HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-3-16, Page 4a:3P
44°4 ,4,;F:44r
L. t1e lisle Of
DearSIMpathy es:press
with kiadly vOiee
flit et it like a shining river
• To deeerts dry, to hearts
that Would rejoiee.
O let the syMplionY or kladlY
Soand tor the poor, the
friendlese, aud. the week
And He 'will bless you. He Who
Si:stick the cords
• rill Strike tinotlIer, when in
turn you seek.
Are you planning to sow some
Giant Ziunia aised?
ic pride is not false pride. •T
e you haV'e of it the better.
They do tell us that the times are
bit dull, but no reflection On this
column, Nre hope.
The fObiliS have arrived in learn-
ers. Here 'e hoping they do not get
cold feet before the first of May.
5 *
Pity the poor man who recovers
nom the ."rlu", just in time for houee
leaning. That sure is a case of "out
of the frying pan into the fire."
Reports indicate that there are
S till some stills that distill. Note the
names of those who appear in coart
for this offence and see how few are
Cana dia ns.
The first notea of the robins are
eagerly listened for and they seem
the sweetest of music, Ere long they
become common, relegated to the
common place.
If businese- depression, is getting
you, take an anti-toxine by spending
an hour or so near the millinery par-
lor and you will soon learn tliat
rade is reviving.
In the spring a young man's fancy
gently turns to love, says the song
writer, but the married women's fan-
cy turns her ,lover oat with a carpet
beater in his hand.
The ',government has decided to
drop the proPosed tax on gasoline.
Hardly fair ao, tax the poor public for
gas and at th; eametime let so much
escape at Queen's Park.
"Listening in" on wireless tele-
phones may prove a source of satis-
faction some day, but the wireless
phones since the ice storm have not
been a source of satisfaction to the
"listeners in" on rural lines.
* *
Our sympathy is extended to Bro.
Elliott, of the Blyth Standard. The
armers' Sun shouldered onto him'
lie responsibility for an item that ap-
ealiedain these columns two weeks
An the prospects for a postoffice on.
postoffice site are very remote
e town might do worse than fix up
s eyesore for a parking place for
autos. It would relieve the conges-
tion on Main street of a Saturday
When, elferYthing iBala and done
Md all the "/„Sme" talked about,
The frealts all VOltaited, One by One,
Aud. catalogued and elitgled entl
We eettle 1OWL1 once mere to find
The ma es Of human folk ia kind.
A few there are who !go aatraYA
A few live most millaPPY lives,
Some women tread the eearlet svay,
Some huabands quarrel witli their
But millious, when the tar elled,
See that their children go to bed.
The drab triangle sloea'alt te
As commonly as eome declare.
The average rather daily triee
To meet with Gottrage every care,
He's after things his own can use,
His problem's' not of sex, but shoes.
He livea hie life from day to daY
According to the common plan,
A time for worka time for play,
Content to do the best he can,
And by kis side the average wife
Shares all the joys and cares of life.
The happy homes are countless here,
The honest men outnumber far
The shady, crooked and the queer,
. On every street good mothers are
So I am deaf to him who shrieks
That life is fashioned by the freaks.
—Edgar A. Guest.
We are continually being remind-.
ed to be opt -Mastic; to take life` as
e find it without crossing bridges
alibefore we come to them, as the worst
e fear seldom happens. But really
ow this weather just doesn't hardly
eem exactly 'What it ought to be,
oes it?
The original creations and exact
e -productions are radiant with col-
or. Bright colored straws of Milan
amp. with mohair braid, dashing
and pom-poms in sand, peri-
VitinItle, henna and peacock. That
ought to be enough to coax the twine
ff of any wallet.
* *
lare you ever taken a mental re -
mw the inisiness places on Main
&et and noted the changes that
aye taken place in the personnel of
he management during the past fear
ears? if the business men of the
resent uphold the traditions of
se past, future generations will
places to live la than Exe-
„ great deal of stress is being plac-
th,ese days on the planting of trees
'iittlie is being done tO preserve
'beautiful trees which we now
..ractive trees, like health,
01 not appreciated until we
chem. These beautiful erne -
ens to our streets and highways did
er grow in a day, but are the re-
- of the foresight of. those who
rid them yoars ago. At the nre-
IiLci is 0 clanger of losing
at the shade frees along the
Wars owing to the faulty mao-
10 they have been prunco.
re tee valuable an asset to bo
ted op by persons who do not un -
ad oraning. The recent ice
njared many trees and unless
_ „
re properly cared for the
flitt is that we shall lose. Many
Marriages this month will be hap-
py, that is, as happy as they ever are.
