HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-3-23, Page 7AU •lJUlr FFREll/ SiJ.
Way Tanlac �e Overea>ixae
My Trouble
Was, the Hap-
iest Spar theLife," � 9 of �.,,1F0
He Declares,
nt tet ei east and 'happiest
s'tirprlse of lily�ife was the quick Way
-in which Tanlac brought me complete
relief, said Victor Chaplean, 375 San
trine .
g tt Ave., Ntcntreal, Quo,
"1 wars in a terribly run down condi—
tion for three years as a result of
s ntacll trouble I aotualiY got to
pofutevenwhere e
the smell
of food
kung would nauseate me and I
dreaded to see meal comp round,
I knew
that no e•
tt i hov careful.
I ` was T would suffer agonies:. after
`'wards. .i was so nervous at times chat
illy y hands ands s
hook like is man's 'w'itllthe
palsy and I could hardly hold a pencil
-to sign my name,
"I am like a new man'
in every way.
.now, Everything I eat agrees with
me, my nerves. are . as steady as a
•clock and I feel jest brimful of life
stud energy all the time.'
Tanlac is 50111 by all good deuggf'sts,
,Babies Buried in Sit.
An 'iufiunt 4 in Guinea is usuall.
buried in ,stand up to its waist w1iou
ever the mother is busy, and this ie
the only cradle it ever knows,
The little Lapp, en the other hand,
fares' most luxurloesi'y in itsinotherie
shoe,' -These Lapp shoes are big aft
fairs of skin stuffed with Soft moss,
and can be liung . on a peg or tree
b"z,anclsafely.,out of the. way.
The tin.; .e
Cl Chinese bob- 1`! tied to the bade
of an'o
1_ r
c, uhiicl, who goes about its
piny quite i �i orin its burden. 64 g
Two Prophecies Fulfilled,
yTwo ancient pi ophonies or the Molise,
et Clatiticarde are fulfilled by tt5 'Mar-
ri„ge of Prinedsa 1\lazy and Viscount
Lescelles. It was the death of the
last of the Clanrleardo lino which gave
the bridegroom his ii.dependetit for-
Onof the lI'•
. 1, opi'tectes, ybich datcs
back to the inhidle a'. the eighteenth
gone izy., was that a King'sdaughter
dau hter
one day would come Into the f:lixtily.
rine ct.r tva
t < that t tree famous jewels
o G n' ,
la i icarilrs wotitid one day be worn
by the daughter of aovergt n, The
s g_
mostremarkable of these jewels are
the "stones of luck" carrying
.the tra•
dlticn that should they leave the Clan
i, i.
car dqsllcic would ould leave the house.
They are seven large and very, fine
(1 2
Fruit Thimbles
Thimble -like : contrivances-- thatfit
aver the fin6er e1 ds, fa
hnI g
111 f"
t l fruits,tl' '
bare the na1eI iuven•
Lion of Ansy" :I'eai•ce, -of mission city,
British Columbia, Tee thimbles are
of light metal and are provided with
artificial nails. To each of them is
fastened a short rubber tube, which
secures it upon the finger,
ybody Pleased.
I ow' the s new baby?
Last .I
heard you Wanted to call her Pearl
and heat ma was Bolding out forItuo"
"And hera
gt ndina wanted to Hanes.
her Opal,"
"Well how did it eoment."
"Ignored ell nobody and .satisfied every-
"Called her Jewel,"
Neither the gond nor the evil you
have done is lost, though you forget
—Advt. 'gyginard s Liniment for houghs and Colds
BY DR. 3: J. lM tl)flLETg1;°l
proeinclal Board of Health, Ontario
t''r. Middleton will belad to answer
g Questions on Public u Il,. Health mat,
`tees through this column: Addreaa Una at fspadina House. Spadlns
Crescent. Toronto.
