HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-3-23, Page 3FRINCE OF WALES CONCUJDES
FOIJR iytoT.i.THrTQ:tjkoFjNK..
Crisi Inevitable,Now That p.0
lone.spondent of t1.1,
A despatch from London stay-Sa-
Thie Prince -•of AV -410'a left. Katrall'j. on
Frgloy for UoYilton en r'0.111:;e 10 4i1Trand
after a four mouths' our of India. -
Tbc rQts of thetend"' were S.1:13-
eiret,40 in a long (;..4•1 aesepatell ra_
eelved on Friday by, the Daily Ex-
press from Sir ersiv-.1 Phillips it
in „India. The ,chie
sfeatur.e. , of tlIie cl.eas....e..ateh was its
arseling franlenses,
. • . •
t Sir Periva1, whq aepompanied the
Pnince during ,every stage nit his tour,
erays regarding it:
"In 'my Own ,o-plon the Princes
tour has not influenced'. the 'political
sits:at:Ion one way or another.
"It avould be dle' talk to assert that
the influence ef the Prince's Personal.-
ity has bean felt by a.'majority of the
pooplte of India,- for •Jraha notcern
eagetacitawitli them there os lie did. .
Canada and AnSf`Sa.„
."The, Prince has had general view
of ti gretatter part cif India, but feav
and scanty glimpses of the life.of the
Sig Percival Phi,allige,iiloe tha, other
British correspondents, aralys a glow-
ing tribute' to the tact. and :deterintina-
tion Crf the Prinee in fact:nit difficult
Yal Guest Has Departed,„ Says
Lorlf7!lon Daily ExPre,ss.
'Reviaving the general satuatieli in
India, the correspondent '4:1C'C'111:re'S
erjodiis Cie says;
"1 liear on all sides, `We arc. n for
an explosion when the Prince leaves."
Let trit get it eVer. 'It will clear th,e
air 'and
hcen paTalYZ1.1* o:Cficial anal Com:-
niencial in.die. Let the Indians be'
given every reasonable concession II)
ii-goterninent, :Sad; above all, re-,
e.stallisb the prestige of Great Br-
ian, which has been steer:N.1y diminish-
' A despatch froin London. Says: --
The close ef the tour of the Prinv)e.ol
Wales in India leadsseveral of the
principal newspapers here to express
the opinion that, OD the whole, the
journey of His Royal Highness was
eminently suceessful. The Times bolds
the, opinion that in any earie India
would have passed through a trouble-
eorne period in the past few months,
if there had been no Royal visitor
th.ere, and that while the approach of
the Prince mettle a pretext in some
cities few subversive roodroments by
agitators, which:sometimes had un-
happy results, •the Prince's; winning
personality conquered in the encl. ,
. 0.
^ ^
Talk of Civil -War h Ireland
Rife in Certain Distrxcts.
A despatch frern says: ----floe
bitterness of the 'South against the
North has been intensified by Sir,
James Craig's speech at the o-pening
of the Ulster Parliament, and his
tention 'of gng General Sir Henry
Wilson, fort/ler-Chief Of Staff of the
British aerny, the task of restoring
The,South has no confide:ice in Gen.
Wilson. It frankly predicts that he
will be more' concerned avitle organiz-
ing the Orange "'side. 'of the 'feud than
in a general round -up of gunmen. The
Press asserts that the niureleias eotrid
have been stopped by the 'declaring
of martial law, and argues that this
was not done becauSe, the proclanialon
would have been enforced impartially
by the, military.
Talk of civil war is not anconirnon.
Members oa the Pio-visional G'avern-
meat affect to see in Sir James' speech
threat to torture the Roman Catholic
population of the six counties, and for
ros rea4on they have protested to
Great B1ntenL„....
The Northern constables, it ia
ed, continee to dig trenehes across.the
roads , and to destroy bridges °alone'
the border. Some of these have "'e'en
repaired, but the next night they are
again 'blocked and warnings posted for
contra.eters to keep 'their hands -off.
The vehicular traffic acroes the hours
dary is diminishing daily. ernment of Menite.
Approximately 6,000 soldiers and. ant -Governor, „Sir J.41e,s Aikins.
alMOrSt as many constables are at bile
dispoSal of Gen. Wilson. It is planned,
to recruit the eonstabulary to 10,000.
