HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-3-16, Page 7I sin*° • ,. „Amattriv„,,,AA tts at'ssa EED1 Y. 10 --r r is r . Empire! liEj‘LTIry.'UN About eighteen months ago 1 , A - - dvesseti an "Op•eit Letter to the Gen- erotisly Dispos:ed," an -Airing app est I iinoiy, the Full -value of Bich,i bol,a1"t• of blincl bahieo ai convey - Owen Sound Recognizes Worth of Scouting, jeaging from the sentiments ex- pressed in the, ,.following editorial quoted from the Owen Sound "Sun- „Tinies,” the people of Owen Sound cer- lately appreciate their Boy Snouts: c'a,arithout, display, or in Tact 'publicity of any- kind, real Work is going on in the interests of the boy Q this city. It is going on under different atIs'pices, but with the same objeet—tlial of up - building a clean cut, Manly type of lad who will grow tip to be a vvorth-witile asset to tile ceininunity. The Boy Scouts Association is one of these ef- forts, and given half the chance the city should be chuck full of this or- ganization. Then again there are in- fluences at work to provide facilities • for the upbuncling of the boys of the eorroturnity. It is rear good to find one prominent organization backing the bays' elab at Northcliffe section. , • do not know of a finer bunch of boys than those taking an active part in • connection with this particular branch of -lona' work, Recently at a luncheoh heldby the sponsors of this effort an octette suPPlied the programme of a • most enjoyable half hour. Devoid of boldness, nervyneSs in the nasty form, they' exhibited an easy self-control and a gentlemanly address •that few could excel. You could hardly make me be- lieve a year •or so ago that such de: drelopinent was possible. A. residence d •has been converted into a club h ganies„and musie are indulged in as the weeltMights go by the lads there •and getting the benefit of training the club affords. Gene contributions have been made toa the equipment and furnishing of house, and thelatestaddition has 1 a fine little library manag,ed on same lines as 'the public library% summer a bathieg beach is aime and with the generosity of friend • • le to lc -owls an intimation t igt, the Red 13100(L , enterprnse commenced sOinetime be- Bollnatt rsid-dheelted women lore by the laie Mr. • 212e U101011111, 'seldom worry% Their condition of, • . for which he had made sundr - Mind and bocti.is sash tney 'a . tions, 'would be carried on, and that ilse above the causes 'that bring mel- ancholy and brooding. It is the Wo- man with weals, watery blood who is thrown' into nervous unrest by little annoyanoes that grow so great in the imagination that it seema as if she nme't scream to relieve her feeling:4. A woman's health Ohlickly fails her a Char ter without s tonic. sab•scrip o would be ebtaitiod, This. has ben clene, and the Canadian Blind Babies' ItIonie Association hits been incolaionated, with the • following: Directors: }Ion, 1Vlartin Burrell, Hon, Preside/its' Ilon„ J. G, Peesi- dent* A. Ii Pitzstinunona Vice -Pre - 7 • ) • when her blood becomes thin and wald Grand', Sec.; C,•Blillchett; Rob - weak. The stomach is diserdered and ins°n' C°1"'' Sec; all appetiCa vanishes. The nerves lose filrea's.; R. 11. their streugtit aod so Sleep is not re- Campbell, Thomas Mulvey, K,C,, A. E. galar and does not.'refresh the body, Provost; W. Lyle Reid, A. J. Freiman, A state of weakness arises that in- Charles Pinhey,.C.E., 'W. J. Cairns, creases gradually and gives further and Toni Moore. eanse for worry, Geed bleod is neces- Trujatees; C. H:PhilleY, Thom- sarY to everY woman who has grown as Mulvey, A. Freihran. pale and weak, and in this condition Legal Advisers John I MacCracken, Dr, Williams' Pink Pills will be found of great benefit, becanse they enrich