HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-4-27, Page 47tit, -0; 1k11111 � Iill l �� � iII11I I I ilii .ill til it 11 I I , �� �I I � I 11111! II11! !11_ _ IlII li II !1 1 f! III Ifllll !II �Illllif#IIIIIH ,,1111 �, � p_ I i i 1 1 I� ! IIIi�lI1IIIII!liilllillll�lllll1111�11111111111! I �. �. ��, � u.�����.� � ! .! I iIiillllll1111111111 Illil�illlliillillll�l1111IIlIll111lI111lI1ilIN iI I I i L � :. ! I I.16 lIIiIIIi� The .following -is tiie Easter report of Winchelsea Schoo1,,S, S. No, 5.IJs borne. Sr. V—Wesley Heywood, 73; Wal - "ter Johns, 70;*Thos, Heywood, 70; 'Harold Hern, 66; Reg,'. Delbridge, 65; Tennyson Johns; 64; I -carry Gre- gory, 61; Norman Routly, 55, Jr, V --Ewart. 'Cornish, 73; , `Mil- died Bell, 64; Isabelle McCullagh,, 63; 'Luella Gower, 58; Mervin John- son:56; *f(iarnetJohns, 54; 'Jessie' Books, 49; *Morris Brooks, 45, Sr; IV -Mildred Routly, 68; e.Ag' nes Creery, 3;Ve11n,�- „,," mown 4Ina ;Jaques, 50. Jr. IV—Alex. Johns, 69; Marjorie Delgridge, 67; `*Cyril Cornish, 54; 4' "`Ward Hern, 54. Jr. 1V -,Lena Heywood, 53; "'*"* Alrna Hern, 51. Those who failed in ?one esamin- ation. °,fi° Those who failed; in two;. examinations, 'Lila McCulloch, tea- cher. Get into vides Plest ma he Big Puzzle R CTU Pasti &for Pla fur People. Prizes for Persons with P y objects beginning i the letter Pluck' can you find in this picture 'Contest Closes May 27th All ages will find this -Puzzle entertaining and instructive, TO °URI READERS How many objects the names of which begin with the letter "T" can you find in this picture? It's a big game in which everybody can take part. Who can find the most such objects? Take a pencil and get busy, Everyone in the .home, Pa, Ma,, Bob iy, Mary Ann, Grandma and Uncle Bill. First see who gets the most at home, Then combine your list and send in the big list to Tiie Times office valid" if your ,list has the. largest number; of correct words youa etp g prizeof $3.00.,:, But if with your answer you sena in $1.50 for one year's subscription to the Exeter Times `you 'get $10.00. If you send in two subscriptions you get $20.00 asfirst prize; and if you send in three subscriptions including one new subscription you get $30.00; and if you send four subscriptions, including two newones, you will re cel ve $40.00. See table of prizes elsewhere inthis an-„+ nouncement. Subscriptions to the United States $2.00 a year. There is no hitch or trickto this puzzle. It is easy and above board. It's the contestant with the 'sharpest eyes that will find the most objects and win the big prize, , It costs nothing to try in the first s class. Van will want the paper for another year anyway so you might as well get into the second class, But to make the acne g really exciting and worth while, get into the fourth class by sending us a new .subscriber; or better"still, into the fifth class by sending us two new subscribers and win a prize of $40.00, , It's going to be some fttn. Now who gets the big ze? ,Can you find 50? Probably even more. 1 "The early bird e ” 'you know all shout` ft, So: do not` delay,but rt today, 'COPYRIGHT, 19222 by Tribune Printing Co, Willmar, Mina. HERE- ARE THE PRIZES.. ;OFFERED If no subscrip- tion is sent with answer. First ,Prize $3oo Second Prize 2-.50 Third Prize 2./�/� . . , �V 1V, " Fourth Prize .1.5o lIf two.-:' year's ,subscription in 'eluding one new subscriber is -sent in with the answer. If ..one • year's' 'If . two - , year's subscription , , is subscription is sent in with the sent in with the answer.. answer. $1.0.00 7.50 4..00 3,® Fifth Prize 1,o0 2®0o h . is 1�e . �. .. 50 � 1.o Subscribers .more than one.; year in arrears,:who-pay for tional to the prizes ;in 'the third class for each year paid;' $20,00 $30.00 5,00 20tioo, ,5o :12®oo If four year's subscription in-. eluding two new subscribers is sent in with the answer. 