The Exeter Times, 1922-3-9, Page 1FORTY-•SEroQN D YEAR- Noe 2278 a.. gXE+TER, TRURSDAY MOBNINQ, MARCH 9th. 1922 -0.11111111111111111111 iIiIIl111111111U111111111111111111111 IlllIIiIIII#ll##1111111l1III111111111111111#IIIIIIIIll111111111111PII II1111lI1111I111r1111l,,.1 ��i� Gt0� _ Report G�a,nn � 8ia' QPBanscPon an VVee 66° 87" Marguerite 46.1.1110 1101.1011. WomOSIM re r lionse Ftirrtishin f.Pices Rugs L! Dle CO 01 X115 �1 u � Curtains etc Our stock of house -furnishings for spring p g isnow nearly:;complete. New :Rugs,: Linoleums, Congoleums, Window Blinds rte` , Curtain materials, :Curtains made up, ?Cretonnes, Sateens etc. at much lower prices. We have 'an bnornlous stock to selectIro111 SPECIAL -Gua •a "' t nteeil down -proof Art Sateenss in good English quality. Beautiful patterns for Comforters it 90c per:, yard. 3ieces only y Art sateen 36 filches wide for Comforters at 65c per yard. Coag oleuniisR u. _ S' Congoleuil>, Rugs are becoming more popular every season. The new patterns are here, for spring, at niuclz lower ,prices.This is one o1 the best wearing floor materials on the, market. Linoleums-New patterns for spring at lower prices, :'nrtain materials -Dozens' of new patterns to, select from, The New Homesp r S itu gs Homespunare among the„nio',tpopular materials for spring, wear. They are used for Dresses, Shuts, Suits, Coats, Jumpers etc, We have a nice range of these popular materials 56 inches wide, selling at $2,50 yd; Hosiery special -25 dozen pairs Laclies' cotton hosiery size '9 to 10 Black and White colors only very special at 25cp air. Ladies' and Nilisses' ,Suits, Coats. and Dresses Are now being shown at moderate, prices. -See our large range before buying. Monarch Yarns -New co:ors for spring now in stock, also spring knitting books. ail -Papers for Spring Besides -our beautiful New Assortment of Wall -Papers for spring, we have hundreds of rolls of Bedroom, Kitchen and Dining-rooma ers ever did. Don't let that that you can buy as cheap as0 p you - room go shabby with the idea that papers are ` still high in pricer Come in and look at the values we are offering. Also odd bundise of Papers suitable for Summer Kitchens. No to show our goods as often as you like. trouble = j Y�tL � HIGH" SCHOOL r E1�c�1'�1 had the unique experience 'Crcesday. evening. 01 hearing a man speaking. from the office of the Detroit News and a 1 d f listening tnii• to� lg piano n recital ;~ t l that was s h ' cin given. g e This ' g 1 s little • ein- strument, which is one of the latest contributions of science o humanity, zlmaiiity, has been set up at the home of Ma': 7 W. J. Heaman by his :soli Feed, Fred, who lxas erected the appal•atus Mtn - sell and who made his own coils, completed it olt .Saturday last and during the evening ho "received ,the first message, By it the voice of a "Speaker oi• the song of a singer can be heard distinctly at distanoes of hundreds of miles. Since ho has had it in operation quite a number: of in tereetod persons have been "listening in At some times, owing to atmos- pheric conditions, the sounds can be beard more distinctly than at others. The apparatus, consists: of about fifty�: feet of wire strung across the back lot" and attached to an instrument Bernie Morton 65, I1/9.92 NEN''!'