HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-3-30, Page 4,k
outd Jetlay Go d would
a'170 liVe
therein give, to all 1 do the hest
. hao‘re to giVe.
cOultt liSten patiently to every-
1,41'UV. ,he4r4
ntl never once the whole day
turough,ppeak an unkind word;
It 1 could do my work with humble
fel:Tent "joy
Ltd knoW while 1 WaS doing it 1 was
t could, Xeei ny heart serene
through till the daily fret
nt.i at the sanset keep the good aocl
all the reet fergetf
A 1 could oixix ()nee be liftec1 up that
high •
would 'itav6 inSpiration to stir ra
till 1.die;
1 would 1'tiliuL-4 lifetinle on that
'great height remain .
And never stoop in any way to petti-
ness again.
Brighten the corner Nvhere
arei" '
JOHNS—In 'Osborne, on March 28th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Johns, a son%
LANiN—namiltOn, Oa March
23rd, to Diand Mrs. Lan/lino (nee
Vera Campbell) sdal-11liter.
SCHROEDER—In Veberile* en Fri°
day 'March 24th„ -to Mr, and Mrs.
Rtssell Sehroeder, dauglater,
OCREMS--In Hay Townstiv,
Mareh 17th, to Mr, aud Mrs. Frank
Hochems, a daughter.
WEI-DO-4n Zuriche,on March, 12th,
to Mr. and INIf,s, Earl Weida% a
1_,AFRA111130ISE-11t Bay Township,
on March 1st, to Mtn and Mrs. C.
1 uibOse & on
HANDFORD—In Exete)., on March
25th, 1922, Frank B. Handford,
'aged 31 yeat's and 2 months.
HUNTER—In 'Osborne, on Mareh 25
Edith, Mae, only daughtei of
George and Olive'llunter, aged 12
years, 1 month and 1 day.
DAVIS— In lNlitchell, on i‘larch 27t1i,
Mr, W. R. Davis..
BRILL—At Zurich, on March. 19th,
Y°u Charles Brill, aged 85 years 1
month aid 15 days.
1 DUCIIARME—At Hay Township, on
While Prices on some things are -March 18th, Laura Marie, daugh
coming down, brains are still at a ter of Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Duch-
artue, jr, aged 4. years 9 mouths
pre/Ili/11u. and 20 days.
ALL—In London, on March 14th,
John Hall, formerly or Dashwood,
aged 73 years.
Lady to clerk.—"Is this. towsflthg
pure linen?"
Clerk—"Madam, all tb.e linen, in
that towelling is pure linen,"
The man who produces a good
crop of potatoes this coming sun/trier
will be the het man to complain
about the high prices next fall,
* 4.
A lad telephoning for an Exeter
doctor last week said, "My brother's
got a cold, and he's got the grippe
and some mortia."
usiness cannot expand beyond
the service it can render to the com-
munity or the nation. In selecting a
business or profession boys will do
well to consider this.
* * *
Every time a dollar is spent away
front home the sender loses the
chance of that dollar ever coming
back to him. Money spent in the
community circulates for the benefit
of a community,
Now is the time to tap for hu,si-
:less, A report says that the mail
order business is- nicking •up. The
trade of the community is the sugar
of business., You can't get it with-
out an effort.
* * * *
A lad entered a dOctor's office in
town and the doctor being somewhat
fond of children, asked him if he
could spell his name. The lad proud-
ly spelled it, whereupon the doctor
gave him a penny. After school the
same evening the youngster ushered
several others into the doctor's office
and informed him that all of them
could spell their names.
* *
History was in the making when
the first lady member of the Com-
mons at Ottawa, made her first
speech in the House on Monday. A
titt.‘mtion Was asked. concerning a
-raise in salaries. That may have
been the first time in the House of
Commons that a woman has quest-
-ioned'ahont man's salary, but getter-.
ally speaking its an old chestnut in
every other house.
* a *
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hunter, of Us -
borne, take this opportunity to thank
the many neighbors and friends for
their kindness and sYmpathy diring
their recent bereavement and also
for the many floral tributes.
