The Exeter Times, 1922-3-16, Page 6••••
ding for Spring. Lurid:as w-ay.,i good leu -,, Ilene ly 310 h1gh. ut
feedetery cenifident that Tamers' prie•e is why vs e do lit usei more,
31 not retilize hew much it reeens; Mil If the ewes nave itut been liberally
1.131 lanai resulta, to save pratitieallY all ' fed wilit eleillo 0 te etart
lemb 41 43.. Many'. years' experiences carefully an1. gra trally Mtn:ease, A
lias taught us that if we save all our' good liberal handful, or about 0131.
111133 eaccees is asaareth -while if \ve fourth of a potoids is a good 3113 031
lose a heavy per emit. failui-e- is almost; for a ;good-sized ewe until she drops
inevitable, liiTe find the measure of our her lamb, when it intay bc Mere:teed
success here is usuall t he inettaure of ' 1110. 11
our real profits in the lail, I Breeding eases should have plenty
As we drive throughout the coital-, oe exercise and air and no matter
try in the early spring it is not an1 about the cold up to lambing time,
unusual sight to see etiousgh deadi providiug they are always kept dry.
lambs thrown out, CT up` on some old; Moisture is the natural euemy- of the
shed, to make a fine profit for thei sheep and should be avoided as far
over had they been saved and grown' as possible.
co maturity. There ere many things
that lead up to seeress or down to
failure at this peint.
Ia the matter a ewes °wiling their
lambs we felt the p3311033 care of the
ENVC, is by far the most patent factor . Ss.: Kindly give me your plan for
We all knees- that self preservntion is a poultry house for about two hundred
the ilest law ef nature. And while the, chickens. Would you make a gable
exe 'J 10 think yet we invire never , roof Or a flat one? is a house 16x40
been ehie to just determine where in-' large enough? Would you use eggs
stirtet icseees off and reason begins.
1 for hatching from chickens that had gets -up to fulfill her part of the pra-
te': a e do kr.ova this, that the ewe , diphtheria roup the first part of De- -
gram, she expects and receives- friend-
s:hoz is teen and oat of eautlition is' cember? I have a good laYing- strain
i lv sympathy rather than stern (Teti-
ecey :ipt to drop her lamb ici walk: asnd would like to hatch. chicks from -
eism from her fellow workers of the
ea ey ::1 -La leave its tilos leaving, both' my own chides if passible, Chickens
Women's Institute.
e and
ler '"WS. FROM: TI -IE riff,ANCIWS,
w Mats 1 e Plans 1 Free:Tana .11om therse subjeate the best 33
At etre aka:a teat) c.?.130.S'en Ter• easeh,
what \ve coneider a imitable coal:nit:- thlY, :310p; in mind:
tee' tti arrange the PrTalli for the' First, to lieve the I lee:Tani sea,011able;
Year. This doee, the sante' is erietea second, to utilize 11 01110 t al eat—s eine-
0 0 attraetive eards, and 00013i times a eilik oy th C n. List, phyalcsan,
• 1 t • tl looal elere'y, ba niter, UT School tettell-
era. ' Tined, entertainment, at mica
meetiug---one lasly is asked to be
res'ponsible for two musical poraberas
Fourth, to be educative---thnotagh the
Firstly, we trY couaider the study of cur laws; how to contmet
eapability of each elle. Some are good meeting peoperly; topics of the day:
lives of neted Oanadieres, community
Annual events. In April the Insti-
tute entertain the public school chil-
dren with t:alle hy one of tile teach -
•• • • ,
13 no danger of net knowing just when
and what we ale expected to ale,
The ,e0:-aperation of all probably de
pellets upon the following hinds:
music:dans, so they always find a Place
on our ratiaical program. `Phan, too,
'We try to know eaeh inember'a par-
ticular interests and choose .for her
. . '
a topic in accordance with her niter -
es -t. Also we eoesider the dietance to ers on a nature subject as 'Protection
be travelled to the various Meetings. of Birds," the children, rendering the
As we hold our meeting's from home musical part of the program, 'after
to home we try to choose for taeli which the ladies serve ice cream and
program members who do not live cak0.
