HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times, 1922-3-3, Page 8Big Annual a e c only Deal Sale In th s omrnuu ty few ri' IcLAR11N`S JELLY POW- DE S All flavors, 3 Pkgs for 25c KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES 5pkgs. for 48e .. 6 lbs, }31',ST ROLLED OATS for 23c II:I;,ISTIFYSBULK SODAS per ib. 15c 200 YARD COATES' BEST COTTON SPOOLS BLACK, WHITE or 4JOLORED attic ea. FLANNELETTE BLANKETS ETS Ibex --the best blanket made in the largest size 12-4 'white .grey, pink or blueborders a Sale Price ,of $2,55. CHECK GINGHAM The Latest Patterns for this season in beautiful colors or neat chocks. Salo Price • 24e yd. T & 13 TOBACCO Men who ,woke look. ~what we have for yon, 'I' & 13 large size plug regular $1.00 Sale Price 72e.. LAUNDRYSOAP All brands, 10 bars 70c 3 Pkgs. POWDERED AMMON- IA for 23e. SHREDED 'WHEAT BISCUITS her Pkg 12e, MVIATCHES Reg. 15c Saxe Price ' 3 for = 33c. t i l PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 cakes for 23c Pure Cane Extra Standard Granulated Sugar; any brand. $7.40, Per 100 lb. bag 170'4131.*: 4,Nt ItAtit.WINVelVE-SiA5',444,,S1,41` 4.441. SEIMEM 1 ,PIAZW415,- 0446 The Leading Furniture Dealer Funeral Director and Embalinee Facilities and Service Unsurpassed SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO FUNERAL DIRECTING FINEST MOTOR HEARSE AND UP-TO-DATE EQUIPMENT OPERA HOUSE BLOCK INE PHONE, 74.7; Night call 74W'- Ya Big Value ew an Full Cabinet Wonderful Tone _$85.00 Buys It Powe.11's MUSIC EVERY DAY. r. Just Hear l t See It Bazaar.,. GLAD TO SEE YOU. COME. n Sao EXETER If x_ HOW MUCH HAS THE RED FRONT STORE IN?Vo17R' TOWN LOWERED THE PRICE OF GROCERIES? Specials for Thursday Friday, Saturday Aylmer Peas, 2 tins for 29c. CORN SYRUP 5 Ib. Tin GOLD DUST.0 4,5 CORNMEAL C 7 Ibs. for a CHOICE PRUNFS 2, lbs. for 29 MATCHES .. .. ....2' for 25c SNOWFLAKE A14IONIA 3' for 23c RINSO .., ......:. 2 for 15c PALMOLIVE SOAP ,...3 for 24e LUX..... 12e. PE ARLINE Se RICE .....:............3 lbs. 25c SAGL1, ..,.3 lbs. 25c TAPIOCA' " ....3 lbs. 25c ROLLED WHEAT ......... 2 lbs. 15c CREAM OF WHEAT ....4 lbs. 25c MACARONI 2 for 29c P. Sz tie, Gold, Surprise, SurWWght,. fort Soap, 1 bars for 69c, Com SHERRIFF'S 6�9 DULR MATt:'IALADE, 4 lb Tin s9 CCJCOA, 2 lbs. 10 lbs, Pure Cane Sugar 75c. HIGHEST CASH PRICES FOR EGGS T?.4;d'NANT rinnr;, arg('on ,ori-irF iloroi:pell s 3a1e: Stables on John St. [none calls receive proMpt attention. 'Phone 26w THS`' Mearlret Report The felbe'wI i lie, e 1i7 the report . of thzet yr ar�s �t corrected every WedaxearlaY, heat $133, Oats 34c to. 40c, Barley 48c to 650.Manitoba Flour $4.40" Faiarily Flour 4.15. ,Paetry 'lour ti 3..90 Shorts $1,75 per cwt, Bran $1.75 per cwt. Peed flour $2.19 •Creamery butter 43c, Dairy' butter 340 to 370' New laid eggs 30c. Lard 15c to 19c. Hoge $1$.25 94.999 LOCAL,ket 9 9.99999 999,9999 9 Captain G. G, 111oGi'1ivarY,' s�ieut Monday in Stratford, Several families of Sexsmitli are down with the "flu." Mr. AVillain, of Medford, visited in Exeter over the week -end. Miss E. M. Bowey, left Monday to visit for a few days in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. oote and family spent the weekend in London. Miss' Olive Knight, of Ilderton,.vis ited in town over the week-enii. 'Mi Goldie Coshrane, is'able to be wit again -after his recent` illness. Jack S1`ire's little lad, in Exeter north, is very sick with pneumonia. Miss Margaret Harness, returned Monday from visiting in S.t. Thomas. Miss Ruby -Wood, of Thedford, vis- itecl over the week-endwith her par- ents. A. large quantity of baled hay has been shipped frons Exeter the last few days. Miss P. IViner of Crediton, spent the week -end with her brother, Mr. 0. Winer. Master Roy Sanders, son of Mr. l'tobt. Sanders is threatened with Pneumonia. The flaxmiil was` closed down Tuesday, owing to much sickness' among the employees. - Mrs. WM. Abbott and her father Mr. Seed, left on Monday to spend a couple of weeks in Chicago. Miss Margaret Muxworthy; of For- est, visited her sister, Mrs. Garnet Passmore during the past week: Mr. Jas Jeckell, of the London Road north will hold an auction sale on March 21st. Watch for particu- lars. Miss McDonald, who recently sold her millinery business in town, to Miss Yelland, has taken a position in Paris. Mrs. Dan Davis, has returned from Ingersoll, .Where site spent several weeks with her daughters, Mrs. Er- win and Mrs. Clipson. Mrs Ronson', of North `Bay, who has been visiting her parents,1 Mr. and Mrs. W. J, Bissett, left fgr her home Monday evening. Messrs E. J. Horsley and A: J. Per- rott have exchanged residences, .