Mr. and Mrs. George Mantle desire
tOexpress their siucere thanks to the
many friends for their kindness and
sympathy 'during the illness and
death of the latter's mother, Mrs
Dunean, and also for the floral trib
Dollar Day means, Bargain Day. Plan
to visit Exeter on Friday and Satur-
day, April the ?th and Rh.
Boost For Exeter
The follOwing Advertising Boost has been prepared ljy Mrs. Skelton.
News in a Nut Shell. Every member of the Exeter council
Exeter is one of the oldest and Strike, EtSea batter hits the ball
prettiest towns on the In H. & B. Be 'apt be Coming, first to heed a call
line, about 30 nil -lee north of the city Put on -strong fighting clothes
of Loudon, Out., with a population of , De your level best to boost Exeter
bout 2,040. Exeter has beautiful YeS boost with all the rest,.
streets with an adundance of eliade
trees which add distinction to a town.
Exeter is known as "Little Devon"
from Devonshire, England, "The I-
sland Country," Nothing can sur-
pass its beauty. Exeter can boast of
two large banks; The Canadian Bank
of Commerce, and The 1Violsons
Bank; four large churches; Tile
Anglican. two Methodists and one
Presbyterian, each with a fine
pipe organ, Exeter's side walks
as well'as its long front street are
paved with cement, and too, the
great I-Iydro lighting system adds
much to the beauty and comfort of
its citizens, Exeter is honored
with a fine Carnegie Library
erected in 1914, with fetre hundred
and twenty seven readers, and
owning 5,000 books, and with a
borrowed list of 10,000 for the
year 1921, and much praise is due
the Assistant „ Miss
Grace Connor. Exeter can boast
of a large Canning Factory as well
as a Flax Mill, Apple Evaporator,
a great Planing Mill and a factory
for the manufaeturing of Boy's
Suits and Overalls. Too the big
flour mill is one of Exeter's land-
marks. The"Dome" is a great
building constructed of galvanized
iron and is used for amusements
such as hockey and skating and
in the goad old summer time,
dancing and shows. Exeter has
a real Opera House, a Town Hall
erected in 1337, and a great water
tank that can be seen for many
miles with a capacity of 40,000
gallons of water that is used for
Inc purposes. Exefar has a pretty
parit as well as a fine Band and
its musicians are the _young set of
the town. Great credit is due Mr.
Joe. Senior, our Town Clerk and
Treasurer. Everybody knows Joe.
Do you live in Exeter? Boost it.
The Salvation Army is doing
is doing good work in Exeter.
A pretty wedding was solemized on
Wednesday of last week at the
Church of the Redemmer. London,
by Rev. A. S. H. Cree, when Thelma
Elaine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.
Jr, Worrall, was married to Boyce L.
McFa.11s, son of Mr. and Mrs. Sas. Mc -
Falls of London Township. Miss
Mabel Tedball played the wedding
march and Mrs. Lloyd Sprague. of
Toronto, was her sister's attendant,
Mr. Wilmer Worrell, brother of the
In Exeter tbere's Piton & Foote with
conscience true,
They sell the Paige & Overland too,
These cars of note as -well as style,
Will beat most oars, by many a mile,
If your auto is sick and going to the
Don't pass up the men that can make
it fly.
Tell your troubles to these men, do,
and they with Sunoco lubricant oil
'tis true
bride was the best mans s Atter a They will make your car
sumptuous repast Mr. and Mrs. Mo- new.
Falls left for their honeymoon,
the bride travelling in a blue trico-
tine suit, small gray hat and seal
scarf. On their return they will re-
side on the groom's farm near Goan -
Twenty.five Years Ago
The following interesting items
appeared in The Exeter Times twen-
ty-five years ago this week:
Mar -oh went out like a lamb.
Prescott Ross is fitting himself for
the medical profession and is study-
ing with Drs. Antos and Rollins.