Bankers: BoYel Bank of Canada. and purify- the blo'ocl. Women who are Auditor: A. A. Crawley, O.A. a.naemie, surfer from indigestion, Pal- The objects of this Institution are: pitation, headaches and,. nervous ale ".TO' Pro.vide a balm and refuge for Baby and Infant Blind; to provide Free Scientifi'c Care, Training and, Mainten- ance; to save the lives of even a few of the manY of such unfortunates, who f r th k tacks will find new -strength through a fair ,use of these pills. • Among..ahe :Wenien Who have proVed the value of this medieine is Mrs. Enbs, Levy, Hac- kett's Cove, N.S., who says. "About two years ago I began to fail in health and was• very weak. My constitutictn was all run down, and my blood was weak and watery, as WaS manifest every month. I had heard of Dr. Wil - 'leans" Pink Pills and what they would o for the blood and b onse, low condition. t decided to try them. and By the time ha.d finished the fourth are box I found to my great delight that the I was a great deal stronger, and my sous bhioci a deep red color, I he ve a lot vard of -work to do besides taking care of tates, 18 years ag-o, the first home the my little one and with my good health ieen 1 enjoy it, and I can truthfully say the owe this condition to Dr. Williams' Next Pink Pills." d Or. Willie/Its' Pink Pills can be oh- , e through any medicine dealer, 'Wood, for Blind B'abies, and he claim - cents a box or six boxes for .2.50 from British Empire. Let us have the The Dr, Williams -Medicine Co.; Brock- SECOND in Canada. To reach this vine, Ont, worthy end money is urgently , o e lac of such service, perish &very year; and to return these little ones to their parents, at scbool age, with normal, healthy bodies and ecund minds." This is a large 'and greatly needed Child Welfare Service. Careful en- quiry at the Crovernment offices in the vatiorus provinces reveals the fact that there are at the present time nearly 250 Infant Blind in the Dominion. No- thintg. has yet been done for all those helpless little ones. In the United was opened in New York City; they have niQav I-Iomed in 1.3 States, all do- ing excellent work. In England, sonre time ago, the late Sir Arthur Pearson • org.anized "Sun'shine House," Charley is hoped that bathing and swimming • facilities - will be available for the Northcliffe chaps, who deserve the highest compliment cm the manner• in which they are acquiting themselves. They are making good, every one of • them, .and the big ones are helping the little fellows in a real brotherly why. The organization having the • matter in hand will find its reward 111 • knowing- that it is responsible for the • accomplishment cif great good to the lads and to the community at large." • . Napartee Scouts Adept Firemen. Another example of Scout train in preperecineas and resouteefuln comes from Napanee, Out, As th •,re department is only- a volunt 4,1; airce. owing to the size or the c Inanity. the volunteer firemen eometimes delayed by untimely- ;'.. eamstanees. At a receet fire in N • anee the volunteer force arrived the scene to find t'ee hose cart airea in position manne.c1 by three •Scouts the 1st Nstpanee Troop and th Seoutmaster. They had snceeeded training ono hose npon the fire a were . in the act of laying a seeo when the firensen arrived. It is s ficient te say that the blaze was ex- tinguished in short order. Full iliformation regarding the 1 • mat/on and ecuduet ,of Boy Sco Troops,, and Wolf Cub gunior Scott racks may be had upon application the Boy Scitut• -Bleaclquarters, Blo and Sherbourne Streets Toronto, ma,y be had by mail, post paid, at 50 pd that it was the only one in the • HEALTH EDUCATION BY DR. 3. 