These forces are for a population of
bent one nnikon, of which the Sbuth
cialins 40 per cent. are Nationalists.
Fresh demands for the restoration
of the Belfast boycott are being made
by various organizations in the South,
and it is likely that the matter will
be considered at the next meeting of
the Dail Cabinet.
V.fornan Made Deputy
Ruler of London
A despatch from London says: --
The position of Deputy Rader of Lon-
don has beep.....7„conferred upon a young
wcirnan, vriten Miss, Mier,
daugliten, of the. late Chief Rabbi, I-Ier-
man Adler, was app,einted Deputy
Chairman of the London County
Council. .
It is the first -Hine a wonian has
ever held this post.
et. `
Sunnnertirne in Britain
March 26 to October §
A despatch from. ,-London
"Sunimertime". ha Great Britain will
begin March 26 and end October 8.
An order to this e ect has beengiven
to secure uniformity in time with
France and Belgium.
Premier T. C. Norris leas tendered
the resignation .of the'Proegincial Gov, -
ba to • the Lieut.en-
11)6.4 inion Nevis in Brie °
Victoria, B.C.-In an attempt to re -i at; 317,329,965, gave employment to
duce the depredations of sea' lions,ahd
hair seals of salmon, halibut, -cod and
other fish .of the British Columbia
coast, the Department of Fisheries 28
pqanting attacking inc seal reelteries
of.atlie Queen Charlotte tdiaiult with
machine guns.. ,
Edmonton, Alta. --Alberta) with .5,-
927,270 tons of coal 'mined during.
1921 led all the provinees .of ...the Do-
minion in this line of .activity and
achieved the third lergestprochictiOn
of coal in the history of ,the-Prevince:
A total of 3,429:960.t0nsiwereshipped,
to Alberta points -from the": Mines,
while 1,914,1.56 tonSaavere e-xported' to
other provinces of Canada. A total_ of
133)823 tons of they.eer'S output:went
to the 'United States.
Regina Sask.-A. rdduetion of six
centiS e pottomd oil all twine, has 'beeis
announced by. the International Har-
vester Co. through the Regina. head-
quarters branch. of S'askatchewan. Of
• - •
the company's busaness alone the cat
in price of binder twine mean'S' stav-i
ing of .over a million dolls:Ts to fa_rin-
ers in Saskatchewan, as the yearly
turnroyer of the International concertn
in this .clasts of leu.sinests approximates
Winnipeg, IvIananakceording to the
censire figures just disefln.sql, Wo'ster.1.1
Canada, has' made rendarlealbrfas pro-gresa.
in the lasldecade and its polon:...7't.i041
now represents 28 per cent.. of titer,
total Dominion population. In thc. ten
years the -number ef speople in the
tip:nibbled provinces nof Kattlitoba,.
,grkatcheavan, Alberta and British.
Colombia as increased from 1,645,1891
to 2,419,746, en increase of 774,557; or
ntore than 47 pt(1.1i cent.
Kirkland Lake, k reported
that orie Of the biggest deals ins. con-
nection with mining praperty in the
Kirliba116.1-4e. field la'as just bee;n„con7l
summated. The pnirothet4'e,'s, 'aTe
tdean and English .iliteresta', Alteeedy
arrangements be` .coparnenCe eXplora-
tion Work by el," of diamond drills
114WO been...made, ,antfl a machine 'will
be sent to the 'pro:verity at. once,
Sherbrcioke, Que,--6berlirooke. had
1.84 Pnatufaeturing esetablishinenta '
when the last ceirsne whe co/atilt:4,6d
1019, an inereitee "of 14.,,fr' `the
1917 figurers. There were cePrita, I
' •
Alaul.toti troops pa -trolling inirre'property to preserve order.
In peace as ,?rr, War 021,e of the first
essential's is a good map. On the
. .
,openang of hostilities map -making
establishments were called upon to
provide maps of the war zones ;to the
rn.a...roi'muln of their catp.aeitY; ds every
feature of .the country had to be
known to officers responsible for mili-
tary novements.