Perry Dignan left far Stratford
last week,. Ns -here he has secured a
- lucrative position at his trade, har-
ness making.
Mr. Fred' Treble has returned
home from Merlin where he has been
working for some teazle. Be goes to
'Dungannon in a few days,
na.-• The firin of R. Pickard and Son
Not many years -ago the above was have' 'dissolved,- Robert Pickard pur-
the conception of the height of per ehasing his fathers interests. In fu-
fection in the family mobile, Those
were -the good old days we hear ro
nutch about.
The Ontario Amateur Lacrosse As-
sociation is this year endeavoring to
bring our Canadian National game
back where it was some years ago.
when lacrosse was Ontario's national
game in reality as well as in name.
In days past Exeter boasted of some
good lacrosse teams and mallY an 10
teikesting game has been witnessed in
Exeter, There are still some en-
enshuslases in Exeter who would like
to see the game revived.
.ture the firm will be known as The
R. Pickard Co,
"Mr, Elworthy, of Strathroy, who
purchased Mr. Willie' farm intends
moving thereto next week. We join
in welcoming Mr. Ela,vorthy and fam-
ily into our midst
A man near Granton drank a pint
of yeast in mistake for buttermilk
the other evening. He is said to have
risen three hours sooner than usual
the following morning.
The Canadian Government has
been advised that her 'Majesty's Gov-
ern/pent had selected Tuesday June
22nd, as the day on which to hold
the official celebration of the Dom-
inion Jubilee,
Dan Burr, of Parkhill, had an
Voluntary free ride the other day.
lArhile turning Mr. Rogers' cows- out
to water one of the animals stuck its
horn in his.pants pocket and eircled
around the 'yard withlshim two or
three times.
1 *
lee owe to the pioneers Of Huron
ract, a debt, of gratitude for their
•tvisdorn, foresight, and untiring ef-
forts in lnrilcling up this section of
which We a re so justly proud. Our
forefathers planned and built wise,ly
and we 10 clay aro enjoying the fruit
of their labors. We in, turn owe to
posterity a better section. than .we
have ittberited. We should so im-
prove and beautify ottr homes and
qurroundings that those who come
rl rter
«lil have reason for rejoleing,
The beautif el trees' and streets we
'have, to -day are largely the resalt of
'individual effort. A united effort
hontd aceomplisli oven en -eater re-
t!,t Swot -.Arts in the' mind of our
If from wheat to flour,
have to grind,
Harvey Brosmill you will find,
The greatest mill for miles the coun-
try round.
Manitoba's flour best bread will
Model Family flour pies will bake, You'll find him at the corner -store ,
But for delicious pastry, you He carries robes and harness galore.
will find a welcome in the Welcome
too. See Mr. Gardiner of old Exeter town
The Exeter grist and roller mill Ile handles springs, mattaesses. and
Will all your wants and bins fill fine brass beds,
With corn oats and graham flour He will furnish a home for newly
That will feed your family every hour weds,
A kitahen-tabinet and ice box too
as.well as
grains you
From „April 17-22 inc.
Bring your family, pray dela stay at
Do an effort make to see the pietiareS
at the DOME
Leavitt cornered the PARAINIOUNT
for you
Amusement in other towns please'
don't seek, ' • '
Wait and in Exeter you will vieyir
these pictures Blue Ribbon
Awe time, a Wedding time in Exeter
Statham a wadding Cake will Make,
As 'well, ill their great big ovens
Riea, cakes and bread they Will bake
That Will please, the children and
They will be glad to sell to Ton.
We are proud of our great can-
ning 'iactory14 is one of the largest
in Ontario, and its productions are
peas and corn which. are raised in or
near Exeter. And thousauds
crates are shipped -weekly to all parte
of Canada. Too Exeter can boast, of
a large -apple evaPorater.
See Mr. R. N. Rowe. He will look
after your -every want in the fund-
ture -line. As well he is at your ser-
vice in time of ,treitiole.
He lute a handsenie motor hearse
The only one in town
And he pan do the undertaking
For all the country round.