3. TOIDI)LETON • Provincial Board of i--lealth, Ontario Dr. Altdclietcn will be glad to answer questions on Public Health mat.. ters tlimugh this column. Address him at Spadina House, Spadins Crescaot, itst, e eir Sturgeon Falls is a town that brings Wash po.ioos_pa., per towels • groat credit to. the Northland as re'l plied, and. suitable wash places for g.ards the .saustaryr conditions of its boys and girls; no slates, -used in the are scheal.s. This progressive 'Inuclioin0l•-1 schools. ity in far -away Nipissing sets an ex -I Talks on sanitation givon 1/esides acli.)1; 11 ',plc, that might well be emulated hitt dy . Nui se. e.eme e.f the elder and mare sawed, regu: las. inspection by Public Health of districts in the province. , ntai. ,ng fottii- ei e The niost recsent sanitary inspection i The substitution of die cf the Public and Separate sr -heals of I taius for the discredited 00111010,0115 Sturgeon- Falls, made by the medical 1 drinking cup is a eenrreon-sense and 115 Officer of Health,tDr. Coulon:the, gives' progressive measure, as is also the ur- the followin,g information:— i use of paper towels instead of the Grigunds--three-nuarter acres, Sandy soil, sewer drained. Common or rotier towel. • Mention might , also be made of the fact that , no 'slate's are used, which is very Water supply—from riven, water- commendable., from a sanitary stet -id- ol' works, and filtration plants, drinkingi point • a" .4 • t • present sib.iellive f leestal ;Trine 'the firt Herne iS to be, to i in Ot- t naanse it will' take in the Intby Blind • fou liTypflyir rAt17 nyery ,province, .5,e that, this age C,Vg•A ej.'01.1) pi?.-vj far 1,•.a/cf,,,,,- will be Ihireintiosiowitle, and ati early and generte; restrieose is • ot ft den ilo cstal. ester:, ( ascot es should be nuccirt naynble to the Csteadian Blind lamasts All res 115 11)11515 will he promptly aeknowl- edged. if Yon IlePpell to know or 1311n5 court un,der years at age, be good enough to furnish us with address parents, .so that WO may get in touch with sateh eases. • The Oddrellows titootighOUt the DO- I/Onion aro eentributinig generously to the fund. Fifty-three lodges have a1 read responded, and neetey is still, eon -ling in. , Our Directors are hopeful that this! appeal wild meet avith a ready res - pease. It is desired that we should enroll a number of Lire Membere at $100 each; but the smallest donation will be gratefully redeived. "Lest we forget" --do it now. C. Blackett Robinson, Coreesponding Secretary, 188 Dufr'erin Road, Ottawa, Canada. A tillsaal melba -Con •or eggs nLW the ancient Egyptiartis Imola tised this nietited or Plointn Mink' Cie pottl try floCks.- t• IA. PS .71.11,P.41-3,1 ,esarlglarp town r a-eu eaksiatr41(,.„';' t•istQ Canasta u ori NADIAN Cile. No other roe, 5 • o.)t. . , * , !.; FLAT „1.1,k1IR ? • ('ROVVc* LONG,THICI< , ' AND AE31.:IND."NT 1131.-',.-RTIA OUT 11-1 CIT1Z N FEELS YOUNG AND ACTIVE AS A 1.30'L Was Losing Much Time From V-Vork '''ecause Storn- aoh , Trouble But Eats Any. tning on Table Now. - f.,3ELTINQ sALE , • Ara, ,OP .r.EcNY AND vs toisiog, 4.3k1AV'S, reab1e bo,o,pat.:}ant ' siiO-Joot to 0 oprovat flt 101111) , t,rieee in Carin., VORtc 1.) it 5 YOTti,:. To.notarrp. , "Think of it a short time ago I , could hardly push a plane or use a ;mutt saw and to -day' I feel as young and active and vigorous as 1 over did in zny 51101 plarrY Biunden, Dweatii.ltnilconuotairl,n ve,tscl:p en ter of lIeSt et' St "For three years before sta-rted taking Tandee I didn't know what it was to nave a single slay's' god health, and for the last two years Inv stomach has 1/eau in sects a disordered 1 ' the time. Nothing in the woild will pull a man down as quick as not be- /lig able to digest what be erats, and lost weight and etrength. all the tinte, "I arn on tho Job now working every clay and feeling fine all