too far Irma the place of meeting. In In Seyatember the erandinothers are
this way we seldom have the excuse, entertained ,a4 that meeting when the
"Oh, the roads or weather were too program consists of olcl-time songs
bad and I couldn't get there." and 'a 'paper on "Early days of Leeds,"
Some, too, are good at clemonstrat- "Pioneer 'Mothers," or some similar
ing, so we find that if we choose wisely subjects, and 'a bouquet is giveu to each
we may lrave several excellent de- old lady, gter refreshments 113113 been
moristrations during the year.- 'served.
friendly feeling' existing among our Well Done, New Hamburgi
Last, but not least,We have a strong
members and. therefore when each hab4Nyewarliroatollalhbells,rgismilalnge
progress, being close to the hundred
mark in mentbeieship, with a prospect
of more to 'come. In addition to their
reonalar monthly program, they have
iamb and oevner in trouble. _Nature, are healthy and vigorous now. When
seems to aay, 1 haye not the neceasaryli is the best time to have baby chicks
eltality nor strength to actre for this I hatched?
etided buaden. While the eie-e that has it is usually best to allow about four
;teen we'l; fed on properly balanced !aquare feet of floor space per bird
feeds is vigezeties ard strong'tee milkwhen building a poulery house, A
to bring topics for papers or subjects
The aathens! Method.
At the beginning ef each Institute
year a meeting of the directors is
called. at 13111311 each one is expected
nr;it 1E,
Sunday SchooI
The Downfall of
srael, 2 Kings 17: 9-13.
Proir. 14: 34.
peculiar people, unlike any of the na-
tions aroundm. theBut they were
small and 330011 in comparison with
some of the heathen nations and they
arrange:defer three classes in basketry
its eins. Events moved swiftly on; supposed that by Worshipping the
for each Monday. There are about 12o1311033 the last king of Israel, per- gods of theee nations they might be -
Time—B.C. 721.
Lesson Foreword—Amos and the
other prophet.s had predicted the
dowrifall of Israel e.- a
Golden Text—
twenty acht
pall. for the 13'0- hi in the evil couhis rse of pre- come 0We aS they were,
in e, 2 o
men 4 to 6 for the school girls and decesaors. Shalmaneserth
, e king of V. 16. The -writer seems to be so
teacheraeand an evening class for the Assylea, which kraS the great 3103.1(1 passionately inelionant with the sins
rt ling' readily, her eaother'e: instinct house twenty feet deep and forty feet for discussion to be used in the pro- fully endeavoring to meet the needs of against Israeli reduced lt vassala,:e them. (See Zepla 5; <ler. 7; 18;
business girls. Thus are they success- power "(3 ±110 time, made an expedition. of Israel, that he heoins to rehearse
the whole community.
and exacted an annual tribute. One. le; 13.) molten 'images, eaeo two
will -also be strong and there is no, wide would be satisfactory. This could ram for the new year.
lainaeld telirteAresasythritaonstrecliasscoonylrleecl ritchgtihae_
metal as these. It was Jeroboam who
aangee of her deserting, her offspring. oe divided through the centre, malcing carved woed but others 'were made or
The effeet will also he veiy appar-! two reoms eaeh twenty feet square.
of auced the golden calves. (See 1
3111 in the lamb. If insuffialent or im-1 Then in the winter you could use one tions with Egypt, the great rival
year Iloshea 1.•efuseci to pay tribute calves. Some of the images were
dy for the Bird
Assyria. Thereupon Shalmaneecia la Kings 12: 28.) These were images
ta•oper feeds have been ueed-the lamb side for the pullets that -were being
another expedition laid siege to Sa-1,of bulls which because of th.eir mini -
will be weak and leek the r.ower to! feel for eggs and the other side forthe easily removed th clean the house, it marl, arand after three yes caPturel " eture size were called "calves." All
[..raperly care for himself. While the the breeding stock which were to take Frame this ineo every day of -
it.' The king and a geeat number of 1 the hoist of heaven. The worship of
etath from a. properly. eared for ewe 1 a short. Test to save vigor for the p1,0,, )7,hair, ,"Bird8 Make Ag-rieulture Foe- is much to be preferred, especially if
By destroying insect Pegs you have to .place it where the sun the people were deported to AshYria the stars was introduced from Baby-
rlay 1--e dropped, as we have had them: duerion cl hatching eggs. Both the s''''`e2 arid forced TO live in exile. Ionia, the land of "their conouerors.
the - save crepe worth millions of dole IN ill beat en it.
winter. right oat in Ilk snow on. gable roof and the fiat shed -roof type .