If througli spaCe you would like to
ride, vote to haire railroads elec-
trified. •
When in EXeter'visit Grigg's book-
store. -
There you will find papers, peas, and
more than ten thousand things of
different styles and sizes on dis-
, PlaY.
And Miss IVIcFauls and Miss Grigg
Will show these goods to you,
As well will post you on news of the
lit cientific learning very
eaivieting r itekc: doctors
our towo a
Its,truo, lilo of Ilattlre we 'Meet thtcI
PrOfessore tell us so, I'm. sure they
change in our generaltitet we
'will have to switch, r
'W,hen, In Exeter call upon HA T. Rowe,
Ile carries coal, thei best in, town,
Also eXPlosiv,e gasolinoL
This gasoline with Ft guarantee
Will blow you 4igheiVitf' some flier
But if notl 3'011'3J surelY'Hlight
Out oa the howlinr„ greggi
Visit the Ford station apsi•yiew
What. mao, Snell has there /Or you.
He., Carries the Sedan and Runabout,
1 -lc also handies acce-ssories and" oil.
roses fali,
In summer you Will surely meet
Little Ike Carling there.;
And meet him in hjs ckffice, too,
He'll mortgage your home or tract al
There's no news like good news
And the good news is this •
Miss Sanders is indispensible
.And that news we. would en -fully
For its the lines of communication
That make the world.:go round
And in this town of Exeter thie-news
• will all be found.
And will talk to you ;to beat the band,
And wilt 'make you believe that all
the red has turned to ,blue.
If in this great 'world you feel that
You cau no longer with us abide,
See our Memorial Craftsmenl.
Cunningham & Pryde; "
As the sum vets. so shall the glories
of max. -
Just aic down and sleep anatural sleep
T J all the dark clouds have blown away
Than. we will discover other signs On
tlse fences, or on the lines,
Aad on, the (screen of our _great opera
house to stay.
jake Stewart's ever.Y.b0f$
Buy from him, you will enever rue It,
tie is ow o ot the ,biggest sellers in out
town„; , •
He carries groceries, boots, Apes tend
dress goods in blacks and blues,
in tact lie will tit you frorn Ioot (to
In Exeter, if time you have ,to. while
See Mrs, Yea's goods of quality and,
style, ' •
AS, they„ are the best shecOuld buy
Eter Okfg.44012es 'co -r. color, and ofla,ste.
mild make a handsorne,suinmerivaiSt
And she will sett anything to you •
In canne.d goods, -from ,somd to ie,,
Yes, in 'Exeter Powell owns a palace
Arid he will sell all his goods to you -
From records to Ediaoa, and „birds that
Live fish, 'sweets and china,
And Flowers for early Spring'.
Itt winter if you would 'hike to -know
just where you're at
Buy a great Minneapolis Thermostat;
It will save you coal and troubles
AndablIbl3e'os',ur w'Prrile's will go up in
And it will make your life worth liv-
C. flin,g.''Ske7tOn, he's the ,man
That sells 'em Itt Extater, if he can,
In Exeterif you would like tolOole.
As fair as any ,c.ther tlicre
Have Barber Boyle cut your hair,
And' shads .you in the latest style;
With his salves and facial glue
He will make you look fresh and new..
Exeter holds two butchers. god
A Happy Thought will,greet you Yet, One o•f them is Mil Frank Woo -d,
If you buy Sherwin-Wildiams paint Ueel sell you the best of meat
And paint our house you bet! In +other towns it can't be beat
'Twill make it took like what it aint. For R's Exeter! Oh, Exeter!
Then a Ilecla Pipeless Furnace too,
' * Their pork and meat pies oC fame
Buy cutlery, mechanics tools & more
And anythin,g 'from roast to stew
At Beavers great big hardware store. They ell in Exeter to You
If farm implements you must buy
See Francis -Williams big supply
tiativators , plows .an.d tractors, too,,
They will show these goods Oo you;
Anything from seeding drills,
To binders, tractors and windmills,
When travelling through
Stop at Ablie,son's
Thcy put you up in grace
And fill 'you up on Ithe best ever,
If you vi,sit the town, of Exeter -
On the grand Aux 'Sable River.
