HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-3-23, Page 2' , noitring thaC watt neeeseary to carry , out the dete-dtive% .P11-111. It 'vascli.Yel.(2/ (),(41:?\i'lvl°1k1:111c). scu;Igz111;cti'le'ln if possible, get Stiles away fleet, After „ that they woiLia go after Weiler. If 1 they waited. until the four reen were i2s, asteep Or Were Intik"- enough te atateli anaa.. ‘17 their man far elite:lab away from. the, . others to permit of eaplaring him "y raProl. ed te foi ntapithpa two-inch A MOST STRENGTHENING BEVERAGE woctle, Aere as the detective put it • ' 1 I h , without too "ouch commotion, it ought Whfll, We boo •lit our home the letters' are snitaboei to be feaeible to carry into the ketehe • • t Small table or Inacheonmoverahave 'very ]In or Hiniself By tiOPKINS MOORHOUSE (CopyrIght by luss en company) " a lam room P /0 a 15/, e eadirne the trioni at, one of hini" and leiten the, meaning of his they eould "fri ht th t teet Tv.th y eri e g zzai ou UL the centre, back of -the roam, The end while 16rge trip to Spar.row Lake and what Rives' oniIr oonVenience it po.s.seesed was a have the ulci''''''"grarns in the' centre :e"f" 'thee end was tip toe also they would make ilirn large eae-e or eupboaed built on tine el • tell What he knew about Nickleby's sale ef the aareney, Gar water Two -moll monograms are used for dea.lings with Red McIver. At any rate supply" was at tile back porela a'eout Itillelleen sets ani,two to they' °light to lie able to learn enough 12 *teas away from where it was letters fcr tile larger to deaide on a definite course Of .ac- needed. Towels are meriogreineci or initialed IfiDXrdr ft XPQVITX:op A rziorrtex'4 . 1,nr taking VVIOX $1.00 anoe , . awe , fold tolloiVing tttO OrpvirtuX Sold by alt drugs:lets, or by ROSS MEDICINE COMPANY ,ictrvir.4 street, orouta IsSzintilinillUnticer--Te4iite.iw4igearzwevziat6rrfstot=p "Ifi• RHEU Rei 'A T This ie an old. Root o.hil iiri,r6tehoe; 8tatea Tor i6 years—for , . • 11 h a ATI i s re, (Jassy '41 ' rot}i3VesielunU gold by National Drug Co., 'tirvaditon, lint., through \hair horno drat:: store. errnIt'efertead 72,lierunatio nomeay Oot *4 1st Ave., RalniIton, Ont. tion m rouriding the beotleggers, a-cord.m 't . di y a , • Tne'" ta' St -e did asa,e to build To McCorquodale wee a gratifying 16, ing towels sraall in eize the initiale one prospect. Lead Min to it!' ; a w°rIttelole from tho eun-hcaxd °tit 'to on: anti one-balf"irich are, a'PlPro- . The night was exceptionally still, toward the door that coaled oil CHAPTER XVIII. ---(Coned.) them tears the Queori's Sheddin bY without a breath of air stirring the back Porch. 'Then we moved in the pnate. For the larger towels, two - and inch 'are beat euited. Me monogram or Cranston -and McCorquodale had ilifcrmin" her that the kid's within forest. In the delen hush that brooded pu.rap and sink from the porch, held a consultation with Wade and it a 'few niiiea of her right now." over the wilderness small sounds held put them at the end ea the worktable.' letters are Plaeed the width ef the WAS decided that Cranston would" "What? You mean he's—'" sway that ordinarily would have been watch, things at the Tore:Lite end while "Yep. They got 'aim prisoner baelt submerged in the paean of the ,wind MeCorquodale was eent out to fellow .here at the lumbe.r camp. He Was in the fir—the whisper of the Wol- developmeats at Indian Creek, Mee „one o' the three what Weiler met at verine where it swept7. deep and C'erquedaile had told My. Wade what North Bay an' it didn't teke me long strong; its strident chatter to' a fling Kendaiek had eugg,ested to him at to tumble to the way they was, a gravel at occasional bends in the Sparrow Lake --that the two of them watch& him close. I slips lihn a note 'stream; its seeking snarl aver. a work together on 'this bootlegging las' night that