The Exeter Times, 1922-4-27, Page 5URSDAY, APRIL 2th, 1922
'1,170 week e ago the deat was ane
netinced in The Times of Mrs, Rich-,
Ard Scott, of Ushorne. ' Mrs. Spott's
iziaidej neine wee Mary'Cern-
Jti 6r8ye,are and 11 months. Sha
den In England and at theage
six years eamet to Canada with her
parents setaing In Usborne, , She
was twice married her Hree husband
being James Ea ison who' died aboet
08 Years ago, She was afterwards
The Oar'wi
1r/tarried, to Mr: BAC:hard F-iete'tt
survives. Two Salle also survlYe;
gar lealisop. end. Alliert Scott. A.mong
those - who were, present for the funer-
al were John Seed,' and Geo weeks
Qf S'tratliroy; Mr. and 1VIrs. John
tteebb of Ilan-111ton: Robert Fuller
of Stratford; Louis 'Manning, of
Highgate and Mise Mary $.
ot Toeonto.
aGood Name
ROADSTER $1275 — SEDAN $2145
F. 0. B. London. ,
FI u ron Garage
Pilon & Foote
If your oven is slow to heat you will find Egg -0
just as slow to „act—its double action insure*
leavQning livith a slow or hot oven.
. ,
etieee eerteeperteregeeetereeleeti'veree-Pelexertergeefelettereeteete-
e Asphalt
LU g e
nat Is Tapered
Winthrpp Tapered Shingles are the only tapered
asphalt shingles •manufactured. They have 'three
. outstanding featureS that „Make theth at -perfect fooling: -
hey are the big butt
A ,shingles—the only • asphalt,,,
shingle that gives a, phadow,
whecle so improves the
appearance of a
' tdof
something architects have „
, long wanted in Asphalt
—They ar e scientifically
a. constructed. They are tap-
ered. Being thicker at one
end than the other, the
butt of the shingle over -
lapping, lies fiat on the
. upper pait- of the shingle hi
,the rowtbelow: No rain or,.;• •
snow can accumulate un-
• derneath—wind cannot get
wadesr them and blow them
3—Being tapered extra.thiek-
, nese and weight are distri-
buted where extra thickness
, land weight are needed—in
the part exposed to the
We have obtained a special license to manufacture
,these shin&les under the brand
r nf
tbroit Tap
Adphait Si tes
Quality of materials and production methods are of the usual
Branford Roofing standard.
Brantford Winthrop Tapered Asphalt Slates are made from
carefully selected Felt sattirated and coated with a epeeist blend of
asphalts. •Real quarried,crushed slate, in itS natural colors (red or
green or blue black) is embedded into and encruited on, them
while the ,asphelt,is hot. They are-,,unaffectecIsby 'climate., The -
colors are ,permanent, and ,never need staining.- They are highly
fire-resistant and they arc taperod. '
Distributed under BrantCorcl Roofing. trade marks through
,Brantford Rooting Dealers. Steer carried, inferreation iurnished,
service rendered by our dcalez iri your district.'''iV
rae for our 'valuable history of roofing ",heifer;"
On every pa'ste is a photograph of a different hind of a roof,
in a different part of the world, It will be onailed free to
r mponsible parties,
d Roofhg Co., Limited
.7, Office and Fq ory, Brantford? Canada
t A et Toronto, Mond, Wittrapeit, Halifax
„s Taylor Coripa
efiss Hazel Snell has returned from
London. •
Dr, R. N. Taylor has purchased a
new Studebaker coupe.
Mea.'Eeett Tlealea and sole Ellgen
spent the week -end in Stratfierde •
Mr. and Mrs, Schenk arid family
visited in Steatford over ,Slieday.
Mrs: ,Herman ,Zimmer, of Stratford
is Yisithig her•parents, Mr. and Mrs.
MI's. Miller has returned to her
,home here,after 'epending the winter
in -Woodbridge.
Miss Adeline leader and Mr. Louis
le -raft were ',quietly united in mar-
riage at the•beide's home on Thurs-
day,,April 20th, We extend congrat-
Among those from ,a ' distance who
attended. the funeral of the late Louis
Preeterewere: Misses Maud, and Fent
ma Eidt, of Deti.oit, Mr. and Mrs. H.
Eidt, of Forest, Mr. ane Mes. Jack
Eidt,,of Ailsa Graig, Mr. Charles Eictt
knd datighter pf Ingersoll, Mr. and
Mrs. Albert 'luting, IVIr, and Mrs. H.
