HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-3-9, Page 7Appeal by the Chief Scout
To the Editor:
Sir---5are badly need
Scouter is a generic term for °file
of the Boy Scout lVfoleernont, since
word "officer" gives a wrong impe
sion of men whoa° position is rad
that of elder brothels thaa mairtine
The Scout Movement has as its a
the ma•king of ettisens with these
'tributes: character; health, skill, a
utility, coupled. an the time wtth h
Pines. jt °bidet th to giVe ba eve
boy--nety, especially ---the poorest, I
chance of sueeess in life. This .0ora
the easier when we rec.ogaize that st
ceas does not neeessarily mean pow
or position, riches or rewards, so ntu
a.s character and happiness. And h
piness comes largely of content a,
s ervice for ethers.
The Scout, method. of training Iles
the out-of-doors, the curriculum of t
baclowootth where a lad learns to fe
for hilmeelf, while realizing the he
ties of nature and tho joyof life a
health. Jt gots the boy to develop 1
efficiency and then to ase it or t
good of the community as much as f
hinthelf. The sugar on the pill has
proved that it Ls tewent enough to at-
teaor and the pD11 has proved its ef-
fiCiency In results on the character
and citizenship of the boys.
There are approximately 35,000 boys
In training in Canada at this mome
and over a million and a half throug
out the world. But that does not r
present tho number we might leave'
Only there were the men to lead, W
ane turning away h'Undreds sof bo
weekly who are anxious to come an
be better men far their country. An
God knows our country needs then
It needs them now as it has neve_
Ione before. Thousands of cur lad
are already fornting leavon arno
the young working men, a leaven o
balanced mauls who think for them-
celves, and are not the ready dupes of
the first agitator who comes along.
But thousands are not enough—we
wa nta tens, of thousands in that field.
Area we could have them so far as the
boys are conoerned, but their number
. is limited exactly in proportion to the
number of men who are and
think it worth while to.come and give
them the lead. ("Life is short. Let
us, therefore, while we are alive, do
that kvhtich is Worth. while."—Scout
Here, then, Hers an opportunity for
doing a great national service, one
that will appeal to every "golfer and
*other patriot" who has a .Zem nouns in
Pthe week to spare. The Movement
needs COnarn les to ors in ehaeaaef
counties and districts, and Scoutmas-
ters in dharge ot troops, of thirty boys,
in all earth of the country. These men
must be "boy-nien"—that is, men who
are able to lea d by their personality,
by their sympathy with the bay, their
pursuits, and their personal example --
men who have not forgotten their' own
herish impulse -4 eithusias
temptations.. Thu s equipped, the
Sccuter has little to learn from health
or instructors. At the same time,
flie,so are available for assisting bier
there is a handbook, and in many of
our cities training classes are being
Further details in full will be sup-
plied at the local headquarters of the
Bay Scout Movement or 'at the On-
tario Provincial I-Ioadquarters corner
Blear and Sherheurne Sts., Toronto.
Here applicants will find themiselves
• at once In a new and exhilarating at-
mosphere, where the employment of
their hobbies -and experience will be
welcomed as an asset in a jolly
brotherhood. of service. This brother-
hood knows no differences between
classes or creeds, but merely works to
raise the standard of life and happi-
ness for the boy as a future citizen.
("Look wide—and then look wider
— Scout Proverb). It is a
bratherhood between Eton a.ncl the
• East End, between the Varsity and
workshop, between man and boy, be-
tween overseas a,nd hotne--a brother-
hood of happy co-operation among
them all. "Mutual co-operation and
good will are the essentials that are
needed for saving the nation to -day,"'
And. here lies the opportunity for
heaping his countay open to every matt
'Who wants to see her prosper, and who
wants to keep' alive in the next gene-
ration that spirit of self-sacrifice for
the community that was seown by the
_present geineration in the wars
It is bY-personal example that true
Frovirielfil Board cet Health, OntArle
• Middletert will be glad to anavver eileatiens on Public Health rater
tors through Ilia coition, Addreus Ltaira at Spadina House, Spadins
Crescent, Toronto.