friend's was near an' sunken boulder, The moVements and cas.e, end the, railroad president had to be on the lookout f"r nee We're whistlinge of ewls and 'bats in the then m.entioned Phil's letter and his gemf to rescue the kid, see, He'll be dark, moss -clung corridors on either where -abouts mil told McCorquodalci toI cur star witness." side were quite disthiet; So were the make for Thealaneen Siding and pass, "Well, what next!'" gasped the whines and snorts of weasels and cia instructions. astonished Kendrick. He stared at the other Small' animals, noisy in, the Bay. There he had hung around for North eyoetueretlie7i.ty ilsodueereidencuotyjoill_inignie.,, so, aadeabaanb. Anti widortoning all sounds, unceasing, like a hidden men - other Weiler bought a ticket for a day, apparently waiting ea agieed latcCoequedale ace, rose the drone of insect life—the body. At last three more fellows' had for 5°1110- i doubtfully. "Uh-hunia On'y 1 don't lim-m-in-m-in-m-m of the muskeg come in on a train. Weiler met them happen to be wavin' no wand an' fleatin horizontal in the air, see. I'm at the station and the wheie party took handin' it to you straight up an' down. the train west that night, with Mc - Stiles is there an we gotta get him Corquodale trailine. aloha.. Their des - away, from,„ those guys. As rit any Indian Creek with the Wolverine, Be - rival the urloadoed from the exprese- •)°'-'11— Ile drew out his police, yond this point the streaM narrowed, ear a pttcrborough canoe a teal anti automatic and patted it, siguificantly.' and navig-atien became more difficult, a lot of supplies. As .scon as the. train ' -This gun craeke ten jokes -without As the 'shores began to widen out at pulled out they get ready for a trip stcP,Pill''' see, if there's any funny the forks Kendrick, whose eyes Ion.' - , • . into the wc......a,-. Down on the river- wer `"..g3In °11' since had become foctieed to the twi- Phil's sin -prise at the turn events light of the still's, saw that YeCer- bank, a few hundred rods through tile bush back a the steLion, a nalf_broed were Liking was oni'y equalled by Eni quodale had thrown up his hand and guide „,„, nal:0'11g far them, He had excitement with which Cristy laawson was motioning for him to 00 50 pad - a big birch -hark cance and The five of received the news when presently she diing. At the same time his ear caught them began to hustle their beleegalge was called outside and introduced to a new sound—a chant of voices rapid - off' the plaffelne , The C.L.S. detective. She listened ly growing louder, ''''' it ilaw makes a very use-fal storeroom ' eagerly, interjecoing a rapid question (To be continued.) . and laundry. MeCorqur dale was fereed to keep in a„...... now and then as if her mind 'were ' the backgreand until they had Of 'course my kitchen does not coni - and r.aeing beyend th.e facts of the recital Dye Old Wrap Skirt, and he was afraid that he would ' -lase $ pare with one equipped with running them. fle ipiestioned the Station to a lcgieal solution of the mystery Sweater, c urtains water but, for the cost, it has been not apparent to the others. She nod - Agent, Cc:lent"; but that official could • . Tvo-rth an untold amount. I do net tell him nothing about the stear-gers ded her head once or twice and laugh- in Diamond Dyes , - ed a little. When MeCorouodale had _p_.. nave any water to carry. 