HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-4-6, Page 3COPPled Lad a Tested $ceut. Crippled from the waist down 13'- •ye0r•0l'elervyn 3eckson oe Brantford hae paesed his tests as a full-iledged Tenderfeet S. 00,11 t and is now weli'on hie way 'toward his new goal of Second -Class Scout, A ilew Saturdays fig°. he Proceeded,. to, Co,01SI1111 it Basil, where the Ilth „Brant -Toon, DU Seen waid it aiding their profieiency tests.. A little friend.' 'Earle Pearce, assieted Youu Sasksoll on his "Boy Scout",,, wagon ain't drew him over the miles ei; °omen, road to the troop's rendez- .. Here tee 'determined youngster un- „ -deriver, t” all the, Woo dcraf t tests, of the B`oy Soolits,itlighting a ,fire Without the erRaper and ail' and with the ex- .• peaditure Of Only one match—a 'test which would baffle many an adult. He hobbled around picking up little twig's and Sheering these to,desired size soon had a creditable blaze. Deprived from infancy of the 'use of hie lower limbs • young -Jackson is undaunted and looks !Deward. to thertutuee with a quiet and :eourege,eitie confidence, He ,does net, intend to be dve eprid of the sport tad. . , joys o'f other lade ins own, siee, aS exemplified by his- keen interest in everyththg. to do with the Boy Seouts. igLfl alliillarRy CM the text-berike , and sitting in his little wagon, decked out in •allethe regalia.and uniform et tee orgenimation, he works—a Scout any Scoutmaster in Canada might be proud of.. Young Jhckson IS perhaps Ili e nios 'Cilitstanding; example in the whole of Canada among the ranks of the Bay .scouta o tne value of determination and disdain 'of natural litedicaps. Of-. ficials high up in the organization are keeping a watchful eye on the little MEDICINE .FOR'TIIE'SPRINcTIM. Do Not Use kIarsh i'iirgatjres— A Tonic is All You Need. Not $lek--bat not fooling 'quite well. elliat le the- way meost people teel the spring, Easily tired,* appetite eficitles soinett Mee 1/Pit'ClitelteS, and a ff3e1- ing of •, depressiion. Pinsplee gr erttP"' 011Sminy appear an the elidn, ler there may he twinges of •rheumatism •or geuraIgia.. •Any, of these indieate that the blood is out of order—that tne•ine door life of winter .letas left., its, Mark upon you tind may easily develop into more serious' trouble: • , , • De, not dose yieureelf with, purga- tives, as so merry peeress do, In tne hope that eyou„ can Rut ,yermi blood Purgatiyee golloR throughthe eystern and weakeninstead of giving strength. ArrY doctor will•tell you this ifs true What you need In the spring is a tonic that will enrich the blood, and build upthe nerves. Dr. Wits liams' Pink P.111 -s, to tilde issfeedily,. safely and surely. Elyery,dese olf this, medicine helps to enrich, the ' wbiph clears: the'slcia,-,streaigthens. die appetite, and makes tired, depressed men, women 'and children brig -he active and strong. , Miss S, L. Mc- Eachrose Nairn P,0., N.B., Says.; "I have been in the habit of taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in the spring ,ancl they lseep ine in the best of health, think it is entirely due to the use of these pills that T. always have such good health. - Sold by all, medicine dealers or. by mali at t0 cents a box er six boices for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, ()et. ess • Most men ;woulcl rather work some- one than work for ,sorneoire. Minard's Liniment prevents Spanish Flt fellow end his future in the Boy . Scouts promises to be a brig•ht one The story of the lab's effort am achievement has been forwarded 1 the Boy Scone world leader, Si, Teebert Bacien-Powell, Veteran Scoutinaster Rewarded, 8contma11ter Angust Miller; of th lst Wiarton''letiop'ileas 'presented, -on Monday eveiiing, Match 27th, with, the Medal, of Merit of the Boy Scouts As - sedation. in recognition '151: Tong and . continued servieele-to