When the nerves become unstrung:
the hands shaky; you can't .sleem and
yOU are practically on the verge of tier-
vous prostration, then is the time -ter
They regulate .and stimulate the heart
aad strengthen and restore the whola
nervous system.
.1\Ir. "Eretl W. Watson, New t
per ,
N.S., have 'been troubled
Lor several years with. nervous 'head-
aches and they were so bad I could
uot, sleep at eights. My hands got
so shaky I could hardly held anything
/a them. A friend told me to try Mil -
burn's I-Ieart mid Nerve so I got
a x egan o get better atter I
had taken theni. I continued to use More,
and now' I am. no more bothered with
nervousness, and would recommend them
to auy 011e who ha.s nerve trouble."
Price 50c. a bON at all dealers, or
I. Disobedience 9-12. The stars were supposed to be in- mailed direct on, receipt of price. by the
itter cold day and yct jump up' of poultry houses are satisfactory lers everY Year' EverY faTmer wh° Make 'Farm Life interesting'
habited by gods; their movements T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto,
mediately ard get baler' fcr his din- ' other 'conditions aye all right. The does not eneourage and protect bird Every farmer should encourage the V. 9. Theschildren of Israel did se-
cretiy. publicly their religion was sup_ WCTO carefully aratched by the astral-, and bothaerd came shed -roof is 7110St generally -used. life on. his farm is defrauding himself martins to eome to his place. If you Ont.
. . 'ors because of th se rements
and liis country. Birds serve farmers will ft:la:mesh them. evith a house they1 Posed to be,' the worship of Jehovah 1110N
„ y
(See e . 1: o Jer. I: 18 19. 10
t e ,ods ma le len will lcnown. Stai
t IG'd and no doubt they
us 'r so well that every one of tbseni could will rib (Nod, worl- for 1;011 The V 11 tnetr ne lona o
ag rignt. It le not usually considered best to
woiesliiii became vetv popular ill Israel
oliserved the ie'li.o•ion or Jehovah 13tat
roup. But if the hens were not - • well afford to erect a -monument to accept a two-family house, or an . _
ta Z h
I see no reason why the chicks might bell'ers' rooms, If you want to invite the ret lest God should see them. For sec- itish god. There were not one, but
II,,wever, If allege is used t 'Should be In these days of tree repair worle martins to Your farm put up your ret rites see Ezeh. 8: 7-12. Built in manY TheY weiP supposed to
e (le for oree
.ders t_ley haA,e had
we oa oven from ll'YCV 'C'l Will Mean 1 siek and ore in vigorous condition now
, . , a ely
these unasstmfing and willing bird apartment containing as many as lift they 'Tied to combine with it heathen P , ; ; -)
Baal; was the name of the Canaan-
ssc ry much. Sheep sraraid nave some ; Y elements which they practiced. in see-
r, ...-.1 of siacculenee, roots or silage.
-,,,- , - :/---- -- r-tten Faaae is denaer_ 1 believe that March and April are and great demand. for lumbe,r, and houses at 'once, fm' a martin "scout" high places. The Canaanites, their 'give fertility to the soil and to pre,
side over the its and crafts. . •
'',4"f.',3'..::1,7.e:;, 'jive. have.'" 111133 fed the best months. to hatch the heavy wood for fuel purposes, birds haw, a Nvill soon be coming to inspect your predecessors in. the land, 'worshipped
iilage liberally to our sheen end uni- time of it. to locate. neetmg aites. Premises, as to whether you have their gsocle, the Beals, at what were, V. 17 -Caused' their sons, etc. This
breeds, like Plymouth It'ocks and Wy-
However, the past is gone, hesO what
• - • old known as hiah places. These were refexs to child sacrifice. The children
of whielri'alestille as a mountain011'S Are but, were bound to an altar and
formly with gooe results. It neiteer
rce's03 8nage 're 'available we '0a1 Chicks hatehed too early may go into
e. fait remeult. Chicks hatched too late
ihrieil beet pulp, as a partial substitute.