01 course, exeept Thai 'hey said they were part I have it to pump, but it is mucila ee a o,e0,D.d,,,i ea eaati.n f ,, -an recounted everything- that he had ob- Baca ps.ekage of "Diamond Dyes" Government, heading- toweeds 'Parc ... . served she was silent for a moment, eeataans atrectione so simple any wo.. easier to de in a warm lachen than Neleen en James" Bay, lfcCorquedale bead bent in thought. out in the cold, and it does not seem man can dye or tint her old worn. pretended te accept this informetieri 6 -How seen are you going 'neck to so hard when I do not have to carry - faded things new. Even if she laa staainie. After perhaps an hour and a half .of hard patidling they reaehed the lita tle lak-e which marked the junction of SHADE TIM MAKE P IES 11011ELIKE MILIJONS OF TREES ARE ,weitern settlers .,skow preciati6n of Co-operative Tree -planting of Forestiy Branch. A privat.6 ,corporatiOn, eellifig "lands in Western Canada, ericourages ,the farmers, 'settling on these lande to plant ehelter-belts of tree. One of the effieera of the cote:parry avas asked what benefit they expectedto receive 4 ° for the Money spent this' work. The A. small ease was built un over thei hem nbcvle " the bona I i W1 g sink 'between the window and the door presser-riumers and buffet; ecarls bortischheshelds articles such as tooth!' are in°11°gramed in the centre ost the shayiag, ecjuipnent side, the waft of the hem, above the hem. One an,c1 one-half inch letters and so forth. The sink has a drain Pme o a cesspool which carries away als,eheoccrtlset",at.retnnlatisrek' ed. witE initials or all waste water without walltine- a monograms three to four inches. high step. This is ene of the best, thingsl pillow -eases two inches. high, about having a sink in the lachen. and We were able to save a few morel' These letters are always placed the steps by turning the range aromid so wilthibec'cisptrhee,adllbe-Prluao-l?uncgr-p-tahrieellie.smn"vost that the oven door opens toWard the worktable. This makes my work in' effective when m°negramed in the centre, The monogram s'heultr be from that corner 'of the room in a space eight to twelve inches in height. about 6 x 8 feet and I have very few To embroider either linens or lin,- A stool-w-hich can be pu,sh6a out of gerie, first pad the letters in running asa, the way ander the worktable ,a,kis or Chain stitches with soft cotton floss. Then, work ever the padding, with a a--- -zaa also to the general convenience. A ohne satin stite,h using fine embroid- wire drainer (cost 20c) whieh fits the sink saves od " -11 h er7 rie°d'ie and strand bo tune m si was - nig. A rack with hooka, on the wall ". • "I Never Dreamed!" between 'tlie.cupboard and the window - , over the sink, hold's all the little cook- It is eirrpriein.g how many girls mg utensils used daily, such as egg- incur unnecessary and discourag,ing beater ean-opener grater. expenses 'because they talc° it for granted that certain things that they want vrill cost no mare than they can Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of afford. A correspondent writes that a "Freezone" for a Sew cents, sufficient young frienel- of hers—a nuese in to remove every hard corn, soft corn, trainin,g—recently came to her with a or corn between the toe, and the col. tale of anxiety and 6ellag-rin, She had !uses, without soreness or irritation, needed a new uniform and,since the We have recently' enclosed the pore} and built .aoine shelves in same and camp?"sae a*,.ed at la -at, at face value: but if those "birds" t 'e knew al i , about ar o on"' — ' "As sson as 'Mrs. Thorlakson will Lever dyed before, she can put a rich, table. . It several steps and lift it up to a replied I fadeless color into shabby skirts ' cer,t :,,azeolagy he was ri.opare3 to gne ub bornething to eat, , Ph il a.,,w his eizspeniers, buckles and ,-,' T. dresses waists coats steclin s. al' Irm'ecle-1 ie theie -supplies" were: -"Tc°°- -i- In readY''' sweaters, coverings, draPeriea., hang- Monograms Tor Household Linee. seveial eare.