the 'Boy..Sdou Movement.Mr. Miller has been int cearge of 'the- WiarEdu" Troop fee more than ten years, during which time he has tt•ained manseores of Wiarton's boys. The preentation of the medal came as a complete surprise to him, as . it had been applied for by the local•- .eornurittee and awarded by the (ehdef coat for CanadeeeLord Byng of eV1111Y, and eIrtirelk" without his keiewleidee 'until he „Woe called forward by the Chairman of the Troop Committee to A Telephone That Tells No Tales. ei1 Secrets and intimate business mattes's" call bo disasuseed re.ely over- etre telephone 'heeeetor waird---end no .oeff except the pensbee eoncerned will be the wirier -a -by the uric: of a new device , that.prxweete the tOieedralle trent "telling. ' This telephone invention — the euperplione," ae, 'eels called—la an oirtgeowth 'et the "wired -wireless," t'Dit "line radio," deVeleped and perfected some. Years age hY Gen, CtoorSee Q, Squier, ehief eignal °Meer of- tee U.S. Armen It consists Of a small portable set of instruments . which nail readily be connected to telephones in resi. devices or 'office buildings'. It oneY takes a feW minutes to hook up one of the dey;c*es to the regular tele- Plione, The Apparatus is incased in a small', wooden 'hex and ;hooks directly to The bell box,of the telephone. Once' adjusted and in Place, 'the superphone is readyfor oonistant,service. It does ,irot *require any readjustment at re- gular intervals, It occasions no more bother than the ordinary telephone so Afar as upkeep is connerned. All the user has to do is to close a mit*. Or Riese a. button to connect in the super - phone in place of the ordinary phone.. A. special' advantage is that it permits al:number of seeret telephone conver- sations to be carried on simultaneous- ly ever the same line without interfer- ing -with each other. ' • Never affirm, or think about your- self, your, prospecte, your career, or your happiness 'What you do not wish to :come true. The If.tr:gte white 1 pabohes on the gee'en WI/Aides ,ehat mystify 'the Can- adian traveler as he Approaehes the coast 'of Bernruda are water -catching areae. There are no streams or fresh- water wells on the islands; the only drinking ityater is rain water caught frorn the roofs of dwellings or f ram cleared areas on the hillsides. HEALTH E UCAIION BY DR. .1. NIIIDDLETON- ProvInclal Board of Health, Ontario Dr. Middleton -will be 'gleed to aleseer questions on Public Health mat, ten; threngh this column, Address hira at Spadina-}Ion, Spadins Crescent. Toronto. • t• Industrialthyieile is a term that. shon1d Pc unt easteed by eeerYoodsr. -mien we consideithe large percent- age ef the people of this province who are engaged in industerve the health "and happinese of these workers is a matter of supreme importance to the individual, the -community and. the state, receive it. Byng.to,See Ont'ario Scouts. . Durin,g his tone t•hrough Ontario in 'April Lord ' Byrsg, Canada's Chief i Scant, will see Boy Scouts at almost every town and city on his itinerary. This fact demonstrates the wonderful growth •which has „ taken. place in Scouting during the past etiuple ,of years. At Hamilton alone there are more than 1,000 boys associated with Scouting, at Brantford oVer 300, at Londoii tee n amber is now over 350 and steadily increasing. The last Gr.,. Petal Feta tisti es published by ProvinCial ' Headquarters, :Moor and Sherbourne Ste-, Toronto, 'and dated December ' • . 