do not nave tune to mature befo-re
Whlie be3t. pulp is TIOT 5312 3103141 vet
It is a vegett,tiale feed and. if the sheep
have pi 11t3 of good water with the"
ruin, it assists greatly in the digestion
tnti assimilation of the other feeds Bm.k.c.-ts to left of us.
andottes il and May ' Therefore cavities in -trees are not so-
Tito/atlas for the hatehireg of Leg -horns. 'often the home of hied families 'as in
reeonarnenJ a portion of The feed be
The Old Sugarbush.
rifles its own food value
, Buckets to right of 135,
l -e onsider much IF :2;aitle.3. by Behind and before us,
Ing a 'variety of feeds. Indeed. we Shheag and bright.
never feed even one feed cf silage Drip, rip, (-tip,
From the :spite's lip, remit, wea . e hie would prove much more interest -
Nighttime and daytime, the birds after spending the winter in
alone but put the hay, bean pods or
pther dry roughage into racks and i
the past. We must provide nesting
. sites for them, and this can be .done
with a very small outlay. Anyone who
IS at all handy with tools can build a
bird house. I would have farme-rs re-
member -bleat many times the spring
storms kill the early aerreals. and its
martin 11 u ha ld b c altars built n el vat cl 1 hP1 were not mad I; 11- tl 1
0 e e p uoeS S e o wa iroug is the
o ses, s u e teat ed out,
as well as Painted. You will have to country, is full. Tower .,. city. Tow- by means of fire were dedicated to the
will cause martins, as well as other ---------41 vineyards. "These p,3tect-
, ers were used for the protection of god. Usually the child sacrifices were
made to the god IVIolech and were le -
watch the English sparrow, for they
that if I did not destroy the English the rude houses of Peasants, and out curing the help or favor ox the god.
other birds arrived that by a constanti places "would arise." What is meant aiere magical ineans tised for diseoe..
birds, no end of trouble. I have ±01.111,d, ing towers were probably 'adjoined by garded as particularly effective in se -
of these groups 01. dwellings italsgel, Divination and enchantments. These
spareow about my place, before the
c <smg o these mtrudiers, they 3m-
themis as necessary to provide shelter for
ally took the hint and stayed aeYay.
at this time, as in the winter;
artins are such, good company fet-
es well as such food as suet to help M
yom• children. If weaimed to give
to keep them fit to combat the inele-
• ' •rne our children all the pets possible, farm
the sunny south.. They brave the ele-
ments for us, so that they -will be
north in. plenty of time 'to serve our
,iihrew the sitses,ee onto it. that-, pressings 'Tistime.
ing to them.—Paudine Ward.
veil down in the rack. In this way '\ 031 hke beavers. Commun development may be
:nh feed seems TO give a relish for _ Toting the sap, measured in. neighbor/loot: ' get -
Lae other. All stock enjoy 4 variety, Only Seems playtime, together meetings. '
fc;ecls as well ZS -we 'do ourselves.; Believe me old chap. Many farmers are leilling their bast
',lane, 31 1141111111'11 feed one kind calf!'
-1Chop, Chop, chop— friends namely the snakes which rid
Beef or mutton suet is a cheap way
to reward these little workers , -for
their willing service to yeu. Tie the
suet to tree trunks or branches, and.
also hang up boned, cracked, and meat
scraps for the blue jay and crow.
They need part meat diet ancl this
will also „prevent these birds from
preying upon the smaller birds.
During stormy weather' sunflower
seeds are appreciated. Tinder normal
spring conditions birds can scurry
about and secure ample Toad, but at
any time a variation in diet is relith-
ed. They will he thanldul for the
. ,
eghage until it is all gone then an-, Fire niust never sto11.he farm of injurious, and
ether and. so on. I wo-neler what theseKeep her ageing, birds'such as certain ,species Of hawks
tattaKS woUld think if their 'eviires All roaring and glowing. which do good 'instead -of harth. Per-
iherslid say to them 1111 the fall, '1Now.i Sugar bubbles
41 senaL likes and dislikes; coupled.' with.
the eetateee may freeze and be spoll-1 Frothing and sweet,
pri to we better eat potatoes for a i Thieker and thicker-- is harmful all are harmful, 'and that
erroneous beliefs that Since'`one snake
:etriP.ei of months. Then perhaps ouri job 'most complete a hawk is a havide and'sbould be killed,
curet meate may not keen as the! Ging, gleg, glug, are some of the reasons why these
animals are killed. '
134133 331313 wa-ms toward spring', so we'
ictiti better eat our -meat for six. or'
Into the stone jug:
First run for candy
For Cindy and Mandy.
eight weeks, then we wilt "atring,- out'
Blese me• "Tis pleasuring
.).11..; would these farmers say? Working this way
i i -exactly 'what many farm-, In the old sugarbush
.he.: their Ftczt:k to do, yo.1 This sunny March rlay.