ed. What is this here nuree doing M
ere 1/°4s11?" alaRed.Mrs. John Murdock,
the Avondale, Ontario, from her fieighbor,
Mrs. Carson. "1 saw Flier yesterday
-ter • Inerning,," srhe 'continued, "and this
afternoon) with a bag hi her hand, and
;0 • ;
she caked at several houses on our
street. Is she trying to persuade
uti. everybody to have their children doe-
tored when they don't need it? I
7,3e [titanic she's got a nerve,"
lie "Well, I don't know much. about
what elm is doing," said Mrs. Oarson
"except What Dr. josses told me last
er ' night as hedwas passing our dear. He
eh, said that scores of the ehildren ran-
ebs rang about the stheets needed to see
hd, • tbe doctor, but. their parents didn't
, know there was anything wrong.
In There's young Jimmie Mitchell Wile
be was sent home irons school last weelc
ea becausehe was dull and couldn't learnf
.anrything.-? His mother Was in a ter -
tea rible state for fear he wesegoing to be
veealt-misided. •But the nurse tested.
Ite hds eyesight • with black letters on
or el'anifs, and she fourred the child veal
short-sighted and clould'n't see the
blackboard. The doctor tested his eyes
for glasses and now he is one of the
brightest boys in school. His mother
won't let anyone say a word against
the nurse now. She says if it hadn't
,t been for the nurse she would never
b.„ have known that Jimmie was. short -
e, sighted at.,all. But Mrs. Mitchell's boy
if is enly one in a hundred. There's Jack
Turner, Who is nearly always at home
from echool yeltb indigestion, and his
brother Willie lhaS got the v,ersi., set
of feells ever saw ha a child. The
mother lets thorn have all the caldiee
they wirairt, and that's a good deal.
Beseie Briggs is always catching
cold, and she keeps her mouth open
nearly ail the time, even when She
hasn't got a tcold. Dr. Jones told me
he believed that child had ,adenoids,
but the mother didn't want to have the
child encamineol by a doctor as she
thinks it is just rts healthy as any .of
her neighbar's Children."
"Too bad, isn't that this rivalry
should go on? Couldn't Somebody
come along and talk kindly to such
people and advise them to have their
children seen to?" asked Mrs. Mur-
•We , Dr. Jones say that is just
what the Public Health nurse is 00111-
ipg here to do," retorted Mrs. Carson.
"Oh, if that's the ease well help her
out," said Advs. Murdock. "I'm sure
she'll do a lot of good in this town,
and everv child will lbeuefit b., her
being here. And whiesper! Several.
people have hinted to me that Mts.
Todd's ha -by might have lived if she
had fed it at the breast instead of
on that old eondens,ed which may
be good tO put in tea in a camp.coolc-
house, but is not the right food for
a nursing' infant. Our doctor says
every mother ,should feed hes- infant
at the breast, end he,knows what be's.
talking about."
patriotism is taught, and tho man who
will sa.orfice a -little of his leisure time
ipso facto have started. them on
the eight line and will have found him-
self a pastime in life that is really 1
• worth while,
I am, Sir,
Yours, etc„
Chief Seent.
25 Duckingham'Palaee t
ldandou, S, W. 1.
New Machine Exterminates b
Weeds and Insect Life, e
rocontly dmeveloped farma, 0,
Does it Tell You That Your
Blood is Thin and Watery?
When a- glowing girl becomes pale,
complains of exhaustiondizzy spells,
headache and stama.ch trouble, she
should know that these things are eve.
dences of anaemia or bloodlessness. A
glance in the talrrnor will tell the
story. There is immediate need for a
tonic, a system builder that will com-
pletely restore the missing qualities
to the blood that every part of the
body -will share in the benefit.
A good example of the result of
wise treatment in cases of "this 1Kitid
is given by Mrs. George R. Smith, of
Queensport, N.S., who says: "I can-
not praise Dr. Williams' Pink Pills too
highly for what they have done for -my
three daughters. 1VIy eldest daughter,
Edna, at the ago of 14, became run.
down, a,nd I got her three boxes of
the pills, and by the time she had
Laken them she was in, good healt
and is now a healthy married woma
My second daughter, Martha, at (h
age of 16, wa,s awfully run down an
The World's Greatest Bells.
