The Exeter Times, 1922-4-13, Page 3/Mien 'Crawford An Active. Boy Scoot. The name of Allen Orawfoed and hts, ;exploit in planting the British flag oil. N,Vrengel esla;nd has recently Attained woeld-wide publicity, He he ,Moet eme Pilaf ically not the ewash-buclelieg,trYPe usually ; ties o ei it tett in th .!u1>lie with men who sail ;the high -Seas, claim 'territory for their cohltisrids, and plant flags. He has been: leeown ititherta: f Or, 1111$ -1 0 Cal ill tonOsts retheerthaa for . wand,eriee-e, ter , hel.'ettetnor, aS elect:legion mahager of lice) 'University et,reerenteeeetainous humor- ;oue publication,'ffee';GobeitCe" rattier time his acquisitivgliees. Allah Clraw- f ore Was born -He ton, 21 years .age, and spentehie Childhood along thee alt?D'es et the mountain Eike outer' ;children, 1r'e 'used to ieameribout the laellet.e.tue-b4 nothing the d'Icle•thee, oept aseoniateng himself activelY^Wttli the 13oY'' Scouts, presaged the explora- tive bait of his nature which was sequently to make him ramous. YeL it Is certainthat his Boy ;Seout training was of ham -tense ealue to him vere it only the faet thai Preleared him ;or rather taught him„ to be. prepared for every emergency. ; New Troop for Bratteford, e Startng off with a rnembership of -60, a new I3'oy Scot .Troop was recently i11auguyatet1 at St. Basil's Sohool, :Brantford. Every public 'and separate school in the city of Brantford. now has a similar organization. Yen' Rev. Dean Brady, D.D., delivered an inspir- iiig address to the members of the new troop, emphasizing tee need for activity along Scout lines in the aver- age boy's life. Rev. Father Oritomin was present, assisting in the orgtireie-a- tion. Mr. J. M. Shattlevorth also spoke on in•attere pertaining -to the duties -of the Scout, Mr. Ve.-H. Emel'Y has bei appointed Sco;utmaster and be a.ssieted by Me. Gilbert Emery. The new tioop will have eight patrols. - City Sceuerna_sters Organiee. , , Ten,Scout ,ofecers of Ontario's three largest cities ; now have organizations of their own, .tofoster inter -troop co- operetion, mutual improvement along Scouting lines, and eoc(ability. Ot- tawa's takes the- form of "The Scout - mestere' Troop." Toronto's is "The C011ttnestere'ASS,Ociation," while 1"amiltoir officers work under the ne me of The ,S,cou tinaetere' .Cleth Lord Byng oi Vimy is one el' the in- structors of the Ottawa "Troop." Scout Landlords. The new 1st Beaton. Troop is the lest troop reported ;to have taken up he slogan -Every Scout a .Landlord." This •troop has been specializing on birds a,nd recently conducted a bird- house building contest. Mr, Stuart Thompson, the Torcerto naturalese of- ficiated, as judge and also gave the boys and their friends one of his in- imitable talks on bierts and bird lite, Splendid Work ef Field Secretary. Mr. Earle EL Davis,on, Provincial Field Secretary, recently made a ten- day organization trip through. Western Onteeio, and during that time he suc- ceeded in establishing nine new troops. Nearly a new troop a day! They are situated at the follo-wing centres: Carelachee, Warwick, Forest, Parkhill, Aliso, Craig, New Hamhourg, Wate;rioo, and two troops at Walleee- burg. When will your town. be 00 the Boy Scout weep? Canada's ...Maple Sugar. The maple sugar industry of Canada te confined to the provinces et Quebec, Ontario, Nova Scotia. -and NeweBruns- wick. Quebec ie by far the heaviest producer -with about 69,000 farmers engaged in ;the" inclueleT and account- ing for seeeety per cent of the Do - 111111i041 output. Quebec is preeminent- ly the maple sugar area of the con- tinent. Only small amounts are pea- rlueed in the other provinces :whereas itt, Quebec .the manufacture, is an im- portant industry, becoming more and more commercialized 'each year, and its impoitance is dnly reCognized ,by tire previncialegovernment which has framed legislation ftn. tie encourage= meat and