the time. , I certainly enjoy making the shravings fly now, Taerlac 1ms just xrtatie a brand new 'man out of me." Tanlac is sold by all inood. druggists. • —Advt. Wrist Meter for IVIotorists. Motorists wi appiectate a nev, wrist meter, which was designed co •aid in the detection of battery, starter, and ignition troubles on. a cat.. The meter fastens on the wrist, thus allow- ing' the freedom of both hands in KEEP LITTLE ONES WELL IN WINTER Winter is a, dangerous season for the little ones. The days are so changeable—one day bright, the next cold ,and stormy, that the mother is afraid. to take the QhilaNni out for the •fresb.air ancleexercise they need so snitch. In consequence they are often cooped up in overheated, badly venti- lated rooms and are soon seized with colds or grippe. What is needed to ,Iteep the little ones well is Baby's Own Tablets. They will regulate the stom- ach and bowels and drive out colds, and by their use the baby will be able to get over the winter season in per- fect safety. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers' or by mail at 25 cts. a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Drockville,,Ont. Leading Them On. The professor was ready to perform O chemical experinten't before his .cla.ss. "Should do anything incor- rect in. this test:. he advised, "we Might be blown threugh the roof, Kindly step a little nearer so that you can follow me better." Sanitation andrright living to the whole community. • , The youthful mind is more receptive to teaching:than the• adult, the latter often swayed by prejudice and un- foriainate experience, The hope of the future, therefore, lies in the boys and girls who readily learn the little every- day habits of personal and commun- ity cleanliness Uhat makes them healthy in later years. The home is, as it should be. the ,proper place for teaching elementary piAinciples of sani- tation to the young, but when the boys The snos-e you ',e-a•Ve thing (..a.) chance, mnard 5 Liniment for Coughs arl0 Colds ; the les„s .clianco there is for you, ,51 • I COARSE SALT oniy 85 501110 a boct0t)'ei, One application ends ait adrzilaidistl'aiall'inng-1;°PhSatri,tchairinclg in a few moinenli,' yeti have ' doubled the beauty of your hair, 11 will appear a mass, so soft, lustrous, and easy do up,. Put what • will please you most will be after a few 15 171 eeWe )CS se, when yon aszeuel downy at first—yes-se, but really new hair giowilag all over tie .sealp, "Dander - Me" IS to the hair whet fresh showers of rain and sunsbine are to vegetation, It goes right to the roots, invigorate 011(1 streng,thens therm This delightful, stimulating tonic helps thin, lifeless, faded "Lair to grow long, thicis, heavy and luxuriant. condition thlat I was just in iniserY al LAN D'bALT Bulk Carlots TORONTO SALT WORKS ,C. CLIFF TOROi\ITO ,IN.Pr.1,,,,,*4*.J.rk ''''-'‚----- ACRES AN PitiNS-- : SL, AN'S GETS 'EM!, AVOID the misery of ra.elcing pain. • Ilave a liottle o e Arai, Merit asid apply wite.ra you first feel the ache or pais -L. It ',quickly eases the pain anct'sende a .feeling or warmth tilrotigh the achingpart, Sloan's Liniment, penetrates .A.aterlea'a Pioneer izeinedleg wifizoict Boot,: on DOG DISEASES and I -low to Feed Mailed 'Free to arry Ad- dress. by the Author Sr. Clay Glovex 0o, Inn. 14 120 West. 24511 Street New "York, U.S.A.. A Health Saving Reminder „ Doi't Wait t Fine, too, (Sr rheUma.tism,neuralgia, , • seiatica, sprains and strains, stiff jointsa • lame back and sere muscles. 'For forty years pain's enemy. Ask - your neighbor. . At all druggists -35c, 70n, $1.40. • Made in Canada. 