7e ou. try to store our feeds in!
13 -ro Teach Flying.
loar11,-.v to- make them available for
bo„; sea -ion. Stp-..14.• will show their t'ap- to spend about a:10.000.0GO this year
7' (33 re, fee it is, pc:1,Sible for for the ariveneereent of civilian avia-
anima -to so, I ion.
bread crumbs which you may throw
on your window sill, porch, or other
pia c e.s.
The Wood to Use for Bird Houses.
Wood fOT hird houseS' should be the
non -heating leind. The best wood is.
cheapest if you want real results in
the matter of the birds to in-:
crease in number. Many riling birds,
are smothered every season, been:Liao
"any old kind or wood" proved fatal
o them. If you paint the houses be
sure to title gcod oil pohit, as nearly
all birds reject honees On which cheap
paint is used. Do not lase tin ean
houses. They are 'cruelty to bird life.
During the warm part of the spring
tied ealdy summer days they attract
the sun's, heat, anal as a result the
young are often smothered, to death,
or suffer intensely. 'Pile robin and
phoebe will accept the bird shelf; a
Mere platform, with a "roof," of
course. Most birds prefer houses
made from. the limbs of trees, Trees
felled by storms may be used. Birch
and chestnut, aS well as elm, alio good
to nee for 'bird houses, Tee limbs' may
be cut in ten or twelVe-inch lengths.
About two or three inches from one
end bore an entrance hole. On the
oppoSite side make a lengthwise in-
cision through the entire barks ne-
move barle carefiilly with a wooden
Wedtee. Then saw off a section ot the
wooc, about an inch thick or inaees
from the bettom. the bark to
thia section; letting its overlap a little,
and cloSe the slit at, thc 'back by nail -
hag it to a /Ian.' st.,:ip of wood. Some
people reconimend the usa of tin for
the robf, but if 11,,S possible to get
a very thin piece of wood for the roof,
and to arrange, it so that it may be
tlareae-ti ill., entire. feed- The Fr,,neli Government is planning
There are:- 3:14-33193 reaeons "ander-
' TrkiX,:,'‘',1 IlTS::'11.11g which many do Too many farrn'hicanes. are' places of
The Preteills business' and ilothir,g more,
tiar"fehydrates and (rt.'. anytwo feed-
steifs may 'OR 9'' 1111313 the same.
lee sisal the elements there in just a
litt:e different chemical cornhin,atione
and thus have a' little different effect
the digeetiee tract of the animal.
And we niutt realize that it is not
what: the. aniroal eat,:', but what 11. 1/
eth)lo to properly clio-est and assimilate l'1°Iveni'll ean be alre'ng and health,'
unless the kidneys are well. reason
is that the kidneys are to blame, eine
tinies out of ten, for that weak, lame
and aching back, from. which. they stif-
fer 50 11311011.
NV/Jell you find your kidneys out of
order, when your back athes and pains
when the price of sheep tile mar- and gives yoU endless inisery, all you
eats, are as as they are at thie haveto do is take a few boxes of Doan's
tittle and the price of feeds are at so l'CldneY 1)"1"' and V011 will nnd that all
the aches and pains will vanish, and make
very 31 1, levels. you healthy and happy, and able. to en -
Aa a rule. we find L' 03. clean eull 3oy life to the utmost,
beans about 1113 211034 and best for mr,.:rohn ee-e,..,eastie Bridge,
that eneaatires thin final results to us.