-: ef liquor.; MeCerquedale' a, .,.. . lone But—You don't .understand," oh- ings, everythinzt Buy Diamond Dyes g We can t take you aIong, Every woman is proud. of her cheat kneev a ease cf liqtair when he saw it, "'"O'er-` —"' --no other kind --then perfect home . . . Alias Lawson It -wouldn't lie e el household linens, especially if thear no matter if it was wrapped in canvas ' ' — dyeing is guarantee.cl. Just tell your and eeeered w:ch mieleading, labels. i i Of eo.urse yosti can. I certainle- am . are of the fine.st Damask an& are cor- a whether the material you It had taken him a little w'rile to: gcbilignowoisTilayiec.h'1.-our ,-,3n.i.ea foot—, wish to dye is wool or silk, or whether rectly marked, with ha.nclsomely era- leeate a canna that ha could hire to- i • "No-risenz-,e, its all right now. pm it is linen, cotton, or mixed goods. gether with a camping outfit; but fin-, e-oincr, with You." she repeated. "There Diamond DYes never streak, spot, ally he had started en the trail once e r,ea„.s,rs why 1 maat go; so please fade, or run, • ,, more. Ile had overhauled. them abouteaei argue about it." ftf-ieen back franl ra-iire'adi "But that's exactly- what / Intent:I" Land Niaps of Prairie sliseek hie head. .."Theae. room here are several -varieties of ap-; where Inthan Creek- and 17*h-erille'; to do" declared Kendrick decidedly. had followed them up ittreana for a • few miles, keeping his. distance!' till4 the canoe in the. first place and be A new edition of the Land Map or propriate lettering: fancy script, --fides There's liab:e to be trgable, Isn't Manitoba, 'Saskatchewan and Alb-erta block, old English and Japanese style, River joined waters. Frem there he Provinces. Itroiderecl initials and. menograrne. Sheets and pillowcases, tablecloths, napkins, bedspreads as well as hand- kerchief.s anti, lingerie are not only identified but are ornamented in this wa-V. Doeen't haat a bat Drop a um "Freezone" on an aehieg corn, instant. la- that corn stops hurting, then short- ly you lift it right oh! With fingers. y. vs,e-oarinksTate-,aressillwhsh°ehhaadciagiwonaeYstodoaanietitilLerr Acciden1 Fav°Ted Lifebt'al. ' dre.s.srnaker 'and had planned f -I- Invelnlan ,dress without first asking what it Among the "accidental" inventior,-; would fcoois.tthtoe ligaaryme eitritinaa.nd,de.11,0Vuhnedntshlamt may be mentioned the lifeboat, 111 the course at a country stroll William tuhseuaclhlyargpeaidwassheju,sytasdouabstleo nlil-lb,aeia , she. Wouldhave. the inv eater of the s elf- a mg righting lifeboat, came across a wo- never dreamed it would be so much!" man WhO asked his help in lifting a was her comment, heavy vesse of water just drawn from 'haIdntoangOthteorairbsastallateeeriaanrwfcfr :;neeleaa'lh°1 tthheerles'efilleatOetin tliges.ubr:eallteeen°thtahl:fe water fiar months left her young 'daughter in ,charge of her house. , An aiinwan,,e wooden bowl, aarouldhave was drawn into conver- for personal and hoasehold expenee- satlnn an& * * like many another man had been provided, and as the. gala had wil° camn'c't iteeP his h--'--Vld's quiet had good training in the management wh'ile he taika, he idly toYed with the toiemea. hauBuste jauhset. dilfduer,e,eryherareniliotfhoear,as, floating piece of wood. Naturably he rlurned it over and found to his sur - return she decided to have the down- 61'il'ise 6 Chat It' ininledlatelV righted it - stairs floors waxed, so as to pea the I self' He inrellea i'i again' with the finishing tench to the well -ordered roams, and therelay delight her moth- same tiiiie actually al -Week en the problem result; and su a) be was at the F. a a r. er The man who had always done the of an miainkable boat he immediatel vork was out of Y engaged another man. She neglected, town, and so the girl realized th, I. portan,e of is chance 16Wever, to ask What hi i charga n'-ould dis1r 15 an that allY°31.8 can be for the job, and, ani,ee she had readilY make for himself. All oae re furnished both the brush and the wax quires is the fourth oarr of a hollow . she was •astounded when he preaented Plcwate "Pher" ' or to but i't in 3' cc „ 3 — , i 3e. • a