protection. This recogni- tiou on the pert of the government of the great possibilities of an export trade has resulted in a resumption in production an a substantial scale after thearanufeetare lead signallytdeclined, and mere sugar and syrep is being yradacecl now than ever in the Itisrbory 01 Quebec, .,- .3a The End of 'a Perfect Jay. There was a little nisei And be lta cl a little match, And the fire was still glowing In its head, head, head", dropped it, in Hie wood, long the leaves lust -ivher'e he etood To light his pipe before lie tamped And made his bed, bed, bed. (You must admit he didn't Use his head, head hee,d). Soon thee ceeelefte 1)etend hliti if seem owe-- - Found the forest, all bolit hint Blazing red, reel, red; Be ren tu the brook -- Bid he wasti't tine' duck, And he floated ;to'theOiottoni Quid: EIS lead, read, lead. (Wlleu the forest ranger 11011 0111 :fle was dead, dead, dead). 1-;ysite, Domitnion Forest Ser vke. ACID STOMACH IS SOON OVERCOY _ WALTER BRODEUR SAYS E CAN NOW EAT ANY- THING N THE TABLE. < •SUffered So From Stomach Tronb!e He Dreaded For Meal-Tin/e to Come. , or tlie first, tinie in two yeaee 1 ean ciet 'a 'hearty meal 'with 1e.414' 01' distress afteival.ds and 1 certainly am Strong for Taml.p.c," said 'Walter Brodeur, '1472 -elite Hell ,Ave„8 Meht- realQue. eI hail acid, stoina:ch ofi the worst, sort and nothing agx.eed,witer me, Of- tentfor as lon;g.as an hour afte.r eating I felt that 1' was about to choke and would just te fight to get my bre4kt asoldg,tas so teoreieci and ner- 1 'dreaded, for night to ;bonte, ifikeiletint hourszeefereelliiigtand tose- ''Everything is clerteigad. tiow. 44:W- eyer:, arid'am-Ince a 110 W mane, eat what Iwant, sleep all nielet long with: out a break and getup in the morning feelizfg ; ; 'aett fresh. and ;active as .a boy." Taillike is sold by all good druggists, • -Advt. -tee Working toe-he:blurt is a study now - being taken 9p ireBritieh industry; by it all the workers on the same job do their work in eleecial movements, cut ting out evaete of energy and increas- Mg 'thole 'output eandconsequently their earnings. MONEee ORDERS. When ortleringitoods by mail send a Dominion Express Money Order. It has been csitirnated that 90 per cent. of the fires which accur in the forests' of Canada are- ealised by. hue man agtency. ' elinara'eleniment for Coeighsaedeolds Forestry Motion PI 11 Tlie eetial instiletts for iittereettlf lire public ie the, forests and their Pee tectiell have 1)(4.en continued. r.r Ile 5,0 ill10.1.1. cte illuetrated lectures, WIN TO stoiltoo 1,s end nietiteliatieit of literature to soiloot chieleen and to leotee.e Ilea/ to or Ill tbe forest, By the co-opera- tion of tile Publicity Brench of the Department of Trade and Commeeee, movieg plc:elites have been, telten of fires tied ; fire righting, and also of I. ree,p I an ti ate so that hereafter, Cane- d ian moving, pieture 0(3 -titres, lec- turers, andeducetional eastientione will net have to depend on pictures of suce ecenes from other countriee. It is .1-weet:t that the snowing of these films , theoughout Canada will give _Canadians some idea of the fact that their own country is in the vau of pro- gress, -Annual Report, Directcr of Forestry, Ottawa. ----------&'-------- It's Soking Acrain. Oicl'world's awfully tronbred; ; Men knew not where to turn • From luck and etrire and discord; Hate and•angee burial Everybody's worreleig, ' Everybody fears; Seems' „like ;things aye tutterteg--- -• Rank disaster nears! Ye-Ce'inidet al the „turmoil ' Rhino the; gra,ss;es briug, leaves eaidAltde. ape bizesl,1ng, Carefree birdies' sing; .Ae front the beginning, Corneae; anothet eining! - KEEP BABY WELL , , . , ... ....,,,,t, i T. :„. - 1i'llA Mothees who have little °nets' in the home find the Speing a time of great anxiety. At this sea,eoe conditions make et necessary to Iceen the be -13Y le-. doors. He is