• Bells have always held. a remark-
able pthee in the history of the human
race, and it is quite impossible to get
at their origin.
The largest bell ia the world is the
Czar bell, whieh stands in the middle
of a, square in Moscow and is used
as a clia,pel. It was cast in 1733, but
-when an attempt was made to hang
it, the supports gave way and it fell,
making e great hole_ in the ground,
in which it remained for over a hun-
dred years, _
In 1836 it was raised by the Em- ,s
peror Nicholas and the broken side a
was used as a doorway. It weighs
about 219 t031.3 and is 19 ft. 3,in. high, 0
36 in. thick, and 22 ft. 8 in. in diameter.
The largest known bell in actual use a
is also at Moscow. It weighs 128 tons. h
The next bell in point of size is in a t
pagoda in Upper Burma anti is 16 ft.
high, weighing 80 tons. - a
After these two, giants come ,the j
great bell of Peking, 53 tons; ColOgne Cl
Cathedral, 2Tis's tons; Nanking, 22 sa
tons; Olmutz, Vienna, and Notre a
Dame, 17 tons ea.ch; St Paul's g
Cathedral, 16% tons; Big Ben,. 13% g
done: York Minster, 12 -Ys tons; St.
q -be winter season is a hard one,
tho bahY, Fle14 4,nore or lees eolith).
6 stUniY, lAd.i'Y Ventilated rooms.
Hee eften stormy that the Moth
does not get him out In the fresh
as often as she should. Ile catch
'clolds.which rack Iris little SYsitem;
sitomach and bowels get out ef ord
and he. becomes ,peeVisth and cross. '1
guard against this, the mother ehou
keep a box of Baby's Own Tabletis
atint ed. hi)oottl4e4.,9, Tolrliedy regulatebreakup
tchoetotozTnua e
are sold by' medicine dealers or b
Mail at 25 cents, a box from The D
Medicine Co., Brockvill
eat What no serves, 'rhetedore ler, Vail,
Wao, we learn from hie biographer,
ox .
M. Albert Bigelow Paine, had Ml-
tir siderable as a chef, was always
OS willing to: eat his own special dishes,
id _
,02041sh Oh One OeCaSiOn it took a good
tleal Of couraae.
"o Ile had, says Mr. Paine, a speothi
Salad dressing that he himself had Or-
in iginated, and into whiela as a guest
once remarked, he put everything on
the table except the candle shades.
Certainly it was a delicious dressing
and never failed to rause eathusiaSin
—except ottce, On that occasion some
one in the party had by mistake put
co-Yelmn Penner instead of paprika on
the tray. The dressing needed a great
deal of the spice, and Mr. Vail was
generous with the shaker.
One of the guests tasted his portion
an.d. was about to 'make the usual com-
pliment when he auddenly stopped and
seized a glass of water. Another
guest tasted his and did the same
thing. One ,or two others did hke-
wise. The haat laoleed round and then
tasted his own. "It seems a little
warm," he said, "but you'll enjoy it
after the firist taste or two. It's prob-
ably One of the best ealacla I ever
Cayenne.rAust Have
A matt 'who praises his OWn way o
preparing food. shouid pot heeitate to
Ho* the Diver Gets His
Supply of Air.
Hose for conducting air from the
surface to this diver under the water
has always been considered indispens-
able. An elaborate system of pumps
operated. either on land or in boats has
been. necessary to fere° fresh air con-
tinuously through a great length of
hose to the man below the surface.
Not long ago, however, it was an-
neuncecl that sonae inventive genius
,had conceived and, it is said, put into
successful operation a device which it
Is thought will do away with the old
apparatus far diving once the new sys-
tem is perfected..
By the new' method the diver caries
on lath back two steel bottles contain-
ing highly colnpressed oxygen. An-
other c3•Iinder contains chemicals for
absorbing the carbonic acid exhaled
from Um lungs. .a. system of piping
carries all the impure air breathed
out to a chamber containing the ab-
sorbing chlemic,al. • In this compart-
ment the carbonic acid gas is entirely
eliminated.- A small amount of oxygen
just enough. to renew the am, is added
to the changed and regenerated ex
halations and passed on to a compart-
ment in the telraet, where it can be
inhaled through the nose or the mouth
By this method the vitiated air is can-
tinually being made over into ' new.