The hub r the .
a . of country life fo as the ' following ,• .
follo�,v.nf, �1e the exception
boy® and girls is the rural school— rather. than the rule: The Medical Of -
little red school house,"we often
read about in the newspapers. As
far as the more outh uI-members of
y f
each family are concerned the demand
to have the school house abolished
would be' practically unanimous, _but anti dead animals.' I would recommend
as the childrengrow older they soon �mnlhe
that the dead:animals`fioatfn'g on the
begin to apr't
g pp ®crate its worth. water be buried away from the school
To be most effective as a place for ground.”
educating the young, the school -house
tiiust be up—to—slate in equipment, and
les site, vetltilatiou, lighting and sani-
tary conditions must be first-class in
every respect. Too much atention can-
not be given these necessary features
of the s'ciiool and its surroundings, and, a rigid ilia e 't'.
the supply of drinkingwater for the p�c�tnn of the water supply
for rtiraI schools.
spites must be adequate and pure.
, regards 1
s li It'
t1n� '
athe e
�" SC.la
• t.
e �11ould, 1ao pertoc.ical•13 ex- rooms, the v�irvdo'1vs,shotzld ,liilve : r .
aiiin'ed 'both chemically and bacteriol- f oia,
eve -sixth to one-fourth as much glass
surface as floor surface. That is to say, in a school -room thirty-two feet c
long and twenty-four feet wide,ro
vision should be made for from A E
one ;.c
hundred and twenty-eight to one
hundred and ninety-two square feet
of glass. In every instance the win`-
draws shouted face east and west so as •t
to get as much air 'and.,sunhi ht
g as
filer of Health of a certain munici-
pality itt Heide -nand' County, in his
most recent report of '� '`
h n school in shit
district say's: "The school tv e'1 is
filthy, and contains stagnant water
This is.the afcicial report, but it does'
not go into details as to the nature or
size of tete animals. n t
,floating U c.er-
'neatiz the written comment, however,
ane can, tracc`a -sense of • hiiinor,which
clearly shows the 'great neceseit - for
egica.l'iy, and should be inspected as to
the location, and. protection afforded
to the well or pump from which the
drinking water is obtained. The com-
mon drinking cup should be ,abolished.
A sense of humor is -one of the
greatest - aids to'. a happy life, and
without it our daily, existence would
often be drab and dull. Whatever vo-
Dgt .
Our Canadian winters areexceed-
exc e
q d -
it l3 i
ardon the,
of Litt a
1 ones.
, i
weather soften so severe ever® tiiaG
the mother' cannot take the little ones,
out for an airing. The consequence i
that baby is confined to overheated,
badip ventilated rooms; takes cold
and beco
zt.es cross and peevish,
Baby's Own Tablets should bo given
to keep the little' ones -healthy. They
aro a'inilcl laxative which regulate the
stomach and bowels and thus prevent
colds; The Tablets are sold by medi-
cine dealers or i» mail at 26 cents a
box from The Dr. 'William' ;Medicine
Co,, u-aocicville, Ont..
The Example.
"Co, break to thehungry sweet
charity's bread,
For ei givingis linin a
, g;;";the. angel Said,
`:But must 1 he giving again and
again ?"•
My weary and wandering answer ran,
"Oh, no,";said the angel
b piercing
"jest give till the Savious stops giv-
ing to you,"
At a certain Univorsity;ene of til
o,,, visiting the college was a
professor whose naive hapr,eneil
be eV taleiglt,
A student '\teas deputed to meet eh
great man at the railway station. Thi
student dict not knew the professor b
sight, but, walking 'up to a man' h
thougnelooked :like him, he said:
"I beg your pardon, bat am I ad
cttess-Mg Walter Raleigh?"
The locked g
1e .cirri l.,c�ted at Hint a'mamant
and, thinking he nnist be mad, replied
"No, I am' Christopher Columbus,
Walter Raleigh is in•the waiting -room
with Queen Elizabeth."
-land-Darninr achineWorl 0
Like a Looms.
. Darning is made into a pleasant oc-
upation, it is claimed, when done
with a device recently introduced in
ngland. The little darning machine
onsists of a Yat stretcher' which is
laced behind the hole in the stacking,
slid over' which is slipped a saddle
hat holds the ,stocking fn piaeee
he children a 'recess every hour so
that, especially in cold weather the
windows may : be fully opened' and
ross ,ventilation brought about, In
miner time' the windows and door
Could. be kept open as much as os-
ible, and • to prevent draughts the
wer edge. of the window should he
our feat from the floor. To preserve
gid oleanl'tiess of the closets. and
ash places special attention is neces-
ary. Reports from -Medical Officers
- Health indicate dic
ate 'that this very
ecessary feature of school sanitation
sadly neglected in' inany sections,
it conditions axes gradually ,improv-
g all over the province.
inyra, [b M1 I1 seas
The. 1 -tome That Weis.
