HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-3-16, Page 5THURSDAY, ,.MARCH 16 Crediton 19 1V1•iss Trolls Hodgins of London• , Spent Pe the week -end at her • home here, Mrs. 'Paul Sheilah underWent w zt an op- eration in St, Joseplt'sHospital, Lon- don, on Monday. T y, e hoizG for ,ler speedy recovery. Y M'rs Clinton Brown returned from St. Joseph's Hosta1, London, u itubera, ehe underwentan. operation. Mrs. Wenzel and Miss ss llal>el Wens zel, were called toetroi D,.. t, Tuesday, owing to the illness of 'the former's daughter, Mrs. -Joy i iciDo al Watch f h al the announcement of date ofla of the Bean y Town Choir to be :put on bythe e te0 young 1 - pe of the°Methodist church, in the near fu= ture. ,1 Certain persons are looking for girls with th perfect Slacks— others otheIsa1e looking girls' with re n e bact g cs Centralia Mr. Patrick Hanlon and son Have Sold their business, i dsto re and :w l- e ling to Messrs,- Batter and Rishard- eon, of London, wlio will take pos- session soon." The people of Centra- lia and vicinity regret very much Mr. Hanlon and family`s removal. lVir. Hanlon has purchased a house in Loiltlon. ' Ir.: it W 1 It of theflax ,e,•, ,Co; has pur'ehasednlaonr Mr, Gus Hennessey, the dwelling at the station, formerly y oeenpied by,,Mr.Quiiiton. The new Church will be dedicated by the Rev. Ribbert, president of the L` onddn conference on May 14th: A cable received from W. Colwill, Liverpool, stated trade tiyas ,quiet and slow -in the Battle line. The Mission circle will s erve;, Ituch follOV@d by "good program in thee school ,room of the Church Friday evening, Everybody welcome. Chiselhurst Mrs, and Miss Langford of near London, are visiting their cousin Mrs. Vennherfor a few days. • A little daughter of Mr. Rd. Tay-, boys is also M. Mrs. Jas, Davis and lVIiss Walker of Cromarty visited at Mr, Thomas Venner's on Sunday. 701• is ill with pneumonia-. One of the SCHOOL REPORT OF. S. S. No, t, USI3ORNE. The names are in -or- der of merit and are ,based on rexanli.- eations and everyday work. These absent ;from ' one or more examine - Lions marked*„ Sr'.4—Maybell Strang Hetusoah 1-1111, 'Lorne 4Duriin, Melvin' Moir Pearl Wood, Mervin Cudtnor.e, *Mel vale DOW'S], "Norah Oke. Jr. 4—Har- vey Hycle, Harold Iloi•ton, Helen, :;Icu Sr. 3_*Verna`Oke, *Maurice Boa.r 3-1' a.thleen Strang Violet Hyde R^]t• )e..a Oise, . Jack . Horton, *Mervin. Dunn 'George Boa• Sr', 2—Archie /EtherMg- tom alani,e Squires, •'Eva Boa, Ma- bel Reynolds,: Class 1—Pearl 1loir, Pruner. Alma Etherington, 'Eldon "Ka - ding; Elmore Dttmmra Na. on roll 27, average 20,5. 1 fVV. Bell, teacher, Granton arli l' , eS,, ',.COtt:,alld,• Jol1I1 Wright at- tended the eXteniiVe auction Sale of Samuel Vinson hear Mitchell last week. The attendance numbered In- to the hundreds and sodict the pribes It was one of the best sales ever held in these parts. • This has been a remarkablek winter The: mail 'drivers agoing' out of Gran- ton have nevor, itclhed.•into the cut- ter' this winter and our stage driver Harry Guest, Ira$ run this auto bus. to London tke.>wholo. season; At the Epworth League next' Mon- day a strong debate ,ill•"be given by four of oar leading "church melh The subject is "resolved. that poverty is responsible for more downfalls than wealth. All are welcbnie. The Ladies Aid are holding a St. Patrick's supper and concert in the Methodist church" on. Friday evening of this . week. Talent from Moncton will supply the program. Rev. Lawson of the Presbyerian. ehurclz, delivered one of the ablest sermons on. Sunday evening that the Granton folks ever listened to. Sub- jectt. Present' Day National Evils.", Clandeboye Omar Flannery has sold his fern on the first concession, Biddulph, to Mrs.' Wm. Henry. Mr. and Mrs, Austin Bice, spent