CLANDEBOYE, March 10.—In the
days of our grandfathers, and even in
our fathers' time, papers were "pa-
pers" not to be lightly destroyed, .bat
kept in some special receptacle, quite
often in a cheat that had come over-
seas with some ancestor of respected
memory, and therefore kept for sent-
imental reasons as well as forits use-
fulness. These "papers" often in-
clude memoranda of various transac-
tions, receipted bills and often old
letters, and a rummage among them
shows the great changes which time
has brought about, and often the par-
tial history and progress of a com-
munity cante traced by:these old ac-
counts. They make interesting read-
ing, especially when the families con-
cerned are closely connected with the
poineer life of the townships, as tn
the following list:
The oldest bill to hand is an ac-
count with the late Dennis Sutton,
whom the oldest residents of the vil-
lage will rememberas farmer, saw-
mill owner and storekeeper in those
early days of Biddulph and McGilliv-
ray. At his store prices ran as fol-
lows: In May of 1864 a dollar bought
eight pounds of sugar, in July
lbs. and and in Sept. 9 lbs. In Mar.
of 1865 the dollar bought 10 lbs. • In
1864 tea cost $1 a pound and in -1865
87% c--quito a pleasing reduction
for layers of that very mild stimu-
lant. Tobacco in 1864 cost 37Vac a
lb., and in 1865 only 32c a lb. whicb
was quite proper since the ladies got
their tea cheaper. Raisins cost 20c
a pound, timothy seed 6c per n.,
calf boots were $3.50 per pair, fact-
ory cotton and linen both cost 30c a
yard, mohair cloth 25 to 35c per yd.
flannel 50c a yard. One of these bills
shows that the farmer's wife obtain-
ed the princely sum of 11c per lb. for
butter. Shades of my beloved grand-
mothers! My respect for those dear
old ladies increases daily. They
milked the tows "set" the milk in
basswood or maple "keelers" (mostly
basswood, for it could be worked. up
more easily.) Tin pans and crocks
were conveniences of a later day. The
milk was to be skimmed and the
cream made into butter in a "dash"
churn, the product washed and salted
and lugged for dear knows how far
through the clearings to the store!
One wonders how far the 11 cents
went towards curing the backaches.
And how did those grandmothers
manage to ina,ke both ends meet and
keep the middle from sagging?At the
saline time eggs sold for about 6 or 7
cents a dozen, but of course the hen
had- not reached the high position
she now holds. The present aristo-
cratic inhabitants of the hen house
would go on strike at the mere sug-
gestion of such low wages.
An account. with. Wm. Enston
(whose gristmill was accidently burn -
later on) shows that in 1871 flour
varied in price per 100 1bs.—$2.60,
$2.75 and $3.00. Shorts cost 96c for
100 lbs. In 1879 flour was from $2.-
50 to $2.60 per cwt. and barley chop
was $1.10, Butcher Mlle in 1878
quote meat prices as follows: Roasts
from 8 to 10c per lb., steak 10c, and
boiling pieces '7e, and in the same
year butter had jumped to 17c per lb,
Blacksmith work seemed to keep
On about the same level during the
last 46 or 50 years until prices -were
upset by the great war.
An, old tax receipt for 1867 gives
evidence that the settlers were not
badly overtaxed in that year, the tax
on a 75 -acre farm being a little over
10c pm' afire. The tax on that same
land in 1721 svas between 80 and DOc
per acre. Old papers give some very
interesting data about taxpaying th
the earlicat times in 'the county.
Name -after mania' of men who paid
their rivet taxes by bringing one Or
more farm animals to be sold at
lie nuction are recalled nawas men
who ace ;tired wealth and held lead-
ing positions, giVing a helping hand
to anyomi needing a friend—men
whose last years Ware spent 5 com-
fort anti ease no the land they work -
cd so bard to clear and to matte tho
valuable property now held With
lae by their children's ohildren.