oeeen confined to over- heated and badly ventilated rooms and catches colds, which taCk hes whole syseene, To guard against ,this a box of Baby's flere. Tabletshouldbe kept in. tele house ,and an oectisional doee given the ,baby to keell, hie stomach and 'bowels voeking`iegularly. ' This will Prevent colds; conelipation or ellhigpeEt.30xmlities fa our deel,Y iliteeeotitee 'Many peepie LeClair arei. never eltinit of egaint Wo may talk with oertain 111011 eve eremeti, het tit 110 nothing about thee) latPl'e;se. . es us, nu zeeritQa indivictottlity their conversatien or their tippearauce that eeeteu"guilitM them 110111 multitudes Of otters, elle they pees otit of our „itteiletes hey pase out of our eight, There are certain ether iltaivid461$, hosve-ve,r, whem eve iney meet, bttt onipe, hut who learQ a lasting itnpree- sion ne; there le something about them that iimicee its indelible rnarlt 111 our naelItOry, because limy are force - impelling pee -et -realities. Teeee people, eeil institictively follow and ebee because there is 0 certain corn 1118,11.Cl tag quality in their mentality, they radiate for.ee mid masterfulness e - the others, no matter bow learned, how brilliant, lackine, thie quality, never make any lasting impreselon up!' on, us. There" is rrothing commanding in, their eature; tliey are simply more ;of the "also rane.e The hnpelling, nias;terfel pereorteettlets are the ones who get ahead; ;obstacles. get out of their way because they are dynamic genepelling. Did you ever feel yourself rein- forced, Your ability doubled, your power to do thingsi Me:teased tremend- ously in, the proseetee of some great personality yeu admired'? it seemed that you could do almost anyehing wheu buttressed and supported' py such an impelling ' influence, His qualities appeared' to coalesce for the time with your OW11 qualities, his al.tility to blend wetitt our ability, so 'that you feet that his power was added 10 YOurs when you wete in his Pres- ence? I-fave you never felt surprised at the thmgs you could say to such a .tp_oeii,,s1t,o_.iietiewIlicll you ,ne.v,er could say to . e to ottleene, Then again, eolic, and keep baby well. The Tab- eeneVESTIOENT. Good Comnany. . • fref.erred S100.00 Stock, -tylth elS aro i -e°441 113' mealcirle dealers OT by n or one common shave. I'rice Sioe.eo, mail at 21e a box ;nom The Do, Wil- ParliOulaTS iirorn CampbeIl, 40 Adelaide p West, Toronto. eame' eledicine.Co., Brockville. Ont• HEALTH EDECAT1ON BY DR. 1 3. WilD1)7,E,TON Previnelal Board of Healtht,,Ontarira Dr. eliddietcn will be glad to answer etiestions on Pitilla Health mse ters through this columa, Addreas him at Spada House: Stiadies Creseerit, Toronto. llsow , KininegLotnclieerge,rel\aTtmeiribilleur,gncy ye, and more recently, clubs hav-e been and Canada lies been almost phenom- Club movement in the United States Britain. The first club in England ginnings. It is intereseing lo note that meal and the worlt es still in ite, be-. was foemed Henyeffit in Devonshire, was re-assurancee confidence, sell - trust; slot -nein -le to make us do what was poseibie for us to do; someone to The gro--rvth;-2--of the Boys' and 'Girls' the inOvernent has spread to Great ter of the s•ituation. AD we needed elle to cape with 'elm occasion. But Success. suddenly ta strong personality comes power rush to oar aid!' We feel at need, no longer lacking, but whole, teee away Our doubt and our fear. - The your presence. What a relief, once lilte a new. person -no longer in complete, efficient. We are new mas- what add e cl support and but tie ss ing or eristis we feel weak and incompet- 11) ernes; , d- - in Is there any need ormothers to b with' th.e rand at Welwyn, Herefor rights of the home nor ciedieft, tee instructed by a Public Health Nurse as such ,l)e tolerated. It is r.el thee the -to how babies should be fed and cared desire nor the intention to talee the There