several days last week in London, with Mrs. Bice's brother, Mr. Oliver, Thos. Grundy is home 'again feel- ing much better. He has` spent the winter with' his daughter. Austin. Carter has returned from a two mouths' visit to friends in New Ontario and Toronto. While greatly interested in all he saw, he still thinks McGillivray the best place to live. Thieves are' working quite boldly, recently ,taking a tire from Rev.' Mr. Mc•Gowan's, •car while service was be ing held at St, James Church; Clande- boye. At the A.Y.P.A. meetings at Clan- I i1 • 40SJ:./•,•9:41' •-041..M.44,1C''.Ya' `ii a•44..12M Pfr Edlson.invented the Edison Turn -Table, e Com arison ' am-, self. It is a truly •. scientific device. this hiTurn-Table, y means s Mr. Edison brought together sa the -four leadin g phonographs, sa thateach e played from the same position, ,anl used record- ings ecotding Y b the -settle artist. H n. He knew w that' this was the only way to.. show: completely Y and convincingly Which g y w was e h .best Phonograph -7 -2nd why. We have secured one of Mr. Edison's famous Turn -Tables. We now operate it for the ben- efit of music -lovers generally. Come in and hear it,—ifyou ou ' some a expect d y to buy a P ho- n®graph and want to get the best .: phonograph. one p o og aph. Exct NOTICE TO MANUFACTURERS The talking used in` these machines, tests ale ke tbest o3- i , by us in the b s P sihle condition. Manufacturers of such 3iiaclilesr or their ': re 1e elta.t1Vttare11V1teCto inspect 6 regulate thheil"l, or to substitute other machines of the same make, of their own selection, of ecit1ai or r • d e2' value attime 1L Ii gl e t d 1 f any 1 111..1,: t ` hours. b11St11G.,5 C711S ix 3: t1cboY0 during Lent, the Bible lessons are being illustrated and explained largely by mean's Of lantern slides. numbed'- of the older members of St. James congregation ation al'e erten dlzhg. Miss kticinsou,"teacher of No. 4 school. McGillivray, was unable 3`" a to re- surae work on Monday, March 6th. Ou account of the illness of sev- eral of the school children has •t itr s been. thou lit° wiser tolose ' G Glaiideboye public ,drool ,for a time to try 10P re- vent an epidemic. 1i armers areettin g g ready for maple syrup making. The usual nlunber of trees will be tapped, ,but no one seems to anticipate a'len lengthy g y rule of sap this isyear. ,Children born this month' will b e: i b just;too cute. Many of then will un- fortunately utely resemble= trial: fathers a1- • tiloughthey nay growout of it later. tisseldale' Mr. Ed. Grant, of Toronto, is a guest at the home of lVir, and Mrs Cephas Drover, The W,M. S.• of the Methodist ethodist church intend ' holding a social on Friday evening of this week` Mr. and Mrs. A. • K. Cole entertain- ed about twenty-five of their friends on Thursday evening; it being the thirteitli anniversary of their mar- riage. Miss Margaret'Colquhoun attended the marriage of her cousin, Miss Ag- nes Reid, in Hamilton last week. Mrs. Curtis is—at—present under the care of Dr. Smith, of Mitchell. Her many friends wish for her speedy re- covery. The anniversary services of the W. M. S. >of the Methodist church will be Held 'on Sunday April 9tih, afternoon and evening. Rev. and Mrs. Sperling, returned missionaries of China, will conduct the services. Mr. Wally Galop, of Stratford, was a visitor over the week -end with his mother. WHAT'S THE USE? Weep, and you're called a baby; • Laugh, and you're -called a fool. Yield, and you're called a coward; Stand, and you're called a mule. Smile, and they'll call you silly; Frown, and they'll call you gruff Put on a front like a inillionaire, And ,some guy calls your bluff. Elimville Aniitial- Banquet of Eiinnville A.tIt " x.Bible Class.rcas'a''Snccess (Intended for last • week) TO THE FARMERS AND A>JL WI -I0 ARE INTERESTED IN RAISING POULTRY, I HAVE TO OFFER A FULL 'LINE OF • P Incubators D at r 4 oder' s MADE, IN CANADA BY CANADIANS THE WELL KNOWN DAN,2ELS HOT WATER MACHINES; FROM FIFTY EGGS UP TO 600; ALSO BROOD- ERS TO MATCH, I CAN SAVE YOU FROM $10.00 TO $15.00 ON YOUR 1VIACI3IN1;. CALL. AND LOOK THEM OVER. CALL EVENINGS. R. B. 