?. The radio telephone liar made a re.... atanec, In Editor 11 e te• r �� lie 1dit.i� 0 ` • ` Clas T - or "nits Sanders �z2 on sn tw H z c Y r 7 era `eat e, Z' ./ Eddie Ward 77 John Paine, 75. . Pass Tom Eilering- ton 62. Class II --Honore, Stanley Ward, 75,: Pass 5s � jack. r 2 a l de 7 Eileen J 1 y , Snell, 61; l:rene Collingwood, 60. Class I A -Honors Howard Kerslake, 84;: Florence Stewart, 83;:,Dorothy Luker, 82; Ruth, Fraser, 80; Ren- ne°i Hockey, tl oke 79;Al- lan Jean Rose, 78; Al lan Nelson, 78. Class 1 13 -Pass, Irene Mooney, .72 ; Billy Walters, 72; Mavis 'S fencer •66 1 jean Pilon, 65. Number enrolled 46, aver. atten, 39.6 0, M. Taylor, teacher. FOR FEBRUARX 8. V 1 . !FORM S; . Class Stand/nye-Maud Mullar, Oscar = Harrison, Marguerite e A1s s uo i h Qt t - e� 11 r1n �n Andrew,,1 roc t lgsozi, Vitae .Ab - E Nott, Ella . Kuntz, Ruth Jory, Fred Ford Amelia Acheson, 'Florence 'Wal- ter Helen Wethey and George Beav- ers' equal, Cherles , Cam bell 'Wanda P a ,c k .Noxa s ns i +`ha z • , W 1 rl s G"ladrn:in Tran cis • Abbott and Olive Wood equal Hazel Nestle, Lillian. Ford, • LaBelle Cray, Twciity-three pupils were ab- s'ent'for some or all examinations. FORM II„ l Honors-Eclvaird Aldworth 84, Mar.- = ' a Woods. 78, Nei11We Medd 77, :Elia H,orn„ Passey-U7Slla Snell 74, Lulu .Fulton 73 Jae.i� J -agarol 71, Lloyd !-Iaist 70, Ruby Creech- 68, Cecil Hodgson. 66; Pearl Thomson. '64, Mary liarnsev 63,6, Mau- rice Farquhar 63.2, Celia Christie 39 .= Fred "Heaana k 57.5, :M2auriice Neil 57,2, Bertha Russeal 51. Faiaed-Lyle Statham 49, Willearn Coa;brans 44; Qerta I3linter 42. The remainder 'of the class is not graded. Fourteen, pupils were ,abient from-som ar'"gl of the examinations, FORM III. miawama = roam roma wmumw PHONE 32 PHONE 32 1111111l11i Ill#!i#IIIIIIIPIIIIIIIIIIIIillllfllllllill # IIlIIRIIIIIIIIiIIP#IIIIIIIiIIIAlllllllllllllll111111111P1iIllillllll11111111 IiIIIIIIIIIIPIIPIli Save the Surface and USE Lowe Bros. High Standard Paint at Lowe Prices P�° yes $5.00 GAL. $2.65 1/ GAL. $1.40 QUART 75e PT. 40c 1/2 PT. 'White and Green :a slight increase on above •mince BRUSHES FROM Se UP. CALL FOR COLOR CARDS OF LOWE BROS. P'1.P; i.'J A1abasture and Muresco in all Colo I's 35c, 65c and .70c per pkge. Ch -Name Varnihh: Stains 30c, 55c, $1,00 and $1.55 CAMPBELLS 30c 55c 95c and $1.75 STAINS AND VARNISHES ON APPLICATION COLORITE-All Shades for Hats 30c Bottle AT LOW PRICES Stigar Making ._ Su .lies at Low Prices ces PANS ANY SIZE, SAP PAILS, SPI.LES, ATJGUIT'BITS T1NSMITRTNG AND 13LUMBTNG 57W PITON.ES' ;.,"5lu..t-:s._ to t 371VE GENERATIONS There are few families that can boast of five generations. A babe recently born. to Mr, and Mrs. Victor Kennedy, of South Battleford, makes the fifth generation of the Elliott family Mr. Thomas Elliott, of Kirk - ton is great, great, grandfather; Mr. Thos. Elliott, of town, is great grand- father. The others are Mrs. -Nor- man Lloyd and Mrs. Victor Kennedy rand babe of South Battleford • KITCHENER ° WINS O.H.A. INTEII V fDIATE CHAMPIONSHIP The Kitchener intermediates ' have won the 0. H: A. championship for Ontario. They defeated Niagara. Falls in Kitchener 6-2 and in Hamil- ton 2-0 in the finials. Kitchener is the team that put the Exeter -Zurich team out of the running and it is a source of some satisfaction to the Local players and fans to know that they were beaten by Ontario's inter- mediate champions. • F : 'ETT. JTAY LEADER. DER. OF LIBET..s93i PARTY IN ONTARIO Francis 'Wellington Hay, 31 P,' P. North Perth, was chosen by the Prov- incial Convention in Toronto 'last week, to be the Liberal Leader for Ontario. He was; elected on the first ballot, The 'names of W. E. N. Sin- clair and Major J. C. Tolmie were on the ballot. 