7.5o 4moo 3000 . T: $44,00 250 oo 15 o 1O.00 7,50 00 Maass S. S. No.. 7 (SfIPIs-A) STEPOEN The following is the report of S.S. No. 7 (Shipka public Lschool. The report is based on the different` school subjoets. Those neared e were absent for part of the tests, Sr. IV Ronald McEachen, S2; Verna Sharpe, -80; Jack Lochner, 77. Jr, IV=Eddie Wilson," 66. Sr. III --Bolden Schroeder, 79; Gouldy Schroeder, 78; Edna 'Wilson,* 59. Jr. III -Elizabeth f-Ioulalian, 75; Tillie Dietrich, 64; Willie Lochner, '51; Eileen Baynham, 43; Martha Lamport; 42. Sr. II -Doris McKellar, 34; Lloyd Baynham, 77; Margaret Houla.han, 74; Katherine 1VfcEachen, 68; Lornie Dietrich, 63. Jr. II=Beatrice Baynharn, 73; Ar- thur Baynhani, 73; 11a Sweitzer, 72; Toni Lauiport, 50. Sr. I-- Arnold Baynham, 94; Mar tha Gower, 64. Int, 1 --Freddie Schroeder, 98; Ev— elyn Sweitzer, 92; Mildred Lamport.; 83. Sr. Pr.—ituth Gaiser,100, Russell_ i1ejliu, 100; :Sammy'Sweitger, 100, Int. 1'r.—Jean .1V1cK,ellai, 95 " Jr. Pr. -Roy Deitricli, 100. No, on roll 32. ager, atter, 30 Lavina Smith, teacher.. ;DEATH OF MRS, 'J. 13. 1t+ ORUEST' very "Sadden ",death, took, place in; Hn a, ril• LipayiiharodtS, belovturdayed April wife of15 Mr. T, 13Annie. Forrest in her 47th year. The late Mrs. Forrest who was in her, usual' health was taken suddenly i11 on Fri -- day evening, becoming ;unconscious and passing away early Saturday morning., -,Mrs. Fox -rest was thea daughter of Mr. and MrS, Henry Lip pbardt;of Zurich and 'is survived by her husband, . Mr. John B, Forrest,.. three sone, Ward, Cooper and Lewvia• of Handle, Sask. "' KIiX—McLEAN The marriage oP Margaret, daugh--' ter al .Mr. and'Mrs. J. C. McLean, of." Kippen, to William Hay, of Niagara. Falls, Ont. was quietly solemnized at, the Presbyfterian church, Kippen, o>z Wednesday of last week. • Rev. Mr;. Lundy' conducting the cereniony., The bride wore a navy blue suit with. a black hat., The happy. couple were' unattended. After the ceremony a. '. dainty "luncheon was served at the- home of 'the bride's parents. Tire°:' dining room ?being - very* tastefully, decorated. Mr...and Mrs. Hay ^ took-- the ook --the afternoon, train from seaforth for - Niagara Falls where they will niakew their:, future home. nVICTORY LOAN COUPONS N We will cash your Victory Loan' Coupons or place them to your •credit In our Savings Bank where they will draw' jnterest at 3%; per annum. THE CANADIAN BANK F COMMERCE Capital Paid up $15;000;000 - Reserve' Find $15,000,000 ,.Exeter'Branch, - F. A. Chaipman,,Manager Crediton Branch, 1 Daeiavvood Branch, R. Sr Wilson, Manager THE LSONS BA1' INCORPORATED 185c Capital Paid Up $4,000,000 Reserve Fund $5,000,000 Over 125 Branches' WHY , BEEP SURPLUS MONEY IN TIIE ROUSE? --It is dangerous Better to take this money to the. nearest Branch of The Molsons Bank and deposit it in a savings account where it will be absolutely safe.;: (Money may be'deposited or withdrawn by mail.) EXETER BRANCH" T. S. WOODS,' Manager Centralia °Branch open for business daily Safety Deposit Boxes. to rent at the Exeter Branch one year 'in advance will receive 10 "per cent- addi- 'THE USBO1INE AND,, HIBBER'JL > RULES OF [THE CONTEST 1. -Contest closes May 27th, ,1.922, and 'all answers must be mailed on orbefore that date. 2. Any one living in or outside of this village may compete in this contest. Employees ,of thisP aPper and any one else corrected with The Times however are barred' from participating. 3. Answers should be written on one side of paper only. Writeour name n vie and address ' plainly at the 'head of your lists. If you write of anything else use a separate sheet Of paper. 4, Only English ngiislt words found in the dictionary can be used. Obsolete words will not be counted, however. 