9 testing for grounds,, sbort. circuits, entil you get tile 1‘ • broken wires, weak batteries, etc. In- fa es ' eluded in the instrument is a small 11111 1 ammeter which is automatically pro- USE tected against burning out, and a tiny buzzer to give audible indications in making certain tests. ' Mother, Quick! Give California .Fig Syrup For Child's Bowels Even a sick child loves the "fruity" taste of "California Pig Syrup." If the harn's Vegetable Compound 11 1Piard ii111111Pilt 9 ' ' At the first sign of it. Its I -leafing Qualities are Amazing THE OLD RELIABLE. r WITH PINIPLE 1 , FACE COVERE , . k 1.ft' ................,....,. .1, Later hard, red piraoles broke out Hard and Red., Festered and Itched Badly, Cuticura Heals, "My trouble began with a rough- ening of the skin a.nd itchingscalp. on ray face and complctely covered it. Some of the pimples feitered and itched badly at ti.111S-S-. 31 began using s . Cede/in--1 Soap and Ointment and • after a few days my face felt better. I continued using them and in three weeks was completely healed, after using one cake of Cuticura Soap and St., Plymouth, Mass., Feb.28, Z921. 1 I one box of Cuticura Ointment." (Signed) Leslie Gray, 10 Chestnut ' COU.. R I 00 PNYTFIN Now Looks After Home, Thanks to Lydia E Pink. tile tongue is coated, or if your child is listless, cross, feverish, full of cold, or has colic, a teaspoonful will never fail to open the bowels. In a few hours you can see for yourself haw thoroughly it works all the constipa- tion poison, sour bile and waste from the tender, little bowels and gives you a well, playful child again. Millions 01 mothers keep "California Fig Syrup" liandy, They know a tea- spoonful to -day savies a sick child to- morrow. Ask your druggist Dor genu- ine "California Fig Syrup" which has directions for babies and children of ali ages printed on bottle. Mother? and girls go to school it ds there that right habits must be inculcated. In You must say s.alifornia- or you mav setting a g,00cl example for cleanliness the •school should be the model. Thi,s is what is being aimed al; in keeping the sanitary condition of the schools up to a very high level, as is being Clone in Sturgeon Falls. This town is showing' itself to be 111 every way a progre.zsiwe rrnmicipallty, W. French. of Victoria, 33.C., who Last but n•ot leasthoo , the scls and for information regarding baking did net give his speeific address, asks Closets--porcelatie bowls, self or municipality generalily, have secured powders. Those powde'rs claiming to fn or automatic flush valve ype. t e services of a PDblic Health Nurse contain no alum are made mrith acid School building—brick • and stone, avho will offer advice to expectant phosphate, according to the Chief with one blackboard in each class room mothers, and win. irtstrue, mothel in Analyst er the DonTiniion. Health De - How Deserts Retain Water. .. One region of the Colorado Desert, where „ the escape of .7 the- Colorado River has more than once caused seri- ous trouble, bas been made fertile, the underground water being utillz,ed for irrigating several thousand acres. Among the prod.ucts which are mak- ing this reclaimed land rich are mel- • ons, 'barley, alfalfa, oranges, grapes, sweet potatoes, sugar beets and dates, On the agricultural experiment farm at Mecca in this region are to be found • rare varieties of dates, which for a long time were 'p'roduced only in Arabia and_ the oases of northern Afri- • ca, but wlaich are now successfully grown there. It has been. ;mind by U.S, Govern- ment experts that the rertility of soils depends largely on their eapenity for rin etaining oislure. In many Western localities crops geow „luxuriantly with scarcelym any sumer rain. It is even thought to -be possible that the per- manent wa,ter supply existing at a depth of from forty to one hundred feet may be resndhsible for the ever present -moisture, an, all