The inventor contends that his de-
vice will do away with the a,ccidents
and lose of life which have occasion-,
ally accused through defects in the
diving hose or pumping apparatus
Mistletoe Brains.
One of the most curious illusera-
ions of the working of intelligence in
lents is offered by the mistletoe,
whose sticky berry, finding lodgment
n a tree 'branch, throws out a tiny
rootlet, which tries to pierce the bark
nd thus obtain a foothold. If the
ark is too tough, the rootlet swings
he berry ever to a fresh spot, and
makes another trial. In this way such
berry has been known to make five
limps in two nights& and. three. days,
n one -focca.sien- g-i..iiimber of them
ere discovered by- 'a. botanist in' the
et of vainly journeying along a tele-
raph wire. trying to find places to
inard's Liniment prevents Spanish Flu
_sae --..
Had Seen Her Before.
h, Peter's, (Rome), 8 tons. •Ai
n. The present Big 'Ben, at Westmin-
e ster, London, is the second 'bell of its
pale. In fact sheilied always beeri a
delicate child, but gradually became
wcaree. At last she could not go up-
stairs without having to sit down and
'rest, and could not even, do any kind
of light work without being greatly
f.atIgued. Finally I gave her Dr. Wil-
liams' Plink Pills, and after taking
them we found they did her more goo
than all the other medicine she ha
taken, and she is nowin good health
Then my younger aughter, Greta-,
now 15, became so run down that she
• load toistop going to school. But after
taking eight boxes. of the pills she is
now a big, healthy- gird. I feel that.
after what Dr. Widlihams' Pink Pills
have done in my home there can be no
doubt of their value, and I hope some-
one else will. benefit from our .expern
name, ,the first bell having a fiavr in
it. The second_ bell (not- in use) also
cracked, but as this appeared to im-
prove the tone, the fissure was slightly
widened 'and smoothed off by filling.
Rules for Success.
Have a -deifinite aim,
Gostraight for it.'
d Master all details.
Always know Mare than you are 'ex-
' pected to know. •
You can get these pills through any
dealer in medicine or ,by mail post-
paid at 50 cents a box or'Six boxes for
$2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville', Ont,
Mormon Temple is Designed
on Straight Lines.
Mormonism in Canada will ,centre
around t,he town, of Card.ston, in Al-
berta. where a large temple is being
conetmoted by people of this -faith.
Here ,itas, been the greatest gathering
place of ,the immigrants frond Utah,
who have established themselves in a
laad that is wonderfully fertile and
promising. The temple will' cost $1,-
000,000, is built in the form of a Mal-
tese erosis, and from a distance gives
Remember that difficulties are only
made to overcome.
Peeserve, by all means in your power,
'a sound inind in a sound body."
Could -Not Understand it?
Not long ago, says the veteran opera-
tor, I heard the receiving clerk tell a
customer that (Inc dispatch the man
had handed him was code and there-,
fore could not be sent- ,at the usual
rate. The customer protested, and
soon both were angry, Se I went over
arid looked at the Message. It read
' Buy siz dozen, fifteen and a half em
six to plea monkey daslies.
• IL was not code at all and, since I
had once started to learn the printing
trade, the meaning of it was perfectly
plain to me, '
To same, honesty- is tha !best policy
—at times; to others, it is the, only
the impression of a huge pyramid, be- Stops Hair Conlin°. Out;
ing 118 It. square and inorc thane.100
It in height. On closer inspection, Thickens, Beautifies.
however, the beauty of the striteture •
iecornes apparent, with its light -gray
granite and cancrete "outer walls, 6, ft,
hi thickness, and its Simple straight
This temple has been under eon-
truction far several years, and sOrne-
line during the summer of 1922, will
e held the dedication SBI'ViCeS. After
hese rite.% entrance to the ed,ifice will
e denied to all nonbelievers, anti
von to those of the aaine religion who
e not totally abstain from the use
f tobacco, coffee, tea and alcoholic
tinralants, which abstinence is amoug
etsine fulfills expectations., a large part s
• rsi
of the lOsS to farme. from weeds and t
insect pests can he , The b
processes used, are not new, 1.1i theui.