In peace times accuratemaps in• ,
every sense fully as important. All
land transfers, mining claims, foreet-
rY Permits, or registrations of posses-
sion are established` by geographical
CT a
stronomical position ..tsTo provide
this information, 'Which IS especially
important where new ,settlement is
proceeding, the Natural Resrources In-
telligence Branch of the 'Department
'of the Interior has recently issued a
revised edition of the Homestead Map
series of,the Prairies ,Provinces.
The latest map of this series is that
of Manitoba. -When the first Home-
stead Map of Manitoba wasissued in
1905 that province had approximately
350,000 population. An influx of
rngration was taking place and home-
stead entries were numerous.. The
northern exte-nsion to Hudson's Bay
and trb,e 60th paral•lea had not been
transferred to the province, and in
consequence only the smaller area
was included in the map. With the is-
suance of the seventeenth edition,
however, the map, is assuring a tre-
mendous importance in. western, af-
fairss ,Servirig „purpose
of designating, the 'location of land
available- for homestee mg, -landa
alienated but ,unoccupaed and..which
for sale, and lands- homesteaded
but, on which patents are not yet is -
_sued, there have been added the lace -
tion ef Indian reserves, forest re-
serves, timber berths, grazing leases,
national Parks, land distriesa and lane'
agencies, railway lines, to.pdgraphical
featuTts,,new surveys and deeeriptiv,e
notes of 'the eharacter of. the oountry,
beyond the surveyed areas. ,This map
aleo Shows the trend of settlement,
which is an important feature in. the
fPrinulati•on of a policy of road con-
sinaretion and the extension of electric
transmisibin anti railway linos.
Manitoba, according to the 1921
census,' has increased her population
to ,613,008 avnich is largely centred in
the area included within the original
boundaries of the province, although
.settlement iss pushing farther north
with increasing momentum. Covering
a total area of 251,882 square miles,
Manitoba has a considerable water
area, this latter representing 19,906
square miles. Including the area sur-
veyed in 1921 there is now available
for entry 5,348,300 acres, 120,800
acres of this having been covered by
the survey parties of the Federal
Topographical Survey during the past
year. Unpattentecr homesteads, or land
on which the entry duties have not
yet been completed, include 1,296,000
acres, while lands alienated -but un-
occupied acbount .for approximately
2,384,840 acres. „
Looking to the future of the prov-
ince, a-Shen,developm.ent of a pulp and
paper, industry will undoubtedly take
place, the Dominion Forest Branch
has established or 'proposes to estab-
lish a considerable number of forest
reserves a.gsgregating a total of 2,386,-
700 acres. Theseare situated in the
various portion's of the province, su
lim,d not at present required, or un-
suitable for agriciilture. The Graz-
ing Lands Branch' has also issued
leases' on a ,considerable area of land
fer 'grazing „purpersese, z
This .map is of -great value to those
contemplating taking up land in
Manitoba', and, in conjunction With the
published lists of uno-ccupied lands,
and anew pamphlet.shortly to be is-
sued on s"Farin. Loans," enables the
prospective. settler or ;those contem-
plating extending their land holdings
to secure useful informationregard-
ting land cettlement- Copies of he
map and of the two pamphlets re-
ferred to may be had on application
to- the Natural Resources, Intelligence
Branch of the Department of the In-
gicorreceiving 33 988 712 in '
-455 p
, al- 1i -e
, i a ,
wages and 'accounted dor a :production
in thit year of $19,403,771.
Halifax, N.S.--Cearada's principal
need now being an increased export
toade, it is being srrx'gestad here that
inc Cana.dien Govenimerit fit out one
of its stoat -mere ELS a. floating exhibition
of "Caria.drian, prodUCts end sendit on.-
a voyage, iJO the principea trading
ports of Ste World. Such a floatingeXhibition, it lal pointed out would
work ,in with the plans of the Can-
adian Manufacturers' Association to
run a speciaa train `bearing exhibits
of Canadian products through France.
