:
apple, crab meat, shrimp: hipster, or
other suitable supplies. ,
• Pineapple a drained
slice of canned pineapple on a' bed of
crisp lettuCe. On the centre of this
place a small ball of cottage cheese
abaut the seze-of -a large w-alnut.' The
cottage cheese shoulel have, been nicely
-seasoned' with melted butter and salt.
Garnish the cheese with' half -of I a
walnut Meat, or a maraschino cherry
stuffed with the 'ire meat, or two
stripe of red reere,et pimento laid in
A Handy -and Handsoane Waste Box-.
I obtained from a grocery -man an
empty Cheese box and stained it a
handsome oak color by „simply using
a little roof dement— the kind that le
found in tin cane :inside the rolls
roofing. This I. thinned "with turpen-
tine and applied with a' small, cloth',
rubbing it well into the weed. Alter
varnishing I. placed it under the kit=
ellen sink, where ithie' not' Orly good
to look at bUtone of tin). hanclieSt
llade with polished glass or metal
surface without SCXCIN9 or sockets,
, _
, ,
slides sratiothly 'and carinot in-
jure the finest rugs or highly-
Aslished „floors. Easily put on
on; stayqine
Tell your dealer you must .have
Sifdings,Furniture Shoes
oe your tletor furniture. It will
-make your housework easier.
Onward Mig, Co., Kitchener, Ont.
VERY ..efficieut
antiseptic -when
used as a first-aid'
dresging for cuts,"
scratches, bruises, in-
sect bites, etc. keep
a tube in the house
for emergencies.
1550 Chabot 'Ave.
Lift Off ith Fingers
HE postmaft and expressman will
bring Parker service right to your
home. We pay carnage one way.
Whatever y,ou send — whether it he
household :draperies or the Most deli-
cate fabrics—wile be speedily returaedl
to their original freshness. When you
think of cleaning or dyeing
thiuk of PARKER'S.
Dye— Works
- Lirnited
Clearnera and Dyets
791, 'T"fdat.
DbetS t a hit et ',little
„ , • Don,
"I'lasezetie":on an aching Corn, infitant-
ly that hurting, :then shortly
you lilt it right oft sylbis fingers. Truly!
/Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of
"Freesone" for a few cent,a,-aufactent
• ,
to remove, every hard corn, Soft cern,
or corn between, the -toe, and thecal-
He didn't return the 11,QXt clay, either
—Cfr the day after. -His wife, almost ,
out of her head, dispatched -detectives
'in every direction. 13ut no one could
bring her any news of Lionel Lion,
The miserable Ethel passed her nights'
in tears. She ;supposed that he had
been assassinated, Or that, in e state
erf delirium, he bad, thitiwn himself
,into the Seine.
Months passed. 01 -ie put, on mourn-,
When the first anniversary of her
meeting with Lionel arrived she made
up- her mind to revisit the little inn On
the Marne, After walking through
the hall, and the dining-rOem of the
hotel she wandered over to the r:ivel
bank. '
Suddenly, she gave "a cry. There,
under a Popiar. tree,•motionless wear-
ing hie, o14 brown velvet outing, suit, -
was Lionel 'Lion watching the waters.
Hi PJ wife laelieVetVat 'first that it Wan' a
hallheination. But the 'angler
his head, and showed signs of g-reat
,"Ingr.ate! Ingrate!" sho,400 the' nm.
fortunate wife,. "What 'are yoU, do-
ing here?why aid you, de"sert nie?"
tionei Lion -couldn't in decency an-
sWer that he wao living again in an
empty studio, . that he wag -drawing
6,battrd" eommercial 'designs, that ha
was vegetating 4n'hoheniian povericr,
aiti that he prerfSrfed,all this to being
refkrgted IA his Piseatuial passion. ub
to4k "Fi3.44.11 lie 4/,11P.lnered•
"It yon might tifiy,, a retreali,
pointed to 11. Itkigt.10 riptli3O OW the Stir.
hBE aoucsnit:doddwroeniitit'htrye yery,w.houias,:ler:0;e4,nrebarsrtilia,ghurtellian'Muctire, g:to:inigs
"Hush, Ethel! Hilsh!
luses, without Soreness or irritation. I have p, biter,