3151, 1921, placed the total Boy Scout population of Ontario at 13,218; This .number, however, has since been con- siderably- increased by, the formation of new- troops in, limey parts of the pro duce. "Wh,ert will your town be put on the Boy Scout miap? ' 777 ----- • "Tajcing Notes. The days when kings 'and princes ining).ed -with their subjects Incognito. in ,orrier to 4eara their 'need's and thoughts, are not over. A geatieman, stopped for a few min- utes; some time ago, to listen 10 what a Hyde leark orator rliad to say, Somewhere itt the neighborhood of the Marble Arch, when he .heard a greet- ing exchanged at his- elbow, erre ea evening, sr " est i et e voice. "1:1711`3:,i, i it 1:11 e VOlil a Ye you doing here?" The gentleman latrned, and easy, a sniddie-aged mad shaking hands with e much younger Dt n, Yielose cloth cap I yvas pulled: well dowr1 over his fore- head. , said the yeesig roan. •!`l'in just taking a. low notes!" 'eltey immerlin,i,e4y walked, away ice ge e d". Tile, ;N-0, 0 rig' ilia,Y1 wa S ILt 0 Pr! tiro 0 W'fi e4i . Wild ,Stuff. T re was a yoling Lady, Mies Shilder, o niarri,a, n felloweamed eaten tlie -stork Came„ one da,e. 7„ext twins noty • Tliey're growlag---yek Wilthir tit Widter, The 1.0wtf, dI nature leads. no along the patJhs that, laed 1,0 }MDT y - 7110111'0W6, • 1) NotOUf agdbut W113it2id a(t(2.01714>bilsIL IS tii 1t13it inetteeire et" 'Our length of • Ono V416 is' ecifitented''Witli .Whittit• lie :ha's done beeontesfatil,608 ly Ittint he.vilil The preservation of the health ,of workers in industry US what induetriel hygiene e.seerstially means, whether it is in reducing health hazards, or in improving the. sura•ounclings and con- ditions under which thesecei-lt is car- ried on. Incidentally.the-preservatiOn and improvement of the health of the workers brings the same benefits 10 the inernbers of the workers' families • and :friends, thus increasing immea- surably the spleve of indriestnial hy- giene activity. Too often the condi- tons ender vehicli men and women work are reflected in their bome con- ditions and surroundings, .ariciwhere deck of concern is ehowli foie the evel-J fare of those engaged in industrial pursuits, there is it corresponding lack- of inbereet on the part of the workers In the ;Work they are doing, which is detrimental to both earrploy- ors ansi employees, as well as to the quality and quantity of the goods' or irtanufacttired. 'articles produced. Be - sidles, if a lack of ieteres.t is• manifest- ed in the health and conditions under which- men, .ttied women evork secial and tic al eneeet and ellessetiela.ctiO11 become wide -spread, deethrbing and dislocating itraess anti commerce, and affecting the whole stratai of, our dainee'tic and national affairs. , That there is a great need for in- .tensive well( to be done in Ontario in the sphere of Industnial IT•srgiene is eeviderreed by ititdustrial reports and by • shattetics. The time last through dis- ability is a very important f eatiiire to be reckoned with, it being estimated ehat approximately 3,300,000 work- days per year are loet through „dis- ability, by the '500;000 zndostrjal Workerin this province, To :safeguard the health of incite&s. trial workers in Ontario is one of the 'chief fun'etions el the Division of 'In- dustrial Hygiene, Provincial Board .cf Health, To this end the Division has eebablished a buresiu of information which will supply all facte, and figures necessary Tor the week that is to be caiTied on. To prevent waste of time and the reduplication of effort, there have been collected bite results oE iF, cientiti research land practical experience gained by highl:y- paid experts :in pro- gresstive plants in other countries. This very valuable information is at the -disposal of inclust-rial. plants who have similar health. problems, even though tie zi much smaller scale, to he .clealt with. Where .certairt inform- , ienot at land, literary research TO Chtl ranc • Now that the nitliietiMS itt the in- yacied regrione which weep leoted by the .advancieg aerrearie In 1914 and 1915..have bedi restored, as tar are poe- elide, to their pee -Year status, atten. tee; 13 eerag oven to the recoustrac. tlon of village elittivb,eri many of which were Willfully damaged by dyneanste 11let before the arrnietlee, Several co-operative building societies have joined eciraes, for the purpoee of ob. taining 'Government aid in floatieg loom f9r, ease/Thee, It is estimated that -with 20,000,000 francs tee major).