Gt. John's, Nfld.-,-The Newfound-
landaGovernment has offered ,to Pay a
•bonus of $30par ton on vessels of 25
'tons and over and up to 56 tone con-
structed on the Island,- and ready for
sea by July 1st, 1922. Vessels laid
down since .Optotber 14, 1921, will -be
eltible for the bounty. The .cibject of
the .a.tverd is to encourage construc-
tion to replace the lost vessels and
also help to relieve the imemployment
Legislative•Assembly at Delhi
PxPre4Cs API4re4j4J.ion of
A despatch from Delhi says: -The
Legislative Assenibly,. including non-
official members of, every race and
prevince, passed by acelernatior; a re-
solution' expressing appreciation of
the visit of the Prince of Wales antd
regretting that his visit Was 'at a close.
• The debate on the budget was re-
s-umed. The Democrats indignantly
protested that they were not allowed
to discuss the -administration's general
policy under tire budget, declaring
that this rendered the Assembly
powerless and reforms a farce. They
moved as a protest the reduction of
expenses of the Executive Council.
This motion was adopted,48 to 47.
A despatch from London says: -
.n ion in
the .agrieu -
tural districts of the'United Provinces
in India, where rioting was reported
last week, is now well in hands, 'says
a counnunique issued by the India
Office. The number of armed police
ha e been greatly in�teasnd;tonvderaTeanh:
of transportation in
civil police also have been 'strengthen-
ed, and troops are being naa,rched
through the disturbed area, where the
synaltitoins of further trouble are being
closely -watched.
The In•dia Office'e statement WIlq
based upon a report fro•in the Gov-
ernor of the United Provindes.
When the contracting parties unite
in their efforts to inake maniage a
success it is seldom a failure.
Eamonrn de Valera, in the course
of a speech in Limerick, said: "H the
treaty wit.h Great Britain is accepted
the fight for :freedom will still go on.
The Irish people, instead of fighting
foreign soldiers, however, w -ill have
to fight Irish soldiers of the Irish
OF E(;Y.1)
Field Mar4-311 VircountAllenby Made Formal Call on New
Sovereign---Britisla GoVernillPtROSMre4tCertairx
ters to its Own Discretion,.
A despatch from Cairo says: -The
proclamation of the Sultan Ahmed,
farad Pasha, as King of Egypt on
Thursday, was aeeonopenied by the
firing of salvos of 101 guns lot Cairo,
Alexandria' and Port Said, and of 21
guns in all the other provincial
Field' IVIarslial Viscount Allenby,
hitherto the British High Commis-
sioner, accompanied by members of
Inc staff, called at the Royal -Palace
and congratulated King Fund, whom
he addressed as "Your Majesty."
,The British Gevernment has specti-
---- -
Markets of e 1Yorl
$1.52. Toront.o.
MAitoba wheat -No. 1 Northern,
Manitoba oats -.No. 2 OW, 581/2e;
extra No, 1 feed, 55e; No, 1 feed, 50e.
Manitoba harley-Nonalliel.
, All the above track, Bay- ports. '
American corn -No. 2 yellow, 744S'ic;
No. 3 yelleav, 78e; No. 4 yellow, 73c;
track, Toronto. •
Ontario oats -No. 2 white, nominal.
Ontario wheat -Nominal.
Barley -Ne. 3 extra, test 47 lbs. or
better, 57 to 60c according to freights
Buckwheat -No. 3, 78 to 80e.
Rye -No. 2, 86 to 89c.
lyanitoba flour -First pate., nom-
FnoOntario flour -90 per cent. pat. bulk
setaboard, per bbl, nominal.
Millfeed---Del. Montreal freight,
bags included: Bran, per ton, $28 to
$30; ehorts, per ton, $30 to $32; good
feed flour, $1.70 to $1..80.
Baled hay -Track, Toronto, per ton,
extra No. 2, $22 to $23; mixed, $18
to $19; clover, $14 to $18.
Straw -Car lots, per ton, track, To-
ronto, $12 --to $13.
Unofficial quotations -Ontario No. 1
commercial wheat, $1.30 to $1.36, out-
side; $1.35 to $1.41, delivered Toronto.
Ontario No. 3 oats, 40 to 45c, out:
Ontario eciaa-53 to 60e, outside,
Ontario flour-ist pats., in cotton
sacks, 98's, $8.20 per bbl; 2nd Pats.
(bakers), $7.20. Straigihts, in bulk
seaboard, $6.25.
Manitoba flour-lst pats., in cotton
sack's, $8.70 per bbl.; 2nd pats, $8.20.