bill for vix dollars. for four inours,, more homely-lan,guage, the quarter o. What she Daid was earactly a °°°carlut shell split from end to end that it will not remain work. what the nurse bed said.: "I never Put the shell in a bowl of water and , drAe°111oletidlorit gl:Trui leaa'cileres',./Crounluchli''st --vc:pusiweeit111, bflintid will return at once to an a ,. apart. eVen Reel. In scientific language, it rie country -vrhere 'fl -s cost very - wisl ilos.,,c. only with the convex stir ittle. She -was viaiting a school :taco ,tio.in.sva4,{1. friend in a Western city, and since:She liad been gesierously entertained she -- -..7.-------- -- they came to a portage where the that so, mecm.quodale?,, - be a.vallable shortly. This maa accerding to one's taate. entire party lia.a a of making the portage to a rointi Keerlrick as the representative has been found Talusble by prospece The letters can be used singly or. P , of the Recorder 'it is absolutely neces- tive settlers and land seekers., show- combined in monograms. They are disembarked. 1r -stead , farther up, they had gone into campisari.,m_e, at what itameared to be an old lumbar ,ertn mrs..,,.. min 1.,,sv.z_ou. but; I re_ ing .azs it does. ail lands open for lioine- often efreativelveedesigned to fit ink) 1 camp that had not been in ' . -teading, lands in private ownership eirelea,„ diamena,.., e -aa, en—lea ,-,.., y r.,, "You would be in GUT waY, to be forest reservea, achools, ete. With the quent,1y combined arit,li :dainty era - frank. We'li be bringing Stiles back anticipated. increased arrivals during broidery &prays -which g,,reatly, enhance here with as anal you can wait til we the coming season, a larg-e demand for eornela the beauty of the -otherwise 'plain , the Land Maps is anticipated by the initiaL The bride-to-be ariVay use.s, detective to that worthy's ernbaliass- Almost tear/1111Y she appealed to Vie Natural Resources Intelligence Branch her maiden initials in mark-ing has of the Departrant-of the Interior. ' hikes Gown aere special to get n,ent. Cap lit hand, he ma,de a, pro- 2____. You found and formal bow in an attempt men '5 I'm sure them guys is anchor- to b di 1 e; _ , Smart Boy? eauple sea.sons. It looked as if they use fen a fu -se to tak.e the respeneibility." asseaae au risk afa Ke.ndriek but unoccupied, lanr1 reserved for datonas 0.r sqtaaaan afiatafa',1a, are are_ Intended to stay there for a while. "I know that deserted lumber camp," Phil nodded-. "Well, that's --where comes from ja,st row an' that's where we both makea for as zeon'S we rustle a bite o' eTtrb," concluded McCorquodale. "1 hopeenest Initials' are •parpiomiat for hand- 1 kerchiefs underwear, el -ends an.d "Here, boy," exclaimed the excited other fancy things. Monograms, are liLtis nian, as he rushed up to .a page used on the larger household linene., in a big hotel. "Rua up to my room such as sheets, pillowcases, table and see if my umbrella is there. Hurry cloths. lunche , clothe napkin' bed- spreads and couute . 1 ea, Say, that triere Wolverine's some .. . . "Pardon me, lady, but you're crazy!. - river, ain't. It.' I got my canoe back he stated politely. "Crazy as a bed-. here a ways." bug! It can't be did!" °Coda are you quite sure, that this 'bunch is the. gang Wades after? Sup- , CHAPTER XIX posing tney tern out to be a fishing now, because I've just got fiV6 minutes party or something?" a In thee Strange Proceedings, to catch a train." -Fie-drill' party- me neck!" scoffed The sun was dropping behind the Three minutes later the boy came l'ileCorquedale. -With them cases weeded hills anal only the golden rim' tripping dew rr the stairs_ o' the real McKay ?" of it p,eeped above the tree -tops when =.• yes, .Mr," he said, "It's there all 131.