- ty of pliaoes of worship eau be put btki* 011 the map. masa plan provides for the -ad of rough looking hatinente bi many re- gione which formerly boasted artistic builltilags, but public opinion is gener- al that suell A start must be made it the present crime era is to be halted.. Thousands of oil, paintinge taken from Qh.urches haVe been restored by the Germans. In fact, the Reparations Commission, has 'been notified of the, *receipt of elaMeeig eenth °gate ht ry works of Art which were not even list- ed among those ,eitolen by the enemy diming the NMI% WEATHER HA D ON AB The Canadian spring weather—on dark mild end. bright; the next raw and blustery, is extremely 'hard on the baby. ConclitAs are such that the mother cannot take the little one out for the- fresh air So much to be ',de- sired, He is confined to tb.e house which is so often overheated and bad- ly ventilated. He catches cold; his little stomach and bowels become dis- ordered and the mother- soon has zi sicle baby to look after. To prevent this alt occasional dose of Baby's Own Tablets 'should be given. Thee- regu- late the stomach and bowels, thus pre- venting or banishing colds, simple fevers, colic or any other of the mane, - minor ailments of childhoott. The Tablets are sold by medicine deelers or by mall at 25 cents a box from The Dr.' "1-dei1l1ams• Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. - r Throats of Whales. Although whales grow to enormous size, sometimes 80 feet and even 90 feet long,' the -throat of the common whale is so small that it cannot swel- 1 low a bite as arge as a tea biscuit. ' The spermaceti' has a mouth large enough to swathe* a man. Hammocks are supposed to have re- ceived their name from the fact that the native.s of Brazil used the bark qf the hamack tree for nets in which to sleep. „. work is carded en to gam the 'Inform- ation ashe.d -for•, while in addition, a system of general echseational propa- ganda, en Industri.al Hygiene is being conducted. •A start has been made in clinical work, by the establishment of an' in- dustrial clinic for diagnosis, by means :of which an investigation is being Made as to the preval&nce of lead poisoning in certain trades in Ontario. A demonstration has recently been carried out in Thoroldo to determine the possibilities of an Industrial and Public Health 211.1rSe -conlbining her duties so as to make both phases of her -work as effective as possible. Al- together the Division of Industrial Hy- giene is aiming to -raise the general standard of health' among industrial workers and thereby .cle its share to- wards the great combined, work of all Divisione of the Provincial Board of Health, viz., to improve the race and , raise the health standards for all okras:es of the community. ound a peetboo u.' Ikea it back It looked like, a happy discovery as it lay there on the sidewalk—until- the discoverer reached to, pick it up. Then the hidden string jerked it away. All Williana got was disappointment. Thaes the -cvay a good many people have found it to be 17,7th the comfort, and cheer they thoiaght they had secured in tea and coffee. When they came to depend on it— there was a hidden string, and nothing left but disappointment. The drug, caffeine, in tea and coffee, is a, nerve stimulant: Con- stant stimulation of the nerfies often - produces rebellion that takes the form of Sleeplessness, headaches, 'irritability, high blood preSsure. the string to tea arid 'c5Ffee. Postuin, that wholesome and delightful cereal beverage, is Coln- 131ete1y satisfying and there's no harmful quality whatsoever, to jerk away the corrifort which you find in this splendid table drink, Any member of the family rnay enjoy Posturn with any meal—and there will be no after -regrets. Postran comes in two forms: Instant Po.sturn (in des) made instantly in the cup by the addition of bailing water. Postnin Ceroz1 (in packages of largsi bnlk For those -,elem piefei to itiaes me drink -while the meal P4 bing plepa,<,:„) by halos '1103 tie minetes, Sold by grocer . ....Ft.eas()6!..."