in good order as to seats, blind,s and number of windows re- quired. Heating -steam; • electric lighting; inlet and outlet roof ventilation. German Thorouahness The German sal -nuts. are patient and ' methodical peopie who tie not °var- ied& any detail in their researches. But one 'would scarcely have thought they would go to the extent or „ what color was fashionable avith women or high 'Egyptian aristoc- " racy, 2,000 years B.C. It was, it eeems, navy blue, anti Dr. Rathgert even assures no ...that a shred of this robe submitted to a severe chemical is analysis, has dclosed that the ,Egypa tians of that, epoch knew how to em- ploy indigo blue, , Will they not, asks "Le journal," ote day reVeal the formula of the per- • fumes voith w'hleb beautiful Cleopatra intoxicated the nettle Anthony? • ga, _ The limit set to your learning altould be a belief that 30451 will live for even, •, the feeding ancFca_re of their children' eartrnent at Ottawa. As to the cream thus reducing the infant mortality. of tartar any samples examined by . . will point out physical defect's in the the Chief Analyst have been found to , •i young so that they may he 'corrected; be of excellent quality 'and apparently and teach the ,nrineiples 'of hygiene, prepared from purified 'argol's. --1-.. ......................-...........................................-.*-........,-........................... He belt the train to the crossing a good many times "It's never touched me yet," judgment in taking needless he explained when they pointed chances with harm. out the risks. That's the answer a good many people make when they hear that the drug element in tea and coffee often -harms nerves and health. They say it's never tOuched them yet, Sometimes they only think Over on the safe side is Postutn, a pure cereal beverage, delicious and satisfying — con- taining nothing that can harm nerves or digestion. Thousands 'who used to try their luck with tea orcoffee are enthusiastic over having found safety and satis- faction in Posturn, It's worth your while to make the test with Posturn for ten days. F'ostum is a delightful drink for any member of the family, at any meal, Your grocer has both forms of Postern: Instant Postern (in tins) made instantly in the cup by the addition of boiling water. Postern 'Cereal (in packages of larger bulk, for thoie who prefer to make -the drink while the 0100115 being prepared) made by bollingfol 20 mine les. it hasn't. • Wakeful nights, drowsy • days, headaches that keep corn- ing more fre- quently—often are blamed pn bad luck when --`,..--:-'-‘:---.... the blame be- -,....-, ---'" '-'.. -7..,:'''' •.- ' • - • longs on bad . '----..ii".•,•-'- --;-----"'''' ”C`i,.4,•-•... ; - - " .11) ),=, • • , Reasoti" Pos Ullt171 or Health:11 a Made by- Canadian Posturn Cereal Co-, I...irnited 'Windsor Ont get an imitation fig syrup, A New Recipe, , "John," said Mrs. Newlywed, "run to the drug store quick and get a 1101 - tie of paste," "Library paste?" asked her hus- band in surprise, "Yes, if you can't get kitchen pastePin. ,going to snake some. French pastry for your dimer" s• MONEY 'ORDERS, It is always s'afe to send a Dom)aion /rP7-,At) sage o,,og costs three cents. Sounds Like It. \•-•k)j)- Little Effie (stroking the 1 itt'en)— "111-audie. hear that?" Maudie--"Ilear what?" For Constipated .3ovvels— Bilious Liver Effie --"t do believe :Kitty'sboiling" 1 inard's Liniment r t S ( Th PhYsic your bowels when you have IcumCutiperuore.in oSicer'Pa'n°1-15-131mm-airilttaLlillnd sTkl; purity, skin comfort r.nd skin health, i 1.... nT'aillecsmSolatPotp0o:dellenrsaen2s17:11.1:-mifei., the Ointment to soothe a_nd heal, the flain;plo StiehPree by Mull, Address: .T,yranne,Zlin- ited, 34.2.. St, 1'11rd 51., W., Mentrfail." Sold err*, 1 where Soap2Se. Onitanent2Sand5Oc, TalerimaZie. iiS4'i; Cudcura Soup ohnvos without =rag. illeaford, Ontario.