°11°graill is alwaY attractive' Thel 'Fishing is often a thirst:7 fausinees theY set cut. Long before the purple right:, size of the monogram. depends on tile, decided to ,shrow her appreciation' by colored Evidence. gabirleingteaa luronacehr inn attobwhiei. riwsW 01,- nththeefeaDcuull1; °off a laecItaa17,caollnelg-eembeenr Napkins should be iriitialecl in the s centre af the side theugh a centre c uncheen was going on an idea that eamed a lereliant and nappy one oc- deaVored to make, clear to the student • urred to her, She aa'.e , a wait t tellaeideEnigcneift—catlblacei ciervti;hd:ncteerinthe'et°1°hreafSt btain number of corsage -bouquets been tamnerea with. —one _far 'eaclieke'her gaests, As she -Here' is an excellent illustration" expected P.Y no mote Lhan he said, "that came within fey obser. fifty cents for each bunch of flowers yation recently.- A phynician had said she was sinaost panic; etricken when to a patient: , she found that the fevers - coat three 'Madam, you are a little run dow-n. dollars apiece. *The "I -never -dreamed" You need frequent baths and plentY of habit cost her ten days of her allotteci fresh air, and I advise you to dress in holiday, for she had only, limit.d( the co'olest, /float comfortable clothes amount of money to spend on it. --nothing Stiff or formal' Don't be among the "T-neverZdrearn- "When the lady returned home this ed." tibias 'of girle. A little foretheught ih.-sr noire than the flail. An3,-wav, yea flusk came creeping in from the east size of the napkin. Luncheon napkins' 1iad to .h.now fel sure Lat it s booze—' wheie clouds were trankino• in the skY• Minardis Liniment for Grinae and Flu, require the initial One-half to one, inch "Don't, eh? They starte ha on it 'Kendrick expected to be back by Lasnight, an' some of 'ern was lit Up daylight or at latest by neon next clay., - like a corner sa-non, 1 tali you, Didn't as they paddled up stream again:et a' - 1 see *era an' didn't I hear 'em? Great eteong current; his thoughts were busy ernaes," they kap' me awake with their with the events at the past few weeks,, Le.C7 sbauts an' singin. las' night fer hours particularly- those of the last four an' tali eampira a geed loud ballet- days. He marvelled at their kaleido- away from their hangout at that. 1 scople nature. It; seeraed ages ago eree" clean close to find out what they that he had fought a fist battle with was ceiebratin' an' 1 hears 'era gab- this stalky, good-natured chap whose bin', see. The gang ain't all there yet. muscular ehould,ers. v. -ere swinging in They're waitin' far the Main. Squeeze r'nythrn -sitith his own; yet it was only her Red MaIvor I was tellin'' a month. Now here they were, milers yeti about. 1 hears 'ern mention. his from civilization, heading into the nalne, see, an' besides Weiler's there night -obscured depths of the wilder- ness on an, adventure of unknown "You win," conceded Phil. "Whisky hazard. ' traar,ers, ell? Heading in to peddle the Aral this girl with the 'wonderful atm'!" to the Radians and amend the eyes and wonderful hair, wonderful ciamps." He, smoked thoughtfully. wit arid vivacity, Tvonderful--diatuond, elf they keepa on lappia' it up the ring on nee engagement finger! way thee'as doin' las° night they- ain't "Steady, "bo, steady!' warned Mc- goir' to do nme,h 'radii)! in anothin' Corquaale. "Take y'r time We got but headaches, Say, what about this a lot o' this to do," here bundle a' phoney hid in a hollow ahem eyes were growing accustom - stump? Wade was tellin' nie yoa's up ed to the semi-darkneee of the wooded here ,o,olain" after it. Cranston was aiale through which the deep Welver- wonaerin' if Weiler'd got a tine on it ine River raced with a setinpliony of an' mehbe that hacl somethinto do water soimds.The stream was easy .with the gang cumin' togethe.r in this of navigation ali the way -to the rapids neighborhood. Did you find it?" below- Kino-garna Falls and it 