0 1"hi ieiibla :13«„c::,l tlt1::11 to avert
E'la1xds of ever"rather
alt tttt, re 01 ;nflu„hc.l simnel
1 0
s ?arell. Tho dice . e itself often pe
fa el and its niter effects among t
who are ra'pai-eii , malts the lite of
victim one af'athoSt ccn:etant 111'
Ask almost a i ' tai" tells® wh„a
been attacked by, this trouble what
their present condition of health
and most of them will an;wor; "Since
influenza have
I earl the i_. tut nza 1 ha4r. ztevgz^ been
fully trouble b
tt ly 1i•eit. t ii:i; tx to leaves bo-•
hind it a persistent wealness of the
linitis, shortne'~�s.of h: at11. bail diges-
tion palpitation of the heart
, pali.i . tear G t one a
tired feeling after even slight exe'r-
t li This isu to the ti in- 1
.o Thus duet b ooded
condition -in which, the patient, is 'left
afterand influenza a the fever z euza have
subsided.Thicondition i i ti
� will Coll
until the blood tie built up again,
rh blo,
for betiding upt e blood. and stren.
l,u b
ening the nerves nothing can Km
fair treatment with De GVillialns' P
Pills. The` value of Ibis medicine
cases of this kind is shown by
statement of Mr, Edward 3' McGu
Pembroke, Ont., who says:—"In
fall of 1918 I was attacked with the
be the iso S 'cut ti's snt puts al. in-
C, ,U 1V1 , qln t t
oven 3 p
t1, .11�' 1 'e.
s co pol,cy for thq;boy's ti tete_
who •a c much ltt t
looklilt® being' failures,
's LiTlieteet• pr5ve t'5 Spartisll rtie
r'« Ad
ht a'4 paid''
uta, s. Natioaaa
Az.I3. $10O0 TO 2150.00 T'Left
vulcltnising, ' .f3Fi Lndepe.ndent:
ut,eii you. Vi rite for par ticuIs ', (:islet
1,hztructur, , Carle -do. Vialu,iuizc, •, Lalidot;i :.
.e.lnerica'o Pioneer Poo Romodt e
Sc n in is not s ria itr is"lo the ` 1'
o t o . bks ou 1!. 3oalz a
I on
b i>
trouts to turn your boy' over to, awl
f >rt ,. "1•
� tbq nest ac:
have c .' o Soo trips' i,x 1
q i kl
li 4 4 c.vel' le,, lease 11 hq v0 d
for welding fatherandso tope
.> n toget
into a wiunieg team for hetne a
eou n try,.
Every father does not realize t
the Qtttat•ia bqy is wa
5 X00 hours ayear. Youput him
school for9 t h and tool 0 of eve hours a tl av
Q these
lasatingiy keep after Itun to Inakotgo
You place rim in church fairpestle.
a l u
another 100andi'n, 1:1
hours let him I
you are l�'ooki.ng for x'esuits. Von Ice
hizn , t tot h iri an uz de
tt tnd o e d t 1 0
watchful eye for probably 1,500 of his
waiting hours; and then. turn hi?1'loose
for his ala •--year--and
t s 1 y �,a00 hours a
that's the end of it. 'Why? Because
you are past tlia play ago, os' rather
think you are. •
Yet right hero, in these hours he is
av ay froth home and oilier wktolesal
influences, is where your' boy foie
al a
fluen.ze—and not in a -mild form either,
1 was confined to my room for th
weeks, and although tete influenza
Sided I did not. regain my health.
a matter o'f, fact 1.seemecl to be gr
ing weaker: I hall no appetite,
subject to fainting spells and my feet
and ankles were badly swollen.
sub -
doctor told me that my condition had
developed into a serious case of
anaemia and although I was under; his
care for ov'er_ttvo months I was not
improving in any. way. At this stage
olie of my friends advised me to try
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I was loth
to'do'so,as-I began to think my case
hopeless, ' However, I was finally per-
Beaded to ti•y them, and by the tins
had used tree) bottles there was
e doubt they were helping nue. I c
tinned takingthe pill
until ,
1 I had
e used- a• dozen boxes. when I found that
every symptom of the trouble had left
e me and I'was again`eujoying the best
s of health. I returtled to lily work and
have ever -since been ill good health.
e and feel that f owe it entirely to Dr.