Will heat your house 'thru hod thra The Messrs. Kirk Will- sell -the same,
If from Exeter you have to skip,
First go to Beer'S'and buy a grip
Theinnew tires and batteries
And from the town quietly slain
If in tires you are in need, of more,
Do visit Miss Yelland's millinery shop
She will make you look tip top
In a pattern hat of silk or lace
That will fit your head as well your
style or grace
Her goods are up-to-date they say
As they are out ongrand display
Her hate of beauty and renown
Are reallY the best inExeter town.
'Mr. Richard Hill was united i
wedlock to Miss SWeet, of Creditor
last Wednesday. The ceremony was
performed bY tine Rev, 4. G. Yelland,
in the midst of a number of relatives
end friends. We, air join in wishing
thorn much joy in their new stage of
Joitti HeywoOcl on Wednesda'3'
nent when they' decided to en- killed a smtke with brown anti yellow
urago coinn),Ithity effort lry giving spots. Mr, Heywood lias, 110 thitilc.s,
grattls Ifortiettltural Societies, Ex- .struck J. Ile says it 1E: an dxiolax,
e hag •bsnot slow to avail itself Of lhat vrhen one kills the first suake
11 poorinnity !elf this year a eotee- of the snsoti, they Will have alt Limit
s been formed end it 01 01'' to a enemies oudur Weir feet during the
o start. .t,et everyrme get behind year. We don't tfrItth Mt% Beywoorl
ltas 00y cizentief.t.
If, when in Exeter you would like to
A good organ or piano, sewing mo-.
chine or violin
See Martin & Son as they have them
in their window, don't you. know
They have musie by the score
Papers, pens and ink in store
As well as bicycles and Victrolia on
the floor
They will pack and ship your piano
Inc you
Sell a ton of books or tWo, in fact
there are many other things
they are glad to do.
Baby carriages bright and new
He will furnish your home with these
and more,
If you visit his big furniture store.'
When mother was a charming girl
She wore her hair -in cura-and 'puff,
But styles•have changed now see
They wear their:ears donned inmuff.
_If, as mother you'd like to look,
Exeter is small we know,
Give it time, it sore will grow,
As some men in our town are hust-
lers through and through.,
For Exeter is on the ramp ,in. hockey
and in bowling she is sure a vamp,
And her styles are great on the street
in both her dress and shoe.
Exeter, 0 Exeter, you are the town
and place to win a race, as. all the
fair Men have their eyes just now
on you. So its get up and dust,
don't let your old hinges rust; but
beat the surrounding country to it
and shoW theni what you can do.
In Exeter E, J. I-Iorney, manager 'of
the great DorniniOn store
Will sell to you canned goods, teas,
coolziee, as well, prunes, and more
than ten per centhe'll save on bills
for yen.
Go and have your picture took,
But change the ear -muff for a curl,
:Then you'll look like the old sweet
And SENIOR -knows how to do it.
For he is quite a sprinter
But not a daily printer!
For the Advocate and Times a
this show,
Just like in the great, big citY
And their news is oftimes witty
don't you know.
When your S
Dat? tbey are tono th dusty,
Take them to
Dr. Johns, the tail
,ne 'buttons on, 01
01 up for you,
s are worn and rusty
the elothier hospital,
Songs float out to listeners in
The air is full of pleasure.
Its what we do, and how we do it,
That counts in fullest measure. ,
For science has taught many things
And still there is more to follow
If we fill our brains with acknow-
ledged truths
And in the mire refuse 0 walloW.
e 111
Whexl passing through Exeter,
If in doubt, stop where you are!
It will pay you to ,buy a big Bricklear,
For Sanders & Purdon are in this town
to stay,
They handle McLaughlin motor trucks
No matter what the price.