,Zimmer, of Stratford and Mrs, S. J.
Adams, of London.
Word was received 'here of the
death of LouistPreeter, inDetroit on
• Tuesday, a farmer resident ef this
place. The deceased had been ill on-
ly five days with pleuro-imeunninia.
He was a mauen the prime of life be-
ing 47 years a age. About ten years
ago, he left here .with his, family for
Stratford, later moving to tDetrolt
where he ha S since resided.- •He was
member of the vestry board of the
Lutheran Church and was a very act-
ive memb,er in church work. He it
surveyed by his sorrOwing widow, one
sone Lorne and one daughter, Elde.
One brother John, of ',Zurich and
three sisters, Mrs. H. Wiu1eit, Mrs'. B.
Stacey and Miss Fanny, all of, Dash-
wood. The remains *ere brought
to' Dashwood for burial •Thursday.
The funeral 'took place from the
home of Mr. H. Willert, to the Luth-
eran' cemetery Friday afternoon,.
Rey. Graupner offiepting. The flor-
al tributes' -were verYnunieroes Show-
ing the esteem in which the deceased
was held bY his many friends;
Mr. and lties Hislop and -daughter,
of Hamilton, who visited Mr.' T. -Oli-
ver and other friends at Easterehave
'returned to their, home.
Mr. Archie Robinson, virTioThas pule,
chased a business in London, spent
the •week -end with his 'parents and
other friends. •'
Mr.; •Powe, who is working in Lor -
don, visited' with his brother oyer
• Mr.' Wm. Moffatt returned Satur-
day from his trip to the. Oil Fields of
Texas. Mr. Moffatt brouglit back n
rosy report and is reported to have
purchased some stecke-
Oneof the purchasers Of Mr'. Han-
lon's stock and property, has arrived
hi town and is getting •acquainted
with the-peoPle. '
Mr. T. Luker is visiting his brother
Mr. W. Luker. •
ThesChurch,Authorities ,are repair-
ing the church drain and the village
Fathers are grading some the
streets. ,
Mrs. Boslaugh, eyylio has been vis-
iting for some time with her nephew,
Mr. Hooper on the lake road, has -re7
turned to town. - ,
Mr. Theis, Willis has - purchased
two new 'Ford trucks for gathering
cream. .
Mrs. Spenset and daugher, Jean,
of St. Thomas, spent Easter, holidays
-with Mr. and Mrs. Mills.
When you went the mostup to
- -
date-equipmeetter call Gaediner. ;
Mr. Peter. Case, of Exeter, visited
with Mr, and Mrs. John Glenn over,
Mr, William Taylor has moved to
the honse owned by„Mr.,&16Doliald on
the 10th concession. -
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wren visited in
St. Mary's on Sunday.
• Mr. and Mrs. G, Davis visited the
latter's father, Illy. Thos. Venner, at
Staffa on Sunday.
• Mr. Allan- and, Miss Maud Miller,
of Cromarty,, visited at Chiselheirst
on Sunday. ,
' Mr. Noah..Horton and Art 4 -ones
have bought the fifty -acre pasture
farm from Mr. 'Stewart on the 12th
of Hibbert. •
IVIISS 'Wellwood, a returned mis-
sionary, gave a fine talk on China
to a largecongregation on Sunday.
1VreSsrs, George and D. Parker
went to ParlthIll oul\ionday.
Mr. T. Harris -and son delivered a
large 'order of nursery stock for the
Maitre Grove Nurseries, there being
over $510 worth,
etsphere the order based on the
.to!ItS. Those, marked x in ss -
ed CRC or more sixam'Ine'ti;onsi Si4, IV,,
N resell -dig -ea Peal Webb, xel, 'Disler -
der.; ; Jr. IV,, S. Webb 'C Feats, xle,
felteson, ktaS011; Se fn., D. lee-
iardeiee eA. Disjardlfac, .T.
jr:, 111,, G, ,Baker, H. TYitardine, 111., •
Masem, , sA. La t Lo ; S
R. Masion, aA IVEaspii,':•,; A cle crt
sea; le II,. NO, 'Mason. NI \V - IN*,,„
\ * Wrebb ; Pt -1, 11 Diejaedifte.