earee beeeeeetete, eeteete-eees,".enc''I 101.9 diff0relll varioties of potaboes, ; ut only ta few ef ehese. are worth cultivaeing, • a -re of the child out of the hands of ; re not the proposition to have a the parents, nor to relieve them cie the nurse in every ;community an inter- responsibilit of thpe roe e • real ing• ferenco with the rights of the home? oT their offspring, but it is the earnest A coures,p;ondent in ,a -.Northern On- 'desire to co-operate with, and to as- terio newspaper recently asked these sist parents be- scientiec advice, to imestions. They are intelligent ques- tions and deserve serious ' Dr. J. W. S. McCullough, Chief Medical Officer of ,Health for Ontario, replied to -this correspondent, and his letter was published in the same news - 'paper in -which the correspondent's .questions. appeared. The whole matter is of absorbing interest, far _no more important. .prohlem confronts no to- day as a nation than the preservation of Idhildrlile, and .the np, of a 'healthier trace of _people. The urgent neLd for p, Public Health Nurse in eye:y community is apparent on 'read- ing these forceful remarks from the Chief ;Illedi_eal,,,Officer, of Health. to ;coin -plebe ;blindness in ene eye, are "No iattempt ,is made to interfere due to lack of eaely medical attention? asamemaimi... improve the physical mid the `;general condition of the.n.' children by iestruct- ing Ithem as to proper feeding, hous- ing, Sanitation, Test: and recreation, to achieve the best results in the de- vielopnient of those children, Furthe-r, the necessity for calling. n 'doctor is not ;alwaye apparent it a auffipientr.ly early stege to make the doctor's e;er- vice of the.greate:st. possible value to the child. How many 'tinisS liave chile dren been lost ithibilgli; scarlet fever, ,or sortie of the ,citther in- , . lectious -diseasesiebecause- of parents waiting too l'ongebefOre ealeing' a doc- tor? How many cases of defective eyesight amounting in many instances Haw -many cases of heart ;disease are due to neglected areas. of infection such as diseased tonsils and adenoicirs, or defective teeth? How many 'old young .0)011' are there in our country, beea,use infected areas kept dis- charging their dreita,ting products into the blood stream for years before the symptoms of the case became suffici- ently' urgent to detnand attention? Attention eliculd be drawn to defects at a stage sufficiently early to allow correction before permanent -disability ensues." 7.1teee remarks supply food for thought. All around us these very defects in the young are appar- ent, and yet ea many localities eitele or nothing 19 yet being done. But more and more the intelligent people of this province are giving; the pre- servation of .child life their serious consid era Lion . - en ill There 13e isarmarnent of Dinin Suppose everybbdy would recognizethe fact that there's no gain but much loss in ,keeping! up hostilities with the stomach! Suppose the ancient aggrava- tion of improper food on indig- nant digestive organs should be settled with guarantees of sen- sible diet and tranquil digestion! The saving would be beyond all possibility Of counting. 'lei millions go, on declaring war on the stomach and accept- ing war in return -r --loading up on starchy, heavy, unbalanced and highly -seasoned food at breakfast or lunch - and wonder- ing why cotnfort, hap- piness and efficiency are ‚out of reach. ,‘. ltda. of Whaat and, Btr/ty CArtvIla,nrerttart CQrteVCo,, LW. MCON'Omv. 00.4 MO'w.itr O. ape Grape -Nuts makes a :friend of the ;taste and an ally of the stomach. There's a charm and satis- faction to this delicious food which prompts appetite to say, "There's a meal!" and digestion to answer, "Thank goodness here's peace at last!' Grape -Nuts is the perfected nutriment of wheat and malted ba.rley-c•vve-t crisp and won- derfully nourishing. It digests quickly, and provides the neces- sary elements, including the vital mineral salts, for body, nerve and brain, Orcier,Grape-Nuts from your grocerindaY, and let a delighted taste pass a treaty of peace along. an enthusiastic digestion end assimilation. tits- t e B�dy BUittler "There sa R.;c1son" Neado by Cenadian iXAttatt 0.1051 Co., Ltd., Wind80r, Ont, :11 E FOUND RELIEF AFTER EVE YEARS .E.X1Sertiric.0 ,Tens How frEee7' S, ul d w whin to testity,'" sive, .eerr, R. A. 11. Hegheee of 'Hamilton, Ont,, 'ette ,to the eilleismoy 01 yam,. 