The_ ditcLaugliliv.-Butck car is nice;
From roadster, sedan, to tour passen-
ger coupe, , , , •••
Then to put on a little s.tyle,
Alaster Grant Sanders will Make
, worth while,
He will explain and hts Wares will show
For his lettering in blue or pure gold
Will stand out in ,bold
Which adds dintinction, don't you know
In. Exeter there's ROss-Taylor Plan-
ing Mill, „, • .
They will all your wants in: bnildingdifl
From sasie, doors, lath and shingles,
And %rill .fnrnish all these goods;
If you build, and lumber ,men.tion
They will give you prompt attention.
Visit the Cochrane MachineeVV'orks,
T.10 best ,e441-1)1}ed repair 1,1101)
'Western OiLtaXilot
Coclipanle is' credited, as, having,. •
Pgented a great imachine that will
regrind and ,bore •ongino itacl aunty,
Call and Isee his work, Jie will he 'glad
„ to shoW. yoo;
He has had o,vsr 25 ,years in the re-
pair ,business, uul L 1111 to th,e
top notch, • ,
"Come tato Exeter and browse about
See Mr. Fitton of Exeter 'IOWA,
The great Optomerist of renown;
He will fit you -with glasses, test your
e es
Then you will stee whatwecan't see
If through this tOWIL thane- pies'
A great passenger ,flying machine,
Or beide' without either •wing; or le°g,;
He will make you see what ,we must see
So 'give hirn a call I beg.
In Exeter we have , other names,
and . other things -•too numerous to
AuCtiop Sale
Ino A-uctrnn at the
0 a..
sharp, the following improved -farm,
lands: Part Lot 13, Coil': 1, Hay
containing 90 acres of land more or •
less. On the farm is a good briel
cottage, and bank barn, with good
. .
stabling, and other outbuildings; a-
bout 5 acres of good hard wood bush,
and young orchard. Tile -drained -
and in good state of cultivation irOr -
spring crops; about 11 acres of falt
Wheat, and fall plowing done. 'Plenty,
of good water. Well located, two ant
a quarter miles from liensall, and:
three and three quarters `miles front
Terms -10 per cent on day .,of
and balance in 30 days or sooner up-
on possession, Purchaser may leavee.-
two-thirds of price' on. 'farm by w--
Auctioneer Proprietor
Expensive Economy
OSE who keep their securities
and other valuables at home,
rather than place them under the
protection afforded by our Safety
Deposit Boxes, are running great
risks of total loss by, fire or theft.
The annual rental of these boxes is stnall.
,Let us shdw them to you.
Capital Paid iip $15,000,000 -
Reserve - Fund $15,000,000
• F. A. Chapman, -Manager
R. S. Wilson, Manager
Exeter Branch,
Crediton Branch,
Daslawood Branch,f
In a hat of black, or ,blue, or broWn
You will cut quite a dash ht town,
If you buy from Taman at his old '
accustomed place, .
,well a .lrlew trxriTq coat ln style
Too he will make it worth your while
A coat that fits ostensiblY " •
Your- form with pomp and grace,
In Exeter of Hooper we kart' boost
As being one of the largest dealet-s
eggs from lake to coast • •
Spring is here, keep 'cool,:
Hatching time Is near, keep' kool.
If ,your eggs you would like to sell
To Mr. Hooper, well keep ,them kool.
In 'the good old summer time keep
If in Exeter ior other olim,es keep kool
0 its heat that makes us sputter
It spoils eggs and melts our butter,
It makes us awful words to utter,
Now just keep cool.
Mr. Fred Heatnan of our town, is ac-
countable Inc the new science in
Exeter, radio telephone. He hag
installed the receiving instrument
in his home, and will be glad to
demonstrate. He is one of the ris-
ing lions in science. Visit Fred
Hearnan, he expects to handle
these inStrnments and will be glad
to 'sell to you.
He.aman's Hardware Store.
Is jolly well filled frotn roof to floor
with Pyrex, and Wear Ever goods.