¥the latter having purchased -UMhouse`in which Mr. Harney. resided. Tuesday, was Shrove Tuesday, or pancake day. March 1st was Ash Wednesday. Good Friday' comes on April 14th and Easter, on April',16th., Mr. Ronald Witwer resumed his duties with Heaman's Hardware, on Monday atter being off for several days on account of cutting an artery in his left arm. Bulbs etc. for the Horticultural So- ciety should be ordered now. ` See that your marked premium list is in the hand of the secretary, J. G. Stan - bury at once. • Mrs.' Thos. Jones and daughter Miss Elia, were in London= Monday, attending the funeral of Mrs. Samuel S. Martin, whose maiden name was Emily G. Lunn, in her 25th, year. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Andrews', who have Spent, the winter with relatives here, left Monday evening for: their I home at Pointer., Sask. Master Clif- ton Andrews left a few days previous to visit in Toronto and will join them there. Mr. Hoskin, a student from Vic- toria College, Torento, occupied the pulpit in. Main street church on Sun- day evening,' speaking in the interest of the Educational Society. He was at Hensall in the morning and Chis elhurst in the afternoon. Among the delegates from South Huron who were appointed to attend the Liberal .Convention_, in. Toronto Wednesday for the selection of a Lib- eral Leader for the province, were Messrs Tim Collins, of Stephen; Don- ald Burns of Hensall; J. R. McEwen, of Stanley and Wm. Berry, of Bruce field. Rev. J. M. Wilson was' taken ill on F.riclay last with influenza and the pulpit in Ja.rnes street church on Sun- day morning was taken by J. M. Scnthcott.a 'A song service and organ recital was held in the evening and was muds enjoyed by those present. Miss Edna, Follick sang two solos that were very iiucli appreciated. On Tuesday evening the Epworth League of the Main street Methodist church, was addressed by Mr. E. J. Wothey, TYLA., principal of the Exe- ter High School, on the subject of "Citizenship The address was a good one, slio'wing' Careful prepaia- oii: Mr. IVethey, after explaining ie origin of government, pleaded or a kindly interest in 'and .a, v�el- ome for the foreign emigrant and ale British born• 11 OW corner^'as well s for heater moral and' chiis~tian i t, on the part of it Can dianu e pedally e nphaa ,l sed the pre- t w: c pe f'":".. leadership.. a ti f STOC78:151.EIN L'IS'T BN We have for sale pure cane feed n 14lolasos, 22c a gallon; ,.21c in five If barrel. lots, b1rle. free; - Centralia Parhiei.s .CO—Operative. Co,, Ltd. E With the Chuvel (AVON" .PRESUITERIAN CHURCH Rey. ampsJfiloote , E. Aw Mii dSt® 10 a.m.—Sunday School and 3ible Classes; 1:1 a, in, --""The independence oil Spirit to Thee," The Ministe P, iia. -.,-"Societies' Ingratitude to its Heroes." .,. The'.Minister. Boy Scoots meet Friday evening JAILS STREET 14i(1G" THODYS°li` CHURCH„., Rev. M. J. Wilson, B.A„ aster, Services as usual next Sunday, morn- ing and evening. 3 p.m. --Sabbath School and Bible Classes.' Congregational and Choir Singing Ali welcome MAIN ST. Mi7[ETUODIST CHURCH Rev. G1 o. McAlister, M. (Phone 21, r3,) 11.00 a. m. --Rains of Righteousness 3.00 p. in,—Sunday. School and - Bible classes 7,00 p. m.—"Footsteps of the Flock" BETHANY 2.30 p. rn.—"Iu Days Past." Y. P. G. A. Ladies only on Wednesday nights from 7 to 8 P. M. All members from 8 to, 11 P. M. SALVATION ARMY SERVICES.' Services in the, Public Library neiit Sunday. 11 a.m.-Holiness meeting 7, p.m. ---Salvation meeting 2.30 'p.m.