3Vlr. Hay is a grain mer- chant of Listowel, lee is Via, Congre- gationalist and was 1'ixst',elected to the legislature hi 1.914. 1)113D GRIGG--�4n Montreal, on March 2nd, Susie, iVleIntire, beloved wife of P. W. Grigg. ELSIE-In Exeter, on March 8, Mrs: Esther Elsie, aged. 96 years, 3 months and 15' days. CAI o.ID of THANKS Mr. and :Mrs..,..Srieslie Richard de- sire to tltari11 the friends and neigh- bors for tlio expressions Of, syinpathy and acts of"'kinclness cluring-, their re- cent bereavement, L. 1l<rlo,:k;88.2 W. Turnbull 712 E, Pfaff 70,4,°', E. F•I award 69.7, C Mot -jock 69 Z, •C. Scrroeder 68, 51, Wethey 67 Z,` N. Petty 66,2, V. Hob- artii, 64,2, C. Davis' 63, H. Diigiuui. 62.3, 1-I Wood . 61:5, M Ford 161.4, B. a un- nunngliam 60,8, H S,°;ldcn se, A tali.:,;' dr:: 59.2, G. Francis 59.2, 51, Llworthy 56, 7, M. Gladman 55.6, L Jones 54,2 H Greb 54, 131. Dclbridge 53.6, V. Whiteside 52, A. 'Anderson 51.2 Light ntlr:.r students missed examinations. 3 UI$LI0 SCHOOL REPORT .The toilowing shows -the relative standing of the classes for February, Only those making sixty per cent are reported. , "Absence from : school i caused many+to fall below the report- ed standard. Room 1 Sr. IV -Marion Bissett, 86; Margaret, Johns, Si; illeta Salter 79; Elva Hunkin, 75; John Pryde 75; Robert Ganbrill, 75. Pass. - Lloyd Foote, 73; James Penrice, 73; Harold Whyte, 70; Harry West, 69; Harold` Nelson, 68; Walter Spencer, 68; Harry Snell, 68; Reta Ellworthy, 62. Jr. IV,-H'onas, Frank Creech, 88; Edna Russell, ,77; Hugh Creech, 76. Pas's-John Kuntz, 70. Num- ber enrolled 26, aver. atten. 21.9. G S. Howard, Principal. )ROOM II Sr. III -Honors, Muriel Howald, 87; Marjorie Medd,' 80; Vera Moon.- ey, 80; Jack Gambrill; 79; Lyle Din- ney, 78; Doris Salter, 76; Kathleen. Heaman,, 75. Pass Marvin Howey, 74; Reggie Beavers, 74 Edith Wal- ter, 73; Mabel Wingarden, 72; Wan- etta Nelson, 67; Stella Northcott,, 66; Viola Ford, 60. Jr. III -Honors, Catherine Wood, 79. Pass Sydney West, 70; Harry Jennings, 69; Jennie Passmore, 67; Winnie Bishop, 67; Greta Bloomfield 66; Hilton. Laing, 64. No. on roll, 42, aver. atten. 35. y, J. S. Murray, teacher, ROOM DOT Sr: II-Honors,,Gladys I3unkin, 55 Madeline Dearing, 82 Dorothy Har- dy, ` 79; Dorothy Dinney, 78; Chas. rodder, 78; Wni, Balktvill, ,75. Pass CVrn, Elleruigton 72; Win. . Sanders 69; Clifford Lamport, 66; Nelson Wells, 63; Lily Payne; 61; Kathleen Reid, 61; Roy* Sanders, 60,. Intermediate H ---Honors,: Mary Wells, 85; Russedl•Colliingwood, 81:: Pass Ruth Coilingwoo'd, 71; Violet Gambrill„71; Cecil Laing 69 Laur- of to Little 66• Glatt Smith, Gladys S itlr y a 66: No. enrolled, 35, aver. atten 28.9 H iVi Knisman teacher. IROOM IV COMMUNICATION , Dear Sir:---' Will you kindly allow me a space' in your paper for a few remarks with regard to the Horticultural Society asking the Council for permission to pliant; trees in the riven park, : Does it not seem like a waste of monoy energy and time to do this? What is the use trying to make something out of nothing? River Park is in a very inconvenient place and danger 0 C key - board on 0' lie;i are aai urnlillt tuning coils, .connected to rick, battery, A receiver is 11,10a a ; the ears, This Irttle-izistruzn�„ Yeeeive n essa;i,'S only. milting nzess,ag�5 a 'ninon larger argi, paratu.' is needed. Fred say : ,. this IS just tl T� if � first •sti, 'There e 1 el e a c r icldi- a t'oz � lai amplifiers pl lei . b1 til zclA the ,l,lliticlsr are increased and may be rre3, ' ' iircvd so h at e'everyone in a room. stn+ay Ito zt distinctly. 