'Quince 11erisa11 Mr. Neil Sparks, who recently re turned from the West, left last wee. for Toronto where he will visit. for time, Mrs.' F. W. Smallaconibe and little daughter who have spent the past winter here with the former's moth- er, Mrs. Ellis and sister Miss Mattie, Ellis, left for her lhoine in Binscarth, Man„ on Saturday -morning, Miss .1_41y McEwen has' returned home' after spending a week with friends in Kitchener and. Galt: The little son of Mr: and. 1\Irs. Jas. Sangster who has been ill with pneu- n1011ia• 15 improving. Mr. Allan McDonell -Who ,has been in the west foe some tine working in the 'Union Bank returned home. on Saturday. and will. visit With his par- enMr. and Mrs. Chas. 'McDonell for a few weeks before taking a pos 'tion .in the Union Bank Toronto. Elijah Higgins, of Toronto, is at present the •guest of his brother Mr. Robert Higgins, The Masons of Zurich Lodge at Heasall; ,have rented the. fine hall of W. C. Davis, over the block of stores and will have it fitted up in a manner that will reflect , credit on the craft I4ilYl:lY N PALL WITH I OYLE .An accident befell a couple of Bell liiloinell on Saturday. "They were working on the line near , Gould's school in. Fullartozz. 'I'lhe hrleir had repaired it broken azole and two of their' number had clinked the pole to replace the wires when the pole. broke precipitating', the '.lien to the ground, lt.`feII on'top of one of the men and it, was at first thought that lie was seriously injured, The iujui•- ed than was taken' to Mitchell at- tended to by Drs. Hall and Arm- strong. The Irian received .seine bad bruises and 'a bad shaking up, I -le has since returned to his o 1 i mein Chatham. '.LHE LATE NORMAN IC.irkton lost one of its 'bright young farmers on Tuesday; March 7, in the person of D. Norman Wiseman, aged 38 years and, 10 months. His death was due toe n' p unionia, ilia deceased was a son of Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Wiseman. About ten, years ago lie was married to Miss Gertie 'Mon- teith, of the Thames hoed, who with one little daughter, Kathleen, are' left to mourn his, loss.: One, brother, Al nolci; and one sister, Mrs, W. Rad, cliffe also survive, The deceased was of a very cheerful disposition and had many' friends in the community as was evidenced by the large turn, .out at the funeral on iThursday last which was held in th e Stone. church conducted by Revs,. Dr. Fletcher and a G. M.•'Chidley, the church being failed for the occasion lIt and make it most up-to-date and 'comfortable with, all modern eoriven- ienees and equipments. The twelfth annual banquet of the Adult Bible Class of the Elimville (. ,Methodist Sunday school was held re cently and though some of the mem hers were kept at home through ill mess, there were present about seven- ty -fire. Tlie menu provided was first class and enjoyed by all, and the programme 2211ic11 followed was de- clared by many to be the best yet. As • this banquet was held on the Wedding day of Princess Mary, those present tried to imagine they were at the marriage feast and felt greatly honored and they were sure that Princess Mary felt greatly 11011ored too, Mr. Joshua Johns, the highly est- -eemed teacher of the class acted hs Toast master, and by ,him- the toast to His Majesty the King was propos- ed, followed by singing lie National _Anthem. The guests present• were made to feel they were most'welconle by the gracious