Williams' 11 i
l at
ns' Pin -
?, Pill •:
s.�I' think -
1. 1
t fat any-
- Ily-
- one who is suffering from the after
effects of influenza, or any form of
anaemia should give this medicine a
fair teiai."
You can get Dr.Williams'
Pink Pills
through any dealer°in medicine,' or by:
mail et 50 cents a box or six boxes for
$2.50 from The,Dr. 'Williams' Medi-
ino Co., Brockville,, • (eat.
The Price of Freedom.
Irish lawyers tell this story:of Lord
Morris, once lord chief justice of Ire-
Iand and before that recorder of Gal-
and now to Food
�, igl,,.� ,
r ,.rip,: Mailed F't c,e to al:y..Ad-
ep ��the Author.
le ^.
vv _
A t
her �: '
H. Clay Glover
CEO 3, Co.,
nd- & 124 West, Lith Street
New York, L1„t.,A.
lte Qd -� 000-• :›000 e0a�- 00 - ,.d'
to 7�'
g g
or-83�gg�� After
od, — If you have fulness after meals,
bad taste '
t in
mouth in '
inOrnin fur on l
g. hr?,�tongue, 4iat•
ti en
ce atter meals and no appe-
ti a-tak ' ,
k o Mother i
Se -1.
5 Syrup.
C ft
will clean' your -tongue, renew
your appetite, give yourelish PP , sh-for
food and' the
power t
v o digest
thoroughly' and easily.. Sold: in ,�,
SOc. and $1.00 bottles at drug
stores. 4-01
bus character and needs you mo
Scoutinr t lyes you, as a father
plete playtime progra Time through,
which you can win your: son for, life.
Scouting wine, and the home that
"puts in" Scouting wins too.
Scouting is the manliest programme
ever devised for a boy. As associate
members of the Boy . Scouts Associa-
tion fatlhers6unite• with their ,boys in •
Scouting: Tiley become pals wi
their sons' and "home scouting' 1n
wins, If, Scouting is not in your liens
see to it.
ITTLE aches grow into big pains-
unless warded off -
an <t
tion of Sloan's, Yadios
neuralgia, 'stiff joints, lame � '"
fight longi1 hack won't
b o g against Sloan's I:iitiruent.
For more than forty years S o '
th 1 an s
Liniment has helped thousa-
nds; the
it world over. You won't be an exc
e, tion. It certainly does produce results.
itpenetrates ?vithout7•ubbinc�, Deep
this old family friend always handy
The Wolf Cubs.
Ged planted in the shall boy a lto
I.. .ot instant use. Ask your neighbor.
ror of all that is club ane slow an
d At all druggists -35c, i0c, $1.40,
Made •
zn Canada.
e I conventional. Ile made'him a ',crea-
ture of 'restless energy, with ail to
•`L.Sc,. :� cox,. 4i
no uisitive eager mind a sensitive little
an- q b k
cation we follow, there are plenty of possible. In towns or cities where
there. are'tall buildings in
g the im-
mediate neighborhood, or in looations
where mountain ranges or high hills
raise the sky -line on the' window sides,
titian or woman. in this provdnce who it' has; been found necessary' to have
doesnotbelieve its iire clean'w t r full ' one -fourths
p ae Y as much window ;lo
for • drinking purposes? Is there a space <as -floor space.