'News, znaricet weather forecasts, leer iares anal eerts are sent 'out at different hour;, of 'the day and may e picls,ed irp b anyone ``l y "listening hi" on the instrx,�;:; meat; Fred has been interestec sa science and electricity*for some t€'' (1 and has quite a laboraiory ,,i -hemi- .ca15 and electrical apparatus. Tli,D,II ()ie Word bas been received ID i.otiir;r�' 11111 SZr. T. H. McCallum, o1 Londons�: former resident of Exeter, Is quite ill in one of the .hospitals in that city where he underwent an °peva Hon.. His many friends in Exeterwil 1 wish. ?4h. for hrs speedy recovery. ous for children' so near the river. There is also a miserable way of g•et- ting to it; dark and no sidewalks. il _ �° theliials in 1¢ Why spend money on a spot like tha,tl : Northern e �; i atch When already have a well -treed. liaz•k with splendid well -lighted side- walks to it. If this little isiIarch 13th, which bears the name of that noble Queen, Victoria,' were cared for, it would be a lovely addition towards the beautifying of our town, and if the men who are interested in this wank; would ask- the Council .for ex- tri seats installed, no doubt our, Council would consider such improve rtzents. ' With, these suggestions :ear, ried-out, it would be one.of the pret- tiest Iitte parks in the County; and why should Exeter not boast of such'? it would seen more reasonable for our Council to consider something of this nature, instead of wasting money on that miserable spot at the river. A Citizen. BOARD OF EDUCATION: A t>;:gular meeting of the Board was field in the tall+ e of the secretary' on Tuesd 3- r s'ei; 1 .ir,;y iii 7th. 411 the" n nibei s ...present, exp ept hIr trr:•rt R'•v. TrunlDer reported that he and s Mr. _51 A,l.lirster had, visited the p r1rlrc school; and :noted marked im- provement In, ,the IBiblle' Study. Progi ss was reported '1. the clean - 'ng up ro,. ,s hoof grounds odic: the ilorni.. Sonic? of ;the trees were Lard y battered Tb e principal reported the attend - vice e cut into 'heavily by the sickness prevalent during February: '311e pub1L school prin:cliparl \v -as asked to ascertain gas near as may', be 111^n,umberol new scholars to come in tf r Easter cover the age o1' six years telly to be admitted, and the tea, hers suggest the best method o1 hand- th,e 111111tnon until midsummer. °. A coup e-blAccaunts were passed. BURIED :1T EXETER,, The remains of the late 0li•s- B. W. Grigg, who died in Montreal on the 2nd of March, were brought to Exe- ter on Saturday last and the funeral on. Sunday spas held from the hone. of Miss Grigg, The deceased 1 'id been ailing for about; nine months. Iler maiden flame was Susie McIntire Mr. ancI Mrs. Grigg were former resi- dentsof is e 1 Exeter. Besides her be- reaved e-reaved busbazid she is survived by a daughter, Mildred and a son, Alex, all of whom accompanied the remains to town. Among others who were present at the funeral from a dis- tance werethree brothers, :Charles McIntire, of Montreal:; Davide" of Chi- cago and Frank of Slae bovgen M Y . � ich: and Mr, and Mrs. John Cowan, of. Sarnia. The late Mrs. Dr. Lutz was a sister of the deceased. ' Jr, II -Girls, Honors, M. Martin, DIES IN `ih,i',, f7tla YEAR 87 1VI, Snell, 