...:.: Made by,Caeacilan Il'oettern Cereal CO,, Liznitecl, Windsor, Ont. A NEW WOMAN POF,Y NG: , , MAN wAa.„A WONDERFUL BLESSING TO HER. GivesiDetails of Recovery for I3ene6t of Others Who Suf.- 'fer As She Did. "Tiara° hasbeen e wonderful bless- ing to me and I will praise t the long- est day I live," said Miss Aline Desau- tels, St. Laurent, Quo, i'ely only -regret about Tanlae Is that 1 diciest leirn about it sooner, as I kaow 1 evonld have been saved many Ileum ot inieery and seffering. This grnand medi- cine has brought nie ttlo wonder- ful. blesering of health and . I feel that am klmply doing my ditty Itt beleing "to let People know that no matter how much they may suffer from stomach tisitTiblea,nia. there is hope fm• them if they take , "I am no more like the eame eateell now that 1 eas before I took tide grand medicine than day is like Tan -lac is sold by all good druggists. iljt lit" —Ad,/ L. An Island Hermit. 'Pee story of a modern Robinson Crowe, Who tor thirty years has lived on A lonely isrland In the Arafura Sea, between Auetralia, and New Guinea, is bold by Mr, W.• Somersgt •Maugham, the English playwriglet, who has just returned from ,a fifteen months' tour in the East. "1 had chartered a lugger for a cruise in the Arafura See,' he said, "and I was asked to drop a bag of rice Oil the island for this old 'hermit. "I learned on the way from those 'flio had already seen him that he was shipwreckeci thirty years ago, and with fifteen other men reached the is- land. itt open brats. They lived on the island for three years before they were sighted by a passing- ship. "Of the sixteen only five were then alive, and only four were taken away —for the liftle the ol0 man living there now, refined to leave. "lie, told the rescuers that during the three years he had spent with the other men on the island he had seen sech horrible finings that :he wished never to live among hie kind again. "Duping the thirtY years he ha,s been on the island," added Mr. Maugham, "the old naan hes lived on chickens, eggs, fish, and fruit. • "During the war he WS,S left alone Lor five years, for 72'0 ships passed his way, and he was reduced to living en- iiitrecelk, upon what the island could Pro- d . MONEY ORDERS, A Dominion Express, leloney Ord.er for five dollars costs -three teats. Huge International Bridge Across the Detroit River. Tee international suspension bridge that,is to connect Windsor, Out, ancl Detroit, Miele, aud that was first pro- posecl about two years ago, has now reached the point of actual ccustrac- tiOn. The work is to. commence this spring. The plane show that it evill have the longest single, span in the world, namely, 1,803 ft:. With a width of 93 ft:, the interntional bridge will be of double-cleck oonetructions ac- commodating street -car, automobile, and pedestrian traffic on the ueper deck, and passenger and freight -train eery -ice on the lower deck. Minard's Liniment for Coughs and Colds MovIng a TV:fo'untain iii Rio de Janeiro. "Moving a mountain is the huge task undertaken by engineers in Rio de Janeiro, where the Morro do Castello --consisting of an estimated 7,000,000 cu. yd, of earth mid recle—ie being obliterated, the completion of, eviiich is • expected to make the southern inatro- polis much more breezy, cool, and healthful, liceiclee adding some 66 blecks to the heart 011 11112 ei•ty. Vari- ous inethade have been t ri Ci i 11 tbe trarssporting of the mass from he pre -s. sent lace tion and depositing it la bee bay, among these being pick- and shovel, mule cart, steam sliovel, and "clinIty or ditinmy train„" The pres- enee or an old convent on the sitruntit of 1110 mountain hae given rise to the rumor that gold is hidden. near h., and causes atIded see t among else eredie Ices workmen. Never criticize drat erh I o u not do better. rie el Tho well-being ofthr 101C' t rec.