words of greeting by the, president of the class, Mr. W. J. Veale. - The soloist for the"„ evening was Miss May Heywood. Miss May Clarke and Mr. Will Skelton, who were to be on the progralunie to ren - 'der solos were prevented from fulfil- ling' their melodious tasks by sick- ness and ick-nessand as a consequcnee the -re- sponsibility fell on Miss Heywood, who acquited ,herself well indeed. Toasts were proposed to the ladies and 'gentlemen by Mr. Newton Clarke and Mrs. John Brock, and, responded. to by Rev,' and Mrs. H. J. Armitage. The Adult Bible class was dealt with by Mr. Will Johns and Ed. l,'oo1y; and both speakers became enthusiastic in their declaration and privileges of the class.. 1VIi•. W, G.` Medd gave ;an address which` was packed of fine' ideas on Sunday school Commandments. The speaker and subject were ably introduced' by Mr. S. J. Pym It was a privilege for ail present' to listen to an address by Miss Medd on Bible study in the Public School; The speaker emphasized the super- iority of the word of God from the standpoint of the pilrost and most perfect literature, and also as a rev- elation of all truth as related to life physically, mentally and spiritilaliy: 1'11e subject was introduced. by Mrs. W. T. Elford, The banquet was fittingly "brought to a close by the presentation of a Cute cbizy of tine Bible to Mr, Joshua 3011h1,t, the aisle and much respected teacher of the class.' to. replying to the presentation address Mr, Johns said 11e had been associated. with. Eiirevill Sunday School and church in an of ftcial way ober since,'ho was e youth. 'Tine :;1112ly is a record to fool proud or as well a5 grateful, amid the •g'ft,of.this Bible was another way of Naming, "T1ian1. You for your help - cut .t l,1.. otfoctil o service.'': After singing "Blest be r:ho tie that bihtds" thee;t tti+'1 ~+n nal-banqu)t Of the 11l,Yn. 1113 ea i f t sS n 1e tot 0, close: Zurich IMrs. H. Gellman is spending a few weeks with friends at Petrolea: Mr. E. E. Steel of St,Thomas has taken up his duties' as accountant at the local branch of the Moisons Bank. Mr, Ed, Maier, has sold his 100 acre fai81 on the town line' 2 miles west of Dashwood to Mi•. Chas. Kel- ler, who gets possession, this spring., The purchase price was 10,000. Owing to the illness of the pub- lisher of the Herald, Mr. `C, L. Smith, two weeks. We are'pleased'to re- port that 14'1•. Smith is,' on the road to recovery. SOLD FITS, FARM( Mr. Amos Doupe has sold this 60 acre farm two and a half miles north west of Kirkton, ; in Usborue Town- ship, to Mr. Wm, E. Nairn, Auction- eer, of Motherwell. The death occurred, following a stroke, at the home of her son, Com- missioner Thomas Smart, of Detroit, on Monday, March 6t11, of Mary Ann Ross, an 'esteemed pioneer of Hay Township,; and relict of the late Jas. Smart, in her 76th year. The re- mains were brought to Seaforth and interred in the Maitland Bank ceme- tery. Nine' of a family survive, TILE CANADIAN 1NDLiN Do you know how many Indians there are -in Canada? The population,; according to the latest census, is 105,998. The num- ber shows a steady, if slight increase. They are found in every province, representing hundreds of tribes and branches, on 1,625 reserves, and are thus : wards of the nation—"human nature bound in red." 12,196 Ind- ian children'. attend the 339 reserve schools. . The Canadian Indian made a splen- did record during the war, 1110re than 4,000 enlisting out of 15,000 of mil- itaryage, and that 1- g under the voltili tart' system, andmany wonderful records of iteroiszn are to their credit Indian cash gifts to tl'e war funds totalled nearly $50,000: The Canadian Indians on the reser- ves: tiro a lot of farming, cultivating 221,8.00 acres of land teat year, Which produced over two million