Me shin, 'eV Latta ; Prinrs r, V. 'Baker
Dev;'!ne E. Brooks', teacho:,
For night a
d day service, try
alise Mary - Wilson, visited lier
iog her ighter, E. Eimer,
rs.' 11 in -ee Lee) ow, is visit-
graltdInotlier, in London; tor a few
days last week.
Mrs. Barney Brown is visaing lier
daughter, Mrs. Harry, Swelezer, ii
Kitchener. ,
; Word has been,. received from Rev.
aliunaoteltiel • 11-,,Yagt isN'Vset,a-tileivrielec(101111e
11:. 1‘,f1°'
Hunch to our midst again.
Miss Lila 'Kuhn, returned Monday
to Alma •College,ttiftee Sete.eirding
holidays with lier parents, Mr, and
and Mrs. Harry Kuhn. ',
Iler. Garnet Sweitzer, made a busi-
ness trip to Texas last week.
The members of the Junior Lea-
gue of the Methodist Church niet at
the home- of Mrs. Geo. • Clark last
Friday te make scrap books for the
sick cbildren'S hospital.'
Good progress is being made at the
Methodist cherche Men are busy put-
ting •in, ltlie ceinent; foundation.
Master 'John Hauch has 1)e011 ill
with bronchitis, we hope he'll soon be
out again.
Mr. Chas. Zwicker has purchased a
Ford truek.
Mrs. Isaac Hill has returned to lier
home, 'after her recent operation ill
Victoria I-Ioepital, London.
Mrs. Freeman Morlock continues
to be quite low at lier home here.
A quiet Easter sveddin&tookpiae
at the Evangelical pa1sonae,-0,-Zuriel
O n 'Saturday, April et 10.30 '
au. when, Miss Boxie B. younges
daughter of Mr. C. Either, was unite
in marriage to Mr. \Valiant P, Fran,
Waterloo. he bride wore her travel
ing suit ee eavy tricotine, with bleed
hat and neek piece of grey squirre
andwore a coureage baguet PI rosee
Her only ornament was the groom'
gift, a pentlant of white gold set witl
diamonds. Miss M. Iloutledge an
Mr. Chas. Either witnessed the cere
many, the groom presenting the for
mer with a string 'of pearls and th
latter -with a tie pin set with pearls
A dainty wedding, dinner was served
aL,.tlie bride's home, Mr. and Mrs
Frank left on a honeymoon trip to
Buffalo, N.- Y„ and 031 City Pa. On
their return they will reside in 'Wa-
A quiet 'wedding took plaCe Easter
Sunday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
.1. G-. Smale, ,3007 Fulton street, Ber-
California, when their second
daughter, Mary Elizabeth, was mar-
ried. to Mr. Herbert Distin ...Johnson,
San Francisco. Miss Smale has, dur-
the past year, beela 'engaged in• pro-
fessoinal nursing, being a graduate
of the Alta )3ates Sanitorium in Ber-
keley, mid a Registered Nurse of the
State Of California. Mr. Johnson is
connected with one of the larger
banking houses of° San Francisco, in
which city the young couple will
matte their home. • Older residents!
of Exeter will remeniber Mr. and
Mrs. Smale, the parents of the bride,
as they formerly lived here; Mrs.
Smale is a ',niece of Messrs. John and
Samuel Essery of Centralia, and a
daughter of Mr; Andrew Dempsey,
forieerly of Exeter and now of Tor-
onto': • •
4 quiet wedding took: -place on
Wednesday, April 19th, at 4 o'clock,'
at the Trivitt Memorial church, when
Rev. A. A. Trumper united in mar-
riage, Ena Bride, eldest daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Box, to Norman
Cecil`Ford, soil of Mr. J. Ford, Exe-
ter North. , MisS' Verda Box, sister
of the bride acted as bridesmaid
while Mr. I.,awrence N. Hill attended
the groom. The bride looked. charm-
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fletcher, of
Sunshine, visited- Sunday .at. IVIr. Will
eIVIr. Edgar Hunkin, visited last
week with his sister, Mrs. Ed. Pollen,
in Exeter.
The Misses Millie Pollen and Pearl
Klien; of Mitchell, visited Sunday at
Wm. Pollen's;
Mr. Andilew.Hodgert and family,
Visited Sunday at Mt: pleasant.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Vennand
babe, of Chiselhursta and Mr. and
Mrs. Wm.- Mclaren and, Ruby, of
Cromarty, visited Sunday at Mr. A.