Twenty.five Years Ago
The folleWing interestiug itettee
appeared in The Exeter Times tWen-
tY-five years ago title week:
Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Pattersea,
Of Heiman joined a party of rleads
in spending a pleaeaut eveuing„at the
home of Mr,. John Roadie: on FridaY
Mrs. Datel McColl'a farm in Hay
Which waa sold by nubile auction last
week, was purchased by David. Mills,.
for the sum of $4,000.
The fight between Corbett -and
Fitzsimmons, yesterday, at Carson,
Nev., resulted 10 a victory for Fit-
aeimmons in the fourteenth round.
Corbett is older, by four years and
slightly heavier than Fitzsimmons,
though the latter is taller and has
longer arms, It was a hard fought
Thee. Johns, of Elimrille, while
chopping wood :the other dey, acci-
dentally let the axe fall on one or his
major toes, severing the member. It
Was*replaced by Dr. Browning.
Special services are being: held in
the Trivitt Memorial church during
the Lenten season,
Alf! Walteas, svho has :ran the
Des -en hotel for the past twO years,
intends removing to town and re-en-
gaging in his fernier avocation --
- The funeral services of the late
Stevens, of Crediton, was
preached last Sunday morning by
the Rev. Mr, Yelland. The sermon
was very impressive.
A sonthern Manitoba man 'who
moved to. Montana a feW Yeah's age,
started back a short time since, aid:
left the following farewell ..00, the.
wall of his shack: four Miles from a.
neighbor, sixteen miles from a Post
'office. twenty-five Miles from a• rail -
Way, fourteen miles from a church,
one hundred and eighty 'miles from
timber, two hundred from a Canad-
ian, half a mile from water, quarter
of a mile from Haydes, the same dis-
tance from a blood thirsty. half
breed. God, bless our home! Gone
back to .Manitoba, which is God's
country to get a fresh start.
How -things have changed in seventy
. years
No one can hardly tell
But few log houses now are left
. Where people used to dwell.
All the houses then were built
.. Of logs just as they grew,
Txul MictiTElti THILIOS
niportant Evente Which Have
Oneurred PiArirkg the Week,
The Busy Werlers Happenings' Vare'
• hallY CoMpiled iuj rtit into
Bandy and Attractive Shape for
Beatdere of Our Paper -- A
SolylOeliontas Enjoyment,
Maret carnival coatinu 10 Del
loot city, •
Genoa Oceeference will Open 00
April 10.
EgYPt to liave king when -Bni-
Lloyd George ,svill hold
tion in abeyance.
Valera's troops are still
session. a Limerick.
Two men and hey injured
automobiles in Toronto.
GoVernmeute in^ Europe
back linanoial consortlem.
British House of. Commons give.s
force of law to Irish treaty;
Thorold baker has his shop blown
to atoms by hie obnipetitors.
Ulster members quit British
House when closure adopted.
N.H.L. play-off, datee are March 11
at Torouto and 1.3th at Ottawa. '
"Babe" Ruth's salary is said te be
in exceas of $75,0Q0 per year,
Aura, Lee beat St. Mary's, 4 to 2,
in first of 0. H. A. junior finale.
Coach. Joe Wright of Pennsylvania
will have eight crews in competition.
Impressisre tributes from citizens
mark the obsequies or Brantford's
Hon. Mr. Fielding issuea a state-
ment on results of yisit to Wash-
A pool of blood found near the
scene of the mysterious tragedy at
Orangemen of Ontario gather at
Siincoe for Grand Chapter of Royal
Black' Knights. '
Coaservative caucus at Ottawa ac-
claims Mr. Meighen and adjourns dis-
cussion of party nanee.
An inqued opened into the death
of nine-yea,r-old Dorothy Kauef, who
was hit and killed by an automobile
in Toronto.
The joint executives of the Indus-
trial Federation of Trade Unions of
South Africa have called a general
sympathetic strike in support of the
coal miners.
' Irish insarg,ents hold Limerick
Britain's gianat airships wall be
Canadiens defeated St. Patrick's,
8 to 7.
Five deaths resulf'from tornado in
Georgia. •
, ,
Balfour speaks for .coalition Gov-
by th'ree
are to
Auction Sale
X.PNYSe AND HouSvaipT.41) irynacri-
URA. CaMeren has \received in-
etruction.s froM lir. A. CaMpbell to
sell by PlIblic anctioh on
104 )Vth P,et Half 12, SouTitanic* Rd.