—Sunday school and Bible class and special sand tray for primary class. Cottage meeting in North End on Tuesday night. Sexsmith, school has been closed for a few clays owing to the illness of the teacher, Miss A. Dow. Mi's. J. Pincombe, on Friday last received the sad news of the death of her sister Mrs. J. M. Dodge, who pas sed away at her'lionie in St. Johns, Mich. on Thursday Feb. 23rd. Mrs. Dodge was a'; daughter of the late Thos. Barman anis was well and fay-, orably known in: and around Exeter. Her husband predeceased her some twelve years ' ago. 'She leaves to mourn her loss three sisters, Mrs: Pincombe and Mrs. Delbridge of Us borne and Mrs. Wni. Taylor of Vicks- burg, Miss. Th'e-deceased was in her. seventy Second y.ii. T., Robert E. Muii;' Chief Engineer. Municipal roads,also' Engineer Mr. Irwin, of County roads, of the Department of ' Pubiid' Eligliways, Toronto, will be 'in' Hensall on the evening of March' 15th, Town Hall,, to address the ratepayers of`Hensali .and surrounding : municipalities on rdad and street` improvement: Lan tern slides will be'used showing con- struction work done on Roads and streets :pavements;. throughout . the province. Tlie lecture, find views pi e seated Will be interesting ,-and' in- structive and shouldriot be missed by all representatives of the people throughout the adjoining, Townships and Villages, as the ; Lectures and Views are free. A large attendance is looked for. SALVATION ARMY NOTES Major' Byres, of Salvation Arniy Stratford Divisional-,. Headquarters paid an unexpected visit to. Exeter on Tuesday and conducted a most bles-' sed and holy cottage meeting in the home.of illr. Vale in the North Enda' Adjutant Wright, also from. Strat- ford, stopped off in town 'on his way to Hensall, and,other tpwns north of here, in the interests of the Army. • SCOTT 'ACCIDENT RESULTS 1TP LLY Stratford Feb. 24;T13.e;`deat>r occu ka red at the General Hospital here ear- ly in the morning of Jasises Scott of Thedford, who was admitted to the. institutiononJanuary 29th, suffer- ing from gunshot wounds in'the left leg, the result of anaccident earlier in .the day;:. while removing anlinuni tion, from a gun in the kitchen`of his home. Mr. Scott used the weapon to chase a cat out of the room and in some way the gun was discharged,, the charge entering. his ]eft leg belovif the knee: He vas progressing. fav orably at,rJie hospital until ten days ago whew it was found necessary to amputate the limb. Pneumonia de- veloped and death ensued. The ,eeasecl man was a well known farm- er, a native of Mo'GillivaryToivnship and was 47 years of age. He had re- sided near Thoclford for the past 18 yea"a's.His widow, formerly Miss., Mar tha Morley and eight chiclren 'sur- vive. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. G. -Scott live near Ailsa Craig.' Five brothers and tlii'ee sisters also mourn his :loss. W. W. Scott, St. Thomas; A. VT Soots, Niagara Falls; Noble Scott lSx.ter; Erwin and,Aa on Scott. of M l 1livary; 11,11-s. Ls Greenlie, ,of 1bicGilivary; Mrs. A. Dodi In s of -Gr a,1- tori,” end Miss Clarissa Scott of.Allsa "raig. The late Mr. Scott was a 'Ia:;cn and an Orangeman. Inter "i'et et Rai, iaawoccl cemetery `i'eb-: TIOEVAIRDAYI MARCEL 2)10, 414'42 VISIOSIM PHONE 184, PHONE 184, New Arrivals for Sprit] Misses' and Ladies' New Spring Coats - It is a real pleasure to show the 'new Spring CoatS. The styles ar9 snappy, The cloths are greatly inlIn'nved Over last SeasOne` and Prices, ate much lower. Conio.in and try thele on, 44)-1NOII ALL WOOL SERGE ',rust the thing for dreg'ses, eel- ' ors of, Brown and Blue, an all Wool Serge 40 inches,wide in good quality at,per Yard 85c. " 30 INCH `HIJACK SILK This beautiful Blaelt IVIesSaline Sillt ie 36 inches wide, is splendid weight has fine even weave and is gaaranteed to give Satisfaction to the wearer. Our Special Price is per BOys Youths' and Men's Clothing Nov,- cioihing at 1,0''''s.i.Nor prices. You will want a new Suit for Easter This Season we have a inu,ch, larger range than last. The cloths are' bet- ter, We have sonie great 'values in BOYS' Suits for school