Cheete.--New, Itarg-e, .20. to 201/2c;
twins, 201/2 to 21c; -triplets, 21 to
211/2c. Fodder cheese, large, 181/2c. Old,
large, 25 to 26e; twins, 251/2 to 261/2c;
triplets, 26 to 27c; Stiltons, new, 24 to
Butter -Fresh dairy, choice, 22 to
28c; creamery, prints,,fresh, fancy, 41
to 42c; No. 1, 39 to 40c; No. 2, 35
to 87c; nesoking te.„25e.
Dressed poulttryeesSpfing chickens,
30 to '38cS 'roosts, 18c; ,Eowl, 24 to
30c; duckling's, 35c; turkeys, 45 to
50c; geese, 30c.
, Live poultry -Spring chickens.",22 to
28c; roosters, 17 to 20e; fowl, 24 to
30c; ducklings, 38c; turkeys, 45 to 50e;
geese, 30c. ,
Margarine -20 to 23e.
Eggs -New laid straights, 80 to 31e;
new laid, in cartons, 34 to 35e.
Beans -Can. hand-picked, bushel,
$4.40; primes, $3.85 to $4,
, Maple products -Syrup per imp.
gal,. $2.50; per 5 imp. gals., 32.35.
Maple sugar, lb., 19 to 22c.
lioney--60-30-1b. tins, 141/2 to 15c
rer 5-21/1-11/. tins, 17 to 18e per
b.; 'Ontario cornb honey,' per dozen,
tSmokeal meats. ---Hants, med. 32 to
34e; cooked ham, 47 to 50c; snicked
rolls,, 28 to 28c; cottage rolls, 30• to
32esbreakfast bacon, 29 to 33c; special
brand break -fast bacon 37 to 40c;
backs, bancae.s.s, 35 to 40e.
Cured meats ---Long clear bacon, $17
to $19; clear bellies, $17 to $20; mess
Pork, $34;. short cut backs, $36; light-
weight rolls, $39; heavyweight rolas,
Lard -Pure, tierces, 17 to 171Ac;
tutts, 17h to 181/,c; pails, 17 to 171/2h;
prints, 18 to 19e. Shortening, tierces,
16 to 161/2c; tubs, 151/2 to 15aic; nett's,
16 to 1.61/4e; prints, 17 to 1.71/2e.
Choice heavy steers $7.75 to $8.25;
do, good, $7 to $7.50; butcher steers,
choicen$6.75 to $7.50; do'"good, $6 to
$6.50; do, inert:, $5 to $5.50; do, coin.,
$4 to -$5; butcher heifers., choice, $6.50
to 87; do, med., $5 to $6; do,coin., $4
to $4.25; butcher cows, choice, $5.50
to $6.25; do, med., $3.50 to $4; canners
and cutters, $1.50 to $2.50; butcher
bulls, good, $4.50 to $5.50; de, com.,
$3 to $4; feeders., good, $6 to $6-75;
do, fair, $5.50 to 86; stockers, good,
ancl exelasiSely reserved to ita
own dieeretion the following matters: Rapid Expan�if0
(1) Seeurity of British Imperial coin- T T•
munieation in Egypt; (2) defence of .1 aPer intiUSrY
Egypt against all foreign aggression vision for F
or inthiference, direct or indirect; (3) _
protection of foreign interests and The PULP aild Paper /
pnstry 15 0110
foreign communities in Egalgt.
01 Carnada s 2110St iinP°r4;111fltIie
An ide:tiPointist:hat.aeini::3
\ lived:ofner:ieezit;at101
righs in
s Gelmnaldol:re:_eIe1y
citizens in Egypt do-n.ot possess extra- 1.ate. Years has been a fdaturc of the
territorial privileges eiajoyed by other 1J°111l1lio11313 inAllstrial,nreiarosS" `I.3111 -
,g ' Jetta No. 48 of Oar; New s Print Ser -
ice Bureau gives tile 'output ot 'tile
$4 to $5sd,o, fair, 33 to' 34; milkets, sixteeu car`lilisar paper 4.1.1111."