better place•than the rural school for I
t is especially necessary to pro- ri
teaching the young the value of pure vide - sufficient light for 'bl blackboard
water, fromthe1
g alk
o standpoint s td a1n�
of ad desks, p o and xd c.e.lc
g s and h
t the seats should be so sa and normal development? One arranged that the light falls over.. the of
would think not, c andet there ore is left shoulder of the pupils sitting at ri
ninth to be dono in this line in some the desks. is
of the schools in the province. ' It The school -room should be properly b
must be admitted that such instances ventilated, and a good plan is to allow in
ludie:taus conditions confronting ws
that most provide ainuselnent--if alas,
there were not so serious consequences
often connected with'them. Is there "a
3 if [�p
(qy) V
U �','oi�0}�P3��9
•b�� �go '. , 3 , a $$w e
id You ever try GraPeg-Nuts
With s±ere . prunes o eac,ryh®s
HERE isn't anything better for breakfast or
lunchthari a dish of Grape -Nuts, with cream
or milk,: and stewed prunes or peaches.
This delicious combinationgives you the ele-
ments of a well-balanced food. For it contains,
not only the material needed to build tissue and
furnish energy, but it also supplies fruit acids,
that help keep the system in good order.
Go to your grocer today and order a package
of delicious gape -Nuts, You will find that it
will digest snore readily than mot other cereals,
and it will "stay by" you longer—because it's so
richly nourishing.
�s eve'sa
The last case on the list on one oc-
casion, a dispute over a few shillings,
was argued before Morris at great
length and with muck warmth. Lord
Morris was axnians to'get back to
Dublin, where the courts were in full
swing and where he held important
briefs. Moreover, the Dublin train
was scheduled to start' within a few
minutes. The recorder looked at his
watch; but the wrangle .did not seem
to be approaching an end.' At last he
said. to the opposing solicitors;
"Pardon mo, gentlemen, but I must
catclh a train. Here is the sum in dis-
And throwing down the silver, he
vanished to
d from the court,
Send a Dominion Express Monet/ Or-
der. They are payable everywhere,
Agriculture Surveys'
Under a ruling of the Department of
the Interior, all Dominion lands south
of the main line of the Canadian
Pacific Railway in Saskatchewan and
Alberta have been
withdrawn wn
entry or grazing lease, • This regula-
tion, however, will not' affect applica-
tions "already made.
The southern portions of these two
provinces are being subjected to in-
tensive survey of agricultural con-
ditions therein, southern Alberta by a
commission of which T(1r. C. A. - Ma-
grath is chairman, and woutliern Sas
katehewan by a soil int"vey committee
directed by Prof. Roy :Hanasen, of the
-Faculty of Agriculture of Saskatche-
wan 'University.
A New Kind of Panel.
Successful experiments Have recent-
ly been made with a Rtes composed of
a•tnixture of antracite dust and an al-
most pure carbon obtained by distil-
lation of coal -tat pitch, , The stuff is
pressed; into briquets, the coal -tar
piton produot serving ing 05 a binder. In
this shape it is bard, dense' and :in
color silvery to grayish 1)150;1. The
briquets burn like an 11201te, ,not going
to pieces like coke.
A Baker's Hazen.
This phrase, meaning thirteen ,ob-
jecta'itistead or twelve, of linated iii:
l0tzgland When the statutes ' agaiest
giving 1es'S than the amount paid for
were unusually nevose;, sartteilines in-
volving the death p001112y. In order to
make S1ire of not giving abort quadti
ty the ' bakers would sell thirteen.
loaves to the dozen, thus being 00 the
safe side,
Be riot. of Ilioso who Wotilclsootter
be tom 1.lie+ir :Cotl:nes 'bha it thote
heart, and a romantic imaginatio
Don't oppose God's plant—discover
—guide it—work with it! That is th
Wolf Cub idea.
In: 1014, in response to continual d
mantis from boys meter. 12 years o
age for admission - to Boy Scan
Troops, Sir Robert Baden-Powelt an
swered with a plan for the organiza-
tion of the Wolf Cubs.' And in dein
so the great Father of Scouting also
met tree need for a scheme of recrea-
tional education that would teach the
small boy those first lessons in loyalty
to the right, self control, respect for,
authority and - kindness to others,
which are tire 'foundations stones of
good citizenship:
The programuxe'of the 'golf Cubs,
paralleling" the plan of Scouting for
older boys, has been built up about the
natural activities and impulses of, the
boys of eight to twelve years of age.