at $6.50, COMFORTERS CHIN'TZ 36 inches wide in Floral and Pais- - ley patterns. Six goode'pa,tterns to clioose from at per yard 30c. .NEW HOUSE DRESSES This week we are showing a new range of inexpensive hOnse dresses and aprons which we of2fe2r5aatnidmpsi.31-. Wall Papers Get your papering done before the paper hangers are tor) busy. Our , stocks are larger than ever:- any' ne"v designs' and. ColoringS. A ' few Of.' last season's papers at great reduetions. R. CARLIING,,B, Barridter, Solicitor, Notary , Public, Conveyancer.. Solicitor for the 1VIolsons Bank, etc. Invest your funds in Vic- tory, Dominion of Canada, Provincial and, Municipal 1 Bonds. Legal itfvestment for Trust At existing prices, from 6 per cent to 7 per,,cent can be obtained from these bowls. Orders received by nae. Money to ' loan at lowest 1 rates of interest. 'Carling Block, Main., Street, EXETER, ONT. ray ANYTHING YOU HAVE, TO MOVE , WE 'MOVE- IT REASONABLY MOTOR, TRUCK AND HORSE DRAY AT YOUR SERVICE AUTO LIVERY 1-1.6rse and Livery in Connection. shaw St Easton Mrs. Wilbert Ring and child, who have been visiting .her mother for the past two months left Wednesday for 1'4r hcime in Haaniota Man. WIRELESS AT DASHWOOD Residents of Dashwood no longer have to leave that place to hear,,con- certs, and music of the highest order. Clarence Yager -has installed a wire- less outfit by' which he can commun- icate with places as 'far' off as Pitts- burg. Needless to say a constant stream of visitors drop in to hear the neWs thus gathered, and to enjoy the cohgerts :can be heard quite on application. , Stray Aninaals--One insertion 50. three insertions for $1 00, Farni or Real Estate for vale 50c / each insertion for one inonth of raw riliscellaneous articles of not morr than five lines, For Sale. To Rent Wanted, each hisertiOn 50c. Losi and found loCals 25c. Local reading notices etc,, 100 pet than. 25c: Card of Tbanlis ticie. nction sales $3 for one insertioz and $1'.50 for each subtatritiesti In se,ri ion if under five 'hiches in" ler,gt Legal advertising 10c and 5c MIS 1.11112,0 ew S • ods re aily A man and his tailor should' be as close friends as a man —and his dootor or his law3.er, or even his pastor. For well made, well fitting clothes do constitute a most important part of a man's equipment in the bitsiness, professional and Social world to -day. Our tailoring will give you an air of distinction in any company. HONE CLUBBING LIST. Exeter Times $1.50 a year:. $2.00 to the Unitell States. Times and Mail & Empire 6.25 Times and London Advertiser 6.2if Times and London Free Press 6.25 Times and Toronto Staie 6.25 Times and Farmer's Advocate _43.00 Times & Family Herald & W.S. 3.40 Times and Montreal Witness 3.05 Times and FarmerrSun ' 2.90 Times and Christian Guardian 3.40 Times and Canadian Farm 2.90 Times & Canadian Countryman 2.90 Times and Presbyterian The above publications may be obtained 'by Times subscribers in any combi,nation, the pirce for any pub- lication being the figure given, les4 $1.50, representing the price' of, The These prices are for addresses in Canada or Great Britain. Good glasses if yen need them J. 1,VARD, D.C., OIKOMetaNt EXETER w iron ye mps a fittings-- in Pu.veci o.rt or 'cleaned'. A DOLLAR SAVED' IS'..A_DOLLAR MADE, SO WHY NOT LET 'HELP TO. SAVE YOI.T. DOLLARS: by Cleaning, rressing, or. Repairing your .old Suits: tind OvercOats. overhaul you won't have' to buy V new one.. Always at.Your serVice..," DR. JOHN 'WARD ,for Chronic. and Nervous Diseaseis. Spectacjes scientifically fitted, Hours • 10 to 12, 2 to 42ancl bY appointment. Office—William and Sanders Sts. Phone 43. ochrane Maoh,iiie :Work Cylinders re -ground and rings and! pistons fitted. Grinder Plates re -ground . Owinr, to our rapidly growing" bUsin Cgs, we are itow located. fit the large brick garage on. James St. just off Main. We are fully equipped with the best niachinery acetyliue gas welding outfit. WO are prepared to repair all mattes of cars and other machinery. .,Clars requIr- ing repairs, stored free. All ,wo)'k guaranteed. Prices reasonable.