()ADM% nu
THURSDAY, IVIA11011 23, 1922
at ono o'clock Sharp the following •
HOUSES -1 brood mare with foal
a,g4oe1 Yearling fillY, Ugric., lefilly
tieing three yearS old, general pur-
peee;i work hers°, general purpose.
'CATTLE -1 renewed cow.; 2 cows
due at time a Sale;, 2 coWe,due in
April; 1 cow due, in aVlaye 6 !steers
and heifers rieiug twe .years old; 5
eteere and. helferS rising one year old
1 farrow' cow, 1111,
1-100S--1 sow due en Apri1;2 soWs
• due in May; 18 store hogs about 90
lbe: weight.
HENS—About ;50 young hens and
IMPLEMENTS —4 Lumber wagon
sleighs, buggy, new cutter, mower,
seed drill, cultivator, disc harrow,
iron narroevs, land roller, walking
plow, seuffler„ hay rack new, root
pulper, wheel barrow, grind stone,
stone boat, gravel box, sugar kettle,
set of double team harness nearly
new, set of double team harness been
used, set of single harness, DeLaval
cream separator, „nearly new: Daisy
,churn, heating stove, forks, shovels
hoes, whiffle -trees, neek-yokes, some
household furniture, quantity of first
class Timothy hay, 25 gal. steel drum
and other articles too numerous to
Positivey no reserve as farm is sold.
TERMS All sums of $10 and un-
der, cash; over that amount 10 lilts.
credit on furnishing approved joint
notes or a discount of 5 per cent off
fox cash on credit amounts.
THOS. CAMERON, Auctioneer,
A number of farmers have started
to tap the maple trees. So tar the
runs have been only fair.
Oh her name was Helene
And she wore crepe de chene;
You eould see more Helene
Than you could crepe de chene.
Mr. Walter Harness is out again
after his recent illness. - •
The many friends of Mr, Wallace'
A. Puke are glad to know that he is
improving, although slowly.
They did not sternment. op to peel the bark, HORTICCI,TURAL SOCIETY -
Or even try to hew. Sarnia will. likely haveta new arena
(Continued from Page one),
A big stone chimney all must have, .
next' winter.
din3osit on of martla1
Built up straight through the
• ` "peak,"
Covered with shingles two feet long,
So they would never leak.
They had to have an iron crane,
'And six or seven hooks
To hang the kettles 'round the fire
And accommodate the cooks.
The pots and kettles all were made
Of iron, thick. and stout;
Teakettles weighing twenty pounds,
With great long iron spouts.
Old fashioned griddles, two feet wide,
(But few now can be found.)
All had a swivel in the bail
So they could turn them 'round.
Bake kettles, too, they always had
To bake big loaves of bread;
They set them- on live coals of fire
With coals upon the head.
Six or seven kitchen chairs
Most always painted red;
And big and clumsy bedstead,
With dash board at the head,
Moot every house ,had spinning
For spinning wool and flax.
Our mothers had to make the cloth
To clothe the numerous backs.
See how they had to spin and weave,
And had to knit and sew,
Make all the stockings and the
How Can this all he so?
To see the toolsetheyaused ,to use,
'Twould almost make yon. ache
To see the savingling knives and
board, ,t
And the old flax break.
To see the warping bars they had,
Those old long spools and "scam,"
And see the' big and little wheels
They used to spin their yarn.
Some are wishing for old times,
But ah! they do not knoiv`
The burden that our parents bore
Some seventy years ago,
Our dear old parents they are gone
To another world than this;
If we Could see them here again,
How SOOn, we'd beg a kiss.
law impale
nent in Ulster. r
Intercity and _Provincial Soccer
Leagues may unite.
Ford's factory at Cork, Ireland,
laid off 500 men.
Itallan ,OsininliseiOnea throws
hlocka,de about Fiume.
St. Christopher's won the Toronto
midget basketball title.
Conservative caucus decides to
drop portion of hyphenated name.
Flood§ caused by spring freshet
do damage in Grand River Valley.
Dr. Hubert -Work sneceedsl' W.
Hays as U. S. Postmaster -General.