The small boy likes to play at wolf
or bear, barking, growling, pursuing
and being pursued. Very well, then,
let him play at wolf and you play, at
wolf with him. And into his play
weave the fundamentals of loyalty (to
his pack), obedience (giving in to the
older wolf), and self control (not giv-
ing in to himself). In a few words
this is the theory of •t11e Wolf Cubs, .
Wolf Cub organizations and packs
may be formed in a planner similar to
the way in which Boy Scout Troops
are formed, Instead of a Scoutmaster
there is a Cubmaster who may be
Dither a man or a
woman andinstead
of the troop committee there is•a pack.
Mother! Clean
Child's Bowels With
California .. Fig Syrup
n o e —
Even asick child loves the "Entity"
taste of "California, Fig Syrup." If the
Iittle ,tongue is coated, or if your child
is listless, cross, feverish., fall of cold,
has 1 as colic, give a tea.apoonf
ul to
olea.nsehe liver e1 ante bowels. In a few
hours y-ou can see for yourselfhow
thoroughly it works all the constipa-
tion'poison, sour bile and waste out of
the bowels, and you have a well, play-
ful child again.
Millions of panthers keep "California
Fig Syrup" bandy. They know a tea, -
spoonful to -day eaves a sick child to-
tner•row. Ask your druggist for genu-
ine "Caldfornla Fig Syrup.' which has
directions for babies anti children of
all ages printed on bottle. Alother!
You must say "California" 0.0 y -o11 may-
ayget am imitation fig syr'np,
One Logical Woman.
Saleslady—"That hat mattes you.
loot: ton yeea-s younger."
Custoinel--"Then it won't do, \Viten
T took it off 15110211d look'ten years'
So live that when' you die yeu
trampetee wili 1101; be buried. \VARNINIGt. Say "Bayer" vv -ben you,..„1,111y Aspirin,
Teach Children To
Because it is beat for their tender
skins. Help it now and then with
touches of Cuticura Ointment applied
to first signs of redness or rough-
nee.s. Cuticura Talcum is also excel-
lent for children.
Soap25e. Grrtgicsat25a1350c. Takaw25e. Sold
throughouttheloaiinicn. CanadianDepot_
Lsaaas, L ai ell, 344 St. Pani 5t., W.. Maatreal,
'Caticura Soap shaves without mut
Igy7.ra'C{M sarxiY;l;i,.l. ie.,a1JND d,)C SCesi '-
z 1
r4.0\1 nU,
TIU MONisarP a.plia
,�I oti
A. `1ltaC;Peer..
a'uatham, Ont,
iT z; haN ? I 00" 1it s
ratin , rulleys,wcatda.�se.sackitea
phi itod
oa approval 1 at vT
r in .,a[176fiH + YORK
rca c CO/,
it yhRt:, flr'FLci;ioT,. 1�'L7t?01+T'C[3.
A i .,
Stops Hair Colnirig Out;
r� s
• t
1 /
35 -cents buy a bottle of 'Tenderize'
at any drug store, After one applica-
tion you can not find a particle of
dandruff or a falling hair, Beside;r,.
every hair shows raw lire, 4vlgor,
brightness, more colorand abundance.
ate DO,
Relieved a
. Pinkham a Vegetable
Cohourg- Ontario.—"For'many years,
I have had troubles with my nerves
and have be_nin a
general run-dowet
condition for some time. • :t could
not do my work half the time ibecause
of trouble every month, I was told.
of Lydia E. Plnlham's Vegetable
Compound by friends and advised to.
try it.•., It has clone . 1e good and It
strongly recommend 11. Since 3
;have taken it I have been able • to de
all my own -work and I also 'knew
friends who have found It good You
can use these facts as a testimonial.'
—Mas, .EreseeN PlesrI ras, Box 751.
Cobourg, Ontario,
Any woman in this eondltion sheuld,
take the; Vegetable Compound. for it>
TIPS helped other women and so it
should help' you,
For nearly fifty 'years this good
old-fashioned root and herb medicine;
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