85; II, Penhale, 82; 1I. , Mrs. Esther Carey, the oldest wo Stewart, 81; G. Christie, 80; G. Hut -i man in this community died at the chinson, ,79, 1,. Stathann, 73; J. home o1 her daughter, Mrs. George Anderson, on Wednesday 'morning, aged 96 years, 3 months and 15 days, For one of lien years the ciecea,sed had enjoyed remarkable health. She Slieere, 77. Jr. I1 -Boys, honors, R. PrYde, 85 I Chapman, S. J. .Redden, 77. Pass L. Freckletou, 74; 13, Nelson, 72; K. Vale, 68. had been confined to her bed only Sr. I---Giirls, Honors, 01I. 131eoiu ield, about three weeks the breaking '90 12. Balkwill, 89: H: 103 -wood 87; of a once robust constitution being D, Cox, 87; 11. Stan ri.try, S5; 14. the cause of her death., Her husband Cann,/85; 21. Kay, 82; S. Little, 82; predeceased her about 37 years ago. Salter 79; E. !!,estle, 77 1I, Eller About twelve years ago site cr>.'ze to •ington, 77. Pars V. HHoclgson, 65', Exeter from Fin ral snd since 'that Sr. t }3Oys, Honors, 13.. Cole, 91;: bine she has resided with he,.,),,,,,,1,-- Wallace Selclon, 89; 3. Jackson, 59;: ter. Besides T71','s. Ande.rso, three. I3, Warcl, 88; D. Newe11,..88; T• We- sous survive, viz: .James and John they, 77. Paso H. Appleton, 72; A. Elsie of St. Thomas and 2i7, Elsie ITiiizkin, 69. No:. enrolled 36, over, of Niagara ra118, 'N, Y. A funeiral atter. for Feb, 33,05. service will be held at 'the home of Medd, teaehoi Mr, Andersen on Thursday rs 1. iy '•Veniirig- Yi ., Stratford s Exeter R u ri ca leJ t 8:15 n ,+ n: .. I S e TheatreOpening Frig y and Saturday First screen appearance in this theatre of the famot Russian ACii e i Naim ova le: • her _foremost6amille - ? 'PHEATRE GOERS SHOULD NOT MISS TRIS'" OPPOI,,TUNIT'i" SEEING THIS PICTURE-, Special Comedy Charlie Chaplin . G duan" Prices will not be .raised for this picture. Admission 2iiic an€3. COALING SOON --QUA V°u)IS .',D WEBER, bI'Et7t''FAII:•, ring is ~ i 'fling CAR 'TIME riL.L SOON De HER, You W, rlt agoodBatteryfor you!. car Also good Dominion Tires IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO BUY A BATTERY FOR YOI.";, CAR TAYLOR WILL RENT YO1,T ONE BY THE YEAR. i; NOT ,P DO FORGET MY OIL 30c QUART; $1.00 GAL. THE BEST ON THE MARKET;AMERICAN 3 OIL � - BRITISH Ai1rLFtiICAN 11CDTOI�CAh; A1tTOT.,1`;NE { x. I•T I;AVI . COMID AND TRY: MY OILS, 111.Y T[RES, DIY !. A.r•1",LT31 Tay'or 1 re and 033' ..,,- " rte "_ m.ru'ilmwmerau�yiw;a'yr.a mfk ��r i [1 NiiiiIII III U1111i11111111111111111111 f 111111i{11-illli1111111P111111{1111111 11111{111tB ROOM. V Class V -Honors, Joe, Creeeli,;. 86; Richard 'J i othper, 85; Florence Cor- nish,' 81; Grafton Cochrane,. 77 ll:til- dn•ed Collingwood, '77, Plias, .Marion Davies, 72-; Jean Psnllale, 71; AIlan, Fraser,` 70;`' Class IV Elonnrs, Ruby Steno, 91;'' ' 0811.nie 'i0nninge S9; DDorotliy Davis, 85; Chester Cornish, 83, Class 1:V 13--•I1otz0T•s, 1Cervian Sit and the renlailas will 1,1e taken by train to Fingal on Priday for inter- `„„,,es, tient beside those of her husband. the- w '�l�(] pA+• o e`> 9 °t �!� �(� I e��1.Q,.�k �at. %:. diY eci11. fYont:Whe kc, The ice will ver,- a•so aNAis, 'x'46 see -. Dr. and Mre, 13, 0. tdodg'son aro viintlegat the hnn:3 of1T, 11, atm - ter. ' 11n doctor h7,,r ,ir16t 'z's1itlaic'3. fi`o,:1 2131 e,itesili erel trill' 1,0 lOa Aland and AuStria ,. Wher 116: 6315 (6 6.tmecl in taking ,1 post 3 YS1.ti:r,tate werlr• in ` Lon on 0114. 3ienn0, 11 alSoI'isa,r.;i Ge3nrtl:rlNr, h5511%C>enl.3n d tortner rr ,1 °