An inquest is ordered on the death
by shooting of Horace King at Mus-
• Members of Sterausscin's party
'charge that explorer has libelled
them. - ^
Serious chargeagainst Hamilton
storekeeper mada,„ by his wife at fire
flank and file of Conservatives in
the Old Country fall in line evieh Mr.
Spectators at Owen Sound murder
case rouse ire of judge, who orders
an arrest.
Hon. Howard Fergusomtells• Gov-
ernment he objects to Sherlin-Clarke
set tlem cut. ,• ..
! Dr. J. B. Tifrner, principal of the
Hamilton Collegiate Institute,drop-
ped 'dead on Tuesday.' ,
Cheboygan,' Mich., was swept lay
Englaud 'swept by an 108 -mile -per -
hour' wind.
A strike in Copenhagen stops Dan -
Times ain't like they useter be. In
the old days the men put powder in
their guns and went out to hunt the
deer; but nowadaye the 'dears' put
powder on, their faces and go out to
hunt the man.
5 4.455
"How did you order your steak,
sir?" the waiter asked after a long
absence. "pike a fool, I did it person-
ally," bellowed the patron."If I'd had
ally sense I'd hare ordered it by mail,
Ir month in advanee."
Native—"That's a rani' back hawg,
ToUrist----"Wbat's he rubbing
himself on the tree fOr?" Native—
"jest stropping hisselfi„ suit, int
stropping bisself."
The anti -smoke leagues believe
that oneir shouldn't alnoke hero or
Con: ---"A. sore you will he
able tO support me, dent?"Merritt:
yoo it 0,11001,10v frf he marrfe'd.
than el c'ageth
ish sena-1gs. - •
Iroquois Falls defeated Kitchener
internaediates, 9 to 3.
Lord Rawlinson ref,uses:to1reduce
British army in India. • -
Fire losses in Canada amounted to
$5.22 per capita in 1921.
United States refuses inrita,tion to
attend Genoa Conference. •
Indian Governinent urges Britain
to restore Islamic Empire.
•Marder verdict returned by jury
in the Bridgeburg mystery. .
Senator Lodge appeals for retie: -
cation of Peer -power Treaty. '
Irish Free State bill receives third*
reading Britieh Commons.
Foet William won fironv Brandon,
8 to 5, in. the Allan Cup series.
Hamilton beat Ottawa, 7 to 2, in
the last scheduled N.FI.L, game.
Owen Spend murder trial suddenly'.
ends owing to juroea indiseration.
Coneeryatives will form tile official
Opposition In the new Parliament,
British Cabinet decides against di-
roet contribution to Ruseian relief.
Rom Rodolphe Lemieux is the new
Speaker of the Houee ot Commons.
Premier acclaimed by new House,
of Commons at oPenteig ceremoeics.
-Donainion Alliance in coavention
Plans to go after "master boot-
The Norwegian steamer Grontoft
went down with all hands In mid-
COTINeatioa of Ontario Branch of
the Dominion Alliance. meets in Mas-
sey Hail, Toronto.
A baffle royal Wae held in etreete
of Genoa between the Faseisti and
Socialists elemertta,
Hon; B. Hudaon, Independen
-• eV -
beautiful architecture, their greves
and gardens. in the "nether land,
which is a encee finished country,
great care is given to the cultivation
of flowers and shrubs. Canada
which is a young couutry, has not
paid the attention it might to the
beautifying of homes and towns and
cities. We spoke of the possibilities
of developing Riverside Park, by
planting trees, building a drive way
and an entrance which in the years
to 011ie would prove a noticable as-
set to the town.
The following is the Report of the
Committee appointed by the Horticul-
tural Society to make plans for Arbor
Day Planting and General Jmprove-
rn of the Towne -
We, your committee, having made a
careCui suavey of the town, beg leave
So raport go follows,—.
First—We believe that all improve-
ment shoinkl. )begisis rsaith Main Street.
Here we recomnietud--,
- I. That all boulevards be levelled
and seeded.
2. Thai all broken Ceaces be re-
moved or repaired and painted,
3. That the Dominion, Government
he approached to.teither improve the
app eara.ne e• of the site for the new
Poet Office, -tor allow the town, to do
4. That all unsightly places ! and
yards be improv4. by she rerndeal
of objectional• litter or material, the
surface levelled and shrubbery tor vin-
es pilanted to hide what cannot well
be, improved in a.ppeara,nce,.