He sells tubs in copper, tub 8 in wood,
He handles CII-NAMEL and Cattle
feed, -
As well cable ropes made of Weed.
-If a "New Idea," you'd, like to see, a
Call upon him, as there is where those
things mentioned' will he found.
As well as furnace and plumbing men
They handle tins, tacks, pails, axes
And will sell 4.1 0 pay his taxes,
But if raised higher he is some flier,'
Aad that is just why, Where and elli
It ist wonderful what is produced
from tile sickly looking weed called,
flaX. But this poor motherless thing
is one of the most usefUl weeds, and
thousands of Most useful ar ticles are
We produets of flax, such as linens,
ropes, oils and niszY other tlan ga
use the world over. Exeter has tile
honor of holding a very large flax -
mill, with its rittiagor iti JOs. Davis
liktitS /lead.
Third years itt odd numbers
clock in, ,the Town Rail
NlYW itS 'Stitt itS C41(1, 11 eltunl)ers,
And 'Exeter is without the time,.
In a Inish it Seems to whisper
hav.0 ticked the hours away,
I have been faithfu/
l strong untirin#
And have warned you ntlit a,ncl - day.
Come and' take me to the clock -smith
len no good just wItore ‘I stand
For try ribs ar wornand thistY
And 1 nced new face- ancl' hand.
Will you :acT, into- ,n-eant Parlor
Said Mr. Silver to Miss Wood ;
1 like your dainty 'costirnle,
,I like your- wirroine, ssralo,
'i would like to treat you 'to iceecre
Ad 131117 V'3 7 33 1 a while.
'will btty tbnir cakes rind chocolate
in al._ Jut swoet air1 ood.
And trat y,oti to a d'clt or ice orea
Marla each. day by 5''l .1
Capital Paid 'Up $4,000,000
Reserve Fund $5,000,000
Over 125 Branches
requires that -every member of the family be made a
partner. That the earning from some particular pro-
duct be allotted to each member. Then good sense indi-
cates tlia,t these earnings should go to swell their savings
account -with The Molsons Bank.This will make each one
ambitious to make his product ..pay. Deposits by 'nail
accepted. -
Centralia Branch open Inc business daily
Safety Deposit Boxes to rent at the Exeter Branch
Head Office, Farquhar, Ont.
President, ' Wm. BROCK
Vice -President, JOHN ALLISON
RAIN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for
tsborne and Biddulph.
picavER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for
Eitbbert, Fullarton and Logan.
Secretary -Treasurer
RP R. No, 1, Woodham.
Solicitors, Exeter.
Veterinary Surgeon
Office—Baker's Livery on James St,
Calls promptly attended to day or
Phone FL
Dia. A.- R. III/sT8M4N0
'Honor Giraduate of Toronto isAliver-
Office over Gladmaii ,& stanhurY'
office, Main Street, Exeter
Advertise in the T t pa„
.We have a iarge'amouiit of private
funds to loan on farm, and villago
properties, at lowest rates of in/„.
Barristers, Solicitors,
, Main St Exeter,'Oatario
PERRY F. DOUPE, Licensed Anal
tios.eer. ,Sales conducted in any loc-
ality. Terms sioders.te, Orders befit
at Times- Office will be promptly at
to. Phone 116, EirktOno
Address Kirldon P. 0.
PR. a. 13.', ROULSTON, LDS., D.D.S1,
Office over L It. Carling'S. Lar
Closed every Wednesday 'afternoon,
1)1-e right! Don't risk:
your material. 1,1;80), p a ek
'o.ge of "Diamond Dyes" con-
tains directions so simplo
that any NV °Mall eaa
diamondolye a new, riotm
cc, ol°1.111113°Perl lerrYlite:1.1;11::11 al:11;:le:011(.11(111.11gigD9:)t:rrineeele::':11:nYcli
thing, whether wool, silk,
1177:111, cotton or niixod goods,
emits ate gnarantecd. even if
yon have iiever dyed before.
Druggist hoe "f)lato end Dyea
Color Cant" --10 rich colora,