Hunkin's. ,
The annual, Meeting, of the Far-
quhar Women's Institute will be held
at the home of Mrs. Wm. Pollen on
Tuesday,' May 2nd.
' •Mr. Charles, Hooper, Ter popular
egg dealer, isagain on his routes.'
Centralia -
Miss Helen 'Anderson spent Easter-
eveek in Toronto, attending the con-
vention of the 0.13. A.
. .
°Mies,eeiolet ,Whitsides; who recent-
ly' underwentan operation for appen,-
dicitis has returned home.:
, Rev. Wm. Patterson, D. D. riof
Cook's Church Toronto', preached an-
niversary services in Carmel Pres-
byterian church on Sunday. Hogave
a lecture on Monday evening on "Ore
igin and Destiny of the British Em-
The annuarmeeting of the W1VI.S.
of the Methodist church was held on
Thursday April 13th. The following
officers weie elected: Hon. Presi-
dents, Mrs. Johnston and Mrs. Henry
Pres., Mrs. E. Rennie; first vice pres.
MTS. Merner; 2nd vice 'pres. Mrs.
Pearce; rec. she. Mrs. Caatelon; c�, -
sec. Miss Pybus; treas. Miss Moore;
pianist, Mrs. Rivers. •
Your contribution will •help the
Salvation Army to deal with ite
World Problems and meet the needs
of• the DESTITUTE, the FALLEN,
THEN. t.
Canada East Objective— $250,000.
Purpose of the Fund
The maintenance of Social In:
stettitiens for men, women, and child-
ren in, Canadb., East.
2. The 'assistance of Officers in
sparcely populated districts and in
the poorer sections of the, city.
3.t.The erection of suitable proper-
.11,1es, for Social, Evangelical, arid
c,hildeen's work. .
II. Canada's allocatien to the Mis-
sionary Field. Forty Canadian Officer
Missionaries are now in India, China,
Japan, Korea, Africa and Java.
Freely Ye Have Received Freely Give
Your contribution is money wisely
invested in` sane and practical World -
betterment efforts. The greater
,part of the activities of the Salvation
Xriny are undenominatienal.. They
help ALL ALL should Give! Exe-
ter's target -1250.00
Mr: Chapman, Treasurer of the S. D.'
• Campaign in. Exeter, or to one of tee
committee of tateraesers, or to the
local S. A. Officer, Capt. McGillivray.
• Weddings
'A quiet Wedding took place at the
Trinity Lutheran parsonage, London,
Thursday 'afternoon April 20 at 3
o'clock, when Alberta Sophia, daugh-
ter 'of Mr. and Mrs. George Koch, of
Dasliwobd,'evas' Married to Mr: Chas.
Russell Pitt., son of Mr. and Mrs, Geo,
„Pitt, 'Rey., M. Bruer offielating. The
bride wore a smart snit of navy blue I
tricotihe and blue mohair hat with I
henna trimming. Mrs. John M. Dale
was her sister's bridesmaid, weareng
gOVva of uavy canton crepe, richly -
embroidered, ' and a black hat. Mr. I
John M Dale supported the groom.'
Folio wing be ceremony Mr. and Mee.
Pitli left on a honeymoon trip to Tor-
onto and naatern PnintS, 'Upon their
Awortderful finish for floors,
furniture, interior,Woodwork
•Clear varnishiCind stairt
colors, cherry, oalc,walnut„
Shows the irain or the
wood and is easily ciectnea
ade to walk on
"Save the Surface and you save a
J. Hearnan
Mr. Roy, Golding, of Kirkton, has
been , engaged: ae organist of, the
Presbyterian Church of St. Mary's,
Mrs. Somerville, wife of Mr, Wm.
ISomerville, who for many years was
express agent at Seaforth, died in
Toronto on Sunday.
on the side of ahaske,t, I guess she
just came out of the shell and hopped
up there, I wonder What she will
thinjc when she sees what is around
her. There were five little chickens
standing around, • I think they inust
have been waiting for tea. -One
chicken was 'walking past a rooster
and he cried out "Where are you go-
ing?" The chicken replied, "I ane go-
ing to Powell's Bazaar. There were
two balls and a nice little top, who
ever gets them will have some fun.