5. A word used once cannot be used again as part of a compound word;, and only compound words as given in the dictionary as such, will be allowed: 6, The same object can be named btit once, This does not preclude however tete naming of an object which i5 a part of another object." 7. The word may be given in the singular or plural form but if the one is used the other cannot be. 8. The first prize will be awarded to the contestant 'whose 'answer has the largest and nearest correct list of words of objects (found in the picture) beginning with'. rice letter "T", Second 'prize to the next, etc. "Neatness and penmanship will not be taken into consideration, but every contestant should be careful obouttl that. no mistake Will ;be "made. ' t xe spelling, so 9. - Oily one prize will he awarded to members of the same house -hold, or t� any -group outside of the fam- ily who mayhave co-operated in the answering of this puzzle. ' • 10. The judges will be three well known citizens of this community having no connection with The Exeter Times` and will be " selected for 'their fitness for such a task. The award' of prizes as detirmined bythese .,.. t njudges will be' fznal an each e d c Contestant agrees to abide`bY their decision. w® moorMilir 11, In arriving ,at'this decision the judges, will al_ low oi'le point for each correct word. A nrargin in o g f 15 incorrectwords will beranted to begranted each contestant to al- low for a possible 'legitimate difference of opinion; but each incorrect word abov„e-that nulnber will count one against. 12. If- two contestants tie for the first place . the first and second prizes will be divided between' the :two. pro rata according to their class, „The next highest •w'll g receive the third prize, etc. 'If three tie for first place, the first, second and third prizes will- be divided.be,ween -E' the three in the same manner, etc. EX ET QNTARI 4111 liiliilll � IIiIllilil1lilll1ill ” 111ii�1111i11111111 I � � � , 1 Illlli�lllllllililllll,l: � �� � � � , .dd� hill#lllilI111ll�flllllllIli�i1I1111111lLilillli � a , e Q I , IIII,il�1ii1111llilllilbli.i�i.il,llll�1111,11111111!l�III1111111i1111!llllllil � . iii1111IIiI11111111l1_ 0.11009,14 FARMER'S MUTUAL FIRE .INSUE- ANCi COMPANY. Head Office, Far. j char Ont., President, Wm•; _BRO CK' Vice -President, JOHN ALLISON DIRECTORS THOS, RYAN JOHN' . ROY RJY RO>1T. NORRIS, 'JAMES McKENZIE ®i1llINTF1 QOHN USSJ RY; Centralia, Agent for Usborne and Biddulph. OL . YVZQ11' Ii®:RRISI, lolunTO, Agent for- 11.ilibert, Fullerton and Logan. W. A. TURNBULL, + Secretary -Treasure R. I1;: No. 1,, Woodham.P .GLADMAN & STANBURY Solicitors, Exeter. DE. EEMit A.` COI1SAUT0 Veterinary Surgeon`"' Oilicei1 aker's Livery. on .James St. Calls promptly attended to day or night. Phone 8. DR. A, It. KINSin"CAN; UL.D., O.D.S. Honor Graduate of Toronto th iyer Sit. DENTIS Office over G.ladinan ; Bc . atanbury'S office,' Main Street, iilxetor. tis e 'iii the T);r>ries,'` pry s. MONEY TO LOAN VVe„-have a large. armount of privatt► '' ,,Hinds to loan onrfarin and -village »'- properties, at” :lowest 'rates :of ins. threat. OLADMA.N 4 STA:NB YJRY'. BarrLeters, Solicitors, .. - DSain St. ,"Exeter, Ontario PERRY P. D0VP1i, Licensed Ano* tioneer.- -Sales conducted In any loc- ality. Terme moderate,, Orders left, at Tunes Omce will be promptly at- tended to. Phone 116, Kirkton', Address Kirktoa P. O.' )` • DR. G. ll', ROULSTON, L,D.S.,- DENTIST , Office over I. R. Carling's/ Lake 0 Closed every Wednesday' afternoon, USE `DIAMOND OYES" Dye 'right? Don't- ride your material. Each pack- .,lige of ?I)iamondDyes"-con- tains directions so simple that any woman cars. diamond -dye a new, rich: color• into old garments,`; draperies, coverings every- thing, whether Svoo1, 'd;i11 ,' linen, cotton or /nixed goods.:. lluy "Diamond Dyes"—ne oilier kIntl- then perfCet�re- eu1ts are guaranteed, even 'if. Bou have nevar dyed lieforee. Druggist ha , `Diamond 1)y s• Color Card"--�'t rich colorer