'was a "No, it was gone, I'm pretty certairi case of paddling without pause,.ICen- that Pod/note was after it arid exit drick and Cri-ay had gone as far a., here ahead of everybody. Thorlakscnt the deserted lurnl)er camp On their hasn't noticed anybody hanging- first clay'e jaunt, in Svensonts, cantie; around. It doesn't matter, Did Mr, they bad been all over the place, little ,Wade Say anything to you about dreaming that so shortly it was to he yoUng Stiles having tliaappeared? ocetipied by these doubtful cheracters,, " • e, aarnase Mise Lawson is greatly worried over 01: that he was to return to the spot "a ra' ' the laet part of the Chief's maseage," on an errand of such consequence., lie passed it across as he epoke. Not far from the portage at the foot MeCoreitiedale ;pinned, el the rapids there was an old logging "Leave it, teUsi, 'be. ;tinnily Stiles road, if they nonacl but thid it It the is the young gaffer Pe trailin" that dark. The last mile could be covered . :afternoon 'With that tan Satchet from more 9ttioklY 'bY thig 'route than bY 'the Alderson ConatraetIon Company's ,follovring the turn,p trail past the ' office. 114), the Chia didn't say any- x'apids, and it would lead them straight thin) to me 'bout him; bait I knowsto the ea,rap, The maim wOuld where he lie," be ill Until after midnight and tbe “you daa'a tote read promised a more noieeleae .0gure A,te tpxoceeds to dry approach for the urelinniTtary recon- .. 1 • , I• re- , , • aaaa.V.` Ov" • e reply was that the company expected to remain in businese in the West and, as a simple business Pronosition it. ',void he better to have a permanent 'population, settled in comfortable farni homes, than to ha.ve to deal with, successive bodies Of population, the members, of which looked upon- the rich prairie soil as a mine to be warla ed, rather than.as the found,ationeof a home. In the work of- making t,he tna:oe'fiteliisrti.lel:. Isioonelfrieliclleci,ittalss tehoemppiaannytifflogunadt This puts iii _clear light the reason for the ateady expansion of the work of the Tree -Planting Division of the Forestry Branch, of the Department of the Interior. While the planting or shelter -bolts of treez around a prairie farm adds to its productiveuess &and cash value, the strong argument for tree planting is that it makes the -prairie farms more comfortable and more, homelike. importance of Proper Trees, Hundreds of settlers from gastern Canada, -upon taking up prairie land, endeavored to grow trees such as Cloy had about their old homes. These at. tempts met with repeeted failures, The Tree -Planting, Division had first te prove to settlers that trees could Pc grown and then to make it eaey for farmers to get planting materia,1 of tl'e right kind. S"-irlin,- in a i-pll way in 11)01, the annual distribution of smelling trees. and cuttiaas has grown to about ave raillioe trees per year. Tbi,3 work was for about fif- teen years carried on. wholly frOin the forest nursery station at Indian I -lead, Saskatcheivan„ but the increased. de- mands neceseitated the starting of the Saskatoon station, from whieh ship- ping was begun in 1910. In apite of inevita.ble accidents, a very high per- centage of the trees planted in the pcnst twenty years are growing- vigor. direetioust The fact that species of ji... The West to be a Land of Garde' , , ( The iiteady success of these plac a - tions lies led to developments iromany * trees found in rivertbottoms in the West' could be grown on the prairie led "farmers, 'after their gardens were ahetteredr to experiment with such ceniferous trees as spruce, pine, and larch, and also to try the growing of tender vegetables and trees and bush fruits, not grown under ordinary piairie conditions. So successful has this been, that the Dominion Horti- culturist, after visiting .the West in the summer of 1921, states tlfat the prairie will become a land of gardens, as soon as it has become a land of hedges and shelter -belts. A strong testirnony to the success of the work has been the eStablishment of tree-platithag 'schemes' along similar lines, medified-te snit their conditions, by the proviades of Ontario and Que. bee, and by the United States Depart" ment of Agrieulture, -4#* ."Alitk- • ./4-41t Success Nuggets. afore men fail through ignorance of their strength than through kuowledge of their -weakness. 