One side there was a rabbit in a bas-
ket eating a carrot, I hope lie finishes
it so none of the rest will get any. At
the other side was a basket with a
chicken in it and holly too, I hope
the holly don't get poiled so that he
will have it for Christmas: • A. don-
key carrying straw, I suppose it was
for it's bed. One chicken was dres-
teed up as, a clown, I guess he was
getting ready for an entertaiimeent
In the Easter holidays. Two _little
chickens dressed up in their yellow
and -white 'dresses. And there Were
some maple buds, if I were there I
would eat them. .A., chicken must
have a tile for its nest for there are
eggs in it and a rabbit standing up
beside them. There was lots of green
grass for the rabbits and chickens.
That is all I can remember.;
Kathleen Reid, aged 9 years,
Exeter, Ont. -Box 126
ingly dressed, in a blue botany serge
suit and sand tricolet blouse with
a •black°picture hat. After the cer-
emony a daint- wedding& supper was
served at the home of the bride's pare
ents to about thirty invited guests.
The dining room was decorated -with
yellow, pink and white streamers and
ellow daffodils., The same evening
Mr. and 'Mrs. Box held a reception
for the newly wedded couple;„ -when
about sixty guests enjOyed musical
selections and games until the wee
small hours in the morning. The
-gifts were numerous and`costly show-
ing the high esteem in which, the
young couple are held: The groom's
gift to the bride was a handsome
pearl necklace, to the bridesmaid a
brooch and to the best man a set of
cuff links. Mr. and Mrs. Ford left
Saturday morning for %their future
home in Detroit. •
Knox Presbyterian church, Cal-
gary, Was the scene of a pretty wed-
ding on Saturday afternoon April 15,
at 2_30 'clocks ,when, Amy- Luella
Jackson, daughter of 'die. Unity
Jackson, became the bride of Mr.
David Elston, of 'Edmonton, principal
-of the Elston business college and an
Exeter Old Bey. The church was
beautifully decorated with Easter lil-
ies ferns' and palms. The, Rev, Dr.
McCartney Wilson perfermed the
ceremony and the bride was given in
marriage\by W. J. Fleeton G. H. J.
Rendall, of Mount Royale college," preie
sided at the organ and played the
Bridal Chorus, from Lohengrin 'and
Mendelssohn's Wedding ,Mareh. Dur-
ing the signing of the register, Au-
gustus Arlidge sang "At Dawning."
The beide was gowned in cream, sil-
ver cloth trimmed with pearl- trim-
mings, and, carried a bouquet of Eris -
ter lilies: Miss Miriam Elston, of
Edmonton, and Rodger '',Dickie; of
Calgary, signed the register „with the
bride and groom-. • After the cere-
mony, Mr. and Mrs. Elston, with Mrs,
Jackson, received in the church par-
lors, Many friends extending their
good wishes to the bride and bride-
groom. Many beautiful gifts also de-
monstrated the good will of the nu-
merous friends., '
Mrs. Elston is the owner and man-
ager of "The Westerner," western
Canada's financial paper. ' Although
the management of the publication
Will go ihto other hands, Mrs. Elston
ietends to retain the ownership.
s cN TARTI irci AS v s To Rico's
Rheumatism and similar troubles
' loyariablY Yield to this T.R.C.'s (Tent:
pletan's Rheumatic Capsules) treat -
meat. Many doctors and numy hun-
• dreds of,druggists from coast to coast
•will confirm this truth: The hundreds
of testintonial letters In our files show
ttrityritihT:g.cimisaxhaeyneses.tiecepsrstfiga: :sit:vast:1d
Rhetunatlisin, Lumbago, Neuritis, Sci-
But the best evidende Is your own ex-
Perttnee. " u6tIclied tIonlinjuricms remi
ritlea and acute Neuralgia of all hinds.
y suffer We Want you to
edy nt Par 6 P . iireb trial write
, ell, may lie thee' will 10111 the- band.