, selves, but their practical combination r
has bean described as one of the, most ,
, important 'developmeats in. the hits -
'tory of, agriculture. ,. The entire me- s
chanism operiefed lpy a•sreall gaso-.
tine engirt 0-4,4:1.t ad en the frame.
he requirements of thdSe _desiring to
e in good standing amg; OM
onle' ar-
tens, according to . their 11 -mi -clad
The 'greatest of :daultbs is to Ve on -
clans of
inardntliniMent-forC paha sigi C
31-eents buy8 a bottle of "Damien...Me" 1
at any chug store. Aftclr one aeplica. !
tion you can not flan a parliele ot
dandruff or a falling hair. Bosidea,
every hair shows hew life vi ot.
le co in and abendaneo
litightness tic -
A private, walking down the street,
axial -in -arm with his sweetheart, met a
sergeant belonging to bis regiment.'
"My sister, sergeant," said the halh-
ful private, introducing her.
"That's all right, my boy," said the
sergeant, grinning. "She used to be
The British market for Canadian
apples remains fairly Steady, standard
varieties such as Baldwin, 'Spy and
Ben Davis bringing from $7. to $9 a
There drifted from -out ,of the Arctic
the other day a man -who had not
heard that the 'Great War was over.
The news of the war reached him in
the Coronation Gulf country. late in
1918, and, although he started at once,
it took him three years to reach Nome.
He wanted to enlist in the American
army to fight in Prance.
you can't do your best when
your back and •every muscle
aches with fatigue. .
Apply Sloan's linirnent freely, with-
out rubbing, and enjoy a penetrative
glow of warmth and comfort.
Good for rheumatism, neuralgia,
sprains and strains, aches and pains,
sciatica, sore muscles, stiff joints ancl
the after effects of weather exposure.
F For.forty -years pain's enemy. Ask
yourneighbor. Keel) ,Sloan's handy. ,
At all druggists --35c, 70c, $1.40 •
• 4
marls in Canadtt.
Don't suffer with this coin-
• plaint any longer. Write
and will tell you FREL`f
how :r rid myself of Piles by
an old family remedy, after
years of suffering.
Bo 3OWL Yarmouth., N.S
ISSUE No. 0-22
He ate every bit that was on his
dish; but though the others did their
best only a few were able to finish.
Their efforts ended in a kind of
general hilarity, and everyonp drank'
great quantities of water until relief
came with the ice cream.
Pay your eut-of-town accounts by
Dominion Express Money Order, Five
Dollars coats three cents.
The Bold Petitioner,
The Romans, had a law that no per-
son should approach the emperor's
tent in the night upon pain of death;
but it once happened that a soldier
was found in that situation, with a pe-
tition in his laand, waiting far an op-
portunity of presenting it, 1 -le was
taken, and going to be immediately
executed; but the emperor, having
overheard the matter, cried out, say -
"If the petition be for himself. let
him die; if for another, spare his life."
Upon inquiry, it was found neat the
generous soldier prayed for the lives
of iris two comrades. who had been
taken asleep on the watch. The em-
peror nobly forgave them all.
Mother! Move
Child's Bowels With
-California Fig Syrup
Hurry mother! Even a sick child.
loves, the "fruity" taste of "California
Fig Syrup"and it never faith to &pen
the bowels. A teaspoonful to -day ma,y
prevent a sick child to -morrow. If
constipated, bilious, feverish, fretful,
has cold, colic, or if stomach is sour,
tougae coated, breath bade remember
a good cleansing of the little bowels
is often all that is necessary.
Ask_your druggist for genuine "Cali-
fornia Fig Syrup" which has direc-
tions for babies and children of ail
ages printed on battle. Mother! You
must say "California" or you may get
an hnitation fig syrup.
Spanis Flu
Claims Many ViCtin13 in Canada
and should be Guarded Against
Minar 's Liniment
Is a Great l'reventa,tive, being one of
the oldest remedies used. Mitard's
Iiinimeat has relieved thousands of
casea of Grippe, Branchitis, Sore
Throat, Asthma and similar diseases.
ft is an Enemy to Germs, Thousands of
bottles being used every day. For sale
by all druggists and general dealers,
Minard's Liniment Co,, Ltd.