1)t., Williame' Pialr Pelle 400. the following, eeasolle: I refereed lieme le May: 1919, alitet• nearly five years ebeence en army service, my wife bee changed from a healthy, robeeit -wienati, to (me whose life WrI,F.5 a burden and ordinary duties a in: es impossible. Tliro ugh war woeries, 101)03111055 and other tac' tors coul.ributecl throegli my uetivoicl- able alieence, health had been steadily encleizoing 'what might, des- cribe as an undernaleing Process, ;I:40 waezetillY aware from her 'letters that w.ottici not find her the same women, bete when 1 rettehed. home, I was terribly shocked to end her in the condition she was in. Her health:3' color had changed, Slie .seemed lees and her skin was sallow. She was Weak and listless, an.d with diffi- culty moved about the honse, See haittily ever moved out of the house as she became PO $110Tt of breath 'and feared she would fall during one of her dizzy epells, which site said were becoming more frequent. "The day I arrived home I visited our doctor, who is an old friencl, and, later through his advice, consultea with another physician of this city. Everything was* done that could be dune and many need:lei:les were pre- s;oribed aud faithfully taken. As these were et no avail I trusted that time alone would, suffice to build et) -whet had Fzeadealle been undone in the com•se Ofive years. Afte''I. twelve 1 mouths con Wens had become worse. Then I decided on chen.ge of air, gave my pcsition in the city and moved to the country. Even this did not do any goad, 1 think it added to her depression. "One day a frieu,d visited us and as a result of tneir conversation my wife made lib her mind to try Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. "I had not much faith ie what did, but procured three boxes. This happened nine months ago. was surprised to hear my wife say, after about the tenth (ley. 'T believe these pills are deltig me goad.' A week or so alter that certately believed they were, for 1 saw color returniug; to her cheeks and the -sallow, unhealthy color disappearing. The pills were certain- I, ly doing whet:yea (deem they well do, and ot her own ?tee will she continued them for about three, months. At the ; en.d of this time she see.med "quite a ; difeerenet woman. Life was worth liv- ing. The listteseness had gone and ste •;eould..-wra-tt --lap the .qteeto 1iL11,t which is halt a mile long, leading to t.t3.tho11&-LII,e_S•lighest• convenience. At this stage' she tceice= r continued the pills and she is lust as I well now as ever she was. "Naw, sir, I want to say I have every ealtle in Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, as 1' h.a,ve had proof. and 1 believe that what this medicine did for my wife, I it can do for others." You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills from any medicine dealer 00 by mail at 50 rents a box, cr .six boxes for $2.50, from The Dr. 