Second—That the broken lirnbs
left by the ice -storm he trimmed pro-
p:nay and that dying aryl unsightly
trees be removed,
Third—Re Parka. I. Tliat your coni
mitLee noted with pleasure the beauty
of Victoria. Park and the improvement
made by the publie-spirited coaninit-
re.e who had that work in hand in
days ,gone by. a
2, That tve recomme,ncl that all
Land Ourrounding, the Public Library
be set apart for a publiic park, which
alight vary fittingly be clesig,nated as
eentral Park.
3. That 'Riverside Park be isii-
pret-Vsal by the planting ol trees, by
he jenprevement or the roads lead -
ng to it, by the eddittion, of the elver
nee and banks to •the park, and by
.e..! laying out sal' a pleasure drive
eround it.
Auction Sale
FARivi sTocic PIF141111VIENTS
The Undersigned has received in-
structions to sell by public auction on
At 12 o'clock sharp
HORSES: 1 mare risiug 5 year old,
2 geldiugsaising four; leiter° in foal
1 gelding, rising -3e 1 filly- foal; '1^
driving mare.
' , CATTLE: 1 eight year old col's' due
in May; 11 year old' cow, due- in
April; 1 fresh young cow, 1 three
year old heifer; '1 beef -ring heifer;
7 etivo year steers, good grassers; 13
yearlings; 5 calves; 1 May Flower
Bull, 10 months. ,
PIGS: 9 shoats. Hens: SO barred
rocks,' hens and pullets.
IMPLEMENTS: 1 Deering binder;
1 Deering mower; 1 Deering rake;
1 new Intel'national fertilizing
1 new disk harrow; 1 bean harvester
and skuffler combined, Massey Harr-
is; 1 set iron harrows; sections;
2 walking ploughs; 1 riding Cock-
shutt plough; 1 Maple Leaf Cock-
shutt gang plough; 1 turnip sower;
1 manure spreader; 1 cutting box;
2 one-horse scufflers; 1 land roller;
1 Mann cultivator; 1 fanning -mill;
1 new 6 h. p. Pairbanks-Wiorse gas
engine; 1 new Fairbanks -Morse
grinder :and bagger; 2 6 -inch endless
rubber belts 17 ft. and 19 ft. long;
1 root pulper4 grindstone; 1 hay-
fork rope 150 ft.; car for wooden
track, car for iron track, pulleys,
fork and sling rope's.
GRAIN AND ROOTS: 250 bus.oats
fit for seed; 150 bus. inixed' grain;
quantity of corn; about 250 bus.
mangolds: quantity of potatoes.
WAGGONS ETC.: 1 three quarter
3 -inch tire waggon:1 high waggon;
1 pair bob -sleighs; 2 waggon boxes;
c2ragtlea.vP1). c ubt°t4e ; 110 open blUagcgky;;
1 pi
top buggy; 1 buggy top; 1. road cart;,
1. wheel barrow; 2 sot $ double har--
noes; 2 SetS of single; I set of trace.
chains; 3 chaff baskets; barrels and
feed boxes; 1 alollotte cream separae
ter; a Daisy Churn; material for weer
mail loader rack; quantity or elute
oak and hemlock, plank; 70011 baso --
wool! lumber; 150 ced.ar posts and.
etakes; 1 stock weigh scales; 1 14 -
pail augar kettle; work bench epee
vice, graiit bags, 'forks, eleovele
chains and other articles too numers-
ouRs otOulsnumulto/TD. EvapEcTs:, tolea ,
falling leaf, 1 large table, 3 small ta-,
bles; 2 book -eases, 2 bureaus, 2 large
cupboards, 1 side board, 3 dressing.
talllee, 1 writing desk, 4 bed steads,.
1 -col bed, 2 matresses, 4 wash stends,.
1 conch, 2 rocking chairs, 2 don, com-
mon chairs, one what -not, pictures,
lamps, .beeches, 3 buffalo robes, '3 -
horse blankets, rubber wrap, 2 cloth --
es horses, baby buggy, brass kettle,.
atbre pipes, baskets, pillows, feather*
tick, Rear rag carpet, mats, chest,
flour bin, dishes, kitchen utensils ant -
other articles. '
TERMS, $10 and under cash, grata
cash; 11 inouth6. credit on approved;
joint notes, or 5 per cent off for cash.