$60 to 380; canners and cutters, $1 to jug as 822,260 issas,..f.or, 91,0"Year 1921,
$2,50; springers; 370 to 390; calves, 01' an average 00r Inill 80t605,.
choice, $12.50 to 314; do, med,, 310 to whereas tho output of the .1.-Weritsr)deigliz
$31.21.Itdc:oslic40;111d.,0,35cotmo,,2373;61ta-ontlkb,7s,,; esiihfcsi4e: itiT2noitteodneS,toalt,e3s41,no,ic151stio'ellpsqi;?"1:e1;ai,gma.\i'vd).3 t7
dclo-r,o dee:co.:113,7 1,3d,Fos.,0 ;gohcia,c1,g,,,,!Gtetd0 aFrit.n74', c 0 tsilonni wpiitigSth, eLcstsstrIiil eards a13.111 -es
to plO 25, do, count), y pod,r.18), to tthl000 tsvtleieived?fle.i.roronaitsbe paf ltrst2idlissts'1.0%)111.pt,s2‘e0.,."1;
per cant. in 'the 1.Inited States, alit
Oats -Can. Westta No. 2) ciri1/2 to but 8 per cent, in Catania. ' United
66e.[ No.
ha, 6t?tie'fi63-:.t. I$''81°A101sTSRI:Nolialencl, Stater3' [1111wr[s 13al-Sc'3Sf.fans
so',Da.rt)si.ne.-'aygesa, ,6aibss". $32,50.. -for 'INerverraber 'were 63,2a7 L021J.
toll, oar j:ler nelt.;[ Ifarg`st sa-ulllic3r was .3sseciell'
17 to tODS. 1-fer total imliorts from all C01.113-
trom w130111`14Slie obtained l'ut 6,41a
1.71/2,e. Butter --Choicest creamery, 35 tries other than Canada were but
9t00035,60Y23c1. Potatoes -Per bag, ear lots, 6,27$ boas- '
Good calves, 37; inferior, 36; hogs, ['ult.-3 and .Parjs'r'' a)T°trt.2.
se4eleicetsesst3b1a3n.25seateoct!.13,50;. sows, 33 to During the eame rnoritly Canada eup-
Piled 2G,494 tans of ground wood:pulp,
18,340 tons of suit:hate pulp, 20,503
otottnisauoliftw,sotiolpdl/ifet Pulp, end 44,83.5 cords
This paper and pulpwood all eomee
from the nataral forests of Canada,
forests which are the growth of ages.
How long they can maintain sup-
ply is unknown; the demand is in.
creasing, and mills have to bring the
pulpwood greater &lettuces ana at en-
hanced cost. The larger Mills, for-
tunately, have realizetl that the safety
The University's Public
The last issue for this academic
year,. of "The Varsity, the ander-
go . aduate newspaper of:the mversary
of Toronto„ contains a list of tire out-
side activities of the provincial uni-
,yersity. From this report it appears
that Ontario's university is doing a
large amount of special work for the
general public and'without treinurtera- of their investments in inanufactrfring
plant depends upon the maintenance
of an adequate pulpwood supply., and
are replanting the cut -over areae
making a successful effort to serve in°"e 5r4'en§lreltY Protecting. I:11'1s' re -
its constituency hi an adeouate way, maining timber fropi fire
The list referred to includes a large
num:her of interesting lectures that
were open to the public free of all
portant conferences etohnifs'erliesiticeasis.t°oawrehischeytelrieelpiall-- RiinTh:11.'!:."tar,elt:hcc-nu:SrSre°xuriotfl'Sitcle1.01e.:at/I'tnh,ls'sies
lic were invited and also a riunaber of abottt to be reseatocd. It is a lnisSake
s.hort courses. for. which only. "a rearra to call the attenipt of 1921 a failure,
Intl fee was charged. From the re- 11-nless ine tetra 1 jn1i5c careful:1Y-
Pori on ILTniversityExtetrtsition it :also IT:110.4g-,11"th.q'hir.1tilasst ..reaclled. Pas
raepriVeleea-ST'sdtihna tpliteher usrsanilseel-isste•teSe eins d;6etlirtalig; 111a1.1.4-111teet!;..140t1.060111.f
the people of Ontario. in country asLicede`lile`
well as in city, aye f.1.21X.101.1$ to take • When the party „went inOl°I`Selyal
advantage of the resources of, their and .Tibet a yeer ago iba ncrthorn
own nrovincial university. At a time approaches to the raanntsin ver1171-
when, public interest in education known 40 white- rtler:.• 10 Cosa