'You may succeed when others do not believe in you, but never when you do not believe M yourself. Carry yourself with a self-confident ir, an air of self-assurance, and you ill not only inspire others with a,be- leirrYour. strength,. ,but you -will ome to believe in 11 Yourself, do mit like a man, what is the se of telling iWn so? It only makes Ira dislike you. Dollars' ate vulgar until filled with haraeLer, If the aim et a life be right, it cart at in detail be much amiss. Let a man wet the idea that lie is be - le wron.ged, or that everything Id gainst him, and he cuts his oertiaiee apacity right in two. Better believe yoarself a dunce and Jacob could toil seven long Yea's or Radliel and .endure all sorts of Tvithout grumbling or feel. ig drudgery in hie work, because lie att C .1 ore. The moment others. see that money. rabbing i your dominant *pion. hen the bud etymr nobility pearsties. The world is full of people who are kimming around ale edge of their anibition. Dou't Pc efrald oC the To She la.' 110 Clottee den' made cl' man, bat elp d' man to inake his blaff, ll'ake it 1. life rule never to be dia- rbed 0 threWn off yoor balanee hY" riything Olat can happela Keep Off the 13 iclpies. "Tenably rough," said the stranger on boatil the ocean liner', "Web," said the farmer, "IL tyouIdn't Pc near 00 roue: if Eta oepalo. (nay keep aa One a how she Tendered to her husband will save you many anxious hours and the advice 'given to her by the doctor: e. many hard-earned dollars. " 'He says .1 muist go to the sea,- h shore, do plenty earnotering and bath - Wash -rubs or Table, mg, and get sortie new stiminer c An inventor has meiinted' a par 'of gowns,' tylAo' metal wash tubs", corrugated to serve as wash beanie, SO that by covering • them with a porcelain top they teeth a kitchen te.ble, 1 ..,...---fz.s. ......., P,*"..- 'c.,,,,,..„17.4:-..--1.:. — , ....'*". •"-eta-a-,.(' , ',IINIGO—GERAIAN STYLE. , .,"Ve elon'd vent to -pay, But, by Chirileo, if ve veva got no shipa, Va've. got no eoalm, tnel. ete girde marks to yott," aeaalia, Ixprefl,.00400) Use Minard's Liniment'afir the Flu. 31 , '44• co As a rocking chair patented by a :I/ New Jersey nian Li inoved levers pro- a duce music, from a tuusic box under c the seat 1 510155515 lack, 17= , . SpQhn's Distemper Compound to break it up !Ind get them bad K in condition. Twenty-eigbt rt. years' use has made "Spolm's" indlspeosa,ble in treating Coughs and Colds, Influenza. and Distemper, with theft 1 resulting complications, Ron all diseases of the throat, nose and lungs,- 'Acts marvelously as a preValltiVo, sets equally p 'well as a, cure. FOT Salo et .drag stores. sPorcu larnpo..61, covapAxy, .1-4,0fdlEEEN, ai.S.a t,40.!4 40 tie 4,1*' lliZ-CA 1 PI .. „ ,ATA-Al.alTiC CITY a) ef i1111:Illlet.:1111.:11Zia44,,,,i'it,/.1.41-,:erer.b>--; AITT71-roIEpEtant/Nn0E1):WnL.D:::rvf\eaCRIII9z1:17FnAEovIcylia:010,11,1SunakirtuSeOcoatiore eel/erne throughout; R,watitetet overlookitig Beach °ad, a ii,i-0 i'l iti 0 'Ira- and Ocean. Dancing in Drilla Room and IaliaCtill ale 031,, 0 i liere4i4l4..,e..1....,-..... ;oinge Roomts g-,(6 tirpD7bie$8enn a1 411 room will l OCCanViet0 _- Ct, t LI, S atttl TA Vr., TOT i 4a fl t , ,_,, , 41,1, ,..,:,-- m.t.gi. Di.,,,,, -- Bem,,,,,htassaer „,'"1.;,4:a1,1^4.°4g-,-1.-:.-'1._. teen-m'n-:-Laai-att,'''. tu , ,Immob- "ei