—"I was so weak I could hardly do anything and ray back seemed tho worst. I read so mtich about 1_,yclia E. Pinkham's Ve,ge- table Compound for women that theught I would, did belp Inc for I am loOking 'after t, my own home 'now and, -seem quito strong again. T have reconiznendel your Vegetable Compound to finite a few friends and you can use my name af you wish to do so."—Meg. 11. Poarge., Box 440 Meaford Ontario In your own neighborhood there are dotibtless women -who know of the great value of layslia E. Pinkliamni Vegeta.ble Componnd, Women,,every- where, either by- word •or mouth or by letter, recommend this splendid medicine. Those who have suffered from female weakness, change of life, and similar troubles know of tho wonderful relief brought to them. by- ; the Vegetable Com ound t' try it. I feel that Express Money Order. Five dollars g p even s panish Flu o nicest cathartic -laxative to Rainbow Stones. , Headache Biliousness South Australia seeks a market for Colds Indigestion its white opals—very beautiful gent Dizziness Sour Stonvach stones of a kind peculiar to that part is candy -like Cascarat8. One or two of the world. The chief commercial obstacle lies in the superstition that oPals are auluelry and bring mismor- tune to the owner. This silly tiotion does not worry Canadians much and in Canada opals are much admired and commonly worn, In Europe, how- ever, it has a surprising grip. Accord- irtgly, the producers are going to put their white opals cm the market under i another name. They will be called eiridots," after the Greek word. for raiabow. Natural Law, "What would you say it you. were told that China contains five times as many people as there, are in the whole of the British Empire?" 'i shouldn't say nothin',.. replied Rill, -because I should know that it to -night will empty your bowels corn- pletely by morning and you will feel splendid. "They worl: 'while you sleep?' Casearets never stir you up nr gripe like salts. Pills, Calomel 5- • 011, and -they cost only ten cento a box. Children krve Cascarets too. "Why," inquired the other. -41-01115 you Icnew it was a lie?" WARNING! orita.tive 511, "if there was all those . . Say " t•" Bayewhen you btty Aspirin. "Boca use," said 13 ill, with an a n tie people in china, the aa-orld tol lin up. " Unless you,see the narrie "Bayer" on tablets, yott are - not getting Aspirin at all. Why take clia.tices? ' A Cast of Elronohitis. whose Accept only an "unbroken. package" of "Baye.r Tablets, of kitowlelge of the king's Illitglisli was A certain Frolicit-Canadian, rather s•pirse,' was invited to stay a ASpirin,' w,alcI c ntains dttectit-yris and dose r‘ ori\Lci out ii),„ . few days ta,itli some English-speaking physicians during 22 3reats and proved safe 11y rrdilions for friends in foi.it,real, On ills arrival "Comnient ea va„ Illert•e ROW areColds Headache Rtieatilll tile following colivel•sation. enue sd: t. ., ,1 ‘.. TOC)thaelie , Neuralgia Neuritis yott?'' ."•Wreil, shy l'r'ere, I don't reel vet.' EataCile • 1...unibago l'aiti, Pain L.,,,,00A,. 1 hale a little lioitrse, on ilia I -randy "flayer' hoes of 12 tablets --Also bottles of 2-1 and 1 00----DrtIgg.lsta. t,'reat; In Tao' I luive a colt." Aspirin in 51114 1'00, tri 11 (ro)isterel in C,,,,anadn) or no Vpr -A eurao,ssis or monn. ogottoortiaoseor or r.•;',.e.heylit.tteid. White it is wen `known the!, ,AsotrIn trt...vig ,c3a.yor , ISS145 No. 1 0—'2, .n) n worarturo, to ntsitii ihe ninille against Imitations, Is l'anterx ei,' P., 1-,1- .nirtintiiir NN. , a will be etatni)e+.1. lin t1eir,I;(1;era..1 1.,rnito 010111, ill° "}:tayEtr Cre...t.,, , . , , ,1,