And experieeee has led us to believe
we' get renal( hotter results by mixed
And as to lilaeral feeding we feel it
always pays, and esoccially is it true
tha haSe Of MIT grain ration. When 111.1a„ i'. 13- spring t ea,te 80
we consider the high protein and min- bothered with my kidneys and piles in
eral content of the bear! all'a re'Alivi I'llY back, ).- c;101-ild not is(: ot sleet) at
1,60, i.),, 1 njoarlo t„.,, the prop4r. de, nig„Irt, A frivid ealling told tie
about the benefit Doan's Xidney Pills
vel-3.1nnenc' cd tile fl-ltUf'e eils'2P1'1'ng N" had 1103,13for he- and advised me to try
411 at this pries no ,theep roa.n Could them. ) °illy took two boxes, arid I can
A $
r-.7.1f1').rd to not have beans Tar hts liir,.:eed-1 truthfully say my trouble disappeared
arid I have had no trace of it since."
Otte.lial,..t bean,5, orze-cit..,arter 60331 price, 50c, „a box p„,t an dealers, o
j oats a'3). ',31(, 11131 11(141'keil .': mailed direct eii receipt of price by Tke
got.1 ,stolicieril mlaeturiO, Oat:1 are 61, T. lailliern Co.„ limited, 1. oronto„ Ont.
"-- • "-- ' -Le- ' -- ...a t; seeeaseseeaele,are
• woup..G.Q.OLOKIM.FACE...
Mothers should never neglect whoop-
ing cough, and on the first sign of this
disease we would advise the Ise of Dr.
Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, This famous
remedy evill clear the bronchial tubes of
the collected unicolfs and phlegm, and
la. this way ease the wracking cough and
in a short time make it disappear entire -
Mrs. 3, W. Mortimer, 25 -11th Ave.
East, Vancouver, B,C., writes:—"When
my little girl was bora she was not very
strong,' and when she. wag three months
old we moved into a damp house. A
few days after we were settled she became
very ill. I called in a doctor and he said
she had whooping cough and bronchitis.
He gave me medicine for her, but still
I saw no change, in fact, she seemed to
get worse and Several times I thought
she was dead as she used to go black in
the face and stiffen right out, and I was
nearly crazy for fear she would die. A
friend of mine asked me to try a bottle
of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup, as
she had three children.' of her own,
took her aceirke and, after giving my lit-
tle girl half a bottle she was quite a lot
'setter,. aud when the bottle was finished
she was well again,"
Price, 85c, mid trees a bottle; put hp
only by The T. miiburh Co., Limited,
'1'oronto, Ont,
here is that high places were built ering the will of God. 13ut God ex -
everywhere, froii the smallest human pressed himself theough His prophets;
habitation to the largestand priests without the use of magics
ar, 10. Images. As the Hebrew word III. Punishment, 18.
indicates these images eyere starie pil- Vs. 3-6 and the Lessen Foreword
tars in which a god, :particularly the
Canaanite Baal, was supposed to have
taken tip its residence. Sometimes
they were carved. Groves. These -Were
trees sometimes stripped of their
foliage, and sometimes left as they
weee. Like the stone pillars they
were supposed to be inhabited by a
god. Sacred stones and pillars wee
worshipped extensively by the Cana CAI-
ites. Every high • . tree. Tho favor-
ite placmfor setting up a sacred stone
or pole was on a high hill tops or in a
grove of trees. (See ,Jer. 2: 20; 3: (3,
Nr. 11. Burnt incense. Incense was aches, variable rippetite, pain under the
made of gums and resins and the per- right shoulder floating specks before
the eyes, then 01.13 live:- is not in order
fumes for whieh Arabia was famous,
It WEIS used in the worship of the
All the troubles which com'e in the"
Jerusalem temple but here it 13313
131113113 to heathen gods, peobably the train of a disordered liver may be
Canaanitish Beals. (See Hos, 2: 13.) 37 relieved by using
As did the heathen. This was their
should be read. carefully in connection
with this verse.- Removed. them. The
Assyrians 'who'conquered. the. kingdoml
of Israel held their empiretogether
by a policy of frightfulness. When
they a people they deported,
them to ea -other land and filled their
places with another conquered people.
In this way they hoped to break th5.
spirit of their victims. There were
none left but the tribe of 'Judah only.
The tribe of Judah formed a separate
kingdom and weee not conqueeerl until
considerably later. The kingdom
Israel as the noethern kinerclemkevaa
Called, was much richer than the king-
dom of Judah, and since it attracted
theatientiou of the kseyrian- it me' '
1311 e.erlicr decfm.