- --a gr ictvIturo 13 111, rOo t; mann- f a ct n g and corn n.I.E‘11-..,o. Arc. its ; in'a1ithe,s etici life. If elle root is .111- j ore d !he le eves , tha nobegi b roe It and 1110 tr c Id 0111 eo' ,Ph 11 '0711011 yan r 'Ern rjrn 0, 11302' 13t, weir! ertn alwitee lighten a 11 ttle ioiiu othr ; htriclon., At the tilnes, vs -lien uuai> - , 110 i;ert erri, there is edill mien to YO 14%8 sacred 13e0sib to ,,,14/ ow (1 o let this th ought, Ikon, stay with ; I there may be eimee when yen cannot lind help, but tfhere 4..s no time who 131 c anti ot gird help, --George 8. ISSUP, Ne. About Eisidneee Med:teal ttlen liaya gcgTeed ttilt bald' nese Is largely a, matter of headgear, It is. a 'rarity r.'01,` a womau.to'go bald, netwithetantiisig- that her hats are of- ten beerrier ;end bigg,or than: o, But heieliat is liked to het bali, xaat t4) her eaJp, the veins, are not emestrict- edl, and ventilation is peraniseetislo. lefelasehaterwilhi theie hard, tight -fit, titig brims, riTiacf4.1'tstapojsie for th blood tociroulate properly, and eoatga- gliently• there is a eongestiaa of blood in the scalp arid baldurese results. , TO -N I GH T TRY martI' 3 ' , s '11 tA 2 , for that cold ati( tirOev feeling. Get Well—tKeep Well. ' KILL SPANISH FLU by using.,the, OLID RELIABLE! Minard's Liniment co., Lid. Yarmouth, pee, ITNINC BURM Pi PLESO .„ tirr Ont, T/4:11.1ttr, A V1.. tQw1)7.You erto, t 0 01 2013 i'011 Wit rnn>i inOtr r,nala l'uteardzer. 1,.ointen, 111AID.tt: 'IN;f0 renzoottb.l.e pr1e5e.431,71/4„ "seer:chiefly g.ray.5500.045, iltty,kiOrt,e.pet poundpostlkOtt a.tekeyeu,ntsi Oeautiful ' ,stt (io41 33'Wobiloa MflIo C111,"'",1'll S73-1 Qn -771.14;1- dgp 1911393i113',4> [(9' ./L.A0 ST.ROW.TS 0>3 turni8h1ngn, libnoy ongine8 a.nd qdr,.40o toolc 01 beeRcei'Ang ' for our eatraor,:uo- Manufacture Ont, t_tr, co -01)!L,-t, inch ts or nd etner,e,,K,Iona, 113002 •BELTING E ALL scums., enlieye, eon's, tablediese, packing. ' ete,„ opioned subject to annroval at lowea Cenada:eyp ft,',...flreterrara‘e•a :-.Yr -IS olitr, rett !'A oRauToi., meg, ate. Iloolt on • DO. 'DISEASE and fIow to Feed mailed Free to any Ad. clresa by thip Authbt. er. mew el:loyal, co., sac, West 24113 $treo+, New Yerlz, Festered and Scalenver, Face Disngurd. Cuticura Heals, "Iviy face was almost covered With pimples which festered And, scaled over. T.hey itched and burned So that I could hardly stand them, and my face was so disfigured I was unable to go anywhere.. I lost so much sleep that I was about crazy. "The trouble lasted two months. 1 started using Cutidura Soap and Ointment and after I,had used two cakes of Cuticurae Soap and two boxes of Cuticura Ointment for three weeks I was completely healed." (Signed) Miss Dorothy Danieleon, Jackson, Calif. ( Ceticare Soap daily, with Curiciera I 1 Ointment occasionally, prevents 1 pimples or other eruptions. They are a pleasure to use, as is also Cuticusa Talcum for -perfuming the skin. , SrAnttrEe,clartabySfall. 