'Wit:Mame' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont, April Rain.' Are they signs of sorrow and of pain, These down seanting deeps; of Aptel rain? Rather alter winter's chill annoy Seem they overflowing tears of joy! ' Scot:lard. relnard'seinirhoet prevents spenish Flu 4,7* The Cunning Aptograph Collector. - Many are the tricks that C111.111.111g autograph collectors have practiced to get a highly prized signature. Some men spend much time and patience on the task; others -like the driver of the local omnibus .at Rottingdeen, England, where Radycird Kipling set- tled down to livee-accomplish etheir purpose with little or no effort. The driver often annoyed Mr. Kip- ling by pointing at Lim Willi his whip and autlOuneing in a stentorian voice. "Here we have Mr. Kinlirg. the sol- dier poet." enUered in silence.until the l'oethicle ran into hie fa-vorite tree and damaged it badly; than be wrote a vigorous letter of complaint to the owner, who was landlord of the White Eferse '. The fellow laid tee letter before the select company of his bar parlor, and one and all advised 11111 to appear in- different. One man ofeerea him tell shillings ie cash for the letter. and ' the landlord accepted tlte offer, 8ee second aud stronger letter followed the fleet, anti the lendlore carried the autograph to a 'bookseller and "de - mauled a pound Ler it. The booksell- er eagerly mapofal it 111). aad the land- lord began to dream 0( 01010 inissiveS. noel day K i pile g en t e Peel briskly anti `1t3 den't I 3'0U1 letter, eir'?" said the landlord. "Why, 1 vas hoping yen wonid gelid A° a fresit one 11003' day. They eay a deal better than driving a bee!" Jobe ialways look soft to the 1,rol:cir- 0n., even yours does. Builtlia small •camp -re. 'Build 11 101 4110 e11e4r, not against a tree or log or nem' "bra S'erave ,Away the traell •elt round- it, 6.51JF, Mt+, 1 A Gigantic Salt Mine. tu the United States is found 010 a'reat6st,bc(1 GE selein the world, aver- aging at letter ,250 feet in tie:el:wee:: and e et end leg 070r---01, peoral):4 0110 ss,1(4ittitirtie IsnaiTcysn:ndel-en area Of 100,000 'The northern eed of this salt „bed, in Central Kalizettl, llas been hilOwn for many Yeats, but 1101 until recently was the fact mice:. tallied that it ex- tencle thence ie. a so^oth-westqrlY,05.r00- tion threuell Northwest; 01de-heel-a., Northwest ',Peelle and leastere NeW Meelco. This diseovery leas. been made , by numerous bOriate---aet tor salt, but ,for oil, gas aed water. ThiF4 VilOt bfg.1 'Or. salt exterels at 1;e1tet 6'50 aniles frciu north to eolith arid le 0 to 2.50 front east to west. In many parts it is more than 300 feet thick and iu eerne placee its thickness exceede 700 feet. Assuming an average thjekneee of only e00 f.eet, the bed Must contain at least 30,000 tons of self! it was 'formed by the evaporation during long ages of a. shalicvt/ sea, which in very ancient times co:Ye-red all that part of the United States. The clepOsit has great economic value, the salt being easy to lilies (as 11 10 ruined r even now in reensas) by the Simple ex- -pedient lioriegetwo liolee and Yore- ing water down ono of titern. The water comes up mut or the other hole laden with salt and is evapoeated 111 It is ;thought that valuable depoelis of potash salts may perhaps be foiled locally ia this' great basin of saline ac- cumulation. =CRIS, MOTh 11 eXCelferlt 18 11 incige5tion because it assiets stomach and liver to do their work naturally and efficiently. With the: orcans in perfect working ortler--indigettion is impossible. Tr.:, it today eele in 505. end 00 bottles. !I p IcitherSoi6ersb'vre OU can't da your best when your back and every muscle a.c ee leeth fatigue. Aii.P1SleVe's trihieficat freely, 2e/th- out rubbing', and enley a'pe.netrative glow of Warmth and comfort. Good 'fone rhetienatisnie neureigie, speaitis a.m." steiliese:adhils nntr tains, sczatiea, sore muscles, stiff joiete aeid ehe after effects of weather exposure. r For forty years pain's enemy. Ask your neighbor. Keep Sloan's handy. At all druggists -35c, 70c, 81.4-0." • cco Mtide in Canada. ecr wool, eliietly )1i'ay 0011)1148 (-1 20e Pio 111)01 te- 1 rr:101;;I:, elArt'y';4..7tl•A; e per a '01)110 f'- Ci5F1110tOW11 stt. Yoe. 0)111 lor 1e-erre:tete:A. rite; OTiila tleorerett:wn.Ca arii 1171 1.1t1' 111ir oS1 ;17°1; .;() TCF);':;711t'61' tor, aAT1110. ,t`1.11i.,qt,111401". 