bushels of grain acid robes 'valued at three and a half million, They have a trust fund: with the Governnment n ztouiitingto $11,155,- 660; Their lands are estimated to be wox•tlh $52,000,000, and their buildings $5,1000;.000. The 'value per capita, of their real mill persoii0l property amounts to $682. ," Canada's"711ethbcl of calm„ for Clic Indio ._---..0,'!)' are the arlt;itiai-Gaited- ia1, - 11a' merited jn1'uli.Se from other. emu-Itrite, en1d, is.rcg11ried as Su -Defier f; 'THII LATE PAUL D. BELL Paul. D. Bell, one of Huron's most widely known residents, passed away at his home a mile west of Hensall •oil Friday last at the ago of 93 years. ,,kir. Bell who retained his faculties ;to the last, was a son of the late Robt. Bell, who in the poineer days of Mir- . on county, started the Kippen Mii1s, Mr. Belli was ae giant physically, and. his athletic prowess was known over a wide territory. Poineer tales re- volve around > his feats of strength, and at raisings, bents of timber which required the handling of half a dozen Men; he easily handled by himself. He was anchor man on the Huron, tug-of-war team, which many years ago took'. thehonors from the Bruce county team after they had retained them for years at the Cale- donian games at Lucknow, • He was widely read, took a -deep interest in affairs of church and state but never stead for public office. I3e` is sur,Vived by three sons and three daughters. His funeral was held Monday from the family resi- dence to Union Cemetery, Hensall. YOUNG MEN -ACQUITTED 012' CHARGE OP THEFT Bayfield, March S. -=-The -case of Ducharme vs. Brisson and Overholt was heard, before Police Magistrate C. A. Reid, on Monday, and was watched with considerable interest. Mr. Ducha:rne charged Brisson and Overholt' with having stolen a fish net belonging to him out of the lake, After Mr. Ducharxie's evidence was taken it was quite evident ,that he had made a serious mistake in bring- ing the charge against these ureal and no further evidence was taken, and the,polic e magistrate said the case would have to be dismissed. In justice to the young `men,. J. 11I. Best, • of Seaforth, who acted for them, suggested to Mr. Seeger, Coun- ty crown attorney, that it was only fair that some statement should. be Made to the court and audience show- ing, that these two young hien were perfectly innocent. Mr. Seager, thereupon declared in' open court, that there was no evidence whatever to show' that these two young men were guilty of the charge that had beer' brought against them, and that they had been honorably acquitted. HURON 13ILETi,i)EIiS HAVE GOOD SALE At the consignment sale I1eid in Wingham last week, under the auspices of the Huron County Breed- ers' Association and the Ontario De- partment of Agriculture, the folio 22'- ing average prices were realized for the following respective breeds: Hereford, ,group average $75, male $47, female $95; Aberdeen Angus, group average $67, male $65, female $75; Shorthorn, group average $113. male ,$84, female $135. Aggr•ega,te receipts of the sale were $4,380 foie 44 animals. The general average, price received was. $100. The top price 'received for Shorthorn ,bull was $170, for Aristo crate, grandson of Gainford Marquis, consigned by Thos, Pierce of Brus- sels, and sold to Wes. Haugh, of Wixighane The top price for a fe- male Shorthorn was $230, for' Helen .7alie• II, consigned by Albert Ether- ingtolr of I3ensal}, and bought by. Tom Kerr, of T-lenfryn. The chain pion -female Shorthorn, Meadow!' brook. Sis, consigned by Oliver Turn- bull, of Brussels, was bought for $125, by Walter Pocock of Wiwi;hahn; The chanipionshi.p bull, ilrustlts, coli - Signed by Samos Tdlll of Staffa was bought by Geo. C. Speiren of :l: rusSels for $125. ' i'lhe judge, was Harry- Smith . t Ex- eter, -1 x eter, while the.,°a.uctionoe,rs were 0 T. Autos of Moffat and Oscar Kropp of Zurich. Considering the prevail- t•oudiiion, trite sale ti,,`as eeport:;cl, as ahead ;of 4that ea , 1 y a • . tnv e tri3kii31i til r,;K, .lsyii an :instance may lie el ted where tt f'a'ir titer offered for ., ., ,:,.: r d oI arc- a beast for about five weeks ago, alt b d today the animal •• ',• axial was put up 'at tittcttoli'I brought $210, or;'a difference 1 of $10 even between he what was ti r s wilIiilg k4 talte and what he got; I -'t NNA•-::VI00[ la l., I I 1114 A very1 rettvwedding taol . •* ; I'IK=cc at the lhonie of 311'. and MIs. J zl c zrx Moore, of 1iirkton, on Saturday Dtar. 4th, when their' daughter r 1VIyl'tlo Id- ela, was united in marriage to Hiram A. 1--lanna of7 Z sborne towzzsllzla,tev, R. C. Copeland being the otiiciating, clergyman. The lionre wasta• stefully decorated 1.11e c eleuzollY being Per- formed under a beautiful arch. :The '. bride was gowned - g 1 d Iii blue sill, and wore • a corsage bon I sa • bouquet tet of, sweet :peas and entered the drawing room ou the arm of her father to the strains of Lohengrin's wedding march, :which was played by Miss Gladys Shier. The spacious 'dining room was decorated with streamers of white and gold, and daffodils ornamented the tables. About fifty guests were present and the high esteem ei 0 1fth E happy couple a pp. 1ple was shown in the numerous beautiful. gifts. After a sumptuous wedding dejeuner the bridal couple left by aaitorliobi.le ;for a trip to London and other places, amid showers of con- fetti, considerable excitement, and the happiest felicitations. Mr. and Mrs. Manna.will make their home on East boundary of Usborne'Township,. a. half mile south of Kirkton. THE LATE MRS, I3A.RBOUP Mrs. James Barbour passed away at her home Seaforth, on Wednesday morning, March 1st. Mrs. Barbour: suffered a :stroke about three weeks ago from which she never recovered. Her maiden name was Jane, being a daughter of the late John 1Viiiler of Staffa, and was married to her now bereft husband forty-seven years "ago, and resided on the homestead a mile west.of Staffa, Snd moved to Seaforth nearly` six years ago_ She was a faithful member of the Presbyterian church. She is survived by her hus- band, six daughters and two sons: Mrs. A. Patrick, McKillop; Mrs. Wm_ Worden, :Stratford; Mrs. Jas. Davis,, Seaforth; Mrs. E.J. Dineen,. Egmond- ville; Mrs. R. M. Coward, Readlyn, Sask; Mrs. R. Rice,. Tuckersmith; John and James, Staffa; also two sis tern and twobrothers, Mrs„ Joseph Norris, Staffa; Mrs. Wm. Norris En- deriiire,`' North Dakota; • Mr. John Miller; Exeter, and 1VIr. Hugh: Millei•- in the west. The focal offerings were beautiful, testifying to the respect in which she was held. The funeral zeas held on Saturday afternoon; in- terment being inade in Staffa Ceme- tery. 1 WINTER TERM FROM JANUARY 3rd., Western Ontario's best commercial School with Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy 'departments. We give individual instruc- tion, hence "Entrance" standing is not necessary. Graduates assisted to posi- tions. Get our free cata- logue for rates and other particulars.' 7D. A. McLAC1ii I , Principal Wire Fence ALL FULL GOVERNMENT GAUGE NO 9 HARD STEEL 'WIRE 1 6 line wires, 40 in. lugll, 9 stays, per rod 33c. 7 line wires, 40 in. .high, 9 stays, per rod 38c 8 line wires, 40 in. high, 12 stys, per rod 470 Compare these prices 11'111 mail order firms, LOWER PRICES IN LARGE LOTS. White Pine 1x6 V siding, $40,00 White Pine ixS in, 1.0 in. and 12 in. $40,00 etsliphalt Shingles, B. G. Cedar' Shingles, Cedar Posts and lots of FrostFence 011. Isand. A J. CL,ATWQTfY GRANTO N Mmol° .I e atioiis n df roar ff t 192 r { Far particulars ripply to '1'icl.et 1i' ate ii