'Address: "5r4aus,Lut- trod," 3.14 at, nal St., W1Manta'L'i Sold every - Where: Sati3t26c 0intrnect2,5andE0e. Tatenal2,5r, d3..,,I. tuticura Soap shaves without zauz, OOARSE SALT LANED'SALT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS 0. J. CtiFee TO -ONTO 11 kupture Kills 7,000 kind Seven thousand persons each year are laid. away—the burial certificate being marked "Ieupture." Why? Be- cause the unfortunate ones had neg- lected themselves or had been merely taking care of the sign (swelling) of the affliction aad paying no attention to the cause. What are you. doing? Are you neglect:dig yourself by wear - mg a truss, appliance, or whatever name you choose to call it? At best, the truss is cnle- a make-shift—a false prOp against a collapsing wall—arid cannot Be expected to act as more. than a mere mech.anioal support. The bindirig pressure retards blood circle latioa, flaws robbiug the weakened muscles of that which they need most —nourishment. • ,But science has found a way, and every truss sufferer in the land is Va. vited to make a test right: in the privacy of their own home, The PLAPAO method is unquestionably the most scientific, logical and success- ful self -treatment for rupture the world has ever known. The PLAPAO PAD when adhering closely to the body cannot possibly slip or shift out of place, therefore cannot chafe or pmch. Soft as velvet —easy to apply—inexpensive. To be used whilst you work and whilst you sleep. No straps, buckles or spritugs attaehecl. Learn how to close the hernial open- ing as nature intended so the rupture CAN'T come down. Send your haute and ten cents, coin 01 StaillpS; 10-tifty, to PLAPAO CO„ 765 Stuart Bldg„ Si,. Louie, Mo., for FREE trial Plaint° and t E1EVES ACHES -NOR forty years Sloan' s Lininteet has been the euitiltest relief for 'neuralgia, sciatica and rheuma- tism, tired muscles, lame backs, sprains and strains, aches and pains, . Keep Sloan's/tends, and apply freely-, without rubbing, at The first twinge. It CaSeS and -brings comfort: surely anti readily. Venni find it clean anti non -skin -staining. - Sloaa's Liniment is pain's enemy. Ask your neighbor. At aOl .draggists-r35c, 7Oc $L40. Artpr,„1. - Macre'in CSnaThi. , Women Shonid Know How Lydia E. finkham's Vegetable Coiniound Helps at This Trying Period Sheboygan, -Wisconsin. as rus down . tired and 'nervous 1 could not even (1 o o Vtirla housework, could not sleep at' night and all kinds of queer. thOughts would come tome. °Finally I gave up going to the doctor and a friend told me of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound. After the firstbottle 1 could sleep better and 1 have kept on, amproving ever since. I have taken seven bottles now and am so happy that 1 am all over these bad feelings. • Be LANSER, 1689 N. 3rd St., Sheboygan, Wisconsin. For the woman entering middle age Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound eari be of much benefit. During this time of life certain changes take place which sometimes develop into serious trouble. • Melancholia, nervousness. irritability, he.adache and dizziness are some of 'the symptoms. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege- tablo Compound is a natural restora- tive, especially adapted to assist nature in carrying you safely past tins tuna he information necessary.., _ 'Why riot gwe it fair trial? WARNWG! Say "Bayer' when :,,ou buy Asp rin., Unless ..,,,ot.i sec.- the name 'E3ayet:' on tablets, you are , ,,,, hot gettin,r Aspirin at all, Why take cliances?, 'Accept only an "tuibroken package" of "Bayer Ta1ilt of Aspirin," which cortiabis directions and do..0 vvotkd ova ,by , hysicians during "22' yeat'S' And proved safa by niillIons for Colds Headaelte ,Toothache Eiaraelie • INAeinuArbaalggloa NPaeiLi111,1t1-1)sain P,hou Ma l i'All Handy i'l3ayer'l boxes of in it:Islets—Also ;settles di 24 and 100----Brsiggisis, reeenin id the trath mark (trg:tomma. in CA no i.e) ei ettyar Afanarocters Of Mere - re Ce t lea °Meste' a r :4at1o3,Iltt; ad, W11111 >3 ffi wrn imewn that 0.91rIn fosa (IS 1.33t is,' tritirttfactute, 10 aoial, the 1'411 tIlle agattot ilalltationn, Ma Tablota Ar '[.1.-C333(1255,„, , will be aietensa wee teett getteNtl tr'tde Marl:, 155 'toyer ("tole,. 2,35