71,rit- ':1 r 1.1, 30 tt ,- a,L11,, 1' 1 t• (1, 4) i)0,1.A14ei'' .21.77.T.T.CILZ`S P001 11At..01 e9e9)':Itit '139.1.1;;:it'-1 i()L'"1";f11'4Etct,t'itl 7 , 41111)10 11) V(1 nU 1 ur nishi.ngs, .11.0.1111Y e10rac tot plAr009, e0111120 ret 8(0111110 1(1711011 0 0001(1113 si 0111 of beekeeping' rettutta•n)ents• 011,1 f our 00 10104110 I-10111 iirottrerS (JO parnYr 14u., •IvitinItt'aeturers, 140 • ti" Ont. tj151101 -nt. ; rt BEt_TINC Fon SALE ALI, KINDS OF f:IIINV AND I.T,§Rf* t'oltinS pulleys, eawseable,hose,paeklm.r. rte., ehipp.s-d. ta prtep1111'!(J s in an:011. yon ‚liS YORK, STREW?, TORONTO., The art, of ploas'n,..4 is the 'hrvi', 01. rising lo the won,ci, lhem iPe"efearlielet 3 11ere1r4:1-fl use the weeite o1 01 egg. ins,te.iid: water end tho piafitox afiot Nester. neatapp/.........onseuraganamsoloneassapte.e....".-. .11t.mdrictVe Moiteir Bog ItitezattfIlea' DOG DISEASES end Llow to'Feed Mailed 1.r...ree to any Ad. dress by- the Author: 'ZI;;4010.7' Cilover Co., 2210. 120 West 24/11 Street ..New York, ..-r„ -^assii3-,asuanunmacterx- wer - • Buil& Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS .11. CUFF TORONTO • 0101.010..C./0.0000/....P.M. 1F,101/ g'7101*';ii.S ,as ' The Lent:went Teat Relievee Al1 Ailments. , I Permanent Hair He Preluded by Cuheura Frequent shampoos with Cuticura Soap, assisted when necessary by gentle anoinlings with Cmicura Ointment, nfford tile purest, sweet- est and -most economical method of freeing the scalp of etchings and scalings and of establishing, a hair. growing condition. Soni 25c. Ointreent25and 50c. 'Meurer= Said throuhotit theDorn mion. CanadianDepot: 1.ymana, Limita, 344 St. Paul St, W., Afeetreel. Bilir*Cptivira Soap shaves without num, REGAINS HEALT Lydia E. Pinkhalnes Vegtable Compound Fork River, leraniteba„-"i saw In the neevepapers where Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound was doing so much good to 'women, and as f needed something 1 began to take it. I used to be very sick but 1 um not now, I Live on a farm in the home- stead district and we have to do all tear own work. 1 tell all the women see what Lydia E. Pinkbante Vege- table Compound does for me. I thiak it saves ole from going- to a doctor and is the best medicine women cate take."--eles. Wet. CoULTeet, Fork River, Manitoba. Lydia Fe Pinleham's Vegetable Compound is a medicine foie the alt - mento peculiar to women. It is pre- pared from medicinal plants, with/ care and accuracy. It can be taken by vronien of any age. Women nitrite a serious mistake it alloyfing themselves to become so weak and nervous that it is well-nigh impossible for4 them to attend to their necessary household" duties. Sucth symptoms as paine and irreg- ularities, all -gone feelings. backache, headache, hot flashes,' nervousness, with a general run-down condition, indicate some term of female trouble. The Vegetable Compound has brought reliee to thousands 01 women, , sufferiag from such ailments. Let -it help you. WARNING!. Sa3, "BaYer" vvlien you buy Asp Unless you see the name 'Sayer" oti tablets, yoti 'arc not getting Aspirin at all, Why take chances? Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tab4'ts or Aspirin," whicli contains directions mid -dose worked out by physicians during 2.2 years and proved, safe by tniffious to . . Colds lieadache RI, ellialatisrn .1° 'Iooth.ache Neuralgia Neuritis . . <, Earache L.tullbago, ,., : P Andy 1tBa-,%,*er" bmttes of IA tablets -Also )otth-la Mi. 24wad ,.i)il-,=-Drisggi,Sttti. - A), snIrla te, the trade yeark ,(rogisterea is Ceteett) of :easter etatelfeeetaf4lielitet4e" . eeeneee deatel. of sattcyllettela, "Arline' it le \vett 1111,5'O11101 AlOirtitAttrelf(litit:r 1,'Ne , Irtautt(a.,,,I.nre, to 8)1181 1110 attiAle 'twasInAt irattattena, tbe '.E'ebtotaOgittliwo wilt be earnee ;ettit thee", 5000101tvade,1008.01 1110 "01313031 ceesce" . . . eftle 1.10t usnian. for