shows signs of such a marked revival. alnlost as an onela boolo. The .111chaa
it is gratifying to know that the Una: nen ef the :present exneiltien 1 -ii es;
versity of Toronto is satisfactorily every clement of the pr:.blem Tily
meeting this quickened interest know -what to expees. ',icy
What errors to avoid - ;
From 23,000 feet:. upward the i'ast
faetcir is the ability lbfctbuhcc±uaci aca'
chine to carry on, in air of exit:aline
rarity naming Inc a aliati-edero, woe)
many steps to led cut and ratielTagynan-,
astic effort required in reek and ice
work. The Doke of Alirurno reached
24,000 feet el.se-where. in -the giant
range. The height Of thc stimnait, over
29,000 feet, has been far exceeded by
the airplane and by the balloon. But
the altitude TP.ZOrd.S. above 24,500 "feet
have been inacie by:the D.1(!ljbaniesi de-
vice that -saves bedily effort and dal: -
ries oxygen apparatus, in that the
climber is relieved of allproblernat of
'axes and ropes, and perhaps recalci-
trant native licinerss who take to then'
iheele when there are tents 'se be pet
up, supplies to be transported and. -
meals to be cooker." The aerial neeent
of the high mountains -if no lendit.g
is attempted -Is obviously a vory fiat-
ferent business front the ,pedeasiTi.1111
ascent; and the reason for public in-
terest in the conquest of the eastbSe
loftiest peak is that it means one nose
Victory of the indomitable spirit ever
the obstacles nature imposes for oes
human twills to etarmoant.
New Liner Too Big
to et t
tion of :any kind. Though admittedly
handicapped by lack of funds, the
OniverSity of Toronto sTerns to :be
Everest Ag,ain.
Justice Lon.ley
Dies m Hserax
A. dee-sate:- froin Halifax,.NS,.
says: -After several months' illness,
Hon. James Wilberforce Longley.
Justice of the Supreme Court of Nova
Scotia, since 1905, died at a private
hospital here on Thursday afternoon.
While a member of the Nova 'Scotia
Legislature,, Arr. Longley was the
author of Many inipertan t acts, includ-
ing the act to abolish imprisonment
for debt. As a scholar, writer of his-
torical -works, orator and after-dinner
speaker, h_e_enjoyed 'considerable dis-
tinetion outside his native province,
Spain Takes ,Measures
to 'Prevent -Art ,Exports
A. despateh from London ,saysi-e
SpainhaS taken &eerie -action to pre-
-Vent raids upon aneient SpaniSh Mas-
terpieces.' '
An ad valorem tax of 100 per cent.
has been levied upon' all. Spanish
works of art of a date earlier than
1850 -which are exported frem the
OT (1114E N-QNEU
%%'.&); MU5icf\L
SHE Htv5 A
61ye.. HER k ;see,
slkAtitt NOU,,ekkOir
• "sifasgicuala.u.
A despatela from Berlin says: -
The world's biggest ship, the 56.000-
tonnel. 13iantarek, wallah is sChecittlil
to enter the trans-Atlantic seraricei
under the Doltish flag and be tamed
the Majestic this springSas soon as it
is lini,shed 111 Hamburg, will lre delayed
in reaching the ocean by the discovery
that she is- too 'big to navigate the
River Elbe between i-fanxburg and the .
Tloe reinocieling, of this big aistor-
of the Imperator and Vaderland
be completed by the end of
but extensive dredging of tlie lower:
Elbe to a depth of thirty-five feet win
e necessary before she cen start test
ward the ocean. '
as u92glaro mfuoludntle3d16to16252,2g8a53:1501.1.148 p6o7n
Quebec's maple products output f
of a total value of $4,318,910.
Twelve cherries, the first of the
sem, raised in a bot house near Ili.
Sold it the.Central Markets foe 156
Trunk, Oe 31.10 SA pioto Lait ;y4.:Vr
the first cherries hrotighe$1..25 Pler