Yarmouth, N.S.
ltN, $10.00 •}55ii.00,"
yovt, fOl• tteu tare.
tufQttraZ441.tc: 1.11,dtOtIMAAA , A
ne CzL20.418,.. 1.1.410111,4q.L'',, LOAA4IAI,
Many Friends of Tankville
Resident Are Taking Tanlac
After Seeing What it Did
For Her.
"My recovery by taking Tanlae was
So remarkable that my neighbore were
all amazed end many of them started
taking it," said Alm. Clare Wileoe,
Tankville, West Ga., N.B.
"My health began to hall five' Yearo
ago and I grew gradually woes& right
along. To make bad matters worse
was stricken. with influenza and that
left me in a truly dephirable condition.
"It was certainly a lucky day for
when my my husband persuaded me 10
try Tainlaca and it was no easy taaks
either, for T. was ,ao thoroughly dls-
cauragecl that I didiat believe ator-
thing c,auld help me. I am like a dif-
ferent person In every way, my digwe
tion 30 perfect, I have gained twenty
pounds in. weight and I am in the best
of health and spirits noW"
Tanlac is sold bit ail good druggists.
The distance of the earth trrom tile
sun is ne-w stated th be between 92,-
822,000 and 92,897,000 miles.
Bulk cariots
Cuticura Complexhius'''
Are Usually Healthy
The tinily use of the Soap prevonta
clogging and irritation of tc pores,
the usual cause of pimples and
blackheads, while the Ointment
soothea and heals. Cuticura Talcum ,
is delicate, delightful, distingu4. •
So:pear. Oitantent25and50e. Talcamdk. Sold
throushouttheoomiaton.CanadianDepet '
Lymarm. Limited, 344 Si. Paul St.., W.. AdoctreeL
•assir Cuticuta Soap ehaves without tmuct.
,,,,.0.34) c,1
In'icte John, J.
fee othpr fee., McQp4
cnatham, Ont.
"itE ING,,F0Fir- AC:7
ALt 1,,Zt.t4'D$ Or AND
beittng. ,calVe, cable, hose.paqtartg",,' :
etc., slIIPP.cd rinb,lect to approval a.t lowed t‘
prlces in Canada, YORK frELTINQ co
1 Yottia 'isTRISZT,'TotiONTO.
12/0 C lonrapv Dog nailisalto
Boa: on,
and Row to ,ree.(t
Mailed rce,,,, to any Aci
dress:by the AbthoF',
15 Clay Mayer Oo„ Icuo,
'1Nreet 2.11;0 Street
. Xew York,, k
jre ttiCztarar.ds of oasea
Mother Seiger.:Jyrup hun Proved.
• effectiveleipermanuntly laiiiduhfna
diguztive troubles even
when thcy have been
of ion trat-nriding. if you
auger, put it to the test after your
memt rneaL•
To Recommend Lydia E.
Pinkbam's Vegetable Com-
pound„ for It Helped
Her So Much
Predericton, N. B.—"I was weak
and had some troubles women often.
have, and usually I was unfit for my -
work. I saw' your advertisements
and decided to try Lydia E. Pink-
hara-s Vegetable Comeriound. I am
very much. pleased -with the result
and recommend your 'Vegetable Com-
pound whenever I have a chance.
You may use this letter for the bene-
fit of others."—Mas. Wats-mese, 360
Church „Ste Fredericton N. B.
Mrs. Wandless, like many, many
other women who have found relief
by takingsLyclia E. Pinkharo's Vege-
table Cornpound, is anxious to let
other women know of this splendid
medicine. So by word of mouth and,
by letter, one woman to a,nother, it
virtues are made known.
Women suffering from female ail-
ments, indicated by' such symptoms
as backaehe, nervous troubles, hot
flashes, pain in the side and a gen-
eral run-down condition, of the whole
system, should take Lydia n. Pink,*
ham's Vegetable Compound.
For nearly fifty years it has been
helping women. Let it help you,
Lydia E. Pinicidam's Text -Book upon
"Athitents Peculiar to Woroen" will
be sent you free upon request. Write
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