13 30113 tongue is coated, your breath
foal, your eyes yellow, your complexion
sallow; if you have sick or bilious head
stn. They should have been a,. "pe- ea'"ria
culiar people" instead al beconiing as-
similated ,to their -heathen neighbors.
Wrought Wicked things. This tindoubt-
edly included theia eocial wrongs, such
as the oppression ofthe poor bee the
rich. and .the naiscarriage of justice
which the prophets had demi:need.
V. 12. Served idols. These weloi- pro-
bably images 3 ineri, women, beasts,
reptiles and. ,They were set up
both in public places and hi their
homes. Ye shall not do this thing. Ac-
corditig to the law of Israel no repre-
sentation 'or image of'. Jehovah was
ever allowed 'and Israel 'next no right
to worship any other god.
. II. Ingratitude, 13-17.
V. 13. Israel had no excuse for its
sins. God had not left them in any
doubt as to his his will. Healiad, sent
plenty of prophets and seers to de -
elate. His 'will arid to warn thern
against disobedience (see jar. 7: 25;
1: 7). All the law which I cominarid-
ed. - Not only had the prophets de -
dared Godi's will but it Wat embodied
in the law which Israel heel:ea:genii-Ay
accepted of God in the wilelernesS.
This was Israel's distinct possession,
Marking it off from its heathen neigh,
bars, andif it had :followed this law
it waulel not have become assimilated
by ita neighbors.
V. „IA. 'Would not near; ref uset1 to
listen to the prophets who spoke far
God. Hardened their necks. They
were stubborn, like all intractable 31)1''
11 which •refuses to Ise driven. Like
(heir fathers Theirs was on
ancient and hall milted di a p osition s
Vs 1.5. Followed vanity. It the Old
Tesiiament an ' idol was frequently
called "a. vanity's," That is, it was
mere nothingness, being liftless and
enable to give any li`e4a, Ilecatrie vain.
They hemline As empty and ntweal as
tlie idols thoy worshipped, 'Went after
the heathen. Again and again Israel
had been told that they were to be a
l'efiss lila, II, Croke, leaniscnores
One, evriaise--"Laqt fall I Was tot bled
seeerely with my lie -or, and occasionally
I had, 1)061 bilious attaeks. I tried sever-
al medicines, but mitil 1 laar3 to use
37o11r Aliibttrn's 1.-axa-11ver P1133 1 fcritic
no relief," '
Price, 231.. a vtal (Icahn's, or
mailed dilect on receipt of price. by The
T.- Milburn Co.,..Lirnited, Toronto Onte
1. The cause of Israel's downfall.
Doubtless there were various converg-
ing causes, but the Main one was the
elimination of the truly religious ex-
perience from leaders and people. We
know from the prophet Hosea,. and
also from the narrative of the lessen
passage, that there was a loud ap-
pearance of religion (vs. 8-12), but
the reality was missing. The ritual
was a mixture of foreign customs, and
the conduct of the people was' frivol-'
ous and irresponsible. No man spared
his brother. No nation can endure
with sucb a sandy foundation.
2. The great responsibility of the
leaders. Hoshea had some redeeming
features of character (v. 2), but he
did not keep the -treaty wrbh the king
of Assyria.' He thought that he could
b • eak the covenant • with impunity—
and he paid the consequences of his
breach of faith.
Itis • said that. the German Chancel-
lor sneered at the idea, of Britain ad-
hering to her treaty with Belgium. It
was only a "scrap -of paper," and the
consequences of loyaty to it would be
dreadful. The British ambassador ro-
'plied that where honor was concerned,
Britain diet itot count' tha; cost. It
was a 'noble eoply; and one 'would like ,
to feel that the nation's ruilere al-
wayselived tip :te it. as Coerageously
as tliey did in 191 4.
R. The straoge ways in which God '
attains 'His goa1.
'The divine inetliod. to -day rnay 're-
quire us tn leave behind sortie otcl
forms of thought and organizsatioii
and enter the now and untried come'
tty, Lefore tie, with new inethods in
our hand's. A generation ago we used
the cradle to cut our wheat; then fol:
los ittd the reaPer, then the self -binder.
So one instrument be the °vino hand
133137 to another and 'better one '
fo Ibe fulfilment of His purpose.
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