Proprieter Auctioueer
Frank Coates, clerk.
"So you deaire to become' lnY son.—
in-law?" "No, I don't But 11 1. marry*
your daughter, don't 'very well,
see ho -w I can get out of,lt."
A man dashed doavn the corridor or
a sleeping or calling out: "Has
one any whiskey? A lady has fainted.
in the nexiacar." A flask was handed:.
to ,liim. He took a liberal drink,
turned the.flask and then eaid calme
always upseta Inc to see a lad'
faiat,". ' •
Wether you* have horses, cattle, sheep or bus,
it will pay you to secure the best sire obtainable.
Poor stock costs as much to feed and care for,
does not thrive as well and cannot reproduce
trvgswox PURPOSES7
Capital Paid
Exeter Branch,
'Crediton Branch,
Dashwood Branch,
up $15,000,000
Reserve Fund $15,000,000
- F. A. ChaprnannManager
R. S. I;Vilson,'Manallea
ete erae. see,
4. "Thai Professor Tomlinson, or
0, A. C, or ecene other capable
.,•r:.;,on, be invited te see ,theS River -
;tie property and give us plans for
.11 iinprovemen.t.
leourth—'fhat terene he a Town.P, an,
iag Commit te e, or Peeks Com m ei ii
oeteoarited who woitiel have authority
o c all in -ono veneep
Firth -1'112e an .efteet be made lo
ireue.: 'the Grani Truait Raleveny
';y.>1..eati to improve the appearance, of
tinny property around the Station,
Six Arbor ,Day be pro-
aira 2d a Civi c oi id ay f or which
careful preparatiop, ,shoulel be 102de
,order that many trees may be pl a a t-
d and aolich empeovement work done
d',11 13 raspeCtf ttliy ,5110-
111.'.1011, ,
WO It, joimeton, et, Gieeve,
W. M:%scid, Sander's,
S j, Comiaitteta
.1\11..Q.,..ap..N.S BANK
Capital Paid Up $4,000,000,
Reseive Fund $5,000,000
Over 125 Branches
The Molsons Bank prides itself on. the courtesy of
all its officials. No matter how large or how small
the volume of your business with the Bank, you are
always assured a courteous and cordial reception.
Deposits by 'mail given careful attention,
Centralia Branch open for businese daily
Safety Deposit Boxes to rent at the Exeter Branch,
Head Office, ; ' 'Farquhar, Ont.
President, Wm. BROCK-
Vice-Presiclent, JOHN ALLISON
JOHN ESSERY, Centralia, Agent for
Usborne and Biddulph..
OLIVER HARRIS, Munro, Agent for
Hibbert, Fullerton and Logan,.
Secretary -Treasurer
R. R. No. 1, WOodham.
Solicitors, Exeter.
Veterinary Surgeon
Office—Baker's Livery on James St.
Calls promptly attended to day or
Phone S.
DR. . R. KINSMAN, 141.41)., 9.1).S.
Honor GradUate of Toronto
E. I T
Office oter 61admayi & Stanbury's
office, Main Street, Exeter.
A ertIse In tbe T,1,naes, 11
We -have a large amount of private
funds to loan on farm. and village.
properties, at lowest rates of in-
Barristers, Solicitors,
Main St. Exeter, Oatario
PERRY F. DOIPPE, Licensed Auc-
tioneer. Sales conducted in any'lee-
ality. Terms moderate, Orders lob
at Times Office will be promptly at-
tended to. Phone 116, Kirkton,
Address Kirktol P. 0.
DRr G. 10- ROULSTON, L.D.S., D.D.S.
Office over L R. Carling's Le*,
Closed every Wednesday afternoon.
Dye right! Don't: rislti
yohe material. Each Pack-
age of "'Diamond Dyes" cam,
tains directions so simple
that any 81'0n1an ca15
diamond -dye a- ntev, nieh
color itito old garments,
draperies, coverings, every-
thing, -whether -wool, silk,
1111511,0011015or mienti „000d.i,
"Iliantotal Dyes"--iaa,
other lsiod—titen pcifect
stilts are guaranteed creo
yoti have ticveralyed before
Druggist Ilas "1)1,110011s1
Cobor Card"—i6. ieli coleys,