.9 Colborne J .9 0 0
nwe3• Intigsr•010, nixe1,01', I too Tlitsre was a roost°
.00 per bo t nt
T ie Co S T
rOturn they will reside, in t.,ondoni
pretty wings. A Chinaman drawing
a chines° cart. • I saw a toad -stool
and a little rabbit at one side, if it.
rained he would be lucky because he
-could pop ender. There was a rab-
bit sitting on a basket, and a chicken
• Letters of Interest
• (Continued from page one)
I served those long years with one
Charles Eaerett, and all the :wages I
got was one' hundred dollars for
those four long years. I had to chithe
let -self out oe the money. I earned; I
got my board thrown in. I often
loak back to the Old days and think
of the boys I knew and wonder how
many "of them are alive. As regards
to' the young ladies,. I didn't know
many ot them'as I had no fund's to
throw away' on young ladies, but
there were sports in those days which
the young folks' enjoYedr
After travelling and working a-
mong the -Yanks for 15 years I drift-
ed to _this country with the daughter
of a •farmer from near Zurich by the
name of Joseph Rife. She made me
• one pf the' best pareherstI could have
• chosen. When we came out here in
the year 1884 we went through the
Reil rebellion in 1885 and we have
been heee ever since that time. .-We
raised"seven boys and one sweet little
girl. We educated them, giving them
.a third and seeond ciass standing.
Two Of tifeeb'oys are 'druggisfe, three
general store keeeers, one a railroad,
conductor and one a Postmaster. My
daughter is a milliner in Saskatoon,
manager of a large business there.
Now Sir, I must tell you that I had
three bOYs that enlisted for thegreat
world .war, two who went and one'
was turned down. The two came
back after five years hard fighting.
One of them happened to be our baby
and he got all sheet up, lost the use of
his hip joint ant:teals° of his knee and
it has left him a cripple for life. But
he returned home aleve, a whole lot
to he, thankful for. When they en-
listed I advised them to be men of
quality and stand by their guns and
fight until they died, but never let
the Germans take them captive. They
were in the thick of it all the way
through. When the Canadians took
Viney Ridge my boys were there and
were wounded, They termed. it "Hell
on eatthe'
Now Sir, remember me to all the
old boys. There, were the Bissetts,
the Carlings, and a lot more ib
could just stop to think of their
nathes 1 woeld like if I could drop in
smile time just to take a glimpse of
the 'old town. but it appears to me
that the terwn has made many chang-
es since, I last saw it. ' I was raised
half a mile south of Dashwood., on
the 12th • concession of Stethee. I
left there when only a mere boy.
I saw in the Exeter Timee a few
weeks ago of the death of one John
Graybeil, that I knew ever since he
came to that put of the country. He
was an old friend of my father and
mother. They, too, have passed
to, the Great Beyond. Be sure and
remember me to all who may remem-
ber me.
am Sir, yours truly
W. T. Beirner.
Tuesday evening as I was walking
down the street I came to Mr. 'Pow -
ell's 'bazaar. Looking, at the win-
dows I noticed that one Was decorat-
ed for Eastee, se I stopped and look-
ed up and I saw a notice saying, that,
any one under 41 year of age might
Write a composition on the window,
so I decided I would try.
The first thing that took my eye
•was a cute little bunny 'going mit of
its little ._hoine in a tile, for a walk.
,There were two very pretty post
cards, I can't just explain them, and
there was a, Very pretty vase of Care
nations sitting in a tray, 1 hopo none
of the rabits or chickens come and
knock it over or take them, there
were dote of stones end pebbles a-
round it with a little rabbit's house
at the edge. Some chines° Were out
walking with their umbrellas up, T
suphoSe they bad just finished eating
their dinner of rice. There was the
cutest little chicken beating a druni
and some rabbits coming Over to list -
Fit'arliNTPElenlie tgreille
Western Ontario's best
commercial School with
Commercial, 'Shorthand
Telegraphy departments.
We give individual instruc-
tion, hence "Entrance"
standing is not neceseary.
Graduates assisted to posi-
tions. Get our free cata-
logue for rates and other
D. A. ItlicielleeilLAN,
Principal .
Wire Fence
6 line wires, 40 in. high, 9 stays,
per rod 33c.
7 line wires, 40 in. high, 9 stays,
Per rod 38c
8 line wires, 40 in. high, 12 -stys,
per rod 47c
Compare these prices with mail
order firms.
White Pine 1x6 V siding, $40.00
White Pine lx8 in, 10 in. and 12 in.
Ashphalt Shingles, 13. C. Cedar
Shingles, Cedar Posts and lots of
Frost Fence on hand:
- A. J.
Ruexcellod diting car, sorvi
Sleeping ears, on eight trains and -
parlor cars on pailieipal day trains.
Full infeenia,tioe from, any Grand
Trunk Tieket Agent or C. F,. Hor-
